The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 12, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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Acts like a poultice, drawing
out fever and pain, and rcinvig.
orating the entire Female Sys
tem. It removes au obstructions
and creates a healthy, natural
flow of all secretions.
ilt is the one natural cure for
female troubles, because it is
applied right to the diseased
parts. Don't take internal rem
edies for Female
mon sense requires a direct ap
plication for immediate relief
and permanent cure.
Orange Blossom" is a sure,
painless cure ior iainng ana
dropsy of the womb, profuse,
difficult, irregular menses, leu
corrhoea, ulceration, tumors,
sick headache, constipation, sal
low complexion.
"Orange Blossom" is apastile
easily used at any time. Every
lady can treat nerseit with it.
Mailed to anv address on re.
cliptof$i.Dr.J. A.McGill&Co.
4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111.
For iul bjr. L. Catling lied
Miss Marin Parloa
is ml mi Mod t' bo a lending nn,r.'
V can (minority on cookinu; sho
Savs: 'Use
ii good etnek for the oiindiitinu of
Soups, Suuces. unci many othor
things. iiriI the best stock is
Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef."
10 of MIm I'lirlniiN U'dpps
,u ipnt ittMU uy Dnuclir N Co
" i.7 l'.irk I'liice. New crk,
CIctni'i ami Uanilfki Cic hilr.
l'romntfl a Iuitiristit rrovth-
tirver Fells to llcstira dray I
Cures c'p disr.K. fc hair lulling.
tOc.lndSHJUst Druni'iU
mJ a- m mil iibw
h Frker'aiHKr Tools, It cik lh wont (.mijli,
Tin lAinzt, JJ-biUtr, Jndljcrlion, rlu,1 in lime oucu.
HJNDERCORNS. The onlTrornctirelorCorni.
ltfZSltcrilbVrwl.u. t 111SCOX CO . M. Y.
fefcester's EaclUh Dlasswd Bread.
Orlmal a ad Only Genuine.
ArK, (VlwJ nlUUe, LAOlKS lit
Wrsifiit rer lAicArittT imciM jiei ,
morui ifnirwi in icon ana icw ntruiui
itoiri ictl with blut rilhou. Tke
lianjami ImUdfli'nj AlUryiitl.ef cl4.
la ump fwf jiArtlcsUrt. tutlrwuUlj evn-l
" Utllcf for tdlr," l.". by rrltri
CklhmtwrLkeKlealUalltll.ii Haasrr.
Umi Urauliu. 1'ldlad.. s'r
The Curiam Ceremony of Holy Wwk
In Vienna.
On Holy Thursday, at Vienna, the
Emperor Francis Joseph performed the
annual ceremony of. washing the feet
of twelve old beggars, says tho New
York Sun. The ceremony took place In
the hall of ceremonies In the Imperial
palace. On a platform raised slightly
above- the floor was a long table with
twehe covers, a plate, knife, wooden
"Poon, folded napkin for each, with a
Plecu of bread, a pewter mug, and a
little bluo pitcher filled with water. At
10 o'clock, twelvo old men, the young
est 89 and tho oldest 9C, entered tho hall
nnd were supported, each by two rela
tives, to tho platform, which they
mounted with dllUculty, and wcro
placed In their scats, their relatives,
most of them women, standing behind
them. Then entered twenty knights of
the Teutonic order, headed by their
master, Archduke Eugene, dressed In
white with long black crosses on tho
breasts of their doublets and others on
the back of their long black cloaks.
They marched around tho hall, and
then, forming a lino on either side,
mado way for the ministers, with Count
Kalnoky at tho head, and tho em
peror's staff. They wcro followed by
tho prlmato of Austria, Cardinal
Oruscha, with priests and acolytes
bearing candles and burning Incense.
Then" camo tho emperor, dressed In tho
white uniform of an Austrian general
and wearing tho order of tho Golden
Fleece. Ho advanced to the table and
addressed a few words to tho old men.
