The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1895, Image 1

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4sW, -- aCaaaaaaaaaaaaai PWI I I ' - - -H -1 H -r -:r-i.- -- w-,.. .... i. .-. -. Ann.-. .
All Home Print.
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1 R8h yfy3.
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Walter Cox was home Sunday.
II. DiceUrich and wifo visittd O.
W. Baker Tuesday,
Mr?. Kinuoy was in Bed Cloud Sat
urday tho guest of Mrs. Frase.
Mrs. Magie of Nebraska Oily is vis
iting Iter nephews tho Saladcn broth
ers. John and Joo Saladon left for the
eastern part of tho stato with unions
ajrMis Susio Bal;or was choted ehor-
Vi the Auibiiy lioir.
A. T-rrill wmm in Amboy Sunday.
.'.Irs. Willis iiiid Anna Baker were
Amboy callers Sunday.
Charles Frisbic has his new addition
alinnht finished. ,
Mrs. Emma Bakar and son also Mr
J. J. Bakor of West Branoh, Iowa,
was visiting thoir unolt G. W. Baker
Jcsdio Oookrcll is visiting in Bluo
t Alta Sakcr is visitinng in Bed
On Satuday ovoning, Sopt. 28, Mr.
and Mrs. Q. M. Warner noar Guide
ftook entertained quito a number of
Amboy young people. The evening
was spout with musio and Boeial games
until 11:30 when refreshments were
.announced and after which the young
people returned home rojoioing ovor
tho pluaiant evening, all rtgreting
that it was so short.
Miss Gertie Brown was in Amboy
G. W. Bakor has lost quito a num
ber of onions on aooount of the wet
U. L. Lewis was visiting in Red
Cloud Friday.
Hall's TTair Ronewer renders the hair
lustrons and s lkeu, gives It an an ertn
olor, and enables women to put it up in
a great variety of styles.
Fino rain Saturday and Sunday.
Drilling whoat is tho orier of tho
Will Crozler mado a business trip
to Red Cloud Wodassday.
Miss Nottio Fishol returned to hor
homo at Douglas", Otoo oouoty, last
Tbo Cowlea Christian Endeavor
disappointed tho Eokly league last
Sunday evening but hope they will
not do bo again.
George Mottor started last week te
Dairy's mill to fire an eagino this
r,Eho young people of Eokly gave
( xMr. and Mrs. David Fishel a very
' ploasaat soronado Friday ovening.
I Mr. Isom is on tho slok list.
'p Ar. Price's Cream Oddag Powder
ft Worid'i llr Highest Award.
Them People
Won't Take This
oap-They Want
Everybody wants SANTA ClAOS
Soap who knows the goodness of
it. Try it once and you will refuse
all other kinds, too. Sold every
where. Mode only by
Mr. Serivner got defeated in getting
tho nomination for sheriff in the eon
vontion at Smith Centro last Saturday
Mr. Clements secmid to bo the ohoioe
of the convention.
Mr. Malnoy took n flying trip to
York county Monday morning on bus
Mips Dolly Davis iy somo better.
Mrs. York is getting Hlong fino.
Some of tho farmers uro cribbing
Mrs. 0. W. Barrett is still quite
Almost everybody wint to Lebanon
last Tuesday to attend the anniver
Elder Haskins preached Mrs. Mag
gie Grewclli funeral sormon last Sun
day to a crowded house.
U. 0. G.
"Last night,' said a traveling man, "I
should have mid my train and lost an
eutlro day but for a little information
noticed in the Rand-MoNally (laid,
will never be wlthont it statu."
Willow Crook.
S. Bruner haBa great deal of fruit
this year consisting ot apples, peaobes
and plums.
Ben Bruner has been out in Fur
nace eounty this state plowing and
putting fall whoat in for his brother-in-law.
He say the oorn is quit e
good out there.
WGaylord Wilder has gouo to Kan
sas to work.
Ilonry Brubakor and wifo started
for Missouri last Saturday.
Mrs. Minnie Jones has gono to Red
Cloud to livo with her parents.
Frank Bailoy and family have gono
to Kansas.
Miss Nau ef Blue Hill is teaohing
tho Willow creek sohool and she is
giving good satisfaction to pupils and
Bro. Blaekwoll and family will
soon move to Red Cloud. Wo are
torry to loso him. but our loss is Red
Cloud's gain,
Ed Lewis and family will move to
Iowa soon.
Warren Edson has been, visiting at
Mr. Adamsona tho past week.
A, N. Godwin has gone to Texas to
look at the oountry.
One of T. G. Wilder's old comrades
called at the Wildor ranoh last Satur
day, Thoy had not met for 2G years.
He west en to Red Cloud.
