The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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f I
t r
tnmbniio, pnln In Joints or lmclc, brick dust in
arlno, frequent enlK irritation, Inltnmmutlon,
ejrovoh ulceration or catarrh of tho bladder.
Disordered Mvcr
Blllotum?., ticndachc. Indigestion or pout.
flWAMl-UOOT luvlKomtes, cures kidney
sliaieultlcs, llrliiltt's disease, urinary troubles.
IiMpure lHood
Iterofuln, tularin, Bcncralwcnkncssordcblllty.
fJwainp-KoottiiillJitip quickly n rundown
eoustltutlon nnd makes tliotvcnkBtrotnr.
AlUriiuulnlftaO cunt mid $1.00 Slxe.
InralUs' Uuldo to llcallb" frco- Confultollon frt.
l)H. KlUtKH A Co. fllNOrJAUTO.V, N. Y.
Cutting fodder is tlit order f tin
Tho rein lait week will help tht
lato corn.
Quito ft Dtimbtr of our peoplo at
tended the baptising nonr the Kcd
Clodd mill luftt Sunday,
J. M. II r own has been here on
viflit from Iowa.
Bort Stansliaw and Miss Urcseworo
named by Elder Horton at his htust
last Sunday.
Mrs. Krank Slabby i? very sick with
typhoid forer.
Tho schoolliouso is being treated to
coat of paint and aohool has been
postponed on that account. Si I).
1 ! II
. Quito a cumber of tho farmers arc
plowing for wheat.
L, 1). Wells had a horse killed by
lightning iitEt week.
"Meaduuio . A. ar.d Mattio Crozicr
visit' d at J. II. Mcarns near Guido
Reck last h'riday.
Mr. and IIri V. A. Killough spent
a few day tho first of the wctk nt the
home of tlieir Mater Mrs. Sarah Bib
cock in Jewel ctmty, Kan.
A party was giren at Geo. Mottcr's
on Thursday evening Aug, 29, in
honor of Miss flattie's Kith birthday.
Bern lo Mr. and Mrs. Will Monia
Aug. 30, a boy of tho usual weight.
Mcsdancs L. J), and G. A. Wells
and J. 1). Anderson wero up to tho
Hub" Tuesday.
L. I). Wells and Orris Hubbard re
turned from Missouri Tuesday even
ing. SlMI'HON.
i i iiiiiin mii
Cuturrli Cannot be Cured.
With local nird!caUou, ns they cannot
loach the Rout of tho disease. Catarrh is
a Mood or constitutional dlacuse, and iu
order to cure it you must tako lutornal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Core it not a
qunek medloine. Hall'e oatarrh enre is
takon iuturnnlly and netB direotly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. It win pre
eeribed by one of tho best physicians in
thin couutry for years, nnd ! n regular
prescription, It is composed of tho belt
tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly ou the
bibooos snrfaccs. Tho perfect oombina
Horn of the two iugredieuts is what pro
duces ench wonderful results in curing
Catarrh. Send fer testimonials, froe.
F.J. 01IENEY & CO., I rops., Toledo, 0,
Bold by Druggists, priee 7Go.
, . .
The heavy rain last F.idar did
ome damage,
Miss Gortie Brown returned in Tin,i
Claud after a seroral month's . .i
his plaoe.
G. W. Baker and family aad 0. C.
Cox and family roturncd from Hast
ings Saturday.
Alf and Dot Saladon are over the
river this week.
llev. M. M, Nelson delivered an ex
cellent sermon Suuday evening,
Mr. Mann was in Hastings last
weok a few days.
Miss llissio Malook came up from
'Guide Hock Suuday eve.
Misses Bessie and Jossio Cockra'.l
attended the reunion last week,
Soveral of OUr Ambov Y01Inr nun.
plo aro attending flobaol at Bed Cloud.
.Miss Mame Baal commoneed tho
Pleasant Hill school Monday.
Miss Luoy Wilson has gone to hor
home iu Hot Spring, S. D,
lUv. Motcalf proaohed his farewell
ermon Suudny,
Mrs. Young, mother of Mrs. Me
Kinney, is visiting hero at present.
