The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Wlaic Ticket.
For Judfre of thn Suprema Court,
T. L. NOIWAL, Howard.
For Regents of tho Btato University,
0. 11. MORK1LL, Lincoln.
11. L. GOULD, Kolth County.
Judicial Ticket.
For Judfje-lOtli District,
JAMES MuNENV, Red Cloud.
County Ticket.
For County Trenail ror,
J. 8. WHITE.
For County Clerk,
For Ulork District Court,
For ShorilT.
For Superintendent,
For County Judge,
8. WEST.
For Survoyor,
For Coronor,
For Supervisor District One,
E. PETEHS, Quid Rock.
For Supervisor District Two,
J. R. CIIOZIEK, Stillwater.
For Supervisor District Four,
C. O. COX, Pleasant Hill.
,For Supervisor District Five,
W. B. ROBY, Rod Cloud.
For Supfrvisor Distriot Six,
T. W. BAILEY, Bladen.
For Suporvisor Dietrict Seven,
The republican county tickot ia
worthy rour support.
The supreme court baa decided that
tha new supervisor law la constitutional
The republican atate convention re
nominated Hon Dick Nbrval for justice
of the supremo court. C. II. Morrill
and II L Gould were nominated regents
state univeraity.
The Republican City pspors glvo
Hon, Jos. McNeny, our next district
judge credit of muklng ona of the finest
apeeches delivered to tho old soldiers
during tha reunion at that placo laat
TnK republican ticket will be elected
in Webster county with good sized ma
jorities. We do not believe that the
people will genorally vote against ther
own Interest. If they want prosperity
they must vote for the republican party
and protection.
Do not be bo duped by designing peo
ple into voting agaist the Hon. James
MuNeny for district judge. He la going
to be elected and you do not want to be
on the wrong side nnywoy. He ia by far
the beat fltteod man of all the candi
dates. Vote and talk for MdNeny.
Hon. Jas. McNeny will be elected.
J. S. White will be elected.
L. II. Fart will be elected.
Jas. Burden will ba eloctod.
Jne. Runchey will be elected.
Sam West will bo elected.
W. E. Thorae will be elected.
Dr. Beck will get there.
Tun political light this full will be de
cisive and the republicans will sweep
Jbo plater clean. Tho ontiro county
ticket, along with the stato and judicial
ticket, will bo electod by decisive major
itloa. Mark the prediction. There will
be eimply an avalanche of votea to the
republican aide. People are becoming
tired of the hard times, and know full
well that the romady for them Ilea in the
.republican party.
On October Gtb, the Missouri, Kansas
and Toxaa Railway, known aa the "Katy
Line," put on their new fast train be
tween fit. Louis and points south, name
ly. Houston, Fort Scett, Dallas, Fort
-Worth, Waco and San Antonio. The
.new train will be equipped with entirely
sew vestibule care throughout, com
posed of free reclining chair cars, Wag
ner BufTot sleeping ears, and everything
tkat uiuuoy and experience cttu furnish
for passengers going to tho Great Stato
of Texas and intermedial points. The
tain will leave St. Louis at 8:20 p. m.,
arriving at Houston the second morning
at 0:30. The train will leave dally, and
will be known as tho "Katy Flyer." The
patrons of that railroad will thus have
the bouoilt of fust time and the very
beet service, with accommodating offl
olals to assist in caring for tho passen
gers to and from thn eouth,
How's Tills!
,We offer one haudred dollars reward
(or any eaae of Catarrh that e. nnot be
oared by Hall's Catarrh Care.
-F, J, GHBNEY A CO., Props. Toledo, O.
, We the undersigned, hare kaowa F. 4.
Cbeaey for the last IS years and believe
bin perfectly beaorabla in all tp oalaeea
tyusaetiena and Inanalally able to earry
oat 'any ebllgatioa made by their am.
West k TrBax,.Whoiaisla Druggists, fe
Wr p. Welding, 5 ITJnnaa .Marvla,
Wholesale Droggiats, Toledo, Ohio.
, Hall's Catarrh Care la takes internally
aetlag dlraotly npoa the blood and ma
eont snrfaees ef the system. Price, 76c,
per bottle. Bold by all draggists. Tea
timemala free.
Dr. Price's Crca'ra Baking Powoer
WorM'aPtdr lllgluot Aledalacd Dlploana.
iNu rii:.
And, with ttio Aid ! the Fire fund,
Onr fcrd Clond Holler Mills W.r.
(ireuiid to fcfcrth ,tn One Hae'e or
A kit as nd binder.
