The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Iteadaclie, foul breath, sour stomach, heart
burn, pain In chest, dyspepsia, constipation.
Poor Digestion
Distress after catlmr, pain nml bloating In tho
Itomach, shortness of breath, palu In tho heart.
Loss of Appetite
A iplcmllil feeling to-ilay and a tleprcssctl ono
to-morrow, nothing seems to taste good, tired,
Sleepless and all unstrung, weakness, debility.
StvatnpHoot builds up quickly a rundown
constitution and makes tho weak strong.
At Druggist SO centH and $1.00 Mae.
IotiUMi' fluid to itfulth" frro-Conniluitlon frco.
Dn. KiLnr.ii Si Co., Dinouautok, N. Y.
Cttnip ttlicrmnit, IIuntliiRN, Xcfc.,
Aug. UO to SI.
The local reunion committee at
blastings, and people goncrally, arc
busy making preparations for the
greatest gathering of old soldiers and
citizens ever assembled together on
Nebraska soil. It will bo a gala waok
in Hastings, and a royal welcomo
awaits every old soldier and citizin in
tho west.
Tho yotorans of tho Kansas-Xebras-ka
Association promiso to excel in
numbers tho attondanco of any pre
vious gathering. Fully 50,000 citi
zens of Kansas'will join in this grand
Th Nobraska Band Union, embrac
ing over 600 uniformed mon, will hold
their annual rounion on the same
dates. Thero will bo musio galore
Ban-1 contest on Saturday morning.
Two tash prizes, $75 Grst; $50 sec
ond. Frco for all. Bands ezpooting
to enter must report at headquarters
Tuesday noon,
Nebraska'? oxcollont National
Guards infantry, cavalry and artil
lery has been ordered into cimp at
Hastings during tho rtunion of the
olds soldiers.
The local committee has co. traded
with ono of the largest manufacturers
oi fire works in the IJaited States for
a special display of liro works on Mon
day and Friday evenings. Signal
aholls, firod from mortars, and hand
some set pieces suggestive of tho oc
casionwill bo oao of tho charming
features of tho wcek'rf program.
Sham battlo Friday undor com
mand of Gen. Jno, M. Thayer and
Gen. O. J. Dilworth will arouso old
time activity and admiration.
Thero will bo Galling gun practioj
daily by tho Omaha Guard, and artil
lery duel, cavalry dud, and fanoy
drill work by the National Guard.
Tho citizens of Hastings are pro
paring accommodations for a quarter
million peoplo.
Camp Sherman will bo turned over
to Department Commander Adams at
2 p. m. Monday, whon hostilities will
commence in earnest.
Six baloon ascensions and paraohutc
drops by ono of the leading aeronauts
of tho oountry.
Prominent among the speakers from
Kansas, will bo Ex-Sonator John J.
Ingalls, Gov. Morrill, Bornard Kelly,
and D. H. Anthonv.
Tho Nobraska Congreisienal dele
gation, Ex-Pjpt. Commanders of the
G, A. It. will also bo proMent, and
other promiaent spoakcrs.
Special reduced rates and excursion
traits from all point,
i ...
Peter Nelson has gone te Kearney
to look lor work.
Frank Sedolek has purohased a new
incUormulc binder.
John Potter of Hod Cloud was in
our vicinity lookup; for a school on
Mr. Marker had two binders flitting
grain Tor turn last woek.
" Mr. Thomas and wife of Oowloi wan
visiting Mm. JJ Baan on Tuesday.
Miss Jiillio Holme and Mr. H.m-
sui wnjo giws o 0 K. IUaoy'riSun
i uy ovoniiig.
Ciiitcneo Ms m and haiily wer,
viiitii.g nt A. N. Wilson's Sunday.
C, F. Knlley Hnd tsiuily friin noat
uivmion wen visiting at Mr. Rum-
b.iUili'n Sunday.
Mr. Miner touk his cattle out of Mr.
Cnthei'a pasturo Monday.
Purify the blond strengthen th body
Dr. J. It, MoLeiii' Strengthening OorJia
nui5 lllood Purifier best spring tonic.