Mrs, M. B. Fraso was visiting with
friende here Sunday.
- . .. i
A hacking cough koeps the brouchial
tabes in u etaU of coustunt Irritatlen,
which, If not speedily removed, may lead
to chronlo bronchitis. No prompter re
meey can be found thnn Ayer'e Cherry
retoril. Its off oct is immediate and
the result permanent.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castor!.
As nearly cvory ono attended tho
reunion, nt Hastings last week there is
searcely nny news, only to say the
peoplo wore not at home.
A. Hilton drove over to Bluo Hill
Dr. K'napp of Guido Rook was in
the oity tho foro part of this wcok.
Dr. Pettit rnado a trip to Blae Hill
V, W. McLaughlin rodo his wheel
to Red Cloud the fore part of tho
W. A. Shottcnkirk of Blae Hill wns
in this city Tuesday.
S. J, Wheeler ha commenced work
n bis new house.
Mr. and Mrs. Wylor, Mrs. Springer
Misses Davis and Williams an( llev.
Shattuok attended tho yonng peoples'
convention held at Holdrcgo tho foro
part of this week.
Mr. Logan of Upland was in this
oity Tuesday visiting his old friend
J. R. Horn.
PoBtmastcr Horn is tho only on in
this oity who observed Labor Day.
The Mount Lebanon Shakers havo re
cently porfeottd an ingenione euro for
dyepepain. Their Digestive Cordial con
elsts of a feed already digested and a
digester of foods happily combined.
The importanco of this invention will
be appreciated when we realize what a
proporlioa ef tho cemmnnity nro victims
of eotne form of stomaeh trouble, Theus
ends of pule, thin people havo little in
clinatien te cnt, nail what they do eat
canies them pain nud distress.
This DigcHtive Cnrdlnl of the Shakers
correct nny stomach dernngemont nt
onoc It tunkee thin peoplo plnmp. Ev
ery ono will bo groiitly iatoreeted to read
the little book whioh has been plaeod iu
the hands ef drugglste for free distribu
tion. What Is L.XOI,? Nothing but Castor
Oil made as pnlutnblo as hon.y. Children
like it.
Mr?. Anderson is visitinc her sister
Mrs. 13. Bonn.
Yanoe and Nick Sorgeason sold I'J
head of onttlo last week.
Jim Andcrsou and wife of Califor
nia aro horo visiliag his parents.
Wright Thornburg of Red Cloud
was transacting busiacsa in our lo
cality Wednesday.
Loyd Crubill aad family of Red
Cloud was visiting at his brother
Win. Crabill Sunday.
Henry Rumbangh nnd family from
noar Blade wero pleasant callers at
Mr. MatkiiiH Sunday.
Tho picnic last Saturday was not
very largely attended on account of
tho inclemency of the weather.
Tho pionio at 13d. Payne's, near
Otto has been postpoued until Satur
day, September 14th, In tho after
noon there will bo a baso ball game,
The winning nine gets freo ico cream.
A general invitation is extended.
Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder
World's Pair lllahcst Medal and Diploma.
Following is tho program for tho coun
ty convention ot tho Church of Christ
to bo hold nt Rod Cloud, NobrafiUa. Sep
tember 7 nnd 8, 1895.
2:30-Dovotionul, led by V. E. Shirley,
Guido Rock.
:i;00-County Ooginization, W. II. SUol-
ton, Bluo Hill.
3:15 DiscuDsion, lod by Harry Curtis,
Mt. Clare.
,1:30 Temporary Organization.
3:15 Gonoral Orootings.
7:30 Dovotion, V. II. Skolton.
8:00 Address of Wolcomo, Mrs. O. O.
8:10 Response, Lulu Ayr, Guido Rock.
8:20 Iliatoricnl Report From tho
8:15 Presont Condition nnd Outlook of
tho Work. A. D. Hannov. Hlue Hill.
9:00 Grootings.
11 :00-Lord'a Supper.
11:30 Sunday-school.
2:30-Song Service, A. D. Rannoy.
2:10 Permanont Organizations.
2:55 Conforonco of Christiun Endeavor,
Oeo. Morluirt.
4:00 Prayer and Prnise.
