The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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I'M m miii ru m iuif,irA
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99 TIMES OUT Or" 100
Mm. A. J. Steams, of West Stockholm. Bt, Lawrenco Co.. N. Y under doto of July 81, 189ft,
lays! " Words fnlt mc to express tny irrailtudo to Dr. A. Owon for tho benefit I havohad from
usW tils Klcctrlo Appliance. Hotoro iiflnir (tio npnllunco I wis bo weak I could icnrcclr
lUloroj hwl twoii coullnrd to ray bcdalnre nst 6olol.or. After tliohird day's uso of tho
appllani'O I could wnlk mvernl etepss ono week I ter I walk-d around tho bouse, and In less
than ono montn i wusnwoin rinumii, mei " " ".! """" """ " ..u
tlrod. May Uo4blossMutHp.ironu to your many friends fur years to couio.
Mr. Axel J. KUhlado. of Wiilshtire. Kan . und-r tlalo of July SOth. 18M. saym ' flavin
used tho I).-. Owen Kloctrlc Appliances for .rvntitioM for tho pujt few months, must
ay they aro ahead of any trctitnic it. I ntn cured or tho worst form of Nervous Disease"
Mr. A. Nlbok, of MMdloP.cld. Iowa, wrltlntt in on .turn UT, 1B91. says: "This Is to certify
that I have dorlvedmoroboneUt from tifliur tho Owen Klectrlo Appliances for a severe case
of kidney complaint and ncrvousprostrnilonthan from butidredsor dollars ope nt for doctor s
bills and medicine."
Our Jinrse Illaatrntetl !atnloirua contnlns many endowments like- above, besides
costof appllancos, and much vuluablo Information for tho mulcted. Bead 0 cents In sumps
for It at once.
When writing parties about tholr testimonials oncloso a eclf-addreasal stamped cnTclopo
to Insuro a reply. Wo liwvo licon before tho public many years, and our blootrlcal Appliance!
bavo becomo u recognized standard of merit.
Do yon know that I hnve a fine
disp'ny of new hats which I am
Very Cheap for Cash.
All ih". latest patterns.
Moon Block, Red Clontl.
Cloud Produce
DrJ; l-uvo to announce that tliey are in tho Held for tbe aeon of
1895 9G preimud iu every particular to
. . . PAY THE . . .
The Ohio (lovrriutr for Bound Monrj
and Acnlnst tho Itoud ty"iirii!r.
Si'itl.NnpiKM), Oblo Sept. i.'. In hll
speech ycatertfry (lovernor Melvinlcy,
after crit!uisiiir tho foreign uiul do
nicotic policy of tlio Cleveland admin
istration, tlio governor assorted that
tho real subject of contention In Ohio
Is tlio tsmir. Ha quoted Cleveland as
opposing .Senator ilrlee us regards the
ISrkc-doriimti uct, nnd bo also quoted
tbu Uiicinnutl Hmjulier us declaring
that a veto by Cleveland would "be a
clesiiilnjr tip of inucli rubbish and tin
vleanliuchs lit tho Detuouriitlc hoiiho
hold." Tlicu be quoted tbu Ohio Dem
ocratic platform of ls'Jl, favoring fur
ther reductions In tho tariff, and
ashed: "Is thin 'rubbish nnd unclean
lliuss In tho Democratic household' to
stand, nnd that whlcli was a year ago
unworthy and impure and a stench In
the Democratic nostrils now to bo ac
cepted as worthy and pure'.'"
"Has tho Democratic party of Ohio
ehnnjred its views sineo September,
1HV1, and is now willing that the pro
tective duties, which are retained in
tho ltrlccOormun-Wilson net, shall re
main, and tho law bo a permanent set
tlement of tho tariff question? Is a
law, using tho language of Mr. Cleve
land, 'which puts tho wool of the
farmer on tho free list nnd the pro
tection of tariff on tho iron, oro and
coal of corporations and capitalists' to
receive the approval of the people of
Ohio by their votes in November next?
