The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Blood Poison
Driven Out of the System by
the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For five yearn, 1 was a great
sufferer from 11 most persistent
blood disease, iioiio of tlio various
medicines I took being of utiy
liolp whatever. Hoping Hint
clmiiso of cliiniito would beiicllt
me, Fwcfit toTubn, to Florida,
and then to Saratoga Springs,
whero I remained some tiniu
driiikinir tlm waters, lint all was
no use. At last, India: advised 0
ly friends to iryAyei's o
sarsaparilla, i ncguii mixing a,
and very hooii i'uvornblu results
wero manifest. To-day J ron
sidur myself u perfectly healthy
man, with n good nppctitu and
not tlio least trace oi my former
complaint. To all my friends,
and especially young men liko
mvself. 1 recommend A ver's Sar
saparilla, if in need of a perfectly o
rcliablo hlood-puriller." .Tobb o
A. KsroiiAlt, proprietor noiei
Victoria. Key West, Fin,; resi
dence, i&iW. 10th St, Now York.
Ayer's ss Sarsaparilla
Admitted for Exhibition
PuhlUliod Weekly.
Subscription, 91 Per Annum
Invariably in Advance
It not paid In nrtvnucc, after this daia March
18, 18M, tlio price will be
Bntere d at the I'ost Ottlce In Ited Cloud, Neb.
an until niHtterof the second class
Prof, cards, 1 Inch or less or year 90 On
Hlx months 3 iio
There months i oo
Pet Inch one year 91 no
Per Inch six month 3 oo
Per inch three months 2 ut
special iH'tlcs per Hue ur Hue spuco, first
publication A i-enta.
Transient specials, payable Invariably In ad
vance, per line Hi cent.
All rrailiin: notices In the iMtureof advertise
ment ur putts, s cent s per line.
taltal notice) atleLtaitatt-s, viz i for a square
iten lines ot Nmiparo'l or less,) llrst puhllcatlop
1.(10; (or each subsequent publication, pet
square, so rent.
Ki."preferi ed position" contract made.
All matter to Insure publication must b re
eelved at this office not later than Wednovliv
Advertisements cannot be ordered o l (ot
the curreut week later than Thursday.
U. Ac Itl. R. K. Time '
(10INO KAH'l
Cfi, Freight, l.v fin
64, fast Freliriit.
ii? i........... ......
0:H5 Oi m
1:35 ;J.Ui
(iUINti NOIt
Hi, Mixed Train, l.v l'.-M n. m. ,m
01N1 wi:st
C3, Fast Frrluht, l.v II :t n. m. Ar 103. a. in
141, Mixed Train, " p.m.
IB, I'assfimer, " 8:40 n. in. " 8:J0p. in
CIHIHTIAN rinirch-Hervlcei HundavatlO:V
. .am nuilT:.opiuiSuuilaschiHiiMtlJnoou
Y 1 8 (J B at U:3U p in and Y 1 H 0 E Juniors ut
CONIHIIUIAIIONA!. :hurrh-8orvlces nt n:
30 a m, and 7:30 p ni ; Sunday k-IiooI at 1 1 V
m, Y 1' M 0 B at 0
p m and V 1' 8 0 K Jun-
lors ar p in.
m. Hervlces at 10:3
-Class Meethnr at in at
I!30a nr. Ulul 7-IHI n i.
nuiiim-rii()oi in n ao a.m. ninior liinoo a.
4 p.m. Kpttortli Uauueat 6:30 p. in. I'riuer
Moctlnu ewiy Wednesday lilnlit. 1'arHoiwxe
llrst d.or noi tli nf thw clinr.'h.
UAPTIHI'lJIiureli-I'reiuililiiK at jo.3.)
aim 8 p. in. Huudav-chnn at
a. in
Vi m.
unrig rcopi-'s .sieeiinv at 8 p.
JieeilnK Wednesday at 8 p. m.-o,
in. Prayer
It. Weldell,
El'IHCOI'A I. Church-Services
wet tin, by appointment.
every two
IUIIIKIUN Church-Kvery third Similar
vioriilntt at 10 n'clocK.
CIIAI'BI-siindAvschoolat3p n overy sun
"'av. OCICTlE.
A O U W Bach alternate Tuesday eveulng.
)F H KimI liliiihi UhihoiMi.-.aoU ...
meets ntcrv nlternate Tuesd.iv pihiiIiil. in a
O U W hall. All are I in Ited to attend.
BKN Adhem IxmIkb .SolHO;
10 O HevervMiih-
CAIiANTIIKliOdKeNoW, Kunshta o( Pjthia.s
Tliursdar eenlnK.
