p-N-- ' . iSrt' "ttjw p ' ...,- ,mh"t famipnMHtwm . --A-t-49Jl'ut A liw7Isw if i t .vr , THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUG. 10, 1805. 0 iiimiii n-Tr" r t i r k u ir SDR.KILMETR'S WMR Roof tHe8ncAT KIDNEY, LIVERS BW DiHHitlvcH travel Call stone, lirlek lnt In urine, tuiln In urethra, itrnliilni: after urltritlnn, pain In tho back nnd hlv, mnliH n Moppiipo of water with press-lire. Iliiglil's Disease Tula nuts In urine fennty urine. Swamp-Unol cures mlimry troulilesnii'l kidney tllilleultlcs. Liver Complaint rorpld or onliinrotl liver, foul breath, blllnus nms, lillinus heniliiL'he, poor illircst Ion, pout. Catarrh of the IMaller Intlaintnutlon, Irritation, ukeratUin.ilrlhbllnB, frequent Willi, piiM blood, mucin or put. At DriissUtn 50 eenln and pl.OO Slf. "InnUM Uulilu ti llonlth" fr Cownllntlon frt. Oil. ICll.MIK.V CO., ItlNOIIAiMTON, N. V. Itt'P'.ittlU'au lotuify coiuviiiioii. Notice Is hereby glvon Unit, pursuant to the notion of thu Republican County Central Ci mini tteo of Webster county,- Nebrnnl'ii, 11 republican county conven tion jh honb called to moot lit the courtlimiHi) in llod Cloud, Nubrnakn, on lun(1ny, the l!)tb tiny of August, 18'.)."), il o'clock n. m., for tbo purposo of se lecting delegates to thostato convention, und to I lie judicial convention of tbo tenth judicial district, unit for tbo pur pose of placing in nomination candi dates for each of tbo following olllces: County Irenauror, county clerk, BheritT. clerk of tbo district court, county judge, county superintendent of public instruc tion, county coroner, and county Hurvoj or. Notice. it also given that in case tho township law enacted at tho last ncHsion of tbo state legislature Ih doolarod to bo in rlTeut in this county, and thu county is apportioned under its provisions, the delegati's from tbo townships in each of bucIi di-itriots will place in nomination a candidate fur tin) olllue of supervisor in each of such districts. Tbo various townHbipn nro entitled to representation ua follows, allowing on dele,',ito for oriuh ten votoH and fraction thereof caflt for Ibigeno Monro for Auditor of I'ub lie Accnuuttt in 1801, and ono delegate lit lurge from each township: Itutin, 4 delegates. Denver Urei'fc, 8 delegates. Cutlicrtun.'U delcguteri. Klin Creole, (i delegates. (iHilleld, 7 del.KiileH. (llemvonij, S delegatHS. Guide I tuck, 15 di-legutes. Harmony, (i delegates, lnavale, (I deleguteu. Line, (! delegates. Oak Oroide. 4 delegates). l'leiisunt Hill, 8 delegates Pothdam, JO delegates. lied Cloud, II rut ward, 11 delegated. Ked Cloud, second ward, Ifi delegates, Kd Cloud tnwr.ship, 10 delegates. StiUwui.tr. 0 delegates. Wuliiut Creek, Ii delegntes. TotnL. 141. It in recutimiended that tin proxies bo allowed. T. C. IIackku, Chainunn. - KIIPUIIMOAN 'AUCU!ES. Notice is hereby given tbut thoro will bo it caucun of tho republican voters of Walnut creek township, at the school house in Dist. No. .1, on Saturday, tbo 17th day of August, 18!)