The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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0& JSS
knows it is without an equal.
ft The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago.
Weather Uullctlu.
ICoprrlBhled, WD5, by W.T. Koster.1
St. JosKi'ii, Mo., July C My
last bulletin gave forecasts of the
torm waves to cross the continent
from July (!th to 10th. The next
will reach tho Pacific coast about July
171b, crosB tho western mountain
eoantry by close of 18th, the great
central valleys from 19th to 21st
and the eastern states about tho 22d.
General rains will not occur with
this disturbance, and heavy rains will
fall only in a few places of small ex
tent. The rain period of the month
will have passed before the dates of
this storm wave, and with it will conio
in the d-outh period of the month.
I do not mean to say that a general
drouth will occur, only that the last
half of July, for the United States,
will produce less rain "than the first
half of the month. The drouth sea
tions for July were noted in my last
bulletin, which I regard as tho mast
important weather bulletin 1 have is
suod. This storm wavo will also bring
some of tli.) hottest days of tho
month, verv hot in the Atlantic
The warm wavo will cross the. west
of Itcokies country about 17th, great
central vallcva 19th and eastern states
0pit- Cool wave will cross tho west
'f Rockies country about 20th, great
central valleys 22d and eastern states
Storm waves and other weather
changes arc less regular in June than
in any other month. Often the per
iodic weather changes are almost en
tirely broken up, frequent showers
and temperature uhanges occur, and
wostber forecasts are not usually well
July restores the regular storm per
iods and forecasts are well verified ex
cept when & tropical burrioatio moves
northeastward ulotig the Atlantio
coast, Thesu hurricanes materially
iaterfero with the weather changes
that rcgularlv cross tho continent
from the Pacific coast, and sometimes
these weather periods continuo broken
for ten days.
From two to fivo tropical hurri
canes may usually be expected on our
Atlantic eoast within tho four months,
July to October, and while they aro
passing tho woathcr conditions will
bo very uncertain in tho Mississippi
Long rango fprccasts for April,
May and Juno havo been remarkably
woll verified, and this feature of theso
weatkor bulletins is atttraoting goner
al attontien of dealers in farm pro-ductB-.
Fall sowing of wiutcr grains will
begin in Scptembor, aud these bullet
ins will advise as to the kind of grain
that should bo sown for tho crops of
This advice will bo based on tho
woathcr, believing that tho notablo
changes in our crop products may be,
t alargo extent, foreknown.
It is well known that certain kinds
of small grain, particularly wheat ana
barley, yield largo returns for several
years, then fail for about as many
years, and again return to largo yields
for anotber period of years.
These departures from tho average
yields in cortainly oauBcd by ohanges
of the rainy and drouth periods wkioh
during a Bories of years comes in tho
spring months, then for auothcr ser
ies in tko summer months, and so on
Mil thoy bavs returned to that part of
tho year in which they eauso abuidant
31! elds again.
I do not mean to say that theeo
Served I
"You can take that soap
right back and change
it forSANTACLAlfeSoAP.
I would not use any
other kind."
Every woman who has
ever used
Sold everywhere. Made only by
changes arc in rotation, for this is not
tho case. If they camo in rotation
tho farmers would have discovered
their porioda long ago, and profited by
the knowledge.
I profess te here discovered tho
planetary influences or our weather
that bring the changee in timo of
theso seasonal drouths aid floods.
The rules are not yet fully worked
out, but sufficiently so to insure cor
rect forecasts three time oat. of four,
and therefore those who follow these
bulletins will come out on the win
ning aide.
Orthodox scientists say that I
should net make theso forecasts till
my calculations arc completed, but
for various reasons I cannot follow
tboir advice.
Althongh errors must necessarily
ooeur in my forecasts the final result
must be on the side of gain to those
who follow them, and therefore I am
justified in publishing them.
Then I must live by the products
of my work whilo I am completing
the calculations, and wero it not for
the support I reoeivo from the press
lay work in this line would be out off.
Anotbor difficulty lies across tho
way of giving advtee as to the futuro
crops, Tho same weather will not
produce the samo crops in tho various
soils, and it ib not possible for ono
person to know tho kinds of soils in
every locality of tho United States,
and in many cases it would bo better
for farmers to correspond with mo,
always inolosiig a stamp.
To furthor elucidate the points dis
cussed above, tbo reader 19 reminded
that the annual drouth in tho north
ern parts of the great central valleys
occurred principally in tho fall from
1890 to 1894, that this annual drouth
obftnged to April and May in 1895,
and partioalarly that 1 gave fair and
timely notieo of this change.
