The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    mij' nwnct
A. C. Huhmkii, Killtur.
I.AHUTTait, Ast Ixicnt Editor.
' 1UI1 AND ffi TAKEN
Id xcbange for Shoes. If you do not
want groceries for nil your produce, wo
will accept duo bills or coupons tho
earn ae cash, in exchange for shoes, on
auy of the grocery stores in Ked Cloud.
We aro giving special values and mak
ing very low pricos on our goods.
You cannot do better than give us all
your trado on Doots and Shoes.
A. II. Kalkv.
Pliyslclnii and Nurcon,
City and country cnlls promptly ans
Over Cotting'd Drugstore
Hr.i) Ci.orn.
ickii:i' nir.iVrioN.
J. A. Tulloja went to Hebron Mon
day. Jos. Blair returned Monday from a
trip to Cortland.
Editor Walsh, of tho Nation, was in
Hastings this week.
Mrs. Wright Thornburg is visiting
in Lincoln this week.
Mrs. A. J.Tulleys and eon wore
ing in Chester this weok.
Misa Susie Konady was visiting
Blue Hill tho Ilrst of tho week.
The Misses Retta and Clara Abel aro
visiting with Goo. Abel and family in
Geo. Hadoll, brother of our rustling
iry goods merchant, went to Cortland
Do not forgot tho union song service
at tho Baptist church Sunday afternoon
at a p. m.
Mr. .m.l Mrs. Geo. Blair celobrated tho
Fourth in Concordia, Kansas, with their
eon James.
Mrs. Julia A.Richardson leaves to day
for Bortrand to visit ber daughter, Mrs.
Dell Olmstcad.
The Chirk is delayed this week owing
to a break in tho water works and a due
celebration of the 4th of J uly.
Mrs. W. A. McKeighan returned from
Hastings Monday, where sho had been
visiting with her daughter.
Henry Diederich has moved tho Du
buquo boot and shoo store thrco doors
eouth of tho former location.
The pump at tho water houso and tho
boiler got out of fix this week and tho
water was shut oft" for soveral days.
Mesdamea L. P. Albright, John Gar
ber and W. H. Strohm, left on Wednee
day for a week's visit in Emporia, Has.
Rev. O. R. Weldon the new minister for
the Baptist church has arrived in theoity
nnl nmnmed his pastorate. He is a very
pleasant gentleman.
Walter Warren departed Saturday for
Humboldt, this state, where no win
hereafter be employed in the marble
works of E. J. Ovoring.
J. A. Hosmer, of DenMoines, Iowa, a
brother of the editor, was in the city
this weok on business for Hemeut & Co.,
the hooBe for which he travels.
Miss Nellio Martin of Wymoro, who
has been visiting friends in Red Cloud a
week or two, was in Oberlin Monday,
-the guest of Miss Grace Cromwell.
Tkn onhnni nflDBus taken by H. E.
Pond by authority of the board of odu
mtlnn resulted In finding Cll children, i
loss of only seven from last year. A
pretty good showing.
Robt. Martin, Jr., returned home last
Saturday from an extended trip to Salt
Lake, Ogden, and other western points.
Miss Bertha Brown, who accompanied
him, will sojourn in Ogden during the
Ed Relher, living four miles north and
ono mile west of Red Cloud, had his
barn badly damaged by wind on June
2d and received the insurance in full on
the 29th. J. II. Smith, agent for the
Continental Insurance company of New
York, tells us it is tho quickest settle
ment he ever made.
It would seem that evory business
man ought to coniriumo iu mo nucvt
sprinkler. It is a public necessity and
one business man should not expect the
ethers to bear all tho burdon. Wo no
tico that sovoral fail to contribute. It is
not only an injustlco to Mr. Eamee but
' to tho other business men,
Call and eeo Taylor's carpets before
Eddie Piatt Is homo from a trip to
Samuel Miller has hud his pension in
creased. Sticky lly paper 1 cent per sheet at
Dr. Fred McKeeby was in Kearney
this week.
Bort and Jo Ululr spent tho Fourth in
The 4th of July was duly obscrvod in
this county.
Ono yard of tine toitet soap for 25 cts.
at Cotting's.
Mrs. M. R. Bentley has purchased a
very lino piano.
Maudo Ctineo is visiting friends in
Emporia, Kan.
Miss Mary DuTour is homo from a
Wsltln Guide Rock.
Attorney Fletcher of Franklin was in
Red Cloud this week.
