r THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUG: 30, 1895. II llfnifr M Hichesr. of all in Leaveninrr Pnwpr. .T.nlrst TI.R. C.nvh Pcnnrt elfiffffi ill It if c irCt Q. ;3 riRAKi BLOSSO Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and rcinvig orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it ia applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem. edies for Female weakness, com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure. painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu corrhcea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to anv address on re. ceipt of $i. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111 For f ale fcyje. L. Coffin Real Cloud. ac Ull nncm li MI It! JIBW ADVEKTIBEinEKTM PARKER'S n iBimmi ud Fromou 1IS1U Vianllfl flh fc.l imotM loiml.nl (rowttu UHwrs urmj riuinj. " run q uur 1? urn lomaiui Con. tcmlp dlw.K. fc hair Wtipii.iwn iiuuiw. Pennyroyal pills rm tMSitd CIHbIbaI mm A tlmlm CIamhIma nifii wwi;i rvtiauiv tint tat tnW fktrhamtam m .mondBfH.t In Krd and ilM. taljal llh hl ) Utbr. KtAn dnatmtM tuin lion mud imitation. AiDrvultu. Htit V Nfiu erwi.44t la lump M jtarttcQlufl, iMUnMtlUt to I uuer rop i4iair."inirr, brrvtam nam iTprr, towiDtmuu. U.H1IU 1 HIIUDnilll. iMUrlhMilKlC.,Mj4liii . rklU4jk.P Thinacube For Thin People ARE YOU THIN! FImIi made with Tnlnaoure Tablet by a vleiv tine process. Thy create perfect assimilation of every form ut loml, eecretliiK tlie raluable parte and dtscardltiK the worthless. They make thin faces plump ana round out tho Inure. They are the Uudanl remedy for leanness, containing no arsenic, and absolutely harmless. Price, prepaid, 1 per box, 0 for 3, Pamphlet, "HOW TO (1KT FAT," free. TheTlilnacnre 'o., 049 Broadway, N. Y, c na w m rpa h Am HV 4 Hli HEELER IIIL'SOrfS SEWING MACHINES ' POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUYthim LIKE them AND TELL V8S. Many ladles have used our machines twenty to thirty years in (heir family work, and are still using the original machines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines ftave ruu more than twenty years without repairs, other than needles. Willi proper care they neyer wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewihg machines for more than forty years and have constantly Improved them. We build our machines n honor, nnd they are recognized every where as the most accurately fitted and finely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the. "No. o," is the result of our long experience. In com petition with the leading machines of the world, It received the Grand Prize at the Pans Exposition of 18S9, as the best, other machines receiving only complf. nentary medals of gold, silvcrand bronze. A he. Grand Prize was what nil sought for. and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied territory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. v 1M41B7 WABAIH AVC, CHISAdt. S, E. Cozad, Agt. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND Ctiilpli Pope, I). S. .timil C'ltticf, I'm Mica Tlie liW'f Willi 1111 InicrcNtiit:: I, viler of III Voj- ngu In r.iihtt'in llniex, on ISoiird tlio I). .'. fit mi I SItf .ilotiii(nh('la. LHCCCItb COHUKM'OMIFf.OK.I U. S. Sim MoNONOAIIFXA, ) Aii. 'Jf, 1893. j Fiiikmi) JlosMr.11: Now while on tho way bnck to AnnnpoHa, I huvo timo to nuiko cooil my nrotniso to writo to Tiik Ciiikp, yot I Bcnrcoly know whoro to bo Kin, 1 might toll you ROtnotking ot tho Navni Acndemy, our voynRo ncroee the Atlantic with storm, nnd thnt desire to stop, for n fow mlnuten, tho rolling nnd pitching of tho ehlp, which was oxpori onco enough for tho first week; tho whaloB, ilylnj: and ethor species of fish econ; the capturing of a Bhark, which was very oxcitlru: fun: It waa during a calm while noar tho SaragosBa sea and on tho other Bide of tho Tropic of Cancer that n bluejacket caught him on a hook, two ropes wero then put around hla bodv. was shot twice nnd hoisted on board, of courso wo kept at tho 6thor end