In sections of tho country where a
spring drouth seriously injures wheat
and oats it has not paid farmers to
sow theso grains for tho 1895 crop.
1 am confident that I caa give, may
bo not exactly, but practically, the
timo whon and wbero tho principal
rains and drouths will occur in 1896,
or any future year, and 1 believe that
whon my system is perfected ninety
por cent of such forecasts will provo
A blunder occurred in my monthly
charts for Juno. Tho "long range"
charts and tho weekly bullctia for
June woathcr woro all right, but the
monthly charts did not agrco with tho
former and tho latter wero wrong,
mado so by a bad mistake
Seneca, a Roman author who lived
in Spain about the boginning et tho
Christian era, dcolarcd that "those
who livo near tho frozen north havo
uncivilized tempers," and that "tho
empiro of tho world has always re
mained in tho hands of those natures
who enjoy a mild climate" Theso
statements wero truo when attered by
Seneca, but thoy aro truo no loagor.
In that day tho center of civilization
was not far from an east and west
.lino running through tho oentor of
tho Mediterranean sea. Tho central
line it now very muoh farther north,
Why the ohango ? Two roasoaB.
I'Tfas great Sahara desert was then
probably an inland aea, sutroundeo,
as tho Mediterranean now is on its
northera shores, by fertile landa aad
civilized races. The other eauso is
tho disappeavaneo of the glacial cap
surrounding tho north pole, and the
Pitcher's Cattoria.
northward progress in Europe and
North Amonca, of tho temperate
Tke garao of ball between Blue Hill
aad Cowlcs at Cowlcs lent Saturday
resulted in a victory for Cowles.
M. II. Davis and A. V lloner
were in town Sunday on their wheols.
Polly's cog wheel t;et loose one day
last week and collided with Major
Rrown's porch post, but no damage
was done aor any one hurt.
C. E. Paul and Miis Rhoda hong
were in Grand Island last week visit
int! friends and relatives.
Rnbt. Hull of Rlue Spring, son of
Dr. Hall is in town on a short aoa
tion. C. L. Fuller was in Red Cloud
Saturday on business.
There will be a baptism by imcrsion
at Aruboy next Sunday p. m. by Rev.
The new school beard havo hired
Prof. Tonlcy and Miss Loranoe as
teachers the coming year.
G. A. Harris' brother and two sis
ters were visiting him tho part week.
Tho pulpit of the Christian ehnreh
was occupied by M. M. Nelson. This
was Mr. Nelson's first attempt at
preaching and he ought to be highly
olatcd by his success. Mr. Nelson
cxpeetB to enter college this fall to
study for tho ministry, and from
what wo know of his ability and hab
its wo predict a brilliant futuro for
From tho appearance Sunday eve
wo would advise ono of our young
men of Cowlcs not to be away over
Sunday again.
Tho B. Ii. olub havo new shirts, a
present from tbo manager Mr. Gilford
Miss Nettie Pay don is visiting her
father and friends in Cowlcs.
Mr. Hart and Bcall camo near be
ing held up by tho bloods Sunday ovo.
Tug in looking for the next car of
aid as he is badly in need of a pair of
ball skocs.
A number of Amboy people wero
at ehuroh Sunday cvo to hear Mr.
Nelson. About Town.
It Way Do an Much for You.
Mr. Fred Millor, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney iroable for
many years, with severe pains in his bock
and also that his bladder was affeotad.
He tried many so called kidney earns but
without any good result. Abont n year
ago he began the us of Eleotrio Bitters
and found relief nt onoe. Eleotrio Bit
ters is especially adapted to the cure of
all kidney and liver troubles nud often
gives almost instant relief. One trial
will prove our statement. Prioeonly 60c.
for largo bottle. At C. L. C'ottiug's drug
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
ao pure or sdgreat In leav
molog power as the Royal, .
Tho lato dry weather has out tho
oatn erop short.
Mr Itykcr and family woro visiting
at J. K. II audit's Sunday.
Tho majority f tho vcoplt of this
vicinity will otlobrato at Cowles.
Mrs. F. A. Crozier and daughter
Mary spont Tuesday atJohnKonsaok's
near lied Cloud.
Mr. Brown of Frontioroounty camo
in last week and got his cattle that
II. W. Hubbard has wintored for him.
Add Howard and F. A, Killough
havo each bought a new McCormio
binder of Smith & Garrison, of Quido
John Guy tried tho experiment of
driving a colt after night but it got
away with him and wrcoked his oart.
Messrs Alban and Darning have
bought a now header with which they
will out their wheat as it ia too short
to bind.