"My friends, there is ono objection
to tho law, if there were no others,
which must mnko its permanency im
possible. It fails to raise tho needed
revenues for tho daily expenses of the
ffovernraent. That would condemn it
ntho judgment of tho American peo
ple, whatever diffcrenco they might
have on tho Question of protection and
freo trade. Tho law, from tho dato of
its enactment to the present time and
it is now a year old has not raised
enough money from customs duties
und internal revenue combined to meet
tho necessary expenses of tho govern
ment." Taking up tho financial question he
"In the first two years under the
fiscal policy of Mr. Cleveland's admin
istration, which Is so warmly com
mended by the Springfield uonventton,
the government has been compelled to
borrow 9103,000,000, and tho mainten
ance of the gold resorvo now depends
upon a syndicate of foreign and homo
capitalists, who are under contract to
pi'ewurve the credit of tho nation until
the 1st df October a syndicate un
known to tho laws and unrecognized
in the government, hired to sustain
the credit of the government. What a
"On the subject of money, the Re
publican party stands where it has
always stood for good money,
whether gold, silver or paper, all to
be under national authority, at all
times and everywhere to be equal and
Interchangeable, which will honestly
measure the exchanges of the people
and deceive and cheat nobody. l
must be sound nnd strong as the gov
ernment itself and ns free from stain
or taint as the flug of our country."
Hid Mm Pi in CASH !
For :li Farm Produce, Poulty, Game, Hides,
Wool, Etc
We also have for sale a full supply of
Flour and Feed
Which we offer at the Very Lowest Living
Buying for Spot Cash and Belling for Spot Cash enables us te make prices that
our competitors who buy on credit and soil on credit canaet bsrin te touch.
We are very thankful to those who havo given us their patsrnaro during the
jutpt tbrco years, and hope byfair dealing, low prices und sjeod qualitieii to
merit and receive a continuance of tho same.
Red Cloud Produce Co.
Great "Value
Utile money
"Weekly News
Or the World
For a Trlfl o.
1 Ik m Mi ran,
a twenty psue journal, in the loading Republican fumlly iiapor of tho
States. It Is u NATIONAL FAMILY PAI'KK, und given all tho gonerul uews ol
the Unitnd States. It given tho oventa of foreiRn lands in a nutshell. Its "AG
"UICULTUKAL" department haB no superior in tho couutry. Its "MARKET
URPORTS" aro recoijiiizod authority. Soparato departments for "THE FAMI
ltH"HOME and SOCIETY" columns command, tho admiration of wives nnd
dauchters. Its ceuorul political nowe, editorials und discussions aro oomnrshon-
slve, brilliant and exhaustive.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offor this splendid jeuraal and THE
(Thsr(gt.'ar sucscription for the two papers is $2.00.)
t3fT Address ill orders to I'll E CHIEF, Tlod Cloud, NchrneUn.
They Aro Determined on n Itentorntlun
of freight Itrtlen.
CiiAMiiKiti.AiN, S. 1)., Sept. 12. Cap
tain Craigle, U. S. A., arrived nt Val
entino yesterday from the Itoscbud
agency. He says that Hollow Horn
Hear is inciting the Indians Tho hov
tiles will permit no freight U lc ban
dlexl until the old into is restored.
The captain look for troulilu in two
Tnbnrro Men In Court.
SriiAcm:, N. Y., Kept. 1.' Yester
day afternoon Mr. N. K. Wilson of
this city, nppearcd before Attorney
ticncral Hancock In behalf of Charles
A. Wheltin, u local tobacco dealer,
asking that un action bu begun ngtiiust
the Amerlcnn Tobacco company pro
hibiting it from doing business in this
state. Ualph Oukley, of the firm of
Oudin it Oukley of New York, ap
peared for the tobacco company. After
listening to the nigumonts Attorney
General H uncock adjourned the hear
ing of tho tobacco company trust until
September -J.
Will IUiir for Freedom.
