The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 27, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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15 "f
If E
Pain In tho Bnck
Joints or Mr, sediment In urinollko brick-dust
frequent cnlls or retention, rheumatism.
Kidney Complaint
Diabetes, dropsy, scanty or high colored urlno.
Urinary Troubles
Btlnfriwr sensations when voiding, distress pros
tore In tho parts, urethral Irrltntlon, stricture.
Disordered Liver
Bloat or dark circles under tho eyes, tongue
ooa tod, constipation, yellowish eyeballs.
At Druggists, SO corn, and $1.00 else.
"lnnUdt' Ouldo to Health" fm-OonulUUon free.
Da. Ktuicn tc C. BiNotuuTON, N. Y.
Tho republicans of Inavale township
will meet nt tho Konyon hardware store
in Inavale, nt 1 p. m Oct. 0, 1805, for
tho purposes of nominating township
offlcors, and attending to any other bus),
nose that may coino boforo the caucus.
Win. P. Ronkol,
There will be a meeting of tho repub
lican voters of Gaiilold township at tho
Wagoner Echoolhouoo at 7 p. m October
3d, 1805, for the parposo of nominating
township officers -and ottonding to such
ther business as may como bofore tho
caucus. J. S. Slratton,
Tho republican doctors of Lino town
ship will cueet in caucus at tho Kuehn
school-houBo, on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1895,
at 2 p. u, for tho purposo of nominat
ing township ofllcers, and for tho tran
saction of ouch other buninoBB as mny
come before tho caucus.
Jos. Saladen,
There will boa mooting of tho repub
lican voters of died Cloud township nt
tho court-house in Red Cloud, Saturday
Oct. 5th, 181)5, tit 2 p. m., for tho pur
poso of nominating township ofllcers
and transacting such othor business as
may come boforo tho caucus.
Porter iledgo,
Tbers 1 :40, or IlctUr,
llto Fair.
G bushels good corn, or i bushels
best wheat or 2 bushels 2d tirade, or 10
bushels of oats, delivered to J. O. But
ler's, lied Cloud, any timo before Oct.
10th, will pay for a eoaaon ticket for
your whole family under fifteen years of
age, including privili've of diriviug team
in tho fair grounds, eto.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Doubtful Sympathy.
Pat Regan had u fnco on him that, na
ho had onto remarked himsolf, 'was nu
"offhiBo to thoflandscnpo. " Next to Ids
homeliness his poverty was tho mast
conspicuous part of him. An Irish neigh
bor mot him recently, when tho follow
ing colloquy ensued :
"An how are yo, Pat?"
"Moightyhiul, intoiroly. It'sshtarva
tiou that's shtarln mo in tho face."
"Is that so? Suro, nu it can't bo very
pleasant for ay ther of yoz." Montana
A Patriot'. DlniMir.
Marion, tho American Revolutionary
general, onco foustcd an English ofllcer
on sweet potatoes hakod in tho flro by a
darky mid nerved on n htrip of bark,
With' a log for .a tnblo. It is snid that
tho officer resigned and went homo, May
ing it was no use to try to conquor poo
plo who could live on sweet potatoes.
Deliberate treachery entails punish
ment upou tho traitor. Thcro is no pos
sibility of escaping it, oven in tho high
est rank to which tho consent of society
can exalt tho meanest and tho worst of
jnen. Junius.
Thcro in ono instrument that no clover
woman has over learned to play, and
that is n second fiddle.
Mrs, David JUggtr
Chills and Fever
tet me emaciated, with distressing cough, no
appetite, pain tn chest, shoulder, back and
Hood's Cures
Stomach, four bottles of Hood's Bsrsaparllla
ave ran jMrongth, Rood appetite and health.
Mum. Paviv iluuiEu, Wilcox, Nebraska.
Mtfft'pjrXfr wla new frltmU UsU
Ult-lTOltlAJi notks.
Vote tho republican ticket and be In
the procession.
Tnr. state republican convention will
bo held In Lincoln October 2d, 18W.
Hkmemdeu that tho ropubllcnn county
supervisors ohould be elootod this fall.
Lot's have n change.
Jack Fkoht mndehlBapponrancoSun
day night. Ico froze in vepsels standing
out doors, nnd snow fell In Colorado
nnd nerthorn states.
