THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1895. fi , V"-i Til 11$ TIN In exchange for Shoes. If you do not want grocorieB for nil your produce, wo will accept due bills or coupons the eamo as cash, in exchange for shoes, on any of the grocory storos in Rod Cloud. Wo aro Riving special vnluos and mak ing vory low prices on our goods. You cannot do batter than givo us all your trado on Boots and Shoes. A. II. Kaley. CRED B. McKKKUY, M. D. Pliyalcliin and Stirircoii, City and country calls promptly ans wered. Over (Jotting's Drugstore, Red Cloud. ltlllEF 1UKXTIOX. C. W. Kaley is homo from Lincoln. Joo Blair was in Superior this week. S. F. Spokostlold was in Hebron this week. Morris Storn returned from Omaha Thursday. Miss Nellio Martin is up from Wymoro on a visit. Thero will bo a special mcoting of the counsil July 2nd. ' Mrs. Ed Pulsipher was visiting in Hastings this week. We must urgo our subscribers to come forward and pay up. Geo. Gilford received word this week of his fathor's doath. Ex-Congressman McKeighan returned from Lincoln Sunday. It you want n nico, cool, healthy drink, try Cotting's soda. Mrs. T. W. Thornburg will visit in Lincoln tho coming week. Charley Robinson and John Runchey were in Blue Hill yestorday. Mies Jennie Dilloy returned Wednes day from a visit in Hastings. ty P. A. Williams editor of tho Roviow, Kivorton, was in tho city this week. P. P. Walters, a prominent farmer of Inavalo, was n pleasant caller this woek. Mr. E. M. F. Grubb of Otto was in Red Cloud this week, also Mr. Larrick. Geo. Morhnrt is homo fromTecumseh, whoro ho attondod a Sunday-school con vention. Sam Lindsoy's son, Harry, while rid ing a horso was thrown off and recoived a fractured arm. C. S. Potter, who has boon visiting in tho city two or three weeks, roturnod to Ames, Iowa, yesterday. Dave Kaley says ho can boat tho Chinese making bird's nest soup and all tho delicacies of tho season. Tho ladies of tho M. E, church will servo ice cream and cako Tuosday ovo, July 2d, at tho residence of Mrs. F. E. Goble. Mrs. G. W. Dow entertained her Sab bath school last week by giving thorn a picnio at Amboy. A ploasant time was reported. Mrs. Dr. Snowden of Davenport, and Mils Nellio Barnes, of eamo place, aro visiting with the family of L. II. Fort this woek. Walter Warron has accepted a posi tion in the marblo works of E. J, Over ing at Humboldt, this etato, whore ho will go Sunday. While Sheriff Runchey and Will Rife were ecuffling tho othor day, Mr. Run chey, in falling, struck his head upon a etono, skinning his face slightly. Mrs. N. M. Ball, recently of Akron, Col., has rented and thoroughly reno vated tho 4th avonuo hotel, and anyono wanting a firat-clasB meal will do well to call on her. Tho regular union temperance meeting will bo hold Sunday ovenlng at tho Christian church. The speakers will be Mrs, Brakotlold, Rove. MazQelo, Spelman end Mattox. Frank Harris of Denver, a brother of our friend G. A. Harris of Cowles waa in Red Cloud this week, visiting with County Clerk Crone, an old friend of the Harris boys. On last Saturday the barn belonging to J. T. Mills, situated'north of Cowlos, was struck by ligtning and burned to tho ground, No lose waa sustained, aa ,tho barn was fully covored by insurance. Mrs. N. M. Ball announces to tho pub lic that sho is now prepared to furnish first-class board and lodging, also fur- 'nished rooms to let. Rates, 25c por meal; M.00 per woek for board and lodging; day board, (300, Location, 4th avonuo hotel. 