The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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K It.
KMMtJtHSm'iu ii firfwii
Mrs. Viola Jlmery
Indigestion, Cramps
In tho stomach, dyspepsia nnd catarrh of ths
bowels. caused my wifo ureat suffering. She has
been taking Hood's tSnmparllla aud now bat
parllla none of Uimo symptom,
has Improved In looks
and weight IhaTcnlso
taken Hood's 8arsapa-
Till for Her fill nnd 3erl Datillitr
with much henent I am aatlinud Hood's Harsa
Barilla Is a splendid tonic and blood purlflor,
Sbban V. emery, 3MBlxtli fit, Portland, Ore,
Hood's Pills cmre all liver Ills, BIlUMinesa.
A. C, Hos.Miit, Kdltor.
IjAROYTait. A set. I.oenl Kdltor.
III Exi'liiuiKti I'or SIiocn.
I bnvo just been enflt iiml purchased
ono of the InrgeBt ntocka of Boots ami
Sheea ever brought to Red Cloud.
Come nnd on me. beforo you buy jour
winter supply of Bonte, SIioca, Rubbera
and Folte. Wo havo tbem all fit) lea und
eizee, nnd nt bottom prices.
Baby Shoes, 33c, GOc. 75c
Children's Shoes, 70o, 61.00, 81.25
MiEses' and Boys' - $1.00 to 82.00
Womon's Dongola Button Shoo, 1.10
GlovoCnir, 1.25
And many other bargains. Wo aro
'TiIbo prepared to do repairing.
A. II. Kaley.
Successor to B. & K.
IMijHlcluii miit Snrucoii,
City and country
calls promptly ans-
Over Colting's Drugstore, Red Cloud.
ititiur mixtion.
Herb Ludlow is in the city.
Editor. Wuiron was in Beatricu this
R. P. Hutchison was in tho city this
Amos Cowdon is in Fnirbury this
Lloyd Richardson arrived homo this
A. Gultisbu left for the east Sunday
Ernest Bolton was in tho city ths first
of the week,
Mr. J. A. Baum has taken a position
with C. L. Cotting.
W. E. Rife rdiI family nro homo from
an extended visit in Lincoln.
Aaron Conover's large Newfoundland
dog wus poisonod this woek.
Mrs. W. M. Visschor and children, of
Holyoko, Col., ure visiting friends in tho
Mrs. F. Q. Turnuro and son, Flojd
loft for Missouri Thuibduy morning for
an oxtended visit.
Wm, Englo'-jargor returned to Norton,
Knneaa, this week, nftor a sojourn of
sovoral weeks in this city.
II. N. Rutledgr, futher of J. T. Rut
lodge of Innvnlo, roturued to his homo
in Moborly, Mo., Wednesday.
Tho Alma band favored our citizens
with aoins mubio last Friday ovoning,
whilo stopping over in this city.
II. W. Brejvor and wifo went to Kan
sas City, Karma, this week, whoro they
will reBido for tho noxt year or bo.
Chai. Wionor roturnod on Saturday
evening from his eaBlorn trip, whoro he
purchnsod a largo atook of new clothing.
Mra. Wm. Buckbeo and family nro
visiting in Red Cloud. They nro living
in Emporia, Knueas. Miss Maude
Chas'o returned homo with iter.
The duBtis very distahtef ul. Is thore
not some method by which water cnu bo
furnished for sprinkling? The city
should atop over tho rules nnd lot tho
street sprinkler use water on dusty dajB.
Ths duat must bo laid.
Clina. Lnndmtibser, for tho pant two
or threo years head oleik In tho clothing
establishment nt O. Wioncr, departed
Wednesday morning for his home In
Iowa Charley U an iigroonble compare
ion and his many frlsntta hero aro sorry
to have him leave.
00$)AM) V.XltS.
F. P. Hadloy, paper hanger.
Carringo painting, F. P. Hadloy,
F. P. Hndley painter and decorator.
Call and eco Taylor's carpotB before
150 diflorent fit; lea of tabids to select
from nt Cotting's.
A complolo now linn of wall pnpor at
Tavlor'H at bottom prices.
Road our diaplny ads. They aro in
teresting and prolltublo to you. -Dejo
& Qrico.
M B McXilt has resigned tho position
of water commissioner, to take placo
Just receivod a number ef tin shoes
in tho narrow square andncedlotoe last.