The ropubllcnn party la tho ono of
proeporltv. Do not fool your timo nway
by following after strungo goda, because
in the ond thoy wilt bring you nothing
but disaster.
'flirt Uoavor Valley Tribuno is eix
years old, and boars ovidonco of a long
llfo and abundant prosperity, it Is one
of our very best exchanges, Tho pro
prietors ought to live and prosper a
thousand years.
V. II. Scuivner of Smith county,
KnnstiB, is a candidato before tho repub
lican convention of that county for
sheriff. Mr. Scrivnor would tnako an
oxcellont offlcors, and tho convention
could do no better, as Mr. S. is n solid
Tub Council lilufTu Nonpareil will
tnovo to Omaha October 1st, nnd become
a solid republican organ. Kosawatcrism
will take u back seat whon that occurs.
Tho now papor is already a success, and,
undor the now management and change
of location, will bo bettor than ever.
The republican county ticket will get
through from 100 to 2T0 majority this
fall. The opposition will not elect a
roan. Now is the timo to get on the
band wagon nnd, by voting the republi
can ticket, help bring about a gigantic
republican victory, which will mean a
return to prosperity as soon as tho re
publicans got possession of the govern
ment in '90.
The supremo court has docidod that
wator cannot bo taken out of streams
for irrigation to tho injury of milling
rights, without first appraising thedam
nge and paying for it, tho eamo as rail
roads have to in condemning property
for right of way. The docision is u
proper one,, or elso n great damage
would be entailed opon persons who
hold riparian rights.
The democratic party has for more
than three-fourths of a century boon
telling tho pooplo that froo tr'ado would
bo tho great bonanza for Amoricans.
They cried chnngo nnd wo got tho
change, even to having no change in our
pockets. Tho democratic party, in ad
vancing freo trado and reducing tjio
tariff where it was neodod and increas
ing it whero it was not needed, haa al
most bankrupted the national treasury
and has given tho nation the hardest
times known for forty years or more.
Their policy has boon to holp enrich tho
foreign laborer to tho detrimont of the
Amorican workingman, Any party
tinged with free tradism la not fitted to
control tho government's financial pol
icy. The Hon. Jas. MoNeny will carry this
judicial district by a substantial major
ity, notwithstanding that a vigorous and
unprincipled tight is boing wagod against
him. There is not a man in the district
who can fill the oillco f district judge
better than ho, and tho roports from all
over the district como in favorably. Ho
will receive a splendid majority in
Adams county, nnd in Webster, Frank
lin, FurnaB, and in Pholps and Kearney
counties. This is an important election,
and republicans should romembor that
his elootion meuns that the district will
go ropublican in '00. Tho opposition
is oiroulating some vory indiscreet false
hoods about him, but they will rebound
on tho heads of thoso who aro tolling
them, Voto for McNeny and cloar the
bench of favoritism.
WriAT the country needs moro than
froo silver is protection. What is need
ed is that the whoela of our industries
over the country bo put in motion, and
tho workingman given a chanco to earn
a living. With them at work, drawing
good salaries, tho prico cf products
would advance, bocnuso thero would be
a greater demand for them on account
of tho increased consumption of nil
such products. With n high protective
tariff would como prosperity ull along
tho line, and the idle mon would bo
given a chanco to work; then capital
wonld seek now Holds of investment and
money would bo plentiful. A man hot
ter pay twonty canto for a yard of calico
and got 82(H) per day than to be able to
buy tho yard for ono cent and bo with
out labor ton months in tho year, Olvo
us protection and there will be no de
mand for change of our tlmincial econo
my. What tho pcoplo want is labor and
then tho Units will right thomsolvos
without further ceremony.
Did you svur think that yea cannot
have good health without pure blood?
Health oomss by U;e ono of Hood's Sar
apar.lla booausa it snakes the blood pure.
Hood's Pills have weu high praise for
their prompt and tflioisat yet easy aotlon.
The Webster county agricultural so
ciety want the best efforts of every resi
dent in the county.
John Barkloy and family have gono
to Iowa,
J. Wratton of Blaeon was in the city
this week.
Tho A, O. U. W. plcnio at Bladen was
b hummer.
Mrs. D. F, Scammon is on tho sick
Hot this woek.
Custom Milling n specialty. Temple
ton fc Guthrie.
Amos Cowdon is visiting in Logan,
Kansas, this weok.
