The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    tiwt.;cCklll-ir'y-.ufe'ifa'AvWl! i ifmtmtm$&
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8 k
the chief
A. C. Hosmkh, Kdltor.
I.AHOY Tait. Asst 1-ocnl Kdltor.
In Ilxchiiiige For Slioci.
For the next 15 days wo will boII our
cntiro lino of Oxfords at tho following
Ercatly reduced prices:
adies' DongolnWOO Oxfd, reducd JU.25
" " 1.2T) " " .80
" Tun 1.25 " " .00
Misses' " 1.50 " " 1.05
Child's " 1.25 " " .90
Boys' 82 Tun Shoes, sizes 2-5 " 1-50
Also Strootmun's beHt quality Don
gola, hnnd turn t.CO anil 5.00 shoes now
HBO, 3.00 shoes for 250, and many others
in proportion. Our Silver Quoon Don
goiu Ladios' Shoe 1.00.
Romembor this is regurdloea of tho
big advance in prices.
A. II. Kalf.y.
Successor to 1). & K.
Pliynlclnn aiul Surgeon,
City and country culls promptly unv
wercd. Over Cotting's Drugstore, Red Cloud,
iikii:f mEvriox.
J. Nustoin was in Huntings the first of
tho wook.
W. N. Richard6on returned from Oma
ha Tuesday.
Miss Lillio Haker of Blue Hill was in
tho city this week.
Mrs. Win. Josslyn of Orleans was in
tho city yesterday.
A. OaluBha and son, and R. McNitt
vrero in Lincoln this week.
Aid. Pulsipher wag down from Hast
ings this week to attend council meeting.
P. W. Shea and wifo dopartod Monday
on a plcasuro trip to tho Big Horn
L. V. Reed of Lincoln was visiting
with his friend, Ward Hiatt, the first of
Jm week.
Mrs. J. C. Iligby of Uentrico waB vis
iting Miss Mollie Ferris tho llrst of tho
tho week.
Mrs. Hnrtwell, Mrs. Vnnco and Mies
Hale, of Inuvalo, were pleasant visitors
yesterday, i
Miss Mabel Saunders returned homo
Tuesday from a pleasant visit of sovoral
months in Minnesotu.
County Treasurer White thinks corn
haB suffered groatly in tho north-east
portion of tho county.
Editor HaskinB, of Norcatur, Kansas,
waa in Red Cloud this week, attending
tho funeral of Mrs. S. Bayles.
Mrs. Roberts, who has boon visiting at
tho residence of Attorney Chaflln, re
turned Tuesday to her home in Illinois.
Mrs. Truman is spending this week in
Inavalo, tho guest of Mrs.G. W. Knight,
president of tho Wobster county W. C.
Misses Christio and Mamie Weidoman
roturnod Tuesday from a weok'a pleas
ant visit with frlonds in and around
Mrs. W. D. Burnett and family, who
woro visiting with tho family of E. B.
Smith, returned homo Monday oveuiug
to McCook.
Mifls Tilla McClolland of Blooming
ton, who has been chosen as ono of our
toachors for tho coming term, was in tho
city this wook.
Mastors Potor and Honry Lotournoar,
who havo boon visiting iu tho city with
thoir uncle, N. Longtin, rotumod to
thoir homo in Aurora last Tuesday.
Mrs. Knight, formerly Miss Gertlo
Sheror of this city, who has been visit
ing frienda and relatives in Rod Cloud
for somo time, departed yestorday for a
visit with her s'tBter in Kansas.
There will bo n musical and social at
tho Baptist church to bo given by tho
young pooplo of that church. Aug. 20.
Ico croam and cake will bo served. All
are invited. Watch for tho program
next weok.
Tho ladles of Ash Creek M. E. church
will lvo a lawn social at C. H. Smith s
ni, Wndnosday afternoon,
Aug. 14.
Ice cream, etc., will bo Porved from
- P.
ro. till 10 in tho ovoning.
