The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1895, Image 1

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' V.
. r '""" ' -- ..- -. r 4 r-rr..v, miK i '"Mi..TO'l'JJ Wf
vBf . - - - SWR 'P-r ' if ? "" " " ' ji ' -, .?7 fi TTT ?:"3aMaMaMaMiSsMT iJB rTEHr i"TT"l roaTP6fffisF?iW"l jTjJ" -'jpi. Jjj?SlriM Ji i fc r ? ftH ts ,
All Home Print.
Do You Wash?
OF Course -
1 (DoyouWash QUICKLY?
DTITDo you Wash EASILY ?
(Doyou Wash CHEAPLY?
You may IP you will use
best, purest and most
Sold everywhere. Made only by
. Cotting keeps the finest kinds of Lamps,
he sells them cheap, too. Shall we step
into his store and look at them? He has
some handsome ones."
Chicago Lumber Yard
' Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Proprietors op
Ordnra Ordrompty filled,
re i -
Mrs. A. J. Btoitrni, of West fltookbolm, Bt Lawronca Co.. N. Y., under dnto of July 81, 1890,
nit ' Wordi fall ino to express my grotltudo to Dr. A. Own for tbo benefit I havo bad from
wnffhlflElectrlo Appliance, Jluforo using tbo appllunco I wna bo weak I oould scarcely
sndalono bad been conttned to my bed since last October. After thotltlrd day's uae of tba
Spllanoe I could walk several etcpst ono week Utor I walkod around tbo bouse, and in leM
an ono month I was able to rMo out, and now I can walk a mile or mora without feeling
tired. Ma God bless nnd sparo you to your many f rlonds for yeara to come."
Mr. Axol J. Ekbliulu. of Wnhburff, Kan., undor dato of July SOth, 1835, sayat " Having
need tbo Dr. Open Uloctrtc Appliances ftor Jverv0MtifM for tbo pant few months, must
ma tbey are a bead of uny troutnient, I am oured of tbo worst form of Norroua Disease."
Vr. A. Nibclc, of JHdUloDold, Iowa, writing us on June 27, 1895, says: "This la to certify
tbjt I bnvo derived more bnncllt from using tbo Owen Kloctrlo Appliances for a sever ease
C fkMnoy cumplaiiit and uervoiu prostration than from hundreds of dollars spent for doctor's
talk ajufmuitlclne."
OurLar;tn IllBStratcl CatalMtme contains many endorsements like above, besides
oat or uppiiKUCvs, ana mucn vuiuaow inionnawon xor (no awoisa. oenu o oenis m staaspa
WfceawrHlrc parties about their tssumonUls enclose a self-addressed stamped eavsloM
ssure a rrj'ly. Wo luvo boen before the public many years, aaa our metrical frrllsnin
become u rtccgnbttd standard of merit
, ?- TO 211 BTATB
tk- ffiV .i.-v vV?XfeMC
aHrffWrf !,. - . . vttiL iSV. iv
Kkd (join
economical soap
My Dear;
four patronage aolloltsd
iifiiffuiiimmMfiMMimnimfmwittiM-itn riT-m-n-Yvi-T-rrniifi(itiii(saiTwrmtfsMYfir''"'n,friirTriaiiT ,nm.i,.tm,, ,.i.,i -.i.... ir.-),,.,i
.i.&A.rt-.i.'s.?..':sv.'.." . uLj-ymim2faatiL ' '.w'-m v ,; . .,,!;. j x.'- !.. .-..., i-j
Wfhster County. Neb., Friday, October 1
The Inst Mtid I'rcsent 1'rom nil
t?l MMldlcr.
About 1S50, tbs Icfamoua "fugitive
filnvo law" wiih ctmutod liy n domocrntio
cotiRrcf.?, mid, although it "born" domo
crut, I whs disguetedt imd for tbo Hrst
timo, I b.iw tbnt domccrncy not only
waa directly iu conlliot with tho princi
ples I held most deur, but iu conllict
with tho pliiin word o( God, which I
hud choflon for tho rule of my life. Tiro
passed on; tho anti-slavery pnrty did
and eaid what thoy could ngainet this
national sin, which, in many ways,
wounded the democratic heart. Then
came tho cry of secession, and the
Amorlcan hoart waa pained at tho fall
of Fort Sumter, and the ovort act of
tho rebellion. Then a long and cruol
war terminated in quelling tho rebellion
though not on correct principles, for
tho traitors were. treated aa citizemiby
taking the oath of alleglanco, an oath
that the leading men had previously
taken and brokon, This error was soon
apparent in tho hateful and wicked
manner iu which they conducted them
selves as toon as opportunity presented
Peace and quietude blessed our coun
try. tho' a decade had not passed before
the sore-heads who hud been whippod
into submission and new, armed with
a restored franchise, took sides with the
democrats who precipitated the war and
opposed every wise measuro favoring
the wolfaro of the people, and thwart
ing, ao far as posaiblo, tho best interests
of our country. Had traitors been ex
cluded from the halls of congress, we
would, without doubt, have continued a
happy and prosperous people without
tramps, every man employed, receiving
fair remuneration for his labor, and the
tiller of the soil be blest and happy.
