..1V THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1895. I f 2 a i I Mtik J Palpitation of the Heart Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Legs and Feet. "For nbout four years I was troub led nllli palpitation of t ho heart, shortness of breath and swelling of tho legs anil feet. At times 1 w oitld faint. I was treated by the bebt phy sicians In .Savannah, Ga., with no re lief. 1 then tried various Springs without benullt. Finally, I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Nerve and Liver nils. After beginning to take than 1 ft.lt better I 1 continued taking them and I am now la better health than for many years. Since my rceoery 1 havo gained llfty pounds fn weight. I hopo this state ment may bo of valuu to somo poor bufferer." E. It. SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga. Dr. Miles Heart enrols foI1 on a tKltlvo 5iiarinti' tli.it tlio llrst holtlo will ihjiiuiIL. ,lllrunj:lstnnollltiitti. 0 bottIit forM.or It will lint-cut. tiri'imld, on rixflpt of prlco tj tho Dr. Miles MuUlcul Co , Elkuurt, lud. nKADACIIEcarcdlnlOmlntitPS tiy nr.MII.' Pain 1'n.LB. "Uno cent a flour." At drussUU. OLDEST and ORIGINAL Dr.WHITTIER 10 WCST NINTH STREET, (HEAR JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, AUSSOURI. RoRUlnr gradual. authorized by th otate, andconced od to bo the lead ins and most euo cesnful Specialist In BLOOD. WERV. OUS and URINARY DISEASES. Nervous Debility With Its Many Gloomy Symptom Cured. Lost Vitality Perfectly and Permanently Restored. Syphilis Cured for Lit Without Mercury. Urinary Diseases Quickly tieltcvtd and Thoroughly Cured. ww T Is Dr. II. J. Whlttlcr invar- ""' lft,Jly successful? Hecnuso ho T T mJt makes no promises tunt he BBBnHHNaBB ciuinot fulllll. Avolil clieno euro-nils nml unsUllwl physicians, nnd consult Dr. Wlilttier in person or by letter (ulvliiK symptoms) nml receive thu cniullil optnloa of n physician of Ihiir cipcrlcmt', umiuvstloncil kill mid nteilliiK Integrity. MK.lCIM:s fiom our own liberator; fur nished nt smill cost uml bhlppid anywhere secure frori observiitloii. TKi:.VlMi:M' nrvrr pent C.O.D. EDaCR CONSULTATION. mCU URINARY ANALYSIS. Offlce hours 0 to I and 7 to 8. Sutnliy 10 to 12. aO ;! -v JT( Health nml lUnrrgrnrle UlUlUvw I fnrU i Ur-Mump to prepay. Call or nJilrcss In strict conflilcnco DR. H. J. WMTTIER, 10 West Ninth Street. Kansas City, Mtv lESrUNEi TO AND I ChKbr.tir' rncll.li Ulamsml Ilraul. ENNYRUYAL FILLS -TTv Orlglnitl nml tinlj (lmiln ITufilH for fhl httr$ I m 'i i jJiruWIli Iti t mu t d It VfUl ' ltira M with t lu rtH jii 'I like nuolhtr. IthtttiiAt sthltttiu twn h I (mti u in AMTutzW ortvnJc In UDil fir laitteu tr 1U UodUU an) "iiruir iup i a ur, tftcnrr, rj return MI1. lM)tf f lit in il ti JMjrr It hi mtfri lulriili ii.. Umllinu HdUH.. fcj tit UH I'ruultU. rhlli.l-V. IV, m mutton r WAYNE'S OINTMENT wMbott tar isttnti ...IBS. SBIU . If. " KD. IU u cm u iui.1 bul Aa . Imvim laar.vblUuib.4lU aM J 'ini tl.w r Mat tj Ball (or W au -iddtaa Da. Salil 4 Km, rMlallataHai aa Aat JtwtnuDlfttlfc ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Hold outrluht, no rent, no rornltr. AdaateJ toUlty, Mllni:i or Count rr. Neaklixl In nry ham, abou.atora mii otBca QroaiMlcoarao. lanoo und itx aaller on eHtt h F'Z?ZtZZZDY'JZS?ZJ?X: naUhbora. Ifloa lutramanta tor. mru Lra,anr"iiUnc . iMi wtnr uomiMe oobBHJ!rP. UauiM; ftSi T dMbutupWajTJaii ordaV,nrwirintUau. uS ffitf.