."), at ono o'clock p. in., for tbo purposo of choosing five delegates to thu county couvention to bo held at Ked Cloud, Nob., Aug. Kith, 180o, and for tno transaction of auoh other businoBB lis may como beforo the caucus. Jos. Noiii.k, Committeeman. Notice is hereby given that thoro will 1)4 a caucus of tbo republican voters of IdhviJo township at tho drugstore of G. W. Knight in Inavale, on Saturday, the 17th day of August, 1895, at three o'clock p. m., for tbo purpose of choosing six delegates to tho county convention at Rod Cloud on August 19tb, 1695, and for tbo transaction of such otlior busi ne6e un may enmo beforo tbo caucus. O. W. Knkiiit, Commlttoenmn. Notioo 'is horoby given that there will be h caucus ot the republican votorH of Ked Cloud -township, at tbo court bouso in lied Cloud, on Saturdayitho 17th day tif Abgiint, 189."), tit halt past two p. in., for tbo purpura of choosing ten dolo jjates to tbo county convection at Ked Cloud, Auguflt IDth, and for tho tran saction of Hticb other busicouj as may como l.vfuro tbo caucus, K. H Sahiii, Cdciuiii'teeinan, Notice (h liernliygiwii that thoro will Im'HVouwmof thw lepuhlic.in vutera of GlniwtHid township, at tho G. A. K. balj in lllaili.n. Nob., on h'.iturdaj-. tbe 17tb day of AugiiHi, labv, at tlneo'cloek p. m fr Hi' j)Uipoct of choomux c'tfbt deigiri'rt t iho i-oiiMly coiiimti.u at Kcl Cli.ti;', Ati;uf-t 5fl.li, and for tbo trarihaiilion biicb oJier IxiHiuuw ;is uiiO ciiiiut i'lfiiri) (ho cwjuh.' W. K 'J'lion.vi:. Oinmittt'einitn. Don't rorgu iLut J am prepared to winy paBRengeih to all purtu J tbo ity. Loavo ordure at tho Holland House. IjLOTI) Ciunti.u The U. S. Gov't Reports shaw Royal Baking Powder I superior to all others, ' TO BE SETTLED IN CDUR1 OMAHA'S RIVAL POLICE BOARDS AGREE TO A LEGAL CONO, THE OLD BOARD STAYS IN. 'I lid 'I lirrnlrnnl Cnnlllrt llrtuern till' .illn'rrnt of tin- Tnru t'iiininllm A I'M ill Iijr h Conferral Tim Old llimnl Ilellneit Hit l'o- kltlon Kiiiiv.k City ,. I'. A.' Offer Aid. Oujiia, Neb., Aug. 16. The A. V. A. coiumi&'ilon convened at ll o'clock in rooms reserved for tbolr uso by tb; city council. The pinrtcrH wiiro crowded by n motley gaiberlnp of probably 200 hynipatbl.ers. A letter was sent to the old commlbilon asking n conference, without, bow ever, stat ing the object. Tbe old commission agreed and indicated tbo iniiyor'h otllce. where tbo meeting was toon in progress. After an animated discussion, the old tire and police commission refusing nny compromise except on Hie buhls of permitting tbe biipreme court to pass on tbo situation, the A. I'. A. commis sion consented and it was agreed that the obi commission should continue to conduct tbe olllces of the eitv until n decision bhould be render l In t In case. This Is considered a detitilte settlement. (Ifeat crowds were about the guard ed headipiiirt As all morning, but they were good nalured and there was no trouble whatsoever. The old commission delines its posi tion now thus: "We believe we are the only lawful board of police and (ire commissioners of Omaha und in thu language of Judge Hopewell have tho 'right to t cumin peace fully In poisesslon itml to exercise the functions of said otllce until otherwise ordered in it proper legal proceeding',' This is not new law; it Is the application of long and well established principles to the facts in the ease before him. Tills declara tion of law hit!, tho .sanction of the best judicial uitiunalsaud the approval of tho ablest legal authority. If we have thu 'right to remain in tbo peace able possession' and perforin the duties of our olllces until these rights are