THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. FRIDAY, OCT. 11, 1895. JL r or t i .! OOD'S nSarsaparllle li oarefull) prepared by experienced pharmacists f rum Saria parllla, Dandelion, Man drake, Dock,PJpnliewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro portion and Process are Peculiar to Ilood'i 8amparllla, giving it strength and curatlre at power Peculiar to Itself, not pot av sewed by other medicines. Hood's Z arsaparilla Carts Scrofula, Salt Itbourn, Sores, Bolls, Pimples and all other affections caused bj Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism. Kidney and Liver Com plaints. It is Not What wo Say, but what Ilood'i kSanparllla Does, that Tells tho 8tory Hood's Sarsaparllla URES Mead's Pill are gentle, Mild and effective REPVHf.KMN TICKET. Statu TUkct. For JucIro of the Supreme Ceurt, T. L. NOIIVAL, Sewnrtl. For RoKenlM of the State University, C. II. MOUUILT,, Lincoln. 11. L. GOULD, Keith County. Judicial Ticket For Juilie-10lh District, JAMES McNKNV, Red Cloud. Cottiilj Ticket. For County Treasurer, J.S WHITE. For County Clerk, L. II. FORT. ' For Clerk Dintiict Court, JAS. RURDEN. For Sheriff. J. W. RUNCHEY. For Superintendent, D. M. IIUNTEK. For County Judge, S. WEST. For Survoyor, W. E. TIIORNE. For Coroner, DR. L. H. BECK. For Supervisor Diatrict One, E. PETERS, Guide Rook. For Snporviaor District Two, J. R. CROZIER, Stillwater. For Supervisor District Four, C. O. COX, Pleasant Hill. For Supervisor Diatrict Five, W.B.ROBY, Red Cloud. For Supervisor District Six, T. W. BAILEY, Bhtden. For Supervisor Dlatriot Seven, GEO. P. GATHER, Otto. For Assessor, JOS. W. WARREN. For JimtioM of tho Peace, J. PORTER, JR., let Word. O. S. BENNETT, 2nd Ward. For Constables, GEO. W. SAUNDERS. J. 0. WARNER. EDITORIAL NOTES. I Every Ibw-buU coats tho county wherein it is tried bo muoh money, aside from tho cost that is dofrayed by litigants. It tho case must be tried twice, tho cost to the county 1b juat doubled, of course. Every case tried may be taken to tho eupreme court of tbe atate when the decision of the dia- . trict court is declared to bo right, or it U declared to be wrong and the case la aent back to the court from which it came, to be tried again in the proper way. These things are common know ledge among lawyers, but the tax-payera , do not atop to think how much of their money goea for second and third trials, because of error in the conduot ot triala by the dlstrlot court. The published deolalonB of the supreme court to date how that fourteen cases from Judge BeaU'a court have been decided, out ot which ten have been reversed. In other words, the. judge has guessed correotly Juat about one-third of the time; the balance ot the timo, costs have accumu lated for tax-payers te pay. We have sot stopped to figure what the actual coata are, but the fact is plain that whe ever ia the next judge will not only have to dispose of whatever new litigation arises, but also ubout two-thirds ot what the present judge should have done, so that the next term will cost just two thlrdn moro than it should, because- it takes four yeura for cases to begin to bo tried the second time in tho district court. There ia only ono other judge in this atate who has nearly so many ro versula charged up to him, and this dia trict bun some ot tho bost legal talent in the atate. The cost to the litigant ia ruinous, too. Evidently two-thirds ot the litigants ars distrustful ot tho judge's accuracy, and appeal is tedious nd costly, bo that, in numeroua cases, iacompotency, by delay, works a denial of justice, One hundred twenty-five cases are ponding in the supreme court from this district. Not three or five or ten judges could keep the werk ot that court up to date it all the districts are like ours. The remedy is at hems: Make the distriot oourt respected for its learning and probity, and these appeals nd writs of error will begin to oeaae, and eur judicial mattsra will cease to be congested. Time was, when in four years only twenty-nine esses went to the supreme court from this diatrict, and only oight came back reversed. We can have this condition again by the election ot James MoNony. Voters, ponder on these facte, and do not deny youraolvt-u justice because of politicul tenets. THE TARIFF. It Is st Necessity tmr the Prosper ity of the Lithorliisj Man. Rend what a former rank froe trader siiya in regard to the tariff. Thoro is not ono thing that we know of that ia truer than tho saying of the writer whose Htory tells tho whole truth in re- nurd to the conditions ot our country today. Read it carofully and then vow that, It you live, jon will voto tho repub lican ticket from this time henceforth TUB WILSON MM.. The prosperity ot n country is 'depend ent upon its revonue. Whntaver policy may bo adopted, tho expenditures ot a peoplo should not be in excess ot their receipts. This is just ae truo ot a gov ernment as it is of an