The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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A. C. II0HMKB, Killtor.
LakoyTait. Asst. I-ocjiI Hdltor.
In EicbmiKU For Shoes.
For the next 15 days wo will pell our
entiro line of Oxfords at tlio following
nroatly reduced prices:
Ladies' DongolaWOO Oxfd, reducd 81.2.1
" Tan 1.25 " "
Missos' " 1.50 "
Child's " 1.25 " "
Boys' 92 Tan Shoes, sizeB 2-5 "
Also Strootman's beat quality
gola, hand turn 4 SO and 5.00 shoes
:i.C0, 3.00 shoes for 2 50, and many others
in proportion. Our Silvor Queun Don
gola Ladies' Shoe 1.00.
Remember this is regardlers of tho
big advance in prices
A. II. Kalf.y.
Successor to H. & K.
I'liynlclan mid Surgeon,
City and country
calls promptly ans-
Over Cotting's Drugstore, Kkii Cloud.
Miss Mulliu Ferris ie home from Dead
wood. L. P. Albright waa in tho Capitol City
this week.
J. G. Sapp was in Guide Rock tho first
of tho woek.
V. T. Auld and Jbb. McNeny uro in
Misssouri this woek.
Hon. W. A. McKeighan returned from
Kansas City Monday.
J. A. Tullejs and daughters returned
from Lincoln last Friday.
D. F. Scaramon has somo of tho finest
Bweet corn wo havo observed this year,
Miss Woort of Hastings is visiting at
the residence of Harry Conovor tnis
Harry Goble returned to Hastings last
Saturday to resume his duties in tno
R. Alien, formerly employed in the
marble works at th'tB place, was on our
Btrcota this week.
Mrs. Homer Bay les und child returned
from McCook, where she has boon vieit
ing for Homo time.
People who live in glass houses should
not keep chips on their shoulders nor
throw Btones. Soo ?
Mrs. Hosworth has returned to hor
rlnHnaln tlin IlHRtinCB (IBl'llim, lit tCf ft
brief visit with friends in this city.
Mies Mabel Day has been elected as
one of the teachera in tho Bladen
schools. Miss Day is au excellent in
structor. Mrs. Douglass Davip, living south of
Red Cloud, died very suddenly last Sat
urday afternoon. She was well known
in her vicinity.
Dr. Hall, one of Red Cloud's former
praititionors, was in tho city this week.
Thoro is eomo talk of his locating horo
in tho future.
Prof. Curran, principal of the Blue
Hill schools, and formerly of tho Red
Cloud' schools, was in the city tho first
of tho weok.
Anthony Schaerer has done a power
of good by raising beets this year. Ho
baa employod aa high as 55 workmen at
one time tc hoo beets.
C. II. Minor roturned home from Now
.TAmnv Monday. Huch doesn't speak
very highly of the treatment of tho L.
A. W. membora at tho national moot.
Mrs. Dr. Van Dusen roturned to her
homo in FallB City, this state, Monday.
She waa called hero by tho serious ill
Bess of tho little child of D. J. Myore.
Miea Grace and Charley Fort wont to
Superior last Saturday for a few days'
visit with friends. Charloy is the proud
poBsossor of a fine camera, and turns
out some excellent work in the way of
amatour photography.
Potty thieving seems to bo quit fro
quent in the eouth part of town of lato.
Jaa. Swearingen reports tho loss of a
new pair of shoes this week, and S. C.
Dllley had a fine lap-robo and buggy
whin takon from his barn. Should the
uilty parties bo caught, who an doing
all this dirty work, they should bo mado
an oxamnlo ef.
The joke is on S. D. Andrua. The
other day ho bttchod up to his buggy
which had boon standing on tho farm
for two weeks and Btarteu lor ivcu iuuu
Whon about half way, ho hoard a hen
Tackle' and create a great disturbance.
Supposing that ho had dono somo dam
ngeVho stopped tho team and bogan to
investigato.1 He found a bumy bs
Sled with eggs, and that one of his fin
wtbena had beon keeping him company.
