The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    I .
a?T ?AT5
Commencing Monday
Mrs. J. A. Uichimlson's Cash Millinery
Sale, 20 per cent off on every dollar's
worth of goods vou buy. This sale
will continue till July 4th, after which
I shall visit two or three weeks with
my daughter in liertranrt, then I shall
resume my business if the Lord wills.
Hats sold for $1.00, now for 80c.
Hate sold for 1.50, now for 1.20.
lints sold for 2.50, now for 2.0U, and ho on on all my stock.
From the Desert,
Through the Press,
Into the Home.
Itclliied and Powdered, put up In two pound boxes with
200 Best Borax Recipes. 25c at
Cotting's Drug Store.
$1 for The Red Cloud Chief.
SPECIAL NOTE TO OLD SUBSCRIBERS You can obtain thU Handsome One Dollar Hood,
postage paid, tiy renewing now for one j ear. If your mibscriptlon does not expire for several
weeks or mouths jet, send in jour renewal ud tbo date on your paper will bo set forward
oh jcar.
ample paper, sent ou receipt of 25c to pay cost
r jgr-T
Sm.i'.l Itlnl. Ihu Itiill.iiM i:.i
To liu U.U..UI uil'OuiiI.h 1.1 ciIid.c, li
Is a nation without a i:ilate. It steeps a
httfo In a fennel and oats salt with mel
ons. The cnize for devouring birds of
nil kinds Is a species of fury from the
Alps to Etna; they crunch the delicate
lioi'.les between their Jaws with disgust
ing relish, mil! a lark represents to
the tu 11 succulent morsel for the spit
or pastry. Tho trade in larks all over
tho world Is enormous and execrable,
and is an large In Hngland as in Italy.
It should bo made penal by heavy fines
on the trappers, tho venders and tho
eaters, or ere long no moro will tho
lark bo heard on earth. It Is admlttod
by oil who know anything of tho sub
ject that agrlculturo would bo Impos
sible without tho aid of birds, as tho
larvae and dovcloped Insects of all
kinds would niiiko a desert of tho en
tire area of cultivated land.
J Every Man Who
Is Dissatisfied
with his surroundings who wants
to hotter his condition in lift -who i
knows thai ho can do so it given !j
halt a chance, should writ to J. !
Francis, Omaha, Neb, for a copy '
I of a little book recently issued by .
I the Passenger Department of the :
$ 1
T Durlington Route j
It is entitled "A New Empiro" j
nnd continue ,T2 page ot informs.- j
t tion about Sheridan County and 1
X the llig Horn Uasia, Wyoming, r. !j
J 'veritable
i Land r FromUe,
J towards which thewyeeof tlious.
i unds are now hopefully turned, i
i 1 V"
Blzo of page, 11 by Mi Inches.
Elaborate Cover In Gold and Colors,
Highly Enameled Paper.
WORTH $1.00.
THE contents of tho art series of views
above referred to consists of :i selec
tion of HlXTY-rouit photographic
reproductions of tliu Columbian Ex
position, and Is invaluable us welt as
artistically bcautU'ul.
HOULO TAKC up True orrca
Outfit, consisting of samplo of book and
ot mapping, malllug and prepayment.
Notice is horoby given to all persona
owning or harboring any dog or bitch in
the corpornto limits of tho city of lied
Cloud, Nebraska, that on and after the
Until day of June, lS'.r, all dogs or bitch
ps found without tho license tug ot the
city will bo placed in pound, and it not
redeemed within twenty-four hours will
bo shot by tho pound muster or city
marshal. V. l- Wkkt.
City Clerk.
Hook at druggists, or mailed
Address Tho Sterling Rotuody
Chicago nlllue, l." Knndolph St',
York, 10 Spruco St.
There wai nn ice cream party at
Ike Growull's last Wednesday nip;ht.
Everybody is wondering whnt thoy
aro Koinj; te do tlio -Ith of July.
