"wl I .4. - ass& nrW--ifWi. . V -'-4 - ?ufcaL. -JW-jKcfc-aaEat. .... - - te", lpi.r,3!f,WijpSJl vs4rt k. wwMriat, 5 '-"vM a - THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUG. 9, 1895. 0 Vv . - Jhl 'towm DR-KIUMCR-l Rool- titfme KIDNEY, LIVER &BW8Ln Rheumatism tumbaRO, pnln In Joints or liaek, brick dust In Srlnc, frequent call Irrllntlon, liilloinmn Ion, gravel, ulceration or cntiirrli of the bladder. Disordered Liver mummies. Iiendnclio, liullircatloii or gout. ..... . ..-. w.- iMi'iirnniti. curefl kidney I faculties, HrlKhf disease, urinary troubles. Impure Blood Bcrnruln, malaria, ueneral weak new or debility warn ltoot build un quickly n run Cowl constitution and makes tlio weak strong-. At DriiKRUt 50 centa aud $ 1.00 Size. tnralld' Uuldo to Health" freo- OoniltUoii tna. Dn. Kiuiru .V Co.. niNnnAMTON. N. Y. UlHdcu. Gor Keohler is in tiiH oitj ropaii Ing the Gund &,Co8. elevator and got ting ready to talo in grain. Thas. Snyder has boon employe by Gund & Co. lo work in thoir ole vater this fall. Ilnin in very muoh noodod in tlii vicinity for tlio corn. H. Wheelan f Uoscland was i this vicinity Tuesday helping hie brother Frank. V. 6. Hall has moved his pig pnh. torn crib and stable out of tlio alle back of his lots, this i right no on iheuld ba allowed to obstruot pullii allots and inoonvicneo other people for lli benefit of themselves. The bioyolo club of thin city has had their traok north of town put in good order. Another biptizing took plaoo last Friday by ltov, Hummol in tlio Blue, north of town, souio four or fivo being immersed. Mrs. Hobort McGallum who wu oalle'd lo Lincoln by hr husband wil ls there receiving treatment for a can eer, returned Tuesday evening and r norled that Mr Mrf'.lliim a rMit.. , . , , . , . aiong nio.iy ana mat no expccteU ti com Iioiiih fiaturdav. Misi Walters of Illua Hill is the guest of her friaad Pearl Uauffman. Tho joung people who spent Tucs day at Ivor's mills failed to bring rain A rather loud aud wordy con verm tion took place Sunday morning ii front of the drugstore It seems t joung hup was calling some of out merchants some pretty hard namc for trusting littn in timoof want and o money and now that he has a good Btoadv iob thav kinrllv alc him fnr n.v ... ', , .. ... J nu ne o-ni mom lor u, wn.cn was a haH thu following advices dated Ar- littla more than our druggist could menia, July 2U: "Thq condition of tho stand and tells the ohap what ho thinks Armenians is worse than over. They .ii, . .. . .... i. j-i regard Shaklr l'asha as their worst en- of hm and hi conduct which he did 0IV) ftml ,,, uppointmcMt ns n con. att tak very good naturadly but had temptuous detlauco of Europe's de toswollow it. inand. Dellberuto persecution, slaugh ter and pillage of the Armenians uro Ivy Hummel, Mr, Householder pursued today with the same ruthless and daughters lluth and Mainio attend- od tho Ejiworth League convention at Deweepe. Miss Lu'z is in tho eastern part of the state visiting friends. Juiurs liurden aud Lith Boydtran- .M.td business at Red Cloud Saturday Mr. Hendrioks and family from Up- laud spent Sunday with hia daughlci Mn .1 P (lartnmn M,D" i ; . , Mrs. J. U. Ilartmana sister from Minnesota and who is very low with that dreaded disease, consumntion. camo to thiHoity Tuutsday J. E. Yost is buying grai a. uying grain for