MP," (41 MM Vl .,,'-,'"--l'A.(.-M.it5Sii1 M1BI i 'IIUJiJM sHjaoHss; we- , .i ry LmMUMu ii il Hlnmii - "- Mt ...vJl t! J,, -H'V- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1895. w .' !iWac,j fyt'-'tw1 -'" wj i EWjgftflH' m y rr"rjgy?:?w 4 tr o BLGSSO Acts like a poultice, draving out fever and pain, and reinvig 'Orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female weakness, com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu--corrhoea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re- Ceiptof $i. Dr. J. A. McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. For Snlo bj-,C. L. Coding Real Cloud. NEW ADVUItTlMEmENTa. "pARKCi'a HAIR BALSAM . Olti l'roi iCMt ana bttnunt ui nur. rnmnbl . lamrltnt CTOinn. Merer Valle to Hertore Ony Cam kIP iiM.wi a btlr I.Uinfr 'irgjjndJlVjJJnijjj Pennyroyal pills aCTjw OrIlntl and Only ftMiitae, A iTK !; rcilabu, iaoks uk a Droittii for HHfhttrr KnatUh DU-i ynond Brand in Ked urf U aUlU rltf, MUM witti fcioe ribbon. xk timntimUttim. AiDrt(iJt,rMn44. la Unpa for ttrtlaltri. tesUmmUlj aad 'lUUef far,inlttl$r. by rvtarn aV Ar nii ii'ivvv inusMiaii, tfmmm japr. riaictMfflaa? Thinacure For Thin People AltE YOU THIN? FUtb muflo lth Tnlnaoura Tablat by sin tine proofs. Thajr ci ate prrftct astltnlUtian ef aiarr form of fo'xl, focr.nntf Ilia raluabla fiarts and discarding tht wnrthlesi. Tlity uiaka bin faces plump and round out th fluure. Thty ar tna standard rtraedy far Iranutss, eonUlDlRK na arstnlc, aid ntnoluta'y barmleis. Prlea, prapald, $1 par box, 8 for as, Pampiili,"inj To UKr FAT'lrea. Tha Tlilnactira '., 619 nroadway, N. Y. ...-.......... MY " ARE HEELER a riLsoirs SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY " LIKE THEM AND TELL 8&0 Many ladies have used our machines ; twentytothirtyyearsintheirfamilywork, I auiu urc him using inc original macninea we furnished them a generation ago. ! jfiunv ui uur uiuuiiii nave run mora il.-.. r .. li i t& lVIto'SMrffi ' We have built scwintr machines for more than forty years and have constantly j .imnroved them. We build our machines on honor, nnd they are recognized every-' wnere as me most accurately nitca ana ' :iy nnciy unisneu sewing world. Our latest, tht machines in the e ''No. 9," fs tha result of our long experience. In com- ig i : lea petition with the leading machines of the world, it received the Grand Prize at tht Paris Exposition of 1880. as the best other machines receiving only compli mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze. The Grand Prize was what all sought for, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. V want dealers in all unoccupied territory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. . 186 .10r WABUSH AVC, CHICAttt, S. E. Cozad, Agt. BEST LINE ifb DENVER AND RAhJr ill MS SB 4HUF0IUIIA THE RIDING RECORD. ' A TRADITION OF THE DAYS OF THE SANTA FE TRAIL. Frank Audrey Went 800 MUM on Hone track In Lca Than Six Day, Itratlng a Frevloiift Rldr, anil Won 10,000 on the Two Trip Killed In a llrawl. Not long ago tlio writer liiul occasion to visit western Missouri. Among 0110 of tbo traditions of tho little, city of In dependence, which until tho riay8 of tho railroad was tho eastern terminus of tho Santa Fo trail, tho following story was told : In tho old days of tho Santa Fo trail tho freighters mado ono round trip a Boason. Tho Americans very generally wintored at Independence, whilo tho Mexican traders natnrally put in tho sanio season at tho town of Santa Fo. In tho spring tho teams wero mado tip, tho wagons loaded, and tho long cara vans of prairio schooners, with thoir whlto tilts and from 5 to 16 yoko of oxon, began moving out on thoir long voyago across tho plains. An was stated, thoso outfits mado only ono round trip por season, tho