On last Monday evening, just as tho
sun bad sunk boneath the woetern hills,
bright light sprang up with oudden
liorceuess and spread its brightness over
the cannpv of heaven, in tho vicinity of
the Red Cloud Flouring Mills. The
Humes vied with each other in lapping
their serpentino tongues over, around,
mid upon evory vulnerable portion of
tho mill, with seeming determination to
swallow it up in one grand vortex of
flaming liquid. Tho soothing and hiss
ing of the itatnea were majestic as thoy
rapidly sproad forth tholr wings of des
truction, and in sixty minutes after the
fiery elements fastened their fanga upon
the structure, the 103,000 flouring mill
was razed to mother earth, nothing loft
to tell tho talo except a masa of ruins
and the basement upon which tho build
ing stood.
,IIow tho lire originated ia not known,
but thn flumes wero first noticed in the
topmost story by Mr. John Doyle's boy
wnllo milking, and, giving tho alarm, ho
drow out tho people living in that vicin
ity, who did tboir utmost to savo the
property, but to no effect, tho mill being
dry as ttndorand filled with inflammable
material, soon capitulated to tho fiery
Tho mill was located two miles south
weet of tho oity on the Republican river,
and was erected about nine years ago by
Kenyon Skeen, I FrUble, R, D. Jones
and others, and wub equipped with tho
finest milling machinery obtainable. In
addition to the mill was a large elevator
and the eloctrical lighting plant which
furnished the city of Red Cloud with
light. Tho elevator contained .1200
bushels of whout, 2400 bushels belong
ing to Geo. W. Llndxoy, valuod at about
I1G00; COO bushels belonging to Goorgo
Maynard, valuod at about $100, and
about 200 bushels belonging to Tumplo-
ten A Guthrie, which firm had juBt
leased the mill. Thero waa no insur
ance on tho wheat und therefore it waa
a total loss.
Anthony Schaefer had juat loaded a
car of boots ou tho track in front of the
mill, and the car and beet wore both
The elootric light plant cost about
112000, tho elevator and mill with con
tents about 105000.
At the time of the fire tho mill was
being put in shape to be run by the firm
of Temploton & Guthrie of Superior,
who had leased it for a number of years.
Tho dyke which had been washed out
by the spring freshet was being put
back in and overy thing looked favorable
to the resumption of the milling busi
neea in good shape before the ond of the
week, and our people felt jubilant ovor
the matter, but tho old proverb that
"man proposes and Qod disposes" waa
only repeated.
Naturally enough our peoplo feel tho
blow because It destroy ono of tho boat
and most substantial enterprises in Red
Cloud, one which will take considerable
money to replace. Wo hava not learnod
tho amount of insurance, but it will not
cover the loss whatever it may be, ns the
mill ia a total lose.
The CniKF fondly hopes that efforts
will be made to replace the mill at an
early day.
Tho Argua baa alwaya bad the credit
of being fair it nothing more with its
news, but ita account of the Naponeo
Blue Hill ball game at Red Cloud last
w eok waa a shame to the town and a
blot of very large sizo on tho truthful
ness of the paper. In the firat place tho
Naponeo players are regularly organized
and J had the same men they have been
playing all Eoaaon, all living at Maponeo
except one, while Rod Cloud had but
two players from their own town, bring
ing tho otbor seven from Blue Hill.
Then the umpire waa aa fair aa an um
pire could bo, if anything giving tho
Blue Hill fellows all doubts. Ae to the
pitchers, it was gonorally oondoded that
Naponee's was the best although ho only
fanned out ono man whllo Blue Hill's
pitcher fanned two. It was tha auporb
fielding of the latter club that won tho
game. It was a rank injustice to the
Naponeo boya who aro gentlemen and
pi ay good ball as well as to tho readors
of tho Argua to print such an account.
Such a "basely lie.' The ball players of
Red Cloud should bo ashamed of thorn
selves, too, that they are not ablo to
scare up but two men in tho whole town
that can play ball. In conversation
with the captain of the Naponeo olub
before the gamo he said, "We came
dowa to play Red Cloud but now that
they have' rung in Blue Hill on ua we
expect to be beaten but we will do the
bast we am." Taa Chuck. and.Natloa
bath had accurate accounts of tha gaaae,
but saeh lies aa the Argus sprung
will oertalaly not help much ia securing
clubs from elsewhere to play in Bed
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
AvBPoaaaaaaa' ri
' VJbbbbV oeaeeeeeeeee9eaaakSzR
Mr. Z orrtnkhmm,
8 Boilsat Once
Meted ne-ia fact 1 think ae oao aver aa.
fered mora from Impure blood. Bvarr pimple or
icrateb would spread, eoraetUnea maidnc sores
aa large as a dollar. Fourbottleaot Hood'aBax
aaparllla have thoroughly purified my blood and
pf akin li smooth aa aa lntaat's. I never fait
Salter, h. o. Tixxham, New&all, California.
Hood's?31 Cures
HateTa Pills are prompt aa eaUlant,
City Council meeting.
