The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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A.G.HOftMEK, Kdltor.
I.arotTait. Ait I-ocM Editor.
TatIOIi, tho Dakotn treaBUry robbor
after eluding tho vigilance of tho tlalec.
tivo torce, returned to Dakota and re
colvod two years in the pen. Cheap for
stealing $300,000.
II. II. Hoskins, oditot of Norcatur
RoglBtor, wna In Hod Cloud this week on
buelnees and niado our editorial wigwam
a pleasant viHJt.
E. M. Coldron, editor of the Obcrlin
(Hubbub) Horul, was a ploasunt vlaltor to
our tepee thifl week. He runs the only
"pop" papor in Oborlin.
While other people wont to church
last Sunday, Orovor Cleveland wont
ilehlng. Tho old lino detnocratR should
never whip their boys, horeaftur, for
fishing on Buntlny.
This week tho Columbus (Montana)
Express, published by Altken it Potter,
caiiio knocking ut our sunctum table
marked X. Tho Potter In question is
Archie Potter of this city. Tho Express
aturts out in nico uhnpo and is brlmfull
of nowfl nud is very neatly printod.
Archio being one of Tiik Chirp's off-
springe, typographically sponKlng, we
inuBt wlfih blin an abundanco of success
and beapcak for him fame as a newspaper
man. ilo hns got tho right kind of ring
to become such.
J. A. Tullivb of llila city has for tho
Bccond tlmo been appointed custodian
of tho grand lodge. Mr. Tulleys is a
III Mason, and lias tho conildenco of
his brethren. Mr. Tulloye has no equal
as far as ofllcioncy in tniiBotiry goes. Ho
belongR to eomo fifteen or twonty differ
cnt Bociotioi and with a numberless
number of dogreeB, yet it is said of him
thnt ho never makes a mistake in any pf
tho lodgoa but has tho work down to
perfection on all of thorn. The grand
lodgo line mado no mistake in this appointment.
Tho railroads of the various compan
ies in this county wore assessed as fol
lows: Republican Valley, 43 7D-100thB
miles, per mllo 14,300; Nebraska k Col
orado, 20 3-lOOths miles, per mllo 13,300;
Paclflc railway, 15-lOOthn of a mile, $489.
Tho raise of 70 mills in Ploasant Hill
by the board of supervisors is a very un
just alTair to that township. Tho board
attomptod to raiso tho valuation of llvo
stock, and took the abovo method, which
not only raises tho livo stock but all
personal property, but rather than to
piok out tho valuo of livo stock and raise
it individually tho increase was mado on
all personalty, which will cuubu mer
chants, for instanco, living in Cowles to
pay a groater umount of taxes on their
stocks than thoso of this city would pay.
The slipshod assessments and the slip
shod equalizations aro enough to compel
a fellow to oxclnlm "whoro are wo at" for
good bueiness men to transact our busi
Out in Webstor county, noar tho
Francis school house, lies a llttlo un
known grave, almost obliterated by the
passage of years. A slight depression
tho ground is all that indicates tho spot
whore years ago an emigrant laid his
little child away to sleep, who had sick
oned and died in the long Journey across
the plains, No stone to mark tho spot;
no kind heart to remombor tho lonely
grave; only a paront's knowledgo that
somewhere on the vast prairio their lit
tle one was laid away. But on last
Decoration day the children of that
school carefully restored the little grave,
cleared tho surroundings, and plantod
shrubs to mark the epot, afterward liter
ally covering the little mound with fra
grant blossoms. At tho conclusion of
thoso ceromonloB they marched around
the grave two by two and, pausing at
tho head, lifted their childish voices in
the hymn "O think of tho homo over
there." Beautiful childhood, with tho
Qod-givon lovo of fellow creatures yot
undimmod by worldly oxporionco, the
kindly impulsos of your heart, bo ten
dorly carried out provo tho strength of
human symyathy, und tho univorsal
brothorhood of man, Every mother
bleBKoa your fragrant deed for the enko
of tho lonely mothor who, years beforo,
left so much of her hoart and lifo on tho
wild Nebraska prairlos. Syracuso Journal.
IIow'n Tills!
We offer ene hoidred dollars reward
for any eaae of catarrh that cannot be
eared by Hall's catarrh cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nnderalgned have known F. J.
Cheney for the las fifteen years and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bust
iiene transctlons and flnanelally able to
esrry oat vuy obligations made by their
West k Truan, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O. Waldiag, Finnan Jt Marvin,
Wholesale Drnggitte, Toledo, O.
Hall' Catarrh Care is takes internally
noting dlreetly apon the blood and mu
cous sarfaoes of the ejstem. Testimon
ials eeut free. Price 7Go. per bottlei.