Moxicans gotting rid of thoir freight at Independ ence somo timo along in midsummer and loading up again for Santa Fo, whilo tho Amorlcans threw off their first load at SuutaFo and reloaded again for Independence. Along in tho lato forties an onorgotio character nnmod Frank X. Aubrey camo from New York to Indopoudonco, bought n lot of teams and started into business as a freighter. Such was his push and vim that ho mado two trips a season, starting out from Indopoudonco In tho early spring and windiug up his second round trip nt that point rather lata in tho falL Aubrey pilodnp a great deal of monoy at tho business and sot such an onorgotio oxdmplo that' ho was soon recognized as a leader. With all his business thrift and vigor Aubroy was also what ono might cull "a sporting character." Tho distnnco from Santa Fo to Indopeudenco was about 800 miles. Ono day whilo dis cussing freighting and tho longth of timo it ought to tako to cover tho dis tanco between Indopeudcnoo and Santa Fo Aubroy mado tho rather bold assor 1 tion that ho could start alono on a sin glo horsoand push through to Indopeud enco In eight days himself. A dl8puto aroso, and tho result was that Aubroy offered to wagor $5,000 1 that ho could start on n thoroughbred horse ho had, of unusual speed and hot- torn, and with tho liberty to buy such horsos as ho might noedon tho way, and so remount himsolf ns often as ho hod a chance, and bo in Indopcndenco at tho stage station in less than eight days of 84 hours each from tho timo ho left Santa Fe. The money was covered and tho wager mado. Aubrey started imd was in Independ ence, Ma, in just 7 days and 10 hours from tbo timo he said goodby to Santa Fo. Ho had remounted himself twioo. Then a second wager was mado. Tho parties who hod lost tho $5,000 with tho bold Now Yorker, aftor considerablo dickering, managed to moko a wagor of $10,000 a side with Aubrey. This timo ho was to go from Santa Fo to Independ ence, a ran of 800 miles, in six days. It was at tho best season of tho year. There wero no rains, while tho grass was good and tho trail as hard lis a pavement. Anbrcyliad thosamo liberty to remount himsolf as often as he camo upon a horso that ho preferred to his own. But ho was not pormittod to ar rango relays or post Irarsos in advanco along tho trail. Indoed ho hud no timo wherein to moko thoso urrangomcuts oven if ho had desired to and they had boen allowed. Ho started out of Santa Fo the oven- ty ?' a J?" daT- Ifc waa Sunday. The Moxicans looking on orgnod success to " uiuuig huwuvui wu uviy uuuruuiur of tho day. All no una wltli him as - ... .... nrnvoni inr wns n littiniirinn hnnr. Haat. ' pfoted, 8 SK "? 6tT 8taUn5 ' tho samo week ho rode into the publio squaro at Iudonondwce, winning tlio . oy five hours. Ho was just 5 days and 10 hours riding tho 800 milos, and ' nau usea 1 1 uorses. jio naa naa two brushes with Indians, and had been chasod by thorn at tho Cimmaron cross ing of tho Arkansas, and again at Paw noo Rook. He escaped, howovor, with nothing worso than an arrow through his arm. It is related that whon ho slipped from tho Baddlo at Independonoo ho hudu't nlopt a wink for 50 hours. By staudors assorted tha.t Ira was sound aslocp tho instant ho touched tho ground. Aubroy was carriod into tho hotol and put to bed, and uover oponcd his eyes ncniu until Monday morning about 2 o'clock. iio tlion camo around as fresh as n duisy and as huugry as a wolf. Ho routed out tho cook of tho hotol, made him como down to tho kitohon and cook him something to 'cat. Ho won $15,000 on thoso two races, and in tho hut ono mado a record for long dlstauoe riding never surpassed. Just to show how Mich n uiaa of.ajoel and zeal may end, it might be added that Frank X. AnfeYey was stabbed to death