The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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'I'll iji ;.....,... ..
xujii xvjiii vuiUJL ViaXJCiJC, JDXtJLLikX. fJUiN H, "Z. Iwn
The SitTing Tonic
MnkM tliln, imli'.Kli'My iKMiplunull ami strong.
liii 4iipitt
Cures iliMr.v) nf Irr effects of this trying epi
demic and restores lst vigor mid vltiillty.
Impure lilooil
Ecicmii.twofiiln, imiliirlii, pimples blotches.
General WcnkiiciN
Onnstltutlnn all run down, lots of mnliltron
and Hi'iK'lllc, ticrtoiiiic, tired and sleepless.
AtlinmnlMN r0 cent nml ifil.Ol) Size.
IotiJIJh' (liihlii lo llriUlh" fiw-ConmiltAtlon free.
Till. KlI.UKIt & C(l., UlNdllAUTON, N. V.
Council Proceeding.
Tho city council met in rt'Kulur sen
sion Suly II, 1S!." with Mayor Huntley
in lliu ulinir ami a full council present.
MinutuH of lust meeting read and ap
proved. On motion tlio following bills were
allowed on water tax:
JWKIndsoll n7S Wtot i; is
IjI'Alliilglit i.i w
KM lt(iil 7 U)
A C llimrncr S 00
Wilcox, I McMillcn HUM)
J (J Warner . :i 75
Total m i"
On motion tlio following liilln were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on
tin ce tie nil fund:
Jim llnrklcy, dmjiigii $ 4"i iJi
II I', l'limlll inn sd wilier cum Ids no
W V Wi rt 7 tim iil clt clerk fis 7.'i
Shea k 'liiriiiMOKliiLTlcH for immk- 4 Till
Central Si-war I'lpo Co ' as
Jlinr lli'lil work a .10
llnr(j IVrry work 00
111 Hivk mi'il ocnlrcH (or (ir Ill UU
Jerry U'Coiiiht IiiIhii-ou Ktrml I 00
1 W Dowlrtui, for cml 1iS'i
(iarlock fucking Co hiihiIIii , h 2.,
liiKlo I'otmclr) Co supplies 1, Ut
i W Dim ill ni tri'iw IHU (HI
U W Dowuxprt'SSHUpplli'S I id
fl A Miller nl for night watch iff. CO
UWDow llliirksmltlilng 7 05
Di'JoIiV (!rU'iisiiiill(w lur pmir p o."
Traders Lumber Co iX
lloird nf ljimllrulloii fl 00
J 1 Curr liilmr l :.0
A M lii her A CoKlHxIrt forlmor 1! 'St
J C DickiTKin lulxir mi wnter I (HI
Ij A Atiltz li.mlliiK co il for poor 100
W v right t'liiilniim II Jo
KM Mm tin Hilary ns tildcrmuu Ml H)
t'linH H litilTtilt " " f.0 00
i: J I'liMplnr M0)
:ill'ntiir '
W It Itnlij ut iiuijnr II i!7
Oil Cinnii fees 100
Kid Cloinl Klre Department Ill 1 10
J M KcIliirsi'iiKlni'rr'iiKid llino i'10 fO
Louisa llnnc kit'plim ixior H do
Mln.-r l'i us goods for pi or "J m
JimJrHHi'il labor oil wilti-r Ctuo
KM Al irlln , yon t!iMlrt lor poor I in
A J ('Hn IuImitoii Pirt'et a 7
Kokh A ltlfo dnijuo j CO
KA ltoenl.iHnrk m wuw.r 4 on
A C lliwtiier prlnllnu: ll on
Jno lllllli lieyconlH (, 01
II I'. I'nnil Juno mini j- in no
On motion the iinine of A. T. Ayrc
wik taken off of tlio Imnd ot M. Stern
On motion license whh issued to one
or iiioio men upon tins pa) merit of J.'iOO
as liceno mid $.")lri an occupation tax-
'flu minor iiiMiueU'd tlio day and
niulil umrslials to enforce thcordiiMiiuo
in remii to tlio tax on diK!.
On million oniinanco No. Ill which
proliibiiH the ridinis of hicycle.H on the
id.iilvs, was adopted.
Ailj imni'd.
Council ordored water coiuinit-Biiner
to collect all witter rent duo tho city it
oneo iind if not collectwl by July lr. to
cut oil tlio wuter from th ilclimiuuntH.