At a signal from tho master of cere
monies twelvo guardmen stepped for
ward, each bearing on a tray tho first
course of tho sumptuous repast; tho
emperor now took off his helmet,
gave It to an officer, and. nasslnK down
mo line, arranged tho dishes before tho
guests. Twelvo archdukes then ap
proached and removed the Barmecide
banquet from tho guests eyes, handing
tho dishes to the guards. This was
repeated for thrc'o courses, and with
tho last, the plates, knives and other
objects on tho table wcro also taken
off. They were all packed later, with
tho food, In wooden boxes, and sent
to tho homes of tho old men. Tho
table was then taken away, and tho
"washing of feet" began. A priest ap
proached with a towel and golden
basin full of water; their slippers wcro
taken from the old men's feet, and tho
emperor, on his knees, beginning with
the oldest, moistened his feet with
water nnd dried them with the towel.
Without rising, still on his knees, he
passed on to tho next one, and so on
to tho end of the row. When ho had
finished ho rose and placed around each
man's neck a chain, attached to which
was a small whito bag containing thirty
pieces of silver. That ended tho cere
mony; tho emperor and his suite with
drew, and the old men were taken home
by their friends.
4si Mb. wTA
v. if
prompt aniwor and an bonert opinion, write to
MIJN N fc CO.. who hare bid nearly shy yews'
experience In the patent butlnt is. Communica
tions strtctlr confldentUI. A Handbook of in
formation concerning Patents and bow to oo
fctaln them sent free. Alto a catalogue of median
wlcal and cientlOo books sent free. . .
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
special notice In the Kejentlnc Amerlrnn. and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out cost to the Invontor, This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, bas by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work In the
world. 3 a year, tsmnle copies sent free.
Building Kdltlon.monthlr. W0 ye'- "J""'8
eoples, 'Ja cents. Krery number contains beau-
tlrill nla.tta In Milnr. ami tthnf mrrantlS Or nCW
pouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
Notice to Teachers.
Notice is hereby given that 1 will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves us candidates for
teachers oftho public sohools of this
oouuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examination will bo held
on tho Friday proceeding tho Sd Sat
urday of each month.
The standing desired for 2d and
ij'l prado oertiOoatcR is tho funic no
grado below 70 per cent., average 80
per.eent; for first grado certificate
no grado hoiow 80 por cent., avorage
90 per oent. in all hraiiohoa required
by law.
D. M. HoNTR,County Supt,
Insurance Arciic',
,. Represents
"A Uermau Insurance Co , Frt-eport.Ul. .
Royal msuiBnctiCo,, Liverpool, KnRiana.
Home Fire Iiiiunnco Co., of, Omnlia, Nebr. ,
1'hoenlx Assurance Co. ot London, Kn.
To Manchester Klre AbsaraiiooCo.ot Bimland.
Hrltlsh America Assurance Co. ToronUj, Can.
MuIuhI lleserve Fund Lite Asiu.of N. Y.
The Workman Building and Loan Association
of Llucoln, Nebraska. . . .
OlUoe over Mizer'a Store.
Red Cloud, . Nibraak
The Sweetest Almfc
) requires
Guitar, Mandolin,
Ran lo or Zither.
They are the product of the Largest
Musical Factories in tr.o worm bhuimo
unequalled lor toneorlinlih. Scad to
the makers,
Lyon & Healy, Chicago,
for a Ilcaullful Catalog-tie, (FREE)
containing portraits ol ninety artists.
Washburns are sold by all firtt-clas.
iwuiic ucaiers.
Try Something: Else Ilrsldes reanntl
Neat Time Yon do to the Circus.