A Settler and Ills Wlfo nml Child 8loln
by Itniinochs Arinrtl Whites Hhoot
tho Itrd Mm Tho Sltuutlon In
thn tfncksoii Hole Cuintry
Grate Federal Troop
Ordered to the Hccnr.
Pocatp.m.0, Idaho, July 25. Union
Pacific Engineer Robert Fltzputrick,
who brought tho north hound freight
train hero Inst night, reported that
tho Unnnock Indiana hnd killed a Bot
tler and hia wlfo mid child In tho Salt
river valley, and that tho white men
pursuing tho Indians killed six of
them before they escaped to tho moun
tains. Mall Carrier Vail, from Star
valley, also told tho same story.
The excitement among tho settlors
in Northwestern Wyoming ovor tho
threatened uprising of the Ilannock
and Shoshone IndinnB is growing inoro
intense dnlly. Thoy tiro leaving their
ranches in largo numbers and gather
ing nt favored points for mutual pro
tection in caso tho Indians return to
seek venguanco for tho death of tholr
brother braves.
It is atatcd that tho foraging ltan
nocks are receiving supplies of govern
ment rations forwarded by thoso re
maining nt tho reservation, and that
several hundred Khoshono bucks from
tho Wind river reservation have
started to aid tho liannocks.
Federal Troops Ordered Out.
Washington, July 2 . The secre
tary of tho interior has requested tho
secretary of war to send troops to tho
scene of tho Indian illstnrbanco in Wy
oming, and It is understood that tho
request will bo granted as Boon as the
ofllcinl papers aro received by tho sec
retary of war.
The notion of tho interior depart
ment was taken upon receipt of tho
following dispatch this morning from
Indian Agent Teeter:
I have investigated the troubles be
tween tho Indians and settlers in Wy
oming and advise thnt troops bo 6ent
thero immediately to protect tho
law-abiding settlors. Tho law
less element among the settlers seem
determined to cause contlict with tho
Indians. Tho bottlers have- killed four
to seven Indians, which has Incensed
the Indians who have gathered to tho
number of -JOG or 300 near Fall River,
Uintah county, and refuso to return
to their reservation. I find that tho
Indiana have killed game unlawfully
according to the laws of Wyoming,
though not unlawfully according to
tho treaty of tho Indians with the
United States, thus usurping tho pre
rogatives of the settlers, who caused
the trouble. Nothing but the inter
vention of the soldiers will settle tho
dltllculty and save tho lives of inno
cent persons and the destruction of
property. Tkktkb, Agent
The Indian Side of the Case.
Salt Laki:, Utnli, July 2.V llcnja
mln K. Well, editor of tho paper nt
Kexburg, within fifty miles of the set
tlers' fortifications In Wyoming, in an
Interview, says tho Indians have not
been treated properly. An Indian who
returned from the hunt explained thut
ho had killed three elk and was nr
rested, while tho white men urre.stlng
him hud killed live. Tho Indians, Ulch
suid, could have been brought out with
out trouble If they had been handled
properly, but tho settlers took mutters
Into their own hands without ap
pealing to the agent. They de
scended upon tho Indians unit arrested
u number of them. These were tried
before u justice of the peace uiul
Hned heavily, the aggregate amount
ing to St.'-'OO. Tho Indians could not
finy It und were herded by armed men
n a manner calculated to arouse their
resentment. One batch was es
corted by u body of armed men after
having their guns taken uway. Thoy
were passing over u trnll where tho
Indians had been uccustomed to ride
in freedom. It was too much for the
Indian nature and the captives made a
break for liberty. Tho guards at once
opened liro at the fugitives and killed
several, reports varying from five to
seventeen. Thoy reported that they
hnd killed only ono, but Ave riderless
horses went over tho trail. As u result
tho Indians are mad und may muko
trouble. There are many rumors afloat,
but lack verification. It is u fact,
however, that 200 of tho Shoshones ure
missing from the reservation und have
gone to help the llunnocks.