CiticAao, Sept. 12. Tho Columbian
liberty bell starts on its trip around
tho world on Friday morning at 8
o clock. It will first go to the Atlanta
exposition to r,emain two months. THE
-men it win nc iukcu 10 cw wricans
and the City of Mexico, and from there Dcponlts
to IlunnymeaUe, bwrlund, whoro the
bell will ring in commemoration of
Magna Chnrta. The rest of the jour
ney has not yet been planned, but it is
the intention to havo tho bell reach
Mount Arrarat in lDOO, and ring nt a
congress of representatives from every
religious organization on earth.
Diiftky llrotlierft nt Oats.
St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 12. Tho sec
ond session of the eighth biennial
meeting of the supremo lodge, colored
Knlghth of l'ythlas, was held yester
day. A committee consisting of Hop
rcsentatiro Sam II. Hill of Cincinnati,
Louis and J. II. Ringgold of Indian- ?":
npolis, representing ono faction 01 tlio
order, was appointed to confer with a
similar committee from tho other fac
tion, Tho two committees will en
deavor to formulate somo plan to
bring tho two fuetious together.
Three Hundred IlniueK Mown Dawa
the lliirrlrnne.
ItL'iii.r.iOTo.v, Kau., Sept. U. The
news that comes from the western part
of ColTey county la regard to tho de
struction of property by the storm on
.Sunday night and Monday morning,
continues to bo very bad. Not less
than .100 residences, barns, school
homos nnd other buildings in tho line
of tho storm were blown down, nnd
many flue orchnrds ruined.
T. ii. Hallaway had over !l,000 bush
els of apples knocked oir tho trees by
hall, and they arc all ruined. Jack
lnbbltHitml chickens were killed by
being beaten with hall. Tho amount
of grain ruined along the Neosho rivet
is hard to estimate. The river at this
point is bank full, nnd there has been
no trains in or out to-day. Tho rivet
has been at a standstill nil day, and
about 5 o'clock commenced to full.
Tho loss to Coffey county will be at
least S50,000.
Verdict In Captain Sumncr'n Cnso.
Washington, Sept. 12. The pro
cecdlngs and verdict of tho court
martial in tlio case of Captain Sumner,
of the Columbia, tried for negligence
in docking his ship nt Southampton,
reached the navy department yester
day afternoon. The ofilclnls of the
department refuso to state tho nature
of the verdict in advance of its ap
proval, but it is surmised that the
necused has been found guilty nnd
sentenced to suspension for about one
year with loss of numbers In his grade
during that time.
A Couutcr-ltcTolutlon.
Colon, Sept. 12. The remnant oi
the Kcudorean government is fleeing
from Quito toward tho boundary of
Columbia. There, it is reported,
agents of tho late government are en
listing men to take tho Held against
President Alfaro. The latter, fearing
that a formidable reaction might bo
fomented by these agents, has dis
patched an envoy to Colon to nsk that
measures bo tuken to prevent the or
ganization of armed forces hostile to
him in this republic.
l'ronpeoti llrlght for I'Utt.
New York, Sept. 12. Tho Repub
lican primaries wero held last night in
the MOO districts of the city to elect
delegates to the assembly district con
vections. In most districts there was
a contest between the Piatt men and
tho llrookilcld or reform faction. The
insult steins to havo been a decisive
victory far Piatt.
Elavatar and Wheat Destroyed.
Carhqllton, Mo., Sept. 12. The
elevator of Strlpp &. Co. at South Car
roll ton burned with its entire con
tents, destroying about 3,000 bushels
of wheat. The insurance on tho build
ing and contents was 917,500.
Oovemment Crop Beport.
Washington, Sept. 12. Tho Agri
cultural department September crop
report: Corn, 20.4; decline of 0.1.
wheat, harvested, both wlutcr nnd
summer Included, 75.4; oats, 80; rye,
83.7; barley, 87.0.
Organliei a Sunday Uaaehall Nina to
AnittMi the Worklna;men.
Ansonia, Conn., Sept. B. There is a
deolded sensation in religious circlesof
this city over tho "advanced" position
assumed by Itev. Henry E. Davics ot
the Congregational church, in refer
ence to Sunday observance.
The recent opening of Housatonic
park, with various Sunday attractions,
caused a crusade, led by all Catholic
and Protestant pastors, except Mr.
