The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 23, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Zn .fTT,.,. I'lftwaai.-'sj wlVteJn&UfiH&iUSm:
TTfiigCTilK' f '
" "1"
At (MlOSMKn, Editor.
I.ahov Tait. Ash. 1ical Kdltor.
In IiXcliiuiKU For SIlOCB.
For tlio next 15 days wo will soil our
Mintiro line of Oxfords at tho following
oroatly reduced prices:
Ladies' l)ongolttS200 Oxfd, reducd 61.25
" 1.U5 " " .80
" Tan VSi " " .00
Misses' " UiO ' " 1.05
Child's " l.J!5 " " .00
Bovs' 82 Tan Shoos, sizes 2-5 " 150
Also Strootman'a betit quality Don
coin, hand turn l.M) and 5.00 Bbooa now
3.r.0. U.OO shoes for 2 50. and many others
in nronortlon. Our Silver Quoon Don-
rrnln Ladies' Shoe 1.00.
Romomhor this is regardless of tho
big advance in prices.
A. II. Kalky.
Successor to 1). Si K
FliyMlcInn and Surgeon,
City and country calls promptly one
Ovor CottingV Drugstoro, Rr.n Cloud.
T. W .Auld waa in Hastings this weett
School will commonco about Septem
ber Tho pops hold their convention on to
morrow. f Dr. Damerell down from Hastings
C. Wiener left for tho east this week
to buy goods.
J. F. Winters is building an addition
A very large attendance was present
at tho institute this week.
A largo numbor of republicans took
k. In tho judicial convention Thursday.
J. H. Walsh and Henry Richmond aro
In possession of tho Nation plant again.
Wo would be pleased to have our cor
respondents be more prompt with their
Vi J. W. Runchey, was in the eastern
part of the otato looking utter stolen
property. "
Allen Carponter brought us in some
It fine onious and com this woelc that are
bard to beat. i
Col. S. B. Newmoyor, tho talented
editor of tun Guide Rock Signal, was in
the city Monday. -
Miss Beatrix and Mnx Mizer returned
Wednosday from a pleasant visit of sov-
nrnl inonthn in Oliio. X ofllco.
Mrs. Alfred Hadoll and Miss Mabo
4 Nyo returned Tuesday evening from an
extended visit in Illinois.
A. A. Pope was unfortunate this wcok.
Some fellow stole a ejelo blade from his
waro house, valued ut ? 100. .
CongreBsman Andrews, Stato Supt.
Corbott, J. P. Curran and other notables
were in Rod Cloud this week. ' -
G. W. Dow is making ono of the best
fS as woll as ono of most careful city troas-
urerB that has hold the ofllco Tor yoars.
Miss Mary Miner roturnod Wednes
day evening from a month's outing with
b party of lady friends in the Big Horn
Mre. Isham of Hastings occupied tho
M.Ei church pulpit on Sunday. Sho
gave talks on missionary work in India
Maj. Ludlow, editor of the Campbell
Priwa. waa doinsr Red Cloud Monday.
Ho Invaded our wigwam and tho Oxn
Chief Bet up tho firewater to tho young
A man giving his namo as James
Phillips, was arrested in Omaha this
week with nino sots of stolon harnoss.
Ho cloimed to bo from this county and
Chief Whlth of Omaha notitlod ShorifT
' Runchey of tho nrrest by telegraph.
There will be 1.500,000 bushels of corn
In Webster county this yoar about ono
bait crop. That Is a goou yiom uuuwu.
ering that there was not 50,000 bushels
Miwd last season. We shall have plenty
of hayi potatoes, oatB,otc., also.
Tho Rod Cloud firemen and tho
Modern Woodmen gave a benofit dinner
k ndBupper on Monday and tho proceeds
' were tendered to John Tomlinson, whose
wlfo haB been confined to her bed for
twenty months, or nearly ".Some,
thing like W0 was tho result of tho din-nor.
