The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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A.O. IloHMrn, Killtor.
lAitor TAtT, At- l-ocftl Kdltor.
................. .. ...-.
Pont limn tor Cowdon hnn been qulto
lucky. Whllo nearly evory presidential
poitofflco in the state hns hud a big full,
ing oft in receipts and hns suffered a
loss in Baliiry, tho lied Cloud olllco line
maintained its reputation and salary.
Few townn cnn koop pace with tho "City
of Trees."
It la with ploBsuro that Titr. CniK.r
loarnH that J. W. Hogonrlef, of Jewell
county, KuiiHiiB, io talked of by friends
in thut county for the office of county
treasurer. Mr. Uogonrlef In one of tho
most substantial men in Kansas, nnd
lia? the friendship et evory ono who is
acquainted with him. Ho enmo to Kan
sas years iiro when the country was new,
and by persovoranco, enorfry and pluck,
has mudo a bucuurs of farming, nnd to
day Iiiib a nice farm, comfortable sur
roundings, good houses and barns. If
ho receives tho nomination ho will bo
oloctod, and Tub Ciiif.p must congratu.
late Jewell county In advanco of his
nomination and oloctlon. He is a thor
ough republican and a solid man nil
public record his integrity of character
and honesty of purposo are all in his
favor. Tub Chief hopos and dosires
that the unanimous cholco of the repub
lican convention for county judge shall
bo our respected and honored townsman
Snmuol West.
Nf.iiuabka is not the only country thut
goes dry. Alarming reports como from
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, etc., of grout
drouth which has prevailed to thut ex
tent that spring crops havo bocomo u
total fuiluru. An Ohioun writos to a
friend: "Out of twenty ucres of mea
dow, wo will not gut two tons of hay."
In our old town (Clinton, Illinois) we
havo many times soon tho mud so deop
thut four houd of horses could hardly
pull the front wheels of u lumber wugon
through it. Tho Clinton Public Buys:
"Tho farmers will bo compelled to Irri
gate to ralso a crop." That sounds fun
ny, yet it is no doubt true, as with tho
oxceeslvo drouth and the IrametiKo
amount of tlliug douo thoro, tho earth
seems to havo bocomo moisturoless.
As the time is now cIobb at hand whon
tho difterent political parties begin to
cast around for candidates for tho var
ious offices to bo illlod, by tho doctors
this fall it is in ordor to name mon to
load us in tho coming contost, ono of the
most important offices to bo tilled this
fall, and it must be tilled by a republi
can, is the offico of county judgo. Thoro
is one man in tho county who abovo ull
others now mentioned is beet qualified
for this office, his long experience in
judicial aftairs, his spotless private and
The city's finance is in a deplorablo
condition. Tho treasury is ileploted
with an indebtedness that is alarming
unless therovonuos Increase. Tho bond
ed dobt is about 640,000 and tho Moating
dobt about 11,000 making the tola! debt
about J43.O0O. Undor tho protect con
ditions thoro is no way to tako care of
tho floating debt except to iseuo funding
bonds. The holders of unpaid warranto
aro entitled to thoir money nnd there
should bo an elTort mado to ralso the
amount by somo moans, Mayor Ilontloy
will make somo wholesome recommends.
tions looking to that ond, at a special
meeting of tho council on tho second of
Tnr. ropublican party goes right ahead
attending to business and laying out
plans for tho '00 campaign, and will at
tend to tho sliver dissuasion later on,
und whon they do you may dopond upon
it that the next platform will havo, as
the Kontuckian would say, "a right smart
sprinklln" of protection in it, which will
mean renewed prosperity among the
greut industries of tho country, Tho
democratic party can not "point with
prido" at any timo when free trade has
done this county good, but on tho other
hand there aro thousands of times when
froe trado has made the poor pooror by
throwing the laboring man out of om-
Last week in referring to tho large
increnso of valuation added on to the
personal property of Ploaeant Hill, wo
inadvertantly used tho words "70 mills"
whon it should havo boen seventy per
cent. HorooB, cattle, mules, etc., should
havo boon raised, but to add seventy per
cent on all tho porsonal property was of
doubtful propriety or good business
judgmont, Tho poople of that township
aro soro and will, no doubt, contest the
authority of tho board to ralso their as
scBsment to such an extent. It is a
alrango thing that thoir assessment was
not right at first, and a stranger thing
that it was not equalized right afterwards.
Sicne 1885 thoro has been a ducroruo
In valuation in Wobstor county of D09,-
354, and a corresponding tncroaso in ex
penses. In 1885 the valuation of all
proporty was 12,510,370. In 1805, !,
000,022. In 1885 the lovy was 12 mills,
this year it is 19 mills, so it will bo Been
that the shrinkage is against tho people
as a whole. A fair valuation would
mako tho levy much less. What
seems tho queerest Js the fact that, in
the ten years montioned that tho do
creaeo has taken place, over 30,000 acres
of raw land havo boen cultivated and
improved, Semotbing is wrong.