A Congressman's II rot her Missing,
Victor, Col., July 2.r. About three
weeks ago Victor Hainer, a brother of
Congressman lluiucr of Nebraska left
hero to walk to Cripple Creek, six
miles. Nothing has been heard of him
since. Nothing was thought of his
absence until a letter from Congress
man Uniner inquiring us to his
brother's whereabouts, caused search
to be made. Tho missing man hnd
considerable money and it is feared lie
met with foul play.
A Firebug Confesses.
Kenosha, Wis., July 25. Hernard
Ilosenmv, one of tho men arrested la
connection with tho burning of tho
plant of tho Chicago licddlng company,
has confessed to applying tho torch
Und implicates M. E. Stemm and De
Wectlvo Cowle. According to hU statu.
ment, he was to receive W00. lie sayw
that ono of the men under arrest mnue
him tho offer but he only received 850
after the job was done.
Wcwtoy Davis U Home Again.
Toi'kka, Kan., July 25. Wesley
Davis of Rorsvllle, In this county, who
lost so heavily in grain at Kansas City
some weeks ago and afterward disap
peared, has returned to his home, lio
declines to give an uccount of his a
tehee. ,
Ordinance IV. 61.
Annual appropriation ordinunco for
tho municipal jear commencing May 1,
18W, and ending May 1, 1890.
Be it ordained by tho Mayor and City
Council of tho city of Red Cloud, Ne
braska. Soo 1. Thut the following sums bo
appropriated to tho following purposes:
For oidownlltB and streets, in
addition to tho poll tax $ 210 00
Forconl 1000 00
I'or malntainanco of the poor.. '200 00
For repairs of water system.. t. 201 00
For ofllcinl salaries G70 00
For incidentals, stationery, Ac. ICG 00
For pnymont of bills of preced
ing year, for which no war-
rnnta hnvo been drawn SCO 45
For water commissioner, ougin
ee:, and lnbor on tho mains
nnd water system GOG 00
Tho bills of last year referred to aro
thoso incurred for muintaihunco of poor
nnd the Bnliiry of engineer.
Bee. 2. Said sums shall bo appropria
ted out of tho following funds:
The salary of water commissioner, on-
gincor, nnd expondituros for repairs of
system nnd mains, shall bo paid out of
tho wator rents and charges. Therosidue
of enid fund if any ehnll bo used for
purchnso of coal.
Expenditures for strcots nnd sidewalks
shall bo paid out of tho occupation tax,
nnd tho residue of said fund shall bo
used for the payment of coul bills, in
cluding druynge and freight charges for
tho same.
Ofllcinl salaries, mnintonnnco of poor,
payment of laBt year'e bills provided in
section one, and incidentals bIiuII bo
paid ont of tho gonoral fund. Enough
warrants shnll be drawn on tho gonoral
fund to pay ony rcsiduo of coal chargos
not paid out of occupation and wntor
ront fund.
Interest on bonds shall bo paid out of
their reppectivc bond levies.
Sec. 3. Any moneys that may bo
paid to tho treasurer from tho levies of
provloua years, after tho warrants of
those years have boon paid, nnd any
moneys or funds not otherwiso appro
priated by this ordinonco. shall bo ap
propriated for tho paymont of outstand
ing accounts for which no warrants have
boon drawn other than thoso mentioned
in section ono.
Sec. 1. Tho sorornl funds with tho
amounts appropriated are ns follows ox
copting interost, funds and debts:
Water rents estimated 9 900 00
Appropriated for salaries of en
gineer and commissioner COG 00
Coal 201 00
Occupation tax realized 1000 00
Appropriated for streets and
sidewalks 240 00
For outstanding 200 85
For Coal 405 15
Generul Fund 85 per cent of tho
lovy 1G87 30
Appropriated for official salaries G70 00
Mnintonnnco of poor 200;(Xl
Outstanding debts .'100,45
For incidentals 15G Oo
Coal 300 85
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take
effect immediately after its final passage
and publication.
W. F. West, M. R. Bkntlry,
Clerk. Mayor.
It Need Knnie Killing.