taken from us by an order of theVourt In a legal proceeding, it follows, as sure as day is not night, that any other method, whether direct or in direct, or whether by fraud or violence, to dispossess us of these rights is ille gal and fraught with mischief. These rights with which we are invested by law we shall not only assert, but with tlrmness maintain. Without violating any law wo hhtill strive to execute tbo law in a proper and dignltled manner." KANSAS CITY A. P. A'S. Sent Word to Omnia "I'rlrmW" Tlmt They Would Send 1 It-lit If 'trraiir-. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. in. Several thousand A. P. A. members in Kansas City uro watching tbo controversy in Omaha with great interest and threat ening, If armed force Is needed, to go to Omaha in n body. Tbo advisory board, composed of two members of each of tho twenty two councils in .lackson county, met last night. A resolution was ottered, declailng that the A. 1'. A. members in Kansas City nio in hearty sympathy with the "friends" in Omaha and are ready to help them ut any time, should help be called for. Some of tbe members wanted to offer 5,000 armed men to help put the new police force in power, while others wild tbe conditions did not justify tbo thirst for gore which seemed to con trol their associates. It was finally agree! that the secre tary should telegraph tho Omaha po lice commissioners and notify them that the Kansas City A. P. A. Is ready to bupport them in their light. BANNOCKS UPHELD. Cnttnlu VmirrmUlu of tho Army I)c uuuncm the White Men of Wyoming. Wasiunoton, Aug. IB. A roportsent to the war department by Captain J. T. Vanorsdnlo of the Seventh Infantry, lte noting Agent at tho Fort Hull Indlun reservation, on tho subject of tbe trouble with the llannock Indians has been forwarded to the secretary of tho interior. It says In part: "Helng short rationed nnd far from solf-supportlng tbo Hannocks hunt for the purpose of ob taining sustenaaico. Uy treaty they Mn granted this privilege. It would seem that tbo killing of these Indiuus under tl.o eiro n stances Is nothing inoro or less ti m inurdur. Further, 1 believe there is no wanton ihmghtor of game by them, while it is i notorious fact that hundreds of nnl anils are killed by white men for noth ing more than heads and horni. The Indians eun hardly be expected to sub mit to tbe killing of their peoplo while ngnged in an occupation which they think tiiey have a right to follow, uoro quietly than white men would do uid failure by tho goxcrnnient to take 'roper notion is apt to ivsult In seri ous loss of life and properly." A Millionaire InrilrU'd. Ni vr Oi:r.rN.n, U Aug. 1.1. Mint .Ice .1. Hart erntraetor, employer of titnus:mil. of iiion, mlUiounhe and di rector of inuny corporations, was in lleted for purjnry. subordination of ,ierjnry und obtaining- uionev i'-audu-fiitly. The indictments. tie tl:j culini Jittlon of the movement begun over i ,ear ago against municipal corruption. To llrliij; China to Term. t. PicrntNiii'itH, Aug. 16. The No voj.j1 recommends that 1,'uesIu, Kraneu tml.ermany unite with tbo United Statec and tlrent Hiitaln with tbe view it obtaining hatisfuctlon for tho out ages committed bv Chinesu unon tlm li Herein missions, and in order to ob tain Mibitantlal guarantees nf,-ihlbt a enetltlQii