The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 05, 1895, Image 1

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KntnT .aUHrQrBannnnVRnnlalS iu JJCaawnrnfW? B9BoajlHillPhsi39iBllHIHH A I aHannHtiinVVanVLZ'nnlQ
HI''SVUpWv.77 fckJ"MMIi.i ia1 lliii- aaiBlBlBlBlBlMt . WBa&rti - ' "aMHnannnnnnnDaWTnnannnwTnjnnnnM Bt-jgiMjgTftEirgl
ByiVJrrrJyV. 'i ? - ' " aaiaaaaaBahajaaaanannjMfpjM 'MTarAaFfjL JKai MBB- anaaTniinnnnnnnnnnnB ra , HBKftfllM)Fl?lr'HS
All Home Print.
Rfra. Dut In a Bcinnrkablo Woman,
or Very Attractive lnnllflcntlnn,
Mara "Mm" Ada aa Her llim
band'a Private Secretary, aad Al
o Iiooka Alter Ilia Aged fvcono
mite folk A 'flirilal at Du)
It will be remembered, by the old
er CniKV subscribers, that John Dnss,
now the chief of the Economists, lived
in Line township,an dwas well know n
here in tho 80 as a farmer. Ho
disliked that business hewevor, and a t
various limos told Tan Chief that he
was going baok to his old horn and
make his fortune, and he has done so
from all appearances
The beautiful home-like of John
Duss and his family, as lived at tbe
so-called "Great House," of Economy,
would be a revelation to man; poople
in Pittsburg and vicinity, if the time
just now being given to reading ac
counts of tho various unwholesome
lawsuits ponding wore given to an in
vestigation. If Economy were locat
ed some thousands ef miles away, in
some almont inacecBsiblo place, we
would have gotten there and learned,
eaoh one for himself, all about these
"queer people" who were married, yet
not married; who had already stolen
millions from the Harmony society,
and were only hanging around until
they could see a good chance to get
away with tho few remaining millions,
We would have gotten in upon the
ground floor of this community, whore
old people who had livod out their
usefulness wore starved and maltreat
ed, and whero the immoralities of
young people were blinked at; whero
every man, woman and cbild ceuld
get all the strong drink thoy wanted,
and this sold without a licenso t All
these (juccr things we would have
seen with oui own eyes, or broken eur
necks trying, had Economy been lo
cated in the neighborhood of the
North Polo iuctead of Pennsylvania.
It is said we must sco peoplu in
their own house to really know them.
It has been my priviledge to bo a
guoit at the Great Houso, for days
and nights, and when well and whon
ill, and bo I think I know President
Dubs and his fanuly. Granted tbey
keep their company mannora on for
me; that they put only their best foot
forward, it was put forward so well,
and kopt forward so continuously that
it amounted to one more talent, whioh
should reecivc "honorable mention"
along with tho already long list of
accomplishment natural and acquired
that are peculiar to hia family.
John 3. Duss, senior trustee of tho
Harmony society, mayor of Eoenomy,
president of tho town council, band
master, organist for the church, com
posor, preacher, financier, farmer, eto.
etc., is a man too well known in West
ern Pennsylvania to need ruoro than a
mention hero. But John Dibs, has
bnd, father friend and neighbor, is a
man little Known outside of Eoonomy,
and hence mueh misunderstood, slnoo
judged by that little knowledge, whioh
ia commonly a dangerous thing. It
is tha privilege af the writer to visit
a good many families in the course af
a year, and ia all troth I am forced to
say I was never in ono where greater
refinement provailed, or where culture
had reached higher tide. Never have
I seen man and wife who wera such
good friends as are John Duss and
his wife. There socms to no a per
fect understands between them up
on nil subjects and n just appreciation
ol Chch other's lore mid of tnlonts.