' Tho boye woro playing penny ante up
in a back room, wnen u
nantlAman stopped into
There, wbb a scattering
Try tliu K. uf I.
P. P. Hadloy, paper hanger.
Carrlago painting, F. P. Hadloy.
R. L. Tinker was iu town Tuesday.
F. P. Hadley, painter and decorator
Call and boo Taylor's carpets before
Thos. Wilson roturnod to Boatrico on
Chnrloy Uarber was in Red Cloud
MIbs Edna Crono is visiting in Orloans
this wook.
A. II. Kuloy was In Omaha this week
on business. '
Ed Smith roturnod from Norton, Kan
sas, Wednesday.
Calvin Kenady was in tho city tho
first of the week.
Call on P. P. Hadloy for houso, sign
and carriage painting.
Prof. McEachron of Franklin was in
Red Cloud yesterday.
Mrs. Josslyn and children of Orleans
wero in tho city last Saturday.
Mrs. II. A. Howard left Wednesday
for a visit in Springfield, Maps.
A counlo of bicycle tourists from Iowa
ntiRAed through hero WedncfidnY.
Misses Lillio and Poarl Smith uro vis
iting relatives in McCook this wcok,
LAXOL in not a mixtnre of JriiBH. It
b nothing but Castor Oil wade pnlatPblo
Just watch for Cottings big display in
tablets, tho larcoBt ever shown in this
, For hnrd times smoke try
tho K: or P. W. S. Ilcmo keeps
' Mr. Jackson, tho tonsorial ' artist of
Blue Hill, was on our streets the first of
tho week.
Tyndall Curran of Blue Hili was vis
iting friends in the city tho foro part of
tho week.
" D. F. Rudd and Mel Tingley departed
Wednesday for a tour of Missouri and
P. W. Shea and wife returned Tues
day from u pleasure trip in tho Big Horn
J. F. Winters and family roturned
last Saturday from an extended visit in
Salt Lake City.
J. A. Tulloyfl and wife loft Wednesday
for Boston to attend the grand conclavo
of tho Knights of Pythias.
Mrs. J. N. RickardH of Beatrice, quito
woll known in this city, died Wednesday
morning after a lingering illness.
J, O. Wiles arrived this week from
Kingman, Kansas, and will honceforth
turn out the fancy pastry for tho Bon
T. J. Loomis and family of Fairfield
.wero in Red Cloud Saturday, They
wore going overland to Phillipsburg,
Frank Polley nnd wife of Raymond,
this state, aro yisiting at the reeldonco
of O. C. Boll thia woek. Mr. Polley is u
brother of Mrs. Boll's.
Lost Purse containing 'broostpin
mado of 85 gold piece, and puir of ear
rings made of 81 gold pieces. Finder
Will bo rewarded by leaving sumo Bt th'B
NffltJJINi !
! .w i'rJrTrPf---y -"" r
For District Judge of the Tenth
At llnntlnca Till rtlornlnir.
Tho hntttst contestod convention that
has boon held in this district, or this
part of tho Btato.'took place Thursday
and today, at which timo Hon. James
McNony of this city waa nominated by
tho republicans for their standard boar-
or. It was a lucky omen. There wero
71 delegates and it took 71 ballots to
nominate. Tho best of feeling prevailed
and McNeny will bo clectod by a big
majority, llurahl Hurah! for MoNony.
Tho Wobator county instltuto is now
in pension.
..r. Wuntor has exproBsod his satis
fuel ion with tho ouorgotio mannor in
whluh his tonchera tako hold of tho
Tho ministers of this city havo taken
chargo of some of the opening exorcises.
Mr. McEachron of tho Franklin Acad
omy nnd Itov. Goo. E. Taylor of Douno
collego addrosBcd tho inBtituto this woek.
Many aro intorostod in tho work as in
shown by tho many visitors.
Tho enrollment at thla writing in 118.
Ill Itl.morlum.
In loving remombranco of Mr. E. C.