of tbeso occurrences. MARTIN NOMINATED. Knnsn ltriti!llcuii State Committee Name Him for Chief .liullce. TorKKA, Kan., Aug. 16. The Kan sas Kepublicnns will not bold a con vention this year. The State Central committee met at the Copoland betel last night and made a decision to this effect by a unanimous vote. There were twenty-nine of tbe tblrty-lie members of the committee present. Chairman Cy I.elnnd appointed n com mitteeto suggest apian for the mmiltt atlou of a candidate for chief justice of the supreme court. These gentlemen comprised the committee: J. ll.Tomlln son of Minneapolis, J. .1. Cox of Law rence, A. I.. Green of Newton, tleorge Huycko of Kllsworth, W. S. Kenyou of .letmore, T. C. Kanev of Anthonv and .1. P. Hetty of Kansas City, Kan The committee reported in favor of the nomination of Judge David .Martin of Atchison to be chief justice by the central committee. The report was adopted and .lodge Martin was form ally nominated. The secretary was Instructed to no tify tho county commit ees to have petitions ratifying the state coiuinlti.ee work returneii not later than Septem ber SO. i 1 After accepting the resignation of W. 11. Young of Meade, who expects to be absent from the state for month'., und electing 1M Smith of Meade t) till tbe vacancy, tho committee adjourned. TALKED ABOUT SILVER. Senator Wat Kirr-M Himself In an Intenletr In CurMiad. Caui.siiaii, Aug. 16 "Tlio silver question will nevur be dropped in America until free coinage is passed," bald Senator George (5. Vest of Mis souri, here to-day, replying to ques tions put to him by n representative of the press. In regard to the prospects of an in ternational monetary conference Sena tor Vest remarked: "It is generally conceded that tho other powers are awaiting the action of Ibiglaud. and from nil accounts Knglund will not alter the gobl standard. A prominent KnglMi oillclal was hero recently, a gentleman who had the coulldence of the new ministry, and he had several long conferences on the subject with Mr. .lobu Wanamaker. lie said, Mlest assured that Kngland will not alter the gold Mnndard.'" Senator Vest is greatly impioved in health and tbe doc-tots say be has no serious ailment. THE COLD RESERVE. Ilruiy Withdrawal-) for Kiirt to l.'uropo Am Immediately ICepliiei'd. WasIiinoion, Aug. 16 A telegram was received at tho treasury depart ment from Assistant I'nitcd States Treasurer Jordan at New York, stating that 000,000 in gold bad been with drawn for export to Kurope. This was followed in a few minutes by an other, stating that the Morgan syndi cate had deposited in gold in exchange for legal tenders Sl,:ilit,()00, which leaves tho gold reserve at tbe closo of tbo day's business 101,83.1, 71.'. Tho syndicate's action Is taken here ns con clusive evidence that It proposes to keep the reserve above the Sloo.000.000 point nccording to the spirit of its con tract with tiic government. Kaxsas Citt. Mo., Auu. 15. OnVrlnsi ot wheat ucra light to-day mi I all s. unpin in. it with s'ood doaiaml, itth an orcavlo ml Hiilu 'ic liltflierttimijosturd.lv'. (IomI nift wlio.it u--porinlly, whs vjry linn, ltu.-uliitd, ,!) oumi ii year iik-o, 7') curt. WhiMit No. 2, Imnl Clc: No. 2 nfirliiK Res No.a.lliyc; No. 4, 4"01c: No. 2 red. "U.7lu, No. 3, wlijo ; No. 4 tl'Jc j rejected 0.'c i uo kmiI j, 4io. Cirn No. 2 inlxnl, 8os No. :l. 3.1c j No. OUicino Kra.lo i(Ji;tX:i No. 