The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 13, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    "' " iw'i).'!j'KiiJ.iiiu-i.i.-iUu;l.aB-
J. ! W
K' .. "'
fhe Past
The Future
The fact that Hood's Sarsapa
rilla has cured thousands of
others is certainly sufficient
reason for belief that it will
cure you. It makes pure,
I rich, healthy blood, tones and
strengthens the nerves, and
builds up the whole system.
parilla vyi&
Be Sure to get HOOD'S and
Only HOOD'S.
' Hood's Pills are especially prepared to t
fjkkeu with Hood's 6nrsaparlll. Me. per box.
..pi.t...................... ;
A.l. lluiMi li, IMItor.
l.MKiV'lAli'. A8t IhmI IMItor.
To imiUo room for my now goodB I
-will offer tho following bargains for Sat
urday Sopt. U, only.
Men'rf ilunil Welt Conlovun Rimes W.
Moil's Hand Welt, cork solo shoos
worth IGnowSl.
Men's French Gulf Writ, pointnd tow
formorly 30, now PI.
MenV French ciilf welt, medium hint,
formerly 81. now CUGO.
13 pairs men's calf cougroes, formorly
$2.50 now ?2 00.
Congress plow shoes, ?1.'23.
31 pairs Women's Dougoia button $1.00.
11 pairs Womon'ri 01. Calf button 8U5.
Children's shoes TGc, 11.00 to ?2 00
These are only n few of tho bargains
of thisdato, Saturday, September 14.
A. II. Kalry.
Sucsessor to 15. & K.
:ilEI) E. MoKKKBY, M. D.
I'li)nti.'laii and Surgeon,
City and country
calls promptly ana-
Over Cotting's Drugstore, Red Cloud.
Ulllin-' MICTION.
P.-P. Hiidloy, pnper hanger. "
Caniage paiuting, F. P. Hartley.
P. P. IlHdley, painter and decorator.
Call and 6eo Taylor's carpets before
On page 2 will be found additional
oity news.
150 different styles of tablots to select
from at Cottiog'a.
Robort Martin has accepted a position
at the round house.
Dr. G. E. Grico and wife will visit the
itato fair next week.
A comploto new lino of wall paper at
Taylor's ut bottom prices.
Read our display ads. They are In
teresting and prolltuble to you. Deyo
& Grice.
Wm. Pnrkes nnd wifo nnd Misa
Knowles leavo in the morning for tho
state fair, Omaha.
Peter Albright and wifo and Mrs. J.
Quigglo leave for Pennsylvania on the
17th for a year's stay.
Nels Longtin ban Ivwn laid up with a
ewollon foot. Ho is oonpellod to walk
with tho aid of crutches.
I havo tho lurgpht assortment of bootB
and shoos in tho city and at such prices
as will lit all pockotbooks. A. II.Kaloy.J
Judo Sapp found a fcM chock tho
other day belonging to tho Amboy Mill
Jng company and turned it oor to tho
Gutheno Bros, aro in tho city mak
ing roady the mill tor tho wlntor'a grind.
This is an important ontorpriso to Red
Cloud and ought to bo encouraged.
. Farmers, merchant, mechanics, and
professional men generally will assist in
making up tho programmo of nuimuBO
monte, instruction nnd entortainment.
The Epworth Loaguo of tbo M. E.
church elected tho following olllcors for
tho oneulng year:
President, Clara KoHomr.
First Vice President, Rett a Able.
Socon d Vico President, Nollle West,
Third Vice President, Mabel Saunders.
Fourth Vico President, Dura Ward.
Secrotary, Mamlo Weidoman.
Troasuror, V. II. Glwlts.
Organist, Susit Rlfo.
Chorister, Robt. Martin,
The U. S. Gov't Reports
Ri Bbow Royal Baking Powder
I . Mwrior t mlt othsra. ;
0.s. of tho brightest papnn jiHbUfhod
in tho interest of tiowHpiipordoin is tho
Press and Printer of Huston, by II. O.
Richmond. It is tilled with practical
talks and many vnlutiblo articles that
printers find greatly to their advantage
to peruse.
Ir tho peoplo study their own interest
thuy will vot tho republican ticket
which will mean n good clean udmlnis
tration. Tho ropublicans of tho county
should ree to it that rupublicaiiB uro
elected in ovory miporvisor's district.
ThU is important, n much so as the
othor countv nflicrs.