Wo are glad to hco Mrs. (Jrewcll
around aguin.
Allow me to stato through your
itatiiR tliit the Penny Creek Sundaj-
school w-s rcon-nniied nnd officers
wro pleuted us follows: Mr. Aniicr
son supt , Isaaj Gn-well atat. supt;,
Mrs. Aubtihlinu trt'as., Mrs. Grewll
sec, and Melvina Vau Dyke lib,
They havo decided to huve a l'nitd
Hretliren school.
MNfC lihiniheSheruiae and Kmtna
Graves visited at Mr. Haskins' last
Sunday. Huok Skin.
I. ..lie . i,..M
While at Peekskill, N. Y Mr. J. A.
Sarlvvii, a promiii'iit msnufnotnrer ot
Niw York City, purclmned a bottle of
CliHinlieilrtln'H Cough Itemedy. Such
utiod renults wre obtained from Uh we
that he sut bnuk to tho druggist from
whom he had obtained it for two more
bottles of tint same remedy. When yon
have H cough or cold give this prepara
tion a trinl nud like Mr. Huriven jou will
want it when again in need of such a
iiifdiolne. II is h remedy of great worth
aud merit, S3 and Co cent bottles for
eale by Deyo it Qrlce.
A Csn In Which a Uoml Ilarft-aln Might
ltnn Hcen it llurdi'ii.
James Clark, of Old Town, Wash.,
knows n good story In connection with
tho sinking of the steamship Pacific
In tho Straits of Juan do Fuca, In 1875,
of which tho only survivor was Nell
Henley, now of Tncoma. Mr, Honloy
floated around for hours on a raft after
the Pacific waa struck hy tho bark Or
pheus. With him on the raft was n
man named William Sampson, who be
came exhausted and sank, Mr. Clark
says, with between $10,000 and $12,
000 In a belt around his body. Tho
fact that Sampson had tho gold on his
person was known to Mr. Clark and n
few others only, and It has never been
published. Clark and Sampson were
mlncrH together on tho Yukon river, In
Alaska. Tho mining claim was a rich
one, and wns known In tho Yukon dis
trict as tho "Threo-to-Onc." It was so
called becauso tho party that mined
and owned It, was composed of three
whlto men and a Chinese They re
turned to Victoria to spend tho first
winter, after taking out about $5,000
aplcco In gold, and the next spring
when they wont to back to open up tho
mlno again, they found that tho floods
had swept nway all their machinery
and thoy would havo to spend a con
siderable part of tho season In making
and putting In new machinery to hnn
dlo tho placer deposits. Sampson be
came discouraged and ho sold his sharo
In tho diggings to his partner- for
about $5,000 and returned to Victoria.
Tho "Thrcc-to-Ono" mado money that
season tho satno as tho season before.
Shortly after Sampson returned to Vic
toria ho shipped on tho steamer Pa
cific, Intending to go to San Francisco.
Ho put tho gold In a belt around his
body, as was tho custom In thoso days.
Tho raft on which ho and Henley
floated was In renllty a chicken coop.
Sampson felt ho could not last much
longer In tho heavy sea, which rolled
tho coop fearfully, and ho begged Hen
ley to take tho gold. Tho latter, feeling
that ho would never set foot on shore
again, refused to tako tho belt, and It
wont down with poor Sampson to tho
bottom of tho sea. Henley was soon
picked up. Tho next day, though, ho
regretted tho loss of his companion on
tho chicken coop, ho bIbo deplored that
ho had not taken tho proffered belt
with Its burden of gold.
Tho Fnlr Sex Swore Morn In Old Times
TI11111 Now tidily.