of tho line nfl tho shurk was far from dead, but Boonoxpirod. Ho waa. an ugly looking follow nnd his razor like teeth could easily destroy anything that they onco got hold of, When anchored in Ilamnton Roads the cadota wero pormitted to visit Port. resfl Monroo and n neighboring summor rosort and of course all had to look at tho wator whoro the Monitor nnd Morri mac fought. The Monongnhela ia now anohorod at tho mouth of tho Potomno and will arrivo nt Annapolis on tho 28th Inst. But I must tell you of Maderia. An fioon us tho ship wbh anchored in tho roadetoad In froct of Funohal. Mnderin. wo woro Burroundcd by bumbontH nntl othor Bmallor boats containing amnll naked, dark oolorod boje, who hnilod us witn "ileavo, I dive." The cadets throw several small piecos ot money into the water and it was amusing to see them divo for them, although the wator was Bovonty-ilvo fathoms deep, tho boya nov or failed to got tho coin before it had sunk too far. The buraboat men had fruit and varloua small things for sale and eucceedod in Belllnc several nilvnr rings made of powter and some gold (?) ones, wauoria is about one half the size of Wobator county. Funchnl, its principal town containing about '25,000 poople, is situatod on tho mountain aido nnd reaches to tho wator's edge. The mountains shut out all the mnUtnm laden winds from tho northoaBt but they havo no difllculty in irrigating tho soil. Our party necondod tho mountain on a train, over a cog road similar to tho one on Tiko'e Peak, Col. Whilo moving Blowly up tho mountain one can enjoy tho fine Bconory and tropical verduro of Maderia. In many nlaces two eronn woro growing on thoeamo around. Th sldo of tho mountain has boon converted into an ampltheatro, on theso benches may bo eeon gardens of many kinds of vegetables, groves of tin. oranco. banana. etc, and moro than all oIbo vinyards of grapes which aro the principal product of tho island and from which a vrv large quantity of wlno in mndn. Thn largest grain Hold contnin not moro than one quarter of an aero of land. A littlo farthor up, and we aro on tho odt? of a deep canon, nt the bottom ot which is a brook, tho waterfalls, tropical flowore, rocks and ferns ot many kinds mako this un ideal spot for tho naturalist. Wo ascend only to tho clouds, from hero a flno view ot the city nnd harbor may bo had. In tho descont we dosertod the train for a vohlcle nono of ub had Been before, u baskot on runnora somowhat reaoinbling the sledgo of the Esquimaux, tho attraction of gravitution with n Dago on behind to guldo tho slod was all that waB neodocl. Tho road Hko the troots of tho city wbb paved with email amooth stones from the 6oaBhoro, was very uurrow and had stono buildinga or a Btono wall on both sidoB bo that thoro wasnodnngor of lonvlng it and tho guido takes good euro that ou do not gotnehanco to broak it down, Tho BmoothnoBB of tho jmvomont nnd tho many Bhnrp turnB mako tho decent eeem dangernuB and when goiug ut a spoed of 20 miles an hour, a eharp anglo appear ed abend. I turned to Bee if tho guido had fullon oil and was ordered to sit till, jot uftor getting your breath a lit tle farther down, you onjoy tho descent and Boon reach tho lower part of tho city. I took supper in a Portuguese hotel, got on very woll until I ordorod ico orer.m and tho waitor brought n plato of lish. Very fow speak lOngliflh. Only tho uhlldien of rich parents go to Bohool ami all tho bon huvu to eutor tho nriny at 11 very onrly ago. They huv 11 good lovoof monoy nnd Heom to think nil forelgmuB huvo plenty. Tho richer cliifls take their afternoon drive in 11 sled cov ered wllh 11 canopy nnd rtpombling 11 bus on runners, this ia drawn by pair of rod oxen, tho coachman walking at tholr eido. I did not boo but ono car riage and toam ot horeea while on tho island. u tho brook whluh runo through tho city, one may, ut the bot tom ot tho ravino fifty feet bolow tho streets, soo tho washerwomen at work, troubling themselves about tho supply ot wator; wuehing tho clothes on