The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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rtf- '
rum. "
A. C. Hd.SMKH, V.dttor.
liAitovTAiT. Asst Local IMItor.
In lixclianui' i-'or Shoe.
For the next lfi days wo will pell our
ontlro lino of Oxfoida ut tlio following
nroatly reduced in ices:
Ladies' DongoliiMOO Oxfd, reducd 81.2."
" " J. 'J.)
" Tun 1.25
Misses' " 1.50
Child's " 1.25
" " .80
" " .!)0
" " l.iCi
" " .W
:es 2") " KjO
Boys' 82 Tim Show, sizes 2-5 '
Also Strootmnn's beet quality Don
coin, hiind turn -1 r() ami 5.00 shoes now
h y.00, U.00 ohoea for 2 .10, and many otherh
in proportion. Our Silver Queen Don
golu Ladies' Shoo 1.00.
Remember this is lognrdlees of the
big ntlvuDco in price-1. C3
A. 11. Kai.kv.
Succets-or to H. &. K
riiyfclelnn and Surgeon,
City arid country culls promptly iiiih
worcd. Over Cotting's Drugstore, Ri:i Ct.oi'u.
ltitir.r .iia:vno.'.
Harry Cozad is in the city sguln.
Will Pnrkor is a great calf whirler.
Miss Willa Cathcr is homo from Lin
coln. A. II. Gray was in Bloomington yes
terday. A Galufihu roturned from Lincoln on
Mrs. Ilolcomb roturned Saturday from
a visit in Hastings.
Mrs. V. B. Vulton was viBiting friends
in Rivorton this woek.
Mrs. Iloppor of Foirtlehl wns visiting
with Mrs. J. A. Tulloys this week.
M. W. Dickerson has a lino Held of
corn, about 75 acres, that will mciiBuro
12)4 feet in boight.
..I. A. Richardson roturned Sntur-
n Bertrnnd, where bIio Iiub been
i her daughter.
Louis Drnadfltono, ono of Superior's
moat cnthupiiiBtio and sociable wheel
men. wns in Rod Cloud Sunday.
Mrs. Win. Joeplyn, of Orleans, accom
panied by a couplo of lady friemlp, was
visiting with tho family of Row Wiser
Dr. Chamberlain, formerly a promt
nent dentist in this city, was recently
married in Colorado Springs, Col., to
Miss A mm Goudy.
Charley Raseer is furnishing tho Red
Cloud markot with a largo amount of
vegetables this season. Ho has about
four acres of lino onions.
Tho trial of tho throe men who
clubbed Nightwatch Miller wiib post
poned ono woek, owing to tho inability
of Mr. Miller to appear against them.
Fred O. Rlakcsleo and family havo
cone to Woodstock, Illinois for a short
sojourn. On roturning to Nebraska,
thoy will tako up thoir homo in Lincoln
For lino jobwork and rcnBonablo prices
como lochia office. Wo do our work
woll, furnish good papor, nnd it eamo is
not satisfactory it will cost you nothing.
Soo us.
Row .las. K. Maxllold and D. B. Span
oglo loavo to-day via buggy for tho camp
meeting at Deweeso, Xob. Snvoral oth
er Rod Cloud peoplo will attend tho
W. M. Campbell, who has been em
ployed in tho Bon Ton cafe in this city
for somo months, went to Holdrego Mon
day night, where ho lias accepted u lu
crative position in tho B. it M. hotel.
James Yoiser had tho misfortune to
bronk his arm Saturday ovening. Whilo
herding u cow the limb of n tree brush
ed him from his horso and caused him
to fall on his nrm, breaking tho wrist
Judicious udvvortising is tho road to
wealth. Tho timo to do your boat ad
vertising is when your business is slack.
A good motto is to mako busings if you
havon't any. For tho best ellect, adver
tise in Tin: Ciiiki'.
Judo Snpp und J. R. Willcov aro tho
only candidates of importance that havo
been montioned so far. Judo wants to
be sheriff and Willcox wants to bo
judgo of tho county court.