Stowart who passed poacofully awoy
August 13, 189s.
Tho end u lone and noneeful jrcnrs
The Ustof sorrow nnd nf );iln,
The clmtice lht brines in hitter tears
v (Ins brought to his eternal rhId.
I Ho lias crossed the lonoly river
' And his Aiiffrliw now tiro 'er,
1 II lias cone to dwell foiover
On Unit fnlr and inacetul shore.
Had may see tn your horns without him
With Its shadow hanKlng o'er,
Hut remember thut In heaven
There Is added one mime nioro.
Gud has culled hint from nil weeping
TIs his will thiil ho should go,
He's not diul hut only tnksn
From tills world ot sin below.
Farewell loved sne, farewell
Th Father's rail has cuine,
To leave all care nd sorrow
And rest In ) boivenly homo.
Oh could we sea the glory
As the pates closed after you,
Tho splendor, beauty, bliriitness
That hurst on your rapturous lew.
Tho llht of stnlUs shall light again
Tim Hits tlmtoTerllciwed with tears,
And weary hours of woe ad pain
Are promise of happier years.
For Rod has marked each sorrowing day
And numbered each secret tear.
And heaven's long nue uf bliss shall pay
For all his children vli suffer her.
Hut we trust ynu with the dear ones
Who left us ono by one,
With heartbroken anpnlsh wo murmur
Oh Corf, thy will be done.
A Fiueju).
the Wcbwtcr County Union
Sundny-School ANoclatlen
ut Cowlen Kept. O nnd
You cannot say that yon hava tried
evarytbing for yoar rheumatism, nntill
yon hava takan Ayer's Pills. Hundreds
Iihvh been onreil of this aomiilalut by the
used af thosa pills alona. They were Ad
mittt-d ou exhibition at the World's Fair
ns n standard outhartio.
I C. T.. Rundstrom ot Holdrego, Neb.,
his accentod a noseition with Dovo b
LGrico for about thirty days. . Bert ex,
peats to visit Umuhn during tho state
fair and at tho same timo buy n stock ot
holiday goods. Mr. Rundstrom comes
well recommended and is thoroughly
competent to take charge ot their
The Webster county democratic coun
ty convention mot here today and nom
inated the following tiokt: Treasurer,
AmoaDillar; sheriff Ed. Hillton; clerk
ot district court, C. E. Conrad; county
olork, W. G. Parkor; coroner Dr. W. C
Fulkorson; euperintondant ot public
Instruction, H. W. Hall county judge, T.
J. Ward. Delegates to attend the
state convention to be held in Lincoln
September 5th. are C. FflHer, T. S.
Ductrer. W. O. Faulkerson. T. J. Ward
Crl Kiuhler, E. H. Cox. A resolution
was adopted opposing rrpo silver on tho
ratio of 10 to 1 in the United States and
indorsing sound money.
A somi annual convention ot the
Webster County Union Sunday School
Association will bo held in Fuller's
grovo, at Cowles, on Friday and Satur
day, September 0th and 7th. Tho com
mitteo canvassed tho county for a loca
tion and docided upon Cowles for tho
reason, first that it is near tho geograph
ical center ot the county, and Recond,
that no one could complain of tho dis
tanco as it can bo reachod in threo
hours' easy drivo from any point in tho
A fow of the objestBot the convention:
To dorlvo plans to further tho Sunday
School interest during the coming winter:
to draw the Sunday School workers of
the county closer together that they
may become bettor acquainted wun
each others method ot work, and to
get each township organization into
working ordor.
A tow reasons why you should attend:
You owo an outing to yourself and es
pecially to your children beforo starting
thorn to this wintor's torm ot Bohool.
It is tho only union association, is un
denominational, and a freo will offoring
t'o the world.
ot tho
, ,,f iim hnok window, come
jmt tho stairway and others didn't know
just how thoy did get out. It la u very
bad beginning boys.