in a brawl in a Santa Fe dance hall This was somo flvo years after his great rido. Old plaiusmon will tell you, I howovor, of tho exploits of Aubroy, and ho is reverently mentioned with such worth'ies as Sublette, Kit Carson, Ben Holllday and old Jim Bridgor. Wash ington St. Bt Oars Vlfurea. Hoard at a heap of day gools hblecl 1.60: Irish Woman (jrftk a baby in her arms) Phwat is tfcp Vf of tharn? "Oro dollar and irtjriiaa," politely arunvered the proprietor. "Which are the 1 and whUh the 09 oint wanof" "Thcro are none at those prlcos, ma'am." "Slmro, thin, ain't thim yep own Hg urcs?" Boston Tauiscript retail bird dealers. KxternUa Traitn Cart IpiI on In New Tork Almoat Kxclnlly by (termana. Now York city's oxtenslvo trado in singing birds is carried on almost ox olnsivoly by Germans. Not only havo thoy a virtual monopoly of this very profltablo business, but, furthermore, ft very largo part of tho bird importations como from Germany direct. Tho trado is chieJly with southern Gornmny. Tho most plnusihlo explanation of tho prom inoncoof Germans in this business is tho fact that, ubovo nil otlior qualities, it requires pationco nnd kindness, two at tributes in which Germans, nnd especial ly Gorman women, oxcol. Thoro is in Now York a very largo trado in canary birds, nnd during tho period when a larger sharo of tho na tion's comnicrco was carried on in sail ing ships than is tho caso now parrots and cockatoos wero dealt in oxtonsivoly, though nowndays thoy havo somowhat gono ont of voguo. Much caro is neces sary in tho business of looking after birds, for thoy aro subject to many ail ments which must constantly bo pro vided against, and without tho oxoroiso of great caro tho cntiro stock of tho doalor might bo swept nway in a short time. Tho retail bird business does not roquire a very largo capital. Tho loss of birds by illness is tho chief dangor to bo provided ngaiust, not tho iudifTcronco of purchasers, for thoso aro never looking in Now York. Tho ordinary prioo of n singing canary is from $1.60 to $3. 75. Tho ago attained by birds varies con siderably from 8 to 100 years thoso boing tho maximum ages: Wren, 8 years; thrush, 10; robin, 13; blackbird, 13; goldfinch, 15; partridgo, 15; pheas ant, 15; lurk, 18; nightingale, 18; pi goon, 20 ; linnet, 23 ; canary, 24 ; orano, 24 ; poocock, 24 ; sparrow, 40 ; polican, 50 ; parrot, 00 ; crow, swan and caglo, 100 years. Thcro is much less demand for birds for ornithological displays in museums in tho United States than in Europo, nud ono reason given in ex planation of this is tho fact that tho museums of most European capitals aro maintained nt tho public oxponso, with out private contributions or tiio need of any, whorcas in tho Unitod Statos tho appropriations for monagorio and museum purposes aro, gonorally spcak ing, iundoquato and havo to bo oked out by private contributions. Tho annual appropriation for tho monagorio in Con tra! park, including necessary ropairs to tho buildings, is only $30,000. Many of tho animal1) in tho park, and some of tho birih, aro lent by privato individ uals. What is trno of Now York city in this regard is substantially truo of tho other big citios of tho United States, and so tho market for roro birds rests chiefly upon tho pnrchasos of privato in dividuals. Iiow York Sun. TOM MOORE'S FIRST SWEETHEART. She Wmm the Heroine of His "Hair, I Be lieved Thee True. To tho prcsont generation tho nomo of-MaryDnft is known only by tradition and by Mooro's poom, says Edward Bok in Tho Ladies' Homo Journal Yet hor career roads liko a romunco. It was in London that showns born, in 1704. Hor christonod namo was Mary Ann Dyke. Whon sho was scarcely 15, sho was known far nnd wido us ono of tho most beautiful girls of tho noighborhood. Her