The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    THJiJ KJUIJ UIAJU 1JJJ AjLiW, JJjtiJULfim, eJlJlNJli 2S, ICftJO.
for Infants and Children.
OTHERS, Do You Know tut ronc,
llnlouuin'n Iro, OoIfn-y's Conlinl, mnny wcalletl Bfjotlilni? Byrups, and
mint remedies for children nro cijinioR'd cf oltnn or inorpLlue?
Po Yon Know that opium nml morphlno nro stujK'fylns narcotic poisons f
Po Yon Know that In most countries druggists aro not imnnlttcd to toll narcotic!
without labeling thorn jxilnons f t
Po Yon Know that you ehouM not permit any medicine to bo given your child
Unless you or your physician know of hat It In combined f
Po Yon Know that Cantorla U n purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of.
Its Ingredients Is published with every twttle f ,
Po Yon Know that Cnctorla Is tho proscription of tho famous I)r. Rnmucl Tltcber.
That It hat boca In uso for nenrly thirty years, and that mora CostorU is now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined f
Po Yon Know that tho Patent Ofllco Department of th TJnHed States, and of
other countries, hao Issued oxclmlvo right to Dr. ntchcr and his assigns to uso tho word
" Castor!" and Its formula, and that to Imltato them Is a state prison offense r
Po Yon Know that one of tho reasons for granting this government protection was
because Castorta had been proven to lw absolutely harmless?
Po Yon Know that 35 average doses of Costorla aro furnished for OS
oeats, or-ono cent a doso 1
Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfoct preparation, your children may
be kept well, and that you may havo unbroken rest r
Well, these things are worth knowing. They aro facta,
The fac-almfla
Ignatnrw nT
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla.
A. Nnttitnitt Cnnfi renin CitllrcS for Wimli
Inctiiii Aitunot I I to fUt Work.
Mkmi'1119, Tenn., .Itmo 'ii. Im
rneillntely lifter thu iiiljotiMinioiit of
tho recent silver convention in this
city, a nnmliur of lending lOeinoornta
outlined plans for nn organization of
free ullvor men within thu Democratic
party for tho tini-poso of carrying on.
tho hilvcr campaign within party
linen. As a result of this mooting tho
following address han been hunt to
Democratic loaders throughout the
Soon after the adjournment of the.
fillw'j- convention held in this city on
thu I'Jth and nth hist., many Demo-cnithiropreM-ntlng
hoverul states of the
Union liehl a meeting here for the pur
pose, of considering the best methods
of M'curing the free and unlimited
coinage of lmth silver and gold into
full legal tender money at ultimate re
'lcmption at the ratio of W to 1, with
out rejriirtl to the Ununeltil poliey of
ntheivountries, and it was unanimous
lyugreoil that its the unititlont opinion
of that conference J
1. That the only Jmpu of securing
the free and iinlliiilteiU'iilniigo of silver
at ilMn I Is through the action of the
Democratic part,.
2. That a largb mnjor.ity of tho Dem
ocratic party of the country and a very
Inrge majority of the people, of tho
United .suites, ii respective of party,
favor siieli colunge.
a. That the success of the Democratic
frcirty In the cainpaignif IS'.Mi largely,
f not wholly, depends on the earnest
aniUcctlvo udvocacy of thu free and
unlimited coinage of silver.
4. Tliat u thorough organization of
the Democrats of thu several states
who favor the freu and unlimited coin
age) of both silver and gold on terms
of equality ut 10 to 1 is a necessary
and pi oner means of controlling tho
action or tho nntlonal Donioemtlo
convention of 1800 upn this vitally
Important question.
. Tliat in order to avoid frietionnud
the -complaint of such Democrats us op
pose the free coinage of silver, wo will
not invoice, the regular machinery of
the p.irty whose ilutv It to to net for
thu whole party without regard to dif
ferences of opinion upon u single iptes
lion. Therefore, we, the unilerbigned, were
appointed a committee- to talcu such
steps as may be necessary to
a thorough national organisa
tion of silver Dcumatuts and
for purpose wu respectfully
invite ,ou t4 meet us at Wushlngtou
D. C, on the 1 Itli day of August,
I SOS, in order that wo ntuy confer
and cooneratu In establishing such
srgaulration, anu you aro reipiested to
bring with you bui'Ii Domoeratio friends
an aro in full symj athy with this pur
pose. It ih important that n Dontocrnt
acceptable to tho Democracy if your
itato nnd willing to represent at cm a
outlonul executive commlttco should
attend this
An early answer, -iddressed to tho
Hon. Cnsoy Young, Memphis, Tenn.,
will greatly oblige. Jluspcctfully,
Kiam C. IIaiuus,
.1. JC. Jom.h,
DAl.lI) Tl'UPlK.