$Kffi'X! tin Karrutoil w. P. writ) BmvFR ChIMIS a&Njy&ii 4W IkiVii x.. A. i aaavjvjak.v IIPv.wVH wm$ w t.rJT uij-im I'-'i, mmSH:'M maWklKTWwm JBHKinH am iwiKa.k 1 STEALS A FORTUNE. HEAVY DEFALCATION AT DEN VER. COLO. II. J. Alilrlch Floe. From the City, Leaving a Money THiiRln Involving 100,000 Knillraa Trouble Will lie Canned In Ntralghtonlaic Thin.. Denver, Col.. June 19. Henry J. Al tlrlch lias dlHnpiioarod from Denver and nt tlic same time It Iihh licett discovered tlmt 300 to 400 ranches have clouded ti tles and $400,000 1b involved In the nf fnlr. Aldrlch was prcnldcnt nnd Bcnernl mnnnKer of the Colorado Securities Company, nnd ns such he diverted money sent here by eastern Investors who desired to protect shortages In curred In tmiturlnK obligations due to the drop In real estate. Money was sent In by Investors which was never prop erly applied, and the result Is that tl tlts to property Involved are under a cloud. In cases where money lias been remitted by farmers or the Arkansas valley and elsewhere, the Interest cou pons have not been returned, and In other cases the remittances not cred ited properly, and In sorre cases prop erty was ntlvertlsed for sale. The cotnpanj's books show over 1,000 loans which hae not been propel ly set tled and the result will be jjreat con fusion In the titles, every one of which will haw to be examined befoto any can be established as valid. Tho debts nf the company will tiKKreRnto nently J100.000. Aldrlch Is a church member, n prominent llKiire, and a pillar of St. John's cathedral, where his name Is always mentioned as a man who Is above reproach and n worthy man. Ho Is supposed to be In Australia, now, or Hawaii. He has been mKsltiK from Dener for live wetks. The loss falls In many caes upon people who can Ill afford to lose It. In tho ea.it, who HoiiKht tho Iilish Interest rates paid In tho west. T.WI.OIt'H TASK. Otlliliilil Anfii-rt That tlio Dcfnulter Will He I'linUlieil. Deadwood. S. D June 19. State Treausrer Phillips announced yester day that he had lerelved word that W. V Tajlor, the defaulter, would surren der nt Pierre to-day. The governor and Tieasiuer Phillips both declared that the state would not loe a cent, as property valued at mure than the amount of the defalcation had been tut ned over by Taylor nnd his bonds men Ciliulii.il ptoeeedlngx, however, will be taken against hlni with as much severity ns If he wan a less piomlnent criminal, so the state authorities as sert. Sioux City. la.. Juno 19 V. W. Tay lor, defaulting ex-treasurer of South Dakota, pased through here yesterday and refused to bo Interviewed further than to say that he probably would make a public statement Wodnesdny. He said he was ready to talk and cer tainly would have something to say. llepiilillntn l.eiigun Club. Cleveland, O, June 19 Delegates from every state and territory In the union are on their way here to attend the national convention of Republican League clubs, which will convene to monow morning and continue through Friday. The meeting wns held In Den mt a year ago, anil was considered a gient sueces, but the coming one Is sun to eellpe It for the teason more Itnpoi taut aff nits ate up for consldera ntlon. The next presidential campaign Is n ear nearer at hand, and there Is much Interest nmnng Republicans nil over the land In tho disposition of the cunency question 'Whose two ptoblems will oeeupy tit st attention. In nil the number of delegates will exceed L',000. To Open the (irent Cnnnl. Hamburg, June 19 There has been nn enormous Inlliu of visitors here to view the ceremonies nnd spectacles In cident to the opening of the Haltle North Sea cannl nt Kiel. According to orders by the navy department nt Washington tho Amerlcnn men-of-wnr at Kiel will bo lllumlnnted by electricity every night during their stny at that port The canal will be opened by Prince llohenzollern breaking n thread ncioss