If there Is anything In the world that
an elephant loves better than a peanut
It Is an orange, and If any boy who
reads this wishes, when ho goes to tho
circus, to give the massive creaturo an
especial treat, Instead of paying D cents
for a bag of peanuts to put In the ele
phant's trunk, let him purchaso for the
samo money one good-sized orange and
present It to tho small-cycd, flat-carod
monster. A number of years ago; In a
book which was called "Leaves from
the Life of a Special Correspondent,"
Mr. O'Shea, the author of the book,
gave tho following description of an
adventuro ho had with a herd of ele
phants. Ho said: "A yourTg friend
asked me once to show him some ele
phants, and I took him along with me,
having first borrowed an apron filled
with oranges. This ho was to carry
while acompanytng me in tho stable,
but tho moment we reached tho door
tho herd set up such a trumpeting
thoy had scented tho fruit that he
dropped the apron and Us contents and
scuttled off like a scared rabbit. There
wero eight elephants, and when I
picked up the oranges I found 1 had
twenty-tlvo. I walked deliberately
along tho line, giving ono to each.
When I got to tho extremity of tho
narrow stable I turned nnd was about
to begin distribution again, when I
suddenly reflected that If elephant No.
7 in tho row caw me glvo two oranges
In succession to No. 8 he might imagine
ho was bclne cheated nnd cio mo a
smack with his trunk that Is wuerc
tho elephant falls short of the hum-in
being so I went to tho door and be
gan at tho beginning as before. Thrlco
I went along tho lino, nnd then I wns
in a fix. I had ono ornngo left, and 1
had to get back to tho door. Every ele
phant In the herd had his greedy gazo
focused on that orange. It was as
much as my llfo was worth to glvo It
to any ono of them. What was I to do?
I held It up conspicuously, coolly
peeled It, nnd ato It myself. It was
most amusing to notlco tho way thoso
elephants nudged each other and shook
their ponderous sides. They thor
oughly entered Into tho humor ot the
We Have 'em Yet !
Those Beatif ul
Bound books I
bbS I yakQeaVaKimWMnTeVi
Car Conductors Get It from Humping;
ARitlnst the Hulling.
There Is a new dlseaso In town, and
any one who persistently rides on the
rear platform of a cable car may con
tract It, says a New York paper.
If ho persists In It he Is very nearly
suro to get it. He may think he has got
a cold "In tho small ot his back," or
lumbago, or a "crick In tho back," or
"rheumatlz," or simply Indigestion. But
he hasn't any ono of them. What he
has Is called "cable back" and by tho
Third avenue conductors "grip back,"
and ho'll get it nine times out of ten
It he spends his. substance in riding
around the curves at Fourteenth street
and Fifty-third street. Particularly
will he get it it he Is one of our fellow
citizens who believe a conductor is em
ployed to entertain tho passengers. A
largo number ot conductors on tho
Broadway cable cars arc beginning
to complain ot the excessive soreness
across their backs just below tho waist
line. Tho tall fender ot tho car has a
heavy brass rail which is about tho
height of an avernged-slzed man's coat
tall buttons. Tho custom of tho con
ductors, when they are not assisting
passengers to get on and oft tho cars
or runnings errands for deaf and elder
ly persons, Is to lean negligently
against this brass rail and discuss the
silver question. The grlpman has no
use for a conductor. He regards him
as an unnecessary evil In the samo cate
gory as a cross-eyed fox-terrier caught
In the cable slot, and when ho observes
tho conductor In repose, ho gives his
grip a little extra twist, bangs his bell,
nnd shoots nhend, slamming his asso
ciate's back against tho rail. This con
stant shock has resulted in the partial
crippling of a number of conductors.
Physicians are Inclined to regard con
tinuous shocks to the splno or any of
the organs, especially tho kidneys, u
certain to produco serious disorder!. It
is not known that any conductor is
seriously affected with "cablo" or "grip
back," but If you ask the next conduct
or you ride with ho will probably tell
you that ho has got the new disease,
"grip back."
A Word la Reason.
Wo advise people to lay In a supply
ot champagne ueioro mo prico jumps
iid. for It this kind of stock market
keens up the stock-broker will Inaugur
ate a change ot diet from the beer and
sandwiches ot the past two years to
champagno and pato do fole gras.