Sold by all druggiste.
Thirteen gentlemen with wheols (par
don ub, wo mean bicycles) from Hod
uiouu invauou our cuy iobi nunuay.
With ono or two exceptions thoy were
tho siimo jolly band that got badly hyp
notized through the influonco of four
gallonB of new milks which wfia harm
lessly supplied them at Smith's pond on
tho previous Sunday. Wo havo the
authority of Tiik Chief for this last
Item, and of courso that paper, liko our
selves, Is Infallible Thero was a heavy
wind blowing on Sunday foronoon, and
the boys from the county Beat wore
obliged to "pump" for all thoy wore
worth. Somo ef them woro protty bad
ly usod up, notably Bart Wright, At
Albright and W. A. Sherwood. In fact,
if wo had not seen their whoois, wo
would havo boon tomptod to Imagine
that tho whole crowd bad beon, for 20
miles, wasting their utmost energies try
ing to produce in unison a top B ilat
from oach of 13 asthmatic cornots at
least, that's just what their facos indi
cated. Wright and Albright came into
town last, throw their wheels down on
the mlddlo of main street, and pitched
themselves In a corpse-liko fashion on
the nearest sidewalk. As thoy lay thoro
at full stretch, thoy scemsd to wish that
eomo of our benevolent cltlzons would
dig a deop gravo, fill it with ice water,
thon empty thorn In, saying a prayer
over thorn and bidding n longfarowcll to
tholr respected hardwaro clork and
worthy grocory merchant. Charloy
Landniesser headed olT to shock tho
tendorly religious and Sabbatarian eon
sibilities of our blacksmith by strongly
Buggosting to him tho absolute necessity
for a now crank on the pedal of his
wheel, and during his ubsence tho two
Boml-unconeciouB gontlemon woro par
tially rovived. Whon they roolized,
however, that wo had nothing here but.
that dreadful now milk, and that nono
of our worthy citizens would tax his
conscience with the foarful responsibili
ty of supplying them with it, they re
solved on going right away to Blue Hill.
So thoy commissioned Charley Robin
son to telegraph over there, ordering
dinner for thirteen and "new milk" for
eixty-flvo. Wo havo not heard of tho
gentlomon since, but we fool certain that
that beautifully golden colored nnd
finely transparent now milk, which is bo
plontiful in Bluo Hill, had an ontiroly
different effect on tholr physical system
to the naturally adulterated substance
which comes direct from those unobtru
sively useful animals at Smith's pond.
This unlucky number should drop off,
or add a man to their band. Bladen
M. F.. nOTEI.
Great interest was shown in tho study
of tho S. S. lesson last Sabbath.
L. P. Albright is showing a commend
ablo activity in county Sunday school
The Epworth Cabinet meeting was a
success Monday night and recoived four
new members.
Any Epworthians desiring the bible
study for the next six months should
say bo to tho pastor.
We noticed many now faces in tho
congregation Sabbath morning and
evening. Wolcome.
Miss Abel will conduct tho League
meeting at 7 o'clock. This will bo her,
first tlmo loading and many will bo tho
willing holpors.
Sister Lydia Rife Bent a very satisfac
tory written report of the Nebraska
Conference Epworth League convention
and a very interesting verbal roport was
made by elator Nelllo West.
Quarterly meeting next Saturday and
Sabbath. First service, a sermon at
2:30, second at 8 o'clock. Third service,
Love Feast. Sabbath at 9:30, preaching
at 10:30, Sunday-school at 11:30, Junior
Loaguo at 4 and Senior Loaguo nt 7.
Rev. W. B. Alexandor, presidinc elder.
will preach a sermon at 8 worthy to bo
heard by every momber of our church
in tho city. Brother and Bistor, will you
not oncourago tho Elder by sustaining
him with jour holp, both financially and
spiritually, nnd givo him your presence
This Is our third Q. M. and all tho mem
bers should becorao acquainted with the
Eldor, bo thoy can toll him just tho kind
of preachor they want for next your.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma.
To nmko the Imtr grow a natural color
prevent baldness, and keep the sculp
healthy, Halt's Hair Renewer was invent
ed, and has proved itself successful.
See tho World' Fair Tor I'iriccn
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen oeats in postage stamps we will mall
yon prepaid our Souvenir portfolio of
tho world's Colombian exposition, the reg
ular price is fifty cents, but as we want
you to have one we tnako the price nomi
nal. Yon will find it a work of art and a
thing to bo pilzed. It contains fall pnge
views of the great buildings with descrip
tions of the same and is executed in high
eat style of art. If not satisfied with it,
after yoa get it we will refund the stamps
and let yoa keep the book. Address,
H. E. BUOKLEN k CO., Chicsgo, III.
From Tennessee.