Davics, who defied his colleagues,
claiming Unit tlio days of "Hluo Law"
Sundays were passed and tho people
biioulu now realize tne fact nnu con
duct themselves accordingly. He said
emphatically that tho laboring classes
should have amusement on Sundays
and that all who thought otherwise
wero hypocrites.
These statements wero emphasized
by the formation of a baseball club by
the minister from among tlio attend
ants at his church, und with them he
played at the purk. The- church at
once took up the matter, a division re
sulted, and at present tho different
factious are denouncing the uttl' tides
of each other. A climax was readied
to-day, when Mr. Davies presented his
Shea & Turnure
2 lbs Battle Ax Plug Tobacco for 23c
2 lbs Modt-.l Smoking Tobacco for i.
10 lbsFresh New Rolled Oats for 2.V:
Superior Flour
84 High Patent Flour,
Lion No. 2 Patent Flour,
Loyal Tender Flour
Chsnoellnr High Patent ...
Amboy Flour
White Loaf ....
No. 2 Patent -
You all know the value of tlio aboro grades.
Pure Spices,
Are wnntcil by rioh and poor for ih" reason that they nrn
hthhhr aeul go fartlur. Dou't forget this important
item when inakiug your purchssrn. We
gnannteo our ontire line ef spies in
be the heat that the
earth produces.
$2 00 per ot
1 80 "
1 60
2 00 "
$1.00 par stile
,J0 "
J Our Coffees,
sre stleotrd with great osrs and
ftctn ike roaster each week.
ws reseive them frsh
i Our 25c Japan Tea,
7 Is better than ever, having jest
received our uaw
Our Stock of Stoneware,
Is large and ooraploto whem you need anything m that line
We want your butter and eggs.
I Shea & Tenure ferop.
& Red Cloud. Nebraska.
6 - i
VtlUvyotir nntuo nm! rultlrcss on u postal cartl, hjmiI It f oi.
' V. Ue(, KoiMtt JJ, TMbuito ISnthliiifj, Sou- Vrtrlt, ttutl iim;!r
vjpy or xuurt NuiT VC wuwiiiV 'rrtmwa: .u-iti tu
limited m 4m.
Tlicy Aro Not "Ancient."
Ci.kvki.ani), Ohio, Sept. I'J. At yes
terday's session of the Foresters a
long discussion ensued over the propo
sition to change tho name by dropping
I he word "Ancient," and no decision
had been reached at tlia adjournment.
It developed during tho discussion
that tlio New York delegation, whluh
comprise about one-fourth ot the con
vention, has Its hands tied, an the
grand court of that state instructed it
ugalnst a change of name.
I'jit CroMO llrouelit lluck.
St. Jtsi:rit, Mo., Hept. 12. Pat
Crowe, tho Hiirlington train robber,
was landed in jail hero Inst night by
Sheriff Andriano and two deputies,
who arrived fr.mi I'lnclnnntl. Crowo
threaten- to giui the tmmci of certain
1. nnei' county ot ict Uh who nre itllegoii
to have aided him in his eteapc fioi
Jail Ut Nw Yiar'6 night.
Mmle to OfTet Autlcliatcil
AVItUilniuHU of (lol.l.
Nkw Yoiik, Sept. 0. It was quite
evident yesterday thut tho Morgan
Ilelmont bond syndicate expected an
other large drain on tlio sub-treasury
this week. At tho opening of business
it was ntuiouaucd that tho Farmers'
Loan and Trust company had depos
ited S?,000,(HK) in tho sui)-treasury. No
explanation of the deposit was made,
but it was gene. ally known that It
was for the account of the bond syndi
cate and tho belief was confirmed
later by Washington advices.
Tills is tho second tilnnnclnl institu
tion to coma to tho aid of tho syndl-
Tho urst was tlio American l;x-
change National bank, which deposited
8.'(n),)00 about a week ago. At that
tlmo it was said that a number of na
tional banks and financial institutions
which had been members of the bond
syndicate had agreed to aid Messrs.
