The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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OUti'mmm ixr)xww'i mMm jwtwwww
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" MpiFyraSK wF
T VJ J f
Any goods
in our line
before you have
looked over our
large assortment
recently bought at
exceptional 'y
ow prices, and
which we are
willing to part with
.at Small Profits.
Our goods
.are all marked
in plain figure.
The Clothier.
We call your
.attention to the
4 best made Clothing
and have
Just This
To Say
About Fall Clothing.
The new round-cornered
sacks, single and
double-breasted sack
suits and cutaways are
the leading things this
year; naturally you can
see more of them here
than anywhere and the
prices are as comfort
able as the clothes.
This Label on a Garment Insures
4 Perfect Fit and Satisfaction
It Stands for ths r?f.t tlist Wonsy
Can Buy or SUM Produce.
A. 0. IlosMtit, Killtor.
Umot Tait, isit M& Kdltur.
What's Up ?
Read Closely!
You are Interested!
School Shoes.
Child's Grain Hut Tip, 5-8,
i Ac
81 00
1 2;
1 3fi
1 25
" " " 8.11,
' 1M2,
Kangaroo Calf,
Boys' BulTulo Lace,
Womon'B Bright Dong butt pat tip, t 00
" Glove Calf, butt, - 1 23
Special bargains in hand turn
Partners' Plow Congress Shoes, 1 20
Tho Littlo Giant School Shoo lcuds
them ull. Only to bo found nt
pREI) E. MoKEKBY, M. 1).
PlijHliiiiii ami Nurcon,
City and country cuJUs promptly ans
wored. Over Cotting'o Drugstore, Red Cloud.
odds ani i:ns.
P. P. Hadley, paper hanger.
CarriHgo painting, F. P. Hadloy.
P. P. Hadley, painter and decorator.
Alfred Hodoll is in Omaha this week
Call and Beo Taylor's curpots before
Dr. P. E. McKoeby was in Omaha
this woelc.
Mrs. Joo Williams is visiting iu the
city this week. '
J. M. Sellers was in Superior a day or
two this wook.
Sheriff Runchoy was in Sioux City
this week on business.
Sam Martin nnd family dopartod ycs
ttrday for Toxas, where thoy will rosido
in tho future.
J. O. Butler and Dick Ferris sojourn
ed to Omaha Wednesday to take in tho
sights of tho great fair.
Tho Misses Mabel and Clara McMil
lan and Blanch Shorer woro among Red
Cloud visitors at the state fair this
Shoriff Runchey of Red Cloud came
up on tho train Wednesday and went
back on his bike in tho ovenlng. River
ton Review.
Mrs. L. F. Munsell arrived in the city
Wednesday night from Chicago. Sho
will resido noar this city with her son,
Boyd, nnd family.
Como out to the Wobstor county fair
nnd bring everything that you have
grown or manufactured during your
residoncs in the county.
On Ootober 1st, 189:5, tho citizens of
Lebanon, Knnsns, nro making extensive
preparations for celebrating tho eighth
nnniversity of that city. A complete
nnd attractive program is being pre
pared. Reduced rates ovor the Rook
Island railway.
Tho south room of tho rink building
is being fitted up for a meat market
and will be operated by Messrs. Hill &
Guilford of Rod Cloud, tho last-named
being n eon of Mr. George Guilford,
who had n moat market in this town
several years ago. They ore expected to
open up for business today. Guido
Rock Signal. ,
Judgo Willcox of Red Cloud was in
Guido Rock yesterday, Ho has lately
severed his connection with the Bolt
and is out of tho nowppnpor business
for tho presonr. It is onfy about three
years since Mr. Willcox adopted tho edi.
torial profession, but ho has won his
spurs and tho SignnI hopes to spo him
in his lighting gear ognin right soon.
Guido Rock Signal.
