THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, AUG. 2, 1895. s 1 i Si 'J 1 BaT -5lGXkw4&jt&fff lift TBm Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen: I luivo been taking your Restorative Ncr vino for the past three months and I cannot say enough in its praise. It has Saved fly Life, for I had almost given up hope of over being well again. I was ft chronic Rutfcrcr from nervousness and could not sleep. I was also troubled with ncrvou? headache, and had tried doctors In vain, until I used your Ncnrlnc. Yours truly, MRS. M. WOOD, Ring wood, IU. Dr. Miles' Nervinfe Cures. Dr. Mile Nervine la Hold on t positive fruarnntro that tho lint bottlo will benefit. All druggist-eell it at II, 0 bottle, for , or ttwlllbeaent, prepaid, on receipt of prlea by the Dr. Miles' nodical CO, MklMbrt, lad. NEURALGIA curwl br Dr. MlleV Path Pima "One cent a close." At all dnufrttt. FCfclt.t.ttr'a Kai.l.k DIm4 . ENNYROYAL PILLS -tfV. erirfMl mt Onlj Ut.aLr. A vr.rri'1 wr fl'ff ii?r nm4 (....I In llrd M l!J 1 1 Win Hlml with f Mail ".. ."J. (ril.H... UB Mhrp. RrfitJaitl'rtiUMtuLml,r, ti9HUHd imiuttm XI llru.l.i,, .r M 4i "MIUr tor l.dlr." I lulu. I., r turn r intinni iniinmiii ,1,1.. ItlMr, CIlrkrltrChtinlrK'a.,Malliiiuii,,. Ml Uriiuitu. 1'hllaiii.. !-. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CAL1F0P J! G. F. Stapleton, Blacksmith, Make a apcclHlly of Repnlrlnir Uugglcs mill CarrlatjCB. Horfu-nhnun gaud Plow Work rotuit ly aitumlcii to, and tkf-s pains shooing Trotting and Running Horses, And nil work exported of a first clusa Smith. Shop South of the Laundry. BUNINE CARDS. ASK & MoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, and correspondence solicited. HAS. RAY1. Till) O. 14.. Slum. Red rioiul, . Nebraska. I give my personal ntUntion to my patroue. First-olas shaving and hair cnttlng a specialty. LJUTCIIISON & 111 ATT, ToMMorliil ArtlslB, 4th Avknok, s Rku Cloud, Nkbbi.k. Flrst-olsss barbers mid first-class work guaranteed G lye mo u call f ... WINFREY, 4iictiiir, Bkd Ulouo, Nebraska Wilt attend sale hi reasonable figures. Balls fai-llimisuarMiteed, D H. J. S. EMHxH, Dentist, Rid Cloud, Nebraska. Over Taylor'. Pumlltire Store. Xxtracti teeth without pain. Crown and IiiIiIko work a specialty. Porcelain Inlay, ami all kinds of gold Oiling!,' Hakes gold and rubber platea and combination . piica work guaranteed to be flrtt-clau. mm vttitiKixSy VI" JBF aUkitif. .tBBBBV sBWataml aagnajajuupK , aVBBBB. TVr Bfayjpfay bbbbbbbbbibj V aBBBBK KSKbiiuiImivii&aSvwbbVbb" MIlMMBllSb f Mat jrBtaU BlvtfBlljlsBTHBaBav wwmnmm timtntm WAYS OF BUSINESS. THE MERCHANT WHO CORRECTS ONLY ONE KIND OF MISTAKE. A Revere Criticism of the Way of Shop. kpra and Cashier. The Steamboat Clerk Who Said, "We Never Rectify Mis takes Here." No ono perceives tho wisdom, nnd in dood the necessity, of accurate book keeping moro fnlly than your humblo scrvout, who can't keep books to savo her lifo nnd who finds' herself nppronch Ing dementia every timo sho endeavors to bnliince a cash account. Bnt why in all bookkeeping systems, from banks to the smallest retail shop, is it Invariably tho customer who gets cheated if any body? Toll me, yo winged winds, which o'er my pathway roll 1 It is useless to contradict and say that it isn't. The ono exception in a thousand years does not count ngninst tho millions of oppos ing instances. I have lately read the pathetic account by somo recluse, who never goes shopping, of tho bloodthirsty monsters who tako more chnngo than is duo them and stalk out, leaving no ad dress behind them, little recking tho Bufferings of tho poorly paid etnployeo who has to mako good tho deficit out of his or hor own pocket. Fudge 1 No such mistakes occur, or, if they do, they aro rarer than fresh vegetables on a country tabic Iu all largo establishments there is a hawk hooded Horns at tho "desk" wuiting to ponnco on a mistako iu tho customer's favor of 1 cent, and muuy's tho timo ovory ono of us can testify tho littlo slips havo been returned to bo cor rected of mistakes to our credit, while we fumed. Thank goodness, there aro instances In which tho sharpshooters havo wound ed themselves. Oncol was on n "sound" boat going from Now York to Fall River, and tho man