'J nhltu, 'Mot No. a.:tc. Oiit-No. 1 mtxDil, lVc; No. :i, 17'.ic; No. 4, Uc; rejuctod, 1U lie; uo tirade, l-c; No. 'J white, J3oi.No. s, '.'llfiic. Itje No. -.'. iVi cj No. 3. 40c j No. 4. .TOc. Hnxceed Aunt B.o j Suituailir U5o. Cora Chop 7utj.Me ior .cwt Hacked. llrun-W4nUoior cwttiacked; Imlk, Co loss. Ki?i C.liullcil block, Klodoziia. Poultry Hem. Oc, miriutc. fo: rcKMtorn. Lie. Turkic, Kol)hlu, Co: hea, 7c. Uackx. .iJio, uprliik'-". scarce. ;c. ioi-ie, not wanton, Sfillci aprli'K-, "c. I'lu.-oii. 7JciM pl-r dozen. Ilutter Mnrknt tea ly.Kxtr.i fimcjH.'enrntor 17o ; lair. UVlV.ic; dairj', funcy, linn, 14c : fair. 1.M i atorj piakod, froali, Uigllc; oil Krndrii. kj. l'otatooH I'li'iitiful.nfJU'o m.t bn laenr lots 2)'ii1c iiorliu Miinll wi; nuw swiot potatoo lOti73o per hu In rumll way. Chlcnifa llonrtl.of Trails. CmcAao. Am;. 1 .1 Tho folio win j it thi nai of priced of tlioK-ralu and provUioa nurkut oa UicboirUot tradoi Ciom l.'loaa IHnli Low Autf. II Auif. IS Wheat Auumt (i cm taw to boptomlwr. .. t)7'i C5S in Ovjl Docombor.... W ibji OHH CM Com huptoinlHT... 8S, 87i 37V , & IMv-oinlhir . .. ' , 31i E.S May U!. 12st K 4 VM Oais- Aliiiunt I9xi 10'i 104 l!)ii bvpluiuhur... 1U' IB i 11' nA, May '.a .yi va.'j .as Pouh AliKlUt I) 2 BW fl 2J 0 4714 bnptiuubor.. U ri7H y 21 u:il a W(, January IJ 10 l'J UO lUC", I) n, I.Aki) AlU-nt GO) IS (10 0 CHI (100 Niplemlior . U 02i 5 li7 ii til iSOi'i Junn.iry 0 UJ 00) C 0U , WSi tnour Itliu- Aiiut 5.11 1 r1 R M 1 HI biiIuiabor. 5 111 A 31 5 .It .1(5 Jmiii.irt . :. ,"o .1 a) 1 1 j Kt. I.011U (iraln. St. Louis. Mo., Ami. l !olnir prlcn WJirnt-C1111I1, Ujiei Aiinnt. MSw, as.iwli ep t nil ur,i!7,lli7o hid; D.-nuaber. hio hid. fort t'uli,ailo! Soitoitilvir, J4l''tc 1 ileci iab.'r, '.',(j0 Oit.i-Casli, l'.'o hl.l; Aiuiut, llo bat; bepteia Inr, MU(sl)lil. I.1VK STOCK. J'vnhks I'm, Mo., Ainr. M.-Cnttlo It rolpu, ,M I, oilvet lll'itdilppeil yeDturdiiyll.Oli citllo, 3ilciili't. 'H10 inaikdt Htoady ou koihI r'itU'o and louor on i.tlior. l)rered (Hof nnd export liteiiru SI.2Vn.19 'J'oxahand la linn rterA ll'.WO.'V, New Moxlco rt(vri.,., Okl.ihtiir.arowM ... ,, uIk'.'.IC 'lexaxand Indlin cowh V.ntcJ.W ('oufiind iieifor-) , ,,,,.. l.iuan Ktnckvrn ami fodi'rn , ,,,,,, 2.MM.I.0J t'nhui , 2.T!S.ffl JhiK-lti-eitipta, f.,812j hhlppod jent'jrdny, J.tU, The inarkot wiih irreuninr to ID rents 'His top naln u H.W nnd tho bulkoi al(t from U.'iO to $1,70. Slio-u lloi-uir.ti. V,1t; shlppc-d jctwJu)'i l.'.'I.S 'JJ10 inuiVut was Moady, CUBANS FULL OF HOPE. Senrnil Mnrrii 1VrI(i nn I7ntlinidantlu I.rtter to lltn Sympathizer. Nkw Yoiik, Alter. 1. Favorablo nc iount.s of tho progiess of tho Cuban evolution were received yesterday by jleuertil l!o i.alo do (Juesadu, secretary jf tho revolutionist parly in the I'nitcd States lu 11 letter from (.ieneral Maeco. Vhe letter follows. tleneml Headcuuirters lu tbe Field, SUmtompolo. July Jl. Dear Sir: The evolution. Is most powerful in Santl gO de Cubii aud lu Caiuagucyi every Mttle so far has been 11 triumph for '.he liberators of this country. The pu.ush soldiers are panic-stricken and uirrender to their be-siegers. w ho spare heir live.. I tbluk we shall soon jblio the !S punish governiuent t give lp tbe Klaud to tbe tubans, who wisli ,0 Iv free, uitd who are striving to .brow ott this yoke which oppt esses 1 ml rulus them. Tbo live representatives of the Hast jrn department have left for Catna- ruey In onter to estuoiisii tno (overumeui 01 tne repuone. ine rep resentatives ure lr. Joaiiutu Castillo Ouanv. Kufael M. l'ortuoudo. Uafael Mauduley, I 'euro Aguller Kindebin ind Mariana Sanchez Valllauth. 