The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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'v'k pffn
Highest Quality of
f Qrfumbia
I Bicycles
Tbe StaMird for
Hive you feaSted your
I and grace of the 1895 Columbias? Have you
icuiu ana comparea mem
Only by such testing can you know how fully
the Columbia justifies its proud title of the
"Standard-for the World." 1A()
Hartford Bicycles, next-best in quality,
sell for 80 and 0; $0 for boys'
and girls' sizes.
i NT
Oeaeral (MflMi and Factorial,
Boitoe, Sao Francisco,
New' York, 'Provldeace,
Chicago, Buffalo.
VrWBV li
AN ART CATALOGUE of these famous wheels free at any
Cohnbia Agancy, or will be nulled for two 2-cent stamps.
ri?-" -"'v
Published Weekly.
Sabicrlaliea, fl Per Annum
Isnrarlably la Avanea
It net paid Id advance, after this da Hatch
IS, 1892, the price will be ft .28.
Entered at the Post Office In Red Cloud, Neb.
as nail matter o t the second class
rror. cards, 1 Inch or less per year S3 00
six months s oo
Three mruths 200
Perlncr-O car Kpo
PerlnchF months 3 00
rer Inch three months 2 0i
Special jotlces per line or line space, Orst
public?. 5 cents. ,,.,...
TransLnt specials, payable Invariably In ad
vance, per Una 10 cents. t . . .,
All readies notices In the nature ot advertise
tunta or rm.T. a il ur linn.
Legal notrses at lent rates, viz: for a sqnare
lien lines 01 nonpareil or less, j nrsi iiuuuutuuu
sibw: xor aacn suoseaueni budhcsmuu, yc
Na "DnfarrMfTiaaltton" contracts
made. '
All matter to insure publication imirt bare1
ceived at tnisomce not later wan wrauqiuT.
Advertisements cannot be ordered 01 t tor
the current week later than Thursday.
rBR18TIAN Church-Services Sunday at 10 JO
W am and7:30pm:8unlayschooiatl2noon
T PBCKatCSOpmandYPSOKJunlorsat
tors att pan
IfBTHODUT Church-Class Moetlnjr at 10 at
da m. Cervices at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday-school at it :30 a, m. Junior Leairoe a.
4 p.m. BpworthLeanueat:30 p, m. Prayer
Meeting every Wednesday. went.
trst deor north of the church.
BAPTIST Church-PreaohlnR at 10:30 a. m.
and 8 p. m. Sunday-school at 12 m.
Tonnej People's Meetlmr at 8 p. m. Prayer
Keeling Wednesday at 8 p. ra.-0. 11. Welden,
paster. ..
VPIBCOPAI, Church-Services every two
Au weeks, by appointment.
T UTHKRAN Church-Kvery third Sunday
Ai morning at 10 o'clock.
ri ATHOLIG Cburch-Bervlees by appointment.
fillAPKL Sunday school at 3 p m every Him
v dav.
O U W-Kacn alternate Tuesday evening.
-rv nv urtail niniul Lodea No.
-,AOU W,
Umeeti everv alternate Tuesday evening In A
O U W ball. All are Invited to attend
BEN Adhem Lodge No lS8j 10 O PeveryMon.
day night. .
PAI.ANTHB Lodge No 29, Knights ot Pythias
j 1
Thursday evening.
Ktrif U1UUU lAtUKn iiu uvo wuui" i?-mivM
of America, alternate Wednesday evening
V ALLEY Lodne No B, Fraternal Order ot I'ro-
. n Ml B .... Jn. AAO
Modern Woodmen
H v tectors,
ttrsl and third Monday of each
' month.
rUUKITY ldge No HA V and A!
v Friday evening 011 or before the mil
M each
RED Cloud Chapter No 19, R A M alternate
Thursday evening. .
riYRBNB Commandery No 14 alternate Thurs
v dy evening.
rtHARITY Chapter Eastern Star No 47 meets
v first Friday ivenlug after full moon.-Mrs.
Hrewer w. .
GARFIElU Post No so O A It Monday even
lng ou or before the full moon.
aft ARFIELD W It O Ne 14 meets alt trnate Sat-
urday afternoon.
UrARY 8EKR3 McUENRYTeutNolIDaught.
M- ers of Veterans Monday evening.