Moi'L'an & llolmont in their efforts to
'keep to the spirit of tho contract with
tho government to maintain tho gold
reservo against exports in cvej'y way
in their power.
.. ..-.-. .. . uerto l'rinctpc, anil
Roloff, in Santa Clara. Nnjasa was
proclaimed as the pruvlsional federal
capital. A resolution was adopted
permitting farmers to sell their pro
duce in tho towns on the puymsnt of
25 per cent ad valorem duty.
A proposal to proclaim Maceo dic
tator of Cuba was discussed for six
days and was finally withdrawn. The
Autonomist party intend to petition
Spain for self-government on Canadian
lines. It is stated that dome, is in
clined to accept conditional autonomy,
but Maceo declines any compromise.
The World's Fair Tests
abowed do baking powder
so pan or sogremt la ewvw
enlng power as thtRoymL
Special sale ot 200 pairs ot men's pants
at IJ.00 for two weokB. Theao good sold
rrom ;i 7& to 9U.UU. A ualustio, Mana
ger. QOn and after Sunday, September 14,
thero will bo no Sunday evening mail
distributed. Frank Cowden, P. M.
Thousands of Women
Gj Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs.)
It causes health to bloom, and;
joy to reign throughout tho frame.
;... it Never Fails to Regulate ...?
Homoeopathic Phratclati,
Red Cloud, . NcbrnxKn
Offlco First National opposite tlanh.
.iirumn gineimfn irn&UMl in
I liv innll
Proclaim a Conttltutloa ror
tho Government.
Londox, Sent . A Havana dlav
tateh to Uio Xlntos saya that a moato
ing ot insurgent delegates at Najaaa
proclaimed a constitution for tho re
public on a federal basis of five states.
They ahu elast4 the Marquis of Santa
Lucia president and appointed varieus
oflleers, as well ai contlrmmj tha noaa
iuiit'ioiia nt Antoula Mnco to bo md
i ul commanding in .Suutiugo de Cuba; 0utoSIt
Notice of Forcclouro.
In tlio District hourt ef Webster County, Ne-traska.
lloyai ixum Association.
Albfrtl). Jtanaeyand
Kate Haiiney, et ul.
To. A. n. Holbett, non-re-'ldcnt itefoiiilnnt In
tno ubovo entitled cause of action:
You will take nolle that en the SOth day ot
AtiL'tist. J 833. Tha Ro)Hl lMn AuskcIhIioii,
pltilntitr herein, tiled Its petition In the "filer of
tli elrrk of tho district court of Wcliter
count), Nebraska, against the above-named 'Je
tendnnts. the object and prayer or which In to
foreclose a eartuln mortKnge oh lot number
rhuen (II) and twelve (12), In Idnck N. seven
(7), Hoover's addition to lJlue Hill. N. brinks,
ezecutad by defendants, Albert D. llanni-y nnd
Katti lUuney. to tho ltojal Loan Anoclatlon,
for the sum ot 9300, and ou which iliero 1-4 unw
dun aud onltiu from defendants to plaintiff the
sum at 9373 24. Hald mortriiKc was duly filed
far record In tlio ol1lc of tlio countv clerk of
Webster county, Nebraska, on the mil d.iv of '
January, IWB. and reoordad in llaik 8 of Mort-
gnus'. IHE 347.
, I'lalntlff 1 1 rays that defendants my lie fore
closed of all equity of redemption, or other In
terest In said laortKOffed iirtmUcs, unit that
snia pirmlses bt Irvlod to bn sold to snilifUr tlio
HirouiitudJiidKed to be duo tint plaintiff.
You nro required to answer sail petition on
or before tlio I4th day of October, or tha facts
therein stated will betaken as truo and Judg
ment rendered nrcerdliiklv.
Dated at Red Claud, Nebraska, tlio Cth day
nt (September, 1SS3.
UorAi. Loan Association,
ii) jiuiit. i. i-oTTBii, iis Attorney.
Ins iiliT'lcluiia tlirt'O jrvura. without honeilt.?