the (nuance of the canal. The watersa opened by tho new canal has been iri Ignble for small cssils for over 100 yeais. Oklnhtimit Indian Kxrlted. Wichita, Kan , June 19 A special re ceiwd here from Fort ltenn sa a sheilff's pose In "Q ' county, Okia , kllKd the Indian supposed to hae as saulted Orandma Lewis n week ago to day The killing has Mined the In dians to such a point nn outlueak Is feared. C'art MaeUe's troop of tho Third eaalr Is uu the scene, nml troops nie undo onlits to be ready to take the Held at a moment's notice The kill ing of the Indian Is sild to liae been ul tout t hi r uncalled for. .Man mid Wlfit .Murdered. Stone City. K . June 19 John Hi own nnd a woman supposed to be his wife weie killed and tin own Into the Ohio river, whin and by whom Is n mystery. Htown's neck was bioken and his head ciushed In. Tho woman's skull was ciushed and hei face mash ed to a Joll. The Iliowns clalnad to liavn eoiiie fiom Wheeling, and said the had tluee chlldten living there. I (mil I riqi l'roieit. Creson, Iowa, June 19 A heavy riln passed over this jiait of Iowa estenlay afteinoou i:luiustlve tepoits fiom ever station on the Hurllugton In w ost ein low.k show that prospects for all kinds of cropa are excellent Work In run vest tit Ids will Uglii lit about eight or ten das. Kill .tlutln fln-I.im nnd lllmielf. Lancastti, Pa., June 19 Last even ing, on Kast Fulton street, this city, Joseph Westgate, a puddler, who was st painted fiom his family, shot and Instantly killed Mis. Christian Ham bright, his mother-in-law, and then blew his brains out. The man was drunk. lloiiilhurat III lllanmirl. Cameron, Mo., Juno 19. A cloud burst "1'" M of here last night .11.1 great damage to the growing crops. Tho water now en over Held, overnow'K rrceks, washing away crops, 'live utock 'Dd brlb'. There were no XataHtieo. water flowed over Held, overtlow'iK IN A BOILER EXPLOSION. Two Men Instantly Killed Other, nadir Ilnrt One Will Die. Attica, Intl., Juno 19. One of the worst accidents that ever happened In Attica occurred through boiler explos ion at the homo of Charles Peterson at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tho dead arc: , PKTKHSON, FRANK, aged 32, leaves wife and three children. SMITH, WILLIAM, Instantly killed; married; leaves no children. The Injured are: Hamar, J. V, bruised. Hamar, Alex., nged G, son of above, bruised. Stambaugh, Leonard, aged 23, horribly scalded; cannot live. Bhumar, Henry, back slightly burned. Two men were at work drilling a well. Whllo they were discussing the work the boiler exploded. Smith was blown twenty feet away and Instantly killed, every bone In his body being broken nnd his flesh being crushed to a pulp by the awful force. FIRE IN A THEATER. Audience, nnd Artom nt tho Cleveland I.yreom (liven n Fright, Cleveland. O., June 19 Five hun dred men nnd women crowded In haste through the doors of the Lyceum the ater last evening with billows of black, nngry smoke rolling In behind them. There was no panic. The lire was main ly In the rear of the theater, a block used for saloons nnd lodgings being ablaze. The lire was extinguished with a dnmago of but a few thousand dol lars. Tho audience llled back Inside and the play went on. Horned by Kleetrli It. Cleveland, O., June 19. People piss ing nlong Ontario street List evening were startled by tho piercing screams of a woman which came from the roof of a restaurant known ns tho New AVrlght House. A woman was entangled In the telephone nnd electric light wires forty feet nbove the ground. Her clothing was on lire and she was loudly calling for help. Several men rnn up the stairs to the roof. Thomas Hell ascended