The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1895, Image 4

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i v
l-tY l,
i ileum
put up
to rlilo
It ion for
Baya he (loon not
Icmocrttc putty will
nt Clovoland hns boon invited
Rio Cotton States and Intorna-
Ipoettion Soptorobor 18.
rurted that 300 Cuban sym-
ted from Tntnpn, Florida,
je'p tko revolutionists.
Iauma.v, or Cincinnati, has
Jtod and qualified na U. S.
"eneral vlco Olney resigned.
Joation that now agitates tho
llclnls 1h: "Who will run tho
rlson ?" Thero Boetns to bo n con
authority. bvorninont is ready to pay back
lio tnw Editors of country pa-
liuvo but littlo trouble to not
Iks caBhod.
otts rninfnlls of tho last ton
ranvod Nebraska's crop. At
pragn.of six inches lias fallen
faa neodod tho most.
Independent party has called
Ltato convention fir August 28, to
Lin Lincoln. Thoy havo allowed
later county cloven delegates.
litr, Venezuela government has or
tho national Hag of that republic
lialf mast for threo days, in uiomory
tho lato Secretary of Stato Oreshain.
Tiik govornmunt has deckled to patrol
tie Florida coast, to keep an ojo on lili-
iistoring oxpoditions to Cuba. Tito
ilflor Raleigh has been assigned to do
kin.Ni'.T saya if tho free sil-
tho next democratic con
.ill split tlio party. The
Jmrty is now badly ripped up
rso iiiucli so mat free silver
lit least notning short of "free
help them.
ticker's Cash Dry Goods House!
Our Ten Days' Special Sale
Has been the best June sale we have ever had. People have realized that now is the time to buy; they have appreciated the bargains
we are offering. We have decided to continue offering the same exceptional values in all the goods we have left,
add several other attractive bargains in new goods. They will be cheaper than you can buy them again, as goods
We will still continuo soiling whut
wo huvo left of our DreBS Goods
und Silk ut tho saruo bargain
prices. '
at 5c and 7J$c that are worth
doublo tho ruouoy,
Table Linens at cut prices.
All our Crashes at cut pricea.
Towels at cut prices.
Bed Spreads at cut prices.
It will pay you
once, and
Tub democrutio party Is about to Iobo
its hold on Kontucky. Look out for
'I'nvnn nnvt Mlaftrlllrl llfia wnftftfl llltt
AOAlin III1AM 1TIIBOUMII ,lU ... ...,.
tho republican rnnks.
Ilc'a Cinine l lune u Wheel.
Of all tho nro it Inventions
01 tlilinnllulitfnrilHKc
Tlic Kn-iiUit In the IiIojcIb.
Ami It mull tlio nine.
' There's many a queer contrivance
I lloM't kllllW Wlllcll U Ill-it
Hut Jimi utvn triA it Metric
Ami ou in.iy li.ivo iliu imt,
Tlio telephone nml priming rcM
Arcli uidy In their wuy.
lint they can't hold c.imlto
Totlm cjrloof
Tim enuliii) nml tint tele ur;iih
lot It would lio nillyiiiliicii,
lint It you wmit to Imve a time,
Tliecjclo hc.'ulithu Hut.
They're lined tiv ep1o ami muill,
Ami peoplo of nil Hiirli,
Tliiiilnptitrtanil tltu inlnliteri,
Tim lawyers and tho sports:
Tlic crunks nml cnink-i are rliUnt? tlicnt,
The politicians, ton.
Tim lilKliwnjini'H or IIoiik Koiik
And tmtnpiol Knliiliiitoo.
Tlio Indies ewui me tlit'in.
And wear divided skirts;
Tho Rlrl upon her cycle
Oft with lior lover lllrtss
Stnld matrons lock askance at her,
And tain would stop tlio nhow
Ot neat propcllliiK (cot and llmhs,
As iiuhlens ecmo and co.
Although I am not ono ot these,
Acyriol will Ket,
lint as I'm short ot ready cash,
I don't know how. Jim yet;
I'll bee. or heat, or horrow,
Do untlilnt! lint stent.
I'll peddlo or I'll speculate
I'm hound to haven wheel,
I may ho very foolish,
Smite s.iv I am "dead wrong,"
lint I will fncii thnnnlverso
In tills, mv Moleinn hoiik;
No ilouhl I'll take, a ti.mhic,
Ami m iv pcrhnpH uet hurt,
lint I will liavtni cu'lr. ir
1 h.ivo to Hull my slilrta.
Itantmil, III. M. A. Walsh.
Tho fats and tho leanB crossed bats on
tho diamond on Tuesday and for several
hours fought to n llnish to gain points.
