31 '- 4,-. 'J-.Kjd V IffffK.'. V....". $i?Fmtmmmmi&lw& ww THEKEI) CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1805. i HH 7 II U BLESS ff$M i i !-; .& OX TJIK FRONT ER. KS "Loolt ,,cap nlcc ,n b,B c,,,, (linger rose to his knees and clutched Hen about the less, while he continued begging to lie spared. lllw ln.inno" was heartrending. "It's too bad!" I n.utterul to Zeb, who was near me. "Hen will scare the nig foolish," "Kt he'll cure hltn o' boastln' I don't Acta like a noultico. rimv:-'i out fever and pain, and rcinv,"! orating the entire Female Sys tern. It removes all obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied richt to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female wcakncss.com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, lcu corrhcea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceiptofSi.Dr.J.A.McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. For Mule bjrtj. I.. ri(iu,; Hvi Cloud. Miss .' I;iri;i T.'ir o.i , i '.uliiiiltfil t bo a Iinriiii' Aiinri cm nutlmrit; on i:oul;i.i; Mi S.i:;: 'Use . !. ii iluc!: d r th f it ! tiwi of S' U,l .Sill!'..?, Mill IIIIIIIV OtllLT tiling.-, a-il lli- boat utuolt i; Liebjo; Company's Extract of i-iccf!" lf V fdlt.i'i irrlpis Mill trial h In Hnti.lir i o .; l'-ul. i .u-. .nit rk. m:. m y I'M P 6tjy- . 1-j- r -. t i.l i i.d iciini .il I'lli r, I i .- x i) u i ' .v.: - f:vt,:j'j i .. 't. . i i r.. . ', '.l .. . .t Ll.l. I 1 S. i r f r . r r- r ' l t?i Clttlip Ii r'i Kiisui'i f'lur.io".! t?.-ni). !H8Via0VflL POLLS 5v-w nrc, ales . .iM iauilu ik l -GT'V iu i w in TaKoVj Y7 S! inllHt ' ' ' ll'fWll v I "" Ti''' ',,,' J ' A iru5li,orcrr.1'If, I W .W In lfiii I r ji triilars. t tll.tinnlaU iul I V KV MUlTiP I till Vmi '(rr, l nturn I lll. t' P. 1 .. I I. U " I 'If ! K. .. rt (V - .. it m- (i mill . . i iii-rim'-i itutui.Miwii.i"iiiiii'iiirm aaaswja Vv. WJ a .V KVS Km&j' SJ IVH rf3 jSb Ik. ZUMI sr Won Mil P aiSvsaKfc cMTEATSJRADEMAmc COPYRIGHTS. (!A I flllTAlN A PATKN'T Kor a rompt nm.Tor utnl un litmrpt cii'lnloii. wrltu to IIIKVA.I'II . ultr. Iii. v.. liu.l ii.-.nrlv llflv liir ffVlM.rli.tlrr. In thi nil iMlt Iillikli.ij4. flllIimilIlU:L tlon Mrlctlr omtliliTitliit. A IliniilliiiiiU of In tnrnmttim roni'i'iiiuiK I'iiIi'IHm nml liniv to ob tain I hi'iu rent 'hi'. AImhi raliili'uuof uicilian toil nml rclvntttlo liooks ri'iil Hri'. rutints tnUcn lliiimstli .Miimi & Co. rccclvo (pcrlultiotlcointl'u Mli'iitllir Aiiirrlrmi. nJ thus Hro liroiiu'iit wlilely bt'lnrullm inilillowltli. oat ciwt to ttiu Inventor. 'I'liU nili-iirtiil jMpor, ImiipiI wrckly, elegantly HluiitrHU'il,lia.lir fur tlm lrj!0t rlrniLilimi of nnjr hclfiillllo MiirV In tlio world. : n yi'nr. raiiipln tiiplcii iicnt lre. llullillim KMltloii. monthly. iiJi) n j oar. rMnele coploii, v!. t'vnti. Kvi'ry iniiulii r conlnlnn ticmi tlfnl plulc", In roloir, iiiid liiilnsriijilia of n w h(inn,Mltli pljiii.fi iliiiiulmlliliTs tothuw In ltt 1-kl'II nml i-iriinicc itrnlf. Aililri'i"t WU.N'N & CO.. .N'LW lollK. :iil HlliJlnrAT. a? VGrvj.Hrmt: wns six rt f" f 'J V, "I-. The sixth whs inbuilt 17 your. old, I lack as n coal, with the blKKPilt i' -. uith 1 ever iiu', nnd that mouth vu t""iill to ovprllowln-; Willi Rt .it ahlnliu whlto toeth. ciliiK'r often deeliirod hl.i iiiitpntH v.nn iilmont whim, but ho had "taken bn 'k" Into the bl'iek blood of hl. fhive nr.eestor Tm may .wvc limi Hue. but, un old Xcli SeatAi'man wns wont to obsene he niHl lmve "taken bael: a durn lonrl dl.tan?e." Out m rrpsh"t Creek. In the Ula'-ls Hills, up struek "colnv." KriHhet Civek, I think, lins nlnce been Blven anoti.er name. To Mike Canity bclntiRPil the honor m iiiHcoveriiiff that the southern bank flf the eieek slinwvtl "n!r;n." Hut It wai HIr lien Harris who found the entire side of the ravine was lull of "veins," cohtnltiltiK jrold enmiBli to make us all rich, If It could bo taken out. Then we held a eonnultntlon. Just above the liolnt where we had r.iailo those discoveries the puny stream dropped from n hluh fall. "V.t wo only lied plenty of water thnr, v.'e could work her by hydrulleks," imld. Xob. That set m .o thinking. "There must be plenty of water there In the wet season," I obt.