20 4t ois a.i i:.i)s. Judge Beall waa in tho city this week. Jno. I'olnicky was in Wymoro this week. Envelopes fio n tmckngo at Deyo it Gricn'e. Charley Whlto was down from Bluo Hill this wcok. D. L. Bishop of Franklin wns on our streets Monday. G. B. Holland went to Oklahoma tho HrBt of tho week. E. S. Millor of Boatrico was in Red Cloud Wednesday. C. II. Kaloy has somo line alfalfa hay to di'll at is per ton. C. H. Paul was down from Hasting tho ilrst of tho weok. A. M. Waltora and wifo wero down from Bluo Bill last Friday. A comploto new lino of wall papor at Taylor's at bottom prices. L. D. Mouser of Imperial was on our streots tho first of tho week. D. M. Abel ro turned homo Saturday oveniug from a visit in Iowa. Tho heavy lightning of last Friday killed a horso for S. E. Cozad. A. E. P. RasmtiBBon and wifo went to Troy Junction, Kansas, Tuesday. Envelopes? Yes, how much? Five conta a package Dejo A Grico. M. McGenk and wifo of Parnoll, la., wero in tho city one day this woek. C. H. Mohagan, of Chicago, wns in Red Cloud tho foro pnrt of tho woek. J. L. Fuller and L. C. Wilson of Cowlcs spent last Sunday in Red Cloud. Mrs. W. P. Konady roturnod'last Sat urday from a visit with relatives in Mc- Cook. C. L. Cotting will fill your prescrip tions accurately and at it reasonable price. C. W. Kaloy wont to Beatrice on last Saturday to nttond the Chautauqua for a few days. Go to to tho Bon Ton bnkery for flno ico cream. You can also got 40 loavoa of bread for 11.00. W. S. Bonso, the Bon Ton baker, had on display a flno wodding cako for Riv erton parties this week. Young Charley Kaley says ho hue four acres of rye that will go forty bushels to the aero. That is good. E. A. Flotchor of Franklin waa in tho city this weok, consulting ono of our physicians for somo ailment. Drs. G. E. and F. E. McKeeby havo moved their otllco to tho rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Damorell. They aro very pleasant quarters. Mrs. A. Mohlin and daughter, Ella, who have been visiting with Mrs. C. B. for a fow weeks, returnod to their home in Grinnoll, Iown, Tuesday. S. E. Prentiss, formerly of this place, but now a resident of Donvor, was in Red Cloud this week. Ho has just re turned from an oxtonded eastern trip. The people should not forgot that Mrs Julia Richardson is having a forced salo of millinery goods. If you aro in need do not fail to soe her. Great reduction. Red Cloud and Cowlos toams crossed "horsehide precipitators" over the homo plato at Cowlos last Saturday. Tho gnmo terminated in favor of the former, 29 to 19. C. B. Lake of Yuma. Col., and C. II. Lako of Winnobago City, Minn., father and son, wero in tho city this week, look ing over Webster county land with a viow to investing. Rev. II. D. Piatt, of Franklin, mado a short stop in tho city last Saturday while on route to Cowlee, whoro ho preached Sunday from his former pulpit in tho Congregational church. Last weok we omitted to montion tho game of ball between tho Hastings and Blue Hill nines, played at tho tat ter's grounds, which wns attondod by a largo delegation from Rod Cloud. Miss Bessie Sellors, who for the past year has been book-koopor for Haskell &, Boeworth, has resigned her position and departed for an extondod visit with friends and rolativoa in Iowa and Wisconsin. Mies Sellers was ono of Red Cloud's most estimable young la dies, and The Ciukp hopes that success may attend her wherever she may choose to go. Tho following aro tho officers installed by the Masonic lodge Monday evening: A. G. Willis, W. M. J. O. Myers, S. W. B. E. Grice, J. W. H, W. Brewer, 8. D. J. Kubick, J. D. J. A. Tulleys, Soc'y. M. B. McNitt, Troas. Allen Ayree, T. R. B. Fulton, Trustee. Prof. D. 0. Jenkins, who for the past year has Instructed tho Red Cloud S, of V. band, left this morning for Marshall, Mo., whoro he has accepted a lucrativo leadership of tho band and orchestra. Prof. Jenkins is a thorough musician and an ablo bandmaster, and the band of Marshall is to bo congratulated on having