The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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for Infants and Children.
HIRTY yeniV 'nTnorvntloiTof Cnntorln with the patronage of
million of pnmon,""rnrnilt if to wpen-lc of It wlthont gnfimlno;.
' I tinqnontloimlily tho nnt rnmcily for Infant and Children
tho world haii rvor hnown. It In liarmlen. Children Hko it. It
given thorn health. It will savn their liven. In It Mothnre have
omothlng which In nhnolntc1r wafn nnd practically perfect on a
child' medicine.
Cimtorla dentroy Wnrm.
Caetorl allay FeverlnhneM.
Caiitoria preventw vomiting Sonr Card.
Catorla einron Plarrhcna and Wind Collo.
Catorla relieve. Teething Tronhlcn.
Cattorla cure. Conntlpntlnn nnd Flntnlenoy.
Cmtorla nentrnllren the effect of onrhqnio aold gaa or poleoaone air.
Caitoria'doe not contain morphine, oplnm. or other aarootio property.
Caitorla anlmllfttew the food, regulate tho wtomnch and howcl,
giving healthy and natnral ulcep.
Catorla ii pnt np in one-lto hottle only. It 1 not wold in hnlk.
Don't allow any one to noil yon anything olio on the plea or promUa
that it 1 "jnt a good" and "will anawer every pnrpoto."
Bee that yon yet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fac-aimlle
IgHatnre of
GSt&ffi&c&C -E
on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
NiiiH'rvisorV Iroccclln(;N.
Juno 1-, !) a. in., boiinl mot pursuant
to udjourninont, lluirmun in chiiir, 1(!
memliora prcnont.
Tim committeo on personally in city
anil villages murio following report:
Wo recommend tho following changes:
(Juiilo Itoclt, ruduco 120 per cent
Who Hill, mid 7 por cont
Red Cloud City, mid ft per cont
Report was adopted,
Committee on roal estato in city and
vilUgofl mukoa report an follows: We,
your comtuittco on equalization on city
property, recommend n roduction of $50
on lots 1 and '', block 11, Ked Cloud.
Motion inado that report bo approved.
Avch and nuya nulled for:
Ayes Laird, Schultz, Kort, Hummel,
Crnbill, llroomtlold, Heat, lloHman 8.
Nil) b-Watt, Sprachur, Hurd, Hill,
Cox, Lewis (J.
Committee rocommonded that lots '-2-2.1-21
bo left as UBsosaod. Carried.
Frank Whout of Harmony wanted re
duction on land on account of right-of-way
of Nobrnskn and Colorado railway.
Host moved that u $10 reduction bo
mndo. Lout.
Committeo on personal property ro
ported ub follows:
Wo reeommondtbo following chnngeB:
Jlatin, add 1 per cont
Ouk Creek, .reduco 18 ' "
Walnut Creek, add 111 " "
Line, add 211 " "
Catherton. add 1ft " "
Kim Creek, redudo 1! " "
Tloapant Hill, add 70 " "
Stillwater, add 1 " "
Jloaver Creok, reduce 11 ", "
Guide Rock, reduce 1ft " "
Jtod Cloud, add 1 " "
Report adopted.
'Committeo on roal stato recommend
tho following chungee:
Pleasant Hill, reduco G por cont
Klra Creek, reduco !) " "
Red Cloud, udd 10 " "
Uatln. add 7 " ,f
"Walnut Creok, add ft " "
Catherton, edd 7 " "
lloport approved.
Walnut Creek's valuation wan raised
ft por cont on motion. Ayoa and nnja
boing called for tho vote stood:
Ayea-Kimlecher, Scbultz, Hurd, Hill,
Kort, Hummel, Crabill, Cox, liroomtield,
Nays Wutt, Sprachor. Laird, McCall,
Host, HirJinun 0.
Original motion was carried by eaino
vote, JO tc (i.
Mot ion. carried as amended.
Cnmiuittoe on city real entnto rocom
mondial chknges as follows:
Red CloudtC'ity, reduco A por cont
Uluo Hill "
Ked Cloud City, " 20 "
Report adopted and clerk ordered to
extend saino on tax list.