't'his A'lll Institute a government composed f a president aud three secretaries, .hose of war, Interior nnd foreign af 'airs. It Is possible that the presiuVjiit will be (ienerul llartoleme -Masso. I .vill scurf, you "soon 1U Cuuano Libre, n lewspaper which will be published n this department, giving our Mllclul news of the military operations )( the army of the east, and of the jrogress 01 tbe revolution. We con rratulate ourselves on the election of l'houias I'.strada l'alma and Manuel ?angully as representatives of our acred cause in the United States, live to the people of that generous sountry our regards, aud assure them .bat Cuba has never doubted their lympathy. I am youis, w'th the high ist consideration, A.mo.mo Mau:o, Major (ieneral. LOWERING THE LAKES. li i:unruinii Qimntlly of Wiitrr Mill llo Diverted I'roiii Lnl.e .Mloliluun. Nr.W Yoiiic, Aug. 1 Mr. I'rank W. tlawley has just returned from Chlca ro, where he has been for tbe past few reeks examining the drainage canal 11 an attempt to determine whether bo construction of this improvement s likely to lower the waters of the Jrcat Lukes, and whether also it is ikelynpprcc olytodlvci tratllc from .he Kast down thu Mississippi. His eport was that there can bo no qttes ,ioti that an enormous quantity of .vater will bo taken from Lake M'icbl jan for tbo HUluir of the canal. The best estimates that ho could obtain tvero that this volume will bu con .tautly equal to one-third that con tained in the Mississippi river nbovo the mouth of the Missouri or three times of that of the Ohio river. lu Chicago it is looked upon as a cer tainty that considerable lake com merce, will seek tho sea through the Mississippi valley as soon ns this canal is completed. On the other hand, Mr. Ilawloy bays that in tho West It is thought that thu canal would bring sratllu to the Krlo ns well as taku it iway and that new and distant locali ties in the West would use the canal is tin economical route to the Kast. STARTED FOR KU CHENG. liiit-rliiin mid llrltlidi Olllthil Are i:u Itonte to That I'hirn to Imt-Mlgiitc. Siianohai, Aug. I... Mr. Munslield, the acting llrltlsh consul at Foo Chow; Mr. Allen, the llrltlsh vice consul at I'udoga island; "Colonel .1. Courtney Ilkkson, tho United States consul at Foo Chow; Messrs. llanlster and Greg ory, und ono of the Heut. ants of the United States cruiser iJotrolt, will start from Foo Chow for Ku Cbeng.tho scene of the recent massacres, as soon us possiblo In order to make a com plete inquiry into tho matter. Tho consular purty will bo escorted byti detachment of 100 Chinese troops, tho viceroy having refused to allow an es cort of foreign soldiers or marines to accompany them. Colored lliiptlHU to Help Waller. Wasiunoton, Aug. 15. Hon. .John M. Lnngston addressed tho Washington conference of tho colored Haptlst church on tho Imprisonment of ex consul Waller. At tho conclusion of Ills remarks