aecurod the sorvicos of so taint ed a person. Ho is an agrooablo com panion and haa won a host of friends in this city who aro sorry to sco him leavo. . Waverly bicycles, tho best in tho world, for sale by W. W. Wright. Prices roaaonablo. Soe him if you wnnt a bike. tf icki:vitii:s. Call and ico Taylor's carpels before buying. A largo assortment of envelopes just received at Deyo fc G rice's. Mii-a Alice Garber of Guide Rock is visiting Miss Mnhle Day this week. James Cnchrano is home fromo Chad ron, Neb,, whero ho has been teaching. Mr. Harry Cozad, of Nebraska City, is visitiug his parents in the city this week. A "HoBsio" race with "gruco" was ono of tho evening's entertainmonts at the bicycle track tho other night. I have it few hundred dollars of pri vnto money to loan on real estate nt HI per cont per annum. Time to suit. M. R. Bontloy. Mac Pope closed his school last Friday with a picnic. Mac is a genial teacher and has given satisfaction to nil tho paronts and scholars of that district. Last Sunday tho committeo of the Webster County Sunday-school Union wns in district II whero they did some good work. They will visit district !W next Sunday. Sunday night the awning over the Butter mid Egg Rtoro caught tiro and had it not been for tho prompt action of n few passers by very serious results might havo occurred. Messrs. Haskell and Boeworth have decided to discontinue their branch house, in this city and consolidate it with tho Beatrice Iioubo. Tub Ciiikk is sorry that they have arrived nt this con clusion, as the institution, undor tho management of Mr. N. W. Kingsland, was doing an innuendo business, but tho tlrni wished to curtail expenses for the time boing and took this mothod. We hopo thoy will decido to relocate it at no distant date. Thursday ovening, nbout 8:30, ShorilT Runchey and Nightwntch Miller cap tured a wandering gontloman who was in possession of a bicycle which had bcon stolen from Greeley, Col. Sheriff Runchey noticed tho fellow standing on tho State bank corner, tho wheel stand ing near by. On comparing tho wheel with a circular in his possession, John gavo the uightwatch tho wink and thoy immediately foreclosed on the party, who doclarod his innocenco and wanted a chanco to identify himself. While on tho way to the jail, tho two policemen proposed entering E. McFarland's storo to givo tho thief his chance, but that wasn't the chanco ho waa looking for. Giving tho wheel a shove into tho storo, he took to his heels, with Runchey und Miller in hot pursuit. Tho nightwntch drew bis gun and, calling on tho fellow to halt, began ttring at his foot, but this only increasod his speed, if that woro posaiblo. So tho race continuod a fow blocks, until our Hoot-footed bicycle ridor ran into a wiro fence around some vacant lota and wao again takon into custody. Boing only a block from tho Hotel d'Runchey, ho was escortod to that domicile and registered. Ho gavo his name as F. T. Rutledge, and, from certain articles found on his porson, he is supposed to bo inoro than n common thief. Ho had safo blowors' tools, and newspapor clippings concerning a bank robbery in Ontario, Canada, with which it is thought ho wan eonnected. A ro ward of $10 was offorod for the wheel and 910 for the thiof nt Greeley. If tho bank robber suspicions prove corroct, there will probably bo n nico fat reward coming from that quarter There wero two wheols stolon at tho same tlnio from Greeley, and Rutledgo is supposed to havo a partner somowhoro. Take your wagon work to Stapleton Ho forgea nil irons for buggies out of the best Norway iron, uses no malleablo iron in repairing buggioa. Ono of our traveling salosmen, who travols for a clothing firm, has a novel way of onjoying hlniBolt while on the road. Entering