Their tastes arc in common, their
ideas in accord, Mr. Duss is of that
goncral variety of man who is willing
his wife should know as much as ho
docs; who bclioves in her mentality,
who values her council and credits ns
much to her judgment as to her intui
tion, He lives by tho idea that a joy
!b twice a joy, and a sorrow only half
a sorrow when shared with tho objcot
of his affection, and so everything
from tho gravest business complication
to the choicest bit of good news is
shared with hia trusting and trusted
If Mrs. Dubs wcro being written up
for the "Ladies' Homo Journal," she
would como under the caption of "un
known wives of woll-knov;n mort" for,
although her husband's private secre
tary, and in theso days whon lawsuits
grow upon every bush, tho business
end of tho entire Harmony communi
ty haB fallen upon her plump should
ers, yet sho is unknown to the world
outsido of a few personal friends, and
tho old folks of tho Harmony sooicty
who arc her wards. For theso last
sho provides everything, even their
roerealion. In turn they are taken
for a drivo behind tho milk-whito
Welsh ponies, Mrs. Duss' pet team.
Somo of tho spn'ast of those girls, of
from 75 to 85 years old, were takon to
the last circus, both Mr. and Mrs,
Duss accompanying thorn. It is told
that they fairly clapped their wither
ed old hands in delight. Everything
pleased tbcm, but ahooking to tell,
tho barebacked riding pleased best of
all. Even the "tights" brought out
no gooso flesh and caused no ono to
faint, by which ono can only ooncludo
that Anthony Comstook had never
visited Economy, and theso old ladies
had never heard of tho immorality
that lurks in suggestive clothing
or tho lack of clothing. Honi aoit
qui mal y penso (evil to him who evil
The majority of women find the
caro of their own immediat? family
quite enough, but Mrs. Duss cares for
tho sixteen families of tho commune,
thoir creature comforts, their spiritual
welfare in a moasure, and, as has been
aaid, their recreation. A pretty wo
man is Mrs. Duss, rid checked, clear
oomplezioncd, plump tiguro, tiny
hands and feet, and Bpoaking eyes
that can flash every emotion exper
ienced by woman. No knight of tho
camera over has or ovor can do her
justice for tho reason her complexion
cannot bo photographed, and hor face
in repose is not particularly attrac
tive. In conversation sho has a
laughing face, a young faoo, a faoo
that scorns to have been croatcd for a
halo of curls; but instead of making
tho most of this God-given attraction
sho religiously smothers down hor
glossy black hair with a Quakor-liko
simplicity which makes her look much
oldor and moro sad than sho is. But
queon of tho village sho certainly is,
and tho idol of her subjootB, a good
wife, a good mother, a good friend,
what moro could be said of any wom
an. Musical instruments are as thick
as ohairs at the "Great House" aid
each mombcr of tha family plays one
or moro of theso instruments, John
Dues, musical eamposer, is probftfely
an well know an is Jahn Bugs, senior
trustee of the Harmony society, and
had he cbasen to make uiusio a pre
fcssion instead of a recreation it ia
eonoeded that ho might have ranked
with tho best composers, While ho
is not his children's instructor, yet ho
keeps a watchful eye over their musi
cal education, and thoir aptitude is
remarkable. Mrs. Duss and Vera,
thoir 12-ycnr-old daughter, each play
in thut one of the vilUge bands com
Red Cloud, Webster County,
posed entirely of women; and this
band played from tho tower of tho
historic old ohurch at sun-up last
Easter morning. John Duss, Jr., or
"Hans," as ho is called in tho family,
is a member of tho Economy band,
instructed by his father. Both child'
ron play tho piano and both read
books that would bo too heavy for or
dinary young pcoplo in their teens,
and aro encouraged to enter discus
sions upon tho rclativo morit of books
and music, with their parents. Evory
pet or plaything that coulu contribute
to a happy child-lifo has boen fur
nished, as well as everything that
contributes to culture and education.
I don't know of a weekly or monthly
publication that docs not go into their
house. Nor of a daily looal paper.
All clippings, both for and against
John Duss and tho Harmony sooioty,
are carefully scissored and pasted in a
strap book, and no ono enjoys a smart
rap at themselves or tho sooioty moro
than Mr. and Mrs. Duss. though thoy
aro pained by tho unpleasant adver
tising they get by lovers of the sen
sational quite as much as tho rest ot
ua would be. Meii.
DcufncM Cannot bo Cured.
by looal applications as they cannot
reach the disease portion of the ear.