.. .... .i in, thn bonotlt of
Proceeds to
Rev. Black
well, Everybody cordially invited
a tw niiva that people ought not
to kick justbecauBO tho city furnishes
I ,. ,.r ' .i .ni, n froo bath. Ho thinks
jett UIU n"
tl , 1 ontmme. It BOOinS
ynaln with 100 pounds pwnj . J
the plug Hew out, accompanied by juffl
clent aqua pura to give Jeff a ponUn
Try the K. or I.
F. P. Hndloy, paper hanger.
Carriago painting, F. P. Hadloy.
F. P. Ilndley, palntor and decorator.
Call and boo Taylor's carpota bofore
Jos. Warron was in Lincoln a fow days
this wook.
Edna Crone expocts to visit in Orleans
this week.
Call on F. P. Hadley for houso, sign
and carriago painting.
Mr. Katzonmeyor is tho happy papa
of a bouncing baby boy.
J. L. Qrcenleo, is in tho city looking
after his interests horo.
D. F. Trunkoy has a second hand
mower for sale at a bargain.
W. W. Hill, of the up-town moat mar
ket, was in Adams county this wook.
M. W. Stnrlen, of Osknlooea, Iown, is
visiting with Znch Bnrnco this wook.
Jos. Blair was on tho road this wcok
ucting as assistant travoling salosman.
The republican stntb convention has
beon called for Oct. 2, 1805, at Lincoln.
Bon McFarland roturnod last Friday
from an extended visit in Grand Island.
Smoke I lie K. or P. cigar, the
beat In the market for llic iiioh
cy. Foit Sale A road enrt as good as
new. Apply to Ijdgar Cotting, at drug
C. B. Crone has beon thrortijng his!
grain this week. Ho makes quite a
Doll Abel is assisting C. II. Mehagan,
traveling salesman, on the road this
For a hard tlmca moke try
the K. of P. W. 8. Ilvime kecpa
Go to tho Bon Ton bakery for tino ico
croam. Thoy still soil 40 loaves of bread
for $1.00.
The infant child of Mr. Charles Hilton
died this wook. The body was interred
in Blue Hill.
Miss Stella Ducker has accepted u lu
crative position as instructor in tho
Mindon schools.
Morhart & Son's is headquarters for
binding twine. Do not fail toseotheru if
you want bargains.
Tho hot weuther of tho last few dnjs
haB materially injured tho corn crop in
portions of this county.
Wm. Eagloburger, formerly an em
ploye of tho Red Cloud Matblo Works,
was in tho city this weok.
Tho gipsy Bocial at J. S. Gilham'a re6i
denco on last Friday night, given by the
Congregational ladios, wus u success.
Wavorly bicycles, tho boBt in tho
world, for sale by W. W. Wright. Prices
rcusonable. See him if you want r
biko. tt
Will Mitchell, of McCook, was in the,
city this wook visiting with his mother,
Mrs. I. Friabio, who has beon soriously
ill for somo time.
J. II. Doighl, mail agent on tho Wyo
ming branch or the B. & M. Ry., of Ed
gar, but formerly of Cowlos, was u pleas
ant callor this wook.
Most of tho farmora aro busily en
gaged in threshing. The crop of small
grain is not as groat us oxpoctcd, but
will furnish feed for a whilo.
Como in ladios, and bob my hats. I
havo got a fow now Sailors, and will havo
a nice lino in this month. Prices to suit
the timos. Julia A. Richakdhon.
L. II. Fort has called the board of
supervisors in session for tho purpose of
redisricting' tho county, to comply with
tho new law that haB just gone into ef
fect. Tho Junior Endeavor Society of tho
Christian church will givo nn ico cream
social in tho court-houae grovo, on tho
evening of August 1'). Ico cream and
cake 10c, All aro invited.
Harry Cozad, tho export piano tuner,
who bus boon visiting his paronts for
several wcoks. has rotumod to Nobraskn
City, whero ho has a lucrativo position
in an extonsive music houBo.
Honry Wiggins, a son of Col. Wiggins
got u pieco of tickle grass lodged undor
his tongue which caused tho Bido of his
fuco to swell. Dr. Moranville waa callod
and removed tho objectionablo blado of
croes and the boy is all right now.