Cinwrimr rlmllh H mtnlncil.
liKAVKNwoinn, Kan., June 'J7. Cuv
trnor Smith of the Soldiers' hcnix
. states positively that tho niitinunj
Ooardnf mn lingers be for leaving for
the Pacific const informed him that all
fnnml charges legiu-diug the manage.
milt of the home hml bceiwlispoM-dnf
Mid that he was MiNUlni'il The board
ahv advised hitn ugniiwt holier alarmed
aver certain new-paper reports relative
to t1?i home, as the bourd UhU no co"
AleanLeof such thing-,. "
('Ins Kfor My,-.,om) hliilru,
C1110AC0, JiiueVT. -cl ul gerit C,V.
-base had sUileu from hhn in the cor
ridors of the t'ltj hull 11 clu tk foiSh':..
J00 The I'l-ier drawn on Jlu
Clilcago Xutiohal bank, and was sigmsl
Jjyt'ity Trvaurer Wolf." The inuney
represented was to be twctl to pay tho
June saiarlen of the scliool teaciierb.
Mill. I I,),iK-,
, Comu.t, .Mo,, Juno i'7.. Uultn u .,
Cayffc&S. wrr-
ecru lightning and thunder storm
struck this place lust evening. Miss
Luna Welleman wns Instantly killed
byustiolco of lightning and hor sla
ter, .Miss Annlo and Miss Cnrrio
Knight wore badly shocked.
(llllll tit ItU. Ill Jllll.
Kixni'iHiiKii, Ok., June 27. A farm
jrs' nntl-horscthlof association near
Wamlel, Klngllsher county, brought
wo horsethlccs here yesU-Vday. They
2ongriitnluted themselves on being
turncdmortoolHccrsof the law, rather
hun to bo dealt with by vigilantes.
Tlir Atliiutn Onlrrril to Cuba.
WAHiirNcno.v, Juno 1!7. The ndminis
.ration Veliores that the Raleigh will
lot uo able to cope alono with tho in
;reased activity recently displayed by
those who nympathire with the Cuban
insurrectionists, nnd orders have been
.asiied to tho Atlanta to proceed to Cu
ban waters.
NHlvntlnn Army .llurtyr.
Coi.oitMio Si'itiNciH, Col., Juno i".
:aptaln lllnucho Cox of the Salvation
iriny, an Intelligent and refined
woman, hoa gone to jail for thirty
lays fur preaching in tho streets. She
would not pay a 11 no imposed upon her
r allow her.frlends to pay it for her.
mm tiu Ntirk it out.
Toi-T.KA, ICai... June 27. Labor Com
nisslonur I'.iul said to-day that he had
nude up his mind not to resign. He
iuld he could not afford to resign and
that hu wanted 11 vindication. Ho
iroinUed a statement in a few days.
Mnrullty I111IU Inii'iitH In Diiuir.
Dk.sveu, Col., Juno 27. Tho grand
Jury hna Indicted thirteen leading cltl
ens of this city for renting houses for
Immoral purposes. This is tho first
timo a crusado against vice has been
andcrtuken on these lines in Denvor.
Mrs. V. K. Terrs Ilriict,
Waiirrnton-, Mo., June 27. Mrs. G.
H. l'eeru, wlfo of ricnator Peers, died
at her home hore yesterday of puraly
lis at the ago of M years.
Mnherly Ilt-HUIlKlit Kuspeniled.
Mobkkxv, Mo., June 27. TheMober
Daily Headlight, Hepublican, of thl
lity has snspended publication.
tipcat KIDNEKLIVER'js blcVrd!.b
Pain in the Hack
Jolnta or lilp,Niliuunt in mine llUo brick-dust
rreuuent culls or ivtentlou, rheimmtinn.
