The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1895, Image 6

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IWrtwiAr'' -- - .
wM'' " K-a&j.Me.
CJ" A &, ,
-t ' int-tw -.., 'tiaiBMBeTJt9lltBBataat Wwl
Hi, Mill,
Paine's Celery Compound
is the Great Specific.
It Eestores the Neglected
Famished Nerve Parts.
Pal no' celery compound is tbo ono
manured remedy for rheumatism and
neuralgia that is every day ncoomp
lisbinu all that physicians claim
for it:
Beth thoso old-timo, obBtinato dis
esos are today speedily and porma
Dently cured by Prof. Kdword E.
Pholps' Rrcat prescription
Neuralgia and rhouniatism arc mere
ly namoB for a certain reduocd stato
of tho nervous tissues. As far n
( otuses go, thuy do not muoh differ
from norvous debility, bcadachos, dyt
popsia and sleeplessness,
Tho mischief is tho same in every
cape, a norvous Bystcm robbed of lif'o
and, substanco by over-exertion and
Bounty nutrition. Tho cure for all
these is likowiso iu the samo direction
Strengthen and rostoro tho nerves to
their normal condition with Paino'n
celery compound.
It is tho advioo of tho ablo3t physi
cians everywhere
As 809H osaII, tho countless, nerve
oenters and fib'ors havo been, mide
strong and sound, not only rhouma
tiara and neuralgia, but low spirits,
kidney troublo, disordered livor and
heart palpitation, vanish without n
traoo to romisd ono that thoir pres
ence was not all a fearful dream.
.Puine's oelury compound docs Ub
curativo work in a simplo, straight
forward, way. It wastes little thno on
tho minuto nnd puzzling classification
of disnases, but bonds all its energies
at onoo to fooding tho wornout, shat
tcrod neivous track, filling tho arteries
with rioh, now blood, and building up
tho body for its fight against disease.
Low spirit loso thoir power when
tho systtm fools tho buoyanoy of re-'
turning health such as soon comes
from taking Paino's celery compound
Tho rapid gain in woight that follows
its uo is a rcasonabio indication of
4ho strongthsning proocBsos that are
going on among tho vital organs.
Many mon and womon who rccom
mond L'aiuo's celery oampound do ho
in what, to others, may sometimes
aecm oxtravagt words, hut PaiuoV
etlery compouud has nude them well!
Tho Darlington, Wis., Journal nays
aitorinlly of a popular ptont medlolne:
"Wo kuow from experience that Oliam
( berlaln'n Collo, Oholurn uul Dlnrrluu i
Ruuieily is nil that Uolnlmod for it, ni on
two occasions It stopped exornoliiting
pnlm uud possibly savd as from an tin.
llmoly ravo. Wo would not rest o.iy
or.r uixht without It hi tlu houi.'
This remedy undonbtedly wives tuiir.
pain mid suffering than ntiy other mull
oltu In the world. Kvery family Hhonld
keep it in the bans, for It i sure to l.u
needed sooner or later. For sale by Deyo1
& Qrloe,
I havo the lurgoat uosortmant of booto
and bhooa in tho city und tit such prices
as will fit all pocketbooka. A. H.Kuley.
'Orange Bloisom" Is afo nnd harmless
as a flax tteJ poultice. Any Indycan use
it litrstlf. Sold by (J. L. Oottiuu.
1 i . .,
A cur load of now and socond hnnd
goods ut Wright's socond hand storo.
Prices tho chenpost.J. I). Wright,
Moon block.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Castorla.
In Fal
tt Makes a Mora rrofllafalo Crop nml Stives
tho Trees.
Tho next essential thing nftor yon
fmvo got your fruit started, says Mr. J.
U. Hnle, tho Connecticut frnit grower,
Is n jndioioim thinning of it. I bollovo
tho thinning of npplos shonld begin
When thoy first begin to benr. A well
planted nnd woll fed treo will begin to
bear early. Only let it benrn Httlo. Al
low uonio of tho strength to go into tho
dovolopmont of tho fruit buds for noxt
yenr. Next year thin pretty olosoly ; then
by nnd by yon will bnlltl tip nn orchard
that will Imro no off yenrs in it. Thoro
isn't nn off year. It is hecnuso tho tip
ples nro in tho hands of mi off innii.
