The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 19, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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s . " Y,,
, I ." 7 vw'iyt ,,
.j-.-..,.. mlfll
if'fifa'yw-- -
ActS like a TJOlfltice. drawino
out fever and pain, and reinvig.
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes all obstructions
and creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
It is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
cdies for Female weakness,com
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
'Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure for falling and
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu.
corrhcea, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
"Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat herself with it.
Mailed to any address on re
ceipt of $i. Dr. J. A. McGill&Co.
.4 Panorama Place, Chicago, III.
Wmr ! ky?C. L. CottlBg He
Miss Maria Parloa
it admitted to be a leading Ameri
can Authority on cookinb; she
Says: 'Use
a good stock for the fonudation of
Stupe, Sauces, ami many other
things, and tha btst tteck is
Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef."
10 o( Mlsi Parian's ie-lps
sent Krallt by Iinuoli y fi Ce
17 l'atk I'laif. New York.
Olruiwt anil bfatlCt, th halu
l'roiiiutcs growth.
NjTer Falla to Hmtors OJraj
nIr to lta Youthful Color
Curtf Kt!p fUlri.
0c,imHI.JOU Droqliu
Kiw IvraiB ft I ZM af iTJ al
M rarfccr'aOlniHr Tonic. It cures the worn Conga,
SLunri,IMi;i, luilgcilion, Pile, Tike Inllmt. Met,
II NC '-RCORN8. TL. otIt m euiyfoc Cava,
'Uiucrirtr. r UISCOX CO-,
nUkNttA tuU OUmmi Brui
OrtaHaal Mid Oat fioaaliic.
arii viiii rvusuia uu
IHMflrt tor ChUktutft Fnolith
mond Brand la ltd ud fc'ofcl 0
min, Mil with blu. ruboa. Take
'tfcmj mnd umiuuivnt . AlDr.lttitl.vrwaa'4.
U itrapa for l-txtleulftrl , UU elite h4
lUHrt fp LadlM." M r. tt racmra
V MalL IjMMW TrMaMBtaU. JfaMAff.
C rfciMl..lfi.ll'T Kamartm
turailUnlUnotM. I'SUae..'
am Vr7A'rn n ta'JBBBBkM.H
Btotapt answer and an boneit opinion, write to
UI(N cV CO.. who hare bad nearly nhr reare
azperlenoe In the patent builneai. Communica
tion atrtetlr confidential. A Handbook of ln
formation concerning t'atmte and bpw to i od
tain tbem tent free. Alio a catalogue of mecnan-
ImI anil utlanllfl. hwfc mmnt frM
Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoelT
tfw.i nntifAininti pu-itniuin .n.r naa wu
ana are brought widely before the public with-
at enet to the Inventor, Thin anlendld Paper,
eued weeklies antlrllltut rated, uaabrfartbe
seat circulation of an acienttnc work In tbe
world. S3 a roar, fcamnie conlee aent free.
Bulging KdltloD.nonfblr.nJiO a year. Single
eoplea, 43 centa. Krerr number contatna beau
tiful platea. In color., and photngrapbt of new
kotuea. wltb plana, enabllnn tiulldera to ahow to
latent dealimR and Mix-ure oontru'ta. Addresa
Im tat
An Old Landmark of Kwaeatlaa
Central Weet.
Notre Dame university, Indiana,
which recently eclebratod the toldeu
Jublleoof ita foundation, has a romantic
history one affectionately associated
with early Hfo in the great weat. The
university was founded In 842 by the
late Rev. Edward Sorln, who came
from France to establish a college on
land which his bishop hid purchased
from the Indlnns. It was no easy task
to begin an educational Institution in
those early days. The Itnd was un
cleared, the country surrounding' the
alte of the proposed college but sparse
ly settled, there was almost a total lack
of financial means, and the nearest
towns from which students might be
expected were miles away, with very
inconvenient means for travel. But
Father Sorln foresaw great possibili
ties for the future Institution and was
not to be appalled by these obstacles.