There ia only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi
tion of tho muoons lining of tho Eus
tachian tube. TVhon this tube is inflam
ed yon have a rumbling sound or lmper
feot hearing, nnd when it is entirely dos
sed, deafnoss !e the result and unless the
inilamation can be taken oat and this
tnbe restored to its normal condition,
hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine
oases oont of ten are caused by oatarrh,
whioh is nothing bnt an inflamtd condi
tion of the mucous Burfaoes.
We will give One Hundred dollars for
any oaso of deafness (oaused by oatarrh )
that cannot bo cared by Hall's Catarrh
Care. Bend for oiroolaro; free,
F. J. CHENEY &, CO., Toledo, 0.
ISTHold by Draggists, 7fio.
Pleusttnt Dale.
Tho meeting in Mr. Anderson's
Groyo was very well attonded and tho
sermons wero rood.
Mrs. Landrcth is baok from Corn
ing, Kansas, where sho was called to
hor mother's funeral.
Rev. Humbrto preaohed over to
Penny Greek last Sunday night to a
good congregation,
Ask Gib if he has caught onto tho
combination of putting atovo pipea
The prayer meeting last Sunday
afternoon at Mr. VanDyko's was well
Gall on M. A. for rug pattorns.
Ghken Houn.
A luurler Center Teat.
For a quarter of n century Dr. King's
Now Discovery has been tested and the
millions who have reooivod benefit from
its use testify to its wonderful onrativo
powers in all diseases of throat, chest and
lungs. A remedy that has stood the test
so long and that has given so universal
satisfaction is no experiment, Eaoh bot
tle ia positively guaranteed to give relief
or the money will bo refunded, It Is ad
mitted to be the most rollable for coughs
andeolds. Trial bottles free at 0. h.
Getting' drugstore. Large sUe GOo and
Nioo rain last Tuosday afternoon,
Mrs. Stroup ia on the siok list.
Rev.Htstings.will preach at Pennoy
Greek Sunday ovening Jnly 7th.
Misses Jonnio Kudd and BeBsio
Keagle wore ploasantQoallors on Mel
vina Vandyke last Sunday.
Mr. Aubuahon is putting in millet
on Mr. Wolf'a placo.
Buck Skin,
Farify the blood; utrongthen the body
Dr. J. II. MoLtan'arJtrongthoning Cordl n
and Wood l'uriliur best spring tonic.
Neb., Friday, July 5,
Mr. Boyd of Red Cloud waB in our
locality Tucday.
Mr, Bailey was in our vicinity on
business the first of the week.
Mr. Rust nnd wife woro visiting at
Mr. Crabills tho foro part of thn wook
Mrs. Kamey aad daughter Miss
Lillian wero pleasant guests of Mrs.
Wiscarver Monday.
Evcrott Bean and wifo and Miss
Laura Michaels of near Inavalc wero
visiting at J, Beans Sunday,
Tho nice rain that fell Tuesday will
revivo the lato oats so thoy will make
a half of a crop yet.
C. F. Kclley and family from near
Ilivorton and Emery Bean and family
wore vlpiting at J. B. Wisocarvcr
Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Shuman died ono day Inst wock, Tho
family h.ivn tho sympathy of tho on
tiro community.
Frauk Cow-den, Geo. Murhart,Frniik
Richardson and Al Albright of lied
Cloud wcro in our noighbarhood on
their whocls last Sunday.
On last Sunday about 25 vehicles
loaded with singers camo out from
Red Cloud in tho aftornoon to sing
for tho Sunday school in our vioinity.
Instead of having tho services in
tho sohool house as was expected thoy
wcro held in a grovo on Mr. Ramoy'a
farm. Something near threo hundred
pcoplo wcro present. Mr. Albright,
Mr. Fulton, Undo Jorry Orndoff, Rev.
Maxficld and Rav. Bean eaoh deliver
ed a abort address. Tho singing was
well rendered and appreciated by all.
W. II. Nelson, who is in the drag busi
ness at Kingsville, Mo., has so muoh con
fidence in Chambertaln's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhcva Remedy that ho warrants
every bottle and offers to refund the
money to any aastomor who is not satis
fied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no
risk in doing this beoanee tho remedy is
a certain core for tho diseases for whioh
it is intended and he knows it. It ia for
sale by Deyo &. Orico druggists.
Gardens aro making good growth.
Weeds aro growing thiok and fast.