H8 KALBY Tamp No 25, S of V Tuosday eve
nluir. sfis
JHMAN Circle No 3, Udlei of the (I
ttanu unra naturuar ucm
RBD CLOUD rouucil NO 13 ijoraigiW.'S
Ion ot America first and third Friday eve-
1M la time. Boldbrjn)JSTal M
a r
g JriTwrpuoi' $S1
JW k JLa-aa Jffcw
xe58 BicYotfusBr
eyes upon the beauty
wiin an oiner maKcsr
Married at Smith Center last Sun
day, Mert Fern and Alma Warington
both of Linn township We wish the
happy ooitplo much joy.
The people's p.irty held their con
vention last Saturday and put some
good men in nomination to fill the
different county offices this fall,YW, .
Died, bet Sunday, the baby of J.
M. Brown. It was only sick a few
days, Ir was buried in tho Mt. Hope
S. V. Scrivner was up to the Gonter
last Saturday.
iter. Hemuok failed to nil bis ap
poiattnent at Oriole last Sunday.
life" U. -VS,' Gov't Reports
"':- how Royal Baking Powder
.awpwior to all others,
The late dry weather has injured
tho oorn to a very great extant.
Mrs. Henry Matter was in the vi
cinity eonvaHsing for tea 00 Monday.
Miss Dowlcr of Red Willow county
is visiting her sister Mrs. 0. Molley.
Mr, GaBter of Kansas Gity, Mo., is
visiting his relation, tho Haughts. this
Mr. and Mr,?. Vance and son Allen
havo gone to)lfty and Filmoro oouu
tios. Married, at Guide Rook on Sunday
Aug.4, by Eld, Shirley, Mr. George
Baines to Miss May Deoker both of
Stillwater. Theso youag people have
fhe best wishes of their many frionds.
In order to introduoo Chamberlain's
OOngh Remedy here we sold seyeral doz
bottles on strict gnarantee and have
foaed every bottle did good service. We
have used it onrselves and think it super
ior to any other. W. I, Mowroy, Jarvis
ville, vV. va. For sale by Deyo &. Urice,
MHir Rates to Iloston.
August 19 to 24, Burhngten Rout
agents in Nebraska and Kaasas will
bell round trip tiokets to Boston at
the one way rate. Return limit, Oot,
The train to tbke: The Knights
Templar official train, hariagon board
Grand Commander Finoh and esoert,
will lehve Omaha via tha Burlington
Route at 4:35rp. m., Thursday, Aug,
22d; after arrival of all trains from
tho west. Through to Boston with
out change. Savon hours stopavcr at
Niagara Falls.
TickotB and Bleeping oar reserva
tions on application to any agent of
this or any connecting line.
Sond for froe holder giving full in
formation. J. Francis,
G. P. and T. A., Omaha, Nsb.
a a '
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wortt'a Pair HlfbMt Award.
Oat Amateur's Krperlec Was Complete
and Satisfactory In One IMy.
Tho hottest oxporiouco I ovor mot
With In tho country wns tho day I holp
ed to moke hay. Tho farmor twgau to
call tifl shortly nftor midnight, and nftet
a long siego of iutormittent yelling he
snecoodod in his design of getting ns ont
of bed sovornl hours boforo it wiw noccs
sary. It was then 8 n. 111. About two
hours later wo hrnl had onr brenkfasts
and wore entering tho hayfiold.
When one gets into trouble, tho open
ing scenoa nro always nlluriug. A gor
geous sunrise was iu full swing in the
ast. Tho dew lay ou tho grnns, and the
air was cool and invigorating. I could
ot but agree with tho poets that the
cent of tho now mown hay was very
Inspiring. I felt liko acolt and was koen
to jump into tho sport
Tho first heat consisted iu bunching
tho hay af tor tho niko, which tho farmer
hiuisolf drove about tho Hold with ninny
loud "geos" and "haws," but fow
"whoas. " Tho old rascal took 11 fiend
ish dolight iu ctowding us. It began to
look n littlo liko work.
Whou tho buy was all bunched, the
high ladder wagons woro driven into the
Hold. Being a novice, I was assigned the
duty of loading. I stood upon tho wagon
and built tho load an tho bay was pitch
ed to mo theoretically, but on mo actual
ly. Tho first doeo knocked nil tho poetry
out of mo.