O. Wioner, tho Golden Eagle Clothing
Houbo proprietor, wont to Dourer this
wook on a plcasuro trip, and, after visit
ing thoro u wook with friends, he goes
oast to buy his fall and winter stock of
Mr. Horaco Winegar, of Lebanon, a
prominent roal estate agont of that city,
and J. E. Hensel of tho samoplaco, drove
over to Red Cloud Thursday to seo how
oropswere. Mr. W. mado this offlco a
ploanant call.
Roy Hutchison, who has harbored
hero for a groat many yours. Hub gouo to
Lobauon, Kan., whero ho will Bot up a
shop. Roy is ono of tho boat harbors
that over "strappod a razor" in Red
Cloud, and we wish him buccobb.
John J. Clark, editor and publisher of
tho Bedford Dally and Weekly Times-
Republican, was In the city Ukla week
and paid this ofQco a fraternal visit. Mr.
Clark la the brother ot our esteemed
fellow citUtn, Mr. Tony Clark.
N. E. Robinson was in Hastings this
Mrs. Frank Qulgloy was in tho city
Jno. Polnicky was in Qulncy, lllinos
this wook.
M. Stern of Hastings was in tho city
this wook.
J. O. Warnor was in McCook tho llrst
of tho week.
George Ovoring wont to Humbolt this
week on business.
Perce Mclirido was visiting at Jjomo
tho llrst of tho wook.
Ex-Congressman McKoighun wus in
Brokon Row this weok.
A comploto new lino of wall paper at
Taylor's at bottom prices.
Mrs. E. J. Ovoring and family aro vis
iting in Humbolt this weok.
MIbh Lulu Potter will spend n fow duys
in Dowceso tho coming wook.
Charley Russor has somo ot tho llncst
oniono wo havo soon this year.
C. W. Fullor and daughter Chloo of
CowIcb, woro in tho city this weok.
Wo nro indebted to D. F. Scummon
for bo mo cxcellont green corn of tho
evergreen vurioty.
Soveral of our townpooplo will havo
truck stands at the grand rounion soon
to be hold nt Hiuitlogs.
Thero will be wervioos in Graco Epis
copal church next Moaday ovoning nt 8
o'clock. All uro invitod.
Tiie. Burlington railway has opened
three stations west dt Red Cloud that
havo been closed for a year.
"Urango blossom tho common sonse
Fo train Remedy, draws nt pain and sore
nes. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
Read our advortisemont which ap
penra in another column; it will pay you.
Road it every weok. Deyo & Grico.
Alico Duncan, who has boon visiting
with her uunt Mrs. F. V. Taylor, return
od to bor home in Kansas City, this
Tho city council is doing its best to
economize, so they can make tho city
linancn reach nil uround whoro it is most
II. B. Winter, tho very pleasant travel
ing salesman t the Chamberlain Modi
cino Co., of Dim Moines, was in Red
Cloud thin wcok.
The board of education is trying to
refund tho $5(100 bond issue that ia now
piibt due. Rigid economy should bo tho
watch word in tho future.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meot at tho real
denco ot Mrs. Sborwood on Thursday of
each week during tho month ot August.
The nnnual mooting will occur on tho
15th inst. It is desired that all mora
hers should bo presont. Ry Order of
tho President.
J. L. Groenloe, commonced replevin
proceedings against J. II. Walsh of tho
Nation to rocovor tho olllce. Greonlee
holds a mortgago on tho material and
Walsh holds a lonseon tho same. When
Mr. Greonlee foreclosed the mortgage,
tho leseo would not turn ovor tho prop
orty, honco the replevin suit.
The school board mot in eocsion Wod
nosday ovening, at which timo Prof.
Gregory, the superintendent elect, hand
ed in his repignution to tnko elToct nt
onco. This loaves the Held open for n
now man. At tho sumo mooting Mifs
Bollo Spnnoglo resigned and Miss Berthn
Brown wus elected to till tho vacancy.
Tho board will mootJFriday night to 1111
the vacancy of suporintondont.