D. J. Judoon is out again, after two or
threo weeks' illness.
Sam'l West, tho noxt county judgo,
was in Dladon this weok.
A comploto new lino of wnll papor at
Taylor's at bottom prices.
Charloy Miller of Oscoolu, Iowo, is
visiting his undo, A. II, Kuloy.
Stowart Albright attended A. O. U.
W. picnic in Bladon this woek.
Are shoes advancing? Road A. II
Kaloy's ad at the hsad of locals.
Ed Hilton and Potor Merten of Blue
Hill wero in Red Cloud this weok.
Tho mothor of II. W. Gulllford, of
Decatur, 111., is visiting in tho city.
Mrs. F. E. Wilsin of Donver is tho
guest ot Mrs. O. D. Robinson this woek.
Jas. Anderson, one of our prosperous
farmers, is in Omaha this woek on busi
ness. We buy ail kinds ot grain. Tern
pletou & Guthrie, Red Cloud Flouring
Jetse J. Baker, of West Branch, Iown,
is visiting his brother, J. H. Baker, this
Geo. Whito of North Platto, Nob., and
P. B. Wallor of Inavale ware in Rod
Cloud this weok.
Joe Garber is minus a horse and sad
dle that somo fellow appropriated when
Joo was not around.
Amos Cowdon says ho has a pain. He
wouldn't toll us what about, but we
think it's too much water molon.
Mrs. Homer Baker nnd son aro visit
ing with the family of J. H. Baker this
woek. They aro from West Branch, I a.
Charley Hunter, tho enterprising cut
tle dealer of Inavale, was in the hub
this week, accompanied by his wife and
Mrs. Koayon.
Geo. Blair intends opening a tinning
shop in tho oity within it week or two.
Mr. Blair is an experienced and compe
tent workman.
Mrs. Delahoydo and son of Bluo Hill
wero tho guests of Mrs. J. S. White this
woek. Thoy woro en route for Misso uri
on a short visit.
Mr. E. V. Robinson nnd wife, ot Hast
ings, parents of Deputy Treasurer Rob
inson and N. E. Robinson, are visiting
in tho city this weok.
At a mooting ot Red Cloud Lodgo No.
00, A. O. U. W., Oscar Teel was elected
recordor to till tho vacaoy caused by the
resignation of Al Galusba.
Go to W. W. Wright's, the cheapest
headquarters in the valloy for heating,
cooking, and all kinds ot stovos. They
havo them in great variety.
No matter how busy you may be you
can afford to spend a littlo timo this
year and lay everything asido for gon
er al recreation at the fair.
Tho judicial democratic convention,
for tho 10th district, will be hold at
Holdrego October 8th, 1895. Webstor
county is entitled to five delegatos.
Farmers, merchants, mechanics, and
professional men generally will assist in
making up the programrao of ammuBe
tnonts, instruction and antortainmont.
It will be soon by the M. E. Confor
enco appointments that Rev. J. K. Max
field has boon returned to Red Cloud.
This will bo generally approved by his
wane a iamuy or emigrants ware
oamped near Fremont, the wife was
dangerously wounded in the side, a shot
gun being accidentally discharged by
tho husband. Thoy woro onroute from
Dos Moinos, la., to Red Cloud.
Buy your goods at home. Some poo
pie in Red Cloud thought they could
mako monoy by buying dry goods away
from homo. Thoy paid from Co cents to
91.50 more for goods in Omaha than
thoy wore sold for in Red Cloud, nnd
wore astounded to find that thoy had
been dupod by Omaha people. Trade
nt homo and koop your money hero.
Every farmer within n radius of ton
miles ot Rod Cloud should subsoil from
a half aero to an ncro ot land this fall
for tho purpose ot raising sugar boots.
Tho seed will bo forthcoming. This is a
matter ot much moment to tho tnrmerB,
us it has beon fully demonstrated that
sugar beets can be raised in Nebraska
whon overy other product fails. Sugar
beets aro oxcollont feed it yon do not
caro to raiso them for tho factory, nnd
for that roason tarmors should put in
small patches. Boots cuu ho raisod at a
great profit after one or two years' ex
perience. 'For years," says Capt. O, Mnellor, "I
have rilled saere apoa Ajer's Fills than
anylhlag olso in the medleine chest, to
regulate my bowels, and thesje of the
ship's crew. These pills are not severe
in tholr astion bat do their work
Diod, on Friday, September 20th, nt
her home in Smith county, Kansas, nino
miles southwest ot Rod Cloud. Mrs. Dan
Growell, after an illness of two weeks.
