THE HKJ) CLOUD CHIEF, FKIDAY, JUNE 21, 181)5. 5 N e ,W -rf PV 'P .U KSiTi, lillER H HB UN In oxchange for Shoos. If you do not want grecerias for nil your produco, wo will accopt thi bills or coupotiB tho amo as cash, in exchange for shoes, on any of the grocery stores in Red Cloud. We nro giving special values and rank ing T6ry 'ow prices on our goods. You cannot do batter than givo us all your trado on Boots and Shoes. A. II. Kaixy. FRED E. MoKBEHY, M. D. PIijnIcIiiii mid Surgeon, City and country culls promptly ans wered. Moon Block. Ilr.u Cloud. iikixi' nicvno.v. Roscoo Cutber is homo from Lincoln A. H. Gray was in the city this week, Dr. Emigh returned from Hastings Saturday. Try Cotting's "Egg Flip," tho finest drink out. Miss Jennie Dell is visiting in Akron this week. Mrs. E. J. Duckor enmo homo on Sat urday evening. R. S. Proudtlt of Guide Rock wus on our streets this weok. C. S. Potter is again with us after an extended visit in Iowa. If you want a nice, eool, healthy drink, try Cotting's soda. Miss Dolly Shopardson of Franklin was in tho city Saturday. County Treasurer Whito was in Bluo Hill this week on business. J. E. Keslor has accepted u position on the Superior Journal for a timo. Wm. Jesslyn of Orleans was in Red Cloud the latter part of last week. Rev. Gress and J. C. Richardson of Harmony woro in the city this week. Mrs. J. S. White entertained a num ber of hor friends on Thursday night Ex-Congressman McKeighan was a passenger on "lC for Lincoln this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickson are rejoic ing over the advent of a little son in their family. Prof. Geo. McCrary, well known in Rod Cloud, who has been leuching school in iown, is in the city. Goo, Lindsey has a fine Held of wheat, It stands about four feet high and will bo an excellent crop. Gus Route has been on the sick list this week. Though able to bo around, bo sudors from rhoumutUm. Miss Uina Blaine after visiting for eorao days with her sister, Mrs. Thos Penmun, has returned to Cowles. I wish to rent my residence for six months or one year. Consideration, board for self and son. D. M. Platt, Joseph Gurber is romodeling his coun try residence, adding porches, verandas &c. Joe is on the road to prosperity. C. E White is the happy papa of an other little cherub, making grandpa Schenckgrandfatherot3Cgrandchildron. Jas. Burdon and wife and John Yost of Bladen wero visitors in Red Cloud this week, Thoy took in the Sam Jones lecture "Grandpa" Conover is tho way thoy tell it again. This timo his daughter, Mrs. Boyd Munsell, presented him with a grand-child. Grandpa and father do ing well. Miss Stolla and Wm. Duckor came home from Lincoln last Friday evening, hau hnv nern attending the state university. Mrs. Dwiaht Jones and Mra Jack "Haves of Guide Rock were in tho city this week. They came up to hear Sam Jones' lecture. Rev. Virgil Shirley of Guide Rock, an old friend of Editor Walsh, waa in the city Wednesday for the purpose of hear ing Sam Jonoa talk, Dru. G. E. and F. E. McKeeby have loaeod tho office formerly used by Dr Damerell and will Boon remove there to from the Moon block, Goo. Hadell of Chicago arrived in Rod Cloud, Friday night and will remain hero for two or three months tho guest of his parents and relatives. Geo. Blair has bocome a great acrobat as is ovident by his ability to stand on ' his hoad in the wagon while tho vohiclo is being propollod at a rapid gait. Baptising at Crabill Ford, in tho Lit tle Bluo rivor, eight miles northeast of Bladon, on Sunday, June 30, at 3 p. m. All candidates for wator baptism are re quested to be prerent. Rov. G. W. Hummel. OIlN AM K.1S. Randolph McNitt is in Omaha this weok. Geo. Morhart is in Tecumseh this week. S. C. Dilly returned from Denver on Tuesday. Call and bco Taylor's curpets before buying. C. E, Hicks was down from Bladen Wednesday. C. II, Kaloy has somo lino alfalfa hay to sell at $8 per ton. Tho Nation editor was somewhat un der tho weather this weok. Mr. and Mrs. Day woro visiting in Bladen tho first of tho weok. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Uohanan returned to thoir homo in Lincoln yesterday. Envelopes? Yes, how much? Fivo conta a packogo. Doyo k Grico. Clyde Paddon of Suporior was tho guest of Frank Goblo u fow days this week. C. L. Cotting will fill your prescrip tions accurately and at a reasonable prico. Mrs. J. NiiBtein and daughter depart ed Wednesday for a visit in St. Jo and AtchiBon. Dr. Damorell, superintendent of tho asylum for tho chronic insane at Hast ings, was in the city this week. About forty-threo teachers woro being examined at the county superintendent's olllco last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Hondorson and daughter, Dora, of Wo ni or, attended tho Sam Jones lec ture in tho city Wednesday evening. Wavorly bicycles, tho best in tho world, for salo by W. W. Wright. Prices reasonable. See him if you want n bike. tf Mits Beatrix and Max Mizer dopartod Monday for a visit in Ohio. The former will make an extended visit in New York. A. G. Willis, II. W. Browor, A. J. Tul loyo and Al Galusha roturned Friday from Omaha, whore thoy wero attending Masonic Lodge-. Lcroy Phillips of Crote, a grandson of D. F. Scammon, graduated in that city laBt weok. Tho young man is known in Red Cloud. Mrs. Lucy Sabin, wifo of Wm. Sabin of Guido Ilo:k, wus buried last Sunday, Roy. Geo. O. Ycisorolllciating. She hud lived in Webster county since 1870, and was theroforo a pioneer. W. S. Bonso, tho popular proprietor of tho Bon Ton bukery, presented tho Big Injun and his braves with somooxtra fino ice cream one day this week. He's a "cool saucer" on making rich ico cream. Come again, Billy. Sheriff Runchey found the two cows that wero stolon from Smith Confer nt Nelson, Neb., lost Thursday. Ho rodo on his bicyclo from Rod Cloud to Guide Rock, Mt. Claro, Nelson nnd to Superior. Ho left tho other officers in hot pursuit of tho thioves. The following Rod Cloud peoplo boarded tho special train for tho Orleans chautauqua Thursdoy morning: Rov. Muxlleld, Mrs. A. Conovor, Mrs. R. P. Hutchison, Mrs. B. G. Grico, Mrs. D. J. Mvors. and the Misses Bessie and Blanche Sollars. Dell Turnure was jumping up nnd down and tolling every cow ho suw to got out of tho road of "pop" during Monday, just bccauBO it was his first baby boy, and woighed tho usual No braska number of pounds. The Chief extends congratulations und hopes Doll will recover. Ono of tho grandest musicals over put upon the boards in Rod Cloud will bo rendered by about eighty of our homo musicians, ut tho opora houso on Thurs day evening, Juno 27. Immonso cho ruses by tho singers, fine dosenptivo pioces by tho band, and solos, duots and quartots by dilforont persons. Every body should bo sure to attond this con cert. A cbango of firms occurrod this week in the Cinciunnti Shoo Store by our es teemed friend and follow travolor, Fred G. Blakosloo, withdrawing from the firm, A. II. Kaloy continuing tho business. Fred has mado a host of friends since his arrival in Rod Cloud. His business associations have boen pleasant, and tho people of Red Cloud will bo sorry to lose him from the business circles, how- ever, wherever he may go Thp. Chief hopes that his f uturo will fall in pleas ant places. Mr. Kaley is well known in thla city and will make the business hum, as ever. Ml. ! Charley Gilham walkod out of hia houso Tuesday and stopped over a four foot picket fence with a barbed with on top and was prancing down town. Somo fellow hailed him and inquired what was wrong? Charley lookod up some what dazed, couldn't toll. He waa dumb founded. Finally tho fellow got Charley to talking and in a moment of joy ho turned a somersault, fell down, rolled ovor, and screamed at tho top of hiB voice, "I am daddy of twinB." Our re pcrtor investigated tho matter and found thnt it was truo, and that Charloy's good wife had presented him with a boy baby and a girl baby. Charley's actions were fully explained. Charloy is new learning to sing that good old nursery song, "By oh, baby bunting, daddy's gono a hunt ing," to tho tune of "Yankco Doodle' Shuko, Churloy. OMlp. Mrs. Dr. Damerell told Mrs. Goblo that Mrs. Dr. McKeeby told Peto Bonchy when, sho was in Lincoln, that Mrs. I) Beck told Mrs. Spolman and Mrs. Mat tox that Mrs. Kaloy and Mrs. Maxtleld would miss ono of tho great opportuni ties of their lives, on account of boing absent from home at this timo, UBall tho law)crs, preachers