But the blight of democracy has pro
duced many evils from which our coun
trymen are now suffering. The poor are
gutting pooror, and the unemployed are
olamoring for batter legislation; mines
are being closed , manufactories aro be
coming, inoperative, and general discon
tent aflliota tho people, while Grover
Cleveland is at Buzzard's Bay, feeling
happy in the thought that he 1b making
a few gold buss richor, although the
majority ore suffering from hie unwise
ruling. The bible tells us that "hell is
yawning," and well it may, in viow of
the prodigouB enlargement it may soon
have to make, for, if Grover and his
"yoke fellows" do not turn from their
evil ways tho enlargement will have to
How can any man expect relief from
a new party composed, in part, of demo
crats f That party has not repented;
has not been washed from ita old sins;
it la aa rebellious aa ever, and is ready
for any emergency that wilt promise
them success as a party, whether the
people are benefitted or not, in proof of
which I have only to refer you to their
past history. In the year of '63 or 'Gi
they met at Chicago in a national con
vention, and declared that "the war waa
a failure and should be abandoned" in
behalf of humanity; that the north
could not succeed and was only shod
ding blood without just cause or provo
cation, yet oa soon aa the tidings could
reach us, we learned that on that very
day Grant won a signal victory in ii
battle with tho rebels, and so victory
perchod on tho union banuors until our
cause won not only victory, but the
admiration of the world.
No oandid man will say thoso are not
perilous times. So many democrats and
pops have invoiglod themselvou into the
republican ranks that the party is no
longor itself, and ita roal spirit is beet
oxprossed in tho temperance party,
where I think all good and truo voiura
should unito in voting for temporitnuH
and morality. Let us unito in puttl;)'.'
forward good nud relinblo men, and
then we may expeot aucceas in tho rlu'ht
direction. W. II. Ci.
Market Report.
Corrtctea wetlriy by Red Clou Trdue :
VVDWi e 4v iu
I'Orn no w e "
Corn old . 40
Vftil nOWe 4)
XjOTlOjr s t seeee '
? iftXt e Uv 1 'U
Hogi 9 8 OOfiU 50
Butobor'sitook HOOici- TK)
ButUr 10
f ga ............. ........ , -iw
PoUtees) 25 0 Ul
Spring chickens per lb 6
Old aess per lb
llay per toa , S 00 H CO
Pr. Prk' Ctmmi Baldaf Powtkr
WorM's- fair tUghMt Award.
Pleiminf Jufc.
Weather is rsiny at this writing. ,
Haskins Frenchod at Penny Crrk Sun
day te a good congregation.
Miss Myrtlo Anderson is Glnyhiu; at
Mr, Arbucle's.
Mr. Ike Grswell's motlior linn bson
very sick and is stuying there fur the
Mrs. Andersen wns tho guest of Mrs.
Guthrie last week.
Mert and Alam Fern have gone down
to Nesaaha couuty where Mert expects
to find work.
Mrs. Charlio Thayer is the proud
mother of a baby boy.
Gkkkn IIoiin.
How's This!
We offer one hundrod dollars reward
for any ease of Catarra that ot aaot bo
cored by Hall's Catarrh Onto.
F. JT. CHENEY k. CO., Props. Tolede, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yearn and brtisva
him psrfeetly honorable Iu nil buMiie.ta
traasaetiens and ilnnnsially able to oarry
out any ebllgation suods by their fires.
West k Traax, Whoisssla Drnggists, To
ledo, 0. Walding, Kiunaa A Marvin,
Whelsiale Drogglsts, Tolsde, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cars is taksa internally
acting tUrsotly upoa the blood and ma
ooas sarfaees ef the system, Price, 7Gc.
per bottle, Bold by all clragglsts. Ten
timoaials free.
Walnut Crcok.
James andjAson Ileaton have moved
over on Walnut creek.
Mrs. Ge. Ueaton waa visltiag north
ot lnavale Sunday with Mrs..Epore.
Mrs. Smith is dew n in Garfield with
her daughter.
Mr. Keever'a havo returned from Kan-
sat where they have been visiting friends.
Mr. Coval has moved onto the Sellar'a
farm now owned by Mr. Harsh.
Mr. Smith will wield the birch in dls
triot seventy this winter,
Miss Marker will teach in district 0.
The Sunday-school in district number
nine is still flourishing. They propose
to to hold a boqust social on Saturday
evenining, Oct. 10, to replenish the
failing exchequer.
- i i
Confusion as to the choice of a blood
pariflsr is unnsossaary. There Is but ens
best Barsaparilla and that is Aysr's. This
important fact waa reoogaizsd at the
World's Fair, Chicago, 1803, being the
oaly blood-purifier admitsd to be plaoed
on exhibition.
An Illustrated Book on Health
Disease and Fautljr Medicine.
A reetatly published keok, psoked
full ef valuable infornatioa far the
mastes, will be sent free for a time by
The Pe-ru-ru Drug Maauftoturiag
Company ef Columbus, Ohio. This
besk oontaias ounKreus physiologi
cal and anatomisal illustrations, cot
veying aoourata and useful instiuetian
The bosk oevers the whole list of dis
eases te which the human family is
liable, and gives the treatment for
each one. It is wiittsn in plaia anJ
chaste Uaguage expressly for family
use. It oontaias ao reading or illus
trations of aa eajeotionable obaraoter.
The author of the book is Dr. Hart
man wkose leng and uztonsive exper
ience has enabled him te speak with
authority on all atedieal subjects.
Thin book should be in every family
Another book, by the same author
entitled Weman's Hand-book for Fe
male Diseases will be sent for a short
time to ladies only. This book oan
net fail to bo of priceless bent fit to
tho sfilistsd wsmea, Thoso preferring
Dr. Hartnua'a psretnal advise should
write, giving ago, symptoms, and du
ration of disease. Answer free.
Everybody takes Po-ru-na for
ehrenlo malaria and all forms of ner
vous prostration aad fall biliousness.
It is tho greatest of tonics aad invig
orators. Th World's Fair TtMti
akmwmi mm baklmg fwStf
r migrt Im
1. 1 Hf-35
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
ssfc t
Tame MoCoy, wife and children
drovo tu lied Cloud Wednesday
Mr. HohstiFee of Swantnn has mov
ed into the Tooley liouoo tiorthwont
of town.
S. S. Wells tf UcarUollwn.8 in tlii
oitj last week selling swaet potatoes.
Jsnics Burden was rthaking hsndft
with friends at Blue Hill Wednesday,
C. K. Hicks drovo to Oowlns Wed
nesday. B. Lee and Louis Gutter returned
from thoir trip to Madiaon county,
A. V. Colt of Juniata was circulat
ing umoag friends in thin city Mon
day. W. H. Hoffman would like ir the
oondidate who was in bin storo uud
called tor cigars to treat hi populiat
friends weuld call and intv for tho
Mm. A. V. Colo of JuninU inspect
ed thn W. R. 0. of this plaoi Monday.
Frank Wheelan drovo ovor to Ronc
Isnd the Utter part of tin week.
ir Troubled With Rlieumatlsra
Read This.
Annai'Olib, Md., Apr. 16, 1894. I have
need Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rhen
mutism and found it to be all that is
claimed for it. I believe it to be the
bssl preparation for rheumatism aad
deep stats taasoalar pains on the mar
ket mid ohoerfnlly recommend it to the
public. Jno. O. Brooks, dealer in boot,
shore, etc., Ifo. 18 Main It,
Mkohanicstills, St. alary Couaty, Md.
I sold a bottle ot Chamberlain's Pal a
Balm te a aaan who had bssa suffering
with rheantatism for several years. It
made him a well man. A. J. MoQIll. For
sale by Deyo A Oriee.
Husking cora has ooumenoed.
Rev. Blackwsll preached at Now
Virginia last Sunday.
Miss Woideman was visitiag at Mr.'
Barney's last Friday.
Arehle Plusa of Itiverton will teach
sohool at district 33 this winter.