Kidney Coiiiiilaint
Dlabttci", ilrojwy, kCanty or I1UI1 colored urino.
I rinary TiouhlcH
suie 111 the p 11 tk. tiiftlitul in iiutiiiii, stricture,
I)is(H'ifierel Liver
Blont or ilaik ciiuics umler tho ejes. tongue
iKikfed.coiMUpiltlnu, Jcllowiih eji'Ullli.
At ItrueiclHtM, ..Oieiiitiiiul ijll.00 elze.
luvili ! Ciulila hi lltaltU" fnt-Cou,ulttlon (rc
!. Klt.1n.11 Ce Ili.soiiAUTOs, N. V.
Tlme who winh to talcu mlvnntiigo of
thu new "Nearer Alteiidaiicn" law next
)ear, imiHtllll out tho proper blunksthls
mouth, lllunk foriKH nmy bo obtuiued
at my oflJi'e.
J). M. Nf.MKK, Co3upt.
Nkw YnnK.Jnnn 2r.-Htorlln nxclmnk'o ws
qulxt mid firm, with nrtunl Imslnua In hank
ra' Mils ut I.Snji4.1'Ji for iloinnrul mil
II MXI.Mti for flxty tin) i t imntod nitoi
4A0li4W.nminicrrlnl l)lll, tl.)7(CI.S8.
Mmipj nn mil w.-n rny, iiiinilnully nt 1 n
ent. lent on prlino mere mtilu pninr, a,'jfi
3'i 1 or ci'iit
(loTcriimotit IkiiiiN iirn IiUIkt. U. S. now U
rciiMnrisI, lil j cotiiiiiiK, UiU.Si, ri'iiltbrnl
M cniiHiti, 1l'JiJ;, tini-ti'ro.l, llijruii
pii, llli2(,t ri-rtlM'iriil.OTi I'AcltictUiif'iriJiil
Kllvor wns stisidy IVrtillcntes for ID.Uil
ounces mild nt tVlUr. liar plUer wild nt nl',r
Moxlrmi itollnrx mid nt .Vtc llur silvir in
London, :)3-Kl,
Kullowlnit nro tlin clolinc price 011 tho Stock
Amrriean 1 ntton cm '.".
Aitirrirn Mii,ir Hi'liiiliu.
AtrliUon. loonkit mid himtn lo ,
1 liicnuo (ln..
( liicilKiMitid .Nmtliuritrrli
( lilqnico, llnrlltmtonmiil tjiilm-j
J.J'.t'.ASt. I.011I,. com..... .,
( IiIciiko, Mllwmik) mid St. 1'niii, mm
( h caico. Iiirk Mntid mid Pacific, com
Dnlnware, I,. ,V W
DIMIIIIiiKniiilC. K...
Oi-iicriil Klcctric
LnkiiSliorn ..... ,
LiiiilsTllln nnd Nnslivllln
aiHiilmttan t'on
Missouri I'neinc
Nnttnnol Cordnicu
Nstlonul Lend I o., com ,
Nstlonal Lliiiixl)ll
Niw,Jorsy C'riitnil ..... . ,
Now Yurk anil Nnw Cniiliiiiil
Nortlinrn I'ncific, profcrrnd
rlilliidHpliliinnd lloiidiiiK
Union Pacific
wnbnrli, i,r fcrrAI
Wmtom Cnli.i
. Ill'
. . U
. .. Til",
.. W"
. .. S"i'
. HI'
. '
... "Ji
... 21
... 7
.. 1MI
... .'"
... Si
.. U
... RVi
... 4S,
. . Il.'i
. .11' 1
... r
Kansas Citt. Mo., Juno 27. Wlicnt hy inin
pin Hint with tcood ilrrnaud tiMlay. Klcato
inwi wprnliti)irMrldiiiitly to fillTuxiH onlcr.
ln-roro thu ndcmim In fn lht rntes. A fi-w cut!
of new wheiit wro on rain, and liroiiKlit mtj
lrnaiilnr prlem. Only 0110 cur of nuw whual
Rradisl No. 2. I'rlcnK woro 'ittlo lilnhur. Som
small onlcr for sort wlient wtrn nlltsl.