Tun republicans will carry Webster
county thin fall by an increased majority
TIih situation is about this: Good re
publican minorities this fall mean repub
lican success in 9u, and that means pro
tection nnd prosperity, and plenty of
work for tho workingnian. Who is thore
that denires another four year of demo
cratic rule? Hold up your hand if you
havo thn temerity to do so.
The (louring mills of Nebraska will
convert thousands of bushels of Dnkotn
wheat into Hour this year as well as
tho Nebraska product. Nebraska mado
Hour is selling right along with the best
brands of tho northern mills. If tho
citizens of ovory town in tho Btato would
resolvo to buy only homo mado Hour
hundreds of thousands of dollars could
thus bo kent in circulation within the
etate, greatly to our commercial advan
tage. ;;
Tho Sunday school peoplo in Red
and Wobster county mado no mistako
when thoy elected L. P. Albright pres
ident of tho county association, as tho
convention ntCowlos fully demanstiatos.
Lew is an indefatigable worker in the
cause and Iuib brought ordor out of dis
order, and by getting up nuraorous ral
lies Iibb ndded n largo numbor of schools
to tho list, besides enrolling a large num
ber of children. He is doing a good
"Windy" Aixkn, tho populiet Henator
of the Btato made a speech at the Has
tings reunion that so inconeod the old
soldi ore that for a timo it would not
havo taken much to tarred and feath
ered the senator, 60 tha story goes. The
substanco of the speech ua glvon by him
wit is us follows: "I was throo times
promoted as S6rgeant and three times
i educed to tho ranks tor misconduct.
During ono occasion a fomale spy was
in the federal camp, and an order was
issued not to pasB anyono through the
ranks without an ordor from the com
manding olllcor. One night when doing
picket duty, a woman come to me crying
and said sho had a sick mother just out
side Af Hie camp atifl wanted to go out.
I let her go and told hor how to get
away. What would you have done boys
in that caso?"' A chorus of voices wont
up, "I would have done my duty ae a
soldior", others said "I would have re
ported hor as commanded to," and bo on.
It was a very weak admission for a man
like Allen to niako. especially while hold
ingthe responsible position of United
States senator. It a man will disregard
his oath in war what will he do In peace.
Ho evidontly talked moro than hemoant
to. It was, to Bay the least, a great ad
mission to make beforo the old soldiers
who fought in a cause that was dear
or to them than life,
Tick republican candidato for district
judge, non. Jan. McNeny of thin city,
who has been in aetive practice for
twonty years in this city and county, is
one of the brainiest lawyer In the state
and will carry with him a large follow
ing from every political party. It would
be a difficult task, howovor, for a lawyer
who has boon active not to have made
some onemiea who aro presistently
camping on hia trail, but The Chief be
lieves that withal the persistency of
some of bis enomies that he will have an
overwhelming majority from tho fact
that ho hae tho ability to preside over
tho high ofllco for which ho has been
nominated. Ho is qualttlod to woar the
judicial ermine honestly and honorably
and it electod tho court will bo for tho
peoplo and not for those who hope to
use tho law for morcnary motivos. Re
publicans und friends of law nnd ordor,
and fairness in court prooodure should
ardently support Hon. Jus. McNeny for
judge of tho tenth district. Our courts
should havo tho best talent possible to
be obtained tv prostdo over thorn, men
who thoroughly undorotnnd tho intricate
statutes that boar upon most all ques
tions that como up for adjudication.
Such a man is the republican cuudidato.
Lot's bo dono with domagogism on tho
bench nnd in high places generally, it is
not Araorican. Ropublicans stay by
your party and do not bo led by people
who aro adopting methods of an uncer
tain huo in tho interest of populism and
their own behalf. Stay by McNeny.
No one expects to carry everything
with kim when he dies but Red Claud
expects to boo everybody at the fair and
will offer all the hospitality to visitors
that can bo afforded in any city of groat
r pretentious.
Bomo malicious person tried to burn
Labon Aubushon'e barn on Mon
day night. Thore was a straw stack
near tho barn and that was fired but it
was discovered in timo to snvo tho barn.
The aeon were tracked for a halt niilo
gad then loot trace of.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Editor Warren was called to Beatrico
this week on Business.
Congress plow shoes 61, ""5 and 31.50 at
Cincinnati! shoe store,
Aro shoeB advancing? Read A. II
Haley's ad at tho head of locals.
Mrs. Hayes of Guido Rock was tho
guost of Mrs. John Garber this weok.