one ot numerous boulderi and spreading thorn Highest of all in Leavening Power,-Latest U. S. Gov't Report RollS sammmmmm m mm mwrnmnrnte ev i tr v Ct- ABftOLUTCCir PURE on othor Btones to dry, Anything to bo carried is uIwiivb pluccd on tho head. If n Binglo iiorson wishes to tako a rido ho usually takes u pnlanquin. Tho buildings are mado of ntonp, whltowaoh od on tho oxtorior and roofed with til ing. Tho BlrcotR are very narrow through tho buildiugs aro not'moro than two or three stories high. The Portugueso nro an obliging peoplo and nlwnyn friendly to AmericnnB. Knnwincr that I shall sot all tho nows in Thr Ciiir.r nnd not wishing to tako moro space, I nm, Yours, etc. It. E. Pop, WHAT TIIRV KAY Or THE NEXT DISTRICT JUDGE. Red Cloud turned out en mass to congratulato James McNeny upen his nomination for district judge. Tho event toek plaoo Saturday evening last. When Mr. MoNcny and family wero enjtying tho evening at home, thoro camo a noiso as of a vast multi tudo approaching. There was boat ing of drums and blowing of horns, and nbovo tho din came the elarion of Jim Gilham and Ran McNitt. calling boya in. Red Cloud camo in forco. Kvorybody came to offer heners, and and Judpo McNeny, whone whiskers oast a radianee like the sotting sun, offered them a royal welcome. Jim Gilham in a welbworded speech of fered tho feelings of the crowd, and thoy cheered and oheercel. Judge MoNeny responded. Peoplo who are hotting on MoNony's election in Rod Cloud haven't got any monoy, but they have got a warm spot in their heart for their oandidate. It is very clear that Mr. MoNcny staids wcli at home. Adams County Domoorat. James McNeny, a well qualified lawyer of Webster county, has boen ntmiaatod by tho republicans to fill tho exalted position of judge of the 10th judicial district of Nebraska. The district comnrises six counties. including Adorn?, Franklin, Harlan, Kearney, Phelps and Wcbstor. The population of tho district according to the census of 1890 is 70,291. The total congressional voto in 1894 was 13,827. Using tho congressional voto as a basis, we find tho fusion plurality in 1890 to be 3,718, and in 1892, 1.281; in 1894 a republican plurality of 317. The changes mado in favor of tho republicans in 1892 was 2,437 and in 1894, 964. The total change in favor of tho republi cans in 1892 and 1894 aggregated 3.401. Alma Record, IMcasiuil Dnle. Tho United Brethron are holding meeting at Penny Creek with good success. Tho prayer mooting at Unclo Rilly's last week was woll attended. The Pleasant Palo Hchool board is having tho building rcpairod for cold weather. Mr. Rillington of Fnirbury is visit ing at Mr. Anderson's. Messrs. Haskins, Guthrie and Deck er sold some cattle to Mr. Hunter of Inavalo. Mrs. Guthrio had a narrow escape from being hurt by a falling lightning rou tte otner a ay. Mr. and Mrs, Haskins wero visiting at Mr. Miller's last Sunday. Mrs. Alma Fcarn lost a black coat freui tho buggy whilo coming fioin town the othor dav. Finder will please leave same at The Chief office Gueknuorn. H Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Ilarrait aad Homo Saekors' Excursion. The Miisoari, Kaaits aid Texas Railway paay will sell tickets at greatly redueed rates on September 10th aid 24tb, te peiate in Mineuri, Kaniai aid Texas. Fer furtker par ticulars, addresi Geo. A. McNutt, D. P. A., Kansas City, Mo, When Dobf was Blck, wo ruto her Castorta. TOicn slio was a Child, eho cried for Castorta. Vhcn she becanio JIIss, sho clung to Castorta. When sho had Children, sho gavo them CostorU. DO YOU WANT TO PAINT A BARN . A BUGGY A HOUSE A Hencoop Wheelbarrow or a Woodshed ? ? MoNeny oi Red Cloud will bo the next judge of tho Tenth district. McCook Tribune. A well posted gentleman from Red Cloud gives it as his opinion that James MoNuny will carry Webster eouuty with a whoop. He says what makes the opposition te MoNony look so largo and formidable is that a fow peoplo who aro opposed to him mako moro noise than his friends deem it neoessary