and doctors, togothor with thoir wives, cousins, uncles and uunts, are sure to attend ono of tho grandest concerts over givon in our town bv about eighty of our musical peoplo. Preserve your seats beforo tho rush, us tho house will bo crowded. All InleroMltiiK Letter. Tho following lettor was recolvedby.T. L. Miner, of this city, and handed to us for publication, thinking that tho atten tion of ovory farmer should bo called to this most important tuuttor, tho Rus sian thlBtlo: Fkkman, N. D., June II, 1803. Mil. J. L. MiNKit, Rod Cloud, Neb., Sin: I have just finished my work in South Dakota, and a fow days ago camo into this state. Tho wheat crop in tho two Uakotaa is looking very fine. Farmers hero say that they hnvo not had a bolter prospect for 1(1 years. Tho itcreagn in South Dakota is small, howovor, ns tho farmers are. as a rule, very poor and could not got tho seed I think there is at least '2.1 por cont of tho cultivated hind in northeastern South Dakota that is not in uny kind of a crop. There is more corn planted than usual because it required Iubb seod. It is a poor corn country. I loarn that 'i." bush els is thought it good crop. This coun try has seen harder tiiea, and nro hav ing hurder times now, than wo have in Webster county. Wheat is tho only crop to tnako monoy (oxcopt llnx) and thoy huvo but ono paying crop in quan tity in fivo years, and what littlo thoy hud a vory low price. Everything in tho north half of South Dakota denotes poverty, deserted farms, farm buildings going to decay, unpaintcd and ompty buildings in towns, all show tho blight ing elTect of no money. Ihoro is con siderable hilly and stony land in Seuth Dakota, also strenks of light Bandy land. Will nut uvcrugo but little better in soil and surface than Webster county, nnd thoro is not us good n town in northoust South Dakota (outsido of Watortown and Aberdeen, which aro railroad cen ters) ns old Red Cloud. I nm told now that I am just on tho odge of tho good country in North Dakota. Just north of me is tho great Red River Valloy that Dakotans refer to as "tho greatest land on earth." I havo business noar tho great Dalrymplo wheat farm and will try to soo it, Tho ono great curso of tho Dnkotas is tho Russian thistlo. It's blighting effect ennnot bo overdrawn us fur as appearances go The most deso luto appearing country that you can im ngino outsido of Hades is a country abandoned to this terriblo scourge Thoy are evorwhoro. Groves are drifted full of them, nearly to the tops of the trees; wire fences are banked with them, doop draws lovel full of them, groat ragged pilos cf them scattered ovor tho prairies with dirt enough driftod on thorn to hold them. Even tho towns uro piled up with them when thcro ia anything to stop them. I hopo they peoplo of Ne braska will uso all diligonco to keep thorn out. I huvo heard it said (when they don't hnvo thorn) that they woro not much of n pest; but that is a groat mistake. I am told that thoy do not injuro tho wheat crop much of n wot year as tho wheut starts first in tho spring, and if it has n good vigorous growth it keeps them down till after harvest, when they appear in all thoir glory. But of a dry yonr it is vice versa; thoy grow and choko out tho wheat. In sandy land thay will grow on tho un broken prairio and choke out the grass, but will not grow on sod whon thoro is heavy land, I nm quito sure it tho farmers around Red Cloud could soo a oountry overrun by this scourge, they would aot allow tho few that may bo growing thoro now to survive I think our last legislature passed some kind of n law for thoir extermination. If of any good, it should bo rigidly enforced. C. F. Catiier. On laBt Sunday attornoon at tho real denco of tho bride's mother ocourrod the wedding of Mr. Frank Frisble tho eon of our esteemed friend I. Frisbio manager of the Amboy Milling Company to Miss Lora E, McBride, the ostimablo daugh ter of Mrs. S. R. McBride, Rov. Geo, O Yeiaer officiating. The wedding waa solemnized in the presonco of a few per sonal friends of the family in a very quite manner. Tnr. Chief takes tho op portunity to extend ita congratulations to the happy young couple who just launched their bark upon tho sea of matrimony, and