W. C. Moore, W. C. Moore of Swanton spent Sun- dar with his friend L. It. Wjldor. ii, v, ii i.' : i . ij i i i basoball 1'riday at llosaland be- twren .Juniata and Bladen. Mr. Strieker's whoat inado eleven bushels ns r acre. Mr. Dimick and his son were taking noughts of this city Tuesday. . . . . . in . A. Shoitenkirk of Hliie Hill oamo over to attend M meeting V. A. lodso :s2Ki TO YOUNG WIVES WE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD. - w mv 1 iimi nnv VlllbV I Mnt hfirs' Fripnrt " HiUlllUlO IllUlllt RODa CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN, Honnort and risk. " My wifo used only two bottles. Slio was easily nnd quickly relioved; is now doing splendidly. 1. p. AinitTOH, iinnow, w. u. Bent by express or mall, on ree(pt of price, , here six months ago to fight tlio enlst. jTt" maikot was W to He lowor. fl.oo ftr buttle. Hook "TO MOT'ilKllS" lng monopoly, to41ay made atmlicatkin Tho fullowln nro rcprMrutativo tnlm n,tt"ca"eo- for n receiver. Lack of 'fonda aftw !!,!"n,"',''A' ? BIUWFIF.M) m:(JUUT0B CO., ATUNTA, 01. , thu plant was almost In readfucbs for Sf'Zbi -.i Ill bold by ALi bauooiBTB. . operation eaiibed thu reverse. I i.,ee,,, 1 io. . V.V.'.V.V.'.V.V ".'.'. ! '. ". '. "..".' " I ! '. .2 1)0 ' COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT FOUR OF THE MOST EXPERT GANG IN TRE COUNTRY ARRESTED, HE FIFTH ONE ESCAPES. ry Ilnvo Ileen Flonilliig Cmmdii mill tlis United Htnten AVItli tinn iinil B100 Hold t'ertlllrutfH Valuable Milted nud Filler l'iier Hiilllelent to Miiko W 100,000 Alim l)l- nivcri'd lll Haul. i New Yoiik, Aug. 7. The expert lOunterfolterH who, for two yours ast, linvo been engraving unil print s' $.'.00 nnd 810(1 L'nltnl .States gold crtilleutcs and lloort'nir Ciinndii lth notes of manlier (IcnomiuutlonH, ve been discoveretl by hecrot her- ice detectives nud four nf tlio gang f fivo arc now locked up In .Jersey ity. The ilfth ineniber, the backer, Iras arrested hut escaped. Jlroekwny, the most expert forger nnd counter feiter In this country, Is probably tho principal. The man who supplied the funds for tho plant was Dr. (). K. Bradford, who hna heretofore man nged to escape, suspicion. I.lbblo Smith, a cousin of 1 trad ford; Sidney Smith, tho engraver of the party, who Is said to bo Libblu's husband, nud William S. Wagner, nro tho others. The plntes nnd paper captured by tho detectives show this to be tho most skillful gnng that has operated In this country for years. llesidcs valuable dates for both the United States anil Cnnadiau note $.'00,000 in currency, with the reverse side nil printed, was discovered. A Buillclcnt amount of fiber paper to print SIOO.OOD more of Canadian money wnsulsohieutcd. Smith, the engraver, was not found until lute last night. lie Is the sou of a noted enunterfelter, Charles K. hmlth. Counterfeit Can ndian money was found on each one of the four arrested and tho secret service ollleers say they have a clear ease that they have been making and uttering counterfeit gold certificates of the de nominations of .00nnd Sl.oUO. A Ilmirr Nutlni; Hunk CIihimI, Dr.NVKH, Col., Aug. 7. Tho liocky Mountain Savings bank closed its doors to-dny and assigned to Karl M. Cranston. Last week a demand was made upon tho bank for Si's, 000 of county funds and it was unable to mnko payment. It was closed during