Ihlnning constantly would briug it into
Coiistutit hcnrinir.
It is seed growing Unit oxhnnsts tho
rltnlity. Thoro nro no moro Feeds in a
fnrgo fruit than in n smnll ono, nnd n
largo ono doesn't tuko nnymoro vitality
out of u treo. If n KelfTer pear treo hna
on it n thousand pdnrs, nnd yon tuko off
COO of thorn, tho bnlnnco will weigh ns
mnch us tho wholo of them nnd bring
moro pionoy, weakening tho treo only
half ns much. Our rulo for thin
ulng peaches is not to lonvo ono within
four inches of nnothor. This covers tho
ground with green fruit nnd looks llko
destruction, but at tho end of tho season
there nro moro InulioLt thuu thoro would
linvo been.
Thin by hand. Put fitoplnddcrs nndor
tho trees nnd pnt boys on thorn whoso
bump of dcstructivcncsM is lnrgo, nnd
toll thorn to go nhcud. Wo begin when
tho peaches nro threo-qnnrtors of nn inch
in dinmotor, nnd tiiko ovorything tlmt is
curculiu stung nnd diseased. Thoso wo
cart nwny and burn. Tlio rest that nro
taken off nro dropicd on tho ground nnd
loft thoro. In futuro our threo or four
yenr old peach trees shall not bear over
200 poaches j onr four or fivo yenr old
trees not over 000, nnd fnll grown trees
not over COO. That means six inches
opart ; COO peaches on n treo will muko
sixtocightbaskotsof fnnoy frnit Tliroo
thousand ponchos to a troo won't mnko
moro, nor sell for moro money, nnd tho
trees nro ruined. Hartford Times.
Queer Thing, tho Northern Rolillera Sent
Homo From tho War.
Tho nroatest harvest rtinnnd hv ihn
principal companies was during
mo juto wnr or tlio rebollion, whon ov
orything wns hcut nnd received by ox
prcHM, no mnttcr what tho cost. The
writer of this sketch had n vnried nud
fiomowlmt tedious oxperienco in tho busi
ness during tlmtprotrnoted disturbance,
nnd wns witness to ninny scenes of som
ber nnd many of n humorous chnrnctor.
Thcso woro mostly seen in tho rotnrns
from tho sent of war jnst nf tcr n battle
Sometime after tt victorious Federal
action, or tho cnptnro of n robol town,
tho ofllcers, ns woll ns tho men, inndo u
praetico of sending homo trophies thoy
had captured. Tho-so often wcro house
hold effects of comparatively littlo val
ue, nnd cost tho recipients nt homo n
lnrco tnx for express triiiisnnrinMrm.
Somctinies livo stook wns sent, consist
ing largely of dogs nnd donkeys, somo
times n singing bird, or fowls of pcoul
iar breed. On ono occasion a stnlwnrt
negro follow was rrcoived ut tho Hoston
office, sent by uu ofllccr who found ho
COnld do IlOtlllllE? t?kn with Mm niwl
thought ho might bo of nso on hln farm
nc Jiomo. 'xiiogrumiug tlnrkylind nenrd
flrinlv fastened nbout ills mvlr. ilvinr
thouddrcNiwhero to laud him, with this
direction: "Feed nud grub this nigger
an mat no needs. "
It wns sad. bmvnvrr in sin llm
rough boxes often piled np ontsido tho
oflleo containing tho remains of tho
boys in bluo sent homo for burial nmong
tho scones which they hud loft n bhort
timo beforo for thoKoutjiembattloflolds.
Theso relics often proved a burdensomo
cast to their bereaved fumilics nt homo.