RK1) Cloud IamIiio No C08. Modem Wnodmmi i
of America bIit'mi'm v.,.i,(i.,,. ,...nni. '
VAl.l.KV Uxlue Noft, tTrttcriiHHirUur .i n
lectors, llrst and third Monday of each
ItllY I .Oil 111 Nil M A V Hlld a u .. I
rrniwv pniiitf on or newrw me lull moon.
----- -.. ... -,.. .-.. .- WW V... .. 1
RBIl Cloud Chapter o It). RAM alternate
TlmiNilHV ewnluif.
CYKBNKComiuanUeryNo U alternate Thurs
d v evHiiluir.
41I1AIUTY I'luinliT KaMi.rn Mm-
No 47 meets
V Oiai Krlday etonliiuHfterlull moon.
lliewer W. M.
GMd'IBi, Post No mi (1 a It Monday even
Iiil' 011 ur beturu the (ull moon.
GXltVlKl.h W It (? No 14 meets alUrnateSat-
iinla afternoon.
MAItY HKBIW MrllKNItYlVtitNoltltaUBht
ei nf Vi-ler ins "odi'mv rvenlliv
H.KAI.KV I'ump iSoiJ, nor V ilivsiiay eve
UlPlf CIIBKMAN llicle ,SnS, I.uiImh ul the A 1
J fjist and third Saturday oveiung.
RKI) i 1 Oil I) i nuneil No is loyalM)silu Lpk
Ion ot America tint and Ihlnl Prlday eve-
Btft.Cuuf h fii-rupT'l'aMu. llood. Vu
thuateld J
Views of m Celebrated Anatomist The Im
portance of Wearlnf the Itlfht Kind of
llhoes Somethlnf About Corns and How
to Treat Them.
Very frnv pcom to realizo tlio Impor
tanco of giving tlio foot proper attention
In order to Kecnro hotter health as woll
u general comfort. It Is almost iiicon
Dcivnblo that in our civilized nation in
Iho tiioderu ago there, nro still so many
Dthcrwiso scnslhlo wonionwho nro will
ing to innim and cripple their feet and
mflfor tortures for tho sako of wenring
jhoes just n little too small, or which
tiro, as they imagitio falsely, pretty or
inoro fushionnhlo. Wo hco tho folly of
tho cramping process upon tho feet of
tlio Chincho women, hut how much more,
inoxcusablo it is for wouiou of this en
lightened country.
In former times it hns been tho fash
ion for shoes to bo mndo with high
heels, nnrrow, pointed toes and nil sorts
of extravagant shapes contrary tocaso
und comfort, and as too many peoplo
huvo felt it incumbent npon them to
bow to tho demands of tho tyrant fnsh
ion, no matter how unreasonable her
demands, tho result 1ms been for suc
ceeding generations untold buffering in
tho form of corns, bunions and other
deformities, until now it is comparative
ly rare to seo, except among savngo na
tions, n perfect, woll shaped foot. But
n moro sensiblo fashion allows tho wear
ing of various styles of scnsiblo shoes
that nro adapted to tho caso and com
fort of tho wearer, with thick soles,
wido, low heels niitl plenty of room for
frco expansion of tho toes nud muscles,
and tho numerous corns, which nro not
only exceedingly painful, but often seri
ous affairs, aro gradually disappearing
from tho foot of tho scnsiblo ones nud
tho ideal foot is no longer tho cramped
and tortured foot.
Tho celebrated nuntomist, Professor
Hyrti of Vienna university, opened one
of his lectures to his class with tho sin
gular question, "Which is tho most beau
tiful foot, considered from tho anatom
ical standpoint?" and then continued:
"It is remarkable that thoroarosomany
divergent opinions on this subject.
While tho sous of men look upon a
small, slender nud graceful foot, n lady's
foot, its an ideal ono, tho anatomist ut
terly rejects it ns boautiful, and only
tho largo, long and broad foot is tho
ideal ouo iu his eyes. Even tho greatest
classic writers of antiquity, Horaco, Ca
tallus, and others, who had groat appre
ciation of tho fominino beauty, never
mentioned in tho descriptions of their
beloved and, as is well known, they
hud many their small foot
"Tho peoplo belonging to the Coltio
raco havo small feet ; tho Hindoos es
pecially huvo such feet and hands that
they may bo envied by many European
countesses. Tho nutivo troops of tho
English army in India possess iu Eng
land their own armory whero peculiar
kinds of weapons nro constructed for
them, and tho sword hilts mndo for
them nro much too small for us to grasp
with case. Tho greatest beauties of En
rope, tho Italians, havo really long and
broad feet."