Committeo on school bonds reported:
Your oominitteo recommends that tho
following levies bo made to meet the
principal and interest on bonds of the
sovoral school districts in tho county:
Who Hill, mid 10 " "
Guide Uoclc, add 10 " "
Tho following township, city aud vil
lage levies wora .lead:
Guide Rock Towjuhip, lovy II nulls
Jieavor Creek u " 4J "
Stillwater ' " ft "
Ouk CVelt - " f,i
ClanMd " 0 "
Pler.Fant Hill - " 1 "
Elm CieeU ' u ft
3'otedmu ' ' ft '
CLine " ,
CRod Cloud " ft
Hatin " 7 "
GloiiwiM)d " " 1?, "
"Walnut Cieelt " " 2 '
Innviilo ft "
Catheitou ' " t) "
Hurmuny " (I "
Uuido Uocl: Vdlugo, " ft "
School Diat. No. 1 lovy Jo mills
" " " :i " 1ft
(4 II "ft " 2 "
" " 10 1ft "
l II il OJJ JQ il
i .. i. 0,5 .1 jn it
u .. .1 ;KJ .1 35 ..
" " " :ti) " 10 "
ii ii ii ,i' it n ii
" " " 40 " 10 "
ii it ii (; j ii 7 ii
i 14 ii W; jjj u
ii .1 .. (59 jjj .1
ii it H 7q ii i ii
I H ii j;! " jo "
ii 71 ' 2ft "
II l il "Cj II O II
Mil I water.
Itinn Hlaina f Cowlcs was visitinj,'
in this vicinity a few days this week.
Duvu 1'isliol and Mar Crozicr at
tonded C!iildrn's day exercises Mt
Mt. (Jlair.
J. K. ilaulit and family wcro vis
itinj at Orandpa Haught's Sunday.
J. M. Clinflln of Red Cloud was in
tho noighuorlitod on business Tues
day accompanied by his wife.
A distant relative of Mr. Denny
and Mrs. Hritton, of No in ah a countv.
Kansas, was in these parte this wo?k
look for a farm t buy.
Mrs. 1'ritchnrd and Jus. Robinson
of I'lattc oounty, and Mrs. Salyors of
Malvern, Iowa daughter and son of
D, II. Robinson woro called to his
bedside Havo all returned homo as
ho is better at present.
A party consisting f Allen Vance,
Lou Orr, Eve ret Uritton, Ossi Oil
vie, Will Ogilvic, Una Vance, Hod
Vanco, Mary Oilvle, Harry Reeves
and Ktta Ogilvio wont to Guide Rock
to attend Children's day txcrciscs,
but they wcro postponed until even
ing on account of tho funeral of Mrs.
Win, Sabin. Simpson,
Captain Hweunuy, U. S. A,, Han Diego.
Cal. says: "Hhlloh's Catarrh Remedy is
tho llrrtt modlolno I have ever found tlmt
wonld do mo any good," l'rlce CUo, For
sale by C. h. Cotting.
Market lloport.
(Corrected Weekly.)
v iionl $ Cm
vurn Ka)
WlllOi i)(l
1 iflX x i
ii n ii
Carriwl, and clerk ordered to oxtond
same on Uix list.
Committoe on ways and means rocom-
mend the following county levy on all
taxable property:
County General Fund, 8 mills
" Poor House, 1 "
' Poor, Yx "
" Uridgo, 2 "
" Insane, (. "
Railroad Hond, 2 "
" Soldiera' Relief, 3-10 "
Total, - - 14 8-10
Adopted and orderod extended on tax
Hat as provided by law.
Hoard adjourned sine die.
L. H. Fokt, Clerk.
Shlloh's ourti is hoUIou a guarautoe. It
cures incipient oonxtlpntlon. It th
bcHt Cough Cure, Only one cent a doo.
ar cts., r,0 oU ami 91.00, Sold by C. L
"Mother, niuy I go to wheel?"
"Yes, my darling daughtor,
I auppoao, of course, jou won't woar
Although I think you'd oughtor."
Applivatluii I'oi- llceiie.
Nntlei Is lioielij'KlvHM that a petition stgui-it
by thlitv ormcro iinUI-nt iri'i'luililcr.i nt the
stteoiiil urtl ot tlinctlyof lld t'louil, Noliras
kit Imi lit'i-a llleil Willi tint cllv ck'ik r ;iilil
city tif IttMl Clnml. pMliik' tlmt a IIoi-iibu lie
L'litntu IlivtliBi'lty einiiu'lliif Milili-llv to Moirls
M. hleni tin Hit" f,tlc nt 111. ill, spliluiiir ntiil
Nlniiiis minors mi lot thite (.1), lilock one (I),
WillliUM'xiiililltlliiiitatho I'ltv of licit C'
Neliraxka That ai'ttmi III l fiUen rii ,i!il
IK'tlllnn liy tin-niiiMir iiihI rllv rouiu-ll on the
thlnlilayur .I11I), l"'Ji, urtlie llrst imrotlu ot
tlioi'oiincll lliPiiKtU'r.