HccolpU of wliost to-dny, l entf.n )enr mco
13 cars.
Hstosof csrlotsby sampln on tr.ick, Knnn
city! No. 2 cars 7liO, 7 curi. 71c
No. 3 hard, nominally CMfifitfo: No. iniril noml
nallj flOdle ; No. i rid, 1 car, new 74c, Henri
vie:. so. 3 rnl, 1 car koikI, 71c, 1 cur new, 70c
No. 4 red. nominally C4(ib7c; rejected, nominal
lorn wn llrml) field and met with fair do
innnil, with not mniu hamoleHoirerlni.'. A hiiTi
of l(K IniHlinlmiiit of utoro on priwitn lerini
was rcrui(U
nuciiipiiorcorii iiMinj, IJ earn; 11 your un
&u rnra
hales hy Hamplci on track. Kiitisii-s City: No.
z mixed com, 11 cars 4V, 'Jcir IJCi No.
3mlxisl,8carsood, 4J4ci No. I mixed, tiom
4l'ift4:c; No. i white, 4 c.irs 41c; No. !
white, nominally 4
UnU were in Rood demand, with prices 'Jc
to lc IiIk'iit. Qitltna niimU'rof nnmh" were
on kiiIo. Sturncn iuuii hotiKlit soma nnd
"lieiitjeil 1I10111 wltti Haled or I lilcnito St-ptem
ItewiHtH of iintM to-tlaj.B carsju )eariiKo,4
Hales by snmplo on track. Kntipas City: No. 3
nilxeil nntN, . cars 24c3 carsaikc: No. 9 oats
nominally IMc; No. 4,uoininull) 'Jklc, No. 2 white
onts, mmiiuully i;s2io; No. 3 wlilto oats, I
car ;cc
lt)o-Nndnmaud; No.'.', nominally, COc; No.
s, niimlnall), inc.
Com (Jlinn-Stcndy : fOfiS."ic tier cwt tnrkeil
Uran Weak; .VJtji'Jc jiercwt snckiilj hulk, 0c
Ullar-Iterelpts.tllcnrs; market tlrmer.rTimo
thy, choice, fllii 12; No. I, iV TiinclU; No. ' JNK'J
fane) prairie, $1(1; choice, r.)ili.N); No. 1, Sid; .o.., jU; pucKin nay, S-l.Wit),
ChlruBo llonrd of Trade.
CmrAoo. Jiitio 7, The fotlowlcin Is tlin ranuo
or prtcvNot tiiDKraui aim provision market on
the, hounloi truiloi
I llhcli Low
C lOHt, I llll
Juno Jil Juno ii
September. .
Cons -
.In no
Jul. . ..
June. . . ,
La mi
J 11110
Jul) .
Short Huh
13 :m
12 w,
0 WJi
f!3 !
I. .',7',
47 H
ill 'l
1 0
1'J :i
0 v,
ll 'HI
6 H)
0 !Vi
II 77S-,
n a',
r, :ir,
11 '.
0 no
Ii J-J'
II '!.,
Itje nml 1'luxnecd.
Cinccno, Juno 17 - Hji No. :
Septemlior, Ikle. KlliXi.eetl-No.
NorllmeMern $I.M; Soiitliictorn
$1.47: Npteinlir, $1.2-.
rash, o0t
Sr. Lorn. Jlo June 'J7H)o, nominally, ro
tiaxsceu-.-Miminnll), 71.21 for July delivery
Kashas CiT), Mo, JiiiimJ. Cattlo KecplpU
nltScalvpH, ;iiv; tmipiKjil yeitenhi), l.inS cut
lie, 110 cnive. 1110 iiiiirKei was mow on
ierythlQ hut the tiest olicriiiKi1, whicli wen
steady, common and medium. Tnxans clusiil
6h1m lower.