L'lork was instructed to notify tho water
commipsioner of action of tho council in
nlxiNo matter.
Tho hill of CS. V. Dow, treimuror, for
coal amount $V.Y2' was ordered drawn
(in occupation fund instead of gum-rnl
A '-.oriiK klckd H. 8. Sliafer, of tlio
Frcimjer lloiiiso, MiihilabtirK, N. Y., on
the knee, which Inid lilm np lu bed and
canned Hii kneo joint to beeonie etilT. A
friend reeomnieiided him toti8C!innibur
taiii'H I'liin HhIiii, wltloh he did, and in
two (hi) ,h was iiIiIb tu (lu arouivJ. Mr.
.Slnifer has recommended U U ninny
otlietH mid mij-s it w excellent ftw any
l.ind of a bruiti) or sprain. Thli sumo
temid) U aloo fumou for lt euren of
chdimatlim. lor nale by Dcjo &, (Jrice
'S'ciicIiciV Iiistllnlc,
'.''lie uiHtitute wiH be held at HedCloud
ou week, conwnenoinK at 1:15 o'clock
ji. iu. Monday, AugUBt 10, 1SJ5.
As tho length of inutituto hna bcon
rediKvd to one week for the purjioso of
ieEhouio' expenses to teachers, all per
nios who intend to teach in this county
iro expi-oted lo bo present during tho
wholo week unless previourly excueed
by tho Riijwrioteiidont.
J teiichur can neloct attending
teachers' institutes without causint; pro
fesio.ial Joss to hiuielf, and n conse
quent loss to tho pupils ot tho school
that ho tries to touch.
Then will bo no examinations tit tho
cloco of inptituto. l'ortiona iiitoiulini; to
tench in thin county nro ii'iiueRtud to
Cn ah ...i t xt.iniijiitiuus Juh J'.'.h .mil
Ji3th, ;u cxainitiatioii jjupeia of those J
t iklritf exuuiinntion August JlGth and
17th will not bo Kradod till tlio week fol
lowing inttitule.
On August 17th thoro will bn tin ox
nmlnntion of nil pcreors who dcslro n
cortillcato from tho County Superin
tendent to enablo thorn to enter n High
Tho County Superintendent will take
subscriptions for as many good educa
tional papors (is posEiblo at tho time of
institute, and subscribers will bo given
tho bonollt of any special rates thutmny
bo allowed by tho publishers. Tho fol
lowing exorcises will bo held in tho
Monday lilocutionnry Kntottainrnent,
Miss Mabel l' I'rutsiiiiin, Uouno Col
logo, TuesdayLecture, (probably) Dr. O. E.
MucLean, Chunc. Stuto University of
Wednesday Union Prnyor Mooting.
Thursday-ljecturo, Stato Supt. II, IT,
Friday Locturo, (probably) Hon, V. K,
Andrews, Congrostmtn Fifth District
Thursday nfternoonwill bo dovotod
principally to thodscussion of subject s
interesting to school ofllcora and patronB.
School otllcora arcspocinlly ruiuested
to bo prcfli nt at this t hue.
l?rof. Jno. F. Curran, jrincipnl of
I II no illll schools, will give instruction
in Orthography (word analysis), Gram
mar and Composition, Arithmetic (niont
al and written), and School Mnnngemont.
Mies Ida A. Tow, ot Itcatrico schools,
will instruct in Drawing, 1'onmanship,
Reading and GymnasticH.
Mr. L. 1. Albright of 1M Cloud will
conducttho singing of the institute, and
will give teachorsa special drill in vocal
music each day.
Two poriods of each day will be de
voted to work by divisions in which
members of the institute will conduct
class drills. Thcso exercises will bo
followed by a discussion ot methods of
DAir.v im:(n;kam:
a. M.
8.00 Oponing Exercises.
8:.-0 Class Drill and Discussion of
th.'M) School Manogoruent.
10:10 Gymnastics.
10:l,"i Grammar and Composition.
l'.'.OO Kccess.
I1. M.
l:l.")-Drill in Vocal Music.
1:50 Arithmetic.
'2:110 Gymnastics.
H.00 Class Drill and Discussion of
1:20 Penmanship.
1:15 Closo.
Any porson desiring further informa
tion in regard to institute or educational
work of tho county may got it by ad
dressing tho County Superintendent,
D. II. Uk.ntki:,
Hod Cloud, Nob.
Captain Sweonoy, U. S. A., Hun Diego.