Dr. Darker Newhull, of Drown Uni
versity, In his paper on "Women's
Speech In Classic Literature." said:
"Disconnected thought nnd Inconse
quent expression are characteristic of
tho fcmnlo mind, nnd nro exhibited, e.
g., in orntlon 32 ot Lyslas, by tho lack
of connection between tho sentences In
ono placo and by tho excess of It In
another; whllo In Terenco tho insertion
of a parenthesis often breaks tho con
tinuity. Again, wo notlco tho prolixity
of style, ns shown by usels repetitions
or such diffuscness nud garrulity as
aro familiar in Chaucer's 'Wlfo of
Dath.' Plato and Cicero tell us that
women are conservative and keep
many antlnunted phrases. Such aro
found In Cornelia's letter nnd clso
where, whllo proverbs nbound In Theo
crltus's fifteenth Idyl. Women nlso
show their emotion by pathetic repeti
tions and exaggeration, ns in tho
speeches ascribed by historians to cer
tain Itoman matrons and In Alclphron's
love letters. Swearing wns onco qtilto
common nmong English women, so
Juliet's nurso and Damo Quickly swear
very freely, whllo Hotspur reproaches
Kato for using tho weak oaths of wom
en. In classic antiquity tho weaker sex
swore tho more frequently nnd matrons
most of all. In Greece, as men sworo
by no goddess save Demeter. so tho
women by no god but Zeus, while oaths
by Aphrodito wero especially charac
teristic. In the best period Roman
men never cnlled Castor to witness, nor
tho women Hercules. Similarly cer
tain Interjections wero tho excluslvo
property of tho women, ns among somo
savage tribes they havo peculiar namc3
for many objects."
Ill J tit l'olnon I Kiirhi-i 11 Iluttrry
lilll-i tlm ItnilrnM.
Knormous liuslnuss hns been done
lately at French fairs by n mnn who
professed to eell a rat powder that was
perfectly harmless to human beings,
but which struck rats dund on tho spot.
In order to convince tho sceptical, the
man first of till powdered a sllcu of
bread with the stuff und nto a piece of
It himself. Then he put the remainder
under a glass case In which a rat was
kept In activity. The rat went to eat
the bread nnd Instantly fell dead. At
five pence a box the powder went off like
hot rolls, and the lucky proprietor of
tho specific was in a fair way to tnnko
a fortune. Hut the police, who In
France are very active In protecting the
people from fraud, looked Into the mat
ter nnd found that tho powder was
nothing but ordinary sugar. They also
discovered that the caso was connected
with a powerful electric battery, anil
that the moment tho rnt touched tho
bread the current was turned on, and
It was thus bis denth was brought
about. The man was arrested at the fair
ot Albl.
While in Topoka last March, K. T. Ilir
ber, a prominent newspaper mnn of La
Cygne, Kan., was tsken with cholera mor
dus very severely, Tho night clerk nt
the hotel whore he was stopping happen
ed to have a bottlo of Chamberlnin's
Colic, Cholera aud Diarrluus remedy nnd
gave him three doses whiah relieved him
and he thinks saved his life, Every fam
ily ehould keep this remedy in thlur home
at all times. No n can tell how soon it
may bu needed. It costs bat n trill nnd
may be tho menus of saving much suffer.
Ing and perhaps the Ufa of some member
of the family. 2) nnd 60 ront bottles for
sslo by Deyo & Orioe druggists.
Be&rfyf Lv&r" "fwj- II
Easy to Take
And Peifect In Their Action,
Never fall to relieve Dyspepsia,
Constipation, and Headache.
"I havo proved tln vnluis of o?
Aycr'.s Pills in relieving dvspep- oj
Hi:t anil lit'iitluclii1, with wliicli j wns so long troubled gj
t iui tic it hit t tc i netor nor in v- o
mlf .supposed I .should ever he. 05
well again. Thioiigh the use of gl
the uliove. medicine I uiii better J?
tliiin I liitvt) been lor ji-nrs." o.
A. ;.skim.,A ersallle.s, HI. o
t 1 1 ... iim- r..- 1
1 IlilW IIHI'll ilJVI J 111.1 Illl
15 years us it eat hurt it: In liver
complaint, und always witli ex
tremely lienellcial effect, never
having had need of other medi
cine. I also give A it's Pills to
my children, when they rcouire
an aperient, und the result isnl
wnvs most, siitlsl'ui'torv." A.