It is with tho grcatost of pleaBuro
that we chronicle this weok the marriage
ot Mr. Honry. Diodorich and MIbs Cam
lino Baker, both of this city. Honry is
the popular unci ontorprisingmanagor of
the Dubuque Boot and Shoe Storo, an
honored member of tho Red Cloud firo
dopartment, and a worthy citizen, nnd
has captured tho heart nnd hand ot n
young lady of whom ho should bo proud.
We wish him an abundance of proripority
and a long life of happiness.
On last Saturday night Harry Pond
wbb 40 yearB of ago, and his A. O. U. W.
brothron, loarning the fact, gathorod to
gother and wont to his residence for tho
purposo of giving him a surpriso on tho
occasion. At U:30 the boya knock ut
the door und, whon Harry saw tho
crowd, it dawned upon him that he was
agod, but handsomo still. Mr. Pond,
who understood tho ninttor, had pro
pared a tino lot ot ico croam and
cake and invitod tho brothron to par
take ot tho sumo, which thoy did in
thoir good nnturod way. Attor several
hours of pleasant convorsation, tho A.
O. U. W. boys rotumed to thoir homos,
wishing Bro. Pond 4G years moro ot life.
Wh.n a person Is loning flesh and wast
ing away there Is onuee for alarm. Noth
ing bo worried n phyelcUn. Consumptives
would never die if they could regain their
usual weight. In faot thoro would be no
consumption if there were no wasting of
the system. Tho nanso of thin loan of
desk is a failure to properly digest the
food eaten. Nino-tenths of all oar dis
eases date back to some derangement of
tho Btomaeh. The Blinker Dlgestlvo Cor
dial will stop thin wuisting of the body.
It aots by causing the food we eat to be
digested bo as to do good, for undigested
food does more harm than good. Tho
Cordial contains food already digested
and a digester of foods ai veil,
i i
To prevent the hardening of the sob
ntaneone tissues of the scalp and the
obliteration ot the halt foUielM, which
Jeaaiebaldaeu, vie Halt's Hair Rentwer,
HAii,iioAi oti:k.
K. C. Dllley went to LlntJoIn Wedncs
dm night.
A'. Wilson of Cowles was n Red visitor Sunday.
Finnic Qulgloy nnd wifo enmo down
from McCook Sunday morning,
Adams Express Abel and wifo oxpect
to go to Hot Springs about tho lfith.
Englnoor Harris has purchased a
brand now phnoton nnd was out giving
it n trial Wednesday ovoning.
Tho Burlington has opened up sovoral
stations that huvo boon closed for tho
past your. Wo understand thoro aro to
bo u fow moro oponod soon.
J. F. Williams, an old timo B. ,t M
conductor, died nt Bloomington Satur
day morning. A special train load from
Red Cloud attended tho funoral ut that
placo Sunday afternoon.
ITfiule UN Lint Unit.
Joo Williams, who is known to most
ot our citizons who huvo resided horo
for n dozen or moro years, as tho jolly
11. it M. Ry, conductor, died, attor a
short illness, ut his homo in lllooming
ton last Saturday. Joo wdb a favorite
with till who know him (und hn hud
tunny acquaintances), having resided in
this vicinity for so many years. Ho was
a prominent member ot Rod Cloud
Lodgo No. 50, A. O. U. W. Tho lodgo
chartered a special train last Sunday
nnd attended tho funeral in a body
leaving Red Cloud noout ono p. in., nnd
roturning about kovcu the sumo evening.
IBb many frionds horo will be pained to
learn ot his premature death, nnd thoy,
along with The CniF.r, extend their
heartfelt aymputhy to the wifo und
childron of tho deceased. May his ashes
rest in poaco.
-I mil
Aunt Jano Drown, living about eight
miles south ot Red Cloud, just in tho
udgo of Kansas, who was ono of tho
pioneor residents of this county, diod
suddenly Inst Sunday and wan buriod on
Tuesday. Mrs. Brown had been in Rod
Cloud on Suturday, apparently in tho
best of health, and was, as far ua is
known, and did not euspoct death was
so cIobo ut hand. But Ho who carries
destinies in tho hollow ot his hand,
beckons and we must respond. This
waa tho case with Mrs. Brown. Halo
and hearty on Saturday, on Sunday she
passed from earth to the glory world.