'' Tho grading of Webster street has
long boon needed, and now that it has
boon accomplished, Tun Chii'.k wishes
to givo credit to Streot Commis-
uionor Bonnott for having done tho best
...job of grading that has over boon put
up on tho streot. With propor caro, tho
Btrotjt can ulwoya be kept iu good con-
Golden Rod.
Smoko Golden Rod.
Try I lie 14. or l.
A. H. Gray is in tho city. '
F. P. Iladley, paper hanger.
Carriago painting, F. P. Hadloy.
Dr. Damerell was in town Saturday.
F. P. Hadloy, paintor and decorator.
R. McNitt was in Lincoln last week.
John Polnlcky wbb in Hustings this
Call and boo Taylor's carpots boforo
C. II. Georgo of Kearney was in Rod
Cloud Sunday.
Alvin Popo was in Blue Hill tho latter
part of last weok.
II. Seguin of Hastings was on our
fit roots this week.
Call on F. P. Hadloy for Iioubo, sign
and carriago painting.
Golden Rod is tho best 5 cent cigar in
town. Sold by Cotting.
Isaac Sheppard of Bloomington was
in Red Cloud this week.
F. M. Dowall was up from Norton,
Kan., tho first of tho week.
Mrs. D. C. Forbes and son have ro
turned to Munknto, Kmibiib.
D. F. Trunkoy has a second hand
mower for sain at a bargain.
Not 1(5 to 1 but 0 for 5 is tho way Cot
ting soils his sticky lly papor.
Threshing is now being prosecuted by
our farmers with good results.
X. E. Robinson nnd wifo wero visiting
iu Ditto Hill tho llret of tho week,
Letter papor 1(1 cts. por quiro, enve
lopes 5 cts. per packago atCottmg's.
Mrs. R. M. Murtin and Mrs. C. B.
Crono wero in Guido Rock this woek.
Smoko llio K. of I, cigar, Hie
bent In the market Tor llio mon
Fon Balk A road cart as good as
new. Apply to Edgar Cotting, at drug
For u hard time niuoke try
the K. or P. IV. S. Venue kecoe
Tnr. Chief's circulation i'b growing
rapidly. Every day brings us now sub
Morhart & Son's is headquarters for
binding twino. Do not fail to boo them if
you want bargains.
A number of our young men started
for tho northwest in covered wagons for
a social "duck" hunt.
W. O. Chapman of Croto was in tho
city this weok. Ho was formorly oditor
of tho Crete Vidette.
Al Galusha and Randolph McNitt
wero in Hastings this weok nttonding
tho judicial convontion.
Webstor county will bo entitled to
thirteen delegates to tho judicial con
vontion to bo hold at Hastings on tho
Wavorly bicycles, tho best in tho
world, for snlo by W. W. Wright. Prices
roasonablo. Seo him if you want n
blko. tf
Lanny Smith, who left this city and
moved to California, is ready to como
back. That's right. "All is not ijold
that gllttors." California is n night
mare. Tho primary movo for organizing a
Driving Park Association has been per
fected. An association of this kind is u
good thing for peoplo who havo lino
Tho sunflowers that aro growing ovsr
tho country should bo oxtorminated,
just as much so as tho Russian thistle.
It will not bo long bofore tho entiro
country will bo soodod.
M. C. Judd brought spocimons of his
lino variety of ovorgreon swoot corn
thnt ho raisod this season. Tho stalks
stand about 10j foot hlgn, nnd tho ears
aro of a very lurgo growth, and very
juicy kornels.
Tho fall on Wobstor street, sinco tho
grade has been established by Commis
sioner Bennett, is six fcot nnd sovon in
ches from tho engine Iioubo to Lindsoy's
icp Iioubo 1,101) fcot, or an averago of 22
feet to tho mile. This grade ought to
carry tho surface wator on" at n good
rato, and keep tho wator from standing
in tho streot in the futuro.