The city council mat Wednesday
evening, Mayor Bectley presiding. Min
utes of last meeting read and approved.
G. O. Voisor made complaint in regard
to an overcharge for water rate at storo
C. II. Potter's bill for ront, $30 con
tracted by Mayor Marsh and conlinuod
by Mayor Spanogle rofcrred to Fulton
and Kubiok.
Tho following bills woro audited and
GW Dow, coal $11 25
Wm Wolf, blucksmithing 20
J WPcgg, labor 1 00
J WPefg, labor 2 37
R B Fulton, salary 12 CO
Tho following bills were turned over
to treasuror with instruction to pay
Rosa & Rife, buulicg coal 8 55
M B McNitt, salary 3 53
J. M. Scllars, salary two months.. 80 00
E A Douglass, lu'or 1 00
Sam Saundors, labor 150
Crane & Co., eupplios 9 GO
Garlech Puoking Co 15 45
Treasurer was inetructod to prepare
report for first six monthH and fllo same
at next regular meeting of tho council.
Moved by Aldorman Martin that fol
lowing bills bo allowed. Carried.
G W Dow, salary for 1801 $100 00
W B Roby, salary fivo months. . . 41 67
R M Martin, salary for 1803 50 00
Charlea Schaffnit 50 00
C H Potter, salary 50 00
Ed Pulsipher salary 50 00
Moved and carried that water commis
sioner in all cases where two hydrants
aro on tho eamo premlsos, shall collect
for two hydrants.
Committee, Martin and Kubick, wero
appointed to inspect chimnoysand other
places llablo to cause fire.
The mayor appointod tho following
judges and clerks of olootion:
First Ward. Judges, Chna. Wienor,
W S Garbor, T J Ward. Clerks, Peter
Conover, II C Richmond.
Socond Ward. Judges, A C
Sam Temple, T W Thornburg.
F E Goble, L P Albright.
Council thon adjourned.
Orphean Quartet.
Tho Orphean Quartet was organized
last Monday night with tho following
members: Henry Clark, first tonor and
leader; Wm. Tulleys, 2d tonor and secre
tary; Geo. Morhurt, 1st bass and treas
uror; John Dickorson, 2d bass and busi
ness manager. The quartet have several
good pieces which they will go to work
on at once, and in a short timo with a
littlo practice thoy will be aa good a quar
tet as tho majority of tho college quar
tets that travel during tboir vacation,
This quartet will make thoir first ap
pearanco in un entortainmont to be
given by tho Christian Endeavor society
of the Christian church eomo timo next
week. Watch for tho date
If yonr child is puny, fretful, troubled
with glandular swellings, inflamod eyes,
or sores on the hoad, face, or body, a
eenrsa of Ayer'a Barsaparilla is needed to
expel the scrofulous humors from the
blood. The sooner yon begla to give
this mediolne tho better.
Judicial Convention.
Tho democratic olectora of tho various
counties comprising tho loth judicial
district of Nebraska, are roquestod to
send delegates to a convention to meet
at Holdrege, Nebraska, Tuesday, Octo
ber 8, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m. for tho pur
pose of placing in nomination a demo
cratic candidate for district judge.
Counties will be entitled to representa
tion as follows:
Adama 7 I Kearney, 4
Franklin 4 Pholps 3
Harlan , 3 Webster 5
U. B. Walquist, Chmn.
Dan E. Sullivan, Sec.
JwsUaUU CoMRTeatloB.
The demopratio' electors of t Webster
county, Nebraska,, will meet in conve'n
vion at the court house, Saturday, Oc
tober Sth, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing five delegates to the dis
trict convention to be held at Holdrege,
Nebraska, Tuesday, Octobor 8th, 1805.
T. J. Wakd, Chairman.
JBrlck for Sale.
20,000 brick for sale at reasonable
prices. O. B. Crone.
M. X. HOTKfl. t -
Ploaso don't forgot. Sorvices w'ill be
gin thirty minutes earlier in the even
;lng. League devotional mooting at C:30,
preaching at 7:30.
Would it not bo holprul to ua In our
work if the social department would ar
range for a social aome of thesa lovely
Wonder if all tho peoplo would not
enjoy a literary program now if the head
of this department would favor with an
Tho evenings nro growing longer now.
A careful reading of the Horald will
bring new llfo to tho league.
It is belloved by many that tho Ep
worth Horald goes far toward makiug a
league a power for good.
Let overy Epworthian show tho sup
enntondont of tho Sunday school how
much they appreciate the Sunday schcol
by being prompt and assisting In song
and in overy way.
November Stli.
In theeo days of drouth and suffering
Pops are soon of all descriptions
Pops that live out in the country,
Pops that live out in tho township,
Pops that live horo in tho city,
Pops that don't know where thoy do
Hunting for some county offico,
Aro theso pops of all descriptions.