1:30 Junior Endeavor, Elva Tench
worth, Guido Hock.
7:00 Endonvor Prayer Mooting.
8:00 Sunduy.Bchoof Mooting.
O. II. Maxtox, Chm.
Mrs, Anna Gap, wife of Ex
Deputy U. S. Marshal,
Columbus, Kan,, says :
less thnn SO min
utes nnd w 1 1 h
scarcely any pain
nfter using only
two bottles of
t5rPentbr Kxpr!iermll, on receipt nf iirlrc.
Bl.OU prr bultle. Ueok "TO MOTllEUS
nialled fr.
1S1 c?
LeBKA7 Aft I
lekHatrr wive
ITInrket Itepurt.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat 45 r,0
Corn now 25
Cornold ' 40
Ontsnow 18 20
Ryo 30
Flax 80
Hogs n 003 75
Buteher'e stock 2 00&2 50
Butter 9
Eggs A 0
Polntooq 25 30
Spring chickens per lb 0
Old hens per lb 4
liny por ton 3 0003 50
Whioh is worse, imprisonment for life
or a life-long dtaoase, llko scrofula, for
example? Tho former, certainly would
bo preferable wore it not thnl AyerV S ir
saparllln enn always come lo tho rooue
nnd giro tho poor suit orar henlth, atrength
and happtuei.
Itrluk lor Stile.
20,000 brick for sale at roasonublo
prices. C. B. Crono.
reed Notice.
Hereafter William Richardson will
foed nil tonms nt tho rnto of 10 cents for
hay. Burn oast of Holland Houso.
Less Tlnui Hull' ItutcH to Louis
vllle, Ity.,
AroolTorod by tho Burlington" Route,
Sept. 8, 9 nnd 10, on account of tho Na
tional Encnmpment of tho G. A. R.
The Nobrnska G. A. R. ofllcial train,
carrying tho department commander,
will lenvo Lincoln tit 1:20 p.m., Monday.
Sopt. 9. Membors of tho W. R. O. nnd
tho 0. A. It. us well as tho general pub
lic, will lind this trnin by far tho mos.
deeirablo Means ot reaching tho encamp
ment us it goea through to Louisville
without chango ot enrs.
Tickets. Blconing car reservation and
full information on application to nny
agent of tho B. ,fc M. It. R. or to J. Fran
cis, G. P. & T. A., Omnhu, Nob.
ii i ie c)imi -
A. M. Bailey, a well known- oitizon of
Eugcno, Oregon, Bays hie wife has for
years been troublod with chronic diar
rhoea and need many remcdlee with littlo
relief until she tried Chntuberlniu'H Colic,
Cholera and dlnrrluue remedy, whiok hti
cured her eeund nnd well.' Qivo it n trial
nnd yon will bo surprised nt the prompt
relief it nlTerde. V5 and r0 cent bottle-
for sale by Devo and Orloa Druggieti.
Tho list ot letters remaining nt the
post olllco uncalled for up to Sopt. 5
Rnnsol, J A Tremble, Aquilln
Tho nbovo lottore will bo nont to tin
dead lotteroflleo Sop. 19, 1S95. It not
called for. Fkank Cowduk, Postmnetor.
John O. Manger Editor of the Sunbeam
Selimnn, Mo., who named Urovur Clve-
land for the l'reildency In Nov., 183:',
while he was Mayor ot UnfTnlo, N. Y., i
inthiisinstio in hie praito of Chamborlain s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcua Itomedy.
He enys "I havo usu4 it for tho pint five
yearn and enn-ddorit the beet nrepnration
of the kiud in the market. It h us staple
ns sugar and coflne in this section. It is
nn artlclo of merit and should be cued in
every household. For salo by Deyo &
Grico Druggist.
ii i
Old Hell Ie iV IMenle.
Tho nnnual pionio or tho Wobster
County Old Bottlers' Associution will bo
hold in Gov. Gurbors groyo, Red Cloud,
on Thursday, September lilth.