Wo havo boon asked to do somo adver
tising for n tirmof Chicago brokers, who
promiflo a roturn of 810 for every 81 in
vested with them. Tho advortiBoment
"promises" to pny woll, (fhd would prob
ably end in promises. Evory porson
who soiids thorn monoy for invostmont
will Iobo whnt is sont. No legitimuto
business will pay the returns promised.
Steor clear of this class of brokers.--Adams
County Democrat.
A Gooil Tiling.
Two gentlomen, name! Colo and Roy
of Michigan, have boon corresponding
with Mayor Bontley in regard to looking
after a location for a normal college.
Tho gontlomon mako u favwubjp propo
sition, and if our peoplo boo tit to tako
thorn up, thoro would bo n worthy on
torprlso that would bo a credit in the
city. All Red Cloud noeds is a little
now lifo enthused into hor citizens, and
thon tnlngo would hum ns uoVejr beforo.
Tho project should bo oqctfurogefl nnd
given all tho support poaplbVv & ttund
to be a worthy antenvte.
Mrs. Spokestleld is homo from Hebron.
A. O. Borg was down from Hastings
this week.
P. A. Wells of McCook was in Red
Cloud this week.
Herman Null of Blue Hill was In Bed
Cloud this week.
J. S. Whlto and L. ! Albright go to
Deweeso today.
W. T. Auld and Jit. McNony woro in
Missouri this week on business.
Messrs. Larrick and Letnor of Otto
wero doing businobs iu Rod Cloud Tues
day. PoBtuuister Cowdon has bcon having
tho interior of tho postoflico uicoly pa
pored. It will not bo long beforo the chilling
blasts will bo upon us, idid coal will bo
going up in smoke.
"Long Primer" Sine of tho Carpenter
Paper Co., Omaha, was doing business
iu Rod Cloud this weok.
J. W. Wnrron lias roturned from Lin
coln, feeling much bottor after treat
ment ho received there.
Herbert Ogdon, ut ono timo a resident
of this city, died Monday iu What
Cheer, Iowa, after u hevero illness.
Political sparring is now going on for
supremncy for tho nomination of coun
ty officers by nil shades of political as
pirants. Frank Hndley is tho very happy papa
of a sweot littlo cherub which urrivod at
his residonco this week. Frank makes
a very handsome papa.
Mrs, Alex Bontley and childron, Fan
nie and Frod, who have boon visiting in
tho city n fow weekp, returned to their
homo in Lincoln Wednesday.
Charley McKoighan is tho happy
pupa of a bouncing baby girl, and tho
ex-congressman has now given up tho
discussion of silver to tho question of
girl babies, 1G to 1.
"Three of n kind" wns tho way tho
report came this weok. Charlov Ludlow
was third papa who had n girl baby pro
sontod to him this weok. Charley is
quito happy over tho event.
Treasurer White's famo as a tax col
lector is going tho rounds of tho metro
politan preps, ns well bb tho country
press. Every day, nlmopt, ho collocts
tnxes sovoral years back of his timo.
Tho crosswnya intersecting Webster
street, when graded down, will afford
tho peoplo somo pleasure. Thoy will
not havo to grasp both sides of the scat
and balance or bump whilo crossing over
Red Cloud wns well represented at
tho ball gamo which was dovoid of intorest
G. I. not being in it at any stago cf tho
gnmo. However tho "game" was inter
esting in other respects as most of our
local politicians can testify.
On Tuesday ovening two young coup
lo wero rooandoring around tho city
whisporing words of love. Becoming
tired they openpd a gnto to n cortain
residonco nnd Bat down on tho porch,
whon a follow in tho second story didn't
do n thing but turn a pitchor of wator
on them. Thoy got up.
Evory body is invited to como out nnd
hear tho band concort Saturdny ovening
on tho streot. Following is tho program:
Polonn'iBo Royal Decree
Overture Living Pictures.
Brass Quartot Selection.
March Chariot Race.
Waltzes Forost Park.