Those who woro bo favored as to be
invltod to the R'h hall last Friday oven
ing enjoyed an intellectual treat. The
program rendored was a eamplo ot what
is given each weok by tho sooiety and
shewed much careful thought and prep
aration. Tho mootimr waa called to or
dor by John Potter, who is addressed as
"R". R. R." What thoso symbolic letters
mean your reporter was not able to as
certain. Alvin Pope gave a talk upon
the history and aim of the society which
was very instructive to those not mem
bers. The story of the "Screaming
Witch" was especially exoiting, Mr
Pope was followed by Otto Pope, Wm
Hetllbower and John Pottei with papers
and orations, whilo Danial Uarber and
Henry Newhouse contended in a debate.
Musio was furnished at intervale by the.
Mandolin Club, Upon the whole the
R'a aro to be congratulated upon sustain
ing buoIi an interesting and instructive
literary society and we hope that they
will novor decldo to drop such a worthy
On Thursday morning the hardware
atore ot W. W. Wright waa entered by
burglars and robbed of 850 worth of
cutlery and revolvers. Tho thieves
made good their escape, but unfortu
nately wont to Cowles and oxpressod a
package to Hastings, under rathor sus
picious circumstances and the boys
were informed. A suspicious individ
ual was on the train and was put off
at Blue Hill. Arriving at Hastings
Bart Wright and the express oflioera
opened the package and recognized the
Goods stolen. Sheriff Runchey tolearaph-
ed to Blue Hill and Deputy Sheriff
Conrad arrosted a fellow who gavo his
name as Tony Lewis. Ho was brought
to this city and jailed.
CllUItCIl OK G'ltttlKT.
Attention all tho moiubors ot tho
Church of Christ in Wobator county,
Tho program for our county mooting at
Red Cloud, Sopt. 7 and 8, 1b out nnd
will bo published next wcok. Got ready
for thia mooting and como. C. II. Mat
tox, Chairman.
Tho musical given under tho direction
of tho young people's society at tho
church Inst Tuesday ovoning was u buc
cosa in ovory particular. Tho houso waa
crowded to overllowlnir. The program
re nil ore tl, confirmed tho bollof of thoso
present that Rod Cloud possesses some
excollont musint talont for a place ot its
size. Tho youwr vcoole's Focioty is
much indobtod to thoso ot othor
churches and to those of tho city not
members ot any church, who so kindly
assisted in tho program. Mrs. Rose
Wost and Mrs. Sowtor deserve especial
crodlt for thoir efforts on bohalt of tho
muelcalo. Ico croani and cako woro
sorvod at tho conclusion of tho program.
It is probable that Rev. T K. Tyson,
tho district Baptist missionary for south
western Nobraaka, will occupy the pul
pit noxt Sunday evoning, It bo, thoro
will bo one or two baptism in tho even
Tho union prayor mooting of last
Wednosday evening arranged by County
Suporintondent Hunter especially for
the teachon of tho inetituto was largely
attendod. Tho eubjoct, "Christian Ed
ucation" was discUBBod by professors
und toachors, by tho ministers ot tho
city and others.
Soclul Entertainment.
A large and sociable gathering filled
the Baptist to its utmost capacity last
Tuesday evening, the occasion being a
muiicato and sooial. givon uudor the
auspices ot tho young people ot that
donomination, Tho pulpit, piano, plat
form and stands were handsomely dec
orated with many varieties of beautiful
flowera. and tho program was rendered
in an enchanting way. Following is the
program as carried out, some few who
wero on tho program being unablo to
take part, owing to ubsonco and sick
nosa: 1'lftMO Duct Morioati Drllllanto
MIsdi Kusle Kenady und Alice Itemsbe'rg.
Vocal Dust HlnMng Bhlp
1 Messrs. Htuart and I,. 1'. Albright
Vocal Holo lletter Apart
Kdwln Kmlifh.
1'lanoBolo InterwfZo
Jessie Cntlier.
I'luno Solo Mazurka
Alice llemshciK.