tho panic of 1 8'.rt. but wns subsequently reopened, certificates bolng issued to depositors. The president is Frank Woodbury, son of It. W. Wood bur irv. president of the Union National bank, which suspended last week. Mrimlck Arrrxteil fur t'oTgery. Lmkiity, Ma, Aug. 7. Thomas F. Liberty' district who has embezzled lrtlifi IsiTv IliA nlftl 1iii.f.iH I l.rt about f.l.fiOO of tho school funds, was arrested at his homo shortly beforn 12 o'clock last night by Deputy Sheriff Ed Cavo and tuken buforu .lustlco Emerson. Preliminary examination was wuved and bond was fixed at 31,000 on each of this four charges of forgery and raising a warrant. To-day ho is necking bondsmen but so far in vain. Ho was a church leader. "' 'r Armenian., London, Aug. 7. Tho Daily News vlKr uml ncnumii ingenuity us in for mcr years. A Yale liny Killed lijr l.lelitiiluir. l'l.Ansr.vri", Ariz., Aug. 7. Hinckley Iloyt l'orter, son of T. II. I'orter, a wealthy citizen of Stamford, Conn , and a grandson of the lato Millionaire ThZ a guide, visited tiro (Jrnnd canon last 'l''""ly. While they were there a fitorni nroso and all sought shelter "'L'- b'ir oU. Lightning struck tho rock, killing Hinckley and Injuring his brother. Wrerkera Wreck llyi Wrong Train. Waiisaw, Ind., Aug. 7. Early this morning train wreckers throw a n?u .". u, eV 'aK'u, "T hH V0,V "vo Innc? cnsl ?l here, for tlio evident purposo of wreck- igoneof tho fast express trains. A J freight train plunged into It Instead uiwl tho locomotlvu and several cars . we'' e thrown down a bleep embank- nt. Thu trainmen escaped by tmi t J, J 1 The (jtircu's Nntaldv Dinner Tarty. Osnoiixi; Horsi:, IsKs of Wight, Aug. 7. Tho queen's dinner purjy last night Included tho Emperor William ns the chief guest, and the prince aud princess of Wales, tho dukonnd duch cits of (.onnniight, I'riuco Henry of I'msslnfjind the manpiis of Salisbury, Emperor William slept Inst, night on the imperial yaeiit lioiieuollcru. Wbolesnle Theft by a Tanner's Wife, fji'THiHis. ok., Aug. 7.-Mrs. H. a. -..v...M w ( iuuiuiil; iliuuur i ;vuh ut ucmw y , ?ru 'her w:oa rpvenlod wliolo bolts of clotn.uiarasols, lneei, clothing, etc. Hve dHlerent llrms identified various nrticles as having been stolon frqm them. A St. .losrpli Telephou Coinpiuiy l'nlls. St. Joski'w, Mo., Aujf. 7. TUo Citl reus' Tuleplione, comnanv. cn-trawlr-ed ZIP WYATT SINKING FAST. The Oklalmtiia Oiilhuv I'oiinil to lie Katully Winiiiili'il. Sot'TII K.M1J, Ok., jlg. 7. Zip Wyatt, alios Dick Vengor, thu notor ious bandit, is still alive but font sink ing. Ho has thrco forty-flvo Winches ter bullets In his person, two of which nre lodged In his intestines. When told that ho was hound to die, ho mnde a partial statement, admitted his identity nnd requested that his father be sent for. His father, Will iam Wyatt, lives near (Suthric, this territory, and Is known as "Six Shoot ing Hill." He is u tall, muscular old man, and when in his cups is in tho habit of making a hot house for tlio loafers. Zip Wyatt, tho bandit, is the only one of tho Dalton gang who mnde his escapo from the raid at Coireyvllle, ' Kan. Ho was wounded at the Dover i robbery, nnd was tho leader nt tho ' Ited Hock train robbery on tho Santa Fe. He has nsslsted In a score or more of murders, and perhaps 100 robberies of banks, storo and private families. More