Plenty of work in Gardenvale at
Mr. Georgo Lentz was in Red Cloud
Fred Hurd was driving in Garden
valo Sunday.
G. A. Harris was in Gardenvalo
A, W. Boner went to Cowlcs on hia
wheol Monday evening,
Henry Kecnoy was out driving
Sunday viewing tho crops.
Roo Boner and family and Loteh
Adamson spent Sunday on Willow
Edward Lewis was in Ainboy tho
first of tho week,
Hor.ry Carpontor and family of
Franklin wore visiting old friends in
Gardenvalo laBt week,
Mcsdamos Waller and Hagor of
Cowlcs woro viowing the flower beds
in Gardenvalo last week.
G. A. Latta and W. V. Bcal wero in
Red Cloud Tuesday, Eaoh had a load
of produco.
Some of the Gardonvalo ladies
were picking goosobcrries on Willow
creek Tuesday.
C. K. Paul was in Gardenvalo Mon
day. Ho is spending the weak in
Grand Island.
Missca Mario Latta and Mabla Wal
ler returned home from Franklin
Monday. Thoy repart a good time at
the Franklin aoademy excrciaea.
Wk Two.
!- I I
"Ono ot my siok headaches," you will
hear people frequently SBy, as if the com
plaint was hopelessly incurable As a
matter of fact, Ayer'a pills not only re
liee sick headaohe but effciotnally re
move tho ennse of tills distressing core
plaint, and fco bring about n permanent
Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Whero did you celebrate?
W. A. Baker drove ta Red
Undo Tommy Burdon was ut Bluo
Hill Monday.
Col. Fletcher of Frankliu was in
this city Tuesday.
Miss Loaa Monroe is visiting friends
in Hastings this week.
J. E. Yost is getting a oar load of
cattle ready to ship Monday.
B, L. and J. E. Yost was daing
lni-inoss ut Hustincs last Friday.
Mr. Cole the broom man was in
this city tho foro part of this week.
Another lino rain visited this sec
tion oT thn country Tuesday ovening.
W. M, Grannis and W. II. lleff
man took in tho sights of tho county
seat Friday.
No mooting af tho Modern Wood
man lodge Tuesday evening on ac
count of tho rain,
Mis. Tanner who has been visiting
at Grandma Monroo's returned to her
home at Daniphnn Monday.
Mr. John Cobb wha has been visit
ing his parents in this city returned
to his homo at Swanton Tuesday
You ean hear tho farmers talk
about harvesting and that means that
they aro going ta hava somo monoy in
the near future.
Tho frionda of Bart Wauilo will ho
glad to hoar of hia promotion, he took
chnrpc of tho Campbell seotion the
latter part ot last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cobb departed Tues
day morning with thoir daughter Mrc
Woodworth for her homo iu Oak
Grove, Mo. whero thoy will make
their future homo.
Mrs. Coplen of Holdrodgo rcturnod
to her home Manday evening after
spending a few days with hor father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Cobb be
fore loaving for their home in Mo.
Chamberlain's is the best of all. Vin
cent J. Bark), of Danbnry, Iowa, has used
Chamberlains Ccigh Remedy whonever
in need of a medioine for ooughs and
colds, for the past Aye years and says:
"It always helps me ont. If anyone asks
me what kind of cough medioine I nse, I
reply, Chamberlain's, that is the beBt ot
all. iii and GOo bottlea for sale by Deyo
& dries Druggists.
Pleasant Prairie.
Wonderful growing weather at this
writing with another good rain.
Cam ia doing well, weeds are do
ing bottor. Tho overseen are aftor
tho Russian thistle. Clear thorn out
for thoy mean business and don't you
forget it.
Sunday sohool every Sunday Morn
ing at 10 a'olock. Rov. Bean preaches
next Suaday morning at eleven o'clock
Mr. and Mrs. Shuman buried their
baby last week; the aorman will bo
preached on Sunday,
Wo heard a little story abant flour
coming down: the other day two
ladias in a milk wagon lost a aaak of
flaur out of the hind end of tho
wagen, went on abaut 19 rods after it
fell out before tbey missed it. They
drove back quiek to aee where it fell,
no team had passed them. If aomo
poor person got it I Bay good bless
the poor.
Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder
World's Pair lllghrat McCaUnd Diploma.
No 27
The Union Biindny-arlinol A m
Only a blind uinn could think tho
Sunday-school niovoment not n prog res
moono. Wliilo Botno stutcB lire ut a
standstill othora aro making rtpid
Htrhlos; Now York, Ohio, Indiana, New
Jorsoy, Kentucky. Ponnoylvaniii nnd
ninny othora huvo junt hold thoir eon
vontiotiH, all of which wore ii grand suc
cess Many of uh aro acquainted with
thn push and onorgy of tho Illinois poo
ple, in tho union Sunday-school work
thoy urn by no means behind. Tho
progroHH shown nt its hint convention ia
munolouB, ovary county io organized,
ovor sixtoen hundrod convontionB nnd
ono hundrod institutoa huvo beuu hold
thn liiHt jour whioh increanod tho mom
borship of their Sunday nchoola thirty
eight thousand. All thiti niiggcBts a
pergonal question. What nro we doing
in NobruRkur. . Only twunty-Boven out
ot the ninoty'ppuntioH have nrguuiod.
Ia Wobtitor county one of tho twenty
bo von r Voa, with ii'fiill quota of otllccre
oloutod at CowIcb April 11), who uro
pushing tho work vigorously with it do
termination to placo our county in tho
front ranks of progress thU year. J. S,
White, G. A. Harris, I. Fiiebio, Miss
Savago and U. D. Fulton uomposo our
oxecutivo committoo which is ntrong
evidence thut our county organization
will mulfu itself known to tho atato.
What Ih tho condition of our Sunday-
schools in the county now? Wo huvo
about fourteon thousand peoplu in our
county, nintoen church tiuildingH, ninety
throe Hchool houses, thirty-ono Sunday
echoolp, thirtoon hundred and twenty
scholurd and to, ichors of whioh one hun
dred nnd thirty-Hix aro toaohero.
What is tho S. S. association r A com
pany of men und women banded to
gether for tho advancement of all S, S.
interests, the rstabWehiuunt of now
bcIiooIh whenever needed und for bo
curing tho best posmblo work in tho
schools already in existence. Tho as
sociation whether ntuto, county or
township Uvea nnd works tbe wholo
year round though ita conventions uro
hold only ut regular erlods. Wo pro
poso holding u soml-unnual convention
this fall at Pruirio Gem at whioh time
und place you will huvo u chorus of
about llvo hundred voices and tho beet
eesayB and speakers it is poseiblo to pro
cure if you attend. It jb tho only orga
nization whoro Christiana of all denomi
nations moot togothor aa ono body.
Matt. 18-11 ie our motto,
June 10th seven workore from Red
Cloud mot with tho S. S. in district 11
for a rally service. Juno 'i.'kl about 25
workora from Red Cloud met with tho
S. S. in Diet, 14, and June .'10th over
sixty workers from Rod Cloud met with
the S. S. nt district XI. Croat enthus
iasm and 'intoreBt was shown at ouch.
Tho crowd buouis to bo growing as theso
rallies progress, Reports by delegates
from schools wo visited follow ue to our
rallying placo. Our report wus givon
that the nttondanco hud about doubled
and interost was growing so that thoy
hold weok ovoning sessions to practlco
their Sabbath songa nnd loBsonB.
Noxt sabbath July 7th we hold a rally
eorvico in tho Baptist church in Red
Cloud at 3 o'cloek, and July 14th at
Amboy, dietrlot 30, at which timo ana
place wo invito school diatrlcta is. Zi
and 72 to moet with ua aa it will be 1m
peBsiblo for ub to visit every district in
tha county thto year. However any
school district in tho county that has
not n S. S. can procuro one at once ie
any one in the district fools interested
enough to make thoir wants known to
any member ot tho oxecutivo committoo.
They will take steps at once to assist
you in organising and arranging for
rully. Any S. S. ulready organized that
deaireB a rully service can arrange for a
dato through tho exocutlvo committee
ua wo only go witn mono ramus uy
Bollcitntion. L. P. Atmuoiw, Pros.
ii. a
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair fienewer
has restored gray hnlr to it original eolot
mid prevented ImldutM-t Iu thousands Of
oasts. It will do so to yau. t