a clothing store, ho will politely ealuto the merchant, at tho Bamo timo taking a huge overcoat from a grip and handing it to tho clothier to oxamino. Tho hotter the day the bottor the fun. After enlightening the mer chant on this and that point, our sales man finally induces him to try tho tit. He then tolls tho morchant how nico tho back sots, etc., for about ton min utes, walks round and buttons tho front up tight, showing him how the chest flta and complimenting tho double row of buttons which ahow tho full length, then turning up the ten inch collar he explains how it is impossible for any enow or cold to reach tho head or neck, also the band across tho front to guard the chin and mouth from the wintry blasts and all this for halt an hour in the hottest of June woathor. Think of the thermomotor at 1.10 in the ehado and that man at 1.47 in the coat, try ing to breathe with that strap acroea bin mouth and tho cornor of a lapel in oach nostril, and to make things hotter, the traveling man keeping up a constant tiro of words, Talk about onorgy; bo's tho "hottest" travolor wo'vo gor. The mer chant sweat ninetoon coats of porsira- tion and sovoral pants, but ho wouldn't invost. -It's a fact; our reporter hoard it was, The U. S. Gov't Reports r " show Royal Baking Powder j , superior to all others,. ,', lllcyuiu Ititccx. Quito n largo crowd of our citizohe guthored at tho cycle track Wednesday evening, at soven o'clock, to witness the of eomo of our siioeilers. Tho u ning was perfect, tho track in excel lent condition, and tho riding vory ex citing. Promptly nt seven the rldorB wero turning tho track, taking a "scorch'onthused with lively music from the band stand. Tho tlrst raco on tlto program was a qiiHNjr milo dash, Bon MuFarland, Chas. LandmoBBer and Frank Rich ardson to light for honor. Tho for mer started out with it hot paco and tlniahod ilrst, with No. 2 a close second. No. 3 was handicapped by it heavv wheel but gave them hard chase, all threo tin- ishing in a bunch. Time, :17J. The Boeond oyont was it boys' raco for a quarter mile, which aroused a groat deal of enthusiasm. Bort Morhnrt took Ilrst, Frank Petorson second, nnd Clur onco Winters third. Geo. Morhnrt. Homer Sherwood, Joo Blnir nnd Frank Cowdon comnosed the third raco, which was to bo n half milo. Iho Ilrst quarter was mado nt a warm clip, paced by Wallace Wright. At this placo Frank Cowdon mado a spurt nnd took tho lead until on tho homo atrotch, where ho waa tiiinRml liv rim, f.i....t who crossed the tapo half a wheel's longtli nlionil. Time, l.Ufl'f After tho excitement had somowhnt subsidod, Hugh Minor rode n milo with a Hying start, against time, but the timo keopor had a stop-watch and was un able to announco tho time. Tho fifth nnd last event was n half milo rnco, with Charloy LandmcBBor, Frank Richardson and Bon McFarland as competitors. Bon took tho lead from the start, setting a 2:20 paco, and tho out look was in hia favor until noar tho closo of the last quartor, when both of tho other riders Huccoodod in passing him, Charley Landmasser first. Tho timo wan 1.17. Thero woro no accidonta to mar tho pleasuro of tho evonlng'a sport, and it is neodleart to nay thnt tho races woro en joyed by everyone, participants includ ed. Tho boys may continue to givo these exhibitions, giving ono every two weeks. If thoy concludo to do so, it will bo something good to entertain tho peo pie nnd bo an inducomont for tho ridora to train for bottor timo. Mittrliuoiilnl. On Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock occurred tho wedding of Miss Addlo Rolglo, ono of Rod Cloud's fair and ac complishod young ladioa, to Mr. Fred Ligget, tho popular and cultured cashier of ono of tho Hebron banks. Miss Roiglo has rosidod