A successful merchant is tho ono to
patronize, nnd tho reason should peem
plain to anyone A firm, to succeed in
business, must first denl honestly with
thoir customers nnd sell goods on their
merit. It must offer inducements worth
tho whilo of tho consumers looking aft
or, and, Inst but not lennt, must havo
tho confidence of tho community they
nro in, We call your attontion to tho
clothing Iioufo established by C. Wionor
horo in 1883 as a fulr sample of success
This hot woathor will not last long
and about the first thing you will do
will bo to look over your last wintor's
undorwear. We are offering a very
heavy garment, containing somo wool,
at 35 cents each. A cornel's bnir under,
shirt and drawers, such us sold for 75
cents last season, we offor at CO cents,
Wo have a natural wool in same grade
which wo sold last sonson nt 11.25, now
you can buy them at 75 conts cuuli. It
will pay you to look us over before
you buy nny of those good. -Tr"irNi:ii,
tho Clothier.
MlU'hV Its IS.
Cengissi plow shoes ?l 23 and 1 GO at
Cincinnati! hatt store,
An elegant double text nro mnclntosh
can bo bought from MOO to 10 50 at
Mr. nnd Mrs Peter Albright left this
week for a visit in their old homo in
Panne) Iviinin.
Tho choir of tho Church of Chiist will
givo an anthem conceit on next Lord's
day ovonlng. Come out and listen to it
H. J. Clark, Chorister.
Go to W. W. Wright's, the cheapost
liuadqiiHitorB in tho valley for heating,
cooking, nnd all kinds of stoves. They
havo thorn In groat vnrloty.
Do you wish to havo u suit mado to
order? Wo will take your incasuro and
guaranteo u good fit also guarnnteo to
save you lots of money. Wiknkk the
Prom Saturday, September 7, to
Thursday, Soptembor 12, the Red Cloud
Produco Company bought l'.'OO spring
chickens and .'105 old hens, Who snys
that there is no poultry raisad in Web
oter county.
Mr. J. S. White, Webster county's
popular treasurer, was in Guido Rock
Tuesday "looking after his fonces" wo
were going to oay, but wo guess that's a
mistake. Mr. Whito line proven him-,
self ono of tho most capable officials
the county oer had; his political fonces
aro all right and icqiiito no attention.
uuido Hock Signal.
Tho Continental Insurunco Co., of
Now York, nettled their loss with John
Stein, Tuesday, through their district
ng.nt, J. II. Smith c5f Red Cloud. Mr.
Stein had two horses killed by lightning
on August 14 and received tho full
amount of insuranco in ninoteon days.
It pit) h to insure with that kind of a
company. Campbell Press.
A special prizo has been arranged for,
to be given to the lady or gontloman
who will appear in tho bicyclo displuy at
tho fuir, on tho grounds of tho Wobster
County Agricultural Socloty, October
10, 11 and 12, and assisting to mako up
the number to twonty-tlve wheels and
riders. Tho moat uniquo and original
oostumo in desired, and a silk Hug or
banner worn in erch ridor's.cnp.
A. Galusha, who has boon manager of
tho Chicngo Store fur a number of years
bus decided to romovo his stock of goods
to Villiscn,, where ho will live in
the future. A I bus dono a nico busi
ness in Red Cloud, nnd his many friends
will bo sorry to loso him from this city.
Howevor, The Chief wishos him suc
cess in his new home und new under
taking. Ho will Icuvo in about two
On September 24 thoro will be a ball
game in Red Cloud botween Nuponoe
and Red Cloud. This is tho first ball
game of the soason and will be very in
teresting or tho Rod Cloud boys havo
secured tho Bluo Hill buttery Scott
and Prentico. Nuponeo has not been
beaten this summer nod say thoy will
add another victory to thoir string
That howevor romnins to bo seon an Red
Cloud lias good inateriul. Everybody
come und wu will promieo thorn a first
class article of ball mid general geod
time. There will also bo u foot race bo
tween Stono of Kunsuo and Road of
Naponeo for 650 a side, nfter tho bull
Uncle Billy Vest, an aged gentleman
who has lived fn Red Cloud muuy years,
wiib found dead ut the reur oud of C. F.