A. II. Kaley.
Mr. Almirn GrllToth, of Oglo county,
Illinois, is visiting hor son, Jno.GritTeth,
and family.
Jos. Kubio wns appointed to fill tho
unoxpirod term of Aid, Pulsiphor, who
rceignod this week.
Remember and vote tho republican
ticket this fnll. Tho truly American
party is tho republic) party.
Mnjor Bcntloy, of Red Cloud, wna in
Guide Kock Thursday looking nfter bus
iness interests. Guide Rock Signal.
I have tho largost assortment of boots
und Bhoes in tho city and at such prices
as will lit all pockethooks. A. II. Kaley.
Lost A black frock coat, bound with
braid, betweon Blue Hill and Red Cloud.
Finder will plouco leave snulo at this
Laroy E Tuit, Mr. Hosmor's ablo assis
tant on tho Red Cloud Ciiieh, registered
at the Guide Rock House Monduy.
Guido Rock Signal.
Well now, tho rain has come, poplo
fool good and so dots Billy BenBO, tho
Bon Ton baker, because he is still Bell
ing bread 40 loaves for 81.00. Every
thing i1bo in proportion.
Tho Indies of tho Christian church
will give a fried chicken supper at. tho
Williams building Thursday, Sept. 12,
at live o'clock. Como and get u good
moid und assist tho ladies.
Miws Rotta Able, who taught so ac
ceptably in our public schools last year,
was in Guido Rock Saturday and Sun
day visiting with friends. She is now
employed in tho Kindergarteu depart
ment of the Red Cloud Gchoola. Guido
Rock Signal.
Wo notico this week in tho West
Plains Journal au articlo in which it
stated that A. Calmes, formerly of this
place, had on exhibition a stalk of corn
fifteen feot and two inches long with
two good ears upon it and tknt he had
govern! acrea that would average as good.
This was brought about by deep plowing
and good cultivation, on land supposed
to be worthless.
Charles Wloner tho old roliable cloth-
ior has returned frcm his purchasing
trip enst and it eeomod to us as wo call
ed at his etoro that he must bo expect
ing to clothe ovory man nnd boy within
a radius of fifty miles, for his stock never
looked aa large. Wo pricod somo of ths
clothing and wero astonished -to find
that a small amount would buy an ex
cellent suiit We would adviso people to
look his stock over beforo they, buy
Mrs. J. M. Ohoflln, of this city, has
just leceived intelligence of the Bad and
almoRt instant death of her nisco, Mrs.
Anna Bonny, of Cloveland, Ohio, who
lost her lite through the explosion of u
gutoline stove, tho full particulars of
which havo not yot.come to hand. This
is but another fatality to be added to
tho long list of daily happenings of the
kind. It may yot transpire that the use
of this deadly inflamablo substance will
havo to bo legislated against.
In tho now catalogue of tho North
Branch (Kansas) Acadomy the namo of
tho town in which thatoxcollent institu
tion is located, in given aa though it wefts
u singlo word "Northbranch," instead of
two words, tho gonornlly accepted form
of writing it. We do not know who in
responsible for tho innovation, tho print
cr or tho compiler of tho catalogue, but
wo predict that it will not meot with
favor. There is no bolter renson for
writing North Branch "Xoithbrnnch"
thnn there would bo for writing Guido
Rock auiderock,"Rod Cloud "Rod
cluud" or Burr Oak "Burroak." Guido
Rock Signal.
Fourteen of bur whoolmen wers out
orer tho country last Sunday, enjoying
themselves as ridors of tho festive bike
know well how to do, whon some ono of
tho party movod thnt thov ntop at tho
residonco of J. B. Stunser and got n
drink or water. Sovoral of tho boya,
being acquaintod with tho hospitality of
that family, quickly acquiesced and ths
crowd tiled in. Of course they mado a
bronk for tlto pump, nut Mrs. Stanser
understood tho situation and -quiokly
hnd a live gallon can of tho richest milk
extracted from tho cooling uoubo and
eot beforo tho boya, who soon got out
aldo nt the largest ohnro of it. After
thanking the host nnd hostess for their
kindneBB, tho bikora went thoir way re
joicing, feellug an fresh us an oyster.
Special eala of 200 pairs of men's pants
ntfllOO for two wookp. Theao goods
sold from KIT!) to $0.00. A. GaluBha,
The U. . Gov't Reports
thaw Royal Baking PowtUr
'i. ,.WT to mil otan. .