at tho desk gavo me a $5 bill too much in chungo when paying after supper. Thcro was something of a crowd, but that mistako would have mado itself evident to mo in a mob. I dashod back and Raid, "You'vo mado n mistako in my change " "Can't help that," said tho lordly clerk. " Wo novcr rectify mistakes here. " "Oh, yon don't?" retortod tho head of tho party. "Well, it will cost you some thing this timo, for you havo given ns 95 too much. But if yon never rectify mistakes yon aro tho loser for onco. " It is foolish to dwell on tho hermel, and I havo forgotten it. I only remem ber that tho young man, palo nud agi tated, danced in supplication around tho unmoved iignro of tho stern udmouisher for somo minutes. I suppose ho got his money, and I daro say thero was no law upholding ono in keeping it, but I hope, at this distanco of timo, bo didu't. Ono day, not long ago, I was at a furnishing shop ii- State street, Chicago, buying a tie. Tho prico was $1.G0, and I present ed tho man with f 9 bilL Ho swung over tho littlo birdcago on n telegraph lino and it enmo swiftly back with a CO cent piece. Seeing another tio for that prico, I handed back tho change and was alout to leavo, when a voico canio from tho elevated desk at tho other end: "Hi I This half dollar is counterfeit t" Although it was publio placo and I am a retiring lady, I burst wildly forth into a clarion shout of joy. It is so sel dom a modest customer has tho chanco of lKsholdiug n natural enemy caught with his own quicklime. Tho mortifica tion of tho salesman sorving mo was something to hoc. It did mo good for a wholo day. Sending n counterfeit half dollar cheerfully and with promptitude in chungo and repudiating it on its re turn tho next miuuto ! It was a sharp game nnd a littlo too sharp. Everybody who shops much knows that it is next to impossiblo to got a "returned" urtiolo credited, or, indeed, culled for. H you tako two rugs on ap proval I meution rugs becauso you can't very well return thorn by hand ami stuto clearly and plainly and over and over tho prico of tho ono you havo kept and tho ono you wish rotumod, you aro moro likely than not to find both on your bill tho noxt month, and you aro likoly to find tho rug day after day littering your hall unless you tele phone twico n day and cud by flouncing down yourself in a rago and demanding its instant removal. Of conrso if it Jo kept long you aro charged with it, any way. Tho othor night, when it was very hot, somo friends of a lady iu moderate circumstances dining with hor suggest ed u diivo in tho park. One of tho men telephoned for n landau, und at tho end of tho drivo paid for it Tho noxt week tho bill camo in to tho lady. Now of course this was an accident. But why doesn't tho othor accident over happen? Why should thousands of bills como in to bo paid twice, whilo by no oversight or bad management docs a bill over got forgotten or overlooked? Money getting, grasping, greedy generation of shop keepers I Business is business, if yoa like, but business nocd not bo a cut throat, bloodthirsty system of demand ing what is not duo, need it? Must it bo in this way that men grow rich? It is bocajBo only oue kind of mis takes occur that ono is justified in think ing that only oue kind is guarded agaiuBt Tho customer has to look out for himself and tho shopkeeper too. Tho shopkeeper only looks out for himself. As for tho breaking of promises, tho calm doluys and tho superb independ ence of "purveyors," words fall me when I attempt to dopict their aggrava tions. Success broods contempt, it seems, and tho only way to' get a thing done promptly istopatrouizoa littlo up town placo where tlioy can't do it. Muia Lorgnetto iu Chicago Poet ) Read Tour Letter Again. Never mail a letter written at night until it has been reread in tho morning. Yoa may materially reduce tho itumbar of your correspondents by persisting in this course, but you will gain in reputa tion for prudonco and common souse. What seems philosophy by candlelight Is bnt folly by day, and the brilliancy of if hi laea tfarkto iu the morals. E o fe THEATER CURTAINS. Oaatly Drapartek That Are Ueed la Bene a tho Londoa TheaUrt. Few havo any idea of the money pent by the managers of London