With a stout heart he. set resolutely to
work. Tha first college building waa
begun In August, 1843, and was finished
In the following year, when Notre
Dame received its charter as a univer
sity. The early history of the institution is
ono long story of a strugglo for exist
ence. Destitute of endowments, It de
pended entirely upon the tuition fees
of the students, and, as these were few,
for some time little progress was made.
Fierce fires played sad havoc with the
work of years. In 1879 it was almost
entirely destroyed by a Are, which car
ried off the main structure and several
others. But these flames were scarcely
quenched when foundations were com
menced for tho buildings which form
the Notre Dame of today. Thus after
nearly two score years of weary labor
and anxious hope the founder saw the
Institution on a firmer basis and re
signed its entlro management Into
younger hands. A glanao at the first
college, which Is still standing on the
banks of St. Mary'B lake, and at the
Notre Dame of the present shows tho
great material progress made in fifty
years. The site Is unequalcd. Nature
has been lavish with the gifts. The
approach to the university was through
a long, beautiful avenue bordered with
trees. Tho buildings used for colle
giate purposes, eigbt in number, are
arranged In a half circle fronting a
wide stretch of lawn. The center of
the group and the largest is tho main
building. It Is five stories In height
and is surmounted by an immense
dome, on which stands a colossal statue
of Mary crowned with electric stars.
The effect created by this structure Is
Notice to Teuctocrt.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer thomsolvcB aa candidates for
teachers ofthe publio soliools of this
eonuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
8aturday of each month.
Special examinations will bo held
on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing desired for 2d and
3d grade cortifloatcs is the same no
grado below 70 per cent., avorage 80
per eont; for first grado cortifioate
no grado bolow 80 per cent., avorage
90 por oout. in all braiioliow required
by law.
D. M. HnNTKU.Couuty Supt.
Some of the Trlcka of the Trade Sew
ing the LI pa.
A large cobra da capello was sent
home several years ago to Sir Joseph
Fayrer, who wanted a supply of venom
for analysis. It bit the spoon repeated
ly without yielding any, and on exam
ination was found to have none to
yield, not only Its fangs but the poison
glands having been extirpated. A pro
tective operation still mora cruel Is
sometimes practiced by novices In tho
art of charming, and consists in secur
ing tbe mouth with a stitch of silk
passed through tho lips In front; to
perform this, tho poor beast's head Is
held tightly pressed to the ground by
a short stick upon which tho foot rests,
while the other foot restrains the writh
ing body, leaving both hands at liberty1
for the needle. Eleven apparently
healthy cobras were on ono occasion re
ceived at the London zoological gar
dens. They refused to feed and grew
thin. When one died It was discovered
that Its mouth was sewn up with
stitches so fine as to be Invisible to any
but by tbe closest scrutiny. The rest
of them did well on being restored to
their normal condition. In connection
with this subject I may mention that
a rattlesnake was Bent to me from up
country when I was In Demarara, with
a history that It had killed a collie on
one of the plantations. It had been
badly Injured about the spine, probably
In capture, so that on reaching me It
was not only dead, but decomposed,
and I was not able to make any com
plete dissection, but I found that Its
lips were tied together with stitches
obviously the effort of an unpractlced
hand, since the work was very coarse.
This had apparently been preceded by
an unsuccessful attempt to extract tho
long, erectile, necdlo-llke tangs, for one
of these was twisted half-round with
Its bony base, and bad penetrated the
lower lip when the Jaws were forcibly
closed. It Is hardly possible that tho'
duct was not accluded, but enough
venom must have remained within thti
tubo of the tiny delicate syringe to In
flict a fatal scratch.
Iternard'a Coat CoTera a
Kanfts of Color aad Coat.
"Reynard the fox, represented by Mi
akin, comes to ua In four principal
varieties," said the manager of a fur
tore to a w.lter for tho New Tork Sun.
"In his red Jacket he Is tho most com
mon and least valued of all foxes, tils
kin being worth IS In Us natural tlnta.
It Is sometimes made Into furs for wom
an's wearing, but more often It Is dyed.