Rev. W. II. Robinson of Contral
From earlv child
hood until I was
grown my family,
SDent a fortune
trying to cure me of this disease. I '
1 visited Hot Springs, and was treated
. by the best medical men, but was not ,
'benefited. CDAU When all
I things had
failed I
determined to trv S. S. S.. and In i
four months was entirely cured. The j
lerriDie eczema was gorie. not a sign '
of it left: mv central health built un. ,
and I have never had any return of
rhav?ifnceer.H nunnn;
' ritfrimmenAeA ! lilfimil wm
, S. S. S. to a number of friend for t kin dli
' tun, nj have never vet known a failure to
. cur. ucu, w. IKWIN, Irwin, Pa.
Ncrer falla to mr.
erin attor all other i
ramedlea haT. our;
nttunon niooannfl
im vamuj nuarcii.
City camo last week and spent a fow
days with brother D. II. Robinson
who is still growing weaker, also Mr.
llobinsun's son 1. II, Robinien of
Donver is hore at present.
Tho MnssaclniBottB legislature has
mitdo an appropriation of $25,000 for nn
exhibit itt tho cotton etatos and Inter
national Kxtioaition.und tho commission
appointed by tho governor is urgently
(lomnmlcil lnri ppnuo. Massachusetts,
Pennsylvania, Now York anil Illinoln will
all erect buildings att hoiulqunrtorfl for
tho citizens front tho respective staten
visiting the exposition, but will install
tboir exhibitfl in tho buildings of tho
Exposition Company. In Citlifornin.tho
work of organizing unil preparing for
the exhibit from that state is In active
progress, ami reports indicate that Cal
ifornia will luttil tho van of tbo state dis
plays nt the exposition. A display
which cost $7r,000 to colloct will bo
brought to Atlanta.
r. Prlcc'a Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Last Jutis Diok Crawford brought hi
twelvemonths old child, suffering from
infantile dlarrhma, to me. It had beeu
weanod at four month old and had nl
wayf been sickly. I gave It the nsnal
treatment in euoh cases bnt without ben
tit. The child kept growing thinner un
til it weighed bnt little more than when
born, or perhaps ten pound. I then
started the father to giving Chatabor
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrham rem
edy. Uefure one bottle of the 2.1 cent
size had been tisi'd a uinrlteil improve
ment wae aeon and its contiuued tio
cured the child. It weakness and puny
constitution disappeared nud its father
and tuyBelf believe the child' life wa
saved by this remedy. J.T. Maui.ow, M.
D., Tanaros,, III, For nalo by Deyo &
Urice druggists.
Don't forget that I am prepared to
cony pasHeiiKers to all parts of tho city.
Leavo orders nt the Holland House.
Lloyd CnAini.i..
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
I'ublUlted Weekly.
Diibserlptlon, I Per Annum
I ii vat-luM)- in Advance
If not iald In ndvanre, after this date March
18, 1W, tliv (irli-ti Mill be 9 l.i.
Kutered at tle 1'oM Ottlvu In Iteit Olnud, Net).
as mall nuttternf the second clais
I'rot, cants, I Inch or less per year fc 00
Hlx months 3 on
Three months 2 00
Pet Inch ono ear SI 00
Per Inch six months 3 00
Per inch three months 2 on
npcciai noiict-.s per line or line space, flrst
tmi'llimilHl u I'l'IIIH,
Transient specials, payable Invariably In ad
vance, per line in cents.
All reiullne notices In the nature of advertise
ments or piurs, o cents eer line.
I.ej;al notices nt lewil tales, viz: for a square
(ten lines ot Nonpareil or less,) publication
I.OO; for each subsequent publication, per
S'lii.tro, SO cents.
No "prefeirtsl position" contracts made.
All mutter to insuio publication must be re
ceived at this ofllco not later than Wednesday.
Advertisements cannot be ordered out for
tho current week later than Thursday.
-'am and 7:30 p m: Surul.iy school utt-2 noon
Y I'HUUHtCttUpin ami V P S C IC Juniors at
CONOHKOATIONAt. Clmrrh-Servlces at 10;
.10 am, and 7:J p m: iSnmlav chool at 11:30
a in, Yl'HC K at 0:30 p m and Vl'HCl'. Jun-
ira at i i in
MKTIIOIHsTChurch-ClassMictlnu' at 10 at
"- m. Services at 10:30 a. in and 7:30 p. m.
KuiHlay-xi'hool nt ii:30h. in. Junior I.eauue a.