Wo wcro nlwuys glad to forward remit
tances of UIOIIOV to thn nfirntinmn iHb.
tressed ones nt homo. Tim ImshmKn
transacted by somo of tho big oxprosses,
Atinins cc ua, tor instance, wns of enor
mous lirODOrtioilH. mill nililiul InrimH- in
tho wealth of many proprietors, tho tor
rlblo wnr proving n godsend to thorn nt
toast. uoston Transcript.
To Supplant Tin Cant.
Catismndo of nanor nnln nrn bnlncr In.
trodticcd to tnko tho nlneo of tin nnnn
for contulniug'all kinds of preserved
pronnets, says tlio Now York Hnu. Tlio
occasional cohes of noisonlnz? from nun.
ned goods nro dno to tho contents be
coming tainted tlirough tho cans not be
ing airtignt. .ninny millions of tin onus
nro lised nnutinllv bv nnnnoil rmnrla fnn.
tories in this conntry, nnd snoh coses of
injury irom taiutcd goods aro compara
tively roro. but becuiiho it in unsxlhln
through slight defedts in tho solder or
iniiuuo orcuKs in tlio cans, for such dnu-
KOr to result, thn !:minrn lnwn lnnn
looking for a satisfactory substituto for
nn. ii is uoiiuvott tnat tills lias nt lust
been found in tho paper pulp cans. Thoy
tiro (lilliroof IIS ivoll nn wntnmrnnf. will
not expand or contract, nnd will stand
ns union rough uvago In shipment as tin
tans, and perhaps moro.
Tho Win-! n T-t of Clmmetor.
t Certnin disgruntled philosophers havo
contonded that tho woman yon 00 is
rultlom tho woninu you think you seo.
Mounted upon bioycles, most womun
havo to toll tho truth nb.ont thouw-olves.
Ono can distinguish ut a glancotho dar
ing, willful beauty from tho timid, ton
dor girl. Tho woman is reduced for tho
moment to thn nlnr.n nf ii lin- m.l.n.n
good looks or lack of thorn, health, vig-
ur in mum nun nony nro upparent. I
will even go so far as to ndviso a man
not to got married until ho has r,con tho
Obtest Of lllH I'Jinlon llluirrf linmAl .,..
ii bicycle. Philadelphia Tlmos.,
"I bono YOU will lint Ktion.1 Mil .1lnlA
for rum," said tho goncrons mnn.
"Itnml" rejoined tho grateful recip
lent. "Do yon take mo for n Ynnke
rallor? I am abawn Kalntueklnn, sub."
IudlniKiolli Journul.
Tho rapublicans of Inaval township
will meet at tho Konyon hardware tore
in Inaval, at 3 p. m., Oct. 5, 1805, far
tha purpose of nominating township
ofUcorn, and attending to my other busi
ness that may come bofor the cauoui.
Wm, F. Ronkol,
Thera will be a meeting of tha ropub-
(iumi viifii ui iwu wuuu iutrijniiii at
tha court-houit in Red Cloud, Saturday
Out. Cth, 1805, at 1 p. ra., for the pur-
post of nominating township officers
and transacting such other business no
tuny com before the caucus.
Porter Hedge,
IT Troubled With Rlictimallsin
Itcnd Till.
Annapolis, Md,, Apr. 10, 1894, I xv
uied Chamberlain's Pain Dalm for rheu
matism and found it to be all that if
claimed for it. I believe It to be the
best preparation for rheumatism and
deep seated muHoalar paint on the mar
ket aud cheerfully reoomtnend it to the
public. Jno. O. IJrookB, dealer iu boots,
sheiB, etc., No. 18 Main St.
Mechanics lle, Bt. Mary County, Md.
I sold a bottlo of Chamberlain's Paiu
finltn te a wan who had been sufforing
with rheumatlBm for aoverat years. It
mde him a well man. A. J. McQlll. For
salo by Deyo Si Orico.
Market Iluport.
Corrected weekly by Ited Cloud I'reduce Ce.