Sho leaves n hoart-broken husband and
threo small children .to mourn hor lose.
Sho was a devout christian woman, nnd
a membor of tho United Brethren
church, nnd also n membor ot tho Ep
worth Loaguo of this placo. In tho
death of Sister Growell, the family has
lost a kind wife nnd loving mothor.
Though bIio lenvos n vacant place in
this world, sho fills another m tho hot
ter world nbovo. Tho family has tho
sympathy of tho ontlro community in
their gioat berenvomont.
Tho body was interred in the Mt.
Hope comotory. Tho funoral sorviccs
were conducted by tho Rov. HaskinB of
the U. B. church.
Sho has crossed tho lonoly rlvor,
And hor sufferings now are o'er;
Sho has gono to dwell forovor
On that fair nnd ponceful shore
Sad may scorn your homo without hor,
With its shadow hanging o'er;
But romombor that in hcuvon
Thero is addod one namo more.
God has called her from all wooplng
'Tis Ilia will that she should go;
Sho's not dond but only takon
From this world ot sin bolow.
Sister, you havo gono to rest
And this shall bo our prayer:
That whon wo roach our journoy's ond
Your glory wo may share.
Thon lot ub live for God alone,
Livo right and sin no moro,
And wo shall moot around His throno
Where partings are no moro.
Mrs. S. J. Mountfohd.
Here we aro with hand, hoad and
heart to bo cordial to all, faithful to our
calling and as worthy in evory respect as
I know how to be. I will be at tho
church at 10 o'clock to lead tho class
mooting; at 10:30 to preach; at Sunday
school at 11:30 to assist in that most im
portant work; at the Epworthian'a meet
ing at 7:00 to encourago the young peo
ple and will proach at 8:00. All who
como will by their preeonce help ub in
tho work.
Vory Respectfully,
J. K. Maxfikld.
Nearly all women havo good hair,
though many are gray, and few are bald .
Hall's Hair Renower restores the natural
eolor, and thickens the growth of the
On October 1st, 1895, tho citizens ot
Lobanon, Kansas, are making extensivo
preparations for celebrating the eighth
nnniverslty of that city. A complete
and attractive program is boing pre
pared. Reduced rates ovor tho Rock
Island railway.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a aeoret pre
paration. Any physician mny have the
formula on application. The secret of
its extraordinary power to elense the
blood of impurities nnd core the most
deepseated cases of blood-disease,
Market Report.
Corrected weekly by Ited Cloud I'reduca Ce.
Wheat 45 CO
Corn new 25
Corn old 40
Oats now r..... 15 20
Ryo 30
Flax 80
Hog 3 003 50
Butcher's stock 2 0002 25
Butter 10
Egg 10
Potatoes 30
Spring chickons per lb 6
Old hons per lb 4
Hay per ton 3 003 0
bred Jersey
Bull . . .
Will be at
Sylvester Day's
Food Stable, in
Red Cloud from
this dato until
further notice
Read our display ads. Thoy are in
teresting and profitable to you. Deyo
& Grico.
I havo the largest assortment of boots
and BhooB in tho city and at such prices
as will fit all pocketbooks. A. II.Kaley.
No ono oxpoets to carry everything
with him whon he dies but Red Claud
oxpeota to seo overybody nt tho fair and
will offer all the hospitality to visitors
that can bo affordod in any city of groat
or protontions.
Public Health Ansa
Denver, Colorado,
October I to 4, 1805.
For above will soil round trip tick
eta to Denver, Colorado SpringB, and
1'uohlo at rate one and ono third low
est, standard, first class, limited fare
for the round trip. Tickets on salo
Soptcmbcr 30 and October 1 and lim
ited to Ootobor 25. Transit limits
will bo continuous pasiago in each
direction eait of Colorado common
points. After reaching Dearer Btep
evers wiil be allowed or Colorado
Springs and Pueblo tickets withia the
final limit. Tickets will be exocuted
fer return either at Denver, UoUrade
Springs and .Puiblo. A. Conovir,
What is
CMtorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor
other Nnrcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing' Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething' troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. Cos
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
u Castoria to an ozoellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of It
good effect upon their children."