Tho blazing sun had sucked up all the
dewdrops and was now high in the
east. Ho soomed to focus his scorchinp
rays ou tho wagons, and tho hay crackled
and sizzled about mo liko frying fat. It
was noon 20 times all at onco. I thought
I was becoming liquified. I sank to my
nook in tho hay and roasted in a con
centrated oven of absorbed solar heat
Not a broezo stirrod. No friondly oloud
hovered near to screen tho orb of flro. 1
vainly triod to fancy I was in tho Arctic
ocean and tho wagon was n floating ice
berg. Tho old pitchers, inured to the
heat and tho avocation, still fed on the
Wo woro jerked into tho bam from
tho frying pan into tho fire and I wot
thoro barbecued for half an hour in the
hot bods of tho mow.
Out wo shot ngain into tho broiling
field. All day long this process of slow
torturo continued. It was a littlo drama
from tho snowless land inscrtod into
real life, tho farmer impersonating Ba
ton, tho pitchors'his archaugols and my
self Charon's lost passenger.
But, thank heaven, tho former was
no Joshua, and tho sun at last complet
ed his trip across the skies and disap
peared beneath tho mountain. Theuoxt
day my place on tho wagon was occu
pied by some other fool Philadelphia
Tfeo Bank of Scotland.
The Bank of Scotland, now 200 years
old, naturally sought to encourago Scot
tish Industries, and this is shown in the
manufacture of its paper for notes. The
first largo notes woro made in 1090, 20
Bhillina uotos, as they wore termed, be
ing only issued on April ?, 1704. In
1720 the bank's paper waa manufac
tured at Giffordholl, near Haddington.
Attendants had to bo present iu the
bank's interest, and ibeir account was
paid by tho bank. Ono item was "alo
and bread furnished to tho workmen,
10s.," and another for "drink money to
servants, 4 17s. Oct" Tho items are
suggestive although it is possible they
only represented drink money in name
In 1735 tho bank got its 20 shilling
banknotes mode nt Collingtoun Miln
(Cblinton mill), and thero is nn "no
oompt for drink inonoy" in connection
with it A barber camo twico from
Edinburgh to shavo tho officials and re
ceived 8s. for his professional attend
anoo. Groen tea must havo cost at
this time 24s. per pound, for in tho bill
a quarter pound sells for 0s. At this
Colinton mill tho bank appears to have
kopt all tho employees in food during
tho time the paper was boing manufac
tured. A man was engaged 12 days at
tho paper mill in dressing moat, and ho
out up in that timo 200 pounds of It.
Meat and mutton cost only 2)d. per
pound in those good old days. A hen is
charged at 81L, a duck at 0d., ono "sol
Ian gooso," Is. 8d. ; a dozen eggs, 8L ;
six chickens, only Is. 4cL, and a wild
fowl, lOd. ; choeso cost 4d. per pound
and bacon 8d. per pound. In 1700 the
bank's noto paper was mado at Rod
hough Miln (Redhall mill). Chambers'
Porter or Porterage.
An officer being moved from ono sta
tion to another sent iu u bill, in whioh
was an item for "porter." The item,
after having exorcised tho in tol loots and
received tho indorsements of flvo succes
sive officials at tho war ofllco, was dis
allowed on tho ground that "porter"
could only bo allowed if taken under
medical advico. The officer respectfully
informed his superiors thut the "porter"
charged for was not drink, bnt tho in
dividual who had carried his baggago.
Tho roply was that this should have
been entered as 'porterage, ' whereupon
tho officer ventured to inquire whother
if ho took a cab this should bo put down
as "cabbage." Truth.
The Heat of Onr Clothes.
How hot our clothes are has just been
determined by n Dr. von Bobber, a
German meteorologist. When tho out
lido temperaturo is 60 degrees F., tho
temperatnro on tho coat is 71.2 degrees,
that between tho coat and tho wuiRtcoat
78.0 degrees, botwoou waistcoat and
shirt 76.0 degrees, between shirt and
undershirt 77.4 degrees and botwecu
tho woolen undershirt and tho skin 00.0
degrees. Exchange.
Edison says thoro is practically no
limit to tho speed that can bo attained
on a railroad. Ho thinks tho greatest
speed will oomo when electricity is ob
tained direct from coal.
"The pleosontest way 'to tako ood
liver oil," says an old gormand, "is to
fattta phreona with It and then eat tho
as is i i -
r If you
The ever-increasing popular
ity of Climax Plug can only
be attributed to its high quali
ty, delicious flavor, and satisfy
ing substance three features
which, all judges of Chewing J
Tobacco know to be essential.