wishes them, along with thoir many ardent friends, a life of hap piness and u multiplicity of nevoronding joys, the uiiikf nas Known ooin or tho high contracting parties from child hood and it is with unmingled pleasuro that wo oxtend to thorn our heartiest and best wishes for tho future. If you are weak and worn ont or havo that tired feeling Hood's Harsaporllla is jnst tho medioine to restore your atrength nnd give you n good appetite. Hood's makes pure blood, l''or a dinner pill, und ganeral family eathartio we contldently recommend food's pills. .Sum Jouc. It is not often that Red Cloud peoplo liavo tho opportunity of listening to so if ted an orator ns Sam Jonos. On last Wednesday night, howover, tho oppor tunity cnnie, nnd tho opera houso was literally packed with people fiom all ovor tho county and for twenty tulles distant. Sam Jones is a unique charac ter, nnd is n host within himself. As n humorist ho is hard to bout, nnd as a pulpit orator, ho has no equal whon it comes to saving peoplo from their in iquities, Ho hns n peculiar way f en tortnining his nudietico that touches them nt onco with his honesty of pur pose. Ho tcfls facts in u much different way than most men. He places the fol lies of men in a different category than they hnvo been used to seeing thorn in, which ho sends conviction and disgust nt tho samo timo to tho man of wicked ways. His tectum at tho opera houso on "Got Thoro and Stay Thoro" was prolific with humor, mingled with bril liant thoughts, nnd enrichod with those trito snyings, such ns no man but of tho Sam Jones stripo could uttor without offonding his nudienco, Every word wns a twoedgo sword, cutting deep into the bascneps of human depravity. Ar a lecturer ho is a sido splitter; as a divine ho is nn immense power. Tho largo! audionco wan now spoil-bound for two hours while Jones poured tho conRommo into thorn in ono continuous stream. Ho 1b it pleasant speaker, huving enough of tho southern twang to mnko his conver sation pleasant to listen to. Ho loft enough food for thought in Red Cloud to keep tho peoplo feasting for weeks to como. Tho lecture was n rnro front and tho drubbing that imllticlans nnd poli tical parties received at his hands wus sufficient to set tho peoplo thinking for thomsolves for somo timo to como. His contrasts woro nent. his drollory pleasnnt nnd his humor out of sight. Rccontly a prenchor, not ovor n thous and miles from Red Cloud, preached on tho toxt: "I will mnko man in my own imngo." Ho tlion went on to tell tho congregation how uply tho savages woro, yot, when toned down by Christian in fluence, ono could seo tho likeness of God in their countenance. Ho paid a glowing tribute to tho missionary who left homo nnd luxury to civilize tho cannibnl. How ho, day by day, put his best efforts forth in thnt direction. and how ho not only gavo thorn spiritual food but took them clothing. In a boau titul word picture ho said: "Soe a mis sionary after ho had boen away for six months, going back to tho wilds of Afri ca, saying to tho mon and wowon, I havo not only givon you spiritual food but I havo brought you p ts, and just thon tho thought struck tho good man that the women couldn't wear pants, and ho quickly chnngod tho word to suits. Tho congregation smiled nud iby, und the divine looked deep against tho opposito wall and continuod tho in teresting story of tho missionary. ...m-. ... - A fine story is told on one of the young business mon of Red Cloud. It sooms that when he rotirea at night he places his pantaloons on n chair in a certain place nour tho bed, so an to be able to find thorn in caso of fire. Ono night tho young man was awakened by tho loud clanging of tho flro bell and, jumping out of bod, ha went to the win dow to locate tho blaze On turning round to don his wonring upparol, he discovered that ho was unable to find thoso articles, and, hunt as hard aa ho might, ho ran across the wrong chair; but us ho gently rakud hiB shin on tho edgo of tho bed, a happy thought struck him. Crawling back into his reclining upparatus, ho lay his hoad on tho pillow a fraction of a second and thon, with a mighty bound, bo reached tho floor and went straight to tho objects of his floarch, jumped into