Tho creature most tenacious of life
is the common sea polyp. If one be
cut in two, two oreutureH are the re
suit. One nmv bu silt Intriluilf.n.iln,
seetions, making us many animals.
They may be turned inside out, whet,
they apparently enjoy themselves just
us well us before; if two be divided
und placed end to end, tho result will
be a monster having a head at euel:
Kansas Crrv, Mo., July iS. Samples of wlionl
Fold Hr.'a hluliur lli.'in jcstorcliiy. Iluyurs wi-r(
not vi'ry lumitrj for wlient nml would not con
coda iih much advance ns u niacin In Chlcniro
Jtcccljts nro lncn-nslii somewhat, llocolpts
1) carat u yonr ago, ill earn.
No,, B5oj No.3 03)io:No.lClo
No. 2 red, 7o ; No. 3, tWVic ; No' 4, Bio ;rejoctvd
(As ; no grado, S2c.
Coax Whs in Arm cleinnml nt jestordny't
Iirlceswltli not very much mimic.
ltpcpipts. 45 cars; a your iibo, Si cars.
No. 2'imlxpd mm, '.,c;N'o. i, SMo; No.M7o,
No. 2 white, Wc; No. .1, XSc.
No. 2 mixed outs. 2lo; No. 3, 21c; No. 4. fie,
rejected. rJ'Utc; no untile, lugyjc; No. 1
wtilta,!c7!oXii.3, 25c
ltjo-No. 2, 4.1o; No. 3. 411c
l'laxupod Mnrkot vtoadyj July, 91.13 1 An
Kiist, $I.U; Soiitimlior, $1.10.
Com riiop Firm, 7ltf7do por cwt Mckod.
llran Finn, S'J&tilo iwr cwt melted balk
Cc Iocs.
Hay Rocnlpts, 31 cars; murkot stnadlnr wltl
ukcmhI tlilpplrm ilemnncl: old hay worth fl.UC
nboTii quotation. Timothy Choice, $&M); No
I, ti No. J, 7fe,l!.V)s fnncy prulrlo, $7 1 choice,
$WU.YJ; No, 1, tfUS.W; No. 2, W?J.W; packing
buy, ti(l3.
Chlrnjro Itottrd of Trails.
Ciiiraoo. July iS. Tho following is tlia r.inqri
of prices of tho uraia und irovUIou mnrkut on
tliubo.inioi iraiioi
I Closo , Uloso
July 'Jl'JnlySI
Kuptomhor. ..
Suptoinbor ...
July.. ........
January. .....
Biiout Him
January. a. ..
10 T
10 75
1U 07',
10 57k
0 27)J
0 10
8 10
S 00
71 i
10 7S
10 S3
44 H
10 77
10 TO
0 30
to bl
a 23
a to
U 174
a ijT'4
c 10
II 17i'.
14 vo Htoclc.
Kansas Citt Mo.. July 3.-Cattto-RyMipK
B,MWCHlve,:w7!jliipp(Ml yesterdav. 1S2 crfl
tlo, 41 calvos. Ilia murkot was Bun in nil
brandies oxcopt on thn Texas side, wltoro it wai
slow nnd a dlmo lower la somo cam
l)rcod lcof uud oxixwt steers, tt.tOfjS.OO
Tnviiii mill ftiflln.i iwim il "Xl i Si. U..utH.
tn.. CtH. ..,... . Ml MB
stveker uuJ fuodors, $.', 55 1 calves, H.VXS&
Vinton StllllnKS of I.cnvcnworth Take
1'ofisrsslon of the Ilrldce Hiuidlmr.
LKAVKNwoiiTit, Knn., July 25. VIn
ton Stllllngs, of pontoon bridge fame,
who returned from Kuropo lust week,
has built a wire fence around the bl
sandbar south und north of the new
steel bridge nnd eastward ns far ni
East Leavenworth. The trnet eoui
prises about 32.1 acres of what promisee
some day to bo valuable land. Since
tho construction of the bridge dike
two yenrs ago, the channel of the rivet
has been thrown over to the Kniiwie
side nnd this bar hns been Increased in
elevation from four to seven feet. II
joins Stlllltiffs' other lnnd on the ensl
and Is claimed by him under the com
mon laws of uccretlon.
