The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1895, Image 1

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All. Home Print.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, July 26, 1895
Vol. 23 No. 30
for Infants and Children.
OTHERS, Do You Know ut rue
Bateman's Drops, Gcifrvy's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and
most remedies for ctUdrcn aro composed of opium or morphine?
Po Yon Know that opium and morphlno aro stupefying narcotic poisons t
Po Yon Know that in moi t countriuH druggists arc not permitted to sell narcotics
without labeling them poisons r
Po Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be giren your child
nnlces you or your physician kuoiof what It Is composed f '
Po Yon Know that Castcrla is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
Its ingredients Is published with every bottle t
Po Yon Know that Castosia is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it has been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla Is now sold than
of all other remedies for children lomblncd t
Po Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to uso the word
M Castorl" and lta formula, rod that to imitate them la a state prison offense f
Po Yon Know that ono T the reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castorla had been proven to be aosolately karaalaaat
Po Yon Know that 36 average doses of Castorla are furnished for 35
Mats, or one cent a dose f
Po Yen Know that whes possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
fee kept well, and that you may lave unbroken rest T
.Well, the iklnf w worth knowing. Theyarafacta.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla
Died, in Logan township last Sun
day morning about Grc o'cluck a. m.
Mrs, Minnie Davis wife of Duglas
Doris, of lienrt trouble. Mrs. Davis
leaves a new born baby, two little girls
and a husband to mourn her loss,
She was 27 yearn of age and a mem
ber of the United Brethren churoh
and a good christian. The remains
were interred at the Mt. Hope ceme
tery at 5 p. m. Sunday evening. Rov.
Ilaskins of Guide Hook conducted the
funeral novices. Tho bereaved hus
band and family have tho sympathy
of the entire community in which ihe
Died, in Pawnee county, Kan., Mrs.
McAvoy, Slio had lived in lied
Cloud for several years until last
April when she moved back onto her
farm in Pawnee township, Kansas, one
nulo from tho state lino; she had boon
a sufferer from some mental troublo
for a great many years. Mrs. MoAvoy
was not scon by any ono latter than
Tuesday night, July 1C, until they
broke into hor houso on Sunday and
found her lying dead on tho bod.
Decomposition was so bad by this
time that it was almost impossible to
enter tho house. She was buried
near the houso.
r e
?7 "
C&jrfflfac. SSEE2L-
Pawnee township has prospect for
tho largest corn orop it has over had.
Harvesting ib almost over. The
yield of small grain is not largo but
of good qunlitic.
Howard Hunter has a new corn
huskor of usual Kansas weight.
C. Hunter of Inavale bought fat
cows in this neighborhood last weok.
Ben Williams sold his steers to Mr,
MeCall a few days ago.
Rev. Mcrril preaohed at Lono Star
last Sunday afternoon.
It seems as though ehinoh bags are
spreading of lata.
Mrs. McAvoy was found dead in
her house last Sunday morning.
Jay Hawkek.
Chamberlain's is the best of all. Yin
cent J. Unrkl, of Danbnry, Iowa, has used
Chamberlains Cough Remedy w'nonever
jn need of a medioino for coughs and
colds, for the past five years and says:
"It always helps me oat. If anyone asks
me whut kind of congh medicine I use, I
reply, Chamberlain's, that is the best of
all. -B and Goo bottles for ealo by Deyo
k. Grice Druggists.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
General Cottinjissiori Aerdiarits.
Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in
pides, fup,
Write or wire for frock price on Eggs. 1'om can ulways
get u CASH OFl'UR from us.
Red Cloud,
Prairie Gem.
Fine showers this week.
Corn is looking fine.
Farmers aro busy harvesting.
Miss Hendricks of Douglas, Otto
oounty is visiting her unole Mr. H.
Mr. J. T. Milnor is out from Lin
coln looking after his farm.
Mrs. S. L. Whight gave an ioe
ercam supper laBt Tuesday night. All
present seemed to enjoy themselves.
Mr. Stratten started his threshing
machine Wednesday.
The Cowlcs baso ball team is going
to play a return game with Bladon
the 20th.
Tom MdMahon has got a now load
er. Our path master Mr. Isreal Banks
is walking the roads hunting for Rus
sian thistles.
John M. Earner was in this part of
the county last week looking for a
The small grain is too short to bind.
Mate Creek.
Corn is growing very rapidly during
our gentle showers.
Oata are out and will make a half
Bye has taken a second growth
which makes it rather lato.
Mrs. Dug Davis died last 8unday
morning and was buried at Mt. Hepo
Mrs. Bisbce and Mrs. Townaend of
Franklin, mothor and Bister of Mrs.
Davis, were hero last weok.
