THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1895. T-fl fcBi HE GOT THE SUGAR. a BliOSSO Acts like a poultice, drawing out fever and pain, and reinvig orating the entire Female Sys 4m. It removes all obstructions Itnd creates a healthy, natural Sow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Don't take internal rem edies for Female weakness, com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief arid permanent cure. 'Orange Blossom" is a sure, painless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu corrhcea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. "Orange Blossom" is apastile Ssily used at any time. Every iy can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceipt of $i. Dr. J. A. McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. For Stile hy'J!. L. Colling Itcd Cloud. Dow a MFaukry Itt'iiiniiiil Out n V-rjr Knotty I'rolilt'iii. Tho following anccdotu of n tnmo monkey, to which was Riven a corked botllo with a lump of sugar Inside, In dicates that the animal, though unable to Invent, could Imitate. A phrenolo gist would say that the monkey had "perception" but not "casuallty." How to get at tho sugar was a problem that bade fair to drive him crazy. Some times, In an Impulse of disgust, he would throw tho bottle out of his reach, unu men oo illstractel until It wa given back to him. At other times he would Bit with a countenance of intense dejection, contemplating the bottled sugar, and then, as If pulling hluuM' together for another effort at solution. would sternly take up the pro!,:i in nfresh and gazo at the bottle. W would tilt It one way and try to drink tho Btigar out of tho neck, and l!wn Buddenly reversing It. try to catch It na It fell out nt the bottom. Under tin. Impression that he could capturo the eugar by surprise, ho kept rasping his teeth ngalnst the glass In futile blte.3, nnd warming to tho pursuit of tho re volving lump, used to tlo himself Into regular knots round tho bottle. Kits of tho most ludicrous melancholy would alternate with spasms of delight as a new Idea seemed to suggest Itself followed by n fresh scries of experi ments. Nothing availed, however, un til one day a light was shed upon the problem by a Jar containing bananas falling from the table with a crash nnd tho fruit rolling about In nil directions. His monkcyshlp contemplated tho ca tastrophe, and reasoned upon It. Lift ing tho bottlo high In his paws, he brought It down upon tho floor with a tremendous noise, smashing tho glass to fragments, after which ho calmly transferred tho sugar to his mouth, and munched It with much satisfaction. iisi:ihi: r oni:,v, Will be Treated I'rco ly lr. Ilarlmaii IHirliig lliu Mm out Month. SEW AITi:KTI8EWrMT.i. GRINULENEsTees mw Traf.mcat, mw Eiscwiiy. no cmtiti pica. Ililieor(ciUninultr(tF.)rell(U,SrrofuloiiHori-Kjro, uicir. mini, unu I unit numn riirn.Ti convince you 1 v 111 h ni man) irraimrni rrrr. itmi a lull iiccnminn o )our r.jcs. AiimiitM E. S. EVANS, M. D.. Ultra. Wol, COtlllHIH.IIIUU, m rhtrkMUr'. EnzlUh Dlaaon4 IlraniL . PENNYROYAL PILLS JKN. Original d wljruine. W7fL SAfC, AlWiJl fflUbU. LADIES tit Ilrucrlrt for Uhit tetter mouth m& nuuTjtrinf In llt And Gold mtUUla bfltfi t.ltl with blae ribbon. Take lions and mflattonj. At Prutiitl. or ml 4a. In tUniri tut jirt leal Art, tUmoQlaU adJ lUllcf for fcdlr." in IttUr, toy rrtara i,hllinLvC:huleMlCJtfe.llAdlAtBHciBBrCb SoUtj aULocaI UruuUlft. fkllU.. i' EXTRACTING OF TANNIN. unil -VURi A sCi! X jf rwSrtV -M PARKER'S .WyvV . KAIR BALSAM JPv Clcamc i and If Anti fie I tha half. iXZ CjJhvcp Falls to Bettors dray i& JI.ilp to lt youthful Color. k nair luiui. SPun. .din fill..,. fc'r.auqf wmm unigwi tt r.irker'B Ulnccr Tomo, li curt, me worn loujn, Wttk l.un. Do tiHitr, InJIgutloD, i'aln, Take Id lime. Met. ijiiiunniiii'.iiiimuimmiiiiuiiiiuiiuiimmi-. tiniuwi 4 Glass! c is- a tf: v a xkjm