''For several months, I was troubled
with a persistent humar on my head
whiohgave me considerable annoyance,
nntU it ooourred to me to try Ayer'a Hair
Vigor. Before using one bottle the bu
rner was heated," T. T. Adams, General
Merchant, Tarberlllt, Va. ' '
Red Cloud, Webster County,
' ' -' " ..-...- - ' ' " MV --J
J. W. Wratton was U Rod Cloud
C. C. Stout was looking up votes at
Bluo Hill Thursday.
W. E. Thorn attondod tho republi
can convention at Lincoln.
Mrs. Cash Kicth of Iloldrojo is
visiting friends in this vieinity.
W. A. Shottcnkirk of Bluo Hill
was in this city Tuesday.
Rev. Tyson ofLincoln prcaohed in
the Baptist church Tuesday ovening.
James Burden and L. E. Spcnoc
wcro transacting business in Campbell
S. J. Wborlor has his houso ready
for the plasterers who will begin work
this week.
Mr, Funk ot Rosomont was consult
ing his populist friends in this vioin
lty Tuesday.
Mrs. Strieker with her son and
daughter aro visiting with friends in
Salino county.
Sobool was closed on tho day of the
picnio which gave the ohildrcn an op
portunity to attend.
Kimsoy Martia and William Garri
son of Bluo Hill attondod the M. W.
A. lodgo in thittoity Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mis. Day of lied Cloud at
tended the picnic and visited with
their daughter who is teaohing school
in this city.
A gentleman from Davenport. Neb.,
was iu this city n couplo of days in
the interest ef tho Contral Building
& Loan Association of Lincoln.
Druggist Hicks drovo to Red Cloud
Friday evening to moot Mrs. II. who
oamo in on tho train from St. Joo, Mo.
whoro she has btuu visiting friends.
A littlo sorap took plaoo in town
Sunday in which no of our merchants
used a ropo with a swivol on tho end
of it over tho head of a fellow from
Campbell formerly from Bladea who
owes nearly all tho merchants in town
and who makes it a point to cuss them
and oall thorn harder names than thoy
are willing to stand. Tbo thrashing
he got served him right as tho police
officer said.
Tho A. 0. U. W. aad G. A. R. pic
nio on last Wednesday was well at
tended and the crowd seemed toonjoy
themsolves talking ovor old times and
tho 'crop prospect and listening to tho
musio and tho speakers. Captain
Henry made two very interesting
spaoohes. Dinnor mado every ono
smilo for thoro was a groat spread of
youag chicken, pios," cakes, etc,
Jas. Gillham of Red Cloud talked very
earnestly in regard to the geod work
being done by the A. 0. U. W. lodgo.
Raadoph McNitt mado a few vory in
teresting remarks on the A. 0. U. W.
as viewed by an outsider. Judge Boal
addroBicd his remarks to the old sol
diers, Music was furnished by tho
Bluo Hill band and the Bladou choir
after listening to tho speakers and
tha musio and filling up on ice cream
and watermelon and button-holed by
a few of tho politicians who woro
there, tho ball game waB called but
for some mason the boys from Cowlcs
did not show up but Bladen has hust
lers and thoy soon had a mixed nino
from Cowlcs, Red Cloud aad Bluo
Hill and wo had a fair gamo aftor all
aad lota of sport. As it was a warm
day Runohoy of Red Cloud would
rather be fanned than run. Kid Ben
net was the only bey to make a home
run Runohoy aad one of tho Blue
Hill boys mado a double play for a fly
ball and it was hard to till whieh
rolled tho farthest the ball or tbo boys.'
So tho game aad sport went on until
the score stood 17 to 20 favor of
Bladen. After bidding ono und an
other goob-bye they took their depart
ure for their respective homes,
.. -saw i'Tl ii'i'iwarw .
. '?; iVifir Tfflii '-" " '"'" '''"'' ! '. pyHprc : - . .I'liA
Neb., Friday, October
Mr and Mrs. Ayers cxpeit to move
to Ititvalu agniu iu a short time It
is hard to keep them away very long.
Mr. anuMrs. Arthur Davit, Mrs,
Sudio Ileldrcdgo and Mn. Kvnjvn
went attending tho Franklin county
fair lust week.
Dr. WaUoo, our energetic and pop
ular youns physician, in visiting in
ttovtrioo this week tho home of hit
Pref. McCrury was a visitor in tins
part of tho county last work. Tho
Prof, has many fnonds atound here
who are alwajs glaa to soc him.
The smiling and benign onunto
nanoo ef Riohmond tho (plauidious"
was Been on our streets Sunday eve
ning and ho was not alono cither.
Miss Florenco S,iwtemnd Mr. John
Bonnolt, two of Inaval"'s young peo
ple who uro attending thn Franklin
academy wcro homo over Saturday und
Sunday thii week.