Evans' second hand store Thursday uft
ernoon. Ho roomed above the store and
it is surmised that in the night he arose
and, being of uncertain step, walked
out of tho back door and fell to tho
ground. Boing soriously injured, ho
was unablo to give warning und died
whero be had fallen. Ho wus a familiar
figuro in Red Cloud, and had dug most
of the graves for tho many peoplo who
had preceded him to the great beyond,
He has a brother living in lown, and a
son near Guido Jtook, Ho was buriod
today. Ho was an occontric old man,
and would not receivo help from anyone,
preferring to holp himself if pojsiblo.
lie was about 75 or 80 years of ugo.
A good joko was played on u young
gontloman tho other duy, who lives not
far from this city. It seems that ono of
his former acquaintances, whom ho had
not Been for a numbor of yonrs, returned
unbeknown to him, nnd, not boing rec
ognized, procecdod to havo a little fun
at our friend's expense. Being intro
duced as a Mr. Smith, an onion dealer
from Donvor, our now arrival began to
talk ovor the prospect for buying a car.
loud of thn aforo mentioned vegetables.
Now, our young friend wus an onion
raisor himself, but, the dny in question
being Sunday, ho was somowhat buck,
ward about tho deal and wuntcdtn post
pono the matter till tho next day, but
tho Donvor merchant bad to loavo town
right away nnd could not bo delayed.
Well, aftor about twenty minutes con
versation on tho topic, and being inform
ed that thero was no market for onions
in Denver unless be was acquainted, our
young tlllor decided to sell thorn by the
carload at 45c por bushel. At this point,
the boys who wero onto the racket
could stand it no longer and began
laughing and yelling cigars, much to
our friends discomfiture, nnd tho Don
vor dealer then introduced himself prop,
erly, Tho other party promised to sot
'cm up next day,
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1895.
Cioiio fo Iter l.iui Itcwnrit.
During a twolvo-year resldonco in
Rod Cloud, wo do not remember of so
painful a duty as the ono wo nro about
ti ' lonicle, in regard to the death of
Mm. Mary K. Tomlinson, esteemed and
btdoved wlfo ef John Tomllnson, Jr.
During tho twelve )oarH monlloned, wo
had known hor nnd hnd a personal ac
quaintance with hor. Sho was a splen
did neighbor, nhvn)s ready and willing
to iiBelst tho sick and distressed, and
gnvo alms to tho poor as gonorously nnd
freoly as hor means would pornilt. Sho
was n tried and truo woman, and mado
homo a pleasant abode. During hor
latter years sho had boon 111 many times,
but with grant fortitude sho withstood
tho pains that tlesh Is holr to, and por.
fcrmod her dut(cs uncomplainingly. It
was only whon hor last illness fastened
its deadly fottors upon hor body that
sho yielded nnd took to her bod, nnd not
thon without a great struggle for the
lifo which was so doar to hor, as it is to
all mortals. During tho month of Jan.
unry, 181U, sho was advisod by her at
attendant physicim that, iu order to
prolong her life, it would bo necessary
to have n vory trying, an woll as sorious
surgical operation porformed. Ilolng of
u bravo disposition sho readily submit
ted, aim n low cinvs iinor ttio samo was
porformod in Chicago. Tho dlsoaso was
of so serious a nature that it was only a
question of timo whon it would end hor
lifo. This sho was fully nwaro of, and,
in tho sovonteon mouths In which sho
boro tho most trying pains that ruck
these mortal bodies, she clung to life
tenaciously, yot ready tc doport at hor
mastor's bidding. At hor sido stood her
faithful husband, who gnvo up position
und monoy to aid and assist hor during
hor prolonged illness; by hor sido day
und night, roady to auswor hor beck nnd
call. Surely no man ovor did more, und
in his groat trials and hardshlps'lie do
served und received tho highest esteem
that a community could givo. Truly
his reward will be gracious in tho future
world. During all of tho weary montliB
that Mrs. Tomlinson wns Blck, sho was
confined to her bed and had
to bo uesistod us carefully as a
nursing babo, and sho was given
the most nttontlvo care by her husband,
who hardly left hor sido during the
vigils of tho night or day. Ono rarely
cornea across such dovotlon us tho enso
unit DEATH.