4 p. in, Kpuorth UiiKiieat ::) p, in. Prayer
MeetliiK every Wednesday night. I'arsondfjo
.1131 uvur llllllll 111 lilt I'lllllCll.
IjU'ISCOl'Ai. Church-Services every two
J weeks, by appointment.
LUTIIEItAN Church-Kvery third Sunday
Hiornlnt; nt 10 o'clock.
rjAIHOLIO Church Services by appointment,
dav. -.Sunday school at 3 p m every Hun,
A Oil W Kacli alternate Tueiilay evenliiK.
T OK H-lted Cloud UI!hNii,-,A(IIMV,
'ineeti every nltcriiatu Tuesday evetilne III A
O U W hall. All are Invited to attend.
BKN Ailhein Idgu .No 180; 10 O Kevervllou
davnlKlit. iAI.ANTHKUkIkpNoW, KnlKhts of l'ytliuw
VV Thuradav I'vpnlnir.
Tliureilay livenliuc
RK1) Cloud l.odpe Nn C08. Modern Woodmen
ot AmfrlcH.ultfrNHtH Wciliicsilav evtxilni
VAl.t.KY Udue No B, Kratcrnal Order ot l'io
Uctors, llrst and IlilrU Mouday of each
CIIAltlTY Ix)(Iku No M A K and A Jl each nn or before tho full moon.
... ...i i i , ii i i
RKI) Cloud Chapter No la, It A M alternate
fhuritd.'y evening.
CYHK.NK Commandery No 14 alternato Taurs
dty evfnlui;.
rillAltlTY Chapter Kaitern Htnr No 17 meets
first Friday uvciiIiik alter full moMi.-Mrs.
Ilrewer W. M.
GAltKIKi.l l'oHNowit; A It Monday even
Inn on or hefora the full moon.
GAHFIKM) W It 0 No 14 meets alternate 8at
nrdaya(ternoon. TirAnYSKKUSMcIlKNHYTeiitNoUDaiKht.
'- rn nf VthrHtii Mniiiavuvimiiw
. . ........ , ..Miiiimi yniuuni
J H KAI.KY l!amp No sa, 8 of V Tuesday ere-
OHKHMANCIrcl.No3. ladlen of the U A It
M first and third HHtuntnv vninir .
T Kli CI.OUJ) C'eutiPil No 18 UijralMystlc Leu
x Ion ot America flrst and third Krlday eve-
w "TP.
Krlday evo-
IJAl'TISTCInirch-l'reachlnK at 10:30 a. in.
" and 8 11. in. Sunday-school at la in.
Jounc People's Meetliii; nt 8 p. m. Prayer
Meet liut Wednesday at 8 n. 111. (1. it. Welden.
Bttt Couab DjrupTaatM Good. Dae
fcl Intlmn. BiilHrruralim. mmi
I If -
w "- 01.
It strengthens and builils up the enfeebled system, creates
a good appetite and promotes digestion, clears the complexion and
restores the body to perfect health
Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per bottle.
From the Desert,
Through the Press,
Into the Home.
Kvllnvd and Powdered, put tip In I wo pound hoxi wltli
200 Best Borax Recipes. 25c r.t
Cotting's Drug Store.
cwrcr DBAir moti.
Ordnrn Ordromptfty flllad. 'Sour piUronugo solloltod
(Jrkat VALUir-
LIU le Money
ft New Kit M Tin,
n twenty page jnurnul. in the leading Republican family paper of tho Unite?
States. It ie u NATIONAL FAMILY PAPtOH. and ivre all 1I10 general nawa ot
tho United States. It given thu avunta of foreign Inntla in n miteliell. Ita "AG
RICULTURAL" department hiiB co aupeiior in tho country. Ite "MARKET
REPORTS" Bre recPKniznd authority. Hepurato tleiinrtniente for "T1IK FAMI
Ita "IIOME anil SOCIKTY" columns coiuniiind tho mlininitltui of wives and
daughtere. Its general iolitiunl news, editorinlH unil diacuHHioiiH aro coinprehen
aivc, brilliant and exhaustive.
(Tho rrgular uiichcription for tho two paperb iu (200.)
t-Atldresfl all orders to THE CHIEF, Red Cloud, Nnbmulcn.
Wrll your nniiie nud uddrettN on a pumal eurd, hoimI It to Ooo.
V, llel, Komn tt, Tribune IStiildlni;, evv York, utid :tmilo
eopy or tiii: Nt;w yokk wr.uiiv tkikijmr win bo
mulled lo you.
Slaughter Sale; Saturday June isi, ot J. 0. Culler's.
special sale oi Nets. Bargains in Lap Dusters.
will sen you a u Holier lor 20 cents.