If you want a nice, cool, hoalthy
drink, try Cotting's soda.
A largo assortment of envelopes just
received at Doyo k. G rice's.
Asher Beal was up from Superior on
business the first of tho week.
Mrs. Polnicky and daughter, Emma,
are visiting in Wilbur this week.
Envelopes? Yes, how much? Five
conts a package Doyo & Once.
M'ieb Helen Roby is visiting in Nelson,
the guest of Miss Ethel Dowland.
Mrs. Wm. Hobart and daughter of
Rivorton were in the city this week.
Letter paper lo cts. por quire, envo-
lopos f cts. por package at Cotting's.
Abo Kaloy says Coca-Cola gives him a
good appetite. Try a glass at Cotting a.
C. L. Cotting will fill your prescrip
tions accurately and at a reasonable
W. N. Richardson haB purchased the
Shotland pony formerly owned by A. A.
Miss Mary and Irene Miner, and Miss
Grace Fort were spending tbo 4th in
Aid. Pulsipher was down this week
from Hastings to attend tho council
Morhart & Son's is headquarters for
binding twine. Do not fail to seo them if
you wunt bargains.
Mr. Dunton from near Lebanon, Kan.,
had sovoral bushels of homo apricots on
tho market this weok.
A general row among some young
fellows occurred Sunday night Several
of tho boys bear the marks yet.
E. J. Peterson of Otto, wbb doing busi
ness in the "City of Trees" this weok.
Ho is ono of our thrifty farmers.
Wo are ploased to noto that Mrs, S. F.
Spokeslleld, who has been sick for sev
eral months, is ublo to bo up again.
Tho Misses Mabel McMillan and
Loono Fowler were attending the Beat
rice Chautauqua a few dayB this weok.
Wavorly bicyclos, tho best in tne
world, for sale by W. W. Wright. Prices
rnunnnntiln. See hltn if VOU Want B
liik. tt
Mrs. Snowden and Misa Nellio Barnes,
who have been visiting ut tho residence
of L. H. Fort, returned to tneir norao tn
Davenport, this state, Wednesday.
Hank Maurer in his frantic efforts to
keep order in tho M. W. A. lodge come
down like a thousand brick on the lamp
and chimney. Result o new lamp and
Wallace Wright, Bon McFarland, Al
Albright, Charley Landmesaer, Frank
Cowden and Low Vanco are in Kearney
celobratine tho Fourth and attending
the state bicycle meot.
John Aultz says he nover heard of a
horse going into a cistern to get a drink
before, until be found his therein the
other day. John spent a half day in
getting the old fellow out of the batb
A neighborhood picnic was held in
Charley Gurney'e grove north of tho
city on the Fourth. The oration waa
made by Fred Maurer in an excellent
manner, also a apeech by Jos, G arbor.
Everybody enjoyed themselves.
Treasurer White shipped $1800 in ail
ver to a Lincoln party last Saturday. It
was a whole lot of fun to seo Express
m an Rots count tho "stuff" over. He
turned his team out to grass while he
put in the afternoon handling silver, 16
Tho Great Family Weokly continue
to receive new subscribers every day.
Our list is continually growing, The
reason is apparent we gives the news;
we have a large number of books which
wo aro still giving away with every sub
Mrs. N. M. Ball announces to the pub
lie that sho is now prepared to furnish
first-class board and lodging, also fur
nishod rooms to let. Rates, 25c per
raoal; fci.00 per week for board and
lodging; day board, S3.GO. Location,
4th avonue hotel. 20 4t
John Kellogg has a fine farm just west
of tho city. On his farm he has an ox
cellout orchard, and tho trees aro groan
ing under their precious burden, Ho
will havo about one hundred bushols of
apples if everything goes wen. inero
will be quite a llttlo fruit in this couuty
this season,
Ed, II. Smith is in from Norton, Kan
Envelopes 5o u packngo at Doyo &
A complete new lino of wall pnpor at
Ta.vlor's at bottom pricos.
Miss Blanch Sherer has returned from
a visit to her brothor Ed's near Inavale,
Mrs. P. W. Shea returned this oven
ing from an extended visit in St. Joseph,
Everett Dyer Ikib gone to Sheridan,
Wyo., where ho has a position on the
The big hill just south of tho river
bridgo was badly washed Thursday
Another gentle shower fell on tho 4th.
Nebraska and Kansas aro snroly In it
this season.