HiiU'il nt KutU'lbtiil, Netiraska, this l'.HIi day
r Juno,
rity Clerk.
Applit'llllOII I'UI lll'C'IINV.
N'alli'o Is hirtiy ulv.-ii that a 0tltlon, .-lnii'il
liv It.lilv "I mole irililcnt (riM'li ihlrrs ot tin
llrst want of tint oily of 1,'imI CIoii.I, M'liiaxkit,
,11.11 Ikvii lllnl in in) liliv- In still oltv of Itfit
1 .tiuL nrii)IHK tlmt 11 lionsu iix w.auti'il d
Hiilii elt eoatiull of 11I1I cily, to Nvlsun;
tin, fur th null of niitlt, spirituous ami Ninons
lliiii..on lt n, bloek al, (orlului! town) nw
i'ltv or itua Clouil,.SVliiaska, In thti Mist wuril
oftluu-tty of KrJ i.'IoikJ, that uctlun will lie
tat-uu on viUI patitlati, t tliH niivor ami t'lty
niuni'll, on tlici lliliil ila l ,lnl, li'i, or t tho
111 -t ini't-uucor tliHt'oiinci'. tiioi Mallei.
D.itvil at il(J C'lviinl, ..V-biaskii, .Imio 19th,
W. V. Wrsr.
!ltv Clerk.
AiIUallun Tor Mccimc.
Niillci! lit Ixrnliy kIiii that aotltli)ii, slgiif-il
hy thlitv or 111010 r'l'tnt frt-unm Ins of tilt)
tlrt waul 11I tin city of (foil Clotul, Ni'lnnka,
Inn I'fi-ii III. I ininyollli'o In o.ilil e,lv of Ki'il
Imiil, piiijiitu- 11 license lu cr.mlcil l.y
K1I1I ciij euinicll "t stitl fit, lo.inliii rnlitlohy
lor tint kiiIii of malt, slilti!uiis mul vinous
llilU'iiH. lot 11. Iilouk M, (orltilnal town,1 now
rli nt lii-ii ciouil..NYlrasku. in the lint ard
or tint city at licit Chmil, thai ai-thm ull, hu
tjKrn on Midi pel It lm liy tin ni'itor ami i'.'V
i-o'incil, on tlin tlilril ilu of .I11I), H.'.'i, unit the
llixt ini'i.iln.' ut ili.'o'iucll thi'U-aftur.
Daletl it 1id I'iunU, .Ni'hr.isU.i, June 19th,
W. 1'. WrsT.
City Clerk,
Stock hoga 2 O0.'i 00
FatcowB .'! 50
nuttier ..................... ,1
I2gga !i
Potatoea 100
Chlckena lb 1
Spring Chickona 1 &0i?j2 00
Railod flay por tonlO
''Orang Uloiom," tin common sense
FemaU Itomady, draws ont pain end sore
ness. Hold by O, h. Cottlng.
1 1
DlHNolulion Kutlco.
Tho partnership heretofore existing
botweou F. G. Wakesloe and A. H. Ka
ley ia this day, Juno 10th, dissolved by
mutual consent, F. G, Wakesleo retiring
from tho firm. All accounts due tho
llrm nre pnyablo to F. G. Dlakesloo.
AH accounts duo tho tlrm ot Wnkes
Ico & Kaley are payablo to F. G. Wakes
loo. An early sottlomont ia desired. F.
G. Dlakkslkk.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn
bnj,' 'Shiloh'rt Yitalizer 'Saved my Life,
I ooiiktUtr it the best remedy for a de
bilitated HyHtoni I ever nod." For Dys
f opsin, Liver or Kidney tronble it exeeU,
'rice 75 eta. For sale by O. L. Cottlng.
Prulrlu Ui'H.
Mr. Stewart lost a valuable mule
last wook.
Wm. Wilson commonoed work for
Mr.' Boyd Monday.
Mrs, Strwbridg and daughter of
Richmond, Ind., aro visiting Susan
lUicufccn Banks spent last Sunday
at Gad creok,
W. A. Hogatc is a Baptist but ho
is not satif-lied with one baptism he
was immersed tho second tnno last
Geo. Carpor of Buda, III,, was visit
ing a lady friend in this neighbor
hood a fow days ago.