Vocal Duet Illnir, Illng De lliuija
I.I77I0 I'oltidrxtcr and Kva Foster.
Ladles' (Juurtot
Morning Kouk of the rlhepherdoss
Mrs. Martin, Nellie West, lllauohe Cuwmlngs,
and Mrs. .West.
Selection Mandolin Club
Messrs. Vance, Fulton and McNItt.
Violin Holo Selected
Margaret Mlnvr.
Cnmlo Mate Quartet IuIch ' Watermelon
Messrs, tllark, foiling, Murhart und Urckersou.
Mrs. West, Mies Josio Igou, Mits
Irene Minor and Miss Notfie West
played accompaniments for the various
Each performance was favorably re
oeivod by the audienco, and applauded
in a hearty and encouraging manner,
At tho conclusion of tho Musical part
of tho entertainment, tho gathoring was
givon permission to enjoy the social
part. Tho church was immediately u
scono ot confusion. Waiters wero rush
ing bore and thero, with trays loaded
with ice cream and cake, peoplo were
conversing in groups and by twos, and
altogether, ovorybody seemed to be
making tho most of the- occasion. Ad
mission had been proviouely ilxod at
fifteen conte, and ooch 'porsou waa ser
ved with tron refreshments. Taken all
togother, it was one of tho most enjoy
able entertainments ot tho season.
To Rent. Rooms convenient for stu
dents- For partioulurs, inquire at F.
Just Received
Another Gar
You are all talking about, and
wi'l be sold at prices less than
anyone in the city can sell the
same errades.
Don't fail to come and get our
prices before making your purchase.
We are always glad to quote
prices and save you all the
money we can.
B. F. Mizer.
: ;
Education ?
You can get it at
School o1pQts Sept 1 otty
NowhoiiBO'c store.
Franklin, Nebraska.
Highest Honors-Wiri? Ft
The World's Fair Tests
ahowed do baking powder
ao pmw or MFgremt im mv
tfolng power an tho RftyaL
sta.) ammmmmw
, Hon. W. E. Andrews, congressman
from this district, was in Red Cloud to
day, ,
Waverly bicycles, the best in the
world, for Bale by W. W. Wright. Prices
reasonable. See him it you Vvant a
bike. tt
Roud our display ads, Thoy are in
teresting and protltablo to you. Deyo
Si Orice.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fru
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other rdultorat
Notice to Stock Feeder, &c.
Wa are now ready to 'make contracts
fer the dollvery, during tho coming fall,
ot all 1895 boet pulp not yet contracted
for, and, in view ot tho fact that at no
time last season wbb the supply equal to
the demand, we would advise that early
application be made. For terms, etc.,
apply to Oxmard Beet Buoaii Co.,
Grand IslanU, Neb.
1 Smoke Ike K. of P. clear, tko
beat In tke market for tke mon-
la order to introduoe Chamberlain's
Ooogh Remedy here we sold several doa
bottles on strict guarantee and have
foaed every bottle did eood service. We
have naed it ourselvea and think it super
ior to any other. W. I. Mowrey, Jarvis
vllU, W. Va. For tale by Deyo & Urioe,
A comploto new line of wall papor a
Taylor's at bottom prices.
A person in prematurely old when bald
nee oooum before the forty-fifth year.
Use Haifa Hair Itenewertokeep thencalp
healthy and prevent baldnets.
Go to tho Bon Ton bakery for fine lea
cream. Thoy still sell 40 loaves of bread I
for $1.00. '
Old people suffer much from dicorders
ot the kidneys or nrinary organs, and are
always gratified at the wondertnl effect
of Dr. J. H. MoLenn's Liver and Kidney
The lawn eociul held at C. II. Smith'
park last Wednesday for tho benefit ot
Rev. Blackwoll proved vory enjoyable
and wbb a tuccees both socially and.
tj nanclally.
. r.t'.
. '."lA.-i
i, h MM