ma4KMvv' miUi'StSlRikkm THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1895. t e jdVicSHHIIlBl!SiSHB s If 1 'TO THE CHIEF SWORN CIRCULATION 1,300. A. C. HoNMKit, Killtor. LAROYTait, As6t. Local Editor. E- r-Ti T-rnz i BUTTER AND EG68 TIN OMS AM CMS. In exchange for Shoos. If you do not want groceries for nil your produce, wo will accept duo bills or coupons tho Bamo as cash, in exchange for shoes, on any of the grocery stores in Rod Cloud. We are giving special vnlucs nnd mak ing vory low prices on our goods. You cannot do better than givo us all your trade on Boots and Shoes. A. II. Kalev. 91. W. A. llnnquct. CRED E. MoKBBBY, M. D. Pliyalclun mid Murtrcoii, City and country calls promptly nns wored. Over Cotting's Drugstoro, IJr.n Cloud. IIKIEF niBiXTIOX. R. L. Tinltur was in tho city this w rok. Dr. Damoroll was in tho city Satur day. Ed Shoror is tho daddy of a baby girl. Dr. F. E. McKcoby was in Denver last week. . Attorney Jns. Oilhara was in Hastings this week. One yard of tine toilet Boap for 2T cte. at Cotting's. Mayor Bontloy and wifo went to Lin coin Monday. Tho board of supervisors woro in sea eion this week. F. G. BlakeBloo and A. Galusha woro Lincoln this weok. Miss Emma Cook was visiting in Guide Rock this week. J. L. Miner made a business trip to Kansas City this weok. R. L. Alyoa was in Orleans last weok, returning homo Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Jones returned Tuesday from a visit with a lady friend in Hast ings. The B. & M. should plant a few ties in tho ground near tho depot for hitching posts. E. O. Parker and R. S. Proudflt of Guido Rock wore in Red Cloud this week. A cousin of Henry Clark, Mr. Eaton, of Indiana, is visiting in tho city this week. Mr. Bennett and daughter, Nolllo, were in Phillips county, Kansas, tho past week. J. A. Hosmor. who was visiting with the editor for sovoral days, has roturned to Des Moines. Mrs. Jno. Polnioky and daughtor, Emma, returned Monday from a wook'a Visit in Wilbur. Miss Ray Letson wont to Hastings Saturday for a short visit, leaving thore tho first of tho week following for Den ver: John Ferguson, of Guido Rock, and Jeromo Bailey, two solid republicans, were Groat Family Weekly visitors this week. Prof. Castor boardod the loaded train f"6r Denver Monday evening, to attend the Teachers' Association in session thoro this weok. L. II. Bockwith received a tolegram Monday. sayi'g that his father in Mich igan waa seriously ill, and he dopartod for that placo Tuesday. Miss Ella ReraBborg and Miss Lulu Hnrhnr were attending the National Teachers' Association at Denvor this week, also viowing the surrounding country. Mrs. H. C. McMaster, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. S. I. Cozad of this city, accompanlod by her daughtor, returned to her homo in Franklin Mon day evening. Tho Teachers' Convention in Denver this week ia attracting thousands. Tho exourelon trains aro crowded, and "15" was compelled to run in two aeotlonB ono evening. Nino Rod Cloud teachers aro in attendance. Owing to about twonty-Beven miles of the Rock Island's track being waBhed out. that comnany is running its excur sion and regular trains over the B. & M. , Tko damage was done last Tnursimy light during tho hard ratn storm, near lbv, Kansas. Coca Cola is good for headache. Coca Cola is good for the dyspepsia. M. B. Frees was in this city this weok, Envelopes 5c n package at Deyo & Grice's. Call and seo Taylor's carpots before buying. A. Galusha and boh wero in Lincoln this woek. Coca Cola, ico cold, for thirsty pcoplo at Cotting's. Miss Mabol McMillan is homo from a visit in Wymore. Homor Kinsol will teach school this fall near Bluo Hill. Jas. McNony was attending court in Hastings this week. Mrs. Oscar Fottor was visiting in Campbell this woek. Ex-Congressman McKeighan is visit ing frionds in Chicago, A largo aBsortmont of envelopes just rocoivod at Doyo & Grice's. Not 10 to 1 but G for D is tho way Cot ting soils his eticky fly paper. "Way down in a cornllold" is tho way they will sing this yoar, wo guoss. Letter papor 10 etc. per quire, enve lopes 5 cte. por packago at Cotting's. Mrs. J. F. Wintors and family loft for Salt Lake City on Saturday