C. F. Cather ia homo from Lincoln,
Miss Nellin Bennett is visiting friends
in Iowa.
Mrs. J. L. Frame is vlbitiug in Carroll
Iowa, this week.
Goorge McCull cmno home from tho
west Inst Friday.
Aid. I'ultiitisr linn rtnigned hia posi
tion utt alderman.
M. B. McNItt expects to go to Texas
soon on buainea.
Drvsmnkitig, cutting and titling.
Mra. F. P. Uadtoy.
Mrs. A. L. A l)on is visltlug in Michi
gan for two mouths.
Call on F. P. Hadloy for house, sign
and carringo painting.
Jay Best of Cow lea was trodding Rod
Cloud boil WedneKdny.
Mh'b Simio Kenady is teaching tho
I'Uiiniow school Huh fnll.
Miits Alice Remsbcig will teach a
nchool near Blue Hill thin full.
Frank Smith iu tho daddy of a boun
cing baby girl, und all Garliold rejoices.
Prof. Wilson and wifo aro very nicely
located in tlio property west of C. W.
Kaloy'a rim, dunce.
Nelbon Bartlett aud W. II. Bartlott of
Bluden weio in Red Cloud Imt Saturday
ou probata liuaiiieB.
Tho Hchoola are now in full blast un
der tho direction of Prof. Wilson and
his ablo corps ct tenchera.
Hon. Jan. McNeny und other speakers
will iiddreba tho A. O. U. W. and Sunday
bchool people at Coulea tomorrow.
Mr. Chiistian JesBen of Walnut
Craek, father of John Joeson of this
city, is quite sick nt his son's residence.
Morris Storn hua been granted n
license for tuning it saloon for 8 months
at t800, Ho opened tho saloon yooter
day. The Mlssea Nettio and Carrie Hum
moll leave to-day for Lincoln where they
will atteud the Wesleyan college, during
the year.
Rev.T. K.T)con will nrrive In the
city this weuk from Lincoln and com
mence n tuM-if of meetings in the Bap
tist church.
Mis. EIizh A. Wright, who has bcon
visiting I it Hon, John B. Wright, for
somo iihiiiI Iih. hua returned to hor homo
in Middle Giovo, Mo.
See Mrp. F. P. Hudley for dreBamnking
iu all of tint latest stylus. First cUbs
work guaranteed. Residonce three
blocka west of Minor's store.
Joe Garber declines to accept tho
nomination for coroner on tho pop
ticket, and will not tuko it until Harri
son is elected, when ho will ubo it to eot
on the pop party.
Sheriff Runohoy went nftor a man
who wan arrested at Hnetingi, supposed
to bo one of the men who robbed W. W,
Wright's store h fow days ugo. Ho waa
roleafiod. not filling tho description.
I am ready to do ull kinds of dreBa
mnking, cutting nnd fitting. Give me a
ttiul order. All work guaranteed to be
first clues. Rosldonco three blocks west
of Minor's store. Mrs. F. P. II ad ley.
Thore must bo eomo arrangomonts
for sprinkling WebBter street. Tho
business men aro entitlod to at least to
having the steots sprinkled ones a day.
Tho council should tuks some necessa
ry steps in this direction.
All sorts of Hob are boing told sn our
candidates. The boBt way is not to be
lieve them, at least, without investiga
tion. Tho ropublican party will eloct
this fall, and you had bettor bolievo it
now and got on the bind wagon.
Talk about "Irish" cloves" nnd thon
think over the fact that over on Elm
creek, on what is known aa "Picnic
Gardens' oVor 15,000 bushels of, onions
wers rnisod this year. That is what wo
call a dandy yield, and tho farmers in
that neighborhood aro -to bs co'ngrutu-
Elmer Kalsy sold s shoo box to Rev.
J. K. Maxfleld tho other day for 10c,
and delivered the box at tho Rovorond
Gentleman's house. Whon ho oponod
tho box, low and bohold, there wero
about fifteen pnir of rubbors in tho
sumo. Tho joke wnsori Elmer, but wo
won't toll why ho mado tho mistnko.
Tho agricultural society mot on
Thursdoy and olesiod tho following
board of managers:
Henry Cook,
G. J. Warron,
M. B. McNttt,
G. V. Knlcht.
D. F. Trunkey,
A. Gilusliu,
J, O. Butler,
C. E. Putnam,
John noilogg.