Tho good brother smiled and brought
h the eggB to the city and sold them.
Chnrley Caluies was in the city this
Henry Clark was in McCook this
Why not build a railroad or pnvo tho
streets ?
Call and soo Taylor's carpets before
Envelopes 5o a packago at Deyo it
Oscnr Potter roturned to Red Cloud
Treasurer Whito wbb in Blue Hill this
weok on business.
A largo assortment of envelopes just
recoived at Doyo & Grico's.
Joo Williams of Bloonungton expects
to niovo to Rod Cloud soon,
Not 10 to 1 but 6 for 5 is tho way Cot
ting 6olls his sticky fly papor.
Prof. Gregory has nccopted tho supor
intondoncy of our public schools.
Mies Stella Duckor returned homo
from Lincoln Wednesday evoning.
Letter paper 10 cte. per quiro, envo
1 opes 5 cts. per packago ntCottlng's.
Mies Lulu Burt of Campboll was tho
guest of Mrs. 11. E. Pond this week.
Mrs. Geo, Rogers, sietor of Mrs. L. II.
Fort, is visiting in tho city this weok.
Fred Blnkeslee has accepted a position
with llerpleBhoimor &Co. of Lincoln.
Row C. R. Woldon, pa6tor of tho Bap
tist church, was in Lincoln this weok.
Fob Salt. A road cart as good as
new. Apply to Edgar Cotting, at drug
Train Master Filbrick and Conductor
Win. Coats, of tho B. & M., woro in the
city Tuesday.
Mr. Georgo Simon and wifo of Lin
ooln are tho gueitB of II. E. Pond and
wifo this woek.
Prof. G. M, Castor ie home from Den
ver, whoro be has boon enjoying a much
needed recreation.
Cut the weoda down. There isn't any
thing that looks so godforsakon as a city
that has gono to woods.
Anson Higby, wife and daughter, and
Mrs. Minnio Luttridgo. of Deadwood,
are in tho city this week.
Tho band concerts on Saturday even
ings are fast becoming a most pleasant
feature of Red Cloud's amuaemont.
Messrs. Watcrbury and Rowlands, two
prominent Blue Hill farmers, woro pleas
ant callers this week at our wigwam.
Little Donald Myers, eon of Er-Ald,
Myere, has been quite sick this weok,
but we aro pleased to note bis recovery.
Wavorly bicycles, tho best in the
world, for Bale by W. W. Wright. Prices
roasonnble. See him if you want a
bike. tf
Mies Mary Minor baa gone on n pleas
ure tour to the Big Horn country. P.
W. Shea and wifo will go tomorrow
Amos Cowden, who has been occupy
ing a position as hotel clerk in Kearney
for some time past, is visiting in the city
this weok.
$3.00 woll spent; and n rebate of 82.00
in tho form of a beautiful wall map of
United States. Subscribe for tho Rand-
MoNslly Guide.
Mrs. D. C. Forbes of Mankato, Kan.,
Histor of Mayor Bontloy, and her eon
Dnniol, are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bontloy this woek,
S. I. Cozad is farming tho Gov. Gar
bor place, Ho has on exhibition a stalk
of corn that measures 12 foot and nine
inches. "How high ia dot."
County Clork Fort has received a tax
calculator which will bo of groat benefit
to bim in his work of computing taxes,
and savo a great deal of clorical work.
The Marsh hardwaro storo at Guido
Rock was burglarizod Wednesday night,
nnd some of tho goods carried off. Wo
were unable to get further particulars.
F. G. Blakesloo and son, Edward, came
homo from Hastings last Saturday, ac
companied by the little son of Charloy
Robinecn, who was visiting bia grand
father thoro.
Flavo Grlce is an export and artistic
paintor. Ho does his work with an ease
that scarcely any other young man
could perform. For f urthor particulars,
seo small bills.
Tho county clerk's office is bolng nice
ly papored, painted, and decorated. N.