Tho Methodist Sunday-Bchool had a
lino pimic near Rev. Geo. W. Hummers
place on tho 4th,
Mrs. Taylor and children of Mound
City, Mo.,(are;visiting;this weok with tho
family of F. G. Turnure.
MissSusio Kenady and Miss Mamie
Beal are attending the Teachers' Nation
al Convention in Denvor.
Mrs. J. T. Winters and children leavo
Saturday evening for a two or thrco
week's visit in Salt Lako City.
"Orange Dlosom" in safe and harmlcsx
a n FInx Heed l'oultlce. Any lady can
uu it herself. Sold by C. L. Cottiug.
Mrs. J. A. Maxtluld and children who
have beon visiting in Minnesota for six
weoks arrived home Wednesday evening.
With this issue we commonco a etory
of tho murder of Barrett Scott. It will
be found on pago 0 and will bo very in
teresting. Quito a number of cellars wero tlllod
in Red Cloud last night. D. F. Scam
mon's cellar was tilled to a depth of
threo fcot.
I have a few hundred dollars of pri
vate money to loan on real estate at 10
per cent per annum. Timo to suit. M.
R. Bontloy.
Our enthusiastic young whcolman,
Hugh Minor, loft this evening for As
burg Park, N. J., to attend the National
bicycle meet.
Peter Shea and Bert Grico amused
themselves on the 4th by throwing away
firecrackers to seo Young America scram
ble for them.
$3 00 well spent; and a rebate of $2.00
in the form of a boantifol wall map of
United States. Subscribe for tho Hand-
MoNally Guide.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hackor entertained
a number of frionds on tho 4th in honor
of Mrs. S. F. Spokeetiold who is just re
covering from a long spell of sickness.
Fine rains since our last issuo havo
done much good through our state. At
McCook 200 feet of B. & M. track wub
washed out Tuesday, which delayed "10"
about eight hours.
The rainfall at D. F. Trunkey's govern
ment gaugo on Thursday evening was
2:18 inches. In Red Cloud where tho
rain was tho heaviest tho measurement
was about 4 inches.
Tho pooplo who got caught out in tho
rain last night, halted wherever they
could find shelter and staid out all
night. You could seo a large number of
buggies coming in from all direction this
E. J. Peterson of Otto, while in this
city this weok reported that his small
grain crop waa bo large that he was
c oropolled to but a Minneapolis binder
from Jim Peterson, tha implomont man,
to harveat it with.
Tiik CuiKr doea not havo time to list
on to the ravings of insolent contempo
raries. Wo do our own business and do
it as wo pleaso. We do good work and
do it at the very lowest prices. That is
the reason we do it.
Attorney Chaflln and wife attended
the celebration of 4th of July at White
Rock park, in Smith county, Kan., yes
terday, whore Mr. Chaflln delivered the
oration. Mr. C. doclinos to pass upon
the quality of the address, but says that
for a good, jolly, big-hearted sot of peo
pie commend him to the people of Wnito
Rock, Kansas
Charley Robinson, the affable Deputy
Treasurer waa vory much elated on Fri
day morning by the arrival of a little
girl. The wheels in Charley's head
wouldn't work right, he would figure
like this: 2 and 2 are 4 and pap is ono
making a total of several, then he would
relapse into innocuous deseuetude and
Treasurer White would have to get tho
smelling bottle to bring him to,
A very large crowd gathered at
Charley Gurney's fine grove on July 4.
for the purpose of a general old settler's
picnic. Speeches woro made by Attor
ney Frod Maurer, Hon. Joseph Harbor,
and other and ico cream and chickons
(lowed in abundance Thcsoold settlor's
meetings should be hold more frequently.
They aro a groat source of pleasure to
those who firet-eottlod this country.
Tub republicans of tho county whom
" liavo conversed with are in favor of
u late convention. Tin: Cm r.v believes
tlmt n late convention would bo preferable,
Tin: city council at its regular mooting
on tho 'M issued saloon licenses to Jno.
Po'nlcky and N. Longton at (1000 each.
That will glvo tho school fund a $10XI
and tho city a $1000. Tho probability is
that another licenco will be taken out
shortly by Morris Stern.
The farmers, renters, and in fact both
landholders and renters should tako
great interest In eradicating the Russian
thistle pest. If it should got a firm hold
in the county the farms would be a sorry
looking outfit. Lot evoryono tako a
prido in cutting them down.