Cal. Hiiyi: "Shiloli'M Catarrh Remedy is
the ilrnt medieilie I have ever found that
would do mu any nood." Frico fiOo. For
sale by C. I. Cottiug.
Narkct ltcMH-t.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat j (jj
Corn (;o
Onte :tr,
R (0
Flax l -,
Hogs :i J5 I on
Stoci: hogs ii oo:j 00
l' at co wa ;i fin
Uuttor n
Potatoes 100
Chickens b 4
Spring Chickens Ji UMftl 00
TurkejH lb o
Hailed ilay ,,or tonlO
ISucklcii'M Arnica Sulvc.
The best salve in the world for outs,
bruises, Bor-s, Ulcers, Salt rhoum, fevor
sores, totter, chapped hands, chillbliiiim,
corns, and all skin eruption, aud posi
tivjly cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
br monpv refunded, l'rice 25 ceute per
oox. Foralo byCottlng-. tf
medicine anil ltellloit.
From Judge.
A pastor of n very poor church wished
tu pre-ont his congregation with hymn
books, but did not havo tho money
wlxironitli to buy thwii.
Tlio proprietor r a patent medicino
oiTerod togie the books, provided bo
were allowed to insert his advertise.
monU in them. Tho preacher gladly
consented. Whoa the books arrived lie
examined tnom carefully, but could not
Hud tluwuhoitisciiiotit. Congratulating
himself on his good fortune, hw presont
ed them on Faster Morning, then an
nounced, "Wo will Biug the hjinii on
page 00."
Ono glanuo at tho page and a vory
audible smile went through tho con
gregation. Tho hnin road as fellows:
"lliuk, tliulieiaidiuu'cN sln!
JiiliusonS pH am Just Hie tiling; on e it ih, nml mere) inllil,
Two fm m. in, nml nun for v 1 1 1 1 1,"
Tuko jour wagon work to Stapleton
Ho forges ay irons for buggiosout of tho
best Norway iron, usos no nia'leabh) iron
in repnuing buggies.
Dr. P.-Icc'c Crcsrn Ltalns Powder
A Pure dropt Cream j Turtar Powder.
u - - "I
iltA.M TltllMi OFIICIAI,.
ItHomnlit No loiiKcr it Terror
or lliu Blard Worker While
I'alne'H Celery Compound I'.v
lli .Tlr. X. J. Ciraeo Speaku In
IraUe of It.
Ono of the clearest complcxioned,
best looking men in Hosloti today,
says tho Huston Globe, is a prominent
New Kngland agent of a great rail
road, who uses I'ninu'.H eclory cmii
pound spring and fall, and whoo wife
and children take it daily dutiug the
sprin" month.
1 N. J. Grace of the Grand Trunk
is a modest tuin, ono of tho best-likod
gentlemen in Hoston, and a thorough
railroad man.
3Y"on UHkcd about tho morits ot
I'ninc'fl celery compound ho said he
believed in it thoroughly, had used it
hinifielf and in hi family for two
years with tho nnst gratfying results.
"My boys oro using it now," he
said, "and I bcliove there is no bet
ter spring medicino than Pal no's cel
ery compound. A touch of rheuma
tism first urged mo to try it, and
times aftor that, when run down, as
most every on is at intervals through
tho ycrtr, I found that it revived tlio
vital spurk and made me fed bolter.
Never in all my experience among
men have i heard a remedy so highly
spoken of. Friends of inino have
used it with splendid results for dys
pepsia aud liver oompluint, wlulo for
insomnia, a neighbor of mine tells mo
that it will banish it in a night."
Mr. Grace is one of the healthiest
looking moo to bo mot with in Ronton
today. For fully U0 years ho has
bcon with tho Grand Trunk, yet in all
his lifo ho never looked bettor or en
joyed more freedom from pain then he
docs today. He is ono of tho thous
ands in this eity who have reason to
believe in Painc's celery compound.
Snmnntle Adventure In Japan ot a Hnn
U Francisco Sailor.
Charles Lltner is ono of the luckiest
sailors that ever sailed out ot this
port on n sealing schooner. Ho Is going
to bo married to one of tho prettiest
girls In Japan. Not only is she very
pretty, but her parents are very
wealthy, according to the story told by
C. Hiirdcll, says the San Francisco
Examiner. IJurdell came up on the
steamer Coptic last week. Speaking of
young Lltner, he said; "Chnrllo is the
son of Sebastian Lltner, a Inborer, who
lives out on Nineteenth avenue. He Is
an athletic young fellow and has al
ways hnd an ambition to sec tho world.