March Grand Roviow
Ono of tho moat oxquisit Dowers that
it has over buon our pleasure to observo,
is tho noted Brugmansia or "Wedding
Bolls" on Dr. L. II. Bock's premises.
Tho "blossom" is 12 inches in length
and is in boll shape and of tho purost
white. Tho plant hnd 17 blossoms nnd
is tho handsomoat thing wo ovor saw.
Mrs. Henry Cook is tho possessor of ono
C. L. Barnhouso of Osknloosn, lows,
has offorod throo prizes to bands belong
ing to the Nebraska Band Union, one
for tho youngest band; ono for tho best
appearing band, marching and counter
marching on tho streot; ono to tho boat
band. To oach will bo givon 85.00 worth
of music, to ba selcotod by tho band
winning in tho contest at tho Hastings
Reunion, Auguat 20-111.
A. A. Popo reports thosalo, up to dnte,
of thirty-ono McCormick mowers. Tho
McCormick is a great mowor, at the
world's fair it rocolvod tho only award
given a mowing muchino. It rccoivod
the award as statod: Committeo on
awards for closeness, clonnness and uni
formity of cut, smooth and oasy ncliou,
freedom from sido draft, aimpliolty of
design and oxcollonco of construction,
capacity, etc.
The ludiea of tho Innvate Woman's
Christian Temperunco Union will givo a
luwn Bocial at tho residence of G. W.
Knight, Tuesday, August 0th, afternoon
und ovening. There will bo swings and
hammocks, easy chairs and lounges
among the treos, und croquet and othor
guinea in tho ohado. Everybody is in
vited to como and havo a good time.
I uo cronm nnd caku will bo servod from
threo till ton o'clock p. m,
Tko your'.wagou work to Stapleton
H forgeu all irons for buggies out of the
beet Norway iron, use no niullmblo Iron
Jlnwpftiria buggiee.
FRIDAY, AUG. 2, 1805,
it.trj,uoAi oti:s.
E. B. Grates, who has been working
n tho B. it M. hotel, wont to Hasting?
M '.lay.
No. 10 wnp two nnda half hours Into
Sunday night, on account of n wash-out
near Falls City.
Vice President Penslcy. of tho Bur
lington road, passed through on a spe
cial train Sunday morning.
Gouernl Freight Agent Crosby and
Comniorcinl Agent Dwyer went through
on u special Wednesday evening.
D. D. McFarland went to Oborlin on
tho spoclal Wednesday.
Driving Park AhmkIiiIIoii.
Pursuant to previous notice for moot
ing to bo hold in olllco of Dr. J. W. Mo
rnnvllloon tho .'list day of July, 180:., ut
8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organ
ization, to bo known as tho Republican
Valloy Driving Association.
Mooting called to order and tho fol
lowing otllcors tempotiirily olectod:
Jno. Gilbert, President.
J. O. Butlor, Treasurer.
R. V. Ferris, Secretary.
On motion meeting adjourned to Sat
urday, August .'Id, at 8 p. m., at J. O.
Butler's shop, to effect a permanent or
ganization. All interested aro invitod
to attend. J no. Gii.iikut, Pros.
R. V. Fkuiiih, Sec'y.
fciiiiilay School Ittilly.
Litflt Sunday nt thrco p. in., a largo
numbor of Sunday school wotkors from
Red Cloud, Amboy and Cowlea assem
bled at Wildor'H school-house in district
to help tho homo people of that dis
trict in reorganizing their Sunday school
which was temporarily closed a short
timo ngo. R. B. Fulton, C. L. Cotting,
Mr. Boron of Cowios, Mrs. Brubakor,
Mrs. Wilder and Mrs. Lacy travo short
talks. Mrs. Wm. West presidod at tho
organ, nnd Mr, Cotting nnd Miss Igou
sang a beautiful duet L, P. Albright
sang a solo, with all joining in the chor
us. Tho singing was all good, nnd tho
crowd tho largest that has attondod any
rally thus far. Beforo adjourning Undo
Jackson was elected chairman nnd Miss
Edson socrotary of tho tompornry or
ganization, to elect officers for the ensu
ing year. Mr. Lacy was olectod superin
tendent, Mrs. Harry Brubaker assistant
suporintondont, Miss Edson socrotary,
and Miss Bond treasurer. After a fow
remarks by Supt.-Elcct, Mr. Lucy, wo
all joinod in singing tho doxology nnd
adjourned, to moot noxt Sunday in Diat.