An Okliiliomn Wlfo Ilnhhi'd.
Er. Kknu, Ok., July 25. Frank
Mason, member of tho grocery linn ol
Redder & Mason, which failed recent'
ly, loft homo, telling his wlfo that he
was going to her furm on tho South
Canadian to look lifter tho stock. Mrs.
Mnson sent Dr. Jackson, the family
physician, in soaroli of him. On
reaching tho farm tho doctor learned
that Mason had taken his wife's herd
of cattle to Kunsas City. Ho followed
on tho first train. On reaching there
ho found that Mason had sold tho cat'
tic, pocketed the money and left foi
parts unknown.
Itnlded by nn Iriiped Murderer.
Rato.v, N. M., July 2.1. Mnrtinej!,
the escaped Trinidad murderer, and u
companion held up a saloon here, com
pelling eight men to stand still while
thoy fiwept S.'ioO off tho faro table intc
a sack. Thoy backed out, keeping the
gamblers covered with revolvers, and
escaped to n part of tho country whore
Martinez has many friends and tho of
fleers are afraid to follow them.
Mueller Arrsstrd.
Kaxsah City, Mo., July 2s. Herman
Mueller, who evnded arrest July 't
upon a warrant charging him with the
embezzlement of St.000 from the
Schlitz Urewing company, for which
he wns local general agent, wns arrest
ed at the Victoria hotel at 0 o'clocd
this morning.
Divers In Jail.
Mkxico. Mo., July 25. Divers, the
alleged murderer of Mrs. Cain, was
this morning placed In the jail at
Mexico. There is no doubt as to his
guilt nnd if brought back for trial
will bo lynched.
Rev. J. D. Lee died of old agent Hen
nessey, Ok. He was 01 years old.
A war vessel will bo sent to Panama
to protect American Interests there.
A national association of wlro goods
manufacturers was formed at Cincin
nati. Mrs. Illackburn, who was burled at
La l'az, Ind., was married twelve
Prospectors found tho ruins of an old
Spanish town in Roger Mills county,
Louisiana senators are at Washing
ton working hard for tho sugui
Albert Surprise was lynched at Ruck
horn Island, N. Y., for an assault on a
little girl.
Money for pay of United States sol
diers is short on account of lack of ap
propriation. L. C. Perrvmnn hnn hnon rnpnrrnlrrwl
as tho principal chief by the Creek su
preme court.
Government rovenue receipts for
soventccn days of July average over
81,000,000 a day.
Dr. Thomas N. Munn of Chapman,
Kan., fell downstairs and broke his
back. Ho is dead.
Depositions for tho plaintiff In tho
Hearne-Do Young libel suit were tnkeu
at Hannibal, Mo.
A whlto man was brained in a ruc
war nenr Clarksvlllo, Tenn., and a
lynching is imminent.
In a qunrrel near Slater, Mo., Au
gust Singleton killed lien Young, uged
10 years, with a pitchfork.
Tho United States flag must here
after lly on all buildings where treus
ury business U carried on.
Patrick Callahan jumped oft Ilrook
lyn bridge, was taken out by friends
and arrested by tho police.
A compromise plan for'tbo reorgani
zation of the United States Cordage
company has been submitted.
The Illinois house would not consent
to the introduction of a resolution to
investigate charges of boodliug.
The president hns ordered the ex
tension of the civil service rules to all
of the geological survey employes.
W. C. Meyers was shot und fatally
wounded nnd his brother, Jnmcs.kllled
by 1). W. Claiborne at- Hot Springs,
Joseph T. Gurnenn, tho pioneer of
the cracker manufacturing business ia
tho United States, died ut St. Iyouls,
nged 87.
Professor Morrow of Champaign,
111., has accepted the presidency of tho
Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechan
ical college.