thea ters in procuring tho curtain which hides tho stago from publio view, re marked awoll known theatrical fur fisher to a reporter. Take, for instance, tho glorious curtain at Sir Henry Irv ing's theater, the Lyceum. That cur tain, if it cost a penny, coat at least 1,000 guineas. I am told that 1,000 yards of beautiful blood red plush were used to mnko it complete, and for it Six Henry Irving is indebted to tho Baron ess Burdett-Contts, who somo years ago generously mado him a present of tho curtain as n tributo to his artistio gen ius. A very expensivo curtain is that used at tho Prince of Wales' thcator, Coven try street, now occupied by Mr. Arthur Roberts. Its cost was about 000. It is mado of boiler plate, is entirely fire proof and weighs no less than six tons. No flro can get from the stage to tho auditorium or vice versa, as the top and bottom of tho curtain respectively rest against and upon n solid wall of brick work. I beliovo this, as well as other curtains of tho somo kind, was tho in vention of Mr. O. J. Phipps, tho theat rical architect Perhaps tho most beautiful theater curtain in Loudon whoro tho finest curtains in tho world are to bo seen are thoso at tho Lyceum, to which I havo referred, tho Palace Theater of Varieties, and the Savoy. Tho Palaco curtain is a real work of art, and Mr, u uyiy uarto must navo lavished a small fortuuo upon its mako. It is a beautiful dream of gold and various oth er colored silks, and something liko 000 square yards of silk wcro used in its manufacture. I am told that tho director of tho Paris Opera was ttlmast thunder struck when, during Mr. Carte's produc tion of "Ivanhoo," he saw tho curtain for tho first time. The Savoy curtain nmst havo cost 300 if a penny, its material being of tho finest gold plush. Another expen sivo curtain was that bought by Mr. Charles Wyudham for tho Criterion. It cost over 120, being mado by Maplo. Most of tho other London houses, and probably all the country thoators, con tout themselves with tho old fashioned curtain of canvas, sometimes with a sccno and sometimes with imitation cur tains painted upon it. Tho cost of thcFo varies of course, and may run from 20 to 200, according to tho amount of work put into them and tho artist en gaged to paint tho sceno. Loudon Tit Bits. THEY WON THE RAISE. The Director Were Satisfied That Their Claim Was J tut. Once when tho miners of a big ant lira cite mining company wero desirous of receiving increased pay an effort was made to induco tho local officials iu tho mining country to mako such rcpre EPutatious to tho president of tho com pany as would produco tho desired ef fect. This was unavailing, however, nnd eirorts in other directions wero tried, until tho directors otlered to meet u delegation of tho miners in Now York city and discuss tho situatiou. A do?.e:i of the brawniest miners iu tho region wero solected as dolcgates great rugged men, who would certainly mako a fa vorable impression. Tho men mot tho officials and stated their caso, which was that at tho prevailing rate of wuges they could hardly get enough to oat. The mutter was hold under adviso ment, and tho conference adjourned to luncheon. Then came tho most amazing display of appotltcs that has over boon seen beforo or sinco, nud tho colored waitors turned palo as they saw a dish intended for the eutire party retained by ono man, who speedily mado away with tho contents. Each man heemed as ravenous as though ho had not eaten for a week, and tho caterer was at his wits' ends to provido for thorn all. At lust, when every portion had been eaten and all seemed inclined for moro, a giant whoso nativo placo was South Wales cried out: "Don't yoa worry about no moro faucy things. Bring us a cheese, and wo'll mako out all right" A chooso was procured, and tho directors gazed with uwo as it speedily disap peared. As tho last crumbs wero disap pearing the officials held a hurried con sultation, and after awhilo tho president announced: "Gentlemen, wo havo decid ed to concodo your claims to on advance of 10 per cent, for wo aro certain that at present yoa can scarcoly get enough to eat. Nothing hut this ploasurable meeting could bo fully havo convinced us of your needs. " Tho delegates