District judgo F. B, Boall would bo,
But we hardly think ho can be.
There's a man called James McNeny
Who will fill that placo next session,
Fill it as it ne'or has boen filled,
Fill It as a good man ought to,
Rendoring only just decisions,
Will this man called Jamoa McNeny.
Next November, on the fifth day,
Will be counted votea that tell us
That Judgo Beall must stay In Hast
Stay up there or go to Alma;
For he suro will go up Suit creek
With the balance of the ticket.
All the pops will go up this yoar,
On the fifth of next November.
Whito will also bo next treasurer
Of this great and glorious county;
Fort will still rotain his office,
And Jud Bailey still mako abstracts;
Burden will aure be elected,
In spite of his "Stout" opponent;
Funk will bo dead as n door nail
On tho fifth of next November.
Runcboy euro will beat Bud Norris
For tho offico of tho sheriff,
Sheriff of this glorious county;
Hunter, too, will "do'' McCrary,
And be county superintendent.
All our men will be olectad
Juat as sure as such things can be,
On tho fifth of next November.
West will boat our old friend Duffy,
Ana won't go Tar "west" to do it;
He will be judge of this county
When November's votes are counted.
Baylos, too, will be defeated,
Dr. Beck will do (t easily,
And will be our county coroner
When the votes have told thoir story.
F. A, Kuebn will bo defeated,
As will the balance of the ticket;
Thorno will bo elected largely,
Be surveyor of this county.
Now if you will just remembor
What we've said ubout olection,
You will find thete things aro all true
On the 5th of next November.
Republican Caucus.
The republican voters of the 1st and
2d wurds of the oily of Red Cloud will
meet in joint caucus at the fireman's
hall Monday ovening October 7th, at
7:30 p. m., for tho purposo of putting in
nomination candidates for the following
ufliccB-. Assessor, justice of the peaco,
constables and judges and clorks of elec
tion, ana attend to such other business
as may como before tho meeting.
W. B. Roiiy, Co,n '
Lumbago, pain in Joints or back, brlok dust In
nrino, frequent calls. Irritation, Inflammation,
travel, uloeratlon or catarrh of tho bladder.
Disordered Liver
nilloiwnfm, headache. Indigestion or rout.
WAMaBOOT invigorates, cures kidney
dlfflcuKlwe, Bright' dtecaso, urinary troubles.
Impure Blood
Scrofula. aialaria.Bcncralwcnkneasordcbmty.
ajwaaap-Hoot builds up nulokly a run dowa
constitution and makes tho weak strong-.
At BrRKglata 50 centa and f 1.00 Mso.
"iaradidy QoM to UmIUV Km. "-ittaBia baa.
OB. Kiuikk tc Co.. niNUPAMTOti. N. T.
you desire to aaakol
- n ,
Make your meaey earn you a menthlr talsrr'.
110.00 und more mada'dally by"our new bjs
tlmatle Operatlen an small lavettmeota
In Krai u aud slack spec ulittloo.
All we ask Is to Investigate our new and ori
ginal methods. 1'ast worklusa o( plan and
highest references furnished. Our neoktet
Taints & Illnti" how to make money and
other Infarm ttlou sent l'Ul'.K.
amioiiKK Co., Iltnkera und Itro'ra.v
0it;ii UaHrd ot Trade IlWfr., Cuteaao, 111.
Dry M
ear feofofl
Is now on in Full Swing.
It will pay you to make your iall purchases
now. Special bargains in
Dress Goods.
Calicoes, 53I
Ginghams, 7ffi
Outing Flannels,
Table Linens,
Shirtings, Flannels,
Pants .Cloths. Muslins,
Shoes, Demins,
Satubday Morning, Oct. 5th,
We place on sale all all our New Fall Dress Goods at a
Cash Discount of 10 per cent, continuing.tlie Bale
all through fair wek. As they are all marked
at specially low pr icesthie gives you an oppor
tunity to purchase your Fall Dress Goods at a
very low price. v
Geo. A.Ducker & Co.
Our twelre days special tale continues all next week.
The management guarantees to entertain you as
You have nerer been entertained Before.
We promise to do our part.
To the first five families of not more
than five adult members, who live
five miles or more from Red
Cloud, who are first to do trading
at our store to the amount of $5
or more on either davs of the
fair, viz:
October 10th, 11th and 12th,
we will furnish free tickets of ad
mission to the fair. We will
accept cash or produce. While
in the city we invite every visitor
to call and make our store head
quarters and carry away some of
our bargains in Lamps. Queens
wareQlasswar.e, Groceries, Etc,
Yours Truly,
Shea & Tumuije BroP-
Red Cloud, Nebraska,
and Mittens