evening. Louis Otmar will start a shoe shop in Cook's building bouUi of tho The Chief. Tho trying ordeal will Boon bo over and then Nobraska will bo hor own again. D. F. Scammon is revelling in tho luxury of roasting earn from his own garden. Fred Fraso was sent to his fathor in Harlan county, this week by tho board of insanity. Harvesting is now on in full force in Webster county and small grain will be a fair crop. Nets Longtin and John Polnicky have fortiilod tho rears of their saloons with n high board wall. Morhart & Son's is headquarters for binding twino. Do not fail to soo them if you want bargains. On to-morrow ovening, Hon. C. W. Kaloy loaves for a pleasure jaunt in Ohio and elsowboro. Tho county levy should have boen 14.8 mills instead of 10 as stated in a pro- vious ieBuo of this paper. "Orange Blossom" is safe and harmless as a Flax Seed Fonltioo. Any lady uao it herself. Soldjjy C, L. Cotting Wavorly bicycles, tho best in tho world, for Bale by W. W, Wright. PricoB reasonable See bim if you want a bike. tf I have a few hundred dollars of pri vato monoy to loan on roal nstato at 10 per cent per annum. Time to suit. M. R. Bontloy. T. W. Hatfield, city pound master, is doing good work taking up stray cattle and horses, and onco in a while a canine and lomotimos a bovine. Street Commissioner Bennett has gone to work fixing up tho dilapidatoe condi ditionof tho streets, sidewalks, Ac. Ho is a good man and will do the work well. A mad bull came meandering through tho streets of Red Cloud tho other day. Poundmastor Hatfiold took the wonder or to headquarters. It was a "bully" joke on the owner. Anthony Scbaffor is the man of men of Red Cloud these days for tho laborer. Ha is employing a largo number of mon and boys in his boot fields. Ho has over 100 acres to look after. Tho high water of the 4th washed the culvert out, west of the corporation, on 4th avenuo. The torrent took tho largo sewer plpo out like drift wood and car- riod the eoctionB down stream, breaking many of them in pieces. Mrs. N. M. Ball announces to tho pub lic that sho is now prepared to furnish fir6tclasa board and lodging, also fur nished rooms to lot. Rates, 25c per meal; 1.00 per week for board and lodging; day board, 13.50. Location, 4th avonue hotol. 20 4t Over throe years ago a man by tho n amo of Pixlor, labored for Rev, Hum mel. During that timo ho lost his watch in a lagoon. One day this woek tho watch was found by Lloyd McCall, eon of Supervisor McCall, in good condition and ticked away as it nothing bad hap pened. Aultz & Dyor, in addition to their regular business of buying poultry and hides, have gone into the butter and egg business. Tho firm is a good ono and will rnako things hustle, xney are old banda at the business, and will make a euccesa of it Seo their advertiement ia another placo of today's paper. Tho weekly Sunday-school eong ser vice was held in Red Cloud last Sabbath at 3 p.m. in tho Baptist church. A largo crowd was presont and the sorvicoB were of tho usual interesting nature. They are of much benefit to tho Sunday- aohool cause, and oftlmes incroaso tho membership largely. We hopo Presi dent Albright will keep them up. Bww jgggggBgfchgggM vU ItAIMtOAl) NOTi:s. On Wednesday ovening a largo mini bor of tho membership of Red Cloud Camp, No. G08, M". W. A., and tholr friends iissomhlod in thoir hall for pleas ure and feasting. Tho Camp is in flno condition and rapidly growing to bo ono of the finest secrot and mutual aid bo ciotics in existence. At 8:30, Venorablo Consul Mauror dropped tho gavel on tho pedostal, and with a fow remarks started tho ball roll ing. Tho program was oponed by sing ing "A Welcome Song" by several voices. Cbarloy Gllham mado n short addross, The Misses Grace Fort and Blancho Sherman entertained tho audience with a lino duet. P. V. C. F. G. Blakesloo amused tho audionco with n pleasant talk. Thad McNltt nnd Lew Vanco gave tho audience somo sweot music from tho mandolin and guitar. O. C. Bell, Stowart Albright, Lois Popo, and Blancho Cummings sang vory sweetly "Como Whero My Lovo Lios Dreaming." Edward and Elmer Blakesloo favorod tho guests with a line duet that Bet tho audionco into