G. W. Knight is attending the
state convention at Liicoln this weak,
Ho is also visiting friends ia that
part of tho stato a few dny.
Nick Ladd returned from Chicago
last wock bringing somo now and
handsome furnituro with him and will
soon move into his new dwelling as it
is noarly completed.
Shcrlfl Runohoy onmo up ono day
last week and allowed himsolf to be
badly soooprd playing checkers ia our
villiago., But thea tho sheriff is no
"groat shakos" on checkers anyway.
Messrs. Randolph McNitt and Ber
nard McNony wcro Inayalo visitors
Sunday evening and W. N. Richard
son and James McNiny Sunday Morn
ing. Old Plaoidions enino in bctwoan
times. .
Lowis Celluloid Olmsted and Sid
ney Epbriham Woolcott wont ovor in
to KanRas last woek after peaches.
Thoy wcro gone threo days and
brought back six bushels of littlo
measly things about like marbles.
But thoy report a good timo.
Another girl arrived at tho home of
William Fitzrey Rinklo last Friday.
Bill didn't fall over hitnsolf to any
great extont liko a now father would.
Although glad enough to sco ithohaB
gotton over such foolishness. This
makes the eighth.
Several changes havo taken place in
dwellers rooontly. Almost too many
to nolo, for initanos Mr. Ward will
movo into tho houso recently vacated
by Mr. Hiokey, Mr. Bibby into the
one vaoatcd by Potcr Peters, Moses
Konyon into Philo Eddy's dwolling
and but I forboar from mentioning
further as the eouplo aro aet yot mar
ried and it's a Mead secret between
Bosmer and I.
Two Rod Clou'd young ladies camo
up visiting friends around hero and
stayiag rather Into in the ovoning
woro afraid te go home alone so pur-
suadod an Inavalo gallant to aooom-
pany them. Tho story of tho trip Is
untold but tho gallant's toam and
buggy camo in in pieces. It is said
that the wreck ooourred after the
girls wero safely housed at homo and
it is aooountcd for by tho yonng man
being in a transport of joy at gottiag
safely away from thorn.
Herbert Luoe, son of L, II. Luce,
has arrived with his family from
Shelton and will fara his father's
placo tho coming tear. He has seme
to tho conclusion that farming paya
better than taking pioturei and I
guoss it dees. B. O. K,
No one exports to carry everything
with him when he dies but Red Oleud
expects to seo evorybody at tho fair and
will offer all the hospitality to visitors
that can bo afforded in any city of groat
or pretentions.
4, 1895
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Dr. MoKcoky was in this vicinity
A. Eriokxon sold several head of
cattlo Tursuuj.
Born on Satuiday last to Mr. and
Mrs. Rinkle a gill.
Chris Jonsin of Cowles was in our
locality Sodav.
S, Lindsoy sold twnnty-ono head ef
cattlo to "Mr. Cantor last week.
A daughter of Mr. and Mr. Reunds
ffiitn Iowa is hero viaiiing.
Tho blnok pony drfoatcd the sorrel
pony in a raco last Saturday,
Mr. Myers und wife of Inuvalc woro
V siting .it W. Palmer's Susday.
Several of our neighbors attended
the big sale of horses at Hivcrton last
Emery Bean and family wnn visit
ing with 0. F. Kclluy on KfrnmV
creek on Sunday.
Andrew Anderson mid family from
Iowa aro hero vUiting his fathtr. A.
Anderson.- .
Mr. Marion and wifo from near Ina
valo wcro in our neighborhood visiting
tho first of tho week.
On Saturday of last weok Mrs.
Wiseearvor presented her husband
with' a nice girl baby. Cigars Jack,
Miss Lizzie Marker and Miss Mil
dred McCall of Otto were visiting at
Holstino the lattur pnrt of last woek.
J. B. Wiscarver and Sum Lindsay
wcro buying cattlo and transacting
other business at Campbell luot Fri
day. Mrs. Ford Robinsoa and Miss Liz
zio Robiason of Chicago, whe have
been here visiting for soyeral weeks
the guests of Mrs. A. N. Wilson, re
turned te their home Friday.
A Very Prevalent Disease Fol
lowing the Hot gunner
of 105.
Tho eantinuanoo of hot and dry
weather is suro to produoo the ptuva-
lenoo of chronic malaria. Tho past
summer has Locn exaotly suitable for
tho production of a groat deal of ma
laria. Evon in localities whero ma
laria has beon previously unknown
many oasoa of malaria are developed.
This form of malaria is distinguished
from tho old-fashionod foyer and ague
by the insldiousnosa of its attack and
tho difficulty with wbioh ia is eurod.