Read A. 11. Kaley's ad. for Soptember
II, and then lay in your shoos for tho
Just received a tubby lino of Indies
ahocs in narrow square and needle too
lasts. A. 11. Kaloy.
It id a decided shamo that whon a
man does rniho fruit in this county
Bomo hound should steal it.
Tho railroad boja rcceivod their
checks this weok. Thcso littlo missives
make tho Ikh feel good, and havo a
cheering elTect.
Mil) or Dentley has appointed John K.
Aultz as walor commissioner in place of
M. B. McNitt, resigned. Mr. Auit. will
ninUo a good ofllcer wo bcliovo.
The Red Cloud Produce Company
shipped the llrst carload of now whoat
this week that has boon ohippod from
this section. It wont to Louisville
Will Rifo soye, "Git up thoro you gol
darned hoes, pup's in a hurry to go homo
to 6cc the mainspring." It is a girl and
Will is to bo congratulated. Nobraska
John R. Wilcox has withdrawn from
the Belt. John was a good writor and
did much toward making tho Bolt read
able Ho will piobably engago in the
practico of law in tho future.
M. B. McNitt and family leavo in a
few days far Texas, thoir future homo.
Ho has resided in this city for twenty
three years and his old friends will wish
him prosperity in his new home.
Peto Shea and W. B. Roby will havo
to bo bo subdued or tho tomatocrop will
be diminished before winter seta in.
Thoy aro going fast that is whon any
ono goca by tho way of tho poBtofHco.
E. B. Smith, Chas. Besse, Oliver Mc
Call and D. F. McFarland wont out to
Hnyward to look at some corn that was
rniscd on ground especially prepared by
subsoiling and rolling. Thoy found it to
be an excellent method nnd report big
corn whilo that put in by tho old meth
ods was not half tho yield.
The Chief hopes that Its correspond
ents will not fall to sond in their letters
each week. Wo appreciate their efforts
vory much and desiro to havo thorn ap
pear each weok in The Chief. Wo
hope to eoo tho ubuhI number in tho
next isBue. Send in the news, wo want
it and shall be most happy to receive
the lottors regularly.
Following is the progran of tho band
concert to be given by tho S. of V. band
on Saturday evening:
1. March, "American Cadet."
Overture, "Enchantress."
March, "2d Regiment P. M.
Baritono Obligato, "Meringo."
March, "Liberty Bell."
Schottische,"Llttle Alabama Coon"
March, "High School Cadets."
Charles Wiener the old roliable cloth
ier has returned from hia purchasing
trip east and it seemed to us us wo call
ed at his etore that ho must bo expect
ing to clotho every man and boy within
aradius of titty miles, for hia stock never
looked aa large. We pricod somo of the
clothing and wero astonished to find
that a small amount would buy an ex
cellent auit. We would advieo pooplo to
look hia stock over beforo thoy buy
Last Sunday sovoral blkera
took the
south rend over tho hills with
a froah
alfalfa ridor in their midst, na is nearly
alwayR tho caeo, This is what affords
tho greatost amusomont on a trip of this
kind, and on this particular dny tho
boys had plonty of laugh. The wheel
which tho now ridor had was llttcd out
with short cogged sprockot whools and
the chnin waB plonty looso onough, con
sequently tho latter jumpod tho track
occasionally. At ono placo tho boja
cut off from tho road to get a drink.
Going down to tho housn was n nico
long gontlo slope. When tho boys
reachod tbo bottom and dismounted thoy
were startled at hearing loud cries of
"Stop me I" "Stop me!" Glancing back
thoy saw tho alfalfa wagon Hying down
thegrado, tho rider graBpiqg tho hand
lea with frightoned grasp, his hair eroct
and feet stationary on the pedals. On
he camo right into thoir midst, whon
ono of tho boys, seeing tho danger,
grabbed hold of tho nachlno an instantly
there was a grand mix-up, The crowd
waa afraid of broken bones being found
in the pile, but it waa impossiblo to sup
press thoir merrimont, When at last
they wero straightoned out and found
to be altogethor, tho causo ot tho occur
ence glanced down tho draw in the di
rection ho was headed nt tho barb wire
fences, ten foot ditches nnd lovely crook
and turned palo to think ot hia lucky
.Siitiilay School Convention.
Tho first tcm'i annual oonvontion
of the Union Sunday School Associa
tion in Webster county was hold in
Oowlcs, September (th nnd 7th.