than COO people visited tlio jail yesterday to see him, ninny of whom positively identified him. A deputv United States marshal stated that the pursuing and capture of Zip Wyatt had cost tho United States government some ten or twelvo bravo officers nud not less than 3:0,K)0. BASE BALL SCORES. We tern I.eiiRiie. At MlrinpnixilU-KiuirnsCityil, Mluno-ipoHs J. AtHt. l'mil-St. 1'iitil 11, Milwaukee-3. At Detroit Detroit !l. Term lliiuto'i National (.fugue. At New York New York l:l, llrimklyuC. At WmliliiKton -Wnnliliicton 13, IlidtlmoroS. At Itiwlnii llotin 7, l'lillnili'lpliln a. I At I'lttflmrK .St. Louis 7. l'itutjiiru I. Wrnti'rn AiMorlatlou iilinc. At Qnlncy Qulnry h, Doinor .1. At.lnckiiiivlll- Lincoln 21, JnckKotiTillu7, At l'eorlii l'eoria 1.', St. Junipli I. Joseph ISlnghnm nnd Oliver llcnwuy were smothered in n well at South I'eny, Ok. K.nhh('itv, Mo., Ant? 7. Thoro cro n few email in 1 1 1 1 1 1 vr orders mi tint market, but imwt of the wheat win ImiiikIiI to uii into Mure. lto. celpt of wlio.it, Vs earns ii jear hb i, I2U cari. .so. a linnl wlioat, ltic: .No J M'll'tru; No. I, liOJi No. i! red. C'.ie; No. a, Ci( .No. , liljcj ' rejected, lie! no itrndu, 5Jc. Corn wim !i rent Inwor. Tlpre was nn iicthn lU-iniind fur it and ollVrini.'i wero cnwillcr tlian for a week inst. Karly alei wero nt 3V,e. Tlien romo muuplfH broiiulit :dic mid lait nle wero nt ;ir?ic. Iteceliits.ai care jiij our nj;o, 17 ; cars. Nu.2 mixed corn, .Tic; No. .". Cc ; No. 1,31c; no grade, 31c; No. 'J white, Idle; No. :l, :0c. Oats were tenrcn. Only tliren ears wero re- ccheil. 1 lie ilcmiind wat fair nud prices wero u littlu liUlior. Itccolpti, a cnn;u jenr nuo, 12 cars. No. 2 mixed oaU. 19o; No. 3. 17o: No. 4, 15jj rejocted, l'Utlc; no Krndi), lJc; No. ! wliitu, .iJitfiictNo. II, Vic. Itjo-No. "J, 1 car I.Tc, 1 car 43Jic; No. 3, 42c; No. I. 4c. Flaxseed Mnrkot woak; August, 93oj fcVi loinlHir, tic Corn Chop Stonily, 71i73c ior cwt sacked Uran firm, 5'aU)j por cwt tuckod; bulk Cc I cki. Hay Hocolptt, :tScnn. Yeitcrdnyb' recolpts wero ti'.l cars liihteud of It as reported liore. Tlio market is sto.idy. Old liny worth ft above quo tiitlom. 'liiiiothy I'hnii'i), JliKjiJ..Vi: Nu 1, J'.Kl'J.5Ji No. .', $SaS.W: fancy pr.ilrio. $i.V)fi.7; choico, ft); No, 1, 0j No. J, $ltj;l.Wj puckuij; liny, $!. Prices of broom com here nre ns follows: Old com, short and eoiiimim, f.'i)'ol) hv ton; self working, f 0(!'0 por ton; dwarf cum, J j.jij Ier ton. Now corn, riant nud cumiiKiu, $.HHil0 IMir ton; self workuiK Vfi.iU por ton; dwarf corn, SJObM lor ton. ClilcnRO Hoard of Trails. CmcAfio. Auk. 7. Tho following Ii tin mui of prices of tho cralu ami provUIun market oa tlio board of trudm ... . . I'Aino Chtoo IIIrIi Low Amr. 0 Auk, ." WllKAT AUKitst 07S (,T 07 67?i tx'ptoinlwr. .. fiH'i tW 68 liili Decorator.... 7l!t 10i 70S iU'. CoiiN AilKUst 40S 4()!i 40; 10? Heitomlor... 4IH 4(l' 4US 41 May 3tS iU 13i iillf Oats Auust '.on jo'; my. )in Koptonilwr .. . 10'. VD'4 iui ya May V4i y;4 u?,! aiu touk Almost o Si o ctt o si ii :r Soptembor . . a -n u :ai y m', 040 January IJ 20 tJ 10 I'J 1.1 IU IJii Lahi Anuii.t ROD AliO B ItO BWV1 iM!ptembur . 6 l'.",, S U" 5 (15 1) on January 0 13 0 uj',, ii U7U 0 IJ'i bllOKT 1(1114 AUK'int 5 43 3 fi .' 41 5 W'i BepteinlHir.. Sill Ti W-i 3 5J'. 