f m -. r ttv u 5 " e. a " t tw, y I HIRES' I ho:TDER J ft ' ... iT?,a a T?fiK? 3 to rb, M 2 IUKIC9 itoesaeKr. t m ,i .sawyawio uw a Tliorc's lo'sfRnnpniid y Villi III llll" IIIHI.I i Knorui.r.i:. Tlifo sloti i llf llll'UMtri) IIIHl KUIIll linnltli In It tn.i A ill. llrliiiiNdrlnk. u teliincr- i imt-'o UrliiK, u iioinc-i I.. .I.....I. .. .tt..l. ! '. iiiiiiilv iiri'iii. li muni A lliu: (lniLi-u tlu oiii : -in 0" u It Unu I.iiUly lUcuiiu- ii l'nirtlial rriillliililn liiilnitry. Tho extraction of tannin from pal metto leaves has now becomo a prac tical Industry, and It is claimed that leather tanned with this product can bo moro economically produced than that which Is treated with oak or hemlock bark, while tho residua forms a valu able paper stock, which Is also utilized. In tho process pi extraction tho leaves and stems are separated, tho stems aro crushed flat through rollers, while tho leaves aro finely shroddod; this mate rial Is then placed In a lnrgo wooden tank and covered with water, the mass Is brought to tho boiling point but not allowed to boll violently being kept near but below tho boiling point for forty-eight hours, tho liquid being then ready for tho tannery. After tho tan njn has been extracted, tho palmetto Is steamed in a chemical solution, which removes tho silicate contained In the palmetto and chnnges tho glossy shield to a gummy mass, which can bo re moved without Injury to tho fibre; but In making Imitation horsehair this gummy mass Is allowed to dry, as It adds to tho elasticity of tho fibre. There aro Bcveral combinations in which the production of tannin und flbro Is said to bo practicable nnd advantageous, so that tanneries situated In tho vicinity of paper mills can grind tho palmetto In tho same manner as bark, and tho residue, after bleaching, is In proper Bhapo for tho paper mill. "Fctunln diseases" is a tirtn which hits come, by aotiKtaui uv, to be ap plied to all el that vers iHatroimif! elnsR of afl-'ct iotis wliicl. aro peculiar to the funiul orpini-tn, At least three causes should be recoumzril. The cause which in pcrhups moot fr (iietit ii displacement of tho womb. The second caufc is congestion of ono or more of tho pi-lvio pnsm:rH. The third cnuse is kuoun as iiiflamitintin or ulceration. IVrn-tut should bo taken in teaspnoful doses before each meal in all varieties and stngts of the disease. This iltno should be grad ually increased after srveral weeks' mo of it two tablcspoonfuls. Vaginal injections should be taken thrco times a day, two or threo quarts at each injection. Any woman wishing to become a regular patient ef Dr. flnrlmnn should sond name, addtes0, duration of disease and sjinptoms nt once and specific directions for every detail of her treat ment will bo promptly sent. The doctor will direct every item of the treatment frco of charge The patient can obtain the necessary medicines at the nearest drugstore, and overy pa tient will bo expected to report onco a month. I his gives every woman in tho United States a chance to rooeiTC tho benefit of the extensive experience of this ronowncd physician in all forms of femalo disease. Jiook on femalo diseases sent free by Tho l'c-ru-iia Drug Manufacturing Company, of Columbus, Ohio. For frco book on cancer address Dr. Iartman, Columbus, Ohio. W. Harrottand R. Cilhv Sinking John Crabb, llert Isoiu nnd Bertha Cameron. Wntci Uert Payne, IMOflldsnorth and Arthur Ilartuun. On all otlur amusement! suoh as potatoe race, sack race, gn toed pol, .'recced pig, .ito., John Aushutz, J. C. Uoxarth nnd Frank Halor. Praaidcnt of the day F. S Spurrier. Martial of tha dny 1 S. I'rnyar Rot, Klwell. Addrcis of waloome J. A. Crabb lltadiag thn Dtolaraiion of ltulo pundeuc Mrs. F. L. Smith. Dfclamnttoni Misses Cox and I'pp nnd Mrs. Culloa Cx. It is a vary niae trove in good shapo and very large. All that come will bo well entertained. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cat torla. An mS2&nr-tlrit An Early Lesson It's nil ripht to let the little jjirls have an earl introduction to 1 y iBEJua mf WLZlJ- SANTA CLAUS SOAP It will not only make their clothes clean but when In late years the cures of the household come they will know best how to meet them. There arc u great many women who have learned n lesson of economy and cleanliness by the use of Santa CIhus. Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fa.rbunk Company, - Chicago. wmAAAfWAfmAAAfwwemAAAfAtwwww We Have 'em Yet! Iilne. Nice rain last) week and earn ii laoking tino. hots f the farmers arc roplatting their aorn. llcv. Ilaskins of Guide Hack failed to fill his appointment at Penny creak oa account of tho weather. Gilbert and Ban VanDyke are planting broom corn down by tho river. Mra. Grewall ia able t bo up again. Miss Kditb Keaglo is warking forher. Those Beautiful Bound books ! lcv'. Sinis of Oaka, Nab., aamo"up Saturday to fill his appeintmcat. Buck Skin. CARNOT MEMORIAL CHAMBER. auil vdiun.'. J'o unoa .ct ttiu cuultiu H j A 3)iutiekirgiiiakeiSRilloiii, Soil eifrthrt. d the cHin. r. Hirccn company, k O PHILADELPHIA. P. fl fcainuiiiinuiiuiiuiiii:tiiifti""'iutr.tiiimi" 1 . KTmm B .aHaBBtBr tp wTlkiBBhwal rcAVEAIo.luAUtMARKqV COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT For a Enmpt answor and Bt lioiicet opinion, write to M II NN A: CO.. who have liatl neatlT nf it yert' eipoilvnce In tlm patent bnnlnru. Comruunlra ilonattrlctlr cnnddentlnl. A llnnitlmok of In lorniatlnn cniuTnilna I'ntrnlN and now to ob. tain thcrn unit free. Alao h cataloguo of niecnaiv. leal and rclontltlo Irnoka aeut frt'. . 1'atrnta taken tbrounh Munn A Co. rccolva fpcduliiotlcolntlM) Hrlrnllllc Aiiifrlcnn, and Uiua are brought wldoly bfnrathe public with. gp coiit to tlio Inventor, 1'hla splendid paper, tHornl weeklr, nlonantly lllnatratcd. baa by far t bo kanrott rirrniniinii nf .nt nriintltlc work In tno monthly. fiiO year. flnRlo world. ,J n nyf Cdlt Building Kdltlnn, monthly, tiiti year. tJlnRlo enpics, MH cents. Kvcry nuruticr contains beau, tlful plates. In color, and nliotoirrupha of new .n.u-VH,wilU IHIIIls, t'llUUIIUU IIIIIHMTB I" run- ... "K.' dpulunn nnd oorurn conlnu'l-. Addri-M MUNN & CO., .NKW Yuilh. 'Jill IIIIOAIiWAV. utlce to Tciicliers. Notico is hereby given that 1 will czainino all persons who may desire to offer themselves us candidates for jtcuohcrB oftho publio schools of this couuty, at ltcu Uloud on tuo tnira Saturday of caoli month. Special examinations will be hold on tho Friday proceeding tho lid Sat urday of oaeh month. Tho standing desired f-' -M and 3d grade certificates is th in1 no grado below 70 per cotit,, iv rt'e 80 per eont; for Brut grado (to no grado below 80 per .orago ,Q0 per eont. in all bratioh' uircd ty Ii Widow of Fmnro'H Mnrtyrnl I'rcaldrnt Now lliia It C(iinilcU'il. Mmc. Carnot has now completed tho memorla'l chamber dedicated to her martyred husband, nnd means that It shall bo used as a private chapel. Tho room contains some praying chairs, President tiarnot's desk nnd Inkstand, and tho souvenirs to which ho was at tached. On tho walls hang tho ribbons that tied tho wreaths that appeared nt his funeral, with tho Inscriptions turn ed to view, and tho different silver wreaths sent from Russia aro placed on easels. Albums filled with tho letters of condolenco nnd telecxnms recolved from all tho great ones on earth, and photographs or every description re lating to tho visit to Lyons nnd fo tho funeral aro disposed, in cases especially rando for them. At Mmc, Carnofs death tlieso family treasures become her sou's, but after that they will ho given to tho state, If then tho state Is ropub llcau and cares to remember tho tragic assasslnntlon of Its president well enough to rcccivo their charge. Tho ago changes so rapidly that ono can not predict, ovon In n matter closely allied to tho nation's welfare. 