povorty led her to adopt tiro stogo as a profession, and aho and hor two sis ters, also of great beauty, bocanio dan cers at tho Dublin theater, whoro their singular graco, comolinosa of foco and porsou nttractod immodiato attention and admiration. Whcnovor tho Dyko sisters appeared, tho thoater would bo thronged. And Mary Bcoinod to bo tho favorito of tho trio. It was tho fashion of tho time at Kil kenny for geutloman nmatours to give annual public performances for tho ben efit of tho poor of tho city, and it was on ono of thoso occasions, whon tho as sistance of professional ladies from Dub lin was invokod, that Thomas Mooro, tho Irish poet, was introduced to Mary ni- n.t,i P"rtrta with hor. It immediatoly found himsolr was in that Tom Mooro personatod Robin Roughhoad and Mary Dyko Nancy. Tho Irish poot became Mary Dyko's very shadow, and aftor awhilo ho pour ed forth his groat lovo for hor and offer ed hor his hand and heart But, for somo reason, tho boautifnl Mary did not reciprocate the wealth of nffeotiou thus offered her, and she rejected him. It was this whick led M6oro to return to his room, and in tho midnight hour pen his celebrated lovo song, begiuuiug "Mary, I believed tfaco true." The LavUh Jenkins. In October, 1880, a religiously mind ed Buckinghamshire farmer named Jon kins brought his firstborn to tho parish ohuroh to bo ohristonod, nnd this was to ' bothonamo: Abol Bon jamin Calob Dan- lei Enra Folix Gabriol Haffcal Isaac Jacob Klah Levi Muuoah Nohemiah Ob diah Potar Quartus Rochab Samuel Tobiah TJialel Viuiiah Word Xystus Ztoharlan. l It will b observed that tho names are all arranged in alphabetical order and are, as far as possihlo, selected from Scripture. Jt was only with tho vory greatest difficulty that tlio clergyman dlavuaded Mr. Jonkius from doing tho i Uating wrong to his child that ho had unwittingly dovisod, but eventually it Was decided to christen tho boy simply Abel. Chambers' Journal. Shaken. The Shaken had their peculiar desig nation gtven t them fat derision. Dur ing tho religious excitements which vore encouraged by thoir form of wor ship, mombors of this soot often fell in to convulsive tremblings, sometime ending in pVrtial or total uuoonaclong- momi. and this ainatilapnhnnrunnnnn iravA ' a name to the Beat . No one can atk honestly or hopefully, to bo ticutvorod from temptation unless ho hns himself honestly and firmly do tormlnod to do tho beet ho can to keep ont of It. THE CHIEF Published Weekly. Mtiicrlllnn, 91 Per Annum Invariably In Advance n it I'Mhl iii Milvimrp, tiller lliM ititta March 18, m, the prli-e will be 1 1, vs. KiiUMcd at tin i'oot Oltlra In Ited Cloud, Nfb. an mull nmtti'rnf ihi'M-cmid HATK4 OK AIIVKHTHINI) i'rot. curd A, l Inch or loss cr year ti on Hix month n oo Tlirco motitlii i w BTAHniNU AtlVRHTIHKMSNTIt. I'ci Inch oiio)cnr It oo IVrlnch six month. a no IVrinch thrco inontln 3 Oil Ppcclnl nt'tlci's per line or line ipnce, nrat iiuWInitlon Bcctitn, Transient iccliiln, payable Inrarlably In ad vance, per lino lb cent. All rriuiltm nollci". In the tiAtureot advcrtlo incuts or pulH t cent per Hue. I.ojiftl iiotUtv nt li'nal tntes, vl.t for ft sipiare (ten line nf NoiiPiiroll or le.v nrt publication 51.00; for p.ich mibHeiiirnt publication, pei v limit', ou renin no "nreferri'd inlllon"cnntrnct made. All matter to limno publlratlon muitti' re ct'lvi'tl nt tills oulco not Inter tlian WciIiiomIhv Advertisements ciintiot tie ordered oi t tot the current week latr than Thursday, ALL PRINTED AT HOME U. V HI. K. II. Time 'A .o, (I01NO KASI M, I)cal KrelKbt. It It m, l,rMf niter. " ir:ifi " Arin;noa. m. 84, VuiKrelitnt. " 1:33 p.m. 1:00 p.m. UOINU NOUTM l, Mixed Train, I.vl'J3 a, m. Ar U:(Bp. m (iOINO WK8T S3, Fast Frelnht. I.v II ill a. m. Ar