Following aro repre'cntntlTn sales:
20 dresneu beef nnd rhipiiliu; Ktenrs, 1473 0 25
107 droxMid lieef nniUliipiliBteorii, VVli 4 fU
lHdroedheef nndlii)ilui;iiteers,lJi)..,. 3 U
17 dreiod hei f and HliiiipiiiKiiteers, 1 lit. .'1 00
50 dressed beef and tliippintf stLers, 13UI 4 S3
13 Tnxnx and Indian Btoor, s'C :int)
dTexiisnud Imliiin steers, lH ;t 00
U'Texus nnd Indian steri,!i XI . ,, 'J (It
llcxa and Indian teor. 1,030 a 73
III stookers and feeders, l'JIS 4 40
111 Mockers mid feeders, l(M il IU
lUntockiiniiiiid feeders, I'.'M II is)
1'istorkers nnd feeders, 971) 3 '
3cnles,ot HI t)
1 cow mill calf '."J (O
Senium, lot as IW
4cahex, lot -J3 00
'Joxn, li.s) o on
'.'I. oxen, PUS 3 10
How lleceipts C,M; thitK-tt jpsli'riliy,
i,m . jiiii markot wn '11 ion hU-her nml
nctivo. 1 ho top wiln wan l.0 and tlin hulk
of ales from $1 al) to $4.70, iiKiiinst $l.7' foi
top ,a'e nml $1.40 to 4.W) for hulk of vidua jcr
tetd.i). IteprestntntiM) mles;
No. Ve, I'rlrn. No, e, 1'rlrn. No, ,n, I'rlco
M Ol 4 Ml M '.-.lO 4 77', 71 .'77 175
Ji 8J7 1 75 M .';! 4 73 111 al 4 7J'4
I US 4 13 II 115 4 13 10 115 4 00
( il .' 10
Slll.l.1' Iticeipts :t,l!7; hlilpped jeMonlay
noue. 'llui markot wat nctlro mid hleailj te
ktion,'. Tim followiux urn repreMiitathu vnli s,
tj lor., 7i , 'j;u
irheop, IV) kij
Ml Tctx. rv., I . . .. ,i;5
rVshoip, 10U ... 1 73
ChlruKo I. lie Stock'.
ClllCAiio, Juno :7. liiii,- -UwclpU 24aW;
olliclnl oterilay, 14,713 ; shipments, 4,7M Isft
iner, alniiit i,OM; iiuallty fiir, markut r.cths
and firm s priciu5 to 10a liiBhiirivaloraUKed at
tsL!iW.i0fnrpl(S!.4SM.73 for llclit, I.W
4.70 for miuIi pncklni;; $I.55W.S3 for mixed,;
$l.75i 4.1',', for liuivy, pnckinir nnd hliipphiu
Cattle - Knculpts, U.rtX); olhclal jeMenlny,
i',lil .vlilpim nts, )eMrrtn). h.".l uiHfket Meudy
fi" 11I, em o'l li l 1 to I iv lower.
I!.h.'ii.i 5,i ,iil)ii'nl)Mcirdir. II.-
, ..iipimiix, )o t rill) o.ll, ninika 5 to loo
tiui;nr mid Co (Ten.
Nkw Yoicn, Jujib 37, fnigiir Raw, quiet,
rentrifinrnl 11 frst, SJ-14. Kcllaod, Moarlj ;tfao
ulnfjul, 4 T.lcfflS.
Volieo- JJjJJi No. 7 II it Iwmi, IMic.
rhe Stnto Democratic Committee Will
III) AriiIii Coiirneil If the l.rmlers
Itcnlly Desire It Tlio 1'ust Posl-
tlon of the Mi'iulier llellmil
Asks for liiiinrilliito
ItepllrNto the l.itti r.
St. Louis, Mo., Juno "J". Chairman
3. 0. Mullltt of tho Domoeratio state
Sontral commlttco has mailed to each
Democratic county chnlrmnn In Mis
louri nn address, of which the follow
.np Is a part: "Your stnto Dcmociatic
iommlttcc, l)aving noted through tho
ubllc press that some enthusiasts in
oehalf of tho frco, unlimited an; I tin
sondltionnl coinage of silver at the
.'ntlo of 1(1 to 1 woro clamorous for a
ionventlon of tho Democratic party
,n this stato for tho purpose of
riving expression to sentiment upon
Jiat, to tho exclusion of nil
)ther important articles of the Demo
zrntic treed, coiu'eued on the 1st day
of June, with tho view of canvassing
:hu policy, propriety and wisdom of
Jommittlng tho party by its action to
luch an unusual mid unprecedented
sroject. Ppon the assembling of tho
full commlttee.tho general phase of tho
ubject wu-s considered und thoroughly
iatnassed, tho argument for and
igainst having been patiently heard
ind carefully und dispassionately
ivolghed. The judgment of the coin
nlttee was registered against tho call
ing of a convention by the deelsiu
,-ote of ll) to 5. It "l.s due, nliWu
to this committee and to you, in be
inlf of the good of the party, to briefly
outline the reasons which influenced
t in deciding against such u conven
tion, as well as some of the more im
portant views nmod In its favor.whlch
were consldeied by the committee."