Shn was utrickon with cholora morbus,
and boforo nid could be summoned, had
passed to the land boyond tho blue to
join her husband, who had preceded
her. Sbo leaves eoveral children and
many friends to mourn hor demise
Frank Stroot, aged 20 years, a young
man who had been rearod in Wobster
county and was well known to many of
our people as an industrious nnd enor
getic follow, died nt tho rcBidonce of
Richard Tumor, Sunday, attor a linger
ing illness. His many frionds will bo
pained to hear of his prematuro death.
It is a tad blow to one's hopes to bo tnk
en oil in the vigor of manhood, but
denth comes to tho old und young, nnd
tho "palo rider" puts his icey fingers on
those who nro to bo called to tho other
land with pitiless cortainty. Tho sym
pathy of our pooplo nro with tho paronts
of Frnnk who nro in anothor. etato, nnd
to his many relatives and friends In this
county. His untimely death ia to bo do
plorod. Mrs. Bayles, tho bolovod wife ot Mr.
Stophon Bayles, departed this life last
Suturday, after an extended illness ot
many months' duration. Sho cumo to
Wobstor county soveral yoara ago with
her husband, and in tho years that she
resided horo sho mado many frionds.
Tho funoral services occurrod at her
late residonco, and wore conducted by
tho Rev. J. Mattox, of the Church of
Christ. Her remains woro laid to' rost
in tho Rod Cloud comotory. Mr. Baylos
and children havo tho sympathy of tho
community in their boreavemont.
Tho city council had an all night's
sosBion Wodnosday, or nearly so. Thoy
adjourned at .'1 a. m. Thursday morning,
Tho finance ot the city has beon run in
a haphazard way for n numbor ot years
and tho council ia having a hurd timo to
got tho matter straightened. An effort
was made to havo u resolution passed to
huvo Mayor Bentloy sign wurrants that
ho considerod would be Mogul, und ruth
or than do go, ho handed in his resigna
tion, but tho council would not accept
otit. On Thursday oyonlng tho council
mot again und mattors woro so arranged
tbut this your'u warrants will bo signed
and 9350 npplied ou lust yeur'fl warrants.
Tho funds of tho city ru getting low
and tho council hnvo found it necessary
to shut off tho sprinkler and to econo
mize in ovory way posslblo, Morris
Storn asked llcenBo for runninga saloon
for 1000 which the council refuted.
The Cuir.r has no grievancoa against
Mr. Stern, but if one saloon pays n 81000
why not all? Tho council passod nu
merous bills, and after doing other im
portant businoes, adjourned.
Feed Notice.
Horeatter William Richardson will
foed all teams at the rato ot 10 centa for
hay. Barn east ot Holland Houso.
The World' Fair Tests
s abowed no baking pofvthr
' for or unrest la 4mv
V. MM P9K9Sf. . PvrskL
Just Received
Another Car
or that rm:
You are all talking about, and
wi'l be sold at prices less thdn
anyone in the city can sell the
same grades.
Don't fail to come and get our
prices before making your purchase.
We are always glad to quote
prices and save you all the
money we can.
Judicial Convention.
To tho republican electors of tho
Tenth Judicial District of Nobraskn.
Thoro will bo a republican convention
hold at Hustings. Nobruska, August 22d
1805, ut 7:30 p. m. for tho purposo of
placing in nomination a cundiduto for
judge of Buid district ut tho ensuing No
vombor, 1805, eloction.
Tho busis ot rupresontution will bo
ono dolcgato forovcry ono hundred votes
or major fraction thoroof cast nt tho No
vombor, 1894, oloctlon for Hon. Honry
R. Corbett, etato superintendent, nnd
ono dolcguto at lurgo for each county.