Miss Dolly Davis who has bean
visiting In lied Cloud for somo time
is home this week.
Albert Serivner, Zork and Co. who
were prospecting in northern Nebras
ka last week have returned.
i an in mai w a n?
S hand on Bell Soaps Reguta'rpHce Ssc zz&
Elegant Pure Linen and ;J
. batln Finished Hox Papers m
Fifteen cent Per Box, ' rg
Regular Price 35 cents. -m
We Struck a Jot 32
Ami these prices will not last long. Take advantage of 3
them now ' S
- C. L. COTTlNG.
A Valuable Find.
After years of study an llsor, there has
at last bits discovered a sate and never
falling remedy, It has been tested on.
patients, who have dispairedef aver being
red, the retells have beta, in every ease
wonderful, droll's RheamatiBat Cora it
unequaled as a positive remedy in all
oasea ef Chronie and Acute Inflammatory
Rheumatism, Goal, Lumbago, Sciatioa,
Neuralgia. Dy imenorrhoea and all kind
red affeetleas. It Is also a valaablo Blood
Purifier, being especially useful in Kosoma
Psoriasis, Btiof nla, all Glandular Enlarge
meat and leases of thellver and kidneys.
It is absolutely free from all nareotlcs.
Bsvece attacks are relieved in front one
to hM days and a positive tare effected
in fTBra nve to eisotean days
Q. W. Baker was in Guido Book
Sylvester Frisbie was in Bed Clond
Fred Corbott was the guest af
Claude Miller Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Teachworth of Glide
Book were visiting C. H. Fribio's Sun
day. The Christian Endeavor people met
at Amboy Sunday evening with onr
young peeplo and had a very pleasant
meeting after the Endeavor closed Btv
Dekin delivered a splendid sermen.
llev. Millard Nelson will preach at
Am bey Saturday evening immediately
oftar ehoir practioe.
Earnest Terrill and Clair Cox were
calling in these parts Sunday.
John Saladen and Miss Basser
spont Sunday in Guide Book.
We havo a shower every morning
before breakfast nowaday.
Corn never looked better in these
parts than it does now.
Harvesting is" tho order of the day
Mr. Lead has finished his new barn
and has eommanoed the foundation
for a new house.
Miss Gertie Kaley spent last week
with Mrs. Hartwell.
Blanche Sherer was visiting Mrs.
Sadie Holdredge the latter part of
last week.
Mary Nye who kas keen visiting S.
E. Woleott's for a couple of weeks re
turned to her home in Bed Cloud last
Mr. Perry of Bed Cloud is Uying
the foundation for Mr. Lead's now
Joe Blair and Mertie Kaley of Bad
Cloud were calling on Ed Sherer last
C. Uuntor shipped a ear of cattle to
Kansas City Sunday.
G. W. Knight started for Alma
last Tuesday with a team to visit
his daughtor Mrs. Turkington.
S. E. Woleott and wife went U
Mount Clair Wednesday to visit bis
mother Mrs. P. Canent.
Mr. Kenyon oamo from California
last wook.
Kenyon and Holdredge have taken
the contract for Lead's new houso.
There was a Sunday. soheol ralley
in Mr. Anderson's grovu last Sunday.
Mr. Albright brought somo of his
aingers out to loarn tho country pco
plo something. They sang afow aongs
had fow speeches and then went
Gilbert and Malviua VanDyke vis
ited at Mr. Ilumricku last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Way mire of Swan
OreeK visited witk their aunt Mrs.
Ore well last week,
llev. Blackwell filled bis appoint
meni at State Creek Sunday night.
We wish to thauk Mr. Shanon for
letting them have his organ for the
rally last Sunday.
There was preaihing in Mr. Ander
son's grave Monday evening.
Died, at. her heme in Kansas akout
3 o'cleck Sunday morning, the 21st,
Mrs. Dug Davis and was laid to rest
in the Mt. Hopo ocmetery. She
leaves a broken hearted husband and
hosts of friends to mourn her loss.
She needs no house nor home below,
She's gone to where the righteous go;
Her spirit soared on angel wings
To see the Lord the king of kings, '
And wear a fadolera crown.
The audden exit grieved us sore,
On earth we'll see her face no moro;
Tho gentle form ia laid away
To wait the resurroction day,
Wnen the last trump shall sound.
Death often breakd our tonder ties,
But Ood will bid tho dust arise;
Then we expect somo day to share
Unbroken Joy with hor, up where
Love has no broken tie.
Buck Skin.