Capt. Supp got his nine in tho Hold in
great shnpo and Capt. Ted Saundors
blow tho bugle for tlio "'totliur follers."
A strango gentleman umpired. Tho
gnmo was called at .'l:.'10 with Henry
Clark in tho box and Churluy Milligan
behind tho bat, Morris Stern toed tho
homo plato anil Ted Saundors, or some
other fellow on deck. I'orsperation roll
ed olT tho manly brows of the players in
profusion as Old Sol beat down upon
them at 110 in the shade. It was lots of
fun and at the first innings tho scoro
stood about six to sKteon in favor of tho
fats. Tho game waged long and furious
ly under tho broiling sun and tho boys
plajod. Suddenly a mighty cheer went
up when homo fellow espied Al Aultz
with a dray load of water. Tho plaern
tho ins and outs all tnado a rush for
Al. After quenching their thirst, tho
gamo proceeded and when Tiik Citu:r
reporter left tho score stood two to four
do.en. It was a signal victory for tho
fats and will bo remembered for three
moons as tho greatest gamn that has
m or been placed on thin reservation.
Take j our wagon work to Staploton
lie forges all irons for buggies out of tho
bcht Norway iron, uses no malleable iron
in repairing buggies.
All the balanco of our Wash
Goods at tho samo low prices,
Printed Ducks
at GJfo worth 12)Jc.
At 8c, worth 10 and 18c.
Bargains in Ingrain Carpots at
;Wc, ut 10c, at 47Kc
On Spring Rollers at 15, 20, 25 and
HTtc that aro usually sold for
double tho prico,
to come as soon as possible, as many of these special bargains will be closed out at
you will miss the best values that have ever been offered in Dry Goods, as we
annot possibly replace these gtods
A tolorably largo nudienco filled the
Congregational church to hear Mrs.
Richardson, a lawyer from Lincoln, loc
turo on temperance last Thursday and
Friday. Mrs. Richardson brought out
somo keen and woighty argumonts in
favor of this movotnont, und urged tho
necessity ot keeping tho causo constant
ly boforo tho public with untiring ener
gy, and not wait until their minds were
engrossed In tho county, Btato or nation
al elections, to ugitato tho question.
Miss Uortha Kconoy of Cowles then do
livored a vory pnthotis recitation, fol
lowed by Miss Helon Fuller, also from
Hev. Mnxflold maintained that tho
main source of help in abolishing in
tomporanco rested with tho women, and
not in the massos of tho people, unless
brought into active harmony with othor
forces; that tho subject had boon crowd
ed nsido for others thought moro
woighty, and that tho W. C. T. U.
1 should work in courtship with the
church, ns their t-xistenco doponded
largoly from that source. Ho closed
with a confident prediction that wo shall
see tho car ot temporanco movcBon glo
riously. Rov. Spelman nddrcsscd his romarks
particularly to tho ordor, and demon
strated whero they hud mado progress
as shown by history. Then, in compar
ing tho pant clorgy with tho present, ho
showed how our nnccstorial ministers
used to sip around tho tablo thoir wine
and gin us wo do with our tea and cofToo.
Ho also traced tho ditTcrcnt ways, from
tho origin of tho temperance movement
as they first tried moral suasion,
which failed; nor was tho prohibitory
law considered tho best, out their power,
as ho believed, was in influencing tho
young peoplo to throw moral powers
about tlioui. For, as ho said, wo havo
tho laws and must havo Gomotfiing back
of them, lio urged that any defects in
tho past working should bo used as
lessons and bo like l'oter tho Great, who
profited by his dofeats and learned to
conquer tho enemy. Ilia closing re
marks wore thut God, as ho did in our
lato war, would certainly compel us to
wipe out this wrong, if neods be, by
Mrs. Uailey, who is district superin.
tendont of Webster county, gavo a few
timely romarks, Rov. Mattox also gavo
a few appropriato words worthy to bo
remembored, and desired them always
to consider him on till) bido of temper
ance. Wo feel that tho W C. T. U. is doing
a noblo work, and from tlio time forty
coven persons met in Morenn, N. V.,
1808, to tho present time has been a
blessing to tho human family and
should, from a phjsiological or social
standpoint, bo encouraged.
Dr. Price's Cream linking Powder
World's Pair Itlzhest Medal and Diploma.
Indigo Blue Calicoes at 4c.
Calcutta Blue Calicoes at 4Jc.
Delaine Finish Black and
White Calicoes at 44c
Turkey Bed Figured Calicoes
at 44c
Checked Apron Ginghams at
4Jc, worth 8c.
Special bargains in Fine Ginghams.