Thechaiiinau then gives as the rea
sons' that to call u convention for tlio
purpose of formulating a declaration
)f beliefs solely upon a single ono of
the national issues might bo justly
ionstrucd as an abandonment of ail
others; that it would create schisms,
jarty ostracism and anarchy; that
aoitlicr tradition nor usage afforded a
precedent for a convention to prcdo
jlaro upon any subject which must be
lonlt with by a regular convention
'.hat puts forth a declaration of prln
dples for its party candidates; that
.ho commlttco did not fool clothed
vitti tho power to call such a conven
tion. In closing, the address says: "It was
irgued that if such a convention do
;lnred in favor of thu frco, unlimited
md unconditional coinage of silver ut
10 to 1, it would give an impetus to that
sentiment in other states and help on
.he cause. The result of the election
following admonishes us that we must
jo careful to bo strong at homo before
vo lend strength to our neighbors. It
rtas argued tliat by a timely deolnra
.ton upon tho silver question and In tho
'ight way, wo might be able to reclaim
:hoso who had strayed away from
the fold into the Populist party.
It wns thou unswered that if
wo commit tho Democratic party
to this single issue, the ono very con
ipicuous in the Populist plutform,
might not that party, without arro
gance, claim that it had been recruited
by tho accession of the Domoeratio
party of this state? It is an argument
Jiat cuts two ways. And now, not
withstanding thu previous decision of
.his committee, I, as its executive of
llcer, will ngaln convene it if It bo the
lense of tho party expressed through
.ho members of tho county committees
.hut a ptate convention ought to be
jnlled to consider tho special cjuostlon
'jeforc indicated. J
'Tour committee nt its former tnoot
ng was iictuated by u sense of duty
ind duvotion to thu Democratic party,
ind here presents you possessed of
J10 s.unu sacred trust some of tho
reasons which Influenced its decision
lot to call un extraordinary conven
.ion. "Its motives havo been assailed and
nipugned. It has been urged to recon
reuo and reconsider its action. And
low, notwithstanding tho previous de
rision of this committee, I, as its oxec
Hive officer, will nguln convene it if It
3o tho house of the party expressed
ihrough tho members of tho
suunty committees that a stato
Mjuvcutlou ought to bu culled
m consider the question before In
Heated. Tho sources demanding
4 convention insist that it can only
bo regular through the call of tho
Unto commlttco; nnd should the statu
'ommittce determine to call a conven
.Ion upon again assembling, impressed
is it is so strongly with Its want of
tuthorlty to do so, It feels tho neccs
lity for the justification of its uction
in tho majority vote of tho regularly
instituted otllcors of tho party in each
.utility of tho st.tto. If, therefore, it
is tho desiro of your commlttco thut
further action bo taken by the state
ential committee, please have vour
:oinmittco Indicate its pleasure and
transmit the sntno to this commlttco
Dn tho Inclosed blank in tho manner
therein specified."
Deadly Cyclone In Texas.
Four Wourii, Texas, Juno 27. A cy
lono struck the town of llaird, west
of here, about 10 o'clock last ultrht.
Icmollshlutr u number of houses. A
:hureh was blown down upon an ad-
loiuiug pursunago, Killing a young
uau numed Mays, a sou of the minis-
Air. telegraph wires wero blown
iowu und communication out off.
Bsnsntlonal Suicides.
PAitis, Juno 27. A sonantldn has
oeou cr-cuted hero by the suicide of M.
I'nbrlce Carre, a noted burrlstor and
irumatlc author, and lib jlfo by
lllooring themselves with a revolver.