Da. Q. C. Omood,
Lowell, Mas.
" Castoria la the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and uae Castoria In
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agent down their throats, thereby sending
i to premature graves."
Dm. 3. F. Kntcaabos,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Comtemr Oefmpasry, TV
Old people stiller mnoh from disorders
of thd kidneys or nrlnnry organs, and are
always iirntltlod nt tho wonderful effect
of Dr. J. II. MoLeun's Liver and Kidney
Just received u nobby lino of ladles
shoes in nnrrow square and needlo toe
laBts. A. II. Kaloy.
The Famous Englishman's Resignation aa4
Prophetic Message to the Khedive.
A correspondent writing to Tho Scot
tish American says : Ono chilly morn
ing at Suoz, in tho winter of 1870-80,
I received a nicssugo from Colonol Gor
don. He had just landed from Snnkin,
and wished to scomo. I found him seat
ed in a room at tho old Suoz hotol, with
his black secretary nnd trusty factotum,
Mohammed El Tohaniy, and a few
friends, including tho governor of the
Poor Mohammed El Tohamy, who was
destined to sco his master fall at Khar
trim nnd probably shared his fato, was
looking cold mid miserable and I no
ticed ho was sipping somo hot mixtnro
of which tho aroma did not scorn fam
iliar. On my entering, Gordon cxolaiincd:
"I havo resigned tho govornor gou
eralship of tho Sudan and am return
ing to England. Tho khedi vo's ministers
dared to send mo instructions, nnd so I
havo resigned. Now, toll mo honestly,
whnt will tho world say of my work
in tho Sudan after tho years I havo
spent thcro? What is tho apparont ro
salt?" I said something to tho effect that his
namo wonld livo nnd ho romombcrod.
" Ayo, ' ' ho rejoined, "but whnt visible
traco remains of my exilo and labor? It
is now God's will that I should abandon
my task, and thuro is absolutely noth
ing to show nothing for tho world to
gazo nt oxcopt" ho addod this with a
curious sin ilo and pointing to tho shiv
ering sou of tho tropics at tho othor side
of tho tablo "oxcopt, purhaps, that I
havo taught my Mohammedan secretary
to drink hot toddy nt 10 in the morn
ing." Certainly Gordon's work was not in
tended for show. At Alexandria ho had
an audionco with tho Into khodivo,
Towflk Pasha, at which ho tendorod his
resignation, and thon, removing his fez,
tho badgo of nllcgianoo, addressed some
words of stirring advico to his highness,
"as from an independent English gon
tloman. " Boforo embarking for Europe
Gordon wroto a famous telogram to tho
khodivo "Mono, Mcno, Tekol, Uphor
sin" which was shown to mo and to
tho correspondent of a groat London
nowspapor, but it is a question whothor
it was ovor dispatchod from Malta. In
any coso, it was curiously prophetic.
Within two yoara tho Sudan was in
opon rovolt and Egypt under foreign
aSaLTP-?iiWH'illl ferer be strencthened and cured.
-,,.. ik.ii.j w iu iimiviuu. subbv. in billing WlUm.
For sal everywhere. Prloe, tl.00 par bottle.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prcscrlpUoa
Imowu to me.
n. A. Amman, H. D.,
Vlll Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside pracUco with Castoria,
and although we only hare among our
medical supplies what la known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria baa won as to look with
favor upon It."
Urn-ran Hoarrrii. axd Dismsiar,
Boston, .
Alubi C Burrs, JVm.,
Ksnrray Strwat, Jfew York City.
I havo tho largest
best line of
New And
Second Hand
In Webster county.
Como in nnd see them wheth
er you wish to buy or
No TroiiDle lo'siiow Goods
Carpets and
Of all kinds.
I won't be undoraold.
and see me.
Moon Block, Red Cloud.
Wlioop.Lu !
A car load ot now und nocond hand
goods at Wright's second hand Btore.
Pricos tho cheapest. J, B. Wright,
Moon block. HO-tt
Female Troubles. $
Many of the disorders peculiar to
vyornen are caused by diseased condi
tions of the Liver. Kidnevs and Bowels.
Rostore these organs to a healthy state X
vy using
And the female organswill perform
i their regular functions, and the suf-
Ladies from all parts of the $
.Ti....i..i. Vi