A. Eaton, Centre Conway, II.
"Ilav nir been severely af11ieted
with costiveness, was induced
to try AVer's Pills. Their use has
elTcctcd a complete cure, ami I
can confidently recommend them
to all similarly iifllicted." C. A.
Whitman, .Nipomo, Cal.
Received Hlchost Awards
.................... -Tttritit mill tii mini miiimginimin -
l'ri-th ami Suit Water.
A wonderful well Is on the fnrm of
Prof. St. John, near Delvuo, Kan. For
two weeks It supplies fresh water, and
for tho next two weeks salt water, and
so continues, alternating between fresh
and salt water every fortnight.
niH'ktan'N ArnU'ti Salve.
The beit piiIvh in th world for eutp,
briiiso", sores, Ulcers. Rnlt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped linnd". chillblniua,
corns, nnd nil skin prnptions. and jinsi
tivoly cures piles, or no piv requirtxl. It
in irunrntitP'-'l to ifivo ntrfopt BiitirMCtloii
br monpv refnnded. Price 1r centa per
oox. Forsnlo byCottlng. tf
l.nri;et Snllluc Khl.
The largest sailing ship afloat Is the
remodeled Persian Monarch, 3,923 tons
measurement. Her Iron masts aro 181
feat high from the deck.
A Valmi llv riml.
After yours of Hiudy nn Ibor, thurulms
at last been illrn'ovt-rril u r-.'iu and titiver
failing reinndy, It has been tn.teil on
patients, who ImvedUpiilrod of over being
cured, the results Imvn bi-en, in every curie
wonderful. G roll's Hhuumatism Cure U
uneiinaled as i )nnitivu renudy in nil
oases of C'hrouiu and Aout Inlliuumiilory
KhutiinatiAin, Gout, liUiubngo, Scm'ica,
Neurnlglu, Dysmeiiorrhoea mid all kind
red affections. It I- nUon valunble lllood
l'uritler, being epeulnlly tiHvfiil in lzenm
Psoriasis, Horofula, all Qliindulur Kularge
munt and ditnseiof the. liver and kidneys.
It is absolutely fri-H from nil narcotic.
Severe at tucks arc relieved in from one
to three ibifl and a poitiv oiii'h efTeeteil
in from live to eit'lUceii diiys. 1, L. Cot
ting Hed Cloud, Neb. II! tut
. .
Wonder Till In l.iiiDliiii.
Placed end to end In a continuous
lino tho streets of London would ex
tend from tho Mansion houso across
the entire continent ot Europo and be
yond tho Ural mountains Into Asia.
I hnVH two little,, grmd erlldren who
are teething this hot snmmer weather
and are tronbled with bowels complaint.
I gave them Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrluca remedy and it nots like a
ohnrm. I earnestly recommend it for
children with bowel troubles, I wns my
self wns taken with cramps and pains in
my stomach, ono-third of a bottlo of this
remedy cured me. Within twenty. four
hours I was out of btd nud doing iny
hom-o work. Mrs. . L. Dnnngnn, Don
nqun, lllckmnn Co., Tenn. For calo by
Deyo & Grice drnggists.
The following is it draft of the recont
indictmont returned by a Kentucky
grand jury:
"Lnwronce Criminnl Court.
Commonwealth of Kentucky against
Defendant. Iudictment. Tho
grand jury ot Luwrenco county, In tho
nnmo and by tho nuthority ot tho com-
monwenllh of Kentucky, accuse- of
theoffonso of malicious mischiof, com
mitted bb follows: The said , on
tho duy ot , A. D. I8-, in tho
county und circuit aforesaid, did unlaw
fully, wilfully nnd maliciously kill nnd
destroy ono pig, tho personal property
of Goorgo Pigg, without tho consent ot
said Pigg, tho said pig being ot valuo to
the aforesaid Goorgo Pigg. Tho pig
thus killod weighod about twonty-tivo
pounds and was a mate to somo other
pigs owned by said Georgo Pigg, which
left Georgo Pigg n pig less than ho (snid
Georgo Pigg) had of pigs, und thus
ruthlessly toro said pig from tho socioty
of Georgo Plgg'e othor pige, nguinst tho
peaco and dignity ot the commonwealth
ot Kentucky,"
Highest Quality of All.