But oven if wo do not caro to bo con
vinced that tho ideal foot is tho foot
that is long and broad, wo can cortaiuly
realizo tho importance of caro in select
ing shoes of tlio proper size for comfort
as well us beauty. Tho foot nover looks
pietty iu a slum too small for it, and
such shoes soon becomo unshupoly from
uuduo pressure, giving anything but a
pretty appearance.
On tlio other hand, wo should not fall
into tho error of buying shoes too large.
Tlieso are quite us apt to causo corns as
small ones by rubbing certain parts of
tho foot. If any ono lias tho misfortune
to fall into this mistake, it can bo reme
died to u great extent by inserting a soft
wud of cotton batting iu tho too of tho
shoo or in tho part that rubs against
tho foot.
Tho same caro is necessary in buying
Hhoes us iu buying gloves. They will
last much longer anil have a better ap
pearance when mado of new, good skins.
Old leather or kid is not soft and olostio
and does not easily shapo itself to tho
foot or tho hand. Tiiis is not only a
nmttor of comfort, but of economy. In
this, as in many other things, "tho best
is tho cheapest," and as few women, or
men either, for that matter, aro good
judges of leather it will bo wiso to buy
ouly of honest, experienced dcalors, in
whom wo can confide-, for wo cannot
afford risks in a matter whero so much
is involved. An uucomfortablo shoo is
really u very berious matter when wo
'toko into consideration the pain and
' discomfort, tho probublo deformities iu
tho way of corns and bunions, tho wear
on tho nervous systom und tho unpleas
ant consequences of our irritable tem
pers because of personal discomfort.
It Fcarccly heonis necessary to sneak
of tho importuned of frequent bathing
of tlio feet and paring of tho nnils, and
yet many tiro surprisingly careless in
this respect. Corns aro simply composed
of a great number of layers of cuticle,
or scarf skin, ono nbove unother, ouch
successive layer boing larger than tho
preceding, m that tho wholo assumes
tho form of a grain of Indian corn;
hence its name. This is constantly press
ing its point upon the, tender flesh when
tho shoo presses or rubs against it, and
ns this cutiolo is easily dissolved to a
groat extent by the warm water and
soap wo cairseo that bathing is tho mast
ready and harmless remedy as woll as
preventive. Exchange.
Columbia lllver.
Tho Columbia river was first called
tho Organo, tho Spanish name for tho
wild sago that .grows on its banks. Whit
ney says that tlio Spanish munowas Oro
jou, "big ear" or "ouo that hath largo
oars," an allusion to tho custom of tlio
Indians in that region of stretching thoir
ears by boriug thorn and crowding thcio
with ornaments.
Civil XAwsntt Hero Than In
Other Country In the World.
A man of ingenious mind and nppar
ently omplo loisnro has gono to tho
tronblo of figuring out tho number of
lawsuits brought in each country in a
year, and he has reached tho conclusion
that tho United States is a bettor coun
try for nttorueys and counselors than nny
other civilzcd land under tho sun. Ho
figures us lawsuits civil notions only,
taking into no account proceedings of n
criminal charactor brought by tho pub
lic authorities against individuals. Ho
has ascertained that, taking tho figures
for tho last ten years as a fair nverago,
thero nro 1,250,000 lawsuits brought in
Etigland overy year, 750,000 in France,
1,400,000 in Italy, U.300,000 in Ger
mnny and 5,500,000 in tho United
It is not to bo inferred from this that
tho peoplo of ouo country aro much moro
prono to litigation than aro tho peoplo
of another, but tho explanation is to bo
found in tho fact that tho conditions of
litigation vary exceedingly. Qoiug to
law in England is very oxpensivo busi
ness, for it entails outlays in tho form
of costs and expenses so largo that many
of tho courts aro practically closed to
persons of modest means, and a long
litigntiou unsuccessfully pursued ends
often in bankruptcy. In Franco tho
number of lawsuits is kept down through
tho general practico of "nrbitratiou,"
as many as 100,000 cases in n year,
especially thoso nrising from disputes
over wages, being settled by this agency
without onerous cast to either party. Iu
Gornmny a great majority of cases nro
petty ones, involving a small amount of
money und duo, many or them, to cus
toms or usages which aro not sufficiently
defined to bo, in ull cases, similarly un
derstood by both parties to an ngrco
mcut. This is especially tho caso in tho
farming districts of Germany, and thoro
nro many legal disputos in tho manu
facturing districts toa
Tho number of cases credited to tho
United States seems enormous, but it
is probably accurate Thoro aro, for ex
ample, 1 1 district courts for tho disposal
of civilcases in Now York city. In ouo
of theso courts, by recout report, tho
number of notions brought in a year
was shown to bo 0,100. Theso courts
havo boforo them oach year, on tho
averngo, 75,000 cases. Tho cases brought
in tho state courts of Now York amount
in a year to nbout 150,000, nnd of thaso
brought in tho federal courts Now York
furnishes a very large number. Taking
tho wholo country through, it is seen
that tho avorago number of cases per
thousand of population is in tho neigh
borhood of 75 to 85. Tho number of
lawyers in tho United Statos is material
ly largor than in nny other country in
tho world, nnd tho nmounts in dlspnto
hero nro much greater thou elsewhere,
Now York Sun.