halt of them, nnd shot out upon the street. Liko tho compass needle points to the north, so that bed pointod to thoso clothes. In a beautiful littlo valloy, just south of the Republican, is located tho lovely now residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alt Mc Call. Hero they have lived eighteen years. This is ono of tho most interest ing families in Webster county. Those parents believe in raising corn and hogs and then in using tho money in tho edu cation and culturo of tho sons and daughters. Misses Martha and Mildred graduated at the Fremont Normal School in tho teacher's course Inst Juno. A son attended our city schools schools last year. Mr. Jamos P, Rhea, a gradu ate also of Fremont Normal of tho class of '04, showed good judgment in asking the M. E. pastor to assist him in secur ing Miss Martha for hia wife, which we did, on Juno 18, in our boat form. Mr. and Mre. Rhoa will reside near Arling ton on a farm, whore tho groom is mak ing 120 acres of corn grow. Thoy will make thoir homo in a part of Nebraska where failures never come. On our way home wo mot a man who said to us: "Woll, wo must get tho 'boys' together and go ovor and givo tho newly mnrrlod couplo a 'boiling,' nnd I rather oncour- aged it (this timo) for I knew tho bride and groom would bo safoly housod in a B. & M. car, noaring Orlouns nbout 0:!50, tho time set for tho "belling," and didn't think it would disturb thoin vory much. Jah. K. Maxfiei-d, The U. S. Gov't Reports 7 show Royal Baking Powder ;. superior to all others. ta FLOUR ! And plenty of it a Call here before buying. It will saye you a dime, perhaps more. Buy big lots and save big money. Quality Best in the City. The line rains have everybody's face, the genuine old fashion smile that will last come here and Get my Prices on Flour Before you go anywhere else, I am sure it will save you money. 1 will give you special canned fruits all Highest prices for B. WATER Is tho Healthiest and Most Refreshing Drink you can use. We have fill the popular flavors in FoaiT atd Still Drits at 5e per glass, also a variety of Egg Phosphates at 10c, Manitou Table Water, Manitou Iron Water. C. U. COTTING. Commencing Monday Mrs. J. A. Richardson's Cash Millinery Sale, 20 per cent off on every dollar's worth of goods you buy. This sale will continue till .Tidy 4th, after which I shall visit two or three weeks with my daughter in Bertram!, then I shall resume my business if the Lord wills. JULIA A. BICHARDSON. Hats sold for $1.00, now for 80e. Hats sold for 1.50, now for 1.20. Hats sold for 2.50, now for 2.00, and so ou on all my stock. Rov. Wm. VanDyko, of this city, and his son, Qilbort, sold some timo ago two or threo hoad of cattle to a firm in Lebanon. On Wednesday thoy dollrerod the stock. While in process of delivery, a deputy marshal ot that place had tho extromo nervo to sirest Undo Billy and hia son on a charge of stealing cattio, and held thorn two or throe hours, until the shoritf of Smith Center, Kansas, arrivod.and found that tho cattio were not thoso wantod. Tho marshal waa very offloious and insisted on holding thorn, notwithstanding that thoy proved their innocense by woll known poople of that burg. It was simply an outrage on ono o! tho most worthy citizens of No bruBka. Undo Hilly will suo tho ofti- cious ofilcor for fatso imprisonment and will tnako it hot for the Jayhnwker, and ho ought to. 10 Loaves of Broad for ono dollar at the City Bakery. A comploto new lino of wnll papor at Taylor's at bottom prices. A largo assortmont of envelopos juBt received at Doyo & (J rice's. Jno. Warwick, a formor rosident of this city, but now ot Lebanon, was in tho city this wool;. d F L O U R tvery low prices, put a smile on but it you want prices on dried and of next week. Butter and Eggs F. Mizer. The list of letters remaining at the post offico uncullod for up to June 30th, lt95: Gavin, J, Hawioy Viets, Bortio Tho above letters will bo sent to the dead letter ofllce July 4, 1895. If not called for. Prank Cowden, Postmaster. Awarded Highest Honors World' Kta$' DR nm BAKING POfflMR MOST PERFECT MADE. A puie Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre from Ammonia, Alum or any other -dultanrA 40 YEARS THE STANDARD