On last Monduy, and for a fow days
previous, it was evident thnt dissolution
was near at hand. This sho wob nwaro
of, and in her dying moments she in
formed hor husband that sho was going
to a bettor land, where pain and sorrow
aro no more, and at two o'clock on Mon
day she dopartod to the realms of blisr.
Kind hands prepared tho body for the
last sad rites, and on Tuesday afternoon
tho funeral took place at her late rest
dence, Rov. Futher Harrington, of tho
Catkolio church, conducting the sor
vices. Ho gave words of comfort to tho
borcavod husband and friends, and
pointod to tho christian fortitude of tho
lamented wife as a beacon light for
others to imitate. Aftor tho sorvicos
wero complotod, tho body was prepared
for shipment to Quincy, III., whero sho
was tukon on Wednosday, accompanied
by Mr. Tomlinson. Tho fire dopnrtmont,
of which Mr. Tomlinson is nn honored
mombor and was formorly chiof, uotod
as pall bearers und escort to the train.
The fire boll wns tolled, indicating that,
whilo Mr. Tomlinson had suffered an
irreparable loss, that others sympathized
with htm in his hour of nuliction. It
was a sad death, and ono that touches a
tender chord in the hearts of evory per
son in Red Cloud, nnd thoy naturally
turn sympathizingly toward tho bo
reaved husband, who has Buffored more
than human hoart can toll.
Mrs. Tomlinson was .'10 years, 5
months, nnd 15 days old. She was born
in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland,
April 1, 1850, and como to Amerlcu when
fitteon yours of ago. Sho was united in
marriage to Mr. Tomlinson Octobor 11,
1681, in Chicago, und camo to this city
in December of the same year, whero
sho hus residod continuously,
Her death will bo regretted by her
many friends, us she wus called to hor
last roward while yot in tho primo
of truo womanhood. The Chief,
with tho entire community, oxtonds con
dolence to tho bereuved husband in his
great utlliclion.
1'ho exceedingly high temporuturo of
tho pust week hus bean tho most re
murkuble over known during tbisseneou
of tho year. In this section it has been
the hottest week of '05. Othor states
report wurm waves followed by cold
waves, but our cool wuvo huu failed to
arrivo. Probably got froze up somo
II. EL Pond and wife havo returned
from Louisvillo, Ky., whoro they havo
been attending tho National Encamp
inent of tho G. A, R. Harry found two
brothers buried in sou thorn graves.
They were on Lookout mountain and
other places of note, and brought home
some fine badges and numerous relics of
by-gone days.
Do you set the testimonials written by
people' ho have bten enred of various
dliemes by Hood's Snmaparlllnf They
point tho way for jo if you neod a gvod
Hood's pills euro nil liw I'M, rvlieru
constipation nnd ustlst digestion, '-Tin,
I hnvo found out moro about my 20c Ton. A numbor of
parties tell mo it is as good as most of tho .'10c Ten you
can buy in town. Why not buy my Tea thon for 20c.
In FLOUR wo nro hondqtiartorB. Wo can
givo you llvo dilTcrout grudos
SNOW FLAKE ut prices less than you con buy thorn in
tho city. Don't buy until you got my prices. Will Bland
by tho quality,
Don't forgot I nm giving you ono pound of BEST RIO
COFFEE in bulk for 20 cents.. No ono olso has It for
IftBB than 25 conts. Como nnd a pound nnd try it.
Now, remember wo keep a full lino of Baking Powdor
nine different kinds. Can givo you any priced grado you
may want.
All kinds of COFFEE, from tho
Gov. Juva at prices thnt you will
Teas of all kind,
Tobacco of all kind,
Soaps of all kind,
From the finest to the cheapest.