County Treueurer While is tho only
county treasurer tlmt has collected back
taxes, and ho does so from all no matter
whether ho is a republican, democrat or
pop. The othor day he mado tho re
publican candidate for governor of Ohio,
whack up $.'K) for U'l back taxes. That
is tho way to bo county treasurer. If
Webster county had ull of its back taxes
boiiio 180,000 that havo accumulated for
25 years, sho would not be owing anyone.
Whilo tho Republican river was at its
height during the recent freshet a pro
fessor from tho State university who
was visiting at Oxford took tho neces
sary measurements to ascertain tho vol
umn of water fiowing down tho stream.
Tho result of hiB computation showed
that the fiow was equal to 10,000 cubic
feet per second. Flowing at that rate
it would have coverod 32,000 acres of
land to a depth of ono foot in twenty
four hours, or it would fill a reservoir
containing 2,000 acres to n depth of six
teen feet in twenty-four hours.
The school board meeting on last
Monday organizod by electing C. B.
Crone president, T. C. Hacker vico pres
ident and Goo. O. Yeisor secretary. The
contest for secretary was quite spirited
taking twenty ballots to decido whether
it she uld bo Geo. O. Yoisor or H. E.
Pond, Tho following bills woro allow
ed: II. E. Pond $1C00
E.McFarland 1 00
H.Cook 22 85
S.F. Spokeetiold 80
Deyo & Grico 35 00
Tho board then discussod tho linan
cial condition of tho district and on
motion appointed T. C. Hacker, Geo, O.
Yoiser, Henry Cook n committoo to seo
what the situation was and report to
night (Friday) at which time a uuporin
tendont and touchers aro to bo elected.
Our recent report of tho condition of the
district has awakened tho board and
they proposo to seo that the district ex
penses be kopt within reason horeafter.
On August 1, there will be $5,000 in
bonds due and unpaid and tho board
will havo to refund them. It is to be
hoped that the new board will make tho
necessary arrangements to meet ino
bonds and not allow them to go to protest.
j The People Want
Good Goods at Low Prices !
We can give you the best
flour for less money than
any one in the city ....
1 lb good chewing tobacco 20c
.1 lb good smoking tobacco 1 5c
20 lbs best Rice you ever saw for $1
20 lbs best Raisin cured prunes for 1
1 lb best Tea for - 25 cents
10 lbs best Peaches for - $1.00
10 lbs best Pitted Plums, - J. 00
Can't be bought anywhere
for this money
One of the best nutmeg graters
you ever saw ior 10c. Every
lady needs one. Come and
see them.
We are selling evaporated apples for
less than anyone in town. We
want everybody to come and see the
above goods
"We ecu givu you Salmon ut 10 a am tlmt in first
class goods. Everyone says it h fine.
"We want everybody to bring their Butter umr Eggs
to me and ge; good at way down prices.
Yours respectfully
B, F. Mizer.
Beware of circulars sent out by other
Houses, as I will knock their prices
galley west. Come and see me.
Hhlloh's core is seld on a guarantee. It
cures incipient oonatlpatlon. It iJ the
beat Cough Care. Only oue cent a doo.
Jfi ot., CO cts., and $1.00, Bold by C. L
The U. S. Gov't Reports
L $how Royal Baking Powder
ft, superior to all otbtn,
Cowlca Celebrates.
Owing to a lack of celobration in Red
Cloud, every citizen who could procure
a seat or standing room in Bomo sort of a
conveyance adjourned to Cowlea to pass
the Fourth, as quite a number of amuse
monts wore promised. Tbo road, from
seven till twelve, reminded one of an
army of ants on tho move. Cowlos, bo
ing a small place wbr soon flooded with
people from Blue Hill, Bladen, Red
Cloud, and other surrounding towns,
taxing their accommodations to their
utmost. The calithumpian parade,
though rather short, was comical and
excited much laughter. The crowd then
surged to tho speaker's stand in the
bowery, where the first arrivals wero
lucky enugh to secure sitting room.
The oration waa ronderod by Randolph
McNitt, of Rod Cloud, tho R. C. "kid"
band discoursed music, and songs wore
furnished by different persons. After
these exercises wero concluded, dinner
was announced aa the next thing on tho
A ball game in the afternoon between
the Bladen and Cowlos nines waa vory
exciting and terminated in favor of the
latter, 17 to 10. Foot races, sack races,
potato races, horse races, and other
sports sorvod to pass the time away till
sapper, after which the bowery dance
was to furnish the amusement.