The Familiar Lines Which llie Ilcen At
tributed to Martin Luther.
Nearly everybody is fnmillur in ono
Iniiguago or another with tho famoua
old German couplet attributed to Mar
tin Luther, and which lltorally and
properly tranxlatod into English is as
follows :
Who lores not wine, wife and song
Rcmnlnx n fool IiIh whole ltfo long.
This supposed rontimeut of tho great
roformor has been quoted thousands of
times its his, and its authenticity was
not questioned. But now conies a vory
competent authority Tho .Lutheran Ob
server and stoutly insists that Luther
novor wroto tho linos, and that, in fact,
thoy mado thair first appearance more
than 200 years after his death.
According to Tho Observer, in tho
year 1777 a well known German poet,
John Henry Voss, published at Ham
burg n small volumo eutitlod "Musen
almnnnch (" Tho Almauoo of tho
Muses"). At the cud of ono of tho
poouis in this book he placod tho coup
let in Gorman :
Wtr nlcht liobt weln, welb und gosang
Dtr btetbt uln narr eeln lobcnlang.
To tills effusion Voss nfiixed tho namo
of Luther. This caused n good deal of
commont and excitement. Voss was a
candidate for tho position of teacher in
tho Hamburg gymnasium. Tho Luther
an pastors of tho city protested against
his appointment becauso Luther was not
tho author of "tho couplet" which had
been attributed to him, and becauso
Voss lud thus mado Luther encourago
intemperance But iu spito of nil that
could bo dono in tho way of donial and
explanation tho linos literally clung to
tho groat namo and refused to bo sepa
rated, and wo vonturo to say that com
paratively fow down to tho prosout day
over doubted that Lutlior was thoir real
As tho couplet oxpressos tho convivial
Bontimouts of many Gormans it is prob
ahlo that it was a common pieco of un
written German folkloro oven before
Luther's timo. Some English writers
havo mado the linos into a bacchanal
rhymo, with n sinister meaning, but tho
truo version, coupling "wlno, wifo and
song," expresses tho prevailing senti
ment and custom among Gormans in
taking their wivos and children with
them to tho gardens and othor social re
sorts for rccroatiou and amusomout.
Buffalo Commercial
A Valuable Flud.
After years of study an lbor, there has
at last been discovered a sure and never
failing remedy, It has boen tested on
patients, who have dispaired of ever being
oared, the results have been, in every case
wonderful. Groft's Rhenrnntiam Care is
nnequaled as a positive romedy in all
cases of Ohronio and Aonte Inflammatory
Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Neuralgia, Dysmenorrhoca and nil kind
red affeotionB. It is also n valuable Blood
Parlfler, being especially useful in Eozeinn
Psoriasis, Scrofula, all Glandular Enlarge
ment and dieases of tho liver and kidneys,
It in absolutely free from nil narootios.
Severe nttaoka aro relioved in from one
to three days and a positive oaro effeoted
in from flvo to eighteen days, O, L. Cot
ting Red Oloud, Neb. 18-4m
I Running
the Serpent s
fiOMTlOlflllft In all IU mm com.
IL00D POISON BlBro'borc7.
SHBBSBSB.-- Iielln power.. ltro-
moves tha Dolinn uitd bullda ud tlia v.iflm.i
A WWIlM Oil lb. 4U.IM 4.4 IU U.tUHBll
tj "Heals EBB
are posted on Chewing
Tobaccos you know
Is much the best. ""
made by LORILLARD.
Sjsa fhlrlir.trr'ii KhmII'Ii llmml nraarf.
Origin M and Only Uenulnr.
Arc. alwata rrl labia, tAbttn ask ,
UruMtat lor tftiAfirr KnnU'h tut 1
mAttJ II fitmt u ttftianl i;J t tntUtlloX
trMft aralA! Willi Mu riMmn, J me
nn AthrK. RrttLtt tt,tHarnui atibihrM
(iontmnd imtt if. lit U lrualti, or ") I If.
In itami f r particular, tfatlnimlelt an I
lfHtr frtf I Bt,llr-"iiffrfr. t,T rtfliira
IT Mb! I. Id.OUU TraiinionUli Stmt liptrt
- MrrklrhralrrC(irsut4'ulCa..Msillaonrnunl.
li j ill Ul Druuliti. i'MUdeu. IV.