convulBivo luughtor. Stowart Albright sang n solo, "When Ijovo ia True," niter which supper was callod. Tho lf0 peoplo presont wero highly entertained. During tho supper hour, Cutis. Olmstoad and others ontor tained the nudienco with excellent mu sic. Tho Woodmen know how to enter tain in mngniticont stylo, and wo hopo they will do bo ofton. On Thursday evening just aa tho board of education was about to convene Ub session thoy rocelved u telegram from Prof. Caster, dated Denvor, withdrawing his namo ns an applicant for tho supor intendoncy of tho city schools. The fight ngainst Prof. Caster has boon a bitter ono ominating from personal grievances, but wo imagino that it will bo sometime boforn tho board eeourca another man that will do tho good work in tho schools that ho did. Who tho new superintendent will bo is not known, but tho board should do their best to secure a man who will uphold tho high standard of our schools in tho earno lino that Prof. Caster has during hie four yean incumbency. Doc Fort, our affeblo county clork, is a practical josher. Tho other day "his den" was the Been of much sport whioh bordered on tho infornal. During the 4th of July downpour the "old ranch" sprung a leak and tho hoavonly dow drops rushed in upon tho documents in torrents. In ordor to dry them Col. Parker was transferred to tho front ofllco and Doc built a fire in the etovo, shut tho windows, and procoodod to givo tho documents a "hot ronBt." To mako thojoko more satisfactory ho would confl dentially invito his friends in the back room. Tho follow would innocontly go fortb.only to catch on.uud with one swift backward movomont would rotreat in good shape. It was hotter than hades and tho boys didn't fancy tho amuso mont, About fifty swallowed the joke boforo Doo had enough. Agont Conovor nnd wife spout tho Fourth in Cowlea. Acont Conovor reporta nlno excursion tickets sold to Denver this woek. Kond master McFarlnnd was ovor his division tho foro part of this wook. C3 Ed Hansen of McCook was horo at tending to company business tho first of tho wook. Owing to bo many oxcutsionista going to Denvor, No. 15 was run in two sec tions Friday. Bort Blair, tho mossago boy, visited relatives in Concordia tho4th,roturning homo on No. In tho 7th. Everett Dor is in Sheridan, Wjo., waiting for un oponing. Ho expects to go to work in a fow days. Operator Winger wassomowhat undor the weather tho first of tho week, but is again nblo to pound brass. Conductor Emlght camo down from McCook Friday and took tho school ma'am special wost Saturday morning. Tho pay car on No. 15 Wednesday night wns an important foaturo, and no doubt gladdened tho hearts of a fow of thobojs. Landlord Dilloy, of tho Eating House, reports a rush in business this week. Ho was not awiiro until rcoontly that school teachers could eat tnoro than any ono else. round A strnn of gold bonis. Finder enn hnvo samo by calling on Mrn. J. E. Shlnklo Rod Cloud, nnd paying for this notice - ii - -- At a regular meeting of Rod Cloud Lodge No. 93 D. of II., A. O. U. W., Tuesday evening July 0, tho following ofllcerB were installed by Past Chiof of Honor Mrs. J. B. Stnnser: Maud Fulton, Past C. of II. . Kato Pond, C. of II. Lillio Ovaring, L. of II. Martha Butler, C. of C. II, E. Pond, Recorder. Martha Sleepor, Financlor. Sarah Hutchinson, Treasurer. Mary Kralic, Ushor. Mrs. T. G. Wildor, I. W. J. T. Jesson, O. W. R. P. Rutchinson, Advisor to C. of Orlona Crabill, Maid of Honor. Mrs. It. K. Skeen, Maid of Honer. II. The World's Fair Tests ahowct no baking powder 9 pun or tcTgreet la wry taing power ms tb R?yll Red Cloud Will Boom. Bentley's ball to bo turned into a publio reading reotn. Everybody in vited to attend tho grand opening Tuesday evening July lGth. No ad mission to tho main hall where plenty of eommon-ovory-day liko Bimplcs of living volumes will bo distributed to the masses for their perusal and en joyment which guarantees a jolly good timo if you only attend. In tho ad joining room there will be a few of tho main select volumes. Select from every point of view. Binding, size, giltedge, trimming, portrait and plain print if you wish to handle, examioo or read it will cost you tho small