Beautiful flro-worka were fired to
illumine the heavens in the ovening.and
the dance hall was a scene of gayety,
which was brought to a sudden ending
by a s term. The rain camo so unawares
that people were forced to seek refuge
in stores, and were held there all night
by the hardest rain wo havo had for five
years. Tho hotel floors and store coun
ters wero crowded, as accommodations
were not to bo had. Somo Red Cloud
pooplo woro caught on tho way home and
Bought shelter in farm houses, and ono
hack full of young folks crawled in n
school-houBO window and remained till
morning. On tha morn of thefith, a
Btroum of tirod and slcopy-looking strag
glers meandored into tho city, still
declaring that they had had a good timo,
and wo think they did enjoy themselves
as ovoryono did who attended tho celobration.
Tho annual roports will be given Sun
day morning. All mombore aro desired
to bo prosont to hoar what we have dono
and the conditions of tho church. Sun
day evening the auxiliary of the Chris
tian Woman's Board of Missions will oc
cupy the ovoning.
Tho school-board mot Friday night in
adjournod session and proceeded to elect
teachers. A vote on the superinten
dency resulted in a failure to eloct any
ono and consequently tho board adjourn
ed until Thursday night. The teachers
elected were:
Mrs. J. A.Baum.
John Tulleys.
Misa Cora G arbor.
' Nellio West.-
Trix Mizer.
" Mary Nye.
" Belle Spanoglo.
" Dora Henderson.
" Tilla McClelland.
D. F. Scammon was elected janitor.
Tho kindergarten school was abandoned
also one room at the first ward school
was consolidated with one of tho others,
cutting one teacher out thoro and ono
teacher tn the high department of the
2d ward school, making threo teachers
less than last year. This will savo the
district about $l,ro0. A good start.
As I am about roady to eturt to Ber
trand, Nob., to see my sickly daughter I
will just say to my customers that thoy
will find my store in ordor as my trim
nior will keep it open whilo I am gone.
Thanks for your patronage and if you
nood anything in my lino call at my
storo and you will bo kindly roceivod
I will return soon as possible
Julia A. Rk.-hakohoh.
Pare Rich Ulood is esiontial to good
health, beoaaso the blood is the rital fluid
which supplies all the ergons with life.
Hood's Harsaparilla is the great blood
pnrlflor. .
Hood's I'lll are purely vegetable, harm
less, effoottve, do not pain or grip.
Thursday afternoon, during tho hard
thunder storm, the rosidonco of Jake
Eater was struck by libgtnlng and partly
demolished. Noarly tho wholo family
was stunned, and one of tho llttlo girls
only regained consciousness about five
o'clock the noxt morning.
After Saturday 1 will only make our.
Tiur around the city bach day. Set
your cans out oarly. Tho trip will be
made from 8 to 12 o'clock.
W. O. Jones.
United Sunday School Work,
For several Sundays past the Sunday
school workers of Red Cloud havo been
going out to differont Sunday-schcolu In
tho country to assist them in their work.
On last Sunday there were fifty who
attended tho Sunday school in district
33. The pooplo then suspecting that
thoro would be a largor crowd than their
houso could accommodate arranged a
platform and seats in a beautiful grove
near by so that the large audionce pres
ent wero mado comfortable. The hour
was spent in singing and speaking. L.
P. Albright led the singing and the
many singers present mado this service
a delightful feature of tho hour. Messrs
R. B. Fulton J. Orndotf and Crabill and
and Rovs. Boan and Maxlield made
short interesting talks on the benetlta of
Sunday-school work and tho best means
of carryiug it on,
Tho workers fiom Red Cloud that are
assisting in this work aro from every ,
church in the town and aro working in
the interest of tho Sunday School Union
of Webster Co.
All persons owning lots in tho ceme
tery aro ergently requested to clean the
sand burrs from their lots, while the
association la cleaning them from tho
walks and drives. One hour's work now
will save days of labor after while, Do
not leavo rubbish on walks and drives,
but wheol it off to tho lower ond of big
ditch. It you can't attend to it yourself
leave fifty cents with tho clerk and he
will havo It dono. Do not delay until
tho burrs haye gone to seed, Tho board
othorwiso will havo to lovy a tax on
holders, Bv Ounr.a or Boaku.
Ropalr work dono ut Foatherly &
Young second hand store. I ropulr guns,
ruvolvers, parasols, door and trunk locks,
gus stoves' fit keys and sewing machlnoa
I will tako produce in exchange for my
work. E. A. Voumo.
Hlgfafft Honors WrM' Ng
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fr
from Ammonia, Alum or ny other adulterawti