have not yet wearied of tolling of tho nmaz ing display of gluttony which thoy ah lego was preconcerted for tho oxpress purpoco of creating tho impression that it produced. Philadelphia Inquirer. Market Qaotatlona. "Sir," said tho indignant alderman, "aro you not awaro that were I to voto for your moasnro I would bo exposed to the condemnation of all tho good oiti ens in my ward? And that sort of thing," he added, lowering his voico, "comos pretty high, you know. "Indi anapolis Journal The Modern Daughter, "I wish to ask your permission to pay my addresses to your daughter," said tho old fashioned young man. "All right," said tho old geutloman. "If I can get her permission to give yon my permission, go ahead. " Indianapo lis JouruuL Tho man who does not overcomo ennui fey occupying himself soon tries to fly from it by intemperance. The idle man is almost necessarily violous. Some one says that, although it is sad to boo family relics sold at auction, tho most paiuful thing under tho hammer is generally one's fhumb naiL The soand of a bell which can be beard 40,SOO feetia Uuwattt caaU Mr. aly Mfl m ia ts afe, I BBH alB. tF v Experience! of more than 133 years id the manufacture of tobacco (enables us to produce thd very best article possible. Consumers of tobacco de-l rive the benefit of this ex-l tperience, and in using the celebrated Lorillard's fare assured of the highest Jquality. 'Tis a rich, last ing and delicious chew. it'sLORILLARDS J Sold Everywhere. I W. TULLEYS, M. D. I. lloBioeopatfele Pliyalclan, Red Cloud, Nebrasaa Ofllco Vlrat National opposite Bank. Chronic diseases treated br until CHEAP EXCURSION BATES. Tla the Burling ton Route. Here are the Burlington Route's best offerings in the way of reduoW rates. Do they interest you? To Boston, Mass.. July 5 to 8; one fare for the round trip, geod to return until August 6th. To Denver, Colorado Springs. Mau- itou and Puoblo, July 4 to 8, one fare plus 92 for the reund trip, good to re turn until September 1st. -The local agent of the B. & Jl'L R., will gladly give yoa full informa tion about the cost ef tickets, retura limits, train service, eto. J. FRAJkllR. Q. P. AT. A.fTJnitui M-4 I Everv Man Who i i Is Dissatisfied with his surroundings who wants U batter his cenditien in Ufa who knows that he can do m if given half a chance, sheuld write to 3-1 Francis, Omaha, Neb., for a copy t a little book recently issued by the Passenger Department of the Burlingten Route. It is entitled "A New Empire" and contains 32 psgea of inferma tien about Sheridan County and" the Big Horn Basia, Wyoming, a veritable Land r Promise, T towards which the eyes of thoUB- T X ands are now hopefully turned, X JU- Legal Notice. Htatb or Nibbaska i .. WKHSTBIt CODXTT. f,H At a county court, held at the county court room, In and for said caunty. July nth. A. D. I BBS. It the matter of the estate of Bluman F, Bart, lett deceased. On readlnc and filing the petition of Nelson Rartlett, praying that the Instrument, .lied oa 4liu IA .tntr nf 1..I.. IMf ...... .. a- ..- An (Kma JWUg mV Bs ... u..j ui .in;, ,oiu,auu iurjHiniUK " mi tho last will and testament ot the said deceaaiCV .. r.w.w.., .,.'tu,tu, I'ruuaivu, i lowed and recorded oa the last will and testament ot the said Bluman P. Bartlett, de ceased, and that the execution ol said Instru ment may be committed and the administra tion of said estate may be granted to Nelson ""'"" im,ici ii. nnrueit as executors. Ordered, that Tuesday July 30th. A, D. ISM, at 8 o'clock p. m Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should rnth. granted; and that notice of the pondency oi aaia petition ana the hearing thereof, be Kiven to all persons lutorosted In said matter by !,.,.,H,i8J,l2K col,y of lnl order 'n the ItedCloU'l ;'.!.nK. J""' newPPer Printed In said cW&f1r. ,nri"e occele weeks, prior to said day ot hearing. Jambs-Jukkv, Coumy Judge, Notice. To Whom It May Ctncerni All liArimii ... tu.t.1.. ....--. .- nor negotlat three promissory note,, SVen by he iindenlKned to Warder, Kiishaell,' UleaiaerB IsulaaiYrMKoSr one due oZtSS. r mwr ivr cwina. r f , M, gAHHHK. 1 1 s W .v w- - rsir- WHTttawTa8laBBfl -WUllt.WiaJIJj.Jufc...,.-.. - -V- m. -,"i,'WVWMWKIM.. ,M wwiT'wi-nTewwwww