3 IV I Jiiiuinrv... . a vj 5 21 r, ?7' ft :rj!.; Ht. l.ouU Drain. St. I)?m. Mn, Auk 7. Closing prlcoit Wliont Casli. Wc; Anuust. N:: Septombnr, rs?ii'ic; Deceinhnr, 7IUc xellors. Corn Cash, a7!io; Anuust, :"c nskisl ; Hi-ptoiiiber.ibVa asked; Dereinlsir, 2s!in bid, O.its-Cash, 2rc bid ; Auustr ajc bid; Suutonibor, iU'jo bid. LIVK STOCK. Kansas City Mo., An,- r.-Cnttla-Kicoipti, 10,27(1; culvos, 1,151; shippod jetterdny, 2.J24 cattle, 1"'J calves. The ninrkut was sti'iidytn Htronn on best and Uc to 15o lower on common cattle. Thn follnwlni nrt rfirwMnnlnltvit .nW. aHMppliu; and drcstsi U-nt tteen, l,vos 7; a" slilppni and dnusod U-of ktiir,l,3ui....3 41 41 4iliplijK and ilresscd toof (.tocrs, 1,207... I V) SSI ind. stecis, I.ISU ,1 M 2Jnd teers. I.UU no SSI Wojt. Meers. I,0W n Id 1H West, cows, 7S- a 33 05 I'aiiliiiudlo steer 3 o HTuYi nnd Indiuii cuwi,S.;i 2 11) I Texiii. and IiuIiiim cow, SO ato Grows and heifers, l,Wi ; 05 Slow mul heifers Oil , u) Sc.is and helfors, Mil , j rfi II stofken imd feodurs, 1,117 am 17 (tuckers nnd fondiTi, ti'l a () 5 (dockers nnd feeduis, 510 a mi 107 T nil vub. ( a -n I bTe.ilvo, h .',",i ;.i "f Tn. l j "a 4 (XI i!!:::"":::;;":::;;:. WMiiuuk, t. ,-. ...! 'atrr& llKl,t Imus.nnd ulKt .1 cei.N Ion or on heavy liottt. Tin. top Milu was $i un 1 tho bulk nt snlui from $I.V1 lo SI.ni, Tho fuliiiwiiii; nro ropreintntivn M4 Ki. Avn. I'rloo No. Aw. I'rioj. No. AV.v Prin l 1MI 000 7 15 IU) Ml 13.S 4W4 7 IU IM K7 Vi) 4K1 13 21U 4H3 7 SCJ7 4 15 s 3J.I 4 l"i 0? 2 4 00 4 a ,jh.i e, sin a&( m ki ais Kliuop - llocohts. 3,70); shipped C4tcrdaj, none. Arrldent nt ilie IVMltenllar), JKFFKiisn.v City, Mo., Aug. 7. Two convicts, Sullivan of Kansas City nnd Hooley of St. Louis, nre in tho prison hospital possibly fatally hurt. Twenty prisoners nro more or less injured. Tho prisoners working in one of tho shoe shops were being marched to supper ncross a bridge twenty feet long, connecting the second stories of the factory buildings. Suddenly nnd without a moment's worning' tho brldgo broke nnd all of those who were on It were precipitated to tho ground. Sullivan and Hooley wcro among tho first to fall. Strange to relate no bones wcro broken. Defender Winn Aunln. Ni:v Yoiik, Aug. 7. Tho Defender and Vigilant sailed over a Xi inllo course yesterday, from Cottage City, Mass., to this port, tho race being tin event in tho cruising of tho Now York Yacht club. Tho sea was. smooth nnd tho wind varied In velocity from ten to fifteen miles an hour. For twenty miles down to tho Vineyard Sound lightship it was a dead bent to wind ward nnd thu Defender bent tho Vigilant by about five minutes, forty six seconds, both yachts carrying club topsails and baby jib topsails. HIT for Africa. I'liir.ADKi.fiiiA, l'a., Aug. 7. A bnnd of missionaries, comprising the first party of. tho African Inland Mission, will lcavo for the Soudan next week, through the agency of the Philadel phia missionary council. Thu party will bo headed bv ltov. 1 Cameron Scott, a young Westerner, whor-has spent seven of Ills twenty-eight years in tho interior of Afriea. He will bo accompanied by his sister, Margaret C. Scott, Miss llerthu Kchllng, Lester It. Severn, Itev. Willis Hotchkiss and Kcv. F. W. Krleger. AVorld to i:nd In Ten Days. Taiioii, Iowa, Aug. 7. Tho Holiness people have been holding meetings in this city the past week. They claim to have bad u