a resolution was passed protesting agulnst the treatment re ceived by Mr. Waller, and a pledge was mndc to bring the matter to the attention of various llaptist congre gations, in order to provide money for the asslstanco of Mr. Waller's family. The plan will bo carried es pecially to Kansas and Missouri, where it is estimated more liberal re sponses will bo made than in uny other state. found In the J rave Mi'.xico, Mo., Aug. 1.1. Mr. Orth, a farmer living twcnty-tlirco miles from Wichita, Kun., arrived hi this city yesterday, and went to the Little lly Church cemetery, six miles east of here, where ho bad the remains of the Mipposod trump, Mike Orth, who was killed by the cars at Hush Hill last week, disinterred. Ho Identified thu body Mitisfactorlly ns that of bis brother, and returned with it to his home. The family of brothers till live at Aundale, K'uti., and tiro thrifty farmers. Kiilfldn of it J.lttlo Hoy. , Waiihaw, Intl., Aug. Ki Leroy Car- dilt. aged only I) years, committed Mil eide by taking a heavy doso of rough on rats, ills mother recently obtained 1 divorce from her husband 011 very ieiiMitlonal grounds and thu little hoy eft a note Haying that lie could im onger stand thu taunts of his play nates ubout It. Ex-Mayor Maxwell U. I'ardilV, tbe boy's father, Is a very prominent uttorney of this city, nnd served three terms In the state legisla ture. A Defaulter Coinmltft Snlclde. Si'KXt'Kii, Iowa, Aug. 15. C. II. Ilendorshott, a prominont attorney, committed milchbi by shooting hllnsolf. Tho cause given is nn alleged shoi tago with an Eastern loan company. Ho had lived in Spencer for four yeurs and o one suspected iuoh n thing. for Infants T HIRTY yaam' oTjorvn,tlon"of million of parwoM-, permit It 1 nnqnntlonaMy tli bent remedy for Infantx and Children the world hat ever known.Itln harmleii. Children, like It. It give- them hoalt . It will wave their liven. In It Mothers have torn aethlng which 1 ahuolntely fo nnd praotloally perfect at a. c-llii ' medicine. Caitorla dentroy Wortai. Cattorla allay Feverlihaen, Catorla prevent vomltlnK Sonr Cnrd. Catorla enreii Dlarrhoaa and 'Wind Collo. Caitorla relieve Teething Tron-lon. Cattorla onren Conntlpatlon and Flatnloncy. Caitorla nentralU-en tho effectn of oarhonlo acid gn. or poUononw air. Caitorla doow not contain morphine, opium, or other narootlo property. Caitorla almllate tho food, rcgnlatos tho stomach nnd bowcli, giving healthy and natural ilcop. Caitorla 1c put -p In one-ifae tottloi only. It Is not sold In bnlfc. Don't allow nny one to iell yon anything elite ou the plea or promlic that It li "jnt ni good" and "will aniwnr every pnrpoio." See that yon pet C - A - S - T - O Tho facilmlle ilgnatnro of Children Cry for m PL ATT & FHEES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard HKI) (J LOUD, NKB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. 5r?.' TRADERS LUMBER 00., DKALKKS IN Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Notice in hcroby Riven that thoro will be a caucus of the republican voters of Reaver crook township, ut tho Hatha way school hotiBo, on Saturday, tho 17tb day of AuRust, ISM, at two o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of choosing eight delegates to tho county convention ut Ked Cloud, August 10th, and for the transaction of such othor business us may como before tho caucus. Wm. Rvkkk, Committeeman. KlHrkct Kvporl. (Correoteil WVeklv.) Wheat f vJOrD "-cllFf ! tv J " IflZ CO ."). 