n ' '. h- L t. l c JSWCt77?l All Home Print. m for Infants and Children. T HntTTyiMi' ottTTatloiTef millions of paraonc, permit na It la Magna ctloaaply tka bast tka world hi ww known. It la hwdwi. .Ckllnxam Ilka It. It give tkam fcealtk. It wUl cara. tkalr My. In Iflfotkw kara ame tklna; wktok la ahsolntaly cafa and araotioallT necffaat ma a anlln'aaaa nlclna. Caatorin daa troy Worm. Caaterla allaya Farnrialuaacn, Caatoria proTonts Tonilttng Sonr CnrsL Caatoria enraa IHarrkoBa and Wind Calia. A Caatoria rolleT T tking Tronkl . Caatarla car Constipation and Flntnloney. Castla nantrali tka ageota of cnrkonla add gaa or polio air. Caatoria do not contain morpklna, oplnm, or ntfcar naraotio pi'opoi t jr. Caatarla a laallataa tko food. ragnlat tka riwicli and aawala, srhrlna; kaaltky and natnral al a. Caatarla la pnt np In eBi-iln aottlaa it allow any ana to 11 yen anytkfaMt alaa tka plan or prend tkat It ia Mit ae good" and u wfll g tkat yon rot C-A-eVT-O-m-I-A. Tkag riillo aignatara of Children Cry for EGGS! i m General Cottiniissioti IVerGliarts. Wholesale Dealers Prides, SPUS-Mlinr, GME. BOITER MD EGGS. Write or wire Tor (rack price on Eves. You cuu always get a CASH OFFUK from us. Red Cloud, 1 MACHINE 1 OIL! We can supply you witli the best grades Machine Oil in the market. CALL w. ME BEFORE YOU BUY. C. MiUiUiUiiHUiiiiiiiiUUiUimiiiiiiii.1 tf y & m- Cactoria with tka Hmm of to y k ef it withewt era ataar. rtJy far Infanta mm CnUny anly. It la mat alaia talk. arary pnrp ." la FT waffaa. 4C Pitcher's Castorla. EGGS! and Jobbers in fup, Nebraska. 3 Of Ii. COTTING. - "' VMfYA''eUCAA fBte. vr." '"yy'.y Red Cloud, Webster County, Willow Creek. This vicinity was well represented at tho Sunday-school rally given by Mr. Albright and his band of singers last Sunday at Aniboy. Everyone carao away veil pleased. Miss Padon of Keynolds, this state, was visiting on tho creok last week. Born Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Godwin, July 10, a daughter, weight 9 pounds. Kvoryono is harvesting now as small grain is btttcr than wsb expect ed. Dr, Hall reports new babies at A. N. Godwin's and David Carpenter's. Prosptot for a big corn crop. Bladn. How is thu 98 degrees in the shame. B. Lea drove to Hastings last Thursday with a load of ehiokens. Dr. Kehler and a family drove to Juniata tho latter part of last week. C. D. Apley and J. L. Grandstaff were at the county seat .Thursday. W. B. Household went to Blue Hill Thursday to get repairs for his har vester. A. Brady and wife were doing somo trading in Blue Hill Friday. Mr.'Burton and family from Buffalo eounty aro visiting with his mother- in-law Mrs. Susan Moaroe. Johi Jones and wife drove over to Bule Hill Friday. Quite a number from this vioinity teok in the ball game at Blue Hill Saturday. A fine rain visited this section Sat urday evening which will make early corn as it came gentle and all went into the ground. Altogether about 2 inches of water fell. L. D. Mouser of Imperial was on ur streets one day last week. Dr. Harris ef Campbell droyo in this oity Thursday. Miss Lottie Doyle returned Monday from Campboll where she has been visiting. Miss Ethel Parks has been engaged to toaoh in tho Campbell school this fall. W. B. Householder and J E. Yost traasaoted business at Bluo HillTucs day. Binding twine scorns very soaroe and our farmers are compelled to go to other towns, this should not bo al lowed seme one in the town should handle it. Don't all rush into the business as that wont pay, but ono party oeuld handle it with a fair prof it for his out lay and sell as cheap as any ono. L. E. Spcnce wsb a passenger for Edgar Tuesday morning. Deafness Cannot be Cured. by local applications as they eannot reaoh the disease portion of the