The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1895, Image 1

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All Home Print.
for Infants and Children,
uatenuui's Drops, Gcifrcy s Cordial, many no-called Soothing Syrups, and
most rcniodles for ctlMren oro comioseil of opium or morphine f
P You Kbbw that opium and morphine axe stupefying narcotic poisons T
Po Yon Kaoy that In motX countries druggists axe not permitted to sell narcotics
without labeling them poisons f
Po Yon Know that you tiould not permit any mediclno to be given your child
Blest you or your physician know of what It Is composed ?
Po Yon Kaow that Castcrla Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list ot
Ha Ingredients Id published with every bottlo r
Po Yon Kaow that Castotla Is tho prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That It has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold than
of all other remedies for children aombtned t
Pa Yon Know that the Patent Offlce Department of tho United States, and ot
ether countries, havo issued cxcluslvo right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use tho word
M Gsatorla" and Its formula, red that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense f
Pa Yon Know that ono tilho reasons for granting this government protection wai
because Castoria had been proven to be aribeolataJy kauraaloaaT
Po Yon Know that 36 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 36
eaats, or one cent a doso ?
Pa Yon Know that whoa possessed ot this perfect preparation, your children may
ftw kept well, and that you may tare unbroken rest t
Wall, tk a ikfaga am worth knowing. They are facta.
The tko-saamllo
ia aiaT tauraof
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
General Coitjitiissioti AjercifBrits.
WhoIoBitlo Dealora
Mb, pides, fup,
Write or wire Tor truck price on Err. You cun always
(ret u CASH OFFIJIt I'roni ua.
Red Cloud,
: Shandon Bell Soaps Mteuuunvricui&c s
'Sy i:icuiil Pure I.liien and jr
tmtln inumiea box l'linara
Fifteen ceuta
We Struck a Jobi
Anil thpso prices will uot
ayy thwm now r yj
You Know tut paregoric,
and Jobbers in
Per Box,
Prlwj aft cttnlN.
Inst long, Tako nrlvnntaBO ot
Red Cloud, Webster County,
Corn looking fine.
Farmers nre busy ntnoking grain.
Jno. Saliidon wns in Guide Hock on
business last week.
Ed Cox and wife, who havo been
visiting relatives at this plaoo, rc
turned to llcpublinan Monday.
Misses Susio llaker and Jessie
Cookrall and Mossrs. Snladcn and
Green drovo to 11. C. Sunday eve.
John Iloloomb aud wife word visit
ing in lied Cloud over Sunday.
There will bo an ico cream and cake
social at tho Pleasant Hill school
houso on Saturday, August tho 10th.
Everybody is invited to oome.
Misses Jessie and Jlrssic Cockrall
and Messrs. Mann and Qrocn wore
visiting at 0. W. Baker's Sunday.
Quarterly meeting will bo held at
tin) grove near S. Miller's Sunday at
tbrut! and eight o'clock. Tho En
deavor will meet at 7 o'clock. All
invited to attend.
Don't forget choir practice.
Some of ouryoung pcoplo shouldn't
mako so much noiso when they go
homo and no ono will tell en them,
even if it ia throo o'clook,
O. W. Biker received tho news of
H. B. Ogden's death.
State of Ohio, City or Toledo, )
Lucas County. )
Frank J. Chedey makes oath that he ia
the senior partner of the Arm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the city
of Toledo, oonnty and atate aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
One Hnndred Dollars for eaoh and erery
ease of catarrh that eannot be onred by
tho use of Hall's Catarrh Core.
Fbahk J. Chinkt,
Sworn to before me and snbsoribed in
my presenae this Oth day of December,
A. D. 188G.
5,-wi-n . A. W. Glkason,
hiai. Notary Vnblio.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally
and aots direotly on the blood and mno
ons sarfaoes of the system. Bend for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CnaNBi & Co., Toledo. O.
BSTSold by drnggistB, 75o.
Rov. M. Nelson delivered an elo
quent sermon Saturday evening.
Rov. Metcalf will deliver his ser
moa at three o'olock Sunday after
noon in the grove oast of Mr. Mil
ler's. Tho latest thins out is for a young
man to ask to carry his girl's boaka
and then turn and take another young
lady home.
Suiday schtol at 10:30; Y. P. 8. 0.
E. at 8.
Mrs. 1. Frisbio is no hotter at this
LaBt Tuesday four young pcoplo
from R. C. eamo to Amboy to spend
a pleasant afternoon but, while they
wero boat riding, they wero suddenly
turned into tho water. After boing
saved from a watery grave, they spont
a short time in ploasure and thon
started for tho oity, when tboir horso
refused to go and they had to borrow
My boy was taken with a disease ie
sombllng bloody flax. The first thing I
thought of was Chamberlain's Colio,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two
doses of it settled the mattor and cared
him sound and well. I heartily reoom
mend this aemedy to all porsons suffering
from a like complaint. I will answer any
inaniries when atamp ia inclosed. I refer
to any oonnty ofllclul'au to my reliability.