, known as tho Piorco school houeo,
four miles north of Red Cloud.
Surprises aro frequont: but it is sol
dona that ono meets with ugreeable ones.
Not often ran a surprise party bo
plannod nnd urrangemonts mndo to give
a friend n happy ovoning but that some
ono "gives tho thing away." If you hnd
noticod tho actions of aovoral of our
Epworth Loaguors of tho M. E. church
on last Tuesday, you could havo noticod
peculiar actions on thoir purt. Cukes
und ico cronm woro gatherod in from all
sides to the church and, about eight
o'clock, young pooplo, with a mysterious
oxprosBion on tho faco. woro eoen to con
gregate at this place Then, with silont
tread, they marched in doublo llio to tho
homo of Mr. Bnum, their president,
burating upon hor with a joyous shout.
Thon tho wholo thing leaked out that
nbout forty Epworth Loaguors had pre
pared a surprise recoption on their pres
ident. And it was u surpriso! Tho
guests aoon began to mako merry, and
at 0:110 ice cream and enko wore served.
This gay young party "broke up" nt a
vory Into hour, feeling thnt they had
hud n jo)oub timo und n protltablo ono,
Mrs. Bnum is very popular among the
young people, and is truly n conccion
tious christian worker.
Do you soo tlio testimonials written by
pooplo who hnvo boon cured of various
dlseanoi by Bond's Hnrnfiprullln ? They
p oint tho way for you if yon need a good
Hood's l'llls euro nil liver ills, relievo
conAtipation and artist digORtion. '.Tio,
NpOClllI ItlltCN.
Tho R. & M, railroad will sell ex
cursion tickets at ono faro and a third
for tho round trip, to tho Sunday
sohool rally at Hastings Wednesday,
August 7th. Tiokota goods 6th and
7th, to return Aug. 8th. Over !J000
Sunday sohool soholars will bo in line.
Soo programs for particulars,
Ika Foni),
dim. Executive Com,
Feed Xotlce.
Horeafter William RichardBon will
foed all teams ut tho ruto of 10 cents for
hay. Barn onflt of Holland House.
Baldness la often presnded or nccom
pnniud by grnynoHS of tho hair. To pre
vent both baldness nnd graynes, una
Hall's Hair ltenowor, an holiest ramedy.
The list of letters rommning nt the
post olllco uncallod for Tip to Aug,
1st, 1195:
Forgnson J. N. Swanaon E. C.
Tho above lotters will bo sont to tho
dond letter office Aug. 15, 1805. If not
colled for. Fhank Cowden, Poatmastor
The World's Fair Tests
showed ao baking powder
mo pmt or sdgreat la eam
. , Mian? t. ftwakL
iii1 v jvm n- wini4aMnMrxv n'SBBamumajwarm
:'. &wnvK.iLm.7srxzs3mmmmmmmm
Just Received
Another Car
or that vim:
You arc all talking about, and
wi'l be sold at prices less than
anyone in the city can sell the
same grades.
Don't fail to
prices before making your purchase.
We are always glad to quote
prices and save you all the
money we can.
Tho Sunday school holds on in a very
successful way these hot days.
Row Maxllold will hold tho 4th quar
terly mooting ut Iunvnle Aug. 18th.
Mrs. Ducker conducted tho dovotlon
nl mooting ably last Sabbath ovoning.
Mosdamas Martin und Baum aro on
tho program for tho district convontion.