They will have another mooting tomor
row at 2 p. m., and decide upon tho fair.
They say but bo careful what you
say that Sheriff Runchey and Deputy
Foe nro groat on catching colored pris
oners. Word came from Donvor that a
colored man was wanted out there for
some miBdemosnor, and that ho was
headod for the cast on a bicycle. John's
englo oyo was wido open, and whon Tod
Saunders dresnod and blaokod hiniBolt
up and mountod noyclo, somo onspaeaod
tho word to our watchful ohorilf that a
colorod man with n bicycle was In town.
Throo or four trips around tho princi
pal Btreola nnd the minions of tho law
wero in nurauit. Tod was onto his job
and bo was the crowd, when Sam Foe
oxoluimod: "You couldn't catch a follow
no how, with so much noise," and the
crowd lauuhed and the race wiw over.
Thus endeth tho first chapter of John
und Sumusl, Selah .'
VAltlOIL MTi:.
Sam Tcmplo was in Lincoln this weok
A. B. Truman is again located in tho
.. W. Kingelaml was in Beatrice
moon waa oxclipocd Tuosdny
MibB Ella Romnborg wont to Lincoln
this weok.
Mra. A. C. HoBiner aud children nro
vlalting in Missouri thin week.
Tho dam at tho Ainboy mllln went out
with tho Into freshet but is In iignln.
G. W. Dow and wifo nro homo from a
riflit with their bod, Charlny, in New
castle, Wyo.
Mies Floronco Cotting leaven the llrst
of the weok for nil extuuded visit in
Bristol, Win.
Mies Dowland, who has boon visiting
with Miss Holon Roby, baa roturnod to
her homo iu Nelson.
This in about tho right time to agitato
a beet sugar factory. Rod Cloud ought
to havo ono. Givo it a push.
C. W. Koplingor and family, who woro
visiting Rov. J. K. Maxfleld and family,
havo loft for Illinois overland.
Edgar Cotting leaves noxt week for
Beloit, Wisconsin, whoro ho will ontor
collego. Wo wish Edgar buocobb.
Misa Sjlvia Cook and MrB. Molllo
Neolandor, of Iowa, aro to visit thoir
Bister, Mrs. M. R. Bontloy, next weok.
Mrs. G. Lauterbach and daughter
Lulu of Colby, Kansas, are visiting with
Jos. Horbergor and family this weok.
J. K. Hill of Novada, Mo., who hna
been horofcrsomo days, purchased 105
head of cattlo and shipped them to
Missouri Thursday.
On pnge .'i ot today's paper will bo
found an interesting account of the
travolB of Ralph Pope, on board the U.
S. Ship Monongahola.
Rev. T. K. Tyson, district missionary
ot tbo Baptist church, gavo the ordi
nance ot baptism to ono candidate Sun
day evening nt the Baptist church.
Sargcant Cole of Bloomington, "tho
fighting general," was in tho city thiB
week, on route to all tho reunions whoro
chickens aro on tap. Tho Colonol is n
wholo army within himself.
Wo aro indebted to our particular
friend, A. F. Hartwell, for an excollont
cheese of hie make. The Inavale cheese
factory is becoming au famous for iino
choeso-mnking ue many ot tho eastern
Charley C. Sutton, infant eon of Mr.
and Mrs. James F. Sutton, was born
Fobruary 1st, 1803, in Red Cloud, Nob,
died August 2Gth, 1S93, at Grinnoll,
Iowa, of cholera infantum, after an ill
ness ot six wooks.
K. N. Knaak of Hobron, Nob., has ar
rived in the city and asaumod his posi
tion ns clerk in C. Wlenor'd Goldon
Eaglo Clothing Ho ubo. He is a very
ploasant gontlomnn and woll qualiflod
for the businoss.
W. B. Roby and P. W. Shoa, ropubli
can and democratic candidates for su
pervisor in this city, Btand tho livelong
day and throw tomatoes at each other.
The ono hitting tho other the most times
during tho next sixty daya is going to bs
tho man.
Road C. Wionor's advertiaomont in
this issue ot tho Great Family Weokly.
Mr. Wioner is a livo business mun and
belioves in giving his business publicity
through our col urn no. A man who be
lieves in advertising, and then follows
out hia convictions, will always win
This is tho case with our f riond, Wiener.