E. Robinson is tho artist, and Nobe is a
good ono. Ho does his work well and in
an artistic manner.
Geo. Morbart, Charley White, Frank
Goblo, Amos Cowden, Wallace Wright
and Charley Kaloy wheeled to Blue Hill
today to witness tho ball gamo between
the Lincoln leans and the Blue Hill nine.
Hokus Pokus Smith attempted to
ellco off a pieco of Mao Fulton's pen
sion, which bo had earned, and more,
too, while lighting Unolo Sam's battles
in '01-4, Mac looked after bis own case
and finally convinced Hoke that bo was
entitled to the pittanco that ho was re
ceiving. "I bad a little dog, bis name was
When bo died, he died all over."
This was tho caso with Rover Emigh,
a canine that had been tho pride and
joy of his many llttlo frionds. Tho oth
or day tho poor follow was dispatched to
canine heaven by bia owner, who had
witnossod bia dogship grow from a llttlo
dog to a big one. Ho was buried 'neath
tne soo. 'mm me leuro ot mo pcupiu w
Golden Rod.
Snioko Goldon Rod.
Charley Diokerson is visiting in Kir
win, Kansas.
Golden Rod is tho best 5 cent cigar in
town, Sold by Cotting.
Envelopes? Yes, how much? Fivo
contB a package Dejo &. Grico.
Thos. Hanier of Bluo Hill was doing
business in Red Cloud this week.
James Hafor, n well known Knnsaa
typo was in Bed Cloud this week.
A Hpeuial ponslon examiner was in tho
city this week looking after pensioners.
Mies Jessie ,McKeighan is visiting in
Hastings with the family of Supt. Dnm
croll. M. B. McNitt was appointed wator
commissioner by tho council on last
Miss Lola Fulton of Rlvorton wbb v!b
iting with tho family of E. B. Smith
tills week.
G. W. Dow and wifo expect to loavo
for California tomorrow ovoning for nn
extended visit.
A. N. Goodin, ono of tho jolly proprie
tors of the Wilcox Herald, wbb in Red
Cloud this weok.
The board of education should look
after the south ward school house. Tho
people down thoro think It unsafe.
Coco Cola is becoming one of tho
greatest drinltB that in being Bold this
season by soda vonders. Cotting koeps
Tho drivers of tho town herd of cattlo
had hotter tako warning or somo ot
them will got pulled for driving the cows
over tho walks.
Ex-ShoriiT Warron is in Lincoln tak
ing treatment. Ho has been in very
poor hoalth for some time past and hopes
to bo much benefitted.
S. Beckwith returned this week from
Michigan, whoro he was recently called
by the eickneps of his father. Ho ro
ports crops in bad ahapo in that state
Claudo Emigh whilo shooting off a
wooden canon, on Wednesday had tho
misfortune ot gotting his hand slightly
bnrned by tho explosion ot tho rainature
piece of nrtillory.
A jaw bone six feet long has been
found in Kentucky. Tho Kentuckinn
would not havo marveled over tho find
nud he first observed the jaw (cbeok) of
our esttemod upstairs contemporary.
Mrs. Nora Williams presented her hus
band with an heir to his fortuno on
Thursday morning. John, In conse
quence, haa bocomo so excited that ho
avora his corn will go 100 bushels to
tho aero. Father doinc well.
Orril Carpontor, a four year old boy
fell out of tho hay mow of Mr. Geo. A.
Latta's barn this weok whilo playing
with other children, and received such
sevore injuries that ho died on Tuesday.
Tho llttlo fellow fell off backwards while
John and Goorgo Springer, accompan
ied by thoir aged mother, left Webster
county in May for Oregon, overland.
Mr. Suammon received word this week
that the old lady had died en route and
had been buried at Rock Springs, Wyo.
Sho died very suddonly..
Our young frionds, Charloy Water
bury of Bluo Hill, and Miss Lizzio Row
lands, of tho samo place, wore united in
mnrriage Wednesday by tho Rev. Goo.
W. Hummol. Tho young couplo aro
from prominont families in Blue Hill.