sum of a dime, to help dofray oxponscs. There are two prominent objects in reading, amuRcment and knowledge These should bo combined into one. Aay of the soleot volumes will contain both. Among our list you will find "Robo in Bloom." a beautiful little velumo. Rose is a great admirer of boys; always ready to amuie and nev er fails to impart knowledge "Undor the Lilaos" is another of our select ions of medium lizo, very pleasing and instructive. Think of that dog and the bey! Hal hal that kind heart ed girl. O read it and find out for your self. Thoro will be fifty of theso select books. Space will not permit special montion of caoh, farther than to Bay that if ever you wanted to bo a Brigham Young in your lifo it will bo the ovoning of July 18th. i The Chief does all kinds of job work in first class stylo and at bottom prices, When it comiB to low prices wo havo no competitors. Try us. To prevent pnlo nnd delicate children from lapsing into ohronio invalids later in life, they should take Ayer's tiaraapa- rilla together with plenty of wholesome food und oat-door oxorolse. What they need to bnild np th system is good red blood. . i Comparo tho following prices with those you havo been paying tho combin ation feed stores: No. 1 full pationt flour 81 00 No. 2 patent por Back 90 No. 3 pationt per Back 80 Corn chop per 100 lbs 120 Shorts per 100 lbs 1 10 Wheat chop por 100 lba 1 10 Bran per 100 lbs 90 Corn and bran chop por 100 lbs.. . . 1 25 No. 1 oats por bushol 35 No. 1 corn per bushels 55 Romombor we pay cash and oxact cash on dollvory. Red Cloud Produco Co. $3 00 well spout; and a rebate of 12.00 in tho form of a boantifol wall map of United States. Subscribe for tho Rand McNally Guide. The list of letters remaining at the post ofilco uncalled for up to July llth, lbOo: Fifor Mrs. A. M. Fry John Nlderkorn John Krout Mary A Wilkerson T II Sutherland Mrs L Tho ubove letters will bo sent to the dead letter office July 11, 1895. If not called for. Fuank Co wijen, Postmaster. Dock Illatory Repent Ituolfl Many yoars havo gono by since Red Cloud began to tmprovo and assumo metropolitan aire; many tho councils who havo endoavored to improve our Btreote, and thus gain notorioty over thoir predecessors. Tho most noticeablo efforts havo boon on main streot and 4th avonue, for about evory other council from the beginning of our city has tuckod and filled, and tho next one would dig nnd spill. It our present council would only spond tholr timo nnd money on main street anu am avenuo, and cut 4th avonue down a llttlo, wo would be led to oxclaim in the language of ono of old: "Verily, history doth re pent itself." Selahl Citizk. :; WHAT IT The People Want Good Goods at LowjPrices ! We can give you the best flour for less money than any one in the city .... 1 lb good chewing tobacco 20c 1 lb good smoking tobacco 15c 20 lbs best Rice you ever saw for $1 20 lbs best Raisin cured prunes for 1 1 lb best Tea for - 25 cents 10 lbs best Peaches for - $1.00 10 lbs best Pitted Plums, - J .00 Can't be bought anywhere for this money, , . . One of the best nutmeg graters you ever saw ior 10c. Every lady needs one. Come and see them. .... We are selling evaporated apples for less than anyone in town. We want everybody to come and see the above goods We ecu give you biilmon nt 10c a enn that is first elass goods. Everyone says it is fine. "We want everybody to bring their Butter and Eggs to me and ge; goods at way down prices. Yours respectfully B. F. Mizer. Beware of circulars sent out by other Houses, as I will knock their prices galley west. Come and see me. EGGS! in i DYER EGGS! General Coittrissior AerGharts. Wholesale Doalors and Jobbers in Awarded ; Hit but Honors-Wtrld'4 hW rtHH ggs, Pides, fups, SPEGULT IES PflDLTRr. QUE, BUITfR AND EfiQS. CREAM BAWNG POWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE. A puie Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. m torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Write or wire for track price en Eggt. Yu ch always get a CASH OFFER fremiti. Red Cloud; Nebraska. 1 ! J im M i" ! u it, f ' i tew . ' i w r. ?44jX31XQl 1 1.. SSSfafeTOMrStfaMwiriiiiirTii , awwteMmrs -jf j. wi,iu-y