Wheat 40 45
Corn new 20
Corn old 40
Oatanow 15
Ryo 25
I'ttUVy eete eeeeeeeeeteee W
Flax CO 70
Hogs 3 003 CO
Butcher's Block 2 0002 50
Butter 10
Egge 12
Potatoes 25 30
Spring chickonapor lb 6
Old hona per lb 4
Hay per ton 3 003 CO
Kansas City, Mo Stock Yards.
? $ &M l0m- MONEY LOANED
A.f. MU3TJ0N, i Cattle -on-
I W. T. QUAY, OrncE.
Fccdcrs Furnished
Market Report Frco.
EVH1DY ! . .
I Lave the largest aud
best lino of
New And
Second Hand
In Webster county.
Comeiu and see them wheth
er you wish to buy or
No TrouDie to snow Goods
Stoves, -
e '
Carpets and
Of all kinds.
I won't be undersold. Come
and rjoe me.
Moon Block, Red Cloud.
SlicrilFs Sale.
Ily virtue nt an execution directed lo mi from
the d I Mr let court of Wefcttf r county, Nebrnsk.
on a JiiilKinent orimlned by tUe cuut'erntlon of
Ulslrlft curlt Webtier ceuntr, NekrMka, o
tiirlnthdiiyot .fulr. lS'Ji. Iu favor of Tlinnm
Kyan m nlalatltf. aid asnttU the V armsw A
Nerclwult llanMni; t;oinpny as itofmiUtnt. for
tut turn of ono thoiisAud and ttuhty-two dollar
miiU coiit, and costn tted at Iflj-ttirco
lUlhim and alirlit cents (53.M). and accruing
ciiHti. I Iiut' levied upon the following real
eHims, laxrn aa me pruporir ui sum aeianuniii
in auilafv a.ilil ludcmeut. to-wll: Lot trrautv.
ono (ii), In IjIopIc thirty-one (31). Iu the erlKliial
inwu imwciiy wi u vieuu, niujior cuuuir,
and Mill offer the lAiue fer salt te the hlirhaat
Mdder. for cali In IimiH. on the sotUdtrof
Hfiitrmutr, A. 1. ll, la front of the eatt dear
of the court-hetie at Rfd Oleud, Wtbater
ceiiniy, Neiraska, that belts tat bulldlnit
wneitia int l mi term tr conn wai mi at me
haur nf one e'cltek p. m. f uld dey.wlieu
uilwlire due attendance will be (jlreu by the
Dated Red Cloud, Nehrnka, Ausuit SO, 1S9S.
.1 W nilhlnum M1irlnr
Jnmns'f'iVeny. Att'y for lMalutirr.
Tlie ubovi sale w4 cnntlnuttd for want of
bidder until Nov II. 1RM, at out o'cltok.
Dated lted Cloud, Nulinka, Oct. 3, 183).
J, W. ItuMcuar, eiierlff,
CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 4, 1895.
lit Itecent anil Itapld Development TJpoa
the Continent,
Beforo n recent mooting of tho Ameri
can Institnto of Elootrlcnl Engineers
Mr. XL Ward Leonard delivered un in
teroNting nddross upon electrical engi
neering dovolopmenta in Franco and
England as contrasted with thoso in
America. In ita commercial dovolop
ment of electricity America is placed
first in fact, far in ndvnuco of tho old
World countries hnt considered from nn
engineering standpoint Mr Leonard
thinks tho United States is losing tho
lond It has thus far hold. Ho lays tho
responsibility for this condition of iiffnira
almost entirely nt tho door of tho great
oloctrlcal monopolies, which hnvo stood
in tho way of progress, nnd particularly
in preventing tho trial of tlovicci nnd
BystoniHof which Enropo presents varie
ties unknown to us. Ho (most ions whnt
has been done in this country in tho
way of olectricnl engineering develop
ment nlnco Edison started histhroowlro
lightning distribution nt Sunhury, Pn.,
in f888, nnd Wcsliughouso established
his alternating system with 1,000 volt
primary and CO volt secondary a fow
years later, nud Hprnguo started tho
Richmond oleetrio railroad in 1887.