ear. There is only one way to oore deafness, and that ie by constitutional remedies. Doafnesa is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Ens traohian tube. When this tnbe is inflam ed yon have a rumbling sound or imper feot hearing, and when it is entirely dos sed, deafness is the result and unless the inflamatlon ean be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal eoidltion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases oout of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed oondi tiva of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred dollars for any oase of deafneee (oauqed by catarrh) that oannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY A, CO., Toledo, 0. OTBold by Druggists, 76c. Stllwater. Harvesting ia the order of the day. Viola Hibbsrd has been on the siok lilt. Qniggle's show Saturday njght was Q,tioeable for Ms abietoe. Mr. aaa Mrs. Deeker visited at Mr. Jasktafs aar Ml. Clajr line?. Mr, Reeve ef Siftsrier stoppsji over i : $ Neb., Friday, July night with his faiond Dave Fishel oae night last week. Mrs Hendriz and children of Prai rio Gem wcro visiting her brother Davo Fishel's last week. Jcsiio and Addie Williams of Douglas, Otoe county were there also. Simpson. A horse kicked H. 8. Hhnfer, of the Freemyer House, Middleborg, N. Y., on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the knee Joint to beoomo stiff. A friend reeommendod him to use Chamber lain'a Pain Balm, whioh he did, and in twe days was able to be around. Mr. Shafer has recommended it to many others and says it ia excellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for its oures of rheumatism. For sale by Deyo & Qrice. a o.i. i i. . ! Line. Plenty of ruin and corn looks nioc. Mr. and Airs, urowoll visited at Rev. Haskin's of Guide Book last week. Rev. Blaokwoll will preaoh at l ho Pleasant Dale sohoolhouse Sunday evening July 21. Sunday-school at Penny ereek every Sunday. All are invited. Some harvesting is being doie this week. Mr. Evans and family were callers at Mr. Aaderson'e Sunday. Buck Skin. Batln. Some of the farmers have begun to harvest their oats. G. Lewis was transacting business in Red Cloud last week. Emory Bean and family were pleas ant guests of J. Bean on Sunday. Miss Willa Cather of Red Cloud was visiting in onr looality last week. Misses Lillian and Frank Ramey wero pleasant callers of Mrs. Bean's Friday. Nels and Rasmus Jensen from near Farmer's creok wore visiting at Oloy Nelson's Sunday. The Anderson boys commenced to head their wheat Saturday. They have about 70 acres on the poor farm that promises a fair yiold. Stunner. State Creek. Corn is growing fine. Robt. Gilus had a fine cow killed by lightening and Mr. Stoner had a borso knooked down and injured. Goo. Monntford is on the sick list this week. Dan Grewell, who got his hand caught ia a binder last Saturday, is getting along ntoely only having to have the tip end of ono bone taken off. Mr. Joe Moler of Bellaire and for morlv of this neighborhood buried a seven months old ohild at Mt. Hope last Friday, said to have beon found doad in bed one merning. Wm. Dollmgs lost a fine horso a few days ago. Albert Scrivner, Thtrp Zork, and Galo Davies left on the train Tuesday moraing for northern Nebraska on a prospeoting teur. Occasional. Last June Diok Crawferd brought his twelre-monthsald child, suffering from infantile diarrheas, to me. It had been weaned at four months old and had al wayf been ciok'y. I gave it the usual treatment in snob, eases but without ben efit. The ohild kept growing thinner un til it weighed bnt little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds, I then started the father to giving Caaabee laln's Cotle, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem edy. Besjcreone battle of the 15 cent elze had been used a marked improve .atcat was seen and its continued use urea we enua. its weakness and pun; eoaatitstion disappeared and its fath aad myself believe the ehild'e life w saved by this rcsaedy. JT.T. Mablcw, M. D.f Tasfaaoa,, HI. For sale by Deyo A Grjee dreg gists. rttfiW 19, 1895 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Jiulson. Crops are fine. J. M. Brown is nutting his winter wheat which is shocking up big. J. W. Corbctt has a fino piece of oats, Ed Mountfoid had a fino young horno cut in the wire fonco last Sat urday night. 0. W. Barrett is riding tho disk cultivator laying by his corn. D. Growcll got his hand caught in the binder last Saturday taking the flesh nearly all off. Tho doctor thinks hu will havo to have his fingers am putated. R Gtllis had a cow killed by light ening Saturday night. Several young folks from Judson wont to Lebanon Saturday to see the baleon ascension but failed to see the baloon. Wonder what Hank Riohmoud was doing at Mt. Hope Sunday night. Sunvlowkr. W. H. Nelson, who is in the.drog bus! neas at Klngsrllle, Mo., has ao much con fldenea In Ghambertain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoua Remedy that he warrants every bottle and offers to refold the money to any oustomer who is not aatis- fled utter nsing it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in doing this bsoauae the remedy is a certain ourc for the diseases for whioh it is intended and he knows it. It is for sale by Deyo & Grioe drnjfgists. Clarfleld. Tho Gnrfiold basn hall nine is ex pected to cross bats with Nerth Branch uinu soon. Alf Harris has a new wind mill which addft to tho looks of his place. Henry Lmerton is harvesting (or Solon Wiggins. Boyd MunHel has a new binder and is prepared to stay with you if needed. Miss Mayo Pope will teaeh in Diet, No. 18 this yoar. John Earner took baok a Champion binder and bought a new Buokeye. Oats will go from 15 to 60 bushels per acre in Garfield this year. Jimmky. INCREASED $4,000,000 Approilmatlon of the Assessed Value of Missouri RaUroads. Jkffkrbon City, Mo., July 18. The state board of equalization for the as sosment of railroad, bridge and tele graph property has completed its labors, and has adjourned until such time as State Auditor Seibcrt can have tho multitude of Intricate calculations made and the values apportioned to tno several municipalities in propor tion to the. number of miles of railroad and tlmtelctfruph wire in each. This will ocutipy the full time of tho stato auditor's clerical force for something like a month and no absolutely accur nto statement of results can, be raado until It is done. It is estimated, and approximately correct, that the irr crease in valuation over the assessment 01 lUUt Will DO H,'JU,573. Til 6 total valuation of railroad, bridcre and tele graph property In tho state as. assessed by the board In 1894 wub 870,203.730. so that tho total assessment for this pear win oe in roununumoprs 975,000,000. Protectors of wish. Jbkferson City, Mo., July 18. State Oajtno and Fish Warden Jesse W. Henry, has announced the appoint ment of deputies for the following counties: Franklin, A. C. Wolfe; Pet tis, 8. A. Bosse; "Jasper, E. ft. Yalen- line, ou vaaries, jc. a. XiBvats nan- dpfph, W. L.' Faank; Qharlton, W. J. Jroemanj Macqn, J. B. Spaomer. Other, dcputrli -will bo namd as, soon eclved. VVardenvHcrxry loavs to.day for a flvo days' tqip up the Oaae. Be .will Inspect a nutnhjer. of etpcums. en this trip, the mpst important ones'.ka- ing me nig Tavern, me Aumnutvrrrer t" . -. . lKtd ., , -and Linn cU ' 'JpSgiSV Dr. PdeVt Ortaaa. "WertfsPsUJtJjfceetl Fa,rUaeWcrawa Wfc ' '-vfft Vol. .23 No. 29 iXSSS Captain