W will offer at pul
lio Biilo to tho hi(lieRt
bidder for uiibh 1
whip 25a, 1 duster OOo
1 bIrsI hnlter'2.r),ull fer
Ab Ieitthor has advanced 75
per cent wo still liuvo u f(nv
BotH of siniflo liiirneHs ut
Alee a grand bnngnin in
deuble hnrnoBS.
nm one Day ot l o. Her, (ted M.
Hull liiNiirnnco.
Furnishod by J. II. and E. 11. Smith.
Call und investigate the eusy ternis.
Cull Saturdays nt Ciiikk ollico,
j. ii. smith, Agent.
Feed Notice.
Herenfter Willlnm Illchardson will
fssd all Unms nt tho rato of 10 cento for
hay. Ham east of Holland House.
U. A: III. K. It. Time Tabic.
CO, txiciil Kivlirlit. I.v da. m.
10, Kansfiicer, " IfliWi " Ar lOiOO a. m
CI.KuilKrelKlit, " 1:35 p.m." l;U)p,in
1 IV, Mixed Train, .v K'tfO a, in. Ar 12:03 p. in
03, Kast Freisht, I.v litis a. in. Ar 10:33 a. m
141, Mixed Train, " 12:or. p. in, " lt:r. n.lm
IB, I'aseiiKer, " H:4Up. in. " 8:30 p, m
Sliorlira bulc.
Ily virtue of an execution directed to me from
tlw district court 4 WHiistcrcouiity.Nebraska.
un a ludKUient obtained ly the cnualderatlon of
dlttrlct court of Webaterrounty, Nehraaka, on
the 10th day ot duly, 1891, In favor nrThunm
Itvan um tilulntlir. a ail ariiliiHt TIib Kannurt A
Merebanti llanklnc Company as defendant, far
inu sum oi win iiiousauu ami eittniy two dollars
and oeuti, mid costi taxed at live dol
Lcuats, I have levied opon tho ftllonini; real
lars ana beveuiv eeuts (S3.701 ami accru mt
raiiiiH i.-iKim ns ibo property ni sum arienaant
t uitlsfy said JadKiiicat to-nlt: It tweutyone
i21j la block thirty one(3l) In the original town
now city ot Ketf Cloud, Webater county, Ne-
And will offer the same feranle to the highest
blder,forcaUln hand, on the miliar efJiiuti
A, V., U95, m front of the east door of the
court house at Red Cloud, Webster ountr, N
liniMka, tkat bcliic the tnilldlni; whertui the
last term of eaurt was held, ut the hear oTene
n'elock i.,ni. r f.ild day. when and whero due
atlriuUriCH tTll bo Klven by thn nude rslened,
Oittcd Ilea: Cloud, Nekraska.May 8th, iMtt.
.. .. J w HUMcaticr. Hherlff.
Jamrs McNnxr, Atty, far 1'ialatltT,
The aboie sale was centlmied, for waat ot
bidders, until the 10th dayor July, 1895.
Date Htli day ot July. w.
.. .. J' " I't'NoiiEV, Bherlff.
Jamks McNxNy, riaintin'I Atty.
Lost Energy,
Fickle itppotito, tireil feeling, stomach
.sickness aiul weakness can b
promptly remedied by tisinj;
Dr. J. H. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial
Blood Purifier.
.ww-s-Msa? ? a- -p .t."2s 1
WgI'kiy Nkws
Or lliu World
For n Triri e.
to oiror this splendid jnurnul and
1 curry enmb -1
1 bltt
All for
"The" Watch.
For timokeoplng nnd durability nothing
boats the seventeen jeweled
Dkuiikk Hamidkn AVatcii.
and examine thorn. Also his line of
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Spectacles, Clocks,
t'lated and solid silverware, souvenir spoons,
pearl handled knives and forks. ourvltiK sets,
calllnir card cases, boit bon boxes and other
uevrliMi. A fine line of spuctacles and eye
glasses with liiterchauKablolonier., steel, nickel
Mirer anilvold frames, Special and carefulrat-
tendon uald to flttlnu th vn.
hand watches Is qulta lajge, I wl
mj iiue oi aua
III run then eft
anejajnan uitir actual worm. . . . .. .
MT'Orine your watch, clock aud Jewelry r
pair work, your enirraviiiic and year eld km
llomueopatfjle fbyalclaxi.
Red 'louH, NarUai
OQlco opwilto Vlrst National Baak.'
II. rl.Kxiiinlnliix Kuteeon.
CUrouic eilseaies treated by null.