M. Carro was well known lu literary
jfrcles. Mine, Carre wars recentfy
ilvorced from her fonhor husband, .M.
POOR BID 111 001 Of OIHflKl';
v )
Among nil the structures that uiakc
up tho human budy, the neivcH hnv
been until icceutly tlie loait unclii
The role of the nerves in the dur
tion and ngsimiljtion of fond itf a
hiphly importMiit one. The questioi
whether tho food xhull nrurieh or be
come a mere loud upon tho sstcm it
a question of ncrvo force.
Negleot to patisfy the demand maiie
by tho nervous svntcm carries hear
penalties. When thin nervous force
is exhausted the digestive procemci
are obBtructid, the body is wcakcnei)
and pains nf neuralgia, indigestion,
rhcuuiatiktn, invndo its partB. Duriui
repose tho nerves nnd great ncrvi
centers feed upon the nutritive muter
iftl that Is stored in tho blood and tip
sues. It is when this suppl) ol
nourishment is prompt aud abundant
that the nervou B)stnn is able to re
oaperatc, but when the njsteui has
beoome ton tired to appropriate sufli
cient noiiiisliiii'iit nnd thu ncrvis too
shaky t get the rest they need, that
best of all blood purifiers, nrrve food
and neryo retiul.itors, Ptiuo's color)
compound, should be iveu at once.
IVuhi'h cilry rompouud has
brought health, strength nnd frodoiu
from nervous weakness to thousands
of tired women, "run daws" men, and
sickly children. It makes them ablo
to sleep soundly to digest their foed
perfectly, and to wia back health and
strength. Tho tired brain nnd nerves
aro rebuilt and their wasted pans re
paired during tleep, and nhire arr
yousness, irritability, and inudrqunto
nutrition of tho uerro cvuters do not
permit sufficient sleep, nervous pre-
$1 for The
postage paid; by renewing now for one year. If your subicrunion doos not expire for serarU
weeks or uentbs yet, send in your renewal and Uie dato on your paper will Lo set forwank
COMilPONICNOE HUM AMstTS WVITM. Ontflt, eonslstlne of sample or bcttk
atnple paper, sent en rweJpt ot -ao w pay cost ot wrapplBg, uialiuig and pip ayusiea;
tration, lassitude and despondency are
sure to fo'.Uw,
Paine' celery compound guards
acamst all this by promptly feeding
the exhausted nerns and making the
blood pure, abundant nnd nourishing.
It cures neuralgia, rheumatism, dys
pasia, all form of nervous weakness
despondenoy, skin diseases, and af
fections of tho heart, liver, and kid
neys. It sends pure, vitalized blotd
to every organ, and thus makes peo
ple wall. Paiaa's celery corapoA.nd
hat found its way niijrinally tbraUgb.
prescriptions by phjsioians into every
city and smallest village in tho coun
tr! It would bo very difficult to find a
man or woman of matur sg who has
not either been belted hj this remark
able rcniedy or has heard of its mar
velous properties at first-hand from
some enthusiastic friend or relative.
Pat 1118 eelcry compound istheoaly
urcat populnr reined; thu phy staians
of every school prescribe for disorders
of tho blood und nerves.
Sajs Mrs. Kato .Msnuo), 216 id
avc, Minneapolis, whoso picture is
"I Lave been greatly benefited by
Paine's celery compound. I havo tak
en nix bottles of the wonderful remedy
and recommend it to all who aro af
flicted as 1 was For years I hava
suffered from indigestion, and knoV
not how to givo duo thanks for tie
relief that 1 havo received whilo tak
ing Paine's eelcry conipaund. My
soa-iu-law has taken two bottles for a
similar trouble and it has made him
oiAii-ruud r-LATES.
Blie ot page, ll by 13& inches.
Elaborate Cover in (fold and Colors;
Highly Enameled Paper.
WORTH 1.00..
Red Cloud Chief.
Tauean obtain thl TInnrixnmnrw.. tv,..n
TnBcootcntsof tho art series of vlewa
aboe rcferrwl to consists of a eelee
tton of SHcTV-roun ptiotographlo
reproductions of lhoCoiumLranT&
poHltUui.and is Invaluable on well as
artistically beautiful. t4U,04t0"6"
Mtuto Taac ui THia erria