The principal use for the red foxskln
Is as the central figure In rugs and
lap robes, and sometimes sleigh and
carriage robes are made entirely from
these skins sewed together with the tall
flip dangling from each. lied foxsklns
And their way here from every part
of the northern states and Canada.
Hunters and trappers bring them to
the fur trading stations and rural stores
and farmers' boys the country over
trap red reynnrd and find fine winter
sport In running him with hounds,
which they follow up on foot with guns.
Here Is the skin of another fox less com
mon, but as widely distributed, the gray
or cross fox. It Is believed to be a crois
between the silver and tha red fox
you see It combines tha tlnta of tha two
but Its name probably cornea from tha
black cross so plainly marked on Ita
baok. This akin Is worth $10. In Its
natural color It makes up handsomely
Into any kind of furs we sell. An at
tractive form of boa and other gar
ments In dark tints Is made by cutting
out and using the black part of tha
sktn of tha cross fox. We do the same
thing, by the way, with that of the
lynx. The arctic foxsklns come to us
chiefly In two varieties, the white and
the blue, but the last Inoludea also tha
pled, the stone and the sooty fox. In
this turfed specimen of the white fox
you will notice that the soles of the
feet are thickly coated with hair, from
which It gets Its scientific name of
lagopus, or hairy foot. The white fox,
although a beautiful skin, Is the least
valuable of all the arctlo varieties, for
Its fur. though dnnse, Is not ao fine as
that of the others. It la worth $15. Com
pare It with this skin of tha blue fox,
with Its silky bluish-gray fur, worth
$10. The arotlc foxsklns come from Ice
land, Siberia, Kamtchatka and North
America. A curious thing Is told about
the arctlo fox, that he Imitates the cries'
of the blrda on which he feeds, and so
entices them within his reach. Yet he
Is not difficult to capture as compared
with other varieties. He readily enters'
a trap, and, when at large, will suffer
the hunter to approach him within easy
shot. Ha burrows with his fellows In
groups, making villages similar to thoso
of the prairie dogs, and, like that ro
dent, he will pop his head out of the
hole to salute the passer-by with yelps.
Dut In the way of foxsklns there is
nothing here to compare with this mag
nificent specimen in beauty or cost,"
and the manager took from a glass case
and sprend upon the counter a large
skin with soft, dense, Jet black fur, to
which longer, whlte-tlpped hairs Im
parted the tint of silver gray. In places
the skin waa almost pure black, no
tably In a strip upon the back between
the shoulders. "It Is the sliver gray
fox, and this skin Is so nearly black
that Its value Is almost $300. The skin
of this speclos Is used In making eVery
kind of expensive fur garments, from
a tippet to a cloak, and Its value de
pends on Its darkness of tints. It Is only
In Russia that the pure black fox Is
found, and there the value of, his skin
Is not to be estimated, as tt Is an at
tribute to royalty."
We Have 'em Yet !
Those Beatiful
Bound books
To all who subscribe or pay up.
Insurance Agency,
tierman Insurance Co., Freeport, III.
Komi iiiwimk ;.. Liverpool, Kngland.
Home Fire Insiiraneo Co., of Omaha, Nebr.'
rtiirnlx AHuranrn Co. of Umilon, Lnjr.
Te Manchester Kite Aawaiico Co. ot EnKlsna.
British America Assurance Co. Toronto, can.
Suturti Iteserve Fund Mte Msu.of N. Y.
Tbe Workman RulldliiR and Lohii Association
ol Llucoln, Nobriika.
Office over Misters Store.
Rsp Crxun. - Nbbraska
The Sweetest Music
t ?K Guitar. Mandolin,
Banto or Zither.
Ttiy are the product of thej ttrtttt
M uVeal Factories Gi the world awfase
lVmIc Healy,,
i. . n.mtifiil rMaarao (FRBE)
I eonlriBlngpytmlisoraaaivaaMM.
WaihBuraa Ire sold tfT all BUH3M
Moile Dealers. ,
The Moat Coatly Wlue.