Light Calicoes at 3jc
Theso aro tho best values over of
fered in this class of goods,
Butterick's Patterns.
Last Sunday morning, between olp,ht
and nine o'clock, thirteen momborj of
the Red Cloud Wheol Club gathered at
tho club room on Wobstor street (in front
of Sherwood it Albright's yrocory
store), their faces radiant with tho an
ticipation of a delightful run to Bladen,
twonty-llvo miles noith, ovor to Ulue
lilll and back to. Hod, Cloud. Tho boys
started gallantly with a light breeze
from tho south Whon going west tho
lit at mllo tho wind began meeting them
pretty hard, nnd whon going north tho
next four or llvo miles, it struck thetn
harder, nnd when out nbout ton inilos It
got windy, and two or threo milos far
ther on tho wind faced thorn so hard
that a fow of tho boys thought they
woro on tho wrong road and had bottor
turn back. A voto was thought tho
beat way ot settling tho ditllculty, nnd,
tho mujority thinking thoy woro going
ull right, tho balanco foil in lino nnd the
crowd journoyed on. When ontoring
Hladon, Iiart Wright made the quickest
quarter (etiotch) you ever saw. A brok
en crank caused an hour's dolay at that
place Whon that articlo had been
proporly fixed by tho villago blacksmith
who, by tho wny, did a vory nont job
tho journoy to Dluo Hill was begun,
but us not half ilnishcd whon ono of
thoso gontlo showers foil; one of those
which, carried by a stiff brcczo, is kind
onough to wet only ono sldo (tho out
sido) of you. Harry Eck, Uladen's
crackerjack, accompanied them to Ulue
Hill, whero tho following registered, ull
eafo and sound: Allio Albright, George
Morhnrt, Charley Robinson, Homer Sher
wood, Hugh Miner, Frank Cowdon.Jo
Hlnir, Walter Shorwood, Ed Smith, Hen
Mt'Farland, Charley Landmessor, Hart
Wright and Koy Tait. After dinner ono
of tho boys wanted to lead them homo
by u now road, saying they would miss
tho hills. The start was made, and
ovorything went well for a while, but
thoro was u forty knot broczo blowing
with them, making it hard work to hold
back, so they turned her Ioobo und
hadn't gone many miles boforo they woro
badly scattered in a country whero there
woro plenty of roads to ride in. Tho
first rider came in from tho north, tho
not two camo In by tho fair ground,
and others from tho east; in fact, thoy
camo every road but tho right road.
Not ono in tho thirteon camo in on tho
road they should havo come, not even
the bravo pilot. Nevertheless, tho hoys
onjojed themselves hugely. The trip
was marked by tho usual numbor of
falls, but nothing moro serious tnnta
sprained wrist, which tho owner is now
tenderly nursing.
Hold the "fort," tho "bells" nro "bolt
on" tho "minor" riders wns tho tunoful
lay of a lot of bicycle ridor, who recent
ly went to tho mill and camo homo badly
bruised. It was lots ot fun, but hard
on tho muscles.
Clearing salo prico on all tho bal
anco ot our Summer Underwear.
Many numbers will bo closed out
ut halt their vulues.
4-4 Unbleached Muslin at 4c
Pepperell II Unbleached Mus
lin at 5c
Soft Finish Bleached Muslin
at 5c.
Special values at 7c, worth 10c.
Special bargains at 3J, 7 and
10c por yard.
at the prices we
S. or V. Uantl Concert.
Tho singers who havo volunteered to
help tho S. of V. band in thoir grand
musical soireo at the Mizer-Morhart
opora house, Thursday evoning, Juno
27th, aro requested to moot at tho rest.
donco of O. C. Roll immediately nftor
the band concort Saturday evoning noxt.
Tho following singers Bro requestod to be
Lilho Smith,
Nolllo Wost,
Lois I'opo,
Ulancho Sherman,
Jessio McKoighan,
Emma Graves,
Hattio Ranney,
Neilio Uennott.
Jennio Hell,
Nellie Hostwick,
Kato Rotgle,
Flosslo Hanney,
Vnnco Foe,
Josio Igou,
Blanche Cummings, Ulancho Sellnrs.
Oraco Fort, Nelllo Sharman.
Susio Rife,
Pearl Smith,
Kay Lotson,
Addio Rolgle,
Clara Kellogg,
Daisy Warron,
Helen Roby,
Lor a McUride,
Mary Miner,
Mrs. Jno. Dickorson, Mrs. Wm. West,
Mrs. Haum, Mrs. Emma Martin.
Mrs, llert Grico,
Willis Fulton,
Uert Grlce,
Edgar Cotting,
0. S. Albright,
U. G. Knight,
Frank Cowdon,
L. l Albright