It was a very successful gathering
and sectned to bring in tho dawn of a
brighter day for tlio assoaiiitioii. Tho
oonvontion from first to lust was ono
of deep and abiding enthusiasm.
There was a largo attcudanco from
tho very first and tho program was
carried out about as printed. Tho
hospitality accorded tho schools by
Cowles was very cordial indeed. C.
L. (Jotting led tho singing with his
usual sucooss. Space will not permit
oven an outlino of tho many helpful
nnd stimulating essays and addresses
delivered. Let it suilioo to say that
it was a rich spiritual feast through
out. Tho musio furnished the con
vention by various schools was a rare
treat. Tho reports show better work
along every line, in 80I100I9. Wo
have great reason to thank God and
take courage; great inoontivo to go
forward; great hope for tho future;
abundant ossuranco that our gracious
God will Btill go beforo us ever lead
ing us to higher and better things.
Tho committee havo deoided te again
tako up tho rally sorvico and hold one
meeting in each township between
now and the annual oonvontion whish
will be called some timo next spring.
At the close of our convention tho
oommittco on resolutions submitted
tho following whieh were unanimously
adopted as a whole by tho convention.
Whereas, Wc, the members of the
Sunday School oonvontion, held at
Uowlcs, Webster county, Nebraska,
September Gth and 7th, 1895, havo
received so uiuolt eocourugemont in
in our work for tho Master, and haye
been spiritually bencbtted by eur
meeting together,
Resolved, That wo thank our heav
enly Father for permitting us te have
this meeting; that wo do all wo can
to encourago tho officers of the asso
ciation in their work, to ptjomoto a
greater interest in Sabbath sohool
work in our county, and to advanoo
tho cause of Christ.
Resolved, that we earnestly request
tho teachers of our public schools to
encourage all their pupils to attend a
Sabbath school, and to help in Sab
bath sohool work in the district in
which they teach.
Wheiikah, Intempcraoco is gather
ing from tho homes of our nation the
fairest and best, unfitting them for
tho corapnnionship of friends on earth
and consigning them to a drunkard's
doom throughout eternity, therefore,
bo It,
Resolved, That a tnoro carnost and
prayerful effort be made by this asso
ciation to rcmovo tho temptation from
tho youth of this county, teaohing
constantly by precept and example.
Wiiereah, The Sabbath, man's
rt'Bt and nanotuary day is no being
wrestled from him by tho liquor traffie
and monied corporations of our ooun
try and tho Sabbath is bocoming a
common work and holidav, therefore
bo it,
Resolved, That wo urgo the offiotrs
and teachers in all tho Sabbath sohool,
in our county to mako tho study of
tho Sabbath a more prominent foat
uro tho coming year than tho past.
Resolved, that this association
wishes to extond to tho citizens of
Cowles their appreciation of tho many
courtesies reooived and kindness ex
pressed in different ways.
Resolved, That in thoir homes they
will try to imitato their cxamplo when
opportunities present.
A car load ot now and 6ocoml hand
goods at Wright's cooond hand atom
Prices tho chenpest.J. B. Wright,
Moon block. 30-tf
Highest Honors WtrM'
A put Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. FnM
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulteranl
Just received
Another Gar
of that riwi:
You are all talking about, and
wi'l be sold at prices less than
anyone in the city can sell the
same grades.
Don't fail to
prices before
We are always glad to quote
prices and save you all the
money we can.
Do you know that I have a fine
display of new hats which I am
Very Cheap for Cash.
All the Jatest patterns.
v s Moon Block, Red Cloud.
Red Cloud Produce
Bog leave to announce that they are in the field for the soason of
189590 prepared in every particular to
. . . PAY THE . . .
In tt
For all Farm Produce,
Wo bIeo have for ealo a full supply ot
Flour and FeecJ
Which we offer at the Very Lowest Living
Buying for Spot Cash nnd selling for Spot Cash onablea ua to make prices that
our competitors who buy on credit and sell on credit cannot begin to touch.
Wo are vory thankful to thoso who havo given ua then patornage during the
past throo yours, and hope bj Jfair dealing, low prices and good qualities to
merit and receive a continuance ot the same.
Red Cloud Produce Co.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber. Lime. Coal and CcmcnL,,
come and get our
making your pur-;
F. Mizer.
men ! mmm
Poulty, Game, Hides,
m M m
.. Uw