in Red Cloud einco hor earliest recollection and has grown to maturo womanhood within tho con fines of our city, whoro she has hnnln nf friends among all classes, and while hor many iriontis aro Borry to loeo hor from Rod Cloud society, yot thoy aro most happy to havo tho honor of extending hoarty congratulations ovor the pleasant ovont which changed hor name from Miss Addio Rolgle to Mrs. Fred Liggot. The happy couple took tho 10:30 train for their future homo, Hebron, amidst a grand shower of rice, old shoos and boot wishes of a multitude of Monde and rel atives who followod them to the dopot. The wedding waa unostentatious and was Bolomnizod in tho presoncoof a vory few friends, by Rev. H. O. Spelman of tho Congregational church. The Ciiikk bids tho young couplo godspod and un alloyed pleasuro in their conjugal rela tions. Tho other day our reporter went into a eortain restaurant in town and found tho clerk busily ongaged in waiting up on a young lady. Aftor the young lady had departed, the olork walked round and absent mindodly took the reporter's ordor for a milk-shako. Taking tho jar of ilavoring from tho upper ehelf, he poured tho necessary amount into a glass and then gontly sat tho jar undor tho counter among tho lemonadoglassce, at tho eamo timo asking who the young lady was. He then shaved tho ice, put It in tho glass, and thon, holding the glass undor the water tank, longingly inquired whero sho lived. Tho othor pnrty didn't answer the question, but aakod tho clerk who ho waa making that mess for. On being brought to hm sonsos ho was told what kind of a mix ture ho had, and he thon declared ho was making strawborry pop. Novertho less, ho sot 'om up to the reporter. A special mooting of Charity Chapter No. 47, O. E. S., waa hold Juno 21. 18g.r. for tho purpose of installing the follow- ing omcors: Mrs. M L. Brewer, W. M. Mr. E. B. Smith, W. P. Mrs. Emma Lindsey, A. M. Mrs. W. R, Parker, Soc'y. Mrs. L. J. Willis, Treas. Mrs. McFarland, Cond. Mrs. Carrie MoKeeby, A. Cond. Mr. Geo. O. Yeisor, Chaplain. Miss Mollie Ferris, Adah. Mrs. Nollio Talbot, Ruth. Mrs. Emma Strohm, Esther. Mrs. E. B. Smith, Martha. Mrs. Emma Knight, Electa. Mrs. G. W. Knight, Wardor, Mr. II, W. Brewer, Sont. Thero are several vory vile stink holes insido tho city limits that should claim tho attention of tho city authorities. Hog pons may be healthy (?) but thoy smell to heaven. Why not look aftor them? WHAT JjT) The People Want ! Good Goods at Low Prices ! Wc can give you the best flour for less money than any one in the city .... 1 lb good chewing tobacco 20c 1 lb good smoking tobacco 15c 20 lbs best Rice you ever saw for $1 20 lbs best Raisin cured prunes for 1 1 lb best Tea for - 25 cents 10 lbs best Peaches for - $1.00 10 lbs best Pitted Plums, - J. 00 Can't be bought anywhere for this money One of the best nutmeg graters you ever saw for 10c. Every lady needs one, Come and see them. We are selling evaporated apples for less than anyone in town. We want everybody to come and see the above goods We coh givo you Salmon at 10c a can that i.s first clans goods. Everyone says it is line. We want everybody to bring their Mutter and Eggs to me ami gej goods at way down prices. Yours respectfully B. F. Mizer. Beware of circulars sent out by other Houses, as I m knock their prices galley west. Come and see me. Ahfttruct of AftMCiNmcnt. The following Ii the abstract of assessment In Wcbitor enmity, Nubraska, for tbo yoar ea Ilium, uiil, lulit hundred and nlnety-flvu: 1'KliSONAl. fllOI-KUTV no. avo llornej ol nil a?es, U78 73244 8 M Cattle or nil ages. H.