Next Thursday is tho day on which
our forefathers signed tho great docu
ment that declared to the world that
tho thirtoon colonies would from thence
hoaceforth bid farowoll to England and
throw the yoko of tyranny in to Boston
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powaer
World's Pair Highest Medal aa4 Dteleae.
musical f olrco.
On last ovoning, at the opera house,
was given om of tho most roflnod and
interesting musical entertainments that
has evor been put upon tho stage in this
city. The entortainmont was given in
hoaor of Prof. D. C. Jenkins, loader of
the band, who, a few daya ago, tortril
nated his services to take up another
and similar position with a band at
Marshall, Mo. Mr, Jenkins has boon in
Red Cloud over a year and, besides bo
ing a thorough musician, has made hosts
of friends who were pained to learn of
bis determination to leave, howovor, all
things boing equal, whilo it is to bo re
gretted, yot he is to bo congratulated
upon receiving an offer much tuoro ro
munoratlvo than the S. of V. band could
afford to pay at this timo; honce, the
farewell ontertainmont on last ovening,
THF. l'KOaiiAM
Opened with an ovorture by tho band
and titty, chorus voices, which was an
excellent musical trout and was arranged
for tho occasion by Prof. Jenkins.
Ralph and Vanco Foo favorod tho
audience with a beautiful duet "O Sing
of tho Roses.' Thoy woro cheered to
tho echo. "The Lost Ship," by G. S.
and L. P. Albright, V. 13. Fulton, Goo.
Morhart and Chas, Winger, was a mast
torpioco and well rendered. Miss Mury
Miner, in hor exquisite way, charmod
the Rudionce with a piano solo entitled,
L'Inquietudo." The ladies' doublo
quartot, "Tho Maldon'a Defiance," by
Lois Pope, Nellio Dennett, Llllie Smith,
Emlline Warren, Grace Fort, Mrs. J. A.
Baum, Blancbo Cummings and Poarl
Smith, was very prottily rondored.
Tho selections by tbo madolin club
wore highly appreciated, and Messrs.
Vance and McNltt woro loudly oncored.
The "fairy crowning" by Miss Blanch
Conover, queen, and six little girls, lone
Albright, Edna Crono, Millie Boyd,
Annie Tulleys, Lulu Chamberlain and
Jennie Cotting, was ne of the best
features of the evening and was highly
The County Fair, a descriptive soloc
tion by the band, was, using a slang
phrase, simply "out of sight" and
brought the houso down.
One of tho neatest selections was a
trio, entitled "Rainfall," by the Misses
Blanche Sherman, Nellio West and
Grace Fort.
The comic quartet, "The Auctioneer,'1
rondered by Mesdamos Emma Martin,
Rose West, and Messrs. Albright und
Cotting, brought forth continuous op
plauso. The cornet solo, by Prof. Jenkins wsb
rondered in his usual happy way. Tho
Professor 1b always at his best when fin
gering u cornot.
A selection by tho bund was a part of
tho program at this juncturo, and was
rendored in tho usual oxcollont mannor.
The comio malo quartot, "Tho Girl
Who Sat Down on My Hut," sang by
Jno. Dlckerson, D. C. Jenkins, Edgar
Cotting and Henry Clark, brought out
tho mirthful propensities of the audi-
enoo, and wore encored so hoartily that
they rospondod with unothor comic
ditty. "Tho Pio Song." Tho audionco
went into ecstaclos and loudly applaud
ed until tho singers returned for the
third time.
A soprano solo by Miss Josio Igou
"Ah, I have slghod to rostmo" was sung
with that graco and ease for which sho
is noted, She has a rich nnd molodious
voico and always ploases. "Good night,
but net good byo," by Miss Lilllo Smith
assisted by a full chorus, was a very
protty flnolo for the occasion. Miss Lil
llo has one of those swoet voices thut
ono listens to nnd never tiros, und this
timo was no exception.
Probably no city in the stato has as
many tlno lady singers as has Rod Cloud
und Tiir Chief feels a pardonuble pride
in chronicling tho fact. Tho last night's
entortainmont was no exception. Tho
beautiful musio by the pianist Miss
Mary Miner, togothor with the sweet
songy of the ladies and gentlemen seem
ed to watt ull lovers of good music into
angolic realms. The occasion will long
be remomborod.
What Kuropo Ii Heading.
Book stores and nowc stands aro nu
merous both in England and on thi
continent In Franco Zola's books are
displayed In greater profusion than
tboso of all other authors combined
from which It Is a fair Inference thai
the demand for them Is greater. The
novel is enormously consumed thero
The news stands aro more like Amer-
A Raddenlng- Wight.
First Tramp Lookee here, Jim,
Here's a man been killed on the rail
road: all cut to bits.
Second Tramp (sadly) Too bad! toe
bad! Thtm clothes would 'a' Just about
At me, and they's all spoiled.
Praise for Hood's
Running Sort on th Anklt
Mood's taraaaarlla PurlflM tho
toed and Heals tho fee.
w My father, James B. Chepteea has had
a running sore oa hie lee for mtm yean,-
eaasM dj tod
bet beot rabbtng
the ikla oft bis
ankle bene. The
ore spread until
It weened around
fcfj leg three times
and extended half
way to hU keee.