by the tire escape. Hell reached tho un fortunate woman as soon ns the other men and together they teleated her from her perilous predicament. Just ns they had succeeded In fleeing her Hell caught hold of one of the wires with his hands, nnd wns almost dead before he could be rescued. The woman will die. Mother uml Child Horned to Dentil. Htrtnlnghain, Ala., Juno 19 While Mrs. James Drcnnen was plajlng with her C- ear-old son, whom she had In her lap In the kitchen of her house, near Hamilton, Ala., jesterday. tho boy reached to a shelf nearby and upset ft pitcher of kerosene oil over her gar ments. This took (lie nnd she died In horrible torture. The boy had followed his mother ami catching fire fiom her was likewise limned to death. Less than two weeks ago Mr. Drcnnen wns attacked by n oung stallion nnd trampled and kicked to death. Tho family Is now extinct. llcmy Ylnd Do Dimmer. Creston. Iowa, Juno 19 A severe hur ricane passed over this section of tho state nt nn early hour yesterday morn ing. West of here, nlong the line of tho Chlcngo, Hurllngtou and Qulncy rail road, buildings were blown down and miles nf fences leveled. In the counties of Moutgomeiy, Adams nnd Union con siderable damage was done to ciops; a heavy rain followed tho storm and beat down the growing grain Several wash DUts of bridges nre leportcd. Mnltiln Supply of Craln. New York. June 19. The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, June 1.1, as com plied by tho New Yoik Piodute U change. Is ns follows: Wheat, 47,717, 000 bushels, decrease 2.0IS.000 bushels; rorn, 10.7M.000 btisht Is, decrease 799, 000 bushels; oats, S.Gfll.OOO bushels, de crease SS.O0O bushels, rye, 117,000 bush els; decieaso 10,000 bushels, barley, 11S, 000 bushels, Inciease 21.000 bushels. Will I'rolmlily Meet hi Now-inher. Washington. June 19 The republican national committee will probably meet In November this year, Instead of De :emler. The republican leaders believe hat tho next national convention should be held In Ma, and, Inasmuch ns tho national committee must give six months' notice of the holding of tho convention, It will be necessary, there fore, that the committee shall hold its meeting In November. Mhiiii r In Illinois Princeton, 111, Juno 19 The elght vvteks' drouth In Bureau nnd Putnnm counties was btoken esterday by a hi uvy shower that lasted tluee hours. The tain came In nmple time for corn and potatoes, but too late for wheat and oats A good i alu has also fallen nt Fieeport, Nokomls, Nashville, Oali nn, C'aille, Lacou, Hillsboio, Mafcoutuh, Slot ling, Rockford and Peoila. MnrniH All Otirthn Male. Lincoln, Neb., June 19 Reports from all over the state till of a heavy rain fall preceded In sections by a wind al most eclniilc In eneigy. At Hampton many houses were pin tlnlly wrecked mil windmills In the countiy were bad ly damaged. Hradshaw, forty miles u,st of ''"",,'' ,,("1 similar eNper- lenee. No loss to life or seilous accl- Jents ale reported. D.inuiKO lit lliiiupt.iii, Neli, Hampton, Neb, Juno 19 A wlnd itonn. with almost the energy of n cy lone, leached here at 1 o'clock jester Jay morning. Windmills all over tho own and In tho adjacent country vveru )lown down nnd many houses nnd barns n the village were partially demolished. Toods In business buildings which were jnroofed were badly damaged by tho ain which followed. (loll! incitement I Growing, Guthrie, Ok., June 19. Gold exclto nen ovtr the discovery In the western part of tho territory Is growing rapidly. The town of Golden, started six days igo, has 2,000 people and ther aro thrco ither big camps. To tio to Hnpr.ine Cenrt. Wa.lilngton, June 19. The court of