Arti-riiihig tliriin bottles of llllAIIKIltUI'S)
.iAi.rj itr.iiui.A'iuiL liiiooiiiiaoiifiriiwi
'coukliig.rullklinf nnd nuolilnv."
n.a.uut An.uonntrioii.Aia.
Bold by druggliti at 81,00 per bottle.
mcAvtAu.iim marks:
BaJRR.ail2!f "S anTJonest opinion, write to
MDNNdVOO., who tiava bad nearlTihr Tears'
fiperteaae In tho patent bnslnoM. Commnnlea
tbra strtctlr eenlldentrl. A Handbook of la.
armatloa coneernlnaPatrata and bow to eb
Sl?iS5m f en.t.Ir!- V10 ?talo;Be of median.
leeJ and MlentlOo books sent freer
i,?,u..llk,nttBro"h Itoua k CO. receive
li?i V'o It Ml t'
s. -J m rl.Mi.i
J- W. wiMl " ? v U.KM&i
) J jC Uio
tl Betlcelntae rteloDtllle Atnrrlrnn. anS
prouKbt widely bsfnro the publle wltb.
u fkiiiifin. tiioiiililjr.j.VOa )nar. Flnulo
oui ooh to tbe tnrontor,
.11 BDT
larueat circulation ot
nuriii. i9,i a Tear.
This iilcndln nsnur.
nitrated, hat t,v far thn
of any eclentldo norlc In tbe
cinlrs tent free.
JiV ,',ir e-'"il. Fvcry nmnbi r coutfilns bemi.
...hi riui.-f, in, nun 1 nort.rni nu
' i i r ,ut KJ I'oihw.w iiipion,cnbilii!jhiilld rjlar'
Probnto Aiotlcu.
.State of Nebraska,!..
Webster Countv, l"
la the County Court.
In the Matter ot the KitMe of Hliiniau V.
Notice is hereby Riven to all porsnns having
claims and demands iift.ilusi Slunun I'. H.u-t-lett.
late of Marlon eoiuity, tln-uoii, deceased,
that the tlmo fixed for illluu rlalins uKiilnst said
estntu Is six months from llio 'MM day of Sep
tember, 1833. All such pcisoni are icnul cd to
pivsniit tlielr rlalms, with tlio voucher, tollio
Ofllintv IiiiIl'o of a.'ilil rnnntv. nt liU ofllcn there
in, on or before tlio '.' Ih 'lay of March, 190,
and all claims so filed will he heard before tho
said Judge on the 31st day of Mutch, 18)0, at 10
o'clock: a. in.
Dated August 31st, 1891.
Jams Dukft.
County Judge.
Sheriff's Solo.
, lly virtue of nn execution rtlrected In me from
the district court ot Weksltr county. Nebraska
on u luagment obtained by the cons'derntlon o
district court ot Webster county, Nebraska, oh
thoUtbdayot July, 1WI, In favor nf Thomas
ltvsnaspalatlff. and axalnit tha farmers A
HanLlntf UnbiLiAiiv a ilnfmuteiit. for
the lllin of ono thousand amfalL-btv.twn dollars
iiu I'CUIN,
uwuars anu
aad eoMa taxed at Bftv-thre
ind aluht cent ltt.1 oh), mni aeernlns
costs, I hare levied upon thn following real
esiaie, takeii as the property of said defomiaiit
toatlfvald JudRineut, tc-wlt: Lot twenty
one (Ji), In bloek thirty-one (31), inthi arlxiiut
town how city ot Hed Cloud, Webster county.
A pa will oter tha iaiuo for salo te the hlglicst
bleder. for cah In hand, on the .uthriaysw
Seplc-mber, A. D. IW5, In front nt the cast uor
of the cotiit-house at Kul (ileiul, Web t-r
cemity, Nebraska, that helm: tno biilMI"K
when In Die Uai term of court was hld nt tlio
hour of orm o'clock p. m. ef i'd ay. wli-n
amllir, hern due attendance will houlveiih) tlio
bud "!, .in d.
Dtetl boil Cloud, Nelirnkn, AtiKUit Vt, NI3.
Jaiiiei.McXcny, Alt') for l'lalutlif. '