individual, and it will boar emphatic repetition. It is not difficult to foretell whut will happen to the man who spends more than he earns. The same principle, adoptod by a gov ernment, lends to the bhiiio results, af fecting not only its agencies and powers bnt also lie component parte the peo plo. The existing stagnation ot the coun try's Industries and the depleted condl tion of the troasury are attributable, fcr the most part, to the prosent policy ot J tho government in its system of reven ue. What is called free trade is des tructive of the Interests ot the great majority of tho people. Wherever it huH beon adopted the many have beon compelled to labor and toil at wages in Hufllclent to supply the necessary wants of an honest livelihood. Tho alternative has tthvnjs been either utarvation or immigration. This accounts for the landing st thousands upon thousanda at ChsIIo Gurden during tho past quarter of a century. Many American indus tries wero compelled to close whon tho ''free list" in tho Wilson bill became op erative. Tho Express pointed out dur ing the pendoncy of tho bill that the trolden visions of free raw material were tl usionary, and would create precisely i he atate ef affairs which now exists. Behold the decrease ot industrml activ ity: the great army of the unemployed, and the balance of trade against us to the amount ot neurly eighty millions I A tariff below an economical adminis tration of tho n Hairs ot tho government, or in excess ot the demands fer the same character ot administrations, are two extremes which should be avoided. The safest course Hob between the two. Neither the peoplo nor the interests of tho country demand a pauper-making iro trsue or a reooer tarin. Thn cry and clamor for froe lumber ana iron; rroo glass and glue; free wool and free raw material ot almost all kinds has had Us effect upon the people, and the industries of the country in ne uncertain way. The injury whioh it has wrought has fallen upon those leat able to bear, while the benefits whioh it bus entailed has redounded to the En glish manufaotuter and tho Auatralian wool grower. The present system for creating rev enue has been in operation about one year. What are its fruits T Has it produced plenty, or want? It does not require much observation to answer these interrogations instantaneously. Tho distressed or destroyed industries of many kinds, the hundreds ef thousands of American workers driven out ot em ployment; Amorican freight carried in British hottomn, with the balance of trade in favor of foreign nations supply ing the gold t the treasury through the manipulations of foreign Syndicates are so many monuments to the colossal stu pidity that devised the system which has wrought this result." San Antonio (Texas) Express. Democratic MoNutr all the time. He is gaining votes every day. Tns delegates to the democratic con vention set down on Judge Beall, there being only two or three who were in faver of endorsing him. . They talk about finding gold In Ne braska. There has been several In stances whsrs gold has been found in this county in good saying quantities, it is said. Tbi Caiar heard ot a man this week who asked anether to do some werk for him, and when the fellew refused, he attempted to get even by trying to scare the women of the house, by appearing in the neighborhood of the premises. Suoh conduct should be remedied by shotgun treatment. Hon. Jas. McNeny can aurely read his title clear to the judgeship ot the tenth district. The people can put no better maa in as judge. He is a friend of the people, firmly and consistently. The people pay the bill and they have a right to have the best men obtainable in the office of district judge, and Jaa. MoNeny is that man. Judos Beall and Johnnie Logan cir culating wildly among a crowd of demo crats delegates, that was what angered several citizens ot this distriot Tuesday last. As a lobbyist the judge is a hum mer but the democrats took theirs straight just ths same and refused to endorse. Probably the judge's presence and activity hastened this result, A prominent demo-pop once denounc ed 0. Cleveland In clarion tones and ad closed by admitting that perhaps the president waa honest but his ignor ance negatived his honesty, hence he should go out under snother flag (the populist) to fight his country's battles upon the western plains. How about Judge Beall and ten cases out of four teen overruled. Populists, ponder ere you voto. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair lilghwt Mtda I and Dtploeuu Our Uoys Will WIu. Tnr. republicans ot Webster county could not have put up a bettor set ot men for county positions. For instance there ia J. S. While, the most successful collector of taxes that has over held a county office. Ho baa collooted taxes that wero supposed to have been worth- lees for many yoara. Thon thero is L. II. Fort the best and moot competont clerk that ever put a pen to the county records. Well quali fied in ovory respoct. J. W. Runchoy has beon sheriff for tho past two yoars and as a sheriff ho has beon most courteous and prompt in the oxocutton of his official duties. No one could fill tho offico better. D. M. Hunter, the present incumbent of tho county superintendent's office, has by his excellent work and tho way that ho has conducted the office, mado many f lends In all tho different political par tie j who will voto for him. He hns bosn a perfect success. Jbb. Burden, the nominoe for district olork is perfectly competont to hold that office and will bo elected. Evory man who castB a vote should romember Bur den. Samuel West. His name is familiar to every roan, woman and child in Web ster county. As judge of the county court thero would bo simple justice meted out to all. Sam is ono of thoeo big hearted follows that always wiphes his fellow man prosperity. His ability to fill the office ia unquestioned. W. E. Thome and Dr. Book, nominees for survoyor and coroner, nro mon who nro well qnalifiod to fill tho offico for whioh they have boon nominated. From the etate ticket down to the city tickot you can not find a better sot of men and they represent principles that no other party can present that nro of so vital importance to the American people namely: "protection " and reciprocity," that is if wo deeiro a return to nrosneritv and we beliove the people do desiro it. Vote tho entire republican tickot. ' AN ABSOLUTE CURE FOR THE WORST CASES OF RHEUMATISM. The Flat Language ot Mr. Oscar PIKe-The Greatest or Alt Remedies Acraanpltetie HI Care After many months ot Wtikntu tHHarlBB No Tedious waltlug for iMprove raeut. Paine'a oclsry eompoand is the ene kaewn apaoifie fer the cure of rheu matism. And it does not neei a tedious trial te prove it. Tho effeot of this best of remedies is straightway felt. Not a week goea by before the pains of rheumatism diminish. Thoussnds of men and women have told ef the data ana nights of pain and feebleaess exchanged in a few weeks fer aotivity and strssgth. Paiue's celery compound has won the reputation ef being the remedy "that makes the people wsll." Its geod werks extend from Oregoa to Maine, In every state in the Uaion there has been piled up in the news paper and aedisol jouraals, a tremen dous ameunt of indisputable evidence of tbs ourative power of Paiue's celery oempeuad over all fsrms of nervoui debility and diseases ot the blood It oures after aature's plan, by afford ing autrition for every part of the body, overhauling the worn-ouM issues and supplying new brain and mrve material, sending pure blood through the reins, invigerating the whole sys tem, and removing the oause of dis ease. Mr. Oioar Pike, a well known resi dent ef Priaoten, Maine, recently sent the following unsoliciled letter te tho proprietors of this waaderfal remedy. "Tow years age I was taken siok with what the dootors sailed the grip. I was improving when I took on a vi olent celd and ehill. Then rheuma tism set ia. first in the joints of my shoulders, then down my hands and arms, then all over. Feet, hand and legs swelled. I oould not put my hand te my head; could not throw the olothes off from me; could net dress er undress myself, aor get out of my chair witbeut help, For a year and a half I tried all kinds of medieine and aarsaparillas, with little or ne relief. I was 73 yeara old. Some one told at to try Paine'a celery compound. After I had taken three bottles I found a marked improvement. I have now taken twelvo bettles and the re sult is I eat and sleep wrII. do mv own work and go about as usual, get ting in and out of ray carriage with out help. I have bssn tempted te put an artiolo in the looal paper fer the benefit of those that ars affiioted as I have bssn." Mr. Pike is well kaova ia hit le- eality, He is the founder and presi dent ef the North Washiagtea Agri oultural 8eoiety aid Trotting Alio oiatiea. When he gees for hit mail, he says, people ask him what ho has been doing that he ia improving so ef late, and ho answers as do thousands of others throughout the country "Paine'a' celery compound has made me welll" HWRY ill Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for DR. KILMER'S KIDNEUIVER-i2SBiAPr?l! Dissolve Gravel Oall stono, brick dust In urlno, pain In urethra, straining after urination, pain In tho back and nips, suddon stoppage of water with pressure. Blight's Disease Tnbo casts In urlno, scanty urine. Surcmp-Root cures urinary troubles and kidney difficulties. Liver Complaint fforpld or enlarged liver, foul breath, bilious ness, bilious headache, poor digestion, gout. Catarrh of the Bladder Inflammation, Irritation, ulceration, dribbling, frequent calls, pass blood, mucus or pus. At Druggists SO cents and $1.00Stse. "lanlM OulAa to ntlth" rre-OMualtattoa tree. Dm. Kilmxii A Co., Bmohamtov, N. T. W1W,1 mm 1MIWWMWWWMWMW.MW SCHOOL ITEMS. Rev. Maxflold