E. Pkti'.kb, Prosidont.
D. McCallum, Socrotnry.
Irving W. Lnrimore, physical dirootor
of Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, ways lie
oan conscientiously rt-coininend Chamber
lain's Paia Halm to nthletes, gymnastn,
btoyoliets, foot ball players nud the pro.
fesslouin general for brui80H,spralns nnd
dislocations; also for soreness nnd stifTni'R
of tho muacloi. Whon applied before tin
parts berome swollen it will effect n core
in one half the timo usually reqnired.
For salo by Deyo ifc Grico Druggists.
Don't forgot that I am prepared to
cany puseongors to all parts ot the city.
Lonvo orders ut the Holland Houoo.
Llotd Ccaiull.
Donotwoar Irapermenble and tight
fitting hats that constriot tbo biood
veesols of tho ecnlp. Use 'Hall's Hair
Rsnower oeoasionally, nndayoa will not
Pooplo wisliing seod ryo enn bo sup
plied by calling on O. B. Crono, clork of
thedistirco court.
"Orango Dlossom" is a painless oire
for all disrnscs peenllar to women. Sold
freeh Wy O. L. Cotting. ,
Spocinl enlo ot 200 pVirsot mou's pants
at W.00 tor two weeks. Thceo goodH
Bold from M.Tfi to $ 0.00,A. Gulusha,
Old people suffer muah from dleorderi
ot tho kidnoys or urinary organB, and nro
nlways gratified at tho wondorful elTt-nt
of Dr. J. II. MoLenn'd Liver nnd Kidney
i ii m m ii
Tor le'ale or Trade.
Four Iota nnd a houeo in railroad iiddi
tlon to Red Cloud, und ono icgistered
Poland Cliina boar coming tw years
old. Will trade (or corn, outfl, wheat or
culvos. Inquiro ot W. R, Paiikku, ut tho
county clerk's olllco. 35 It.
Wavorly bicycles, tho bcBt in tho
world,, tor salo by W. W. Wright. Prices
reasonable. Soo him it you want n
bike. tt
Tho onrrent nnwber of the Rand
MoNnlly Gnldeooiiunlne n new gazeteer
of cities, town and health and pleaimr
rosorU of the United States, Canoda nnd
Mexico. Ou fate everywhere. Bend snb
soriptiou to Ifiii Adi mi street, GhioRgrt.
Tho World's" Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so para or sogrcat la leuy
, falag power ma the RoymL
Twrlio IliuiilltN Hold Up u t'lirrlnfrn
filled Mltli l'liKRcnicrrK nnd Itnli Tlirm.
Omaha, Nob,, Sopt. 5. A band of
twelve masked men held up n carriage
load of peoplo in mi Omnlin suburb
enrly yesterilny morning nnd secured
several liundrcil dollars, it is nn or
ganized gang which has long evaded
tho police. Thero wero four pcrhons
iu tho carriage who had been In the
city enjoying themselves. When but
a short distance from llcusou und near
n clump of trees, figures emerged from
tho rthudows as if rising from tho
eartli nnd surrounded tbo carriage.
Two men held tho frightened
by their bridles und nine climbed in
about them in u. threatening wnv,
whilo the twelfth iu:m stood outside
thu circle and gave commands. After
tho cautionary commands tho inmutos
of the wore told to got out
nnd to lino up. The four men lined
up, Btnndlng on their tiptoes with
their hands nbovo their heads.
One of tho robbers hcuruhcd "each
man in turn, taking everything of
value, custlng tho plunder upon a robe
that wns thrown on tho gtound.
When this was accomplished tho four
men wero told to throw tlieir hats on
tbo ground with tlieir coats und under
cover of pistols wore ordered into thu
rig nnd told to drive awny ns fast us
tlioy could.
When tho men reached llcnson they
nlnrmcd the neighbors, who formed a
posse nnd started for the sceno of tho
robbery Tho lints and watches wero
found lying on tho robe where they
hnd been thrown. Nothing elso was
Snuntlonnl l)oi-liiuciitn Arising From
tho Death of Mr. Kwllna llll.
Nr.w Yoitic, Sopt. 5. Tho funeral of
Mrs. Evelina lUtss, a wcnlthy lndy
who died lust Friday, wns hold yester
day nnd Immediately afterwards the
daughter of tho dead woman, Mrs.