Wm. Raaoh, J. F., Primroy, Campbell
Co, Teun. I?or sale by JJeyo fc Grioe,
. . .
Willow Creak".
Mr. Adamson and Letch havo gono
to visit Wl at White River, CO miles
Mr. Arfcsjgbt and his kajjd of Biog-
0r. Price's Creun Biking Powder
Dr. Prk
Neb., Friday, August
crs havo come and gone, and wn are
all sorry, for tlioy havu taken that
sweet anticipation of their cominir
with them, but everybody is glad they
did not forget our littlo school houso
on Willow creek in tiioir raiding
around tho Sunday sohool standard,
So many speak such words of prniso
of tho nolo sang by Mr. Albright, aud
also a duct by Mr. Cotting and Miss
Igou. A great many wish to extend
the hand of followship for tho words
of oncouragement by Messrs. Pulton,
Cotting and Albright, and, in fant,
everything tho Red Cloud choir did
seemed to bo done just right and ut
tho right time.
Mrs. Jester of Dowccso is visiting
her aunt, Mrs, Adamson.
Miss Igou aooompnnicd Emma
Moushang homo from Red Cloud Sat
urday. A raiu is nendrd very much.
Prank Bailey, wife aud children in
tend to tako a six weeks' trip over
land through Kansas and Missouri.
Several families from tho croek at
tended tho funeral of littlo Orla Car
penter, wbioh was hold in tho M. E.
church at Cowlcs, conducted by Rev.
Metcalf, assisted by Revs. Dcakin and
Mattox. Manitoba.
Kenneth Bazemore had tho good for
tune to receive a small bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy when three of his family were
slek with dysentery. This ono small bot
tle oared them all and he had some left,
whioh he gave to Geo. W. Baker, a promt
ment merchant of the place, Lewiston,
N. C, and it cared him of the samo om-
plaint. When troubled with dysontery,
diarrhoea, colio or oholera morbus, give
tbis remtdy a trial and yen will bo more
than pleased with tho result. Tho praise
that naturally follows its introduction
and use has made it very popular. 125
and GO cent bottles for sale by Dayo &
Qrioe, druggists.
Hair Rutes to Boston.
August 19 to 24, Burlington Route
agents in Nebraska and Kansas will
sell round trip tickets to Boston at
tho one way rato. Return limit, Oot.
Tho train to tako: Tho Knights
Templar official train, having on board
Grand Commander Pinch and escort,
will leavo Omaha via tho Burlington
Route at 4:35 p. in., Thursday, Aug.
22d, after arrival of all trains from
the west. Through to Boston with
out ohange. Sevan hours stopover at
Niagara Falls.
Tickets and sleeping oar reserva
tions on applieation to any agent of
this or any connecting lint.
Send for free holder giving full in
formation. J. Pkanoih,
G. P. and T. A., Omaha, Nab.
The current number of the Rand
MoNally Guide oonaains a new gazeteer
of cities, towns and health and pleasure
resorts of the Unitod Statei, Canada and
Mexico. On sale everywhere, Bend sub
scription to 100 Adi ms street, Chioago.
Weatlicr Bulletin.
ICopTrtsuted, 1805. by W . T. Koster.l
St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 3. My
last bulletin gavo foreoaits of tho
storm waves to cross tho continent
from Aug. 4th to 8th. Tho aext
will reach tho Paoifio coast about Aug.
9th, orosB tho wastorn mountain
country by close of 10th, the great
eantral vallovs from fllh to 13th,
and tho eastern states obrut the 14th.
Average rainfall may be expected
from thia disturbance, principally
along the eoatral latitudes of tho
United States.
Tho warm wavo will eroaa Ao wst
of IUokios country about 9th, groat
central valleys 11th and oastorn states
13th. OjoI wave will oross tho
2, 1895
Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
west of Rookies couutry about 12th,
groat central valleys 14th, and tho
eastern statcB 10th.
August is tho most difficult month
of tho year for whioh to forecast the
scycro storms. It is ono of tho trop
ical storm mouths, aud as wo are not
yet ablo lo definitely forecast (hrso
tropical storms, and as they always
break up thu regular weather condi
tions on the continent, tho dates of
dnngcrous storms become unocrtain.
Indications, however, aro that with
in u few days ot August tilh and 19th
tho most sovero storms of August will
qocur on tho continent, and tho tropi
oal hurricanes will be of greatest
torco on our Atlantic coast within a
few days of tho 20th. Near August
Gth will also bo a favorablo dato for
severe tropieal storms.
I expect the greatest tropioal hurri
cane of tho year to oeour within a few
days of Soptember 18th. Mark the
dato and watch the reports. I can
not give the loeation exoopt that its
foreo vtill be felt alqng tho southern
coast of tho Unitod States.
Tho state and national experimen
tal stations havo long endeavored to
disoovcr tho process of furnishing
plant foad to growing vegotation, but
have totally and universally failed.