G. F. Stapleton,
Ulakca a apoclulty of Repairing
Buggies aud Carriages.
Horae-shoonig aud If low Work prompt
ly attended to, and Ukcs
nains shooinc
Trotting and Running Horses,
And all work expeoted ot a first
class Smith.
hop South of the Laundry.
Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
Tonsorlal Artist,
2d Door South or Ciller Office.
First class harboring done with neat
ness and dispatch. Your putronage
The O. K. Shop,
lied Cloud, Nebrnaka.
I give my personal attention to my
patrons. First-class shaving and hair
cntting n Bpuclalty.
Tonsorlal Artists,
4th Avkmdk, Red Cloud, Nrnmsiti.
Flrst-olass barbers and (irst ohu work
guaranteed Give men cull
Red Oloud,
111 attend sales at reasonable HKiires.
The Sweetest Music
requires a
Guitar, Mandolin,
Banjo or Zither.
They are the product of the Largest
Musical Factories in the world and arc
unequalled lor tone or finish. Send to
the makers,
Lyon & Mealy, Chicago,
for a, HcautKul Catalogue (I'KKU)
rnntnluluR portraits of ninety artists.
Waihburni are sold by all urn-class
piu.ib u caicra.
4u Ab. wiA
Many men ask for a certain
brand of tobacco through force
of habit, without stopping to
think whether there is anything
better to be had for the same
.price. If you want the best, ask
Climax Plug.
lsUU A RE'
BBs aamasl
afflni. JnAtmm tatm t.aji ., mmaUm
i.u.. muiw m.t H9bU VUI tiiallll
twenty to thirty years In their family work,
and are still using the original machines
we furnished them a generation ago.
Many of our machines nave run more
than twenty years without repairs, other
than needles. With proper care they
never wear out, and seldom need repair.
We have built sewing machines for
more than forty years and nave constantly
improved them. We build oar machines
n honor, and they are recognized every
where ns the most accurately fitted and
finely finished sewing machines in the
world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the
result of our long experience. In com
petition with the leading machines of the
world, it received the Grand Prire at the
Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best,
other machines receiving only compli
mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze.
The Grand Prize was what all sought for.
and our machine was awarded it
Send for our illustrated catalogue.- Wie
want dealers in all unoccupied tcsritory.
'W41B7WaBaiHAVfc,CMieAt, M
S. E. Cozad, Agt
i Everv Man Who
Is Dissatisfied
with his surroundinga who wants
to batter his condition in life who T
knows that he can do bo if given I
halt a chance, should write to J.
Francis, Omaha, Nsb., for a copy T
t a little book recently issued by X
the Passenger Department of tha t
Burlington Route.
It ia entitled "A New Empire"
and contains 32 pages ot informa
tion about Sheridan County and T
the Big Horn Basia, Wyoming, a I
Land of Promise,
towards which tha eyea of thous- t
J audi are now hopefully turned, X
PR. J. 8. EMIUH,
Rid Cloud, ' Nkbraska.
Over Taylor's Veralinre Stor.
Extracts teeth without pain.
Crown and bridge work a specjalty.
Porcelain inlay, ana all kinds ot gold fillings.
Makes gold and rubber plates aud combination
A II work guaranteed to be Srst-class.
Insurance Agency,
German Insurance Co , Freeport, 111,
Kojral juiuiance Co., Liverpool, ICiuiland.
Home Kir a Insurance Co., of Omaha, Nobr.
Frwnlx Assurance Co, ot London, Isnjr.
To Manchester rlre A.sttrance Co. of nulmid.
Hrittsh America Assurance Co. Tnrnurn, rtui.
Mutual Iteserve fund Life Asm. of N. Y. '
The Workman llulldlng and I-otu Association
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Oflica over Mlzer a Store.
Rco Cuovn, NlBKASV
Uossiesopaiaie Pkyslclan,
Red Cloud, NebrasKw
O.BoeVlrst National opposite Bank.
mm jmji
. j
-. 'Vt
' ."J.'.iW.-itt
mvfpvVtnMAt-murtnm'mmwtmn tUmmiM'm lasusshiiaitt
yvmmm mgmsUH'ti
''nil tiSjisyiiaJMI
' "tyv
canalo diseases I