Tiik CiiiKr extonda congratulations.
John Hasselbachor Jr., Bon -of John
Hassolbachor of Garfield township,
whilo playing near tho horses on Thurs
day fell under the horses and wns badly
trampled. His face was cut near the
forehoad, soriously. Dr. Moranvlllo,
drossod tho wound and reports the little
fellow doing well.
Some miscreant cut the wiro scrone in
the window of Mrs. Clino's rcsidonce
and stole out Mr. lEoman'a trousers con
taining 9150 and his watch. Mr. lee
man was tho solo occupant of tho house
at tho time. Tho trousers woro found
outaldo ot the houso, tho pockots rifled.
The gold watch waa found near by open.
There seems to bo no clew to the porpe
tratora. Miss Tilla MpOlolland has again boon
seleotod as assistant principal of the Rod
Cloud schools at a salary ot f GO por
month, The Echo ia ploasod to notice
that the students ot tho Bioomington
High School are making thoir mark all
over tho land in whatever positions they
may choose to fill, Miss McClelland is a
thorough teaoher and strivos hard to
train the position at the top round ot
the ladder. Bioomington Echo.
H. E. Pond resigned tho office ot wa
ter commissioner and city marshal this
week. The council recently passod a
resolution compelling the wator commis
sioner to proceed at once to tho collec
tion ot back wator tax. Mr. Pond,
knowing tho condition of tho peoplo,
thought the resolution extreme and
handod in hie resignation. Ot course,
if tho city can forco the collection of
this tax at this time, all right, but it will
be a hardship to many, novertholees.
There are times whon peoplo can pay
and there aro times when thoy can not,
and this U ono ot tho times whon
they can not.
Thv Kuimoii Why.
At a recont mooting of tho council, a
lnipo batch of bills woro allowed and
vmm rants wero drawn for them, but, on
tho advico of City Attorney Gilliam, tho
major refused to put his signature to
them. Tho haphazard manner of doing
tho city's business herotoforo has boon
stopped, and tho present mayor nnd
council aro trying to put tho business in
ship-shape. Below wo give the messngo
of Mayor Bontloy to tho council on tho
Gontlomon of tho City Council:
I am informed by tho city attorney
that tho occupation tax collected bv thu
city can only bo used under Ordinance
No. .'15, for tho following purposes (pco
ordinance). I am also informed by hi,m
that no part of tho Konornl fund of tho
city should bo applied tc tho payment
of claims arising out of tho operation of
tho city wator works system.
Also that no warrant should bo drawn
in oxcees of eighty-live por cent of tho
current lovy for which it is drawn, un
less thoro is suflicient money in tho
treasury belonging to tho proper fund
for its paymont.
Against this several funds, there aro
outstanding accounts aggregating up
wnrds of 400o. Of courso, theeo obll
gallons ought not to havo been contract
ed, because, thoy arc, or seem to be, in
cxcesHof 85 per cont of tho levy under
which thoy woro intondod. But tho
city, hnvinjr received valuo for thorn, it
is its duty to provido somo way for their i
paymont. J no question is, now should
it be done ? Should wo do as form or
city councils havo been doing issuo or
ders nnd warrants against the present
year'H lovy to pay last year's dobtB ? or
Hltould wo apply this year's lovy exclus
ively to this year's obligations or busi
ness, and make some provision for bor
rowing money to pay up this M500 or
$1000 floating dobt ? In my judgment,
tho lnttor is tho host courso to pursue
City warrants are now at u discount of
15 por cont whon thoy ought to bo nt
par, and would bo except for our out
standing dobt.
With our warrants worth 85 centa and
drawing 7 per cont on their par value,
the city is roally paying In tores t on its
debts nt tho rato of 22 por cont. It is
certainly not good business policy.