He triad different
doctors ana ay
kiad of salve, bit
It grew worse.
Iet spring it be
came M bed that
he eouli kardly
walk oc attend to
htk work on the farm. We yenvaded
aim to try nooas Baneperiua. awion
the third bottle was taken the sore had
entirely healed end disappeared, leeriac
jL fr .
rolled a golden stream of louls d'or., a
When this precious log, which the de-" 'S'
ceased had chosen as the hiding place v.
of his savings, was emptied of its con
tents, there was found over ono hun
dred and fifty gold ploces quite a for
tune for a man In his humblo position
in life. People of a miserly disposition
aro fond of concealing thoir hoards in
queer places. But It is probablo that
nono of the old cottager's relatives
would havo dreamed of Inspecting his
store of firewood.
i K. Chapi
las ""
his limb aa sound
ever and he has bees
able to work hard
about the farm. All praise Is due to
Hood's Barsaparllla." HALLU G. CB1
UA3X, Franklin, Nebraska.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Bar
eaparllle do not be Induced to buy any
other. Insist upon Hood's.
Hood's BaraaperlUa is sold by all drug
gists, 1; six for S. Prepared only by
C L Hood A Co., Lowell, Maes.
Mood's Pius euro Conittpauon by rector
ial the peristaltic action of the a sentary eaneL
An Old Franobraau'a Queer Hiding Ptaoe
fur Ilia Money.
The relatives and heirs of an old
man who recently died in a small
French village have to congratulate
themselves on the circumstances that
his death took place during the winter,
and that, consequently, while waiting
in his cottage for the departure of the
funeral cortege to the church and tho
cemetery, a fire was made to warm the
room. The defunct was in humble
circumstances, aud though of athrifty,
careful disposition, nobody thought he
had left any property worth mention
ing behind him. Tho day of the funer
al being n very cold one, the old man's
btore of firewood was drawn upon
more freely, possibly, than tho thritfty
cottager himself would have approved
of, and this led to a remarkable dis
covery. As the flames from the crack
ling logs shot up, one of the clumps of
wood split In two, and out of it, to tho
surprise of the jisspmb.lcd -relatives.
A Mean Man Takei Advantage of Kvety
Occasion to Inflict Them.
Ho was one of those punsters who
make pons even ut funerals. Just like
the man that John Dennis had in mind
when, in 161)1, he wrote': "A man who
would make so vllo a pun would nut
Iscruplo to pick n pochct." Ho makes
vile pans, mofctly, but hetnaku? a good
rone now-and then. A man who makes
many puns cannot help but inakp
good one once In awhile. -Tho particu
lar pun which is to be glton to Uu
public in thin paragraph was mado in
the oflloo of a certain official who has
white beard long And flowing. Tho
punster and a reportdr entered tho of
fice together and together spoke
to the afllolal. Tho reporter nb
tlccd a hair on tho otflclal's shoulder
and said: "Mr. ' , thero'a a long,
white hair on your coat; I'll tako it
off." The punster saw that his chance
had come, and, gathering himself as a
bloodthirsty mosquito docs when about
to blto an innocent maiden, blurted
out: "White hair It away." Neither
the official nor the reporter spoko for
a moment. They wero paralyzed by
tho desfpVrato man's audacity.
Virginia and Ita Nickname.
Tht) authorities in tho colony of
Virginia, at the time of tho contest in
England between the Stuarts and
Cromwell, appear to havo been de
voted to the Stuarts, and whon the
Cromwelllan government threatened
to send a fleet to reduce the colony to
submission, its officials dispatched a
message to young Charles, who wafl
afterward King of England, under the
title of Charles II, but was then hiding
In France, Asking him to como over
and be king of Virginia. It is said
that Charles was on tho point of start
ing, when the collapse of the common
wealth und tho Cromwelllan roguno
took place, which sent him back to the
English throne. Charles never forgot
this devotion of Virginia to his for
tunes, and that colony was subse
quently classed with England, Scot
land and Ireland as one of tho main
portions of the empire. In this way
Virginia came to be known among the
American colonies as tho Old Dominion.
Parity the blood; strengthen the body
Dr. J. H. MoLesn'sHtrongthening Cordis,
and Blood Purifier best spring tonio.
ae ' eaaaBeieeBBBBaaaL
The - (reatest - Offer
a Leading
Of this place said the
other day: "I have
doubled the value of
my Clothing -money
since I began buying
H. S. & M. Clothes.
They cost no more
than others, and wear
longer, fit better, hold
the shape and look
well until worn out.
To Wear Them is to
Wear The Best."
To clean out our Summer Clothing, we are now offering
all of our LIGHT
From now until July 3d, For Cash, at a
Eeduction of One-Third from Marked Price.
A $15 Suit for $10, and so on through all prices.
This Label on a Qarment Insure
Perfect Fit aad Satiafactien
It atand for the Best that Money
Can Buy or Skill Produca
li9PaejBeaTeFT'ui. .I!. i,