Ed Myers, a fugitive of Caldwell
county, Mo., has been arrested at Ne
vada, Mo. Ho had been writing to his
old sweetheart, using the namo of John
Tho body of Police Sergeant ZIrkel
bach of St. Paul, Minn., wns found in
White Rear lake. He hue) been inisntng
slneo last Friday nnd is supposed to
have committed suicide while temp
orarily insane "
William Strevel, of Rent Path, On
tario, who claims to bo the oldest son
of tle murdered Stewart Strevel, tho
aged ranehmun of llourbon county,
Kan., hns begun suit at Fort Scott,
Kan., for the eutiro estate disposed of
by Noah Strevel.
Tho Republicans of Butler county,
Kan., declared for free coinage of
American silver and nominated Dr.. J.
F. RJehardson for senator, S. Q. Pottle
for clerk, Sr'II. Rrandon.for register,
S. R. Clifford for treasurer, J. A. Hop
kins for shurUr, John Austin for sur
veyor and J. A. McKentlo for coroner.
cm wool.
nyjwfMdpramnrNjmsBswHi mm lIMLVU'aV fvjffjM XI W
Tho Banner of Light in, ns every
one knows, one of tho moat euco'sx
ful denominational publications issued
in this country.
In its 77th volumo it is at once
conservative ond bright, disoussing
not only modern Spiritualism, but fre
quently lending its influence fearlessly
in matters of pablio importance out
side its prinoipal field.
Mr. John W. Day, who is tho editor
tod one of tho proprietors, writes in
The Banner of Light as follows to the
proprietors of Paine's celery com
pound: "I owe you a debt of gratitude in
placing on the market auch a ncrvo
easing and soothing remedy as Psine's
celery tompound. It wns brought o
my lotiee by a friend who had him
self bcon greatly rtluvcd by its use,
as I have also been,
"I have frequently taken ocoassion
to commend Paine's tclery compound
to others, and I do not know an in
stance wherein, if faithfully tried, it
Forty Jurymen CIiokpii.
CAUitoi.i.To.v, Mo., July -'o. Amid a
storm of objections from defendants'
counsel, the panel of forty wns com
pleted ut il:.".(i ). in., after a long hard
day's work by the counsel In the Tay
lor case. Judge Rueker sent the panel
of forty to their homes with Instruc
tions to bo in court this evening 1st 0
Tli New 1'ojiollnt Member.
Toi'KKA, Kun., July ".'. Govcrnci
Morrill has appointed ex-Judge M. II.
Nicholson of Council Grove, ns the
Populist mciribor of tho board of man
agers of the Hutchinson reformatory.
The completed board now stnnds: S.
R. Peters, Republican; T. J. O'Nell,
Democrat, and M. R. Nicholson, Pop
ulist Insunu Woman Found Dead.
Smith Ckntkii, Kan., July it. A
widow named Mrs. Kato McAvoy, liv
ing in the north part of this county,
was found dead in lior house last Sun
day. She hnd been Insane for some
time, imagining that tho witches woro
after her.
Ilattle With Indians.
Salt Lakk, Utuh, July 2. Reports
from Poeutello, Idaho, jubt recolved
announce a light between .Indians and
settlers nenr Juckson Hole, Wyo,, In
which three white men nnd six In
dlans were killed.
Moult Into Fragment.
CiiiGAuo, July :.''. Three men were
instantly killed and a fourth badly in
jured by a prematuro explosion ol
dynumite in the drainage canal, Tieai
Willow Springs.
Carson, Nov., capitalists aro consid
ering a plan of offering .1,000 for the
Corbott-Fll7.slnimoii8 right, If It can
not bo pulled off in Texuc
Tho unprecedented rainfall this
month in Colorado is becoming n seri
ous matter to the ranchmen and cuttle
raisers. Not more than half of the
first crop of alfalfa has been saved and
tho second crop Is liable to beTlost.
Tnkn Vftllrlurnrrnn wnrlf in fitimlnenn
kilo forges nil irons for buggies out of the
Deal jxorway iron, usee no muueabis iron
in repairing buggies.'