When things are coming his way there
Is no Individual who spends money
more freely than your Jol!y broker.
Boston Commercial Bulletin.'
Sprayed About the House, It Keep Out
tho Hummer Tents.
"I nover use window screens, said
a wise housekeeper tho other day, "be
cause I havo a fancy that they shut out
all the air in hot weather, and, besides,
they servo to keep the flies in the house
equally as well as out."
"But I nover see a fly In your house,"
said her friend. "How do you manage
It? For my part, I must confess that,
screona or no screens, my summer
means to mo one long battlo with the
llttlo pests."
"My remedy Is a simple ono," said
the good housekeeper, "and I learned It
years ago from my grandmother, when
I used to sit and watch her putting
bunches ot lavender flowers around to
keep tho flics away. My method Is
simpler. I buy 5 cents' worth of oil
of lavender at tho drug storo and mix
It with the samo quantity of water.
Then I put It In a common glass atom
izer and spray It around tho rooms
wherever flics are apt to congregate,
especially in the dining-room, whero I
sprinkle it plentifully over the tabic
linen. Tho odor Is especially disagree-
auic to nies anu mey win never venture i
In tho neighborhood, thoueh to most!
people It has a peculiarly fresh and
grateful smell."
To all who subscribe or pay up.
Like In New Tork nnd Chicago.
A minister's salary In Morocco Is
about 60 cents a day. Yet thoy all ac
qulro great fortunes, and ono of thorn
lives In a bouso of which tho celling
ot tho chief apartment cost 120,000, . . . .. ,
This is tho result of oppression and ex- A comp ote new line of wall paper
,ortioni Taylor a at bottom prices.
Krudltn Commission Now Selecting; a
bite for Klo .Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro, the capital ot Brazil,
has n notoriously bad climate. It Is a
fastness of yellow fever and subtle trop
ical ailments, and tho death rate Is so
alarmingly high as to seriously affect
the commercial prosperity of the city.
Some tlmo ago the Brazilian govern
ment took In hand tho question of re
moving their capital and appointed a
scientific commission to fix a site, says
the Pittsburg Dispatch. The commis
sion have selected a plateau which
should bo a real land of promlso to the
transmigrants from tho coast. The
spot Is between tho parallels of 15 de
grees 40 minutes and 16 degrees 8 sec
onds south, and the merldlnns of 49 de
grees 30 minutes and CI degrees west
It Is over 4,000 feet above the level of
the sea and Its temperature resembles
that ot middle France. There Is plenty
of water for agriculture and no yellow
fever. Tho Journey by rallwuy from
the coast Is a matter ot some eighteen
hours. This Is believed to bo the first
occasion on record In which science has
been called In to choose tho site of a
Lnut Jans Dlok Crawford brought his
twelve-months old child, nattering from
infantile dlnrrlues, to me, It had been
weaned at four months old and had al
wayf been slokly. I gave It the naual
treatment in snoh oases bat without ban
fit. The oblld kept growing thinner un
til it weighed bat little more than when
born, or perhaps ten pound. I then
started the father to giving Chamber
lain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrheas rem
edy. Before one bottle of the '-'5 oent
s'ze had been used a marked improve
ment was tnea and its continued use
eared the oallu. its weakness and puny
ooastitntien disappeared and Its father
and myself believe the ohild's Ufa was
saved by this remedy. J. T., M.
D., Tasmania,, 111. For sale by Deyo Ac
Griee druggists.
I. i
Repair work done at Foatherly &,
Young second hand store. I repair guns,
revolvers, parasols, door and trunk locks,
gas stoves (It keys and oowing machines
I will take produce in oxebango for my
work. E. A, Youno.
We also give away that beautiful world's fair
book, the charming and delightful
No other paper in the west gives you such grand
premiums as we do.
. Call on or addiess The Chief, Red Cloud, Neb,
j i
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