Thoro has of courso boon groat extension
of installation along thcso lines.
Wo have, Mr. Leonard snys, tho Lest
threo wire central station plants In tho
World. Also tho host alternating sys
tem, converting from 1,000 to fiO volts,
but wo havo practically no othor kind
of central station to point to. Wo are
operating BOO volt continuous current
oleetrio railways nt distances for which
2,000 volts should bo used instend of
COO, and after investing more money in
copporporcar than tho entire cost of tho
oloctrlcal equipment wo still loso twico
as much energy as is commercial in tho
lino. In England in alternating systoms
a throo wiro secondary is used with 100
volts on each sldo, and, nccording to
Mr. Leonard's vlow, thoro was no ox
cuso oxcopt patents for a CO volt two
wiro secondary originally, and nono
savo tho inertia nnd projudico of a largo
corporation for continuing to put in tho
two wiro secondary today.
Rotary transformers nro used in sov
oral stations in England for n continu
ous current, high potential multiplo aro
distribution, tho secondary being a threo
wiro systom, and somo American inven
tions not patontcd in England nro found
to liuve been utilized in central htatious
thoro, whilo thoy hnvo been neglected
in tho lund of thoir iucoptiou. Provi
denco Journal.
A Frog With Four Wing.
Tlio curiosity of tropical Africa is tlio
wonderful Hying frog, first described by
Bislioff of tho cimatorinl African expe
dition, which roturnod to Enropo in tho
fall of 180-1. This oddity of tho reptilo
family is nbout tho sizo of n common
bullfrog und resembles other mombcrs
of tho order of bntrachlans in every
thing but its fcot, each of which is
woblicd und enormously cnlnrgod, bo
much bo ns to form splendid substitutes
for trno wings. -Thocreaturo has fivo
toes on cnoh of tho othor two, which
makes fonr Bcparnto mombraucs on each
of its hind foot and threo on ench foro
foot, or 14 in nil. In his description of
it Dishoff snys, "Each leg terminates
in n sort of fan, nnd with theso tho lit
tlo reptilo paddles tho air liko a locust,
or llko a partially fledged bird tosting
its pinions for tho first timo."
Although soniovyhat nwkward in ita
flight, tho winged frog enn dart through
tho uir nt n speed of nbont ten yards per
second nnd can keep itsolf going for
wnrd nt thnt rnto for from 10 to 15 seo
ouds. Tho avorago dlstauco covered by
thoso spurts of grasshopperliko flight is
from 7G to ISO yards, but BisholT men
tions instances whero tho flying frog
cleared sandy e stretches 200 ynrds in
width. St. Lonis Ropublic.
lie Denied the Call.
An English army officer tolls an
amusing Btory of an iucidont that oc
curred at Mnidstono many years ngo,
in tho timo of tho old cavalry depot
On n certain vory foggy night thoro was
a complcto silonco, broken only by tho
voices of tho sontrios who, nt regular
intorvals, passed tho usual word down
the line. Tho officer woko up just as
tho usual watch was passing, and this
was what ho heard: First sentry, "No.
1, nnd all's woll!" Then thoro was
silonco for a moment, and a voico called
into tho darkness, "No. 8, aud ull's
woll, and No. 2's asloopl" Beforo No.
4 eould tuko up tho thread of tho pro
ceedings u voico iu which more than a
suspicion of .slumber romainod cpied
hurriedly, "No. 2, and all's woll, and
No. B'saliarl"
Tho word troaolo has undorgono on
odd modification. At first it was implied
to such decoctions of roots or other sub
stances as woro doomed bonofloial in
medical practice Then, ns thcso woro
frequently swoctonod, it camo to moan
any Bweot concoction or confection, and
lastly, as molasses wns tho swootest of
nil,' this nnmo was exclusively applied
to sirup".
The Small Brother Ajjpilu,
Mr. Courtney (flatteringly) I had
tho blues when I oamo horo tonight,
Miss Fisher, but they aro nil gouo now.