ippeals yiteri!y allovyd an appeal to " """' nimea supreme court or. ino enslan e,ass ef Judge Charles D. Loo? i Mlchlin, , 4 no unii.il states supreme court or tho BY A HEAVY STORM. Six People. Injured, One Fntiilly, nt Hurt ford, Kama. Hartford, Kan., Juno 19 About G o'clock last evening a cyclone struck this place, coming from the southwest, and swept everything in front of It, Its path was cleancut and about 100 feet In width. No one, so far ns known, was actually killed, although several per sons were Injured so badly they are not expected to live. Tho wounded: LAWSON, MR., will die. LAWSON, Mrs., seriously hurt. HAWSON, MRS. MAUY H., probably fatally Injured. HAWSON, CORA, severely hurt. HAWSON, OLA, badly cut about the head. SMITH, MRS. H. IC, severely hurt. About twelve houses were totally de stroyed and many barns nnd outhouses. The total loss Is cstlmnted nt all the way from J10.000 to $20,000. An eyewitness of the storm says: "I was on the Incoming Missouri, Kansas & Texns train, due nt Hart ford at 5:20. Just ns the train was stopping I nnd othei passengers no ticed to the northwest a peculiarly shaped white cloud formed nenrly like ft balloon, but a little more tapering Its peculiar whiteness llrst attracted mir attention. In a few moments 1 seemed to stretch and put Its neck to tho ground, turning darker. Then clouds from all directions seemed to cluster nround the top nnd as the small end struck the earth trees, fences, ever) thing It struck, were torn up and lifted Into the air. "The llrst house It struck seemed to bo lifted bodily Into space and In a sec ond beams, furniture, stoves, bedding and nil kinds of material were seen shooting In nil directions, high up In the air. Hy this time pnssengeis were be ginning to notice Hint the funnel shaped cloud was coming straight for the car In which wo were nnd Inquiries began to be made as to what was best to be done. "Suddenly a Methodist preacher, I do not know his name, solved the question by shouting, 'Here goes for the prnlrle,' and rushed to the door, followed by eveiy one In the car. None, however, wns able to catch him The run wns not necessary, for when only about 100 feet from the car the storm center took a sudden turn eastward nnd swept past the rear end of the train without touch ing It. "The storm, lifter passing through the town to the east, seemed to bump the Neosho iler, nnd then rise and dis appear In tho air." CROWD AT CLEVELAND. Until Already Crowded With Ilelegntca to l.racue C.nivciitloii. Cleveland, Ohio, June 19. Nearly all the delegates nnd thousands of visitors havo aliendy arrived In this city to at tend the national convention of the League of Republican Clubs, which opens to-morrow, nnd the rotundas of the large hotels present scenes com p.uable only to the exciting times pre ctdln a presidential convention. As :i matter of fact, the persistency with which the silver question Is kept at the fiont and the vital consequences with which the Issue Is fraught tend to give the gathering even greater Importance than It would have If merely called upon to choose a standard bearer with out passing upon the party'M financial policy The silver legions will be led by Sena tors Cameron, of Pennslvnnln, and Dubois, of Idaho. Senator Thomas A. Caitei, chairman of the i ('publican na tional committee, will lend his strength to the same cause Many of the dele gates, especially those from Montana, and other mining states, threaten to bolt the convention If free coinage is not indorsed. BANK OF COMMERCE FAILS. Old I lunnrliil ll.iun nt Indliiimp.ills 1'nrrid to th.i Wall. Indianapolis, Intl., June 19. Tho Rank of Commerce, one of