-00 60825 U 28 Mules and asmsof all ages, "HO 7187 OH Sheep of all ngei, "82 337 10 Hoks of all axes, 1804J ijscg 73 Hteam eiiKlnoi, Including boilers, 24 Fire and liirnlur proof safes, Ii lllllinrd, plKeon hole, tiaiui- 710 2 00 m 0 08 84 10 67 11047 4 04 3JG4 1 U 2071 2 07 1303 17 47 2147 C 10 45157 2838 tolle,or similar lahlus, a CirrliiKoi mi (I wiiKons, 2W1 Watches and clovki, 23I'J Hewlnuaud knlltlUK ma- clilnej, 12!U I'liiiiorortug, 7s Meloileons mid organs, 41U MerchantlUu on hand, Maturltl and manufac tured artlulcn, Muiuitiicturer'.s tools, Im plements (other tliiin boilers and engines) VOW Agricultural tncls, Imple ments and machinery, liOCfl (1U and silver plate and plated ware, 31 Diamonds and Jewelry, III Moneys of bunk, hunker, broker or stock Jobber, 778 Credits of batik, banker, broker, or stock Jobber, 1400 Moneys other than of bank, banker, broker, or stock Jobber, 3344 Credits other than of bank, banker, broker, or stock Jobber, B88S Honda, stocks, and state, county, city, vIIIuko. or school district wurants and municipal securi ties of any kind what ever, 823 l'roperty of companies and corporations, other than properly hereinaf ter enumerated, 8431 Property of saloons and eating houses, cto Household or otllco furni ture and property, 13330 Investments lu real es tate and Improvements thereon, 1S467 Amount of rsllroad prop, orty, 274484 All other property re quired to be listed, 12300 Ttalaluo pors'l prop'y, fscvsoo UKAl, K8TATIC. LANDS Number of acres of Im proved lands, 219841 Number of acres of un improved lands, 11C470 091370 3 81 200310 I 87 800893 3 42 105158 100 33 vm II 75 333340 46 11 IWMJC2 Total No. of acres of all lauds, 3303(1 Ndinberof Improved vil lage or city Iota, K84 Number of unimproved vlllguoorcltyljts, 3437 Total No. of lots, oHl Total value of all pro'y, Acres cultv'd to wheat, 11015 i ii ii H corn, 77137 oats, 1C382 barley, 274 meadow, ii .. I. I. n,e, ;4 Number Irult trees, 7jiu.s " fnri'Ht trees. Knuno " grape 1ucj, 459307 Last Sunday afternoon from twolve to fifteen toams from Red Cloud loaded with Sunduy-Bcliool workorH tlrovo to FiBuor'a Bohool house in diutrict 11 anil joined tho school at that placo in rally Borvlco consisting of Bonga and addrossoB L. P. Albright led tho singing and Mrs. Iiaum prosided at tho orgta. R. U. Pulton, Mrs. Carpentor, Prof. Hun ter, Mr. Michaels, J. 8. White, Uncle OrndofT and Mr. Daum spoke wordn ot ohoor and oncourugomont. Mr. Cot ting sang a boautiful solo tho sontimont of which noomod to enthuse evoryono proBont Buftlciont to join in the chorus. Two beautiful male quartotte woro sung which always please. Next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m., in district 3.J, near Win. CrablU'e farm, 1b the timo and place for thonoxt rally. All interested in tho Sunday-school work should lend a help ing hand to nmko these rnllya produc tive of much good. IIow'h TIiU! We offer one hondred dollars roward for any oase of catarrh that oannot be oared by Hall's atarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known V. J. Cheney for the las tlfteou years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transctions and flnanolally able to oarry oat uy obligations made by their Arm. West k. Truan, Wholesale Drngglstn, To ledo O. Welding, Finnan 3c Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally aoting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimon ials sent free. Price 7Co, per bottles. Bold by all druggists. The list ot letters remaining at the poet offlco uncallod for up to June 27th, 1U)5: Jackson Mattlo Nickols Daniel The above letters will be sent to tho dead letter oflloa July 11, 1895. If not called for. Frank Cowden, Postmaster. Awardtxi Hlfbwt Honor-Worid'si Mg CREAM BAKING PVHMi MOST PERFECT MADE A Dure Grace Cream of Tartar Powder. torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulter vWCFc M1 V 40 YEARS THB .STANDARD, i i ; M