Rev. Htuniuol preaches at Plain
view every two weeks.
Rot. Gross preaobes at Prairio Gem
ovorv two weeks.
Geo. Bvomor and Maggit Bodly of
Beatrice aro viaising Mr. Bodloy's.
Peter Paugh had ono of his horses
badly cut in wire.
Little Ucrtio Ilogato has the whoop
ing cough.
On last Tuesday evening twety-fivo
of tho Prairie Gem people gathered at
YV. Hogutca and a very pleasant
evening was spent. Jay
rieatlache, foul breath, four stomach, heart
burn, pain In chest, ilynpepsia, constipation.
Poor Digestion
Distress after ratine, pain anil bleating In the
itorauch, shortness of breath, pain in tho heart.
Los of Appetite
A splendid fisMlniT to-day and a depressed ono
to-morrow, nothing seems to taste kooU, tired,
sleepless unci all untumpr, weakness, debility.
Swiiiiip-lCont builds up quickly a rundown
constitution and raakca tho weak strong.
At DnmgUtH SO contu and 1.00 lze.
Inrnllili' Oulda to llfilth" fn-CuDulUUon frrc
n :-;' ''
Tho peoplo havo given thoir verdietl
Evory state, county aud most hum
ble villaco has had a voice in it.
Thero is a consunsus of testimony
from nil America to tha fact that
Paint's celery compound in making
sick, tired-out, nervous men aud wom
en well and strong again.
Tkero havo been published by
thousands in cverj Htute in the coun
try, this spring, tntimonials front
people in every station of life in those
states telling of tie main, many fines
whem thin greatest ef all remedies
has made peaplo well.
The CniEK has published the un
solicited testimony of well-known and
highly esteemed poeplo in Red Cloud
who have found health and strength
in tho remedy that was first prescrib
ed by Prof. Edward Phelps, M. D.,
LL. 1)., of Dartmouth college.
Me and women of national repu
tation have written thankful lottors
on tho same subjeot, which have been
published the world over, and havo
called forth unasked for responsive
nerves and vital organs through tho
usa of P.iine's oflery compound,
letters from equally prominent men
aud women in other lands.
Below is a letter that commends
itself in this spring month of May to
every wemen in Red Cloud. It was
voluntarily written to Well, Richard
son & Co., by a lady whose portrait,
given above, is aseurance of her high
character and lionu.-H deposition.
She is Mrs, Robert M. Moere of La
porte, Ind., and she writes:
"1'Uuho acecpt tin heartfelt thnakB
for tho great good Paine's eelerj com
pound has done me. I do think that
there cannot bo too much said in its
favor. I was completely run down a
year ago, and had the adviso anel at
tendants of two of tho best physicians
in the town, who pronounced my sick
ness nervous prostration. I wan treat
ed by one for two weeks, and then
want to anothor and at int ho seemed
to help me, but after a while instead
oj getting bettor I wont from bad to
"At the earnest solicitation of two
of my chlldron and a dear friand, who
was very inuh interested in my caso
I eeuiincnced to take I '.nine's celery
compound and took seven bottles,
an J am thankful to suy that I am a
well woman today. Considering the
low statu nt hc-illh in wh ch I was,
my euro hai been pronounced won
deiful. Von can use this oonmiunica
lioc as you see fit."
Fot icovry I'rntu tho effects of too
constant indoor work, worry, over
txertion of body or mind, and for tho
goner! dpr-jed eate of health that
is so apt to result from a sedentary
life of luid work and routine, Paino'n
celery compound is the ono strictly
accurate relief. It refreshes and re
sttres the worn-out tissues, disposes
the body t tuko on new flesh, and
rapidly cbar the system of tho used
up eluuants that olog its healthy
DriiduUg indoor wotkers who sel
dom get a long bicaih of fresh air
anu mere aro innv euoii both men
anu w in" recover viuer of the
"Miei ii mim"Trwinm,msr-- ...... .v. .,-.-..-. .,...,..
A HdtfDSOflE
Slzo ot page, 11 by 3Vi inches.
Ehtboratc Cover In Gold and Colors.
Highly Enameled Paper.
WORTH 91.00..
$1 for The Red Cloud Chief.
inanrftdud pn Btnirtra '3addJM jo tsos ltd ot ssz jo tdpow no tais 'J3dt d aidant
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