The Standard for All.
Have you feasted your eyes upon the beauty
and grace .of the 189 S Columbias ? Have you
tested and compared them with all other makes?
Only by such testing can you know how fully
the Columbia justifies its proud title of the
"Standard for the World." $ A A
Hartford Bicycles, next-best in quality,
sell for '80 and '60; SO for boys'
and girls' sizes.
1 vflm
MV 1
AN ART CATALOGUE of these famous wheels free at any
Columbia Agency, or will be nulled for two 2-cent stamps.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Livery and Feed Barn.
Flrst-cluis In every detull. Iiots or reeni, bright lulled hiiy
aud a vnrlet y ot urnla. !Vw rigs nnd inifl liarscs cm be ecciircd
Tor vlljr r country driven at reusontible price.
amrommm m m m m mmmmmm
Hard Times Pi ices on Shoes 3
oZ Liidies' Fine Donfjolo Oxford Tins :..$1 00 J
g; Liidich' F ne DonRola Button Shoes 100 22
5J Getit's Oil Crain Congress Plow Shocp 1 00 Jj
JJ Gent's Oil Grain Congress Plow Shoes 155 Jj
g Gent'i Oil Grain Congress Plow Shoes,.... 1 50 JS
y Ask to see my fine line of IJJ
y Ilitby Snocs, the Finest Line Close Around Here.
mimmm ui ui m m mmmx
dealers in
Building Material, Etc.
Moon Bixxjk, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correepomdtnee eolicited.
Rid Cloud, - - Nebraska.
Over Taylor' Furulture Store.
Rxtrscti teeth withuut aln.
Crown nnd limine wui k a specialty.
Porcelain Inlay, Hint all kinds of yold nillnx.
Makes uold and rubber plates aud combination
All werk guaranteed te be Irtt-cUa.
1 '
Oeaeral Oftlcei and Factories,
Boston, San Francisco,
New' York, Providence,
Chicago, Buffalo.
MierllPH Sale.
Notice Is liprehy given that umlernim by vir
tue of nn nnlernf niile. Issued from the ofllco
of r. II. Crone, clflk of the district rourtef tile
tenth Judical (liattlct, wltlilnaml for Welntor
eomili.Netiraska, uimiii a decree In nn action
lijnillni; therein, wherein .Tmnes McKle Is
jila iitljf, ntiil aaalnst Clnirles If. Durber, Auulo
0 . inirber, llaiiiiuli Itenkel. Wlllimn 1'. Itcnkel
nnd hmlili liroihers I,oan und Trust Company,
i efcndaiits. I dliall oiler for sale at nublio veu
dun, to the hlwhest litiider for easli In hand, at
the eiist door of tho courthouse, at Hed Cloud.
I"8'"1 ehMer cminty, Nehruska. (that belnr
tho build in;, wtihreln the last term of said
Vl"".UVls ,ol,,t') n 'fi J2th day of July, A.
I..18M. at one o'clock p. m, of said day, the
folluwlng (lexer bed uroiierty, to-wlt: TfcJ
north Imlf el the norlhweu quarter and thi'
north half of the nerthenat quarter of seetea
tenty.slx (V0). IntowHshlutwo (2). nerih el
raiia,. twelve (lu west of the titli' p. if id
NNehster county, Nebraska.
A(lV,i"35Ullcr"iy1"""1 U'ls Cy' Uay of Jtu,e,
Plalatlff'j Atteraeys, 4