called on the fifth room Monday afeternoon. Miss Daisy Plumb was in attendance at the senior recitations Tuesday morn ing. Mamio Weideman conducted the Ci cero recitation Tuesday. Helen Roby had chargo of tho Amori can Literature class Monday. Tho school-board has granted the pupils one day, Friday, which they may attend the fair. "Thanks." Prof. Caster culled on tho high Rchool Monday a. m. and bade them farewell, before leaving the city for Lincoln. Miss Mable Saunders, one of our jun ior girls, hss been absent from school a week. It is roportod that Mable fell from her wheel while going over tho hill toward the B. A M. eating house. Foot-ball is the game fer tho high school, in which Prof. Wilson takoe a prominent part. The eonior class ot the high school thinks that they are sadly imposed upon by having to take Ave studies but Pref. Wilson seorae qulto satisfied with the amount ot work. They hope he will de cldo te relieve them of the fifth study. If your children are sabjeet te erenp wateh fer the irst symptom of the dis ease horssness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is givsa as soon as the ehlls bMosaes horse it will prevent the attaek. Evea after the eronnv oeturh has sppeared the attaek oan alwaya be prevented oy giving tnis remedy. It Is also invaluable for colds and whooping oongh. Fer sale by Days t Orlee. i in i arrest and Ilea icekers' Excursion. The Missouri, Kansss sad Texas Railway company will aell tickets at u really reduced rates ea September 10th sad 24th, te poinia in Miisoari, Kansaa aad TVxes. Fer further par ticulars, address Gis. A. McNott, P. P. A . Kaa&as City, Me. The Darlington, Wis, Journal says editorially ef a pepnlar patent medieine: "We knew treat experienee that Cham berlain's Cells, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is all that ie claimed fer it, as ea two eecaaiena it stopped exerneietiag palas and poa sibly saved as from, as ea timely grave. We wenld net rest easy over night without it in the aease.' This remedy andoabtealy saves asore paia and snf erins than ear other aaedi- elae ia the we'ld. Every family sheet sees it ia trie heate rer it is sore te be aeeded sooner er later. For sale by Deyo' ttGrieo. Children Cryfer Pitcher's Castorla. I B) You can earn i each day "giving" our absolutely indiasensible househsld ar ticle away, New plan of work, making experience unnecessary and success cer tain for either sex in any aeotloo. Sam ple dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Maxnoss MVc Co., 17 Melrose Park, 111. JBrlek for tale). 20,000 brick for aale at reasonable prices. O. B. Crone. Tax Sale Notice. To Whom it may Ceneern: Tkt netlco tliat on January 24tb, IBM, The Wr stern Land Corapauy purcbaietl at pri vates tax Rale, at the treasurer et Webiter county. Nebriuka, the lellewlnR described: lands situated In Webstar eauoty. Nebraska, tor the delinquent taxes tbereou for thevear 1893, to-wlt: The net of section It. In township 3. range 11. taxed an .iKimarjr 2uh, 1894, In the name ot Wanzel Lew. the set Of sertlon 14. In townhln2. rantrn in. taxed on JHiinary 2th, 1884, lu the name ot jeiepb Bradford. The net ot the swt ef stetlen SO, In township 1, ranie it. taxed Januiry 24th, 1894, la the name U 'ibos. I. and Alice K. Kennedy. The se4 ot the nw or section 20, in township l.rauge 12. taxed on January 84th, 1894, lu the name of Thou. P. and Alice K, Kennedy, That the time fer the. reeemptien ef said SStMSS"1 I"l."?.,e! win expire on January ssib, waleh lime the undersigned will applyto the oeunty treasurer of aalS Webster eounty, for a deed te said land unless rederap- .Jgeted t BleoMlBftoa, Neb,. October Mb, Tata Warsaw Laxd Compawt, P -1----- -- lru.B mi ENNYR0YAL PILLS ,w"'" mammmn tMaawe. Heaalne. A uoiii uk M. tMplUk V liM B.ulllavlaW fi. ilnfi rclUM; u Unlit fcr Ckttkufrt H LWWJfl Mfmmd I- MmA mmA .J. a, .ifllil alih Mm- .(Mimi Lm. Jl.lkl...a.MuuifiIhi. IteMtkllnlwku, AtDrnnUli.ormildn. MmJln?. Jw.,.,"!.' "-tata ial "Ifcawr fcr .lira, I" lrr. ! rrtnru Mall. IO,OOlTr.iii".nLL. .N..i. ,),tZr. l-lit-Tt'imliMlCo..MuJUiiK.iiii.. TO flhcWK Vv m i - r-ri UlLottl sammfflimmnm it Economy To go without a tooth brush. You can't afford to let your teeth go now and lose them "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine." ' " . Preserve your teeth by keeping them clean and possibly save a dozen. Our line of tooth brushes is well assorted and extensive. A fair quality at 10c up to the finest French and Japanese imported at 25c to 40c. Next time you need one better try us. Deyo & Grice, The Druggists. 7..U ... iii Hi UiUiiUUiUiUiUiiUiiiiiia " r DON'T FAIL 2 i To call this spect our Glass AND I Queens- vt. y Yurs Truly, Shea & Tenure grop. Red Cloud. Nebraska. mm rmmmm n ma W V 8 week and in stock of ware ware! SsUlj DruMUU. I'ltUlJ., IT. 0"M4'il IS r! i ',1 ft wv SggaJjjS&KZZSZSZ. -j I itiTO"'WJ i-j.. . -twtwwMwwMeiiate "in )l hi nan iiiiiurt