It dooa not oomo on quiokly, liko
ohills and fovor. Tho symptoms pos
ter and provoko sometimes for several
weoks boforo tho pa'tiont is made eiok
onough to tako medioino.
Slight, chilly sonsations, cold,
sweaty spells, frontal hcadacho, bil-
iousnoss, furred tongue, bad t.sto InW'V'&SZ
the mouth, sticky muoous in. the
throat, constipation, languor, etc.
A medical treatiso en ohronio mal
aria will be sont free by the Pe-ru-na
Drug Manufacturing Company of
Cekambus, Ohio. This book is a com
plete guido to tho proventioa and
cure of malaria in its various forms.
Pe-ru-na has long since bee rocog
nizod as tho only infallible oure for
tbo ohronio form of malaria, Whilo
quiuine has beoomo the standard rem
edy for aouto malaria, oommonly oall
od fovor and aguo, many poople havo
found by. bittor oxporienco that it will
not euro tho ohronio form, Po-ru-na
our' s theso cases promptly and per
Vol. 23 No. 40
IMclloiuii'jr or IHsronteiit.
Science, dour Lady Hotly, has dimin
ished hope, ltnowltclgo destroyed our II
ltislonR, anil oxporinnco litis doprived ua
of Interest. Here, then, in tho author
ized dictionary of tllseontont:
What is urontiiin ? A fullure.
Whut is lifu ? A boro.
Whut is muii ? A fraud.
What is woman ? llotli a fraud and a
What is beauty f A docoption.
What is Ioto ? A dlDoaoo.
Whnt is marringo ? A misUiUo.
Whut Is n wifo r A trial.
What iu u child ? A miisuuco.
Whut is tho dovll r A fublo.
Whut is good y Hypocrisy.
What la evil? Dotection.
What In wisdom 1 Selflshnoss.
What isIinppluosB? A (IcIubIoii.
Whut Is friendship Y A humbug.
Whut is generosity ? Imbecility. " '
What is uiouoy ? Everything.
And what is everything? Nothing.
If your children nro milijcoi to oroup
wntoh for the that symptom of the dis
c.iflohornss. If Chamberlain's
Congh Remedy (a glvsn as aoon as the
child tieooMea home it will prersut the
attack. Even after the eroupy oongh
has appsured tho ntttmk euu alwaya be
prevented by giving this rtmsdy. It is
also invalaublu for colds end whooping
congh. For suU by Drjo A Oriee.
Mootliiir oftloiitfroNn American.
Ileitis, Mexico 'lty, Mexico,
, October 15 to !20, 105.;
Agoiits may soil round trip ticket
Octobor 7 to 10 inclusive and limit for
return to thirty dayu from date ol salo.
Transit limits will bo continuous pas
sage in oach direction, going limit to
begin on date ot snlo.
No etopovors will be nllowcd on, B. &
M. lines, but beyond our linos stop'overs
aro subject to local regulations.
With two little children snbjeot to
oroup we do not rest easy without a bet
tlo ef Ghainbcrluln'u Congh Remedy in
the heuse, fer the most ssvore attacks
quiokly saeonmb to n few doses of It. v
Morrisen, Colo., Bad. Fer sale at 25 and
SO oents per bottle by Deyo & Grloe
Report of school taught in Distriot 21
Webster county for, month ondlng Sep
tember 27, 1885, Number ot pupils ca
rolled 22; uverugo daily attondanco, 19.
Tho following pupils wore not absent
during tho month, Lulu Rose, Pearl
Hines. Cbnrlic llarphum, Erneat Ilines,
Eddio Nelson, Cecil Rose, Marion Rose,.
-Lolu O. Barber, Teacher.
No mystery about it. When tho Shak
ers offered aomo time ago to give away a
bettU r their Digestive Cardial to any
one whe might call at their New York
efilee, there was a great ruh and a great
many people thought they wore erasy.
Sahsaqnent eventa prove it to have bean '
a very oltiver adTertliing transaction, for
although they gave away thonaanda of
bottles, it was in the end profitable; aaar-
v every ene that took a free battle oame
ure, saying they hud derived better re-
nlte from its use than from any other
medicine thoy had ever used. There is
nething ao cniformly Mieoesatal iu the
treatment of atomaoh tronblea as the
Shaksr Dlgeatlve Cordial nod what is
better than all It relieves at onoe.
LAXOL, the new foraa of Castor Oil ia
so palatable that ehildren liek the spoea
There) ! 9:40, or Better, at
tho Fair.
0 bushels good corn, or 14 bushels
best wheat or 2 bushele 2d grade, or 10
bushels of oats, delivered to J. O. But
ler's, Red Cloud, Uny time before Oct,
1Kb, will pay for a season ticket for
yeur whale family under fifteen years ot
age, including privilege ot dirivlng team
in the fulr grounds, eto.
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