Anilrmon'd lloitjr Found. Kansas City, Mo., July 18. The mystery Mirroumlitifr tho disappear ance of It. 11. Anderson, tho luckless grain speculator, litis been solved. Yesterday his body was taken from a shallow, 'iiTow irnivc on tho river bank, near vhcre it was found floating maw , . a nasty inniiesi loilowca thu tu .nirof the bodv. and then tho dead son of a wealthy woman was tin- cermomousiy uumpea into a pauper s grave. No I'ajr on Similar. Wasiunoton, July 18. Secretary Hoko Smith has declined to approve a request for pay for work done on Sun day by government omployos. Tureo examiners, who wero busied in the Helena, Mont., land offlco on Sunday, asked that they be allowed their regu lar per diem allowance for the same, but tho secretary holds Sunday In not a day for labor, and that ho is not authorized to pay for work done on that day. Slaty United SUtM Convicts. LxavkNwortu, Kan., July Id. United States Marshal Michael Uevan ney of tho Southern district of Ohio arrived at Fort Leavenworth yester day In charge of sixty federal convicts, transferred from the Columbus, Ohio, atate penitentiary, where there aro atUl 230 other federal convict A Poataaae'teT Arretted. iVasiiinoton, July 18. The post office department was advised yester day that Postmaster W. F. Weeks, at Hartshorn, Ind. Tor., had been ar rested by government authorities, charged with having robbed tho ofllco of 50,200 by means of fraudulent money orders. Weeks was formerly from Missouri. MltiiUiilpplans In a Itlot. Jackson, Miss., July 18. It was learned here that a riot occurred at Learned, Miss., between tho McRao and Terrill factions who wcro en gaged in a law suit. Fifty-two shots wore fired. Two men were killed, an other mortally wounded and several more injured. THE MARKETS. Kansas City, Mo., July 18. Thorowas a good dcijiand for iiuntile of w.'ioat to-dur, and thoy old n little liitrliar than yvatonlny in Mimo catos. Itccolpts 21 cars; ujmraaotiO car. No. 2 hard wheat, 64c; No. 6O0; No. 4 Mg&8o;No. 2 rod, ttfc; No. I IMo No. 4Uo; rejected Mio. Corn mot with fair demand and sold at yester day's prices. Itocolpts, 16 cant; a year ago 43 can. . , No. 2 mlicd com, 40oj No.1 Ho; No. 4 SHo ; No. 3 white tOVic ; No. t whlto 39f c, Oats were firmly hold and in fair domond. RocelpU, 10 earn; a yoar bko,15 ears. No.2mlsedoati,2mo;No.3,23o: No. 4 30o; No. 4 now, SJoj No. 2 whlto oaU, 28j No. 3, 21029. Byo-No.:, 40o ; No.3,ttc. Flauocd Nominally $1.13 for July delivery, ft.ll for AnffU't and 1 1.09 for September. Corn Chop Eirm, 74&7t)o por cwt sacked. Itran Firm, '5s(rj,U0c or cwt sackod; bulk 0o lets. Hay Itocolpts, 41 cars; old Imy scarco and worth SOcfJfl above quotations. Timothy Choico, ftO; No. I. .30; No. 2, t7.!0U!j; fancy pralrto, $8.S0t9; choice, $Stt8.M: No. 1, I7(J,7.W; No. 2, $468.10 1 packing hay, $311. Chicago lloard of Trade. CnioAoo. July 18 Tho following Is Urn rango of prices of tho irrulu and provision market oa tho board of tradot join Close uly 16 High Low W Wheat July September. .. Docomber.... Co.M July.... September... locember,,.. Oats- July.... tieptotnber .. . May POEK AT MX 704 48M cut 27 I 10 70 .A 10 SO Go M en 6 23. 70H 9 44 Si A! n a 26 6H 10 &7Vi 1017 H Beptember , ituy, r a. .... .. 1U 03 10 60 11 j an anuary 10 77H 1010 10 70 1$ tAp- 620 September., BbqetUjm ' Septimber" January... . 1 6 27Vt U17H a so 6 22X o m 8 07K 60S fl 10 606 111 566 06 6 16 170 HK .:.. lave.stofk. Kakcas Cot M.i . Julylt.'-CaKle-aetc, '"l!?f;g "kSFJSSlSi TpU.edboof nd iblppW steerT HflkUJet Zszes aud Indian steers JM$; iMcn steeai tyw) corf aja helfrts, tMaMi tecVers anl ifarfn.Mt.)i eaivj, Um Th flPtfa- Co to I ' aiil Uts silk 1XnFBBMHK'l .vfm,.paR ;T;t - .-- 4 1 iUiMJ0-' ' SI 4M fit m i tQ m HW. . v ! '.'-M '..-?: