THE RED ( LOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1895. PENSION CHANCES. ?i I BlibSSOM The Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and reinvig- orating the entire Female Sys tem It removes an obstructions and creates a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female Snon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. "Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu corrhcea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceipt of $i . Dr. J. A. McGill & Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Far ial bj C. L. Culling Itcd Cloud. Forces In ths Varlout llranchea ClaudMed for tha Civil Hsrtlce. Wabiuhotoh, July 8. The work of readjusting uml classifying the forces of the pension otllccs of the country has Just been completed with a view to shortly extending to them the pro taction of the civil service laws. Here to fore, as long as tlio pension agent kept within the amount allowed to him for the expenses of his office, he could do pretty much as he pleased In reganl to the size of Ills force and tlio amounts of salary paid. When it was decided to put the cfllccs under the civil Bertie laws It was found neces sary to chango this system. The amount and character of the work dono by each office was carefully noted and classifications made accord ingly. V4ille this has resulted in small reductions, both In force and salary, In some offices, in others thero has been a corresponding Increase, the total appropriation being about the same. The date when the civil service order will go Into effect has not yet MONEYS IN CIRCULATION. Monthly Statement or the Comptroller 01 the Currency. Washinoton, July 3. The motirlilj statement of the comptroller of the currency shows theumount of nutloniil bank notes outstanding June 30, lrWi, to have been S'Jll.Ooo.tHtS, which is an increase for the year of SU.34 l.n'.U, the Increase for the mouth of June being 9313,6nl. The amount of circulation outstanding based on United State bonds wns 8180,002,0118, au lucrcasc for the year of $5,4"3,.'H, and for the month of 8l5.Uui!,SS0. The amount of lawful money on deposit to secure cir culation was S'JO.OUO.T'.'S. which is u de crease since June 30, 181M, of Sl,l.'.2,rJ3. The amount of United States regis tered bonds on deposit to secure circu lation was S207.f80.000. of which 810,- 405,500 was In the 4 per cents of I soft. The amount on deposit to secure pule lie deposits was Sl.V-'TH.OOO, of which 8575,000 was in thu new 4 per cent. been determined, but will probably be soon, now that the been completed. classification has We Have 'em Yet ! NEW ATERTISKNI'.MTN. atnauiii pub soukess QnHRULCnCSORE EYES Vn Tmtttttt, Wtw ElieoTiry. Vi Ctaitlci Cil BISMARCK SERIOUSLY ILL. The Vennrsbls Herman Chancellor Un able to Partake of Food. FiiiF.UF.itlciisKUHE, July .1. l'rlnce Illsmaick is seriously 111 and unable to partake of food. Count Herbert Ills march and tho other members of the ex-chancellor's family have arrived. The Ham rirlscho Correspondent, which has intimate relations with the Ilismarck family, says that l'rlnce Ills tnarck's health has been serious for the past week. He has been suffering from great physical depression, com bined with severe neuralgia In tho face, and la only able to tako liquid food. HOWCATE SENTENCED. The United State Defaulter (Sets Klght Years for Ilia Long l'aat Crime. Washington, July a. Captain Henry V. Howgatc, tho former signal service disbursing officer, who ufter years of Those Beautiful luiwiwtoUrsnoiate.iKyjgii,BfrojnionBorfKw I wandering as a fugltlvo from justice .fB. etin'.T'oeonTinceyou iwiu wna was found in New York city in busl- I0U"' iriaimenv rrrr. ..,, luic'iinil- liiinil l))0 I dealer IUU1 MUCIcripilon ot ygur cjva. -- - imprlbon- foeiription of jour Kjea. , ess as a boco.ui-ii.iiu im ... BuaaHSTii n brought back to Washington, r.?Bii,uwoiafc tenced to-duy to eight years' meut in the penitentitiry. laful; E. f.i.m una rvia ikj in murk. fjfe CklhfUV Engtl.h Momon.l IlraaiL Pennyroyal pills ROM.N. , 4.MM MUM. lDI , ITU fit t fcr trtKitrrr risvii" i" a fnna titan! m urn i " m"sw toui. Rialcl im iimrtiNn Take (.rtuaftMif kfiixif At IirUil"t.Of TO'UM. In Urnr.i for i.Ml?iilr. ifitluiMtUla atil ItVll.T for .ttII,inlr(lfr.bff rrlarn W MftlL 1IMHM rriinnoriUU Adl faprr. ThlkMtri:lii:BiK'ikll'i..MllillBnnHiirw IdbtuttwtlDruuUU. A'hllMiMro Jn 'Sai 1 wm 19 WIIII'IHIl I 111 IJII ! I I 11 Ill HAIR BALSAM Clmri'i huA Ixmlincj it a lull, l'romudf a luiuntrt iTjwtn. Dnvcr Tallo to Ursturo Oraj li. air o tin iouuuui 10101. Curvt tcVp dlriM f hair tilling, aic,nnni m'ij irmvjiii -WJflJRn. Ji rV f vi -r l'firurr-it itimier xniu W mMdVM ff. tmm l.a hf.lltt f.lllCrlla C is iuir ""i" v---fi-- I l.unit,. Drbilnr. lnj'ztiln. l'ln,Tle lu tlinc.wcu. INDERCORNS. .The oni "ijw'fj' "$ pi auiwa. lie at Umss-i". t UlsUJX. fc CO', N. V- Flfty-Flve Coiintlea llfiir.l Krouv. St. C'liAiaitH, Mo., July 8. Secretary IJritt of the 8t. Louis Democratic county chairman's conference has re enntlv received three more replies fa- vorablo to the circulur sent out by that bodv. Un to date, rlfty-llvo counties have requested Stato Chairman MatHtt to convenu the stato commltteo and call a state convention. Fifty-eight is a majority. nuiiimaiiaiiuwiinaiiiiiiauwiBmnwB Glass! Auick! HIRES' 800TBEf There's lotsofunnp and V 111 111 IH 111 IKS' KooTiiKKi;. Tiiera siois nr iilcnsuro und Kood hcAltli In It, too. Ado-i llclmis drink, a temper- anen drlnlc. u homo- iiiudo drlnlc, n drink Hint delights I'm old and vonnc. He furo and net tlio fcuulno HIRES'Rootbeer tuf num. F. HinES COMPANY. m PHILADELPHIA. PA. C fciMiunwiliuiuiiiiii'iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiunijimM SeSsBHK COPYKlUn I a tain tbera ncnt free. Also a caimunuu . ui. leal anil nclentWo looki apnr free. oIto 1-atenta Uken tbrpusli .?'unV VfcJS nd upeclal notlcoln tbo Hclenllllc Aiuerlran. ana thus are broiiitht n dely beforatho P"""';"'"'' out cont to tbo Invontor. This kp cndld inper. Wtt.?o-.n?onfc conies. VS centn. Kverr nunilier contalM boau. tlful platea. tn color, ami V"Vi i.f,, Jn.hh houics. with plana, enabling: bti b or lo bn la Fined for Keeping Open Sunday. Kaksab City, Mo., July 3. William Kane, William Nally and Lombke & Strollman, the three saloon men ar rested early Sunday morning for vio lating tho Sunday closing ordinance, were found guilty and fined $50 eaoh by Judge Jones this morning. If the police commissioners carry out their threat tho licenses of the three places will be revolted. A Youth Start on it Long Walk. Wichita, Kan.. July :i. Krcd Pritch ard, a Chicago boy, 18 years of age, started last night to walk from this cltv to Now York city, approximately l.fibo miles, in sixty days, for a pri.o of 8S00. One of tho conditions imposed is that l'ritcliurd shall curry no money and he started mib "dead broke" ac cording to the agreement. French Trnnpa In llruilL New Yohk. July :i. A ltuenos Ayres special says that Hlo Janeiro advises aro to the eitect that the government bus advises stating that Krench troops have occunicd the territory of Annum. The military authorities theru have telegraphed to the general government asking for reinforcements to resist tho invasion. l'nrllaineiit to Knd Monday. London, July !l. First Lord of tho Treasury the lit, Hon. A. J. lialfour aunounoed in the house of commons to-day that parliament would bo pro rogued Saturduy and that the dissolu tion