Misses Mnbol Day and Rotta Abel do
sorvo great credit for recont Lenguo
Miss Mabol Saunders will soon bo
homo again, and tho League will bo
atrongor thoroby.
Those of our Longuo who nttond at
Dawooso will bring homo with them
many good things.
L. P. Albright and county Sundny
school work go well together and. tho
futuro will show good results.
What would tho Loaguo nnd Sunday
school do but for tho many kind acts
porformed by E. Robs and Wm. Rife t
Bastings District Loague Convention
opoiiB at Dowocso camp ground on Fri
day of this woek, nnd continues over
next Sabbath.
Mrs. Haum conducts tho devotional
meeting noxt Sabbath. Lot ovory Ep
worthian stand ready to assist and thus
mako an uplifting sorvico.
Mm. Raum'n hnnds aro ao full propar
ing for work in our city schools ua to
mako it impossiblo to continuo president
of tho Lenguo longer. All rogrot tho
necessity of Mrs. B's resignation, but
hor BUccoBBor will recoivo heurty sup
port. Rev. R. Pearson takes tho presiding
oldor'a plnco und holds our fourth and
last quarterly mooting, Snturduy and
Sunduy, Aug. 25th und 2(1 th. Rev.
Peurson is pastor of our church ut Su
perior, and is thoroforo a Superior
Subject of Sunduy ovening sermon
Tho Suloon.
Tho Women's Homo Mission Society
moots with Mrs. It. B, Fulton at .'I p. m.,
Tho Young Pooplo's Socioty Is now
having a course of Biblo roadings by
tho pastor Sunday evening at the usual
hour of mooting,
Attor Saturday I will only mako ove
tkii1 around tho city ouch day. Sot
your cans nut early. Tho trip will bo
mudo from 8 to 12 o'clook,
W. C. Jonkb.
A comploto now lino of wall paper at
Taylor's at bottom prices
come and get our
F. Mizer.
For Sale.
A tine residonco proporty for aale, ult
uated close to business portion of city.
Cheap if takon at ouco. City and well
wator, trees, etc. Call on or uddross,
F. G. Blakkhlke.
TmU I'rovo Thnt tlio Whlto tight I by
Far tho Moit Kiulljr Hcon.
Somo intorcMting experiments havo
been made on tho visibility of tlio oloo
trio light nt sea by tho governments of
tho United States, Germany and tho
Netherlands. Tho word" visible-" hi tho
report on tlio tests means visiblo on a
dark night with n oleur ntmosphoro.
Tho result of tho experience of tho Gor
niau committeo was that n -whlto light
of ono cnudlo power was visiblo 1.4
miles on a dark, clear night und ono
niilo on a rniuy night.
Tho American tehtn resulted ns fol
lows : In very clear woathor a light of
ono candlo power was plainly visible at
ono nautical milo; ouuof threo candlo
power nt two miles j ono of ten candlo
power was hoen by tho aid of u binoo
ulur ut four miles; ono of 20 candlo
power faintly at llvo miles nnd ono of
tia cnndlo power plainly at llvo miles.
Oa nn exceptionally clear night it white
light of U.3 candlo power was readily
dlhtlnguifilied ut threo inilos; ono of 5.0
candlo power ut four miles and ou'o of
17.a cnndlo power'ut llvo miles.
In tho Dutch experiments tho results
wero almost similar, but u IU caudlo
power light wus plainly visible at llvo
miles. For a green light tho power re
quired was two for ono milo, 15 for two
miles, 51 for threo miles and 100 for
four miles. Tho results of tests with a
red light wero almost identical with
thoso with grcou, but it was conclusive
ly proved that a white light was by far
tho most easily seen. Chicugo Record.
Hull limurnnce.
Furniahod by J. II. and K. 11. Smith.
Call and investigato tho oasy tonus.
Call Saturdays at Ciiiki olllco.
J. u.hmitii, Agent.
Highest Honors-World'
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.
lein AiMonU, Alum or any other aduM
' I
1Ktll&mvfnnmyni'vHHH' fM