'MImPII LI-aWEBBaHIlllln I 6 "Sir n' 7i im I BAhk-taeBa1awl)ll H Ct tfr .y law. D. M. IIlTNTER.Ontint- t. While at l'eekskill, N. Y Mr. J. A. Soriveti, a prominent innmifaotnrar of Ntw Vork City, purchased n bottlo of Clmmberlain'H Cough Remedy. Such good results were obtained from its use that ho sent back to tho druggist from whom ho had obtained it for two more bottles of tho samo remedy. When yon have h cough or cold i?ivo this prepara tion n trial and like Mr. Horlven you will want it when again in need of such a medicine. It is u rtutifily of great worth nnd merit, t-'.r and SO cent bottles for salo by Deyo & Oriee When Itoby was sick, wo gate her Caatorla. When she wa a ClillJ, she oried for Castor-, Whn bJio became 311m, him dung to Castort. When the had CblMrco, bJio care tlium Cutoria. I hava two littlagrrnd orlldren who are tcathiug this hot lanmir weathtr nnd aro troublad with bawals aomplaiat. I gava them Cliamberlain'a Colio, Cholera and Diarrhwa rcmudy nnd It nets lika a charm. I aarntstly raoommand it for children with bawel troublas. I was my self waa taken with aramps and pnlna in my stomnoh, ono-third of n bottle of thia remedy cared ma. Within twenty-faar hours I was ont of bad and doing my lioo?o work. Mrs. W. L. Donagnn, Dan- aqna, lliekman Co.,Tenn. For aula by Deyo & Grioe druggist. l'leaaani I'ruliic. Everything looks prosperous for a gaod crop thin year. Lht Sunday Mr. Albright and some other gantlaman came ovar from lied Claud aad gavo us some fine muaio and a few abort addresses to tha childrei. Tha peoplo wcra well plaased. There is a large Sunday-iahool hald here evary Sunday morning, Mr. Michael tho auperintendent is doiag all he jaa ta make it interesting far tho ohildrca. Far tho last two years wo have had nina moaths of school each year. Mr. Dan Garber taught the last niae moath aad gave general satisfaction. Sohool boards should keep c good teaohar whan they a;ct ona. Thia distnot is in tko center bo- tweca Hod Claud, llivarton, Iaavale, Ciitharton and Bladan. People com ing from tho east aro well pleased witk tho county. ARE GOING FREE! To all who subscribe or pay up. FOR THE CHIEF. tBMaLH SBHK'iBtr'VwjSRtalalMBp'T WKBB9 rkrP Biv v" vsf.: '' We also give away that beautiful world's fair book, the charming' and delightful QHAS. S0HAFFNIT, InNiirnnco Agcm), Kepretenta (lerniHii Insiirauro t'o , Frt'eimrt, III. Itoynl niiiiuiiu'HCo., l.lnTMinl, I'liiulniiit. JlomeUr Insiiranun Co., of Onialm, N'rhr." 1'lKi'iiU Asiuniuct! Co. of London, linif. To Niinctii'Mer rlrn Ahswraiu-iiCo hi r. mlnntt. Hrltlsh Ainoilcn Ahsiiiiiiii-ii Ch, Torniitii. (Jan. MiiUial Itesvrve Ktiiut l.tlo aisu nt N. V Tlif Workman UaUdlng aim I.oiti Ainclalluu ot Mucnlii, NebMikiv. OUloe over Miuor'n Sturo. Red Cloud, . NVuhasiu NolU'C Thoso who wish to tuko ndvnntago et tho now "Xenror Attendunca" law naxt vear. must lilt out the proper blnnkt ttila month. Blank forma may bo obtained at my ofllco. D, M. Huktkii, Co., Supt. uDon'l Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your I.I To Aivuy." Tho truthful, startling titlo of a book about No-to-bac, tho only harmless, guar antood tobacco-habit euro. If you want to uit and can't, ubo "No-to-bao." Urucas up nicotinizod norves, eliminataa nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain etrongth, woight and vigor. Positiva euro or money refunded. Sold by C. L, Cottlng. Jadion 4tli or July Calobratlen. In referanee ta tho celebration ob tha fourth of July at M. E. Payne'a I rava oae half mile west of Skarwoad poitaSae. Tha oommittaai tkat vara appainiad ara as fallowi: Far ipaakara P. S. Fair, Aadraw Upp, Gea. Mauatford aad Jaha Crabb. Martial Musia H. R. Pajaa, C. COME IN AT ONCE. No other paper in the west gives you such grand premiums as we do. Call on or address The Chief, Red Cloud, Neb. i