divine presentment that the world will como to an end within ten days. Thu Holiness adherents have worked themselves Into a frenzy, and their meetings nro attended by hundreds of people. Some of their Inndors iiniinntiiMi nn.itlvidt f lin ..tirlt. destruction of tint world, and many of tncir followers are making prepara tions for the exit. The Da es Commission. Wasiiiniito.v, Aug. 7. Ocneral Arm strong, one of the members of the Dawes commission, is spending a few days in Washington. He says that the prospects now nre that thu commission will bo able to make a deal with the tribes, looking to future legislation lor thu settlement of tho existing an alogous condition in thu Indian- coun try. Wiirp of Iron Worker Advanced. HitAzir., Ind., Aug. 7. A raise of twenty-live per cent on the ton was given the employes of tho Central Iron nnd Steel company yesterday morning. Another raise of twenty llvo per cent Is expected In about two months. The old furnace which has been lying1 Idlo for suveral years past will bo started up in a short time. The raiso affects about .00 men. Stopped the Collection of Taxes. Pkrky, Ok., Aug. 7. Tho probate judge of this county granted un injunc tion last evening prohibiting the treas urer of this county from collecting city, county, territorial and school tax from realty In the city of Perry for tho year 1301. The amount involved is over $20,000. Thu case will go to tho supremo court of the territory. Fine Horses llurncd. Four Waynk, Ind., Aurr. 7. Tho Btock barn of H. T. McDonald's noted Itlvcrslde farm burned last night, worth $12,000; also tho S10.000 Califor nia stallion, Truman, with a milo record of 2:12, also fivo colts of Elec tric King, fust stock, valued at $10,000 Easy to Take And Petfecl In Their Action, AYER'S PILLS Never fall to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. "I have proved I ho vnliio of Ayor'n Pills in li'lltiving dysiioj) Ri;t mul lienilnehc, witli wnicli coinplniiitsl wiissoloug trnuliiod Hint neither tlio doctor nor niy Kclf siipposeil I should ever m Mfll iiguiii. Tliiougli the usnof tlic aliovn iiiPdli'liin I tun M'ttor tlnin I linvo been for 'ar.s," A. i.sKii.L,Vt,rsiiil!i, 111. "I lmvn used Avcv's Pills for 35 yours ns 11 ratlfurtic In llvur coiiiplaint, anil, ahvavs with ex tremely beneficial ellVft, iievor lmvliig hail iit't'd of ntlior medi cine. J also givn A.ver'K Pills to my chililvi'ii, when they rcqiiiro an aperlpiit, and tho result is al ways most tiutihfni'tnrv." A. A. Kato.v, CUiiitvo Conway, N.II. "Having bt'Pii sevorely nflllctctl with costiveni'RH, J was induced to try Ayer'ri Pilln. Their uso litis I'lTi'ctt'tl 11 coiiiplcto chip, and I can coiifidontly recommeiiil them to all similarly alllicti'd," C. A. WiirniAX, Mipoino, Cal. AYER'S PILLS 9 Rocelvcd Hlshest Awards o! AT THE WORLD'S FAIIlSl oooooeooecoooooeeeeeaoaol m mmtmmiamkMimmmmmmmmmtm BE WELL THIS SDMMER! PAH'S CELERY WOUND RESTORES LOST , NERVOUS ENERGY. For thopo many women who hate Buffered through the in-door Hfo of wintir and spring, with tired nerv.