would follow on Monday. Ten I'enplo Killed hj Lightning. Stockholm, July J. in the town or Ilutiined, near Wexio, yesterday, light ning struck n building In which ten people hud taken shelter, killing seven of them and injuring the other threo so badly that they will die. Htatua of the lllcycle, Chicago, July 3. A decision of much importance to cyclists was rondered by Judge Payne, when ho denied tho petition of John II. Hreckcnrldge to compel tho Kort Dearborn building nronrlotors to allow bicycles to be stored thero by tenants, llrecken ridge, who is nn aUorney with offices in tho Fort Dearborn building sky scraper, had attempted to leavo his wheel In the basement during oflico hours, and upon permission being re fused carried the matter to the courts. Judge l'ayno declared that bicycles are mere vehicles and as much out of nlnce Inside a business block as a horso and buggy. Ketlrra From l'olltlra. FitANKKoiiT, Ky., July !!. Governor John Young llrown communicated to the members of the press his personal card withdrawing from tho contest for United States senator from Kentucky. Ho says his reasons are purely per sonal, but does not stato them ex plicitly. Domestic bereavement Is tho cause. Money Mude In H Month. Wasiii.niito.n, July ". Tlio coinage executed at the several mints of tho United States during tho month of June, 18!i."i. is given us follows: Gold, 81,750,000: silver, SI 10,01 1; minor coins, ST 1. 200. Total, S'J,v!0l,2ll In addi tion there was executed at the mint lit Philadelphia, 211,000 in twenty pieces for Kcuador. An Aged Woman Killed. l'AHKVii.i.i:, Mo., July 3. Mrs. Sa vannah George, aged HO years, was struck and killed by the Leavenworth plug train near her home hero. In view that she hod been repeatedly warned about walking on tho track many persons believe she committed suicide. Bound books ! Hln inH UflMHIH Bra.1, Ilrldge Helied for Tan-i. Council Hlui-fs, Iowii, July 3. Tho bridge spanning tho Missouri river be tween this city and Oiuuhu, tlio prop erty of the Omaha llridge and Termi nal company, wus by the sheriff of this county for S-'.OOO tuxes. Tho company refuses payment on the ground of excessive vuluation. 1'ola.iiied by linpuro Milk. OwKNSiioito, Ky., July 3. At tho St. Cloud hotel here, eight people are ill from ice cream poisoning, one of whom, Lizzie Tucker, may die. The poison io pronounced by physicians to be tyrotoxicon, and It Is claimed that tho milk was impure. ARE GOING FREE! To all who subscribe or pay up. FOR THE CHIEF. THE MARKETS. item ileilraaanil j.eeur. wntractj. .Ad'hx-ja MUNN & CO NfcW VottlC, :! IllioAliWA Notice lo TC'iiclicrs. Notice ia hereby given that I will Avaminn nil nerSODS wllO HiaV dCSirO to offer thcmfselvca us candidates for teachers oftho public schools of this couuty, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of eaoh month. Special examinations will bo hold on tho Friday preccndiiiK tho 3d Sat urday of eaoh month. The standing dopircd for 2d and 3d grado certificates is tho same no irrndn hnlnw 70 nor cent., average 80 per eont; for first grado certificate no grade below 80 per cent., avcrago 90 nor cent, in all brandies requirod by law. D. M.HuNTFR.County Supt. Kiinmvn Aaka for Exhibition Space. Atlanta, Gil, July 3. President Collier of the Cotton States and Inter national exposition to-dny received application from Kansas for space for ,. Vtiito exhibit. This is tho fifteenth state thut has upplied. Mrs. T.S. HawUiu, tllisttanooga. Tenn Ht.3s,' 'Stiiloh's Vitiilizer 'Saved my Life, t '......rf.r it tin. hHrtt remedy for a de bilitated syston. I ovrr nsod." For Dys pepsia, Liver or KiCuey trouble it excels. i?r co 70 cts. For sule by 0, L. Cottlng. Kansas City, Mo., July 3. Thoro