-rved. "Ke iflcniber this Is called Freshet Creek." "lb'Kobs. that's so," nodded (lanlty. "Will a bit nv a dam up above we could Kit force to throw the warther chine to th' top av this bank." fllntjer said nothlnK. but looked very v:lsj. We worked at the bank for awhile, but. although It wan very rich, the work of Kettlni,' It by the panful to the Htivatu and washliiK out the "yaller" did not make It very profitable. lib; Hen thoiu;ht wo had better build n d un, and wait for the sprltii; rains to Klvo u-i nil the water we needed. 1 had un Idea. "The hprlnn rains woull clean out our dam In u twinkling." I declared. "Then whut can we do'.'" "There W water enough here now, II wo can hold back n j;ood pond above the fall." They saw t was rlKht. The next day Davis and C.urrlty were off for Custer to Bet hose pipes tmil noz zles. The rest of us went to work building the dam. We woiked like beavers. We had It nearly completed when Ij.nls and Oarrlty leturued. They brought the hose, likewise soiiiu news. SltttiiR Hull and Ida braves were said to lie In the hllR It was reported that the chief had k "lit word that h would wipe out Cus ter City and level Deadwood. A party of prospectors had been miir il?ri'il and scalped In Potato Gulch. Outside the lai'Ker camps there was a Keiv ral state of alarm. "PKobs!" ci led (larrlty, "It's oursllvon thot'il bu losln' our hair av we don't look out." "(i'w.iy, ilar!" came contemptuously from Olii'ter'n lips. "Who's skeered oh n fw Injuns'.'" His teeth weto almost chattel lux with terror. OV Zub Scattermun looked seilous. ")'.! thar's rcdsklii'j In ther hills we'd best keep our weather eve opnn nil ther tlm" he observed. "Kf an.sboOy nee. an. thins of 'em round these yire paitt Wf'll have ter skip out lively." "Yah!" Kilnned (llni;er. "Five IiIr wh'u mans riiunln' fiom de Injuns! Yah, yah. yah! Nebber ketch ills iiIkkpi ruiiiiliiK while dar's yaller ter pay fei der washln'." Now wo nil knew that (iliiKvr was about the blfWt eoward on the face ot the earth, and so we did not pay much atii'.itlon to his boantltifr. Thin seemed to anner him. and hu lirn'Trfod worse than ever. He bewail to tell how many Indian' he had killed, and how he had escaped Alollce to Tcncuum. Notiiit is lieroby jiivcn that I will examine all persons who niiij ilcsiro to offer thtinsclvoi us cuiiiliilatcs for tcuchprs. oftlie puMic suhools nl' this county, at 3(ml Cloud on the third" Saturday of cadi iimntli. Siotiial esaniiiiiiti'iiM will ho held on the L'riiliiy proeopiluig tho .'J bat. Hrilay of cjoIi niootli. Tiie ritandwi ileMipd I'ur d mid Hd frrado certiliontod is tho saint! no grailo liolowTO pur cont., f.vcriiy" 80 pur tout; for lirst railu mttfiu.ttf no trudo boloir Hit pnr o'.nt., Vfiat."' SK per oont. in all brannhrH rcijuirc by Uw. 1). M. lIUNTKK.t'oUllty Supi. mmmmmms. - IS J? lr? C HAS. SCHAl'FKIT, lusiirir.K'u AKiJiu-y, Itopreientt ., . ... ilernmn Iiisiiriiiieo Co , 1'ivopoit. III. Itoyal iiiMiiaiici-i'o., l.lver'D"l. Knitliiinl. IIoiiih Fliu liiMiri'iii'o Co., of Oiu.ili.i, .NeUr. I'lin-iiK Asiur.liu'n Co, lit I.oihIoii, I.iiiC. To .Maiiclii'ster kI.'u Asnimiico'Ni ot Ktiumnil. Hfltlth Aiacl It'll Assiirailt'e Co. 