Repair work done at Featberly &
Voting f3ond hnid mora. I repair guns
revolver, paranoic, door and trunk lock-.',
gas stoyeB tit keys and sewing machines
1 will tuke produce in exchange for my
work. E. A, YeuMa.
?y sit
tf cHWOtf-
!KT-V .
has not worked a benefit.
"Yours truly, John W. Day,"
Mr, Day's portrait is given above.
Ho is a membor nf tho Masonic, Odd
Fellows, Grand Army and other fra
ternal organizations, and is highly V
esteemed by his brethren and others
in the seoial life.
His gratitude fur the good that this
greatest of remedies has dono him is
in no sense remarkable. Thousands
who havo been made well by Paine's
celiry compound have sent unsolicited
testimonials to the proprietors of the
remedy or direct to medical journal or
newspapers telling for the benefit of
ethers the results that have folrwM 4;
the use of the remedy that is food for "'
the nerves and brain, that enriohes
the blood, that mko the weak strong
and is tha one never-failing speoifiot
prescribed by physician and recom
mended by all who havo ever faithfully -used
it, for insomnia, nervous debility
neuralgia, rheumatism, indigestion and
the many ills that come from derang
ed, worn-nut nerves and impure blood.
Legal Notice.
8tat ok Nkmiaska I ..
At a county eonrr, held nt the county court
room. In und for ssld rsunty, July litis, A. I).
If the niattt-rof tho estate or .Sliiman F. Bart,
lei t deceased.
Oo rcaillni; uii'l llllnutho petition of Nelson
Uartlett, praying tlmt tlie Instrument, nied on
the 3d day of July, Isa1!, nnl purporting to lie
tho last will nml Wstiiment of the sal;! dfceuvd,
may bo proved, approved, probated, al
lowed and recorded is tho lust will and
testament of tho said Hliimuti V. ,i.
censed, and that the execution of said Instru
ment limy uo comimttad and the ndmlnlstru-
tlon f said estate insy bo Kunted to Nelson
Ilartlett nnd Margaret H. nartlotfas executors.
Oxtered, tliotTussday JulyMtli.A. J). I8D3,
at 2 o'clock p. in., Is assigned for licurliiR said
petition, when ull persons Interested In said
matter may appear ut a county court to be
held In and for said county, and show causa
why the praysr of petitioner should not be
granted ; and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing thereof, be
Riven to all persons Interested In said matter or
piitillHhlng h copy of this order la the Itedfioud
.V!M,1t' 1wH?,l,y "owepaper printed In said -
eiiintv, for threo snccesslvo weeks, prior to ''
said day of lieailnir. Jambs Dvvrr.
County Judge.
To Whom It May Uencern s
All persons nro hareliy warned not to buy
iioi iieKotliitB threo promissory nstos, el ven by
iu iiiiderslcned to Warder, ifiisliaell, (itessner
Co.. for Champion hinder. One (Us Cetotior
lSi.lwij, ferV.JO.oo; ono due October tst, I8W.
IS!! f A'W! ?" ,mf Me-er 1st, lea;, for S3U.W),
for I will not pay tho same for eaiise.
.1X0. M. KAllWEll.
Turkey Orders Out Troops.
CoNSTANTiNtii'i.n, duly y:.. It is an- &
nouiieed thut men belotifriuu; to
the Third army corps have been or
dered to mobilize nt Monustlne, Mnec
doniii. ft is reported thut in nn-encounter
ut Uskup, 100 miles 'nortliwest
of ftilnnluu, betwvoii the insurifents '
und tho Turkish troops, the former
wore defeated with u loss of thirty
killed nnd thirty wounded.
Tffurltct Report.
Whea Co"'" Weekly.) )
uorn .......,, ,, 55
uatfi. E
PIbx...: ..,..:. ios
"8?'V 3 23 4 0QW,
Stock hogs o n-.,
Icowb. i MBjjgg
tiutter ,,,, rj
ffl?e ........ .....v. ...... y
Potatoes nn
Chickens : ju
Spring Chlckone l 50 00
Uii 7?, b CV
Bulled Hoy , pMt0nlo