the oldest llnnnelal institutions In this city, made an assignment jesterdny for the bene fit of crtilllois Tho assets and liabili ties aie about equal The schedule of nssets tumid over to the assignee shows real estate valued nt JSO.COO, which was levied on and turned over to the slierlf, last we. k to satisfy a Judg ment foi $7'),00i) In favor of the Knights nnd Ladles of Honor It nlso shows personal property In notes nnd securi ties amounting to JISO.OOO. The dliectors say the depositors w.re provided for by a deposit In the Indiana National bank last week, and will lose nothing. Purify the blood; strengthen the body Dr.J. H. MnL"t til's strengthening (Jordia and Blood Purifier best spring tonio. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. CHICAGO. Cattle Common to prline.Jl.50 dTClO (IT4 85 4 30 fl .81 .(3 it .30 fl .73 Hogs 300 Sheep Good to choice.. . Wheat No. 2 Corn No. 2 Oats Rye Dggs , Potatoes Pel tin HUFrALO. Wnent No. 2 spring .... 1.25 .78 .52 .30 .70 .11 .35 .85 M .36 .11 Vj .45 Corn No. Oats -No. yellow.. ? ,C7 .3614 white PHORIA. Rye No. ComNo. Oats--No. ,C3 .5) .31 C7 ,r2 3iy4 white white ST. LOUIS Cattle Hogs 2.00 4 00 2 CO .S3 ac.:3 tC5 Sheep WheatNo. 2 red Corn N6. 2 Oats No. 2 Q .83 474 .4 iff .4? O .29 .29 MILWAUKUC. Wheat No. 2 spring SO .SOJi Corn No. 3 Clj .C2 Oats No. 2 white 32 0 .32 Parley No. 2 48 .49 Rye-No. 1 70 & .79J4 KANSAS CITY. Cattle LCO Hogs 4 20 Sheep ISO tfs.eo 4 62 05.76 NEW TOHK. Wheat No. 2 rvd Corn No. 2 Oats No. 2 Ruttcr. TOLEDO. Wheat No. 2 .... Corn No. 3 mixed Oats No. 2 mixed .83 ,C9 .84 , 9 .'ITs .UK9 M .8 9 .18 .86 .SI .11 .Sfift -8114 Herfectly Sittlaned. Crack Boat IJuilder AM How de do, Mr Mchman? How did that row-boat I made you last summer suit? Mr. Rich man Perfectly. Crack Dont Dulldor Ahl I'm glad to hear it I always llko to give satisfaction. Suited perfectly, ch? Mr. Illchman Yes. I left it in front of my boat-houso all summer, and evory scalawag who tried to steal it got upset or drowned. For Fnt Sen Trnyel. A Welshman proposes to build o ship that will hnve a speed of sixty miles an hour. Tho boat will be 550 feet long and CO feet wide, with a flat bntom and wedge-shnped bow and stern; of 10,000 tons displacement, nnd with eight paddle-wheels on each side, each mak ing seventeen revolutions a minute. A Ilnrdenomn Name. Huphrates Iisculaplus Endymlon Me Jlmsoy Is the nnme of a clerk In tho re corder's office at Marysvlllc, Mo. He signs bis rather euphonious nnme with a big rubber stamp. Ills motlur was o student of oriental history and myth ology. Tho ling ssnved Hint. Gus Teelcr, of Klrwln, Mo., fell off n windmill tower and saved his llfo by falling on his two porkers. It killed the hogs. Ohio Miner Arrept Al Cent. Columbus, Ohio, Juno 12. The vote of the Ohio miners upon the proposition of the operators to pay CI cents for screened coal per ton resulted: For ac ceptance, 5,091 ; against, 4,1."l. Secre tary McHryde of the National nssocln tlon says the Ohio miners ncted wisely In accepting the offer of the operators, nnd If the Pittsburg miners will do as well they will be In n position to take an advanced step by the time the fall trade opens. aWrOOiTI'J JJtl" "-ar An atrrceablo Laxative and NtnvB Torrca Boldby Druggists or seat by mall. 25c.,&0o. nafl-OQpcrpackare. Pamplcs free. VTA 1If? Tta rnvorlto TC0T3 P0TSS2 JB.W H.W forthoToctUond Hrcath,aJo. Captain Sweeney, U.S.A., Ban DICTO.Cal., ays: "Bhtloh's Catarrh Remedy Is tlio llrst nedlolnol havo evcrfoundthnt would do mo any good." I'rlcoCOcta. Sold by Druggists. SHILOH'S CURE. Trns GnrAx Couan Crm promptly eurw VhexoaU others f alb For Cooiuroptlon It has BO rival; has