James Aadersoa and wife, who have
bsea visitiag at Blair, came baek last
Mr. aad Mrs. Prathor from near
Blue Hill was visiting at Rov. Bcau'a
on Thursday of last week. '
Loyd Crabill and family of Red
Cloud was in this vioioity visiting at
his brothor William's Sunday,
Mr. Gurnoy from near Red Cloud
took his largo heard of steers out of
Mr. Gather's pasturo last Saturday,
Mr, Alexander, who lives in Hick
ory county, Missouri, oamo baok hero
Isst Thursday to look after his buai-
t mos m
and i
to follow
and to
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
It Is a grand medicine. I used three bottles, and, thanks be to God, am a
well man again. You aro at liberty to publish this if you desire, es I would,
be glad to be the means of calling the attention of victims of diabetes to a
remedy that win give tnem asessoa
Vol. 23 No. 4
m D !.
1 Powder
vena intnmtfl, Ho
crop of all Lind.s.
rtiports a
G"Going Into n decline." How oftea do
wJjerih nx)ri)lon. What doea Ik
rncnoV It bitun that puiiplo nre losiag
II. sb, ijiowlng thin, nrnstitiu,. The way to
corrrot thl.i couJItlon is to Improve tho
dlKtl',n. The condition avissn from aa
ionlillity to eat aud digest food. In fact
food dots more hatin than good besaaoo
it ferineuU and pntrofies SBbatsaoM
whloh whsu abiorbsd ensue various dis
Ofdnrrt. Wlmt is required in that tho
stotnnoh be msdo to perform tie duties.
The Blmlttr DIkhsIIvo Cordial in a food
already iligtfttrr ns well at n dlgotur of
foods, It will in like the ntossanb hentthy
Gel a book from the druggist aud read
about it.
A California choinittl hns robbed Cos- '
tot Oil ot its bad tiiHte. LAXOL Is Ita
l'lciiHiiul &rtlrle.
School commenced Inst Monduy with
Gcorgo Ovuring as toucher. Ovor 30
scholaru to commenco with.
We luiAo n lergo Sunday Hchool every
Sunday morning ut 10 o'clock. Mr. H.
Michaels iu superintendent. Next Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock Rov. Vandyke
Ora fituey is carrying bis arm is a
sling thn result of a serero bruise,
r Mr. Will Wade is homo from Missouri
and will rent a tunu here uoxt spring.
Wo ure informed that a aon In law of
It. K. Orohiud'a in Koiug to rent his
placo. O. K.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powor
A Pure Oraps Craeas ol Tartar Peweer.
Every well iuferwed eeok aad
heusokcoper knows thai food cooked
by steam is better and more palatable
and healthful than that eeoked by
boiling or frjitig. And every obo
who has not a steam cooker already,
knows that she wauls one. But every
one dees aot know whieh of tho toy
eral etaam cockers on the market is
cheapest and best. For tho benefit of
Buch wo speak advisedly when wo say
that tiio JLJov.ciwJgo iuitouiatiu oleara
Cooker is both tho ohrspust and the
best. It is also the simplest and most
oonvenicnet. It is madq of tho best
material, is vory durable, and ia as
easily used and kept in order as a
common teakettle, and requires ao
more heat sr room on tho Move, It
economizos space and fael oa any
kind of stove, but is especially suited
to gssolino and coal-oil stoves. It caa
be used on a parlor stovo, if desired,
without tho annoyanoo of uupleasant
odors in the house.
,Tho Bsvoridfro Automatic Steam
Cooker la the latest of tho cookers,
boing patented in 1889 and 1804 tad
has nil tho good foaturen of its pre
dtocssors without any of (heir faults,
and has some good points not found
in any other.
0 Sah'Miok of Rivurlen, Nebraska
is agent for this cooker.
Cured Diabetes,
March 14th, 1895.
The Or, J. H. McLean Medicine Co.,
St. Louis, Mo,
Gentlemen : I dcilre to express my heartfelt
thanks to you for my marvelous restoration to
health. I was sick for manv years with a bad
caso of diabetes which made me very thin and
weak, I also suffered much loss of sleep, having
to get up so many times at night to pass urine,
great annoyance from thirst that water
not satisty. A tew montns ago i Degan
vour Instructions in regard to ui
instructions in regard to diet
reuei. LwrarniLuira.
Columbus, r
l !
r ojC'kxiknm. x
t v liaaiTfli
-T7S n
. !
- J