Tho following letter to ex-Congress
man McKeighan from J. L. Miller, of
Johnson City, Tenn., will be of intorest
to many Red Cloud people: XZZ
Johnson City, Tenn., Juno 9, 1895.
Mk. W. A. McKEioiiAN-Doar Sir: I
write you this morning to let you know
that we are still in the land of the living
and aro all well. I hopo this will And
you and the family woll. I havo nothing
of importanco to write at this time. Wo
havo a line eoason and all kind of crops
aro good, wheat and oats Jaro vory lino
and corn Is good but not very large yot.
Wo havo a tine garden, poas, now pota
toes and beans. This is a fine cllmato,
vory healthful, and very pleasant to live
in. I would not go to Nebraska and
live again for anything, as wo can llvo
in comfort and not bo burned up or
frozen up nor blown away. I havo not
soon n storm or windy day slnco I havo
been hero, and tho nights aro cool and
ono wants n blankot to sloop undor.
Our business is increasing, nnd Ilatn of
the opinion that wo will build up a big
buslnoss hero in time. We havo not
enough money to run tho business na it
should bo. ns it requires considerable in
the tanning business, ns we tan our
leather from eight to twolve months nnd
it takes that time to got a return from
tho mony Invested in hides and bark and
labor. We have a thousand nieces of
leather In process of tunning nnd finish
ing at this time, and at the present nd
vanco in loathor will make us n nico
prorlt. Wo do not sell any loathor ex
copt shoo leathor. Wo mako harness,
saddles, collars and leggins nnd all kinds
of Btrap work and bridles. We havo n
fine suddlo trade, yestorday wo sold four
saddles, und two sots of harness, and a
lot of small things such aa collars and
bridles. If wo had more money wo
would bo in it. I boo by the papers that
Nebraska bus had big rains and that tho
prospect for u crop is good. I nm so
glad for tho people that have borne tho
burden for years, that thoy hovo a pros
pect for a new leaso of life. Please lot
mo hear from you at an early date.
J. L.
Tako your wagon work to Stapleton
Ho forges all irons for buggies out of the
best Norway iron, uses no malleablo iron
in repairing buggies.
The Only f
Great and thoroughly rt
liable building-tip medicineV
nerve tonic, vitalizer ana
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story: .
Hood's Cures
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fait
"X Uked Hood's Sarsaparilla last
wlntor wuen I had a bad cold and
headacho spells for seven days. It did
mo good. My father was taken with
rheumatism in his arm and ho took
ono bottle, after which tho pains loft
his arm." GnsTAVE Stone, Qrosham,
Uurlf3 Dillcre taiWus, mild. e!Tco
nOOd S PHIS tlTe, All drucKlsU. asc.
G rice's.
5o a packsgo at Deyo&
Eight tone of millet bay for sale. Jno
Earner, box 528, Red Cloud.
All Free.
Those who have nsed Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. K. Buoklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life pills free, rb well as
a copy of Qnlde to Health and Household
Instructor, rree. All of whioh is guaran
teed to do yon good and cost yoa nothing
at C. L. Cotting's drugstore.
Notice is hereby givon to all persons
owning or harboring any dog or bitch in
the corporate limits of tho city of Rod
Cloud, Nebraska, that on nnd after the
2rth day of June, 1893, all dogs or bitch
es found without tho licenso tag of tho
city will bo placed ia pound, and it not
redeemed within twenty-four hours will
bo shot by tho pound master or city
marshal. W. I Wkst,
City Clork.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for outs,
bruises, eores, Uloors, Salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblaius,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures pileB, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect biitisfnction
br money refunded. Price "r, cents per
oox. For sale byCotting. tf
A lino Kitchen Knifo Sbarpenor givon
away to every lady customor at Cotting's
m ej '
Book at druggisto, or mailed free.
Address The Sterling Remody Co.,
Chicago oflioe, 45 Randolph St', Now
J Yark, 10 Spruco St.
The - Rreatest - Offer
a Leading
Of this place said the
other day: "I have
doubled the value of
my Clothing - money
since I began buying
H. S. & M. Clothes.
They cost no more
than others, and wear
longer, fit better, hold
the shape and look
well until worn out
To Wear Them is to
Wear The Best."
To clean out our Summer Clothing, we are now offering
all of our LIGHT
From now until July 3d, For Cash, at a
Reduction of One-Third from Marked Price.
A $15 Suit for $10, and so on through all prices.
This Label oa a Garment Insure
Perfect Fit and Satisfaction
It atands for the Best that Monoy (
Can Buy or Skill Produca