'loioiilo, Civil. Miiiuiilltexeive I'iiiiiI l.lle Assu.ol .V. . Tin Wiirkin.ui llutlilliiK umt lmii Assocl.itlon ot Lincoln, Nelii.iiKii. Olllco ovr Mizor b Storo. Red Crxiun, Nurahk &2&&ie&3. The bwcetcsi niusiu requires a .Washburn Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo or Zither. They are lite product ot the Larpesi Musical factories lu the world and are unequalled for tono or linlsh. Jicnel to the makers. ... , , Lyon & Healy, Chicago, for a. ileantlful CatalORuo (FKEK) I cnnfTlnlnc poitralti oi nmeiy iiiii. Waitibyrns are sold by all tint-class MU&IC UCUICI3. II 10 8MJMPKD AND PKLU death at their hands tlmo after tlmo nml ho kept it up persistently for the nt xt three days, till everybody wai pretty sick of it. "I'll il:; him," said Hen one day. "II mm his braKKliiK." With his rllle he shot an ciik1. frorr will h lie obtained plenty of ft allien for his purpose. Ketl elny nerved him ns paint. With considerable labor he madu him nt'lf up like an Indlnii one day, am! then ho had us send niiifrer down tut ravine on an errand. When tho colored lad was at a consid erable distance from tho camp HIk; Her. came out upon hlin. utterliu a llendlst whoop. Olnser wave a choklni? yell of terror and started to run. Hut hjs lege seemed to melt beneath him, and ho fell In n helpless, blubber JnK heap. Hll? Hen stood over him, flourishing i hatchet and knife, as he cried: "Heap nice fat black boy! Ugh! Ooot curly scalp! Waugh! His chief tak black boy's scalp!" "Oh, food Mlstah Injun, pleaso don't tako my scalp!" walled Ginger, In thi most abject terror. With the others, I had followed, anl we were concealed at"a distance, when we could wttch all that took place. ' Ben flourlahed the knife, at-Uhe win time pretendlnR to seek for a good jrl In Olniter's hair. "Hie chief like block biy'o ficaip," h' kcer a dcrn!" was the old fellow'B re tort. I stood It Just as Ioiik as I could. 1 really ben; in to fear (ilnser would die of abject terror. Of a sudden 1 tushed out. tlrinir Inli the air with botli levolvers, and yelling loudly. lllK Hen look to hli heels. dinner flopped over and lay stiff on the Ktoiind. When I reached hltn I found that he had fainted. The others came out and we restored hltn to coiispIoiimik 'j. but he wni ns Weak a a Kitten diirln; the rest of the d.ty, and he would start and shake at the slightest Bound. A thousand times he blessed me for MavltiR his life. The boastlnp was completely token out of him. HIk Hen was Kolur; to tell hi in how the trick was played, but I objected. 1 mnde them all promise they would Ufep still till OIiiKer Rot to boasting nKaln. He was not taken that way. Hut his admiration and love for me seemed unbounded. Apparently he nlneerely believed that 1 had saved U life, and he was so inateful that he could not do too much for me. lte.illy he huntf about me so much that he bcKan to be a nuisance. We had completed tho dam, and It gradually filled with water. The pipes wore properly laid, and on. day we turned two heavy stream of water against the bank of the ravine. It melted and came washing down be fore the force of the water. We could not use the water very loni?, for the pond lowered rapidly, nnd It took time for It to 1111 again. I iul we could wash down ciioiirIi so It was nn easy tiling to carry the precious clay to the sluices we hail c instructed. In this way we could handle six or c-lKht times ns much In the course of a day as we could before. It paid, and wo were Jubilant. At the end of a week we befjan to feci like millionaires. Then somethliiK happened. We had been usIiir the water, but had stopped. I was Return: my load far In under the l.ollnwed-out bank, where I thought It Will liable to be the llchost. fU'diUnl there was a yell of warning. I looked up. A big slice of watery clay came swoop Ins and sliding down the slope toward me. Above It I saw tho overhanging bank slowly giving way, thf-atonlng to bury me beneath tons of earth. Hefore I could make a leap the sliding clay