Von nro us good as medicine.
Miss Fisher's Littlo Brother Yes;
father himself says sho'll bo n drug in
tho market if slio doesn't catch on to
somo follow Boon. Philadelphia Times.
An Irishman, quarreling wiflinn Eng
lishman, told him if he didn't hold his
tonguo ho would 'break his impenetra
ble head and lot tho brains out of his
empty skull."
Tho sun throws vertical rays on tho
earth's surface only upon nn area equal
to about 35 nquaro miles nt any one
In 1870 tho Thames froco solid nnd
a fair was hold on the ico. It was kept
open foi nine weeks.
- 'Hta
for Infants
HIRTY yours' obervatloHof
mllllont of pertont, permit
It It nnqnettlonrthly the fiett remedy for Iufnntw nnd Children
the world hat ever known. It it hnrmlott. Children Hlto It. It
trfvet them health. It will artvo thoir Hvet. In It Mothnrt hara
toiethlng which It rthtolntoly tafo and prnotlonlly perfect at tt
ehlleVt medloiae.
Cattorla dettroyt Wormt.
Catterla allayw raverlthnett.
Cattoria preventa vomiting 8 onr Cnrd.
Oattorta onrct Dlarrhma and Wind Collo.
Cattoria rellevee Teething Tronhlet.
Cattoria caret Conatlpatlon nnd Flntnlenoy.
Cattorta nentridltet tho effeott of oartonlo add gat op poleoaowt ata.
Cattoria doet not contain morphine, oplnm, or other nnrcotlo property.
Cattoria attiadlatoa the food, rognlatct tho wtomnch and howelt.
gtring healthy and natural tleep.
Cattorta It pnt np in one-tlee hottlet only. It U not told In hnlfc.
Pon't allow any one to tell yon anything elto on tho plea or promlta
that tt it "Jntt at good" and "will aatwor every pnrpoto."
Bee that yon get C-A-g-T-O-R-I-A.
The fac-almile
ajgnatnre of
Children Cry for
IT Yoa tee tbtra everywhere. jl
moo r tr moo
Model 40 Columbia
ICv5 thS BEST thJ i
Pattkbn 1' Hartford
Columbia They almost fly.
The Chief $1.00
SPECIAL NOTE TO OLD SUBSCRIBERS Yoncanebtaln thlt nanflsome Ono Dollar Book.
postasopald, by renewlim now for ono c.r. if your 'subscription docs not expire foraeTeaml
weeks or mouths yet, send In your renewal and tho date on your paper will Loeet forwarS
w vw.
ample paper, sent on rcoolpt of o to pay eost
and Children.
Cattorln. with tlio prttrnnfit;e of
nt to tpertk of it yfthont Knotting.
It on every
Pitcher's Castorla.
Mw..Mt.n.M.tMMWl, , . , ,t
Bicycle beauty comes
from graceful lines and
fine finish, in which poinb
Columbia bicycles excel
But there is more than
mere looks to recommend
a Columbia. Back of the
handsome design and elegariajb
finish is a sterling quality
that over the roughest,
road and the longest
journey will carry the
rider with safety and satis
faction. Buy a
New York,
San Praacltce
S$nd troo s-cfnt Stamps for
Columbia Catalogue; frit if '
jou tall t a Columbia xAgtn&,
1 LLiawTfaOsMir
Slzo of page, it by iiVt Inches.
Elaborate Cover In Gold and Color;
Highly Enameled Paper.
XlIE ; contents of the art series of tlews
above referred to consists of a selec
tion or sixtt roun photoaranhio
reproductions of the Columbian TEc
iHisltluii, and Is Invaluable aawoUaj
artistically beautiful.
., t
Outfit, consisting of samplo of book U4
of wrappluu', uialllnc and prepayment, ,
. 1
M . a
A. v I
" Ul
- v '
r-W-" -w .ij: -.
. .:-v"-ift..- AiiV. l.i fAjxJ j '. . L,. 2.& . i -w'jWi.-tkis ,