IO:Ma. ra til, Mixed Tralu, " 12:03 p.m. " ll:1a.m IB, l'awnfter, " ii40p. in, " SUM) p. in ......yT.. ........... ............. REPIIDIJCAN TICKET. Judicial Ticket, For Judge-lOth District, JAMES McNENY, Red Cloud. Count' Ticket. For County Treasurer, J. S. WHITE. For County Clork, L. II. FORT. For Clerk District Court, JAS. BURDEN. For Shoriff, J. W. RUNCHEV. For Superintendent, D. M. HUNTER. For County Judgo, 8. WEST. For Survoyor, W. E. THORNE. For Coronor, DR. L. II. BECK. in ,,; i Pooplo wishing seed rye can bo sup piled ny caning on u. u. urono, cierK thedistirce court. of When Baby was sick, we care her Castor!, When she waa a Child, aho cried for Castor!. Wbea ahe became Mtm, she clung to Castorta. When aha had Children, aha garo them Caatorla. For Sale or Trade. Four lots and a house in railroad addi tion to Red Cloud, and one tegistered Poland China boar coming twa years old. Will trado for corn, oats, wheat or calves. Inquire of W. R, Parker, at the county clerk's ofllco. 354t. Blood Poison THE BANE OF HUMAN LIFE, Driven Out of the System by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For flvo yenrs, I Avas a great Htifforer from u most persistent blood disease, none of tho various medicines 1 took being of any help whatever. Hoping thnt chatigfl of clinmto would henellt mo, I went to Cuba, to Florida, nnd then to .Saratoga Springs, whoro I remained koiiio timo drinking tho waters. But all was no use. At hist, being advised by sovornl friends to try Ayer's Snrsiipurilln, I began taking it, nnd very noon favorable results wero manifest. To-dny I con sider myself n perfectly healthy man, with n good nppctito ami not tho least traco of my former complaint. To nil my friends, and especially young men liko myself, 1 recommend Ayer's Sar saiiarillii, if in need of a perfectly reliable blood-piiriilcr. Jobk Ji. Escoiiaii, proprietor Hotel Victoria. Key West, Fla.: resi dence, 352 W. 10th St., Now York. Oi Ayer's ss Sarsaparilla Admitted for Exhibition THE WORLD'S FAIK AT pOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ ElEGTRIC TELEPHONE Bold oatruht. do rant, no hama.tWop,turaudaMM. Q I .no nnd Mat MlUr on wirih. OiaaUataouiaaii Aaaaila amaka fraaa M ! ptm a On. U n rwMaaoa bimu a Ml Mall aaUhbora. rlaa lutnn.nU, no tor. di T ainano. uaapiM. i oat wt vrtl.r, po npalrlof, luta a Ilia Tf:icf.liol&V PPM. uuhi put op m Cf8 WHIHFAll FIS FlliS. w uoun ;imp. 'iuicx iivm. uee In llu.o. tl.M hr rtrntilm. ?s 1 JJfaTaTarS IJ,l,lWml i M mmwyjp sammm tnmm m u We Don't Know Everything," About Sponges. Probably Solomon ilidn' know all about thorn. Still wo think wo aro posted about (quality and what tho kind folks want whon thcy'ro after something Al FOR BATH, FOP TOILET OR FOR BUGGIES. Next timo you want a good big sponge for small monoy, please call. No matter how hard to please, you'll get a spongo here to suit you sure; prices, also, will be satisfactory. Dey o & Geice, The Druggists. Tlili Hi Hi Hi UiUiiiiUiilUiiiUiUiliiiiiiifv TRADERS DEALERS IN LUMBER n COAL Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. aflaaaj ROSS Pbopkiitorb or miww nil liiNH. Ordsra Ordremptky filled, four patronss solicited E. G. MORANVILLE. Livery and Feed Barn. Flrit-claM la OYery itll. Lts r rM, bright haled hay aHd m variety ! grala. Hew rlgt aal ewlft haraei caa he leeureel fer city r caatrjr alrlvee at reateaahle prlre. NOltTM OF MOZLAJVl HOUSE.,l..M.MWHn Ho! Whoa! That Harness is Worn Out ! Why Don't you get Another? J. O. Butler is selling nearly AT COST. Cotting keeps tha and he sells them cheap, too. into his store and look at some handsome ones." mm rowwnmmmfcg 3 3 LUMBER CO., mimaaaaBmmajna4 & RIFE, "Yes, My Dear; finest kinds of Lamps. Shall we step them? He vi; M -TO 'KM W I Vi v; , AdaafeSMBJUKAVriae