to mako for him. Hastings Republican. James McNeny, ono of Hod Cloud's most nblo and prominent loaal lights, rccoivd tho nomination forjudgo of tho 10th judicial district at tho hands of the republicans in convention at Hustings last week. Timos-Democrat. Mr. MoNeny was born in Now York state in 1854. Ho wai oduentcd in the cast. Ho came to Nebraska in the seventies and looatod at Red Cloud, when it ws only a speok on tho oarth, so that aftor twenty yours' law prao tioo in Nebraska, Mr. MoNony is by uo means a spring chicken. His name appears frequently in oases bo foro tho slato supremo court and U. S. Federal oourt. Tho Demn.irnt 1 ni. gratuliit. . Mr. MoNony upon his good furtuuu in receiving tho nomination. Adams County Domoorat, Inst Fridiy, Jinno MoNony of Hod Cloud was olioscn on tho hcvanty first ballot as tho republican oandi dato for judgo in tho tenth judioial dutrict. Ho is a good man and will mako an excellent judge. Times-Demoorut. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. THE NEUKASKA STATE FAIR Special Rate and Trnlna via I Ho Burlington Route. Round trip ticket to Omaha at tho One WAV riltn. Illlla flfl nunfn Itnr nrlnlo. flion connnn in tli Rtntn T?n(r ttrlll lu on ealo at Burlington Routo stations, aopiomuer wtii to utn. Nobrnskans aro assured that the '93 State Fair will bo 11 vast improvement On its nrH(ln(Vflfinrn. T.nrirnr mnrn lirll. Iiant bettor worth soeiui. Every ono who can do so should spend Stnto Fair wook, tha whole of it. in Oranhu. 'I'lln nutilnnr pnlnlirntlnna will lin imr. ticulurly attractive, surpassing anything of tho kind over beforo undortaken by uny westorn city. Every evening, Oma ha will Im nflnmo with nlnntrln llrrlitannrl glittoring pagonnts will parado tho streets, xno program ror tuo ovoning coromonics is: Monday, Sopt. 10th Grand Bicyclo Carnival. Tuesduy, Sopt. 17th Nobrask's Tu rade Wodncndnv. Snnt. ISHiMilitnrv nnd Civic Parade. Thursday, Sept. 18th Knights of Ak-Sar-Beu Parado, to bo followed by tho "Feast ot Mondnmin" Ball. T?nurwl trill tlrtlrnta tn fmnlitl nf 41ljk reduced ratos ubovo montionod, us woll ns run inlormation about tho Burlington Routo'fl train servico nt the timo ot tho Stato Fair, enn bn bad on application to the nearest B. & M. R. R agent. If so, you ought to have one of our COLOR CARDS. Jt may prove quite a help. Pill lessons Neither 18 our drug-shop a Gallery of Art, but judicious pnint buyers will tell you that wo are headquarter for about everything in the PRICES RIGHT, TOO. BETTER SEE US BEFORE BUYING. DEYO & GRICE, The Druggists. 7iiii Hi iii immMMMfM&i K "Hll YOU WANT . HV AN Education ? WHY SUMTER WITH Sick and Nervous HEADACHE? You may bo easily and quickly cured by taklnff ! Ayer's Pills "I havo been n victim of terrl- o bio headaches, and havo never g found anything to roliovo them J ho quickly aa Ayor'a Pills. Since o T hi'.fnli iu IjIiii f lila noitlplnfi ilin O ib,i,inj iu, u wuiji'iuu mna in less frequent, until, nt present, o moutlis havo nassed sinco I o havo had 0110." C. F. JJkwman, Dug Spur, Va. "Having UH-dAyor's Pills with iiroiit Hiicci'M fonlvKiKmsiii. from which 1 sull'cri'd for yours, I ru- g solved never to bo without them o in my household, Thoy aro in- o deed effective." Mrs. Sallie g Mourns, 125 Willow St., Phlln- g dolphia, Pa, o "I rtlwnys nso Avcr's Pills, and o think thuin oxcollont." Mrs. G. o P. Watuous, Jackson, Flu. g Ayer's Pillsf Rocolvod Hlehost Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIItg poop 0000000 000 eoopoeoeeeJ You can get it at Franklin Academy H tit .v o 5grQC3l oftgqs SQpL 10a, IllRI! I ATTENDING 8 116 ASSURED mm LOW HE SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEXIS C. HART, Prin., Franklin, Nebraska. tablets I fablets I tablets ! f JEBJi The Finest Line Eve ix mjej oioun. SMS SE LECT FROM it 1 50 page Tablets, 300 page Tablets, 400 page Tablets 5 cents 5 cents 5 cents All kinds of In fuel we havo "the Earth" for 5o, what more do jou want? ocnoai supplies, C. r, COTTING. 5 t E . t 6?