Alice Fleming, wns nrrcstcd ut tho
Colonial hotel on a charge that she
murdered her mother by poison.
Tho case is a mybtery, and in homo
respects a sensational one, as the
dentil of Mrs. llliss gives to her daugh
ter the income of tin cstuto of S30u,00u
loft by Itobert Swift Livingstone:, who
was tho first husband of Mrs. llliss.
To Dr. liullinnti, who was summoned
to her bedside Friday night, Mrs.
llliss said that she had been pnlso'ned
by relatives who would bo financially
benefited by her death. She said that
sho had eaton clam chowder and a
pleco of apple pie. Tho doctor says
tlmt Mrs. llliss' attendants failed to
glvo hor the medicines lie left for hor.
lie secured tho dish in which tho
chowder had been, and a piece of the
pie and gavo them to tho
coroner. Tho coroner had an examin
ation mnde of the dead woman's stom
ach, by Chemist W. T. Scheclo, who
says that ho found truces of metallic
poison in tho stomach, and also in tho
dish which had contained tho chowder
and that it had evidently been very
skillfully prepared by some ono with
a knowledge of poison.
Ono of tho Ohh-nt Cathollo
School In
KliiiKiiH Dofttrojctl.
Pahsons, Kan., Sept. n. St. Paul,
fourteen miles northwest of here, was
visited by tho most serious flro that
has occurred in this section for niuny
years. About 0:,'10 o'clock yesterday
morning fire broke out in tho ironing
room of St. Ann's academy, nnd in a
very sliort tlmu tho whole structure
wns in Humes. The students in tho
building barely eseaped with their
lives. The town i- without fire pro
tection and t'io llames soon spread, and
in less than two hours thu academy
and five udjoiulng buildings were in
ashes. The school is one of tho oldest
Catholic seminaries in thu West, und
tho loss is estimated ut 8100,000, with
30.00(1 insurance
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
fir Aetu tnwHi w
without 7 Istonil
wnBtiiffina. nni Bar
Ur.aenBA.ikh, ail
rnrtto&i on tb fk
lABdi. iiom. Aa..leminc
i ikift ala&r. whtU ind haalihi
flolA ly driffffliu, or tnl by fcil tot 60 u. AAitm Da
SjVAMife,rBUa4Ill, reVetrtjWfciaUlftfafc
vMumi llntml In Itnl ftnJ t.'t4l dfti
Drufiitt tor Vhltkfttr Wm
iniMt ttftiM nun Liua ribbon. I uko Vff
!nu uthe!. Htnit itanatrouM aubitttu V
'tians tii imitation. A DrorUu, or i4 4(
In iteMDii for rftrtkulara, tretlmcotalt q4
Mtelttf fur l.oillt e'Mft If Kcr. L7 return
mull iii.immi ti umoniiia. .vim ixtptr,
Irheintpf-Liiuli ul Co.. &luellmini KnuatK
SoU Ij atl U4l Uruiti. i'hUtdu.. l.
"The" Watch.
For timekeeping end tlnnibllity nothing
bents tho Bovcntcen jewelud
Dkuiiki: IIampdkn Watch.
and oxuuitne thorn. Also hie lino ot
Jowolry, Dinnionds,
Sjiochiclos, Clocks,
I'lated nnd solid silverware, souvenir spoons,
peiul handled Millet mid forlis. curving sets,
cMlllnir ciiril cnteit, lum bon Imxei and other
notrlllfi. A lino lino of fciioet.ielee nnd yo
klniM with InterrlinnKsbloloiiniiH, steel, nickel
ivor hiiiI i:olt Ir.uiH-H. Hp-i'lil nnd enrefiit nt
tenllnn imIiI lollt'liv timo o. Mrll'io ot 2nd
linml wHtcln". leii.ioUn.o. I will tun thcmotl
st less Until their Hftml ivorih.
tTyl)ntii!oiiri- till, Plivit nnd Jewidry x
pulrwurk.ioureintravinK sud your eld tfia
nri nllvAr tfi inn.
Hi riil
Ml ' Wii
Prl.l.lir.lrr'. Dlainonil Ttnni.