-s, slecplccsncss, neuralgia, rheumatism, the ilvspepsia that ib best exprcsstd by the words "no appetite" for tho many worn-out women, many of whom will get no real vacation, hut. must at tend tho whole summer long to house hold duties for such women there is every need now of a brisker i'jeditig of tho reduced blood and nervous tissues by means of tho best nutritivn agent in tho wide werld today Paine's celery compound. After building up tho body by the uso or this great modern restorative, diseases of tho special orgaus, heart troubles, kidnty disoise, djspops'a and sleeplessness will disappear. Neglect te satisfy tho demands of tho nervous system by rapid, complete nourishment of all its parts, cariios heavy penalties. Paine's oelery com pound, more effectively than any thing else tho world has ct knows, restores health to men and women whoso blood has beeu lobbed of vitality from whatever oause, and whoso nerves PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard . RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER - l',OAL Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. BUMA , 111 If " C,' 'V ' " pain and inflammation, and cures quickly.. Full directions with each bottle. For sale everywhere. Price, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. r,i tv.jmir worn tnno at fontnerly A 1 ouriR second tiaad atera. I repair guns ravalvsro. nuniRnla. Janpnil n,nL-U..!. ovea tit kava untl aewing Mncainea mn la&o prouuc in azcnonga ror iy wk. B. A. Young. Nollt'C. After Snturdnv f will nniv ni, .... Tinp around tho city each day. Set jour ckcb out early. Tho trip w 1 bo made from 8 to 12 o'clock. W. 0, Jones, an., Children Cry for lrtchtr'eostorla. have lost their healthy tone. Persons suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia and any of the countless results of loss of norvo power find a atrked change for the better almost at onco upon faithfully using Paine's celery com pound, Mrs. James Arthur, whoso portrait is given above, writing from her homo in Spokano, Wash., says: "I suffered for thrco years with neu ralgia nnd rheumatism. I tried differ ent remedies which would give mo only temporary relief. Last year in January and through tho spring months I suffered terribly. I could walk snly a short distance, and some days not at all. But then I began for the first time to use Paine's celery eompaund. It cured mo permanently and I havo not been troubled since! My knees wore s bad last year that. I could not sit down or got up uht. Now I walk every day, and it causeP no 8tiffuesn or lameness in tho joints." Tcsimonials from men and women in every state and county and town in tho country might be published telling of similar speedy cures, They carry this plain advice to other sufferers: Tako Paine's celery cenipeund. MWSHftlSftlllM ..... Pain from sprains, bruises, cramps, diseased or torn flesh, aches, wounds, Neuralgia, etc., can be promptly relieved and cured by using Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The FARMER'S REMEDY for the various diseases of dnmostir nnimic If io fVliMj in nnnlir rni;n..nn -i. rwi -- -wllWWiMi H. & in. R, u. Time 1 .)e, (iOINO 1UST , I.ocal FrelBht, l.v na m. lo, riuseniter, " in:05 ' Arinnnni. M,l'aaiirNmht. las p. m. ' XiW'in. OOINll NOKTIf J42,Mlxfid Train, l,v U:30 a, m. Ar 12;06 p. m GOING WH8V Ki, Fast Krelttht, l.v 11:15 a. m. A 0:.-k a. ai J,Uuil Tralu, " r;(a p. m i a.Bn 15,raeiiUer, SiiOp.'m." ViwOT " ' f Don't forget that 1 am prepared tot oariy passengers to all porta of the city. Leave orders at the Holland HouaffU A i V ' RW mmmmmsm&saxiimmf msmwmmms toG3imMut&mmB&