Tho experiments havo inoluded this
line: For example, they aualyzo a
potato and ascertain all tho iugrcdi
onts of its makeup, and this analysis
probably reveals the various kinds of
solid mattor and liquids contained in
tho potato. But when thoy try to
unito these elements ef the potato
again, bo as to mako potato meat, tho
result is a marked failure, and the
substance thus produocd is very un
like tho meat of the potato.
The troublo with the soientifio agri
culturists is that, liko our national
weather bureau, they started out with
a wrong theory, and in trying to re
construct the potato thoy havo left
out the lite prinaiplo.
In his Now Sjstom of Meteorology
twenty yars old Prof. Tico, or
St. Louis, declares there is a fourth
physical force whioh ho sails oonsti
tutism, the othor orthodox thrco be
ing light, heat and olaotrioity.
This constitutism is tbo spirit of
matter, tho foreo that holds organized
bodies together, tho hi'o prinoiple
Tako that principle away and all
things crumble to atoms, and oven
atoms would disorganize and beoomo
When certain gases are chemically
combined they, as wator, tooupy 3000
times loss spaco than they did aB
gases. But to form water of those
gases a Bomowhat (?) goes out. eleo-
tricity and heat aro dovelopad, and
this proosB progresses aB matter con
tinuos to ohauge toward tho solid, in
what is oalled the descending soale. ;
When mattor disintegrates, evapor
ates, expands, eleetrieity aid oold are
developed and the amount of cotuti
tutiam is inercased, ThiB is tho as
cending scale
When ono pound of bydsogon is
hemioaVly combined with half its
volume of ccgen to form wateri
enough heat is (developed to raiae
124,H0p paunds of water ne degree
in temperature, while tbo reverso ac
tion develops enough oold to lower, tho
Vol. 23 N, 31
samo amount of tvatur ono decree.
Now to tho potato Bgsin. Whan
tho soianiific auriculturul rxporimcut
or nnnljx h tho potato he shh troo a
very considerable amount of heat and
cli'otrloity. All vouetubh'H ro mng
nets containing currents of eleetri
eity. Whan tho experimenter undertakes
to put theno ulctui'iits toguthor aain
to form potato meat ho nrghetstho
somewhat (?), tho latent ln-at and tho
oleotrio ourrunl, and without f.huso ho
ruitnot reform tho petato or potato
When ho diNseotcd, dibiutcr.itcd,
expanded, analyzed the potato, ho
killed its ppirit, its somewhat (?), ita
constitutism, dKsipatod its heat and
its magnetism, and all these niurt bo
restored in ordor to reconstitute tho
As tho oxporimentor docs not un
derstand tho made by whioh naturo
constitutes organisms, and as ho fails
in tning to recanstitute tho pntata, or
othor vegetablo or fruit, all his work
is lost and he still gropes iu darkness,
beoauso he eannot discover the ingre
dients of plant food and the proper
modo of furnishing it tt tho soil so
that tho plant will take it up.
This predioament of the orlhedox
scientist oonies from his orthodoxy.
Having no mind f his own. be ao
ceptH tho text hooltM whioh aro gory
with blotches where the hli.ilows of
the, dark ngrs fell on theul.
Tho idea, with as dark a buo as tho
styuian shades, that vovota'inu Bucks
its substance from the soil is akin to
tho other sable orthodox idea on whioh
tho national weather bureau bases all
its researches, that heat eomes from
tho sun through spaco that is at least
4G1 degrees below zero.
A strong steady current through
tho vegetable into tho oarth is tho all
important necessity and if tho soien
tifio agriculturalist would devoto bis
time U finding the best modo of so
curing that current ha might earn his
Yon can not ohange a cabbage to a
tomata by changing tho soil. You
may throw araund tho roots of a pois
onous plant any fertilizer you chaoso
and the plant will continue to be pois
onous. The plant eithor draws the
poison from the atmosphere and de
posits it in the earth, or if tho pois
ons are originally in the soil they
evaporate and are caught by tho
leaves of tho plant and returned te
the oarth by tho decay of the vege
tablo. Tho only hope of supplying plant
foed is to plaoe semothing in tho soil
that will evaporate, ana mat must do
a doubtful experiment.
In tropical climates air planta thrive
en dead trees, the roots of tho plant
extending out into tbo atmosphere,
and ab theao air plants certainly eb
taiu all their plant food through the
utaosphe-o it iB very Strang evidenoo
that all vegetation rcooives all nour
ishment from abovo.
lu order to introduce Charnberlaln'a
Sough Ilemody here we sold aeyeral doz
bottles on strict guarantee and havo
fooed every bottlo did good servloe. We
have nied it ourselves and think it super
ior U Hby other. W. L Mowrey, Jarvls
ville, W. Va. For sale by Peyo & Urloe,
' Don't forest t,hat I am prepared to
oany pasafifurB to all parte of tno city,
LeavcJardeik jt ,tha lTollnnd Housevr?
Ux.ab Cbmtill.
Chtldrtn Oty for
Pitcher? Oottorra.
it..' i
Batr W mmtia wawaaa.
. :' .
i ' -1
r- vWen