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local appliartions aa they oannot
reach the disease portion of the oar.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that in by eonstitntional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian tnbo. Whon this tube is inflam
ed yon havo a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, ani when it is entirely olos
ocd, deafnesa is tho result and unless tho
inilamation oaa bo taken oat and this
tube restored to its normal eoaditioi,
hearing will be destroyed forever; nlao
oases oout of ten aro eaased by eatarrb,
which is nothing bat as inflamed condi
tion of tho mucous snrfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred dollars for
any ease of deafness (canned by catarrh)
that oannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Core. Send for oirenlara; free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
fy Bold by Drnggists, 7fio.
Farmors aro all busy harvesting.
Bather wet thoso days for stacking
Jos. Braxstrd drovo lo Blue II it
B Leu'n baby is quito sick and is
under tlio dnntora cure.
Druggist Hi nk Iiuh u nioo display
of flowcra in his Mtore windows.
J. C. lticliardson drove over to
Boscland the forepart of this week.
Bev. Buzzlo of Juniata preached in
the Baptist churob Sunday evening,
Bev. Gri'HH and wife went to NoNon
the fore part of this week to see his
mother who is quito siek.
Mr. B. B. Pa no has bocn cniraced
as principal of our roliool and Miss
Day of Bod Cloud his assistant.
Grover C. and his chum Hoke
Smith dropped Henry MoKelvey and
Jonoa Williams frosu the pension rolls.
Mrs. J. E. Yost's mfther of Swan
ton camo to see the new bey whleh
arrived at their houso tho latter part
of the weok.
Mesdamcs J. Jones, Wymire, Hart
man, Merrdtt and Miss Hendricks
drove to Juniata Saturday to see the
boys play ball.
B. Lee marketed some chickens in
Hastings last Saturday and on his re
turn stepped and look in tho hall
game at Juniata.
Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Stout a
baby boy, tho young fellow is about
two weeks old, growing and doing iinet
So ta his pa and ma.
Bladon's base-ball nine crossed bats
with Juniata en tho latters ground
last Saturday and aamo homo defeatod
score standing 9 to 10 favor of Juniata.
itmg Bsd Clond, Neb,
W. H. Nelson, who i in the drag but
ocas at Singsvillo, Mo., has so aneh con
fidence in Ohambertain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy that he warrants
every bottle and offers to refund the
money to any easterner who is not satis
fled after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no
risk in doing this because the remedy is
a certain eure for the diseases for whloH
it Is intended and ho knows it. It is for
sale by Doyo k Oriet druggists.
Dave Fish el was up to Prairie Gem
last week at Mr. Hendriok's.
Grace West and Miss Dillon ef
Guido Book attendod church at Eokly
last Sunday.
E. 0. Christy and wife of Guide
Book spent Saturday nigkt and Sun
day in the yicinity visiting at J. B.
Crozier's and F. A. Killouehs.
Mrs. Huntington was very sick last
week with abscesses of the stoniack.
Mrs. H. 0. Christy of dhubert, Neb.
is visiting her son and daughter Joel
Christy and Mrs. J. B. Crezier.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. F, A, Killough
July 17, a boy of tho usual weight.
Thoro were abeuf. thirty persons,
nearly all young people, taken into
fnfl connection with the M. E. ohurob
at Eqkloy last Sunday.
Last June Dlok Crawford brought his
twclTcmonths old child, coffering from
infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been
wcanod at four months old and had at
wayf been siokly. I gave it tho usual
treatment in snoh eases bnt withont ben
oflt. Tho ehild kept growing thinner un
til it weighed bnt little moro than whon
born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then
started tho father to giving Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem
edy. Before ono bottle of the 25 cent
dec had boon used a marked improve
ment waa seen and lta continued use
cured the ehild. Its weakness and puny
oeastitutlon disappeared and its father
and myself believe the ehild's life was
aaved by this remedy. J. T. ManLCw, M.
D., Tauaaroa,, III. For sale by Deyo &
Orioe druggists.
Pleasant Prairie.
Harvesting is the order of the day.
Our Sunday-school is well attended.
When Mr. Albright and kis singers
wero hero they enthused our people
very much.
The people met at J. P. Halo's last
Sunday and had a good timo singing,
Wo think the law should take
hold of tho sunflowers as woll as the
Sshool opens tho first Monday in
October with George Overing as
Dr. Price! Cream Baking Powoer
WorM'oPoar Itaykfct Mceelaae aWftcona.
"Have tried others, bnt like Ayer's best'
is the statement made oyer and over
again by those who testify to the benefit
derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsapar
ilia, Disease never had a greater enemy
than this powerful blood purifier. It
makes the weak strong.
Whoa Baby was sick, we gare her Castorla.
Whea she was a ehild, she cried f ooOactarie.
Whea she became Mlas, she duag tc Ckpjoclo,
When she had CUfldren, she gave them Carte,
, V5'
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