The most costly wlno In tho world
Is that contained In a cask called tho
"Rose," In tho cellar of the town hall ot
Bremen. It is Rudeshelm Rhine wlno
of the year 1653, end the cask la replen
ished when wine Is drawn with care
fully washed and dried gravel. The
wlno is (ho color of a dark beer and
has a bard taste, but an Indescribable
aroma. It is never sold, but given to
the sick ot Bremen In very small quan
tities on production of a medical cer
tificate. A bottle containing olght
glasses Is estimated to be worth 4,
500,000, or $560 a drop. The only per
sons presented with a small bottle ot
this were' the Emperors William I. and
Frederick and Prince Bismarck.
One Thing Settled.
Sammy-rHere's my new cart
she a beauty T
Tommy You mustn't say she.
cart's It.
Bamray 'Taln't. It's sbe.
Tommy I'll leave It to Dick.
Sick (Inspecting It) 'Taln't
ae. It's be. It's a mall cart. a
Dale Stoagb, O Year Old, Knowa Mora
than Some Atlaltt.
Considerable Interest Is manifest In
Creston, Iowa, over the wonderful pro
clivities for learning of little Dale
Stough, the 0-year-old aon of Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Stough. Little Dale's re
tentive memory and his capabilities for
learning are extraordinary. He first
begnn to develop these powers at the
age of 2 years, when his father bought
him a set of alphabet blocks. These he
learned rapidly and upon somo of them
being lost told which blocks were miss
ing and the letters upon them. He
started to school last Saptomber and his
rapid advancement was a source of con
siderable worry to his Instructors. Pro
motion followed promotion In quick suc
cession, and Anally some of the teachers
wont to the parents and complained
that ho outstripped his olassmates so
quickly as to make It almost Impossible
to grade him. Dale Is at present read
lnjr the fifth reader and studying his
tory at home. He locks horns with al
most any ono In a spelling contest.
Take the first readers, In which his ear
lier studies were, and pronounce words
from It at random and he will tell you
the page and lesson where the word Is
found, and it you" should Introduce a
strange word to entrap him he will
know It. Mr. Stough, hi father, is a
railroad man and his time table Is ol
great Interest to Dale. Early In the
morning before his parents are awak
he will be sitting up in bad deciphering
the meaning of tho Intricate column ol
figures. Somo time ago Mr. Stough
happened to allude to the date the pay
car would arrive a month or two In ad
vance, and named a certain date that
ho figured It would arrive. Dale In
stantly denied this on the grounds that
the date mentioned would be Sunday,
and examination proved him right-
Folnts on Etlqaette.
Ladles may remove their. hats or not
at a luncheon, but the present fash tor.
1b In favor of koeplng thorn on. Th
right of tho servant to civility Is ai
absolute as her right to wages. Tc
have one standard of courtesy towart
tho guest and another toward tbe serv
ant 1b to be snobbish Indeed. Onlj
the most extraordinary clrcumstancei
can Justify one's being lato to a formal
dinner or luncheon. On the other banl
do not put In ,an appearance an bout
before the time appointed, as, pre
sumably, tho hostess will not bo It
readiness to receive you. Two or fif
teen minutes In advance of the houi
is quite enough. It is suggested that i
multiplicity ot knives, forks, spooni
and small plates on the dinner table,
especially If guostsare preseat wht
ars accustomed to dine simply at bom,
savors of vulgarity. It Is better In sucl
cases to bring fresh supplies, of tbssl
articles as each course Is servei. Other
wise eibbarrassmeat Is ast'to aosuci
and this is a sure foe to eojoymeat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavi 9lBBBBaaVBaaaaaBBaaaaVsBaaiBBEB
We also give away that beautiful world's fair
book, the charming and delightful V:;,
Wit a Certain Class.
$sUiir philologist hat
Mara: .tO IMtOMS
mtsob aslsaa wttfr laTuaa. aaWf f,m
I arttln,claas fc word U sajd to mt
ensl lf Ulr. i . ,
An RDglUh
lBTSftaaa na:
No other paper in the west gives you such grand
premiums as w do.
Call on or addiess The Chief, Red Cloud, Neb.