Among the accounts allowed at your
last meeting, and for which I am re
quested to sign warrants, aro those of
the formor inombora ot this council for
salaries, and that ot tho engineer in
charge ot tho city water works engine
for WBgoB, and othors. Now, theao
claims aro just and should bo pnid, But
to pay thorn out of this year's lovy
moans to still further put oil tho day of
our return to a cash bas'id. I have,
thorefore, concluded it my duty to lay
tho matter plainly boforo tho city coun
cil so that thoy may have a full under
standing of it, and I shall then bo gov
ornod by thoir advico as to whether I
should sign tho warrants or not. M. R.
Bf.nti.kv, Mayor.
Thore is not the least doubt but what
tho poople ought to bavo their monoy,
nnd if tho present levy is not accessible
for outstanding indebtedness, the city
should borrow the money nnd pay tho
warrants at once.
Just Received
Another Car
or that rm:
You are all talking about, and
wi'l be sold at prices less than
anyone in the city can sell the
same grades.
Don't fail to come and get our
prices before making your purchase.
We are always
prices and
money we can.
to quote
save you all the
B. F. Mizer.
A 8ul Dentil.
A fow years ago, Mr. Wm. McAvoy of
this city was found dead in bed. Ho
had boon sick for a number of weeks,
howovor. We only mention this to show
a coincidence. His wifo, Mrs. Kato Mc
Avoy, who was well known in Red
Cloud, and who recently moved to hor
farm near Womor, Kansas, whoro sho
lived alone, was found dead in her bod
last Sunday morning, having evidently
boon dead several days when discovered
by her noighbors. Hor mind waa evi
dently unbalanced, caused by many
troubles nnd caroa during tho latter part
of hor lifo. Sho would not allow her
f rienda or noighbors to visit her, and in
hor lono cabin sho lived and died. The
causo ot hor death is unknown, but it
waa probably boart diaoaso that took her
off. Kind hands laid tho body at rest
near tho promises, and tolegraphod her
daughters, Mrs. Anson Higby and Mrs.
Minnio Luttridge ot Doadwood, who
camo Monday, accompanied by Mr. Hig
by. Mrs. McAvoy was a most estimablo
lady, and her sudden demise is to bo re
gretted. Her childron nnd friends bavo
the sympathy of our people in their bo-roavomont.
Chas. Hobcr of McCook spent Sunday
in Rod Cloud.
Bert Grates visited relatives in Fair-
bury tho fore part of the weok.
D. F. McFarland waa in Oberlin Mon
day. Ed Ryan ot Wymoro was a guest at
the B. & M. Tuesday night.
J. F. Konyon waa hero from McCook
Wednesday morning.
Trnlnmastor Philbrlck was np from
Wyraore Tuesday.
Agent Washburn drovo over from
Inayale Wednesday afternoon.
Fireman Baylos mado a trip to Wy
moro Sunday In place ot Perry Wrlirht,
who took to the woods Saturday night
and failed to ahow up in time for bia
Morhart & Son's is headquarters for
binding twino. Do not fail to see them it
you want bargains.
The list ot letters romaining at the
post offlco uncalled for up to July
25tb, lfc95:
Boyror, MIbb Lizzio Campbell, Wintlold
DavlB, R. L. Newton, Abrrm
Stoner, Bortha
Tho above lottora will bo sont to tho
doad lotter ofllco Aur. 8, 1805. If not
called for. Fkank Cowden, Poatmastor
Amid onthusiastlc and encouraging
cheers, Homer nnd Walter Sherwood,
Sheriff Hunchoy, Charley Robinson and
Ed Smith mounted thoir wheels and
started for Donvor Wednesday after
noon, which plnco thoy expect to reach
Sunday night. Latku Tho quickest
trip to Donver over known was made by
tho boys above mentioned. They started
Wednesday at 4 p. in. and got back at
10 a. m, Friday, 750 mileB (1) in 42 hours
that is to say, thoy wont as far as Nor
ton, Kansas, und, finding the road too
muddy, roturnod homo. They will mako
tho trip at somo futuro timo.