Eummmi pills
W S llrltfinnlntKl llnl teciiulii
ViTrA re. alj rdlabU, Loica
A S cvl
At nr
y&Wlerf e w V Ml 3aV
What is
..vv...TijmmewnvvVVNV ' S' ' Vv,V n' Q VVVVI 1
Castoria 1b Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is n harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yours' uso hy
Millions of Mothors. Castoria destroys Worms nnd allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething tronbles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
" Caetorla Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers Iuxto repeatedly told mo of its
good effect upon tholr children.1
Dr. a. O. Oeaooo,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria Is the best romody for children of
which I am acquainted. I hopo ttio day Is cot
far distant w hen mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria In
stead of the varlouiquack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved one, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup nnd other hurtful
gents down their throats, thereby Bending
them to premature Braves."
Du. J. F. KmcnixoK,
Conway, Ark.
TLe Centaeur Oompaay, 77 If
Building Material,
onrr bbat
Orders Ordromptty filled.
Livery and Feed Barn,
FirNt-claes in every dvtull. IetU f reoin, bright liuled liuy
nnd variety ! uruin. ilcw rlK" nnd wll't Itorit-M cur be eecured
for city r cenutry drlvee at rcuNouublo price.
Ho ! Whoa I
That Harness is Worn Out !
Why Don't you get Another?
J.O. Butler is selling nearly AT COST.
Lineal! H Nortrial h QrjiVersity
And Commercial Colleye.
Tho Only Normal School in Lincoln. Greatest Normnl School in tho West,
Jloro than ICO of our last jenr's students nro imw li.iMInu' paring posltloHs m taaolien In
N'oliraskii und iiOJolnlnu states, -.u principals mid prim try teaoliors. Hi) In
tcrinedlnto teacher und 71 country school Uacliers Is luitn partlil lht. Ityoii doubt It, write
to us mid ive nlll semi jou tlieir names and addresses.
lVcpanitory State Certlllcato
Heoond Orade Certlllcato
I lilrdUinito Certificate
Wolenllflc Coniineri'ltll
Mtato university rrepamiory,
AUvHiitnucii Mile Kaeulty, Superior Bulkllncs, toniiun KiuliiniBiiLs. Kliirtst Locution.
Oracles acouptud nt Ht.ito University. Host Instruction, lioiiost I'rlotts, I,ir-e Atteml.iiu-o, Coin'
iiisn Henno Courses ot Htmly, A lleputatlnn for 'I huroiiKli W ork.
Look nt Till t-lloard. room and Tuition, ono of is weeks, fclii'i. Tultlen for a
term In nny of tlioreuuUr courses for only eiK.OO. A term in iiumli for tfH.UQ, A term In
llio hliortlwnd Course for $12.00. A term Iu llinlnoss Course i-iS.OO.
Vlrst Fall Term Opens Sept. 3, 1803:
First Wluter Term
HILL M. BliLL. M. H..
JOHW OAltlt. II. 8.,
Chicago" Lumber Yarcki
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
" Castoria lit to well mlnptcd to children that
I recommend It dBUicrlortouny prescription
known to me." ,
II. A. AnciiKR, M. D.,
HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In tho children's depart
ment hao spoken hlRhly of their experi
ence In their otitsMo practice with Castoria,
and although wo olily Iuito anions our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet wo aro frco to confess that the
merits of Castoria lias won us to look wltk
favor upon It."
United IIostitai, and Disfehsaet,
Boston, Mass.
Allxk C. Sunn, Prei.,
array Street, Now York City.
"Sour patronugo eollolced
Hi'KctAr. counii'.s:
Hliorlli.ind Orntorv
Tpeiiiltli'K UutlKil
IVliAtl 1'lun Jirt
Kltidorcnrten Vai ileal IViimanililn
'lolrKruihi Primary .Metliodt,
Tuition, lioiird, and Ilonm ltnt, IickIuiiIiv;
Rceoiul rail Teim ()pus Oft. '.?, 189J, ud
toiis December ill, IbM,
Addrew yncon Normal University,
MiK'iiln, NokrMMka
VtGfiHQ i ppi ei enejw