Alfred Hadoll.of tho Arm of G. A.
Ducker & Co., is. ono ot our energetic
and progressive business men. During
his connection with that firm ho has in
crensod tbo businona many times the
amount it was beforo, Ho bollevss in
a liberal uso of printers' ink, and by its
ubo tie nas mauo a business tnat many
nn oldor mnn would fool oluted ovor in
40 years' oxporienco. "Keeping evorlast
ingly at it,' is a good motto, and Mr.
Hudoll is winning success by bo doing.
Tin: Ckiiu' wishes him success.
Ono day last weok u Red Cloud drug
get hung up a placurd which road
Tunglo foot for Bide bore." An old
populist from Lino township who,
strange to any, hnsn't drunk anything
stronger than corn moal colroo for sov
oral years, enmo up tho strset; tho pla
card cuught hiseyo und hespollod itout.
Ho took his Bpoctucleaout of hip pocket,
carefully wiped thorn and put thorn on,
and read it again. Ho throw out hia
cud, entered tho ntore und said he'd
take ton conta worth ot that tangle tout
just to remind him ot old times, Tho
accomodating clerk lod him myoterious
ly to tho back room und gave him a
box ot sticky fly pnpor. Tho fellow's
jaw dropped and tho temperature ran
up to 104. Bluo Hill Leader.
DiU'li Sulla,
Chickon suits hotter, at tho Christian
church Ladios' Aid Society supper, 15c.
A good apptlto and refreshing sleop
nt this Reason Indicate a condition of
bsdily koalth. Those are given by Hood's
HarHannnlln. It makes pure blood and
good health follows.
Hoad'rt pllUaropuiuly vegetable, hnrm
Use, tdfeotlvo, do not psin or gripe.
Special sale of 200 pairs of men's tmntfl
nt WOO for two weokB. Theao good Bold
fromJ1.75toe00. A Gulualiu, Mona-gor.
MaMaM ammmammaamammmmmaaaaWaamaBalllzaWBKaalWM
Just Received
Another Car
You are all talking about, and
viU be sold at prices less than
anyone in the city can sell the
same grades.
Don't fail to come and get our
prices before making your purchase.
We are always glad to quote
prices and save you all the
money we can.
Red Cloud Produce
Beg leave to announce that thsy are in the field for ths soaeon ot
1895 00 prepared iu every particular to
. . . PAY THE . . .
Hip Mam Pug in CASH I
For all Farm Produce, Poulty, Game, Hides;
Wool, Etc, '
We also have for salo a full supply ot
Which we offer at the Very Lowest Living
Buying for Spot Cash and selling for Spot Cash enables us to make prices tba
our competiloru who. buy on credit and sell on credit cannot begin to.touck,
Wo ars vory thankful to thoao who havo given us their patornsgo during the
post threo yeure, and hope byfair dealiug, low prlcoo nnd good qualities to
mocit and rocoivo acontinuanco of.' tho oatuo,
Red Cloud Produce Co.
Why somo men, who pride themselves
as the beau idoal ot republicanism should
mako falso assertions about ropublican
candidates, wo aro unablo to fathom,
This is not tho time to throw mud. It
you havo mud to throw, throw it before
convontion and not after. This is a year
when every republican should stand up
to his colors Don't let ub hear any
moro grumbling.
Ex-SuiwtEMF. Judge Maxwell has boon
nominatod by the populists for that po
sition. Maxwell can novor got the plum,
Disgruntled ofllce-Boekers cannot oxpect
to win laurels, evon in n party that takes
thorn up. Mon ot all political complex
ions become disgusted with men who
alllliato with ovory political party just
because they can't get ofllco.
Thk republican party is forging ahead
in solid phalanx, and will swoep lliingo
this fall, as woll as in '00. Remombor
this fact, that, with protection aa the
mntto and labor for ths laboring mon,
tho party will Bweop tho oountry with
F. Mizer.
lVlioop.Lu !
A car load ot new and eocond hnne
goods at Wright's second hand store.
Prices tha cheapest-!, B. Wrights'
Moon block. 30-tf
Hlfbest Honors-WwM ltt$
A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, AM
torn Ammonia, Alum or sny other rduHsrMfc
r v-7 I is.
iinisasMlnriir lllllsmsllllslsMlliirshlissTsTtsttissTiasMilsatlMssWllMlllsHllllll 1 snasairaran 1M1., ,