Thnt's why ho shipped on tho schooner
Jane Grey and went roving 'over tho
sens In search of seals and adventure.
While at Hnkodota, Japan, a few
months ago Lltner happened to be on
ono of tho chief thoroughfares one
afternoon when a spirited pony ran
away with a Japanese girl, Miss Siena
Kato. Lltner saved tho girl's life by
springing In front of tho runaway and
striking tho pony a stunning blow on
tho head with n club. The act was re
garded as ono of raro bravery, nnd be
fore wo left Japan It was announced
that Lltner was engaged to marry Miss
Kato. Ho was hurt In the accident and
was first taken to a hospital, but wns
afterward removed to tho joung lady's
rosldenco nt tho request of her parents.
Tho marriage ceremony was to havo
taken placo two weeks aftor wo sailed.
They aro probably married by this
Only Miiluy nnd Anierleiiii Inilliiin Uio
Thli Wonderful Weapon.
Tho blow gun Is ono of tho most re
markable savage devices In which com
pressed nlr Is used as a motive force.
Tho blow gun Is n simple tubo of cane,
smoothly cleared of tho Joint parti
tions, through which light darts, feath
ered with n tuft of down or pieces of
pith, nro propelled i,y,tho breath. Tho
blow gun Is used for killing birds and
small animals. Frequently tho arrows
nue poisoned, rendering tho light ilarf;
effective on larger game. The chief
merit of Hio blow gun Is Its accurasy
and tho sllenco with which It may bo
employed. The penetration of tho blow
gun dart Is greater thnn wouFU be
Imagined. At tho distance of fifty feet
I havolrlreu a blunt dart oncquar
Vr of an Inch Into a plno plank.' It Is
mated that tho rango of th blow gun
among some tribes Is 'from eighty to
100 yards. The blow gim Is a tropical
devlco and may bo looked for In
regions whero b.rmboo or cane grows.
Nevertheless, these tubes aro often
niado of lnrd wood, slnglo or of two
pieces lmllowcd out nnd joined to
gether, frequently ono tube Is thrust
Inside of another to securo rigidity.
The examination of many of theso blow
guns Inspires n great respect for tho In
genuity and mechanical skill of tho
workers. Tho North American speci
mens aro from tho Chetlmachas of
Louisiana, who frequently combine tho
tubes In scries, forming a compound
blow gun, and the Cherokees of the
Carollnas. From Central America, tho
Indians of Honduras nnd Costa lllca;
from South America, several Amazon
tribes from Ecuador cast nnd from
Hrltlsh Gulnnn employ the blow gun.
.Tint Itcnicinlirr Thcso Noiineone Miick
for Bhnrps nnd Flats,
"Amateur musicians often ore some
what embarrassed by the unexpected
query ns to what key a piece of music
is in when playing in company," re
marked a well-known music thechcr.
"They can tell on a llttlo reflection, but
an array of four or five sharps or flats
is apt to temporarily confuso the best
or them.
"Hero la a -simple little guide or re
minder, which, If rehearsed a few
times, will always keen them rlirht and
ready to mako a quick response to such
a question:
"In sharps Just dot down this sen
tence, tho capital letter beclnnlnir nneh
word representing an additional sharp,
from ono to six: "God Deluccd All
Earth Dy Flood.' In flats tho same
rule obtains In conectlon with this
amusing line: 'Fanny Daker Eats
Apple Dumplings Greedily.'
Wlno .Telly a la Mnth-Ilal!.
Now that tho lingering Bmell of tho
resurrected moth-ball la abroad In the
lnnd again, you will appreciate this
llttlo talo of misfortune. A girl I know
and another girl whom I have met gave
a luncheon not long ago. They aro
really marvels when It comes to cook
ing, and they prepared every dish
themselves. Among other things they
had wine Jelly, and, as everybody
knows, wine Jelly Is best when stralneJ
through flannel. They strained their
through flannel n piece of flannel they
found In a chest of winter clothing.
Tho luncheon began auspiciously and
proceeded triumphantly till tho Jelly
enme on. Ono girl tasted It. Then she
looked at tho other girl and a look of
horror crossed their faces. The Jelly
tasted of moth-halls. I don't believe
those girls will make Jelly again if they
live forever.
Tho Dog Understood.