were very few H.impli of wheat on tlio floor to-dny, mid niiimreutly ory llttlo tllioition to hid for Haw wlioat. lerei)ta of wheat, 18 cari a jeur as'o, M cars. No. 2 hard wheat, noiniiiiilly Cfi7o ; No. 3 hard, nominally tOc ; No. Imrd, nominally, tX( Cto i No. 2 red, nomliially Oi'JJiOo i No. 3 rinl.iiom- liuilly lKJU6Tc; No. 4 rod, 1 carojc ; rujucted.nom itiallyJtnc. The com murket turned vory woak. Thoro worn a few cal.ja of mtxml onrly nt K)c, and at 41c, lint hldi drolipod lower and lower nil day. At tho cloto mixed com wait oltercd at 3J'Ac and whlto at few. lNcolptti of com to-dny, 14 can; a year, rai". No. 2 mixed riirn, 40c. nlTureil at 80'io lutcr, No. 3 n.lxed, U(iinliially3iVio; No. 4 mixod. nom inally ST'-Joj n. a white, otfurixl tit lUoi No. 3 whlto, noiiilivilly !fJc. ()nt wera lie liiwor. Thero wons only a few siuniilo.H on c.iU'. Itucoliitaof o..Ij to-day, Irars, niearni?o, 17 curs. No. 'J mixed oats, MJ-oj No. :i o.tlft. nominally :ic; .-to. , nomiiiniiy ok; No. '1 wlillo o;i'.i,iiiHniiiiillyiic;No. Uwhituoata, nominally 'ilfr'tia. Hjo-Somo now olIorliiBH to iiritii', with lit tie demand. No. 'i, nominally, f-otjjjoj No. 3, nominally 48c. Corn Uliop Lowor; 7S&Wc por cwt aaekmL llran WoaLi W5&5So jiur cwt tackudi hulk, (Jo lets. Hay Roco!r,t,U cars: market steady. Ttino. thy, cliolce.JilU.10iNo.l,W.l0M9j No. 2, $.tt; fancy iiralrle, W.Wj choice,; No, 1, $7.W a; No. 2, i6ii,l; puckinu hay, J4.W&"- Chlrneo Hoard of Trade. nmnAtio. Juh- . Tho followiiiK Is tliornnixa of prices of tun ralu and provision markut ou thu board of trail" : t.lomi We also give away that beautiful world's fair book, the charming and delightful piIAS. S0UAFFNIT, Insiiriince ABCiicy, lieriiaiUii-iiirimco Co , Fr ,"JM,f tfcj1') , ltoyiil iiisuiiinwLM , Mveriw ol. K K land. lloino Fire liimiruiicn Co., d ( "'.l; eUr' TU IliilldliiK and Loan Association of I.liu-olii. Nehrasksi. An agreeable loxativoMd Nav Toww. Boldny DruKBlsUorecnt by tn all. 250,600. and 1.00 per packairo. Kimplca tree. wwg JBi Tlioravorlto TOOTS XWIIM ft,Q HU fortboToethand Ilreatu,iao. 1 OMtnln Sweeney, U.8.A.,San Plew,Oal., vat "bl" loh'a Catirrli Itcroody Is the Urst .' i..i k.. fniinrt that would do mo Mvlrobd." 1'rlcotOcta. Bold by DrUBgtota. shiloh's cure: r Tma Obkat Cocon Ctma Promptlyewrei Li,i?all others fall. ForConiunrpUoolthas 7Sr. hnscured thcuisBdt, and will ctmB For Ml ColtlHgDrgUt WnBAT July. Heptember. .. December.... Coun July.... Hoptember... December.... Oath July Heptember... May POBK July.... Heplembur.. ucuioor .... liAUO July . . .... Heptembor .,. OctolMT .... Blioi.T Klin July September . Octolier lllull Low 1,'IOHO July 2 Julyl 70 71S 71V, t4S ',S 12 32! 12 ii CSS .'! 3lW ?jjf 12 10 12 2J 70' I 71'. 71H 44'. 41'. 37 13 '4 Si H 12 1714 i; cav; 7 72S UH 47 38K an 21 H 2S 12MV 12 30 0 17! 0 70 6 32W OiVA 0 47i a 60 0 27U B 42 cm; C021, o :) 0 42'i G K'.i a 7u o:n 0 5214 I.Io Htoek. Diviml'iTv. Mo.. July 3. Cnttlo HocalpU 5,795; calve. 'Jlfltshippod jostorduy, 2,221 cattlo, nnrnlTi.i. '1 lici In-Bt oHorliiKs iteiiunilly steady on tho.natlvo bldu. Commuu Krudes weto slow to lower. Hhlpplux ami drossod Ixwf teor4. Texnanud Indian tleorn, 2.2iU'.'.7U j Wentern ter. .t.55l.2.'ii Boutliwosteru tmra, SLOO; (.'olonulo steer, M'vl Htockom and foudor,W.15 ilXW; cahei, (4i. Hok'h- Uucuipta 12,181; !itppd yoiterday. 178 Tlio niniiatiiiod haroly ktuudy and clodedS and luc hlwliur. Tho top price a l.s2V4 und ths hulk iJ ale from .iXl fb $Uj, ngMn $IW for top milo mid JI.03 to U.l'i1, tut bulk of kales I 05tvrd.iy. COME IN AT ONCE. No other paper in the west gives you such grand premiums as we do. Call on or addiess The Chief, Red Cloud, Neb. M v iM Otllce over wizeru aii kd Cloud, - ftuM