This will npportlon tho dologatea as
Adams county 10
Franklin county 0
Harlan county '
Koarnoy county 11
Pnolps co jnty 10
Wobstor 13
You are horoby notified and requested
to seloct said dolegates in rogular man
nor und duo soason. It is recommondod
by tho oommittod that no proxies bo
allowed. F. P, McCueaky,
Chm'n Jud. Con. Com.
E. E. Ff.ukih, Socrotnry.
in ill '
Report of til Condition
At Ked Cloud, In the State of Nehraika, at tlie
close of basilicas lit, ii'Xi.
Loans and cllsoounu ! S41KM CI
Overdraft, secured and unsecured.... 4 87
Due from National liiinks ?.'I04 40
Due from State bunk? 187-' 80
Curreut expense!) and taxes d 1070 63
Checks und other cash Items., 43 C
Hill, t other banks 4 ."J 00
fractional Paper Cy nickel
and cents C7 70
Hpeclo 27U3 10
LKttl leader liotci..., 30 00
TeUl chsu on liund '-'7870 70
Total Ut-sourcM S71J70 30
Capital stock paid Iu 115000 00
Surplus fund 400000
Undivided profit- tf,31 07
Deposits subject to chock 40121 38
Deposit demand crtillcte... m 00
Deposits tlmeccrtllkates 114 23
Total Deposits 40114 03
Total I7IV70 30
Statoot Nebraska, County ot Webster, is:
I, M. l'lnoli, assistant cashier of the above
named lunk, do solum uly swear that the abeve
statement Is true to the best et my knowledge
and belief.
M. Finch, Asst. Cashier,
ubicrlbed and sworn to bifere inn title 8lh
day el August, I8S5. IIrkkaud MoNkkv,
Notaiy l'ubllo,
NorvoaB debility Is a common complaint
ecpeolally among women. The beat med
ical treatment far this disorder is a per
sistant c-ourae of Ayer's Sananarilly to
cleanse and invigorate the blood, ThU
being aocomplUhei nature will the
F. Mizer.
Every mother hntea to make her child
reu take Castor Oil. LAXOL is sweet
Castor Oil.
Sunday School Rally.
Last Sunday afternoon a band ot
Sunday-Bchool workors, led by K. B.
Fulton and C. L. Cotting, met tha peo
plo of Dist. No. , in Piorco'a echool
house, to orgnnizo a Snbbath.Bchool as
was previously unnouncod. The nttond
unco wus not so largo as usual owing to
n misunderstanding as to time and
placo, but tho interest and enthusiasm
woro not lacking in tho loaat, O. L.
Cotting led the singing, Miss Josio Igou
proaldod at the orgnn, and Miss Lillio
Smith sang a beautiful solo. R. 13. Ful
ton, Mrs. Cox, Mra. McCune, Prof. Hun.
tor and Mr. Piorce gavo short interesting
talks. Thoy thon proceeded to elect of
ileora for a permanent organization,
which result ie an assurance of a suc
cessful school. Mrs. J. S. Cox, superin
tendent; Mrs. J. S. Cox, Asst. Supt.;
Mr. Piorco, Seo'y. Noxt Sunday morn
ing at ton o'clock all aro cordially invit
od to come out and holp make ene ot the
best sohools in tho county.
ii i
"Canst thon minister to a mind din
anod?'' asks Maobeth, Cortalnly, my
lord; tho condition of the mind depondi
largely, if not solely, on the condition of
the stomach, liver and bowels, for all ot
which complaints Ayer's Pills are "the
aoverolgnest thing on earth."
At a dolegato meeting from all the
Churches of Christ In Webator countv,
hold ut Cowloa August 7th, it
was dooidod to hold a county mooting at
Red Cloud September 7 nnd 8. Lot all
tho members throughout tho county
tnko notico. We want to plan wisely
und have appropriate time. Watch tho
pnpors. C. II. Mattcx,
A. D., Chairman.
Awarded ,
Highest Honors World' FW ;
A pine Crape Cream of Tartar Powdec
wont Ammonia, Alum or any other
W.?. 1 1
. ?-v
, ,nuaiiMim"