came about mo and caught me to the knees. I tried to ilrng myself away. Too late! I was held fast! Slowly but surely the groat bank wan settling for the fall. Looking upward, I felt that my mo ments were few. A numbness seized upon me, nnd I gasped like one fascinated as death came down upon me. Then there wns another hoarse shout. I felt somebody catch me nbout the body and fiercely htruggle to draw me from the clutch of the clinging clay. Olven sudden hope, I did my best to get free. Thus aided, I succeeded, and I was sent reeling through the thick clay, over the top of It, down the bank, catching a glimpse of the face of my rescuer as I went. It was Ginger! As I wns suddenly freed, he slumped find fell, struggled up, fell ngnln. Iteachlng solid ground, I turned to ,r 'f him In the clutches of the eolllna e'ay. 1 would have dashed back. but. at that very Instant, the crumbling bank gave way nnd came down with n thundering roar, part of It reaching me nnd hurling me backward. filuger wns burled from sight In a second. I arose unharmed, but my bravo res eller was dead. He hnd dared rush to my nsslstance when my other comrades stood spell bound with fear. Hut he had given his life for mine! In time we excavated his body and gave him decent burial, with a large bowlder to mark his resting-place, In Freshet Uulch. On tho bowlder I laboriously chiseled these words: . "OINGEn. A TU1TK HriHO." REWARDS OF LITERATURE. Number of AullitirB KurnliiL UoihI la tnnii's Larger Hutu Her. Not all of the truly worthy authors ol past times have been condemned to pen ury and vagabonage Sonic of thom on the contrary, have ncqulred fortunei by reason of tho liberal compensation they received for their work. Scott was paid for one of his novels at tho ruto oJ $232 per day for tho tlmo employed In writing It, and his total literary earn ings aggregated $1,500,000. Hyron gol fJO.OOO for "Chlldo Harold" and JIS.00C for "Don Juan." Moore sold "I.alla llookh" foi $15,730, and his "lilsh Melo dies" brought him $15,000. Cray leeelved only J'-OO for his poems, nnd not a cent for the Immortal "Elegy," out of which tho publisher made $.'..000; but that wai because he bad an eccentric prejuillct nualiiHt taking money for wilting Tennyson had an annual Income of frotr. $10,000 to $30,000 tor many years though In Uio early part of his career when ho wroto "Maud" and "In Mo mnrlam," t.o realized next to nothing Longfellow sold his first poems, includ ing some of his best ones, at very low figures, but He lived to receive $1,00 or $20 a line, for the "Hanging of th Crane," nnd when lm died ho was wortl $.550,000. Whlttler left an estate of $200, 000 and severalof tho leading Amerlcai proso wrltr.ru have done qulto as welt These nro exceptions, It Is true, but they Berve to modify the general rulo and to show that In cases of sujierloi merit, literature) has proved to bo not ably profitable. - It is safe to.say that tho present ratei of pay for literary work of good qualltj are higher than those of any precedlni time, and that the number of iiersonii who arc efcwilng respectable Incomes II that way Is larger-Hian was ever.befort known. w e Have sntui'-EsrasaaspnixaaaiBi ) la em Yet! j Ill tif i il I rt ?W I .M. W'-Vtl Ja iH feiw - ! wS?HB8Wr ' ii I "i n t t il irrTBHfl Mr ! fciffi; i .HI .IlllllrJk , ' r I'fMv HBsIl IB Thos e ound books ARE 6-CSaMG FREE! To all who subscribe or pay up. BBfiri FOR THE CHIEF. We also give away thai beautiful world's fair book, the charmisg' and delightful " Sj COME IN AT ONCE. No other paper in the west gives you such grand premiums as we do. Call on or addiess The Chief, Red Ctoud, Neb. AH : III it M 1 f i . Pi I M I 1 I. if ,' L-l -Vto. jYO IJ.'-uMiuMKrtrfllKiiBi ; &MXMAtsuHs&Hat &MrrvMmiUK3nasnzmMtvi qyiitu t, t iimtivjtfm