Argentine' Capital Is the Queen of the
Southern Hemisphere.
Tlio omniscient Whitakor, under tho
heading "British Possessions Iu Aus
tralasia," states that Molbonmo, with
its suburbs, contained on Dec. ill, 1804,
on estimated population of 444,8113 in
habitants, "being tho most populous
city in tho southern homisphcra" Wo
havo always understood Rio do Janeiro
and Buenos Ayrcs to bo also in tho
southern homisphcro.aud, oddly enough,
Whitakor himself gives larger figures
for both of theso cities than for Mel
bourne. Tho remark is probably ono
that litis been at somo time truo aud litis
been carried on from year to year.
In any caso, tho results of tho ccusus
establish iucoutestably tho claim of
Buenos Ayrcs to bo tho greatest city of
South America and of tho southern
hemisphere. With iillowouco for imper
fections iu tlio oxocutiou of tho census,
inseparable from tho way in which it
was carried out, tho flguro 055,088 may
bo taken as practically correct, and no
other city in this half of tho world can
lay claim to pasBessiug within 100,000
of this number of inhabitants.
Tlio population of Buenos Ayrcs ia
thus larger than that of any city of tho
United Kingdom, except Loudon nud
Glasgow. It is considerably larger than
that of Liverpool or Birmingham, aud
it is only about 50,000 less than tho
combined populations of Manchester and
Sulford. Of tho great cities of Enropo
only Paris, Berlin, Vienna, St Peters
burg, Constantinople mid Moscow sur
pass Buenos Ayrcs, aud in North Amer
ica only Now York, Brooklyn, Chicago
nud Philadelphia. Our city is tho second
cityot the Lutin world, surpassing Mad
rid, Naples and Romo iu Europo aud
Rio Janeiro, Santiago, Lima and Mox
ico in tho new world. Tho rato of
growth is no less remarkable than tho
actual size, for iu tho last eight years
Buenos Ayrcs has increased about 60
per cent. Buenos Ayres Roviow.
New York's lllver Tnnnel.
Thero is a big holouuder North river.
Somo day it will bo a tunnel connect
ing this city and Hoboken. No work
has liccn douo for four years, but tho
owners of tho halo aro now trying to
raise money iu London to comploto thoir
tunnel before a bridge can be built over
North river. Ouly 1,2110 fectromain to
connect tho two holes bored from either
shore, each of which is now full of wa
ter. This water has simply soaked
through binco work was abandoned ou
the death of tho principal backer. So
far $11,000,000 has been poured iuto tho
hole, aud ouly $500,000 will bo required
to comploto it. Now York Letter.
Make Clothing Vor Dogs.
It is well known that thoro aro den
tists iu Loudon und iu Paris whoso
specialty it is to fit lapdogswith a sot of
falso teeth. It now appears from u Pa
risian monthly mugazino of fushions
that thoro aro tailors nud fashion plates
lor ilogs,
Tho list of oarmonts inolu.loH
i.i t -r 1
handkerchief insido, fur collars, small
ilk umbrellas, which dogs aro taught to
carry over the hoad. Chicago Tribune.
iThousands of Women
f Bj Arousing to Heatthj Action all her Organ.;
It causes health to bloom, and
j joy to reign throughout the frame.
;... It Never Fails to Regulate ...
" Mr wl f has been nmlor treatnmn t of lend-i
. Intf uliv.lFlnns tlirtia vtmrn. without tn.tietlt .