cured thouaanda, and will errata TOVaiftulcoalatlma. PrtiflaSrtuMrtaWSLOa Far Micky- I. Colli ( BrHggiHt G. F. Stapleton, Blacksmith, Makes a upcclalljr of Rcpnlrlng ltiiKKli'H nnd Cnrrlneci. Morsc-sliociin: and 11 ow Work prompt ly attended to, and tskes pains shoeing Trotting and Running Horses, And ull work expected of a first class Smith. Sfip South of tli I,tiiintlrjr. ItU.MXFAS CAKIS. "MI AS. KAVli Tlio O. It. Shop, llcil Cloud, .NehriiHkii. I (jive my pergonal attention to my patrons. Kirst-clnss Miaying und linir out tin ir n HpeeiiilU. H UTOHISUN A 111 ATT, TotiMoriiil ArtM, 4tti Avkniik, - Hk Ci.oul), NrsiiiHKA Firet-cin-'S imrb.'M nnd HrHt-eluBS work guaranteed Give men call The Cclelmited Ht'iMoicd I'uichcron STALLION ONENLHAQUA Will niftko the stason of 10!).r t Sjl- vester D.iv's Feed Uarn, Red Cloud, very day in tlio week, ONKNCHAQUA is a full blood rrgistered tlopplu ray I'trchtron Nor nun, Nn 12,001, wei;liH about 1,000 pound, is a line looking, well built iuirpe, and is iix jieurs old, He has o superior in hurst flesh, Ti:KIS..-7 1 Insure. A II C.MIPKNTKK, Owner. DICK PRUHIS. Groom. 6-v? i no sweetest ivuisic requires a Washburn Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo or Zither. Thty are the product of the Largest Musical Factories In tho world anil are uaequallediortoneortmlsh. bend to tboniakcis, Lyon & Healy, Chicago, far a llfiutllul Cataloou. (FUUK) ranUlnlnc poitriits o( niactr artists. WMfctmrn. are sold by all Brtt-claM ic jjcaicta. ICABtfs Jgsflgi vn iivctf? vv atMruu J!',JafcrAC laB .. I JaV"Vl M iUm fMBsJlM I y Ur MBMMUQ TCl--a-AJwl.JtriT!l .aLCZAlll.uSvJ H f If J mWliIfW l3rMr"'JI"g",,ir'':J:IIJrj atflBO ron CASE IT WILL-NOT CUI1E, a - 1bVbH It's Out of Sight- plug Put a little of it out of sight yourself, and see how good it is. It's LORILLARD'S The Book of "The Fair." lly II. II. Ilancroli, "The HIMorlati." A worlc of Ono Tlioueiind Imporlal Folio piiRes, twelvo by sixteen incheB, printed on the iinost enameled pnper, on the Miolilo press, as ex hibited in Machinery Hull. This work contains Twenty-five Parts Forty Pages Each. Thero will be over 2,r0O SUPERB PIC turoB ot nil sizes up to a full pagt. A chapter on Fairs ot the Past From tlio Crj still Pnlaco of 1852 to the Paris Exposition of 1830. The Exposition was but for a momont wlnlo the book is for till time, and Should be in Every Home Sold by subscription only, on easy puy monts of (i'lj contH it duy. For further particulars apply to V X COTTINO, IDi'tifffint &Hool:nUc r ESTAa.nt for this company. HY y" ARE HEELER ft mowr SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY them LIKETHEM AND TELL RSSM Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in their family work, and nre still iisin the original machines we furnished them n generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other than needles. With nroner care thevi never wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewing machinos for more than forty years and nave constantly improved them. We build our mackines on honor, and they are recognized every where ns the most nccurately fitted and finely finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In com petition with tlie leading machines of t world, it received the Grand Prize nt the Pans Lxposition of 1889, ns the best, other machines receiving only compli mentary medals of gold, silver and bronze. I he Grand Prize was u hat nil sought for, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. W want dealers in all unoccupied territory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. 1M41S7WAIBMAVE.,CMMM, mt S. E. Cozad, Agt. II M i n vn ,V M - A i WWWWWJII