1 2o HogH .'1 2T) 4 00 Stock hogs oo!loo FntcowB ,' 5ti Butter 7 Eggs 7 Potatoes uO Chickens . lb 4 Spring Chickens 1 502 00 J-urKoys .............. Hi 6 Bailed liny por tonlO PopulUt CUIIVUH. Tho independent eleotorsof Red Cloud township nro requested to moot nt tho usual ploco on Friday Aug. 3d, at two o'clock to eloot Boven delegates to county convention. Wm. Dickho.n. Committeeman. The current number of the Rand MoNally Onide eonnnlns n new gnzetoor of cities, towns nnd henlth and pleasure rosorta of tho United HtnteR, Canada nnd Mexico. On onlo everywhere. Hend sub scriptlon to 1CII Adt ins streut, Chicago, I-Vctl Xotivu. Ilorouftor William UichardBou will feed nil tennif! nt the rate of 10 cento for bny. Hnrn eiiht of Ifolland Hoiipo. YOU CAII'T LIVE e WITHOUT A LIVER! DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? ARE YOU WEAK AN?7HIN? MARVELOUS SUCCESS haa attended tho use of Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S JSb BALM. All who use it say it is The Peerless Remedy for curing all ailments OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS' AND BLADDER, FEMALE TROUBLES. RHEUMATISM AND BRIGHT'S DISEASE. for Sale by all firtt-clast dealers. PRICE, $1.00 A BOTTLE, Tilt Dr. J. H. MeLfan Kt dicins Go., st. Louis, Mo. and Children. Cantorla i-ltli the pn,trnnwgi of n to npcnJt of It wltliont enduing. - R - I - A cS" In on every wrappor. Pitcher's Castorla. - i'irjaa3?t3f; U. A. IM. It. K. Time 'a -.-. (iOINd KAS't M, xka I'relKlit. I.v flu ni. in, l'upniirr. ' mur, " Arin.no it. in. t4, Knsi 1'roliilit. " 1:35 p. in. litop.in. COIMi NOKTI! Ut, Mixed Train, I.v 11:30 n, in. Ar l.':05 p. m UOINU WKST CJ, Fust rielutit. I.v ll iu n. in. Ar 10:3.1a. m Ml, MumlTr.ilii, iL'-.iiiii. in. ' ll:AJn.ra ID, I'asMfiiKrr, " H:iUi. in. " 8:3Up. m Mr. Nntnnnel Mortousou, n well-knowa citizen ot iBhpt-ining. Mich., nnd editor Superior I'oHicn, who, for n long time, Buffered from the most excruciating pnins if rheunintiiiu, wim cured, eight years go, by UkingAytir'nSHr-ftpnrIlln,bnvIng never felt a twinge of it finee. . ..-. Jiullflal (.'oiiveiitlon. To tho ropublicHn electors of the Tenth Judiciul District ot Nebruskn. There will bo n republican convention held at Hustings. Nebruska, August 22d 1895, ut 7:"0 p. m. for tho purposo of plncing in nomination a candidato for judgo ot said district at the ensuing No vember, ISO.'., eloction. Tho basis of representation will bo ono delcgato for every ono hundred votcu or major frnction thereof cast at the No vember, 1891, olection for Hon. Honry R. Corbett, state superintendent, and one dolegute ut lurgo for euch cnunty. This will apportion tho delegates as ollows: Adums county 19 Franklin county 9 Ilurlnn county 9 Kearney county 11 Ppolps county 10 WebBtor 13 You nro horoby notillod und requosted to Bolr-et enid dolegntes in regular man ner nnd due fcenson, It in recommondod by tho committee that no proxies bo ullowed. F. 1 McCiti:.iiY, Chm'n Jud. Con. Com. K, Ft. Frituirt, .Secretary. HOW'S YOUR LIVER? AREYoun Kidneys All right? DOES YOUR SLEEP RESTYOU? ARE YOU DULL AND BILIOUS? ) -'' mmmmt ts"mvw&i& ji,iaIHj yr wA w'fgtyn ? jmg5f f