Prof. Owen, a noted English scien
tist, tells a story of a dog named Lion,
who accompanied him and his master
on a walk once on the coast of Corn
wall. Tho master picked up a piece of
soaweed covered with minute animals,
and Mr. Owen observed to his com
panion: "If this small piece contains
so many treasures, how rich must tho
wholo plant be. How I should liko to
havo one!" The dog Instantly leaped
Into tho water and returned with t
plnnt of bcawced, which he laid at Prof
Owen's feet.
Go to to tho Hon Ton bakery for lino
ico cream. You can also got 4) loaves
of bread for 81.00.
ills Aim Was to Look I.lld- nickt-ns.
A familiar figure has vanished from
tho streets of Philadelphia. What has
become of him nobody knows, but ho
Is seen lu his old haunts no longer. His
name nnd his family history aro un
known to tho great number of his fcl-low-cltlzens
who knew his quaint faco
and figure so well. He was one of tho
army of Imitators that flourished long
ago, who made it their life study to npo
the mannerisms and the style of dress
of tho eminent novelist Dickens. Many
years ago, when Dickens camo to this
country, there were any number of men
who wcro told by their friends that they
greatly resembled tho illtistrloir Eng
lishman. The old gentleman whe Is tho
subject of this sketch was evidently ono
of these. Ho wore his hair brushed for
ward about his ears and neck: the
heard, shaven on the cheek, remained
always a handful on the chin, joining
tho mustache at tho corners of tho,
mouth. Ho wore tho stock and tlo thnt
Dickens affected, and ho even made It
a point to assume tho keen look which'
characterized tho great novelist. Now
ho hns passed away, and ho was tho lasf
of Dickens' Imitators.
Another Idiotic Waiter.
Tho man Durang, who iccently wort
a wager that ho would pose In full
military uniform ns a-statue forrtwunty
eight days, with only ono hour's resf
per day, has now mado nnother singu
lar bet. Ho has now entered Into nn
agreement to repose fpr the same length
of timo In a collln, with but one hour's
relaxation a day.
Ami Sllll tho I'lttlciit l.lvud.
Speaking from the point of view of
numbers, the largest medical consulta
tion ever hold, was that recently
convened In China, around tho boiKMdo
qf a member ot tho Imperial fauVlly.
There wero 324 physicians proocnt; but
tho patient lived, alter all.
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd. Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substltuto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aud Castor Oil. '
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
feverlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cares constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Cos
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castorla Is an excellent medietas for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told tn of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. Q. O. Osgood,
Lowell, Mara.
" Castoria Is the be&t remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day U not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castorla In
stead of the Tarious quack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graTea."
Da. J. P. Kixchixob,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Ooatavar Company, TI
Windmills, - Pumps, - Reapers
i W ii 'j 1 1 li" ' ' "" i TsMisiilBWTHLWn'JiW
""viir'n ,i ( ii' i lJ
$1 for The Red Cloud Chief.
SPECIAL NOTE TO OLD SUBSCRIBERS You can obtain thli Handsomo One Dollar Iloo.
jostago paid, by rcnev. Ing now for one year. If your subscription tlocs not expire for several
weeks or months yet, send In your renewal and (be date on jour paper will bo set forward
one year.
ample paper, seut on receipt of a to pay
Insist on
in packages
Costs n() more than inferior package soda
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni
versally acknowledged purest in the world.
Hade only by CHURCH & CO., Hew York,
Sold by grocer everywhere.
Write for Arm and Ilimmcr Hook cf valusblo Reoinoa rn.EE.
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It oa superior to any proscription
known to me."
II. A. Ancnsn, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians lu the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their exiiert
enco in their outsldo practice, with Costor&,
and although wo only havo among our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet wo ore free to confess that the
merits of Castorla has won us to look wltk
favor upon It."
Unitcd Hospital and Distchsart,
Boston, :
Axum C. Bwth, Prts.,
Mimr Street, New York City.
Size of page, u by i3Vi Inches.
Elaborate Cover in dold and Colors, ?'
Highly Enameled Paper."
WORTH $1.00.
THEcontcntiof tho art series of view
abovo referred to consists of a selec
tion ot hixtv rouu photographic
reproductions of tho Columbian l.x
position, and Is Inv.iiuaulo as well as
artistically beautiful,
Outflt. consisting of samplo of book and
cost ot wrapping, mall lug and prepayment.
of imitation
trade marks
and labels.
7 J