The Sunday school rally at E. W. An
derson's grove, southwest ot Red Cloud
in Line township, on Sunday afternoon
was a grand success. A large crowd
was present. President Albright called
tho meoting to ordor, and, after singing,
Rov. VanDyko led in prayer. Singing
was tho ordor ot tho hour, Mies Lillie
Smith presided at tho organ. Speeches
were made by Rev. Wm. VanDyko, E.
W. Anderson. R. B. Fulten and II. E.
Pond. These meetings are very benefi
cial to tho Sunday school cause. The
next meeting will bo hold at tho Wilder
school house, in Pleasant Hill township.
Word comes from Salt Lake City,
Utah, that Mr. David Lutz, who ia woll
known bore, and who at one timo edited
The CniEK, died at tho rosidonce of his
son, Fred Lutz, in that city. Mr. Lutz
left four childron, three girls and one
son, Mrs. Maggie Hollister ot this city, a
daughter in Iowa, ono in Colorado, and
his son Fred in Utah. Mr. L. waa a
pioneer in Webster county, having como
hero early in tho sovontlos, where bo ro
malnod most ot the timo. Ho wbb a
valiant soldier, serving his country well
and brnvoly, and lost bia left arm in his
country's sorvico. Thus, ono by one, tho
dofondors f our country'o flag answer
tho last rollcall and pass into tho realms
ot poaco.
mit his being out. Suck conduct on the
part of these mon is to bo doplorod. It
ia gotting to bo altogether too common
for peoplo to jump upon police officers
and beat them whilo in the pursuit of
thoir duties. A wholosomo lesson
should bo taught 6omo of these follows
Jamo McNony of this city will bo a
candldato for district judge boforo the
ropubllcnn judicial convention. Mr
McNony ranka aa ono of tho loading law
yers ot western Nobraska. and is recog
nized by bis associates at the bar all over
tho state as a man ot flrst-claas ability
and attainments, n brilliant and sound
iawyor. His nomination by the republi
can convention would be a wise choice,
and in honoring Mr. NcNeny the repub
licans of tho district would do honor to
themselves. His election would be as
sured from tho start. Webster County
For Sale.
A fine residence property for salo, sit
uated close to business portion ot city.
Choap it takon. at once. City and well,
wator, trees, otc. Call on or address,
F. G. Blaxeslee.
.7,1 1
Sacred Knob,
The World's Fair Tests
Mhowed no baking powder
ao pun or aogreat ia Iey
mlag power m ta Royal-'
Effoctnnl. Charles J, Booth, Ollvewood
Cal., says: "I have ua8d Ayers lMla in
my family for several years, and have al
ways found them most effeotnal. in the
relief of ailments arising from a disorder
ed stemoch, torpid liver and constipated
March Semper Fidelia
Overture Fantastiquo
Trio, Impromptu Mandolin Club
Trio, Clarlneto nnd Piceolo
Two Llttlo Bulflnchca
Brass Quartet The Hunter's March
Waltzes Foreat Park
Baritone Obligato Marengo
Everybody invited.
W. M. CampiieMj, Leader.
On last Saturday night u party of rail
road boys oamo up town to have n time.
Thoy woro having It, and Nlgbtwatch
Miller tried to quiot them, whon they
turnod upon him and boat him with a
club. They then fled down Webster
Btroot, with tho Nightwatch following as
fast as ho waa able He called to them
to halt, shooting at them twice, but
thoy only quickened thoir paco. Shorlfl
Runchoy, accompanied by doputles, went
aftor tho followe at tho dopot, and, on
being refused admittance to tho cabooco
wbero thoy elopt, wont in at the window
nnd captured two of thorn. Ono mau
escaped by going through a window.
The othors were lodged in jail and liber
ated on ball the text morning. Mr.
rtit !. 1hmm liaAn nnnflnAfl in hlH
bed, hia injuries bolng toojwvero to per-
Hlghtft Honor-Wtrfi Ifclg;
IUCflEf ;,
tax ei - .- . Tf
A pute Gripe Cream of Ttrtw Powder, ftw
(rom Ammonia. Alum or any other aduJttna
' 1
I ;