Wo want your trade. Wo will always do tho vory best wo
can for you, always paying tho highest market prlco for
ull kinds of produco. Como hero first and got prices. No
troublo to show goods.
Youm respectfully,
Dave Kuloy is in Omaha this week.
Miss Loono Fowler is home from
Jos. Warren was on the fair grounds
in Omaha this weok.
Frank Smelser left on "10" Wodnos
duy for a visit in Iowa.
O. O. Tool is assisting in tho district
clerk's ofllco this week.
Amoa Cowden returned this week
from a trip to Fuirbury.
Miss Dora Honderson is visiting rela
tives in Omaha this weok,
Hon. Jas, McNony, tho next district
judge, was in Hnstings this wook.
Read our pictorial advortisoment on
pago 3 today. It may interest you.
Remember tho fair, Oct, 10, 11 and
12. Let's havo a good fair this yoar.
Mr. Hocdorson has built an addition
to his dwelling iu the east part of the
Mrs. F. D, Maitin and daughter of
Wymoro are visiting friends in Red
John Jessen has purchased tho oil
tank lino of W. C. Jones, who has gone
to Oregon,
Mrs. J. 8. Mayne has returned to
Iowa, after a ploasaht visit with tho
family of C. B. Crono.
D. II. Robinson of Guido Rock, who
has beon very tick for a year past, wns
taken to Iowu on Saturday last.
L. II. RuBt and wlfo departed yester
day overland for Boaver City, this stato,
whore thoy will visit two or throo woeko.
Rov. O. W. Hummel is attending M.
E. Conforonco in Lincoln this week,
aftor which ho will mako a visit in Iowa,
R, B, Pulton and wifo uro in Omaha
this week attending tho fuir. Thoy will
visit in Iowa boforo returning to Rod
Burt Wright, J. B. Wiiglit, A. Mor
hurt. It. L. Alyon, L. P. Albright and O.
B, Crono left Tuesday for Omaha to at
tond the fair.
Mrs. J. C, Warner wao in Lincoln tho
fore purt of the week. Sho was joined
thoro Wednesday by Mrs. J. F. Winters,
when they went to Omaha to visit the
Mies P. D. Yeieer is in Omaha this
weok, visiting with her brother, Jno. O.
Yeissr, and family, who reBido in that
oity. She will also attend the state
J. A. Tulle) s and wifo have returned
from Breton, whero thoyt have beon for
a nunth attending the K. T, cenolavo
and visiting friends whom they'Kud not
seen fer years.
lowest to tho best.
bo satisfied with.
F. Mizer.
Go to Billy Zeluff if you want a good
hair out.
Julian Snpp was in Orloaas this week
on business.
Ranney McNitt was fc Atchison tbki
weok on business.
S. A. Templo is homo from Oman
and 'Atlantic. Iowa.
Mrs. C. W. Knlsy returns this evening
from an extended visit among the great
lakes and in Ohio.
Tho editor of this popor and wife and
children have returnod from Missouri,
after a pleasant visit.
Friday evening, Sopt. 27, the R'a will
hold their noxt open meeting at the
schoolhouse. Tho publio aro cordially
invited to attend.
Judo Sapp would like to know where
tho Nation got its information in regard
to his bolting tho republican ticket
Jude is a dyed-in-tho-wool republican
and don't bolt.
Recolver Bell sold n the strode today
the uncolleotiblo judgments and ac
counts of tho First National bank.
Notes away up in tho hundreds sold for
tho munlficont sums of ten conts and up.
W. C, Jones, who for some timo past
baa owned nnd manogsd the oil wagoa
in this city, has relinquished that busi
ness and loft for Purtlund. Ore., Wed
nesday night, where ho will probably
resido in the future.
M. B. McNitt and family left toil
week for Texas, in which state they
will tako up their future nbodo Mr.
McNitt has been an honored citizen at
this city for a great many years, and,
while wo aro sorry to soo him leave, we
wish him suebsss in his new field of la
Highest Honors-World' Pa
A pure Grape Cream offtlji
vern Ammonia. Alum or any
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