, Alter utluK tiircH unities or iuiAiihiKiira
'MCMAI.K IIKIilll.ATIIII uliecnn tlu her uniO
rcoukliiK,mllRinK linn. wiimhiiii."
a .f 1.114 a I lldi..lAAt. a. 1 a
' tit O 11 Ik I Atl IIUMUVIP'Mli lin
'UltADKlKM) HKUI'UIOIt CO., Atlsntu, .'.;
SsldbydruifliUat 11.00 per bottl.
Blontch Street Ltmpt.
Tho method adopted in Munich for
lighting street lamps from tho outside
without opening tho lamp has proved
qnito satisfactory, tho results, as enu
merated, boing to economize iu flashlight
gas, to enable tho lamps to bo lit in a
storm, to shut off tho main stopcock, to
light Welsbach lamps without explosion,
and to prevent tho casting of shadows.
As described, tho main pipo coiumnui-
l catos with a kindling pipe, which at ouo
end comes to tlio outside of tho lantern
und at tho other goes to tho burner this
kindling pipe being bored witli lino
holes, which make a row of flying
flames leading from tho outside to tho
burner; tho main pipo und its connec
tions, with tho stopcock, aro divided bo
as to enable gus to bo supplied to tho
kindling pipo and burner, ami then to
tho burner alone. Tho lighting is douo
with the ordinary rod lump, provided
with an apertnro ut its cud which re
ceives tho lower end of the kindling
tubo. When tho lamplighter's polo is
slipped iuto position, wind has no effect
on tho kindling operation. Now York
A Broad Hint.
They wero seated in tho parlor con
versing ou tho uncertainty of lifo.
She Tho futuro is a vast, unfathom
ablo mystery to us, isn't it?
Ho Yes; all wo kuow is that wo
havo to go somo time.
Voico From tho LibraryIt would
suit tho convenience of this household
if you'd niuko it a littlo sooner than
that Richmond Dispatch.
The U, S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
. superior to all others.
"The" Watch.
For timokeoping und durability nothing
beats tho seventeen jnwoled
Dkudkk Hampden Watch.
nnd oxumine them. Also his lino of
Jewelry, Dinmouds,
Spectacles, Clocks,
Plated nnd solid silverware, sonvenlr spoons,
pea I handled knives und forks, carvInK sets,
calllnvcard cases, bon ben boxes aud other
noTrltle. A flno Hue of spectacles and eye
Kisses vvllh luterchntiKable louses, steel, nickel
sliver nnd uold frames, Special and careful at
tention paid in llttliiK the eje. My Hue ot 2nd
hand watches Is quite lane. i wlllrun them off
at less thau their actual worth.
tSriSrinK your watch, clock and Jewelry re
pair wrk, your engravinu and your old gold
and silver to me,
Many ladies have used our machines
twenty to thirty years in their family work,
and are still using the original machines
we furnished them a generation ago.
Many of our machines have run more
than twenty years without repairs, other
than needles. With proper care they
never wear out, and seldom need repair.
We have built sewing machines for
more than forty years and nave constantly
improved them. We build our machines
on honor, nnd they are recognized every
where as the most accurately fitted and
finely finished sewing machines in thti
world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the
result of our long experience. In com
petition with the leading machines of the
world, it recolvod the Grand Prize at the
Paris Exposition of 1889, as the best,
other machines receiving only compli
mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze.
The Grand Prize was what nil Bought for,
and our machine was awarded it.
Qarwt fnr .-,. ill, ,., I ...,, !. tlfs
' "V.? 'V- "7 "Y" ""t".,:'?''i,V"T "
wain ucuicia ut uu uuuccupica lemiory.
. iUi,ui,ai.uiwr ou,..a
,M 41,T W"BM AvC- CM'
C 17 CoZad Atjt.
Cure you
Neither will medicine.
Bicycling will.
All you need is to get
outdoors and let
motion put new
veins and tissues.
Buy &...
' m
Best... vunwa
Bicycles -$ioo
Boys' or Girls'
Free at any Col
umbia agency j
by mail for two
2-cent stamps.
Wife-' :ikwSXs!sSSfFv fc,7"OT.iC: ':.
" '""I II Wall HI ' ' ' 'IJirN
Windmills, - Pumps, - Reapers,
Ald Faritiiig
Proprietors or-
11 T 11AT M
Orders Ordrsmptity filled,
the tonic of rapid
blood into your
1 1
Hartford? --$50.
shom srreaaai
w YrH
Sao Pranclac
"Sour patronage solicited'
-JMIWJMfct-i - ---TW.-
" swjk. x.i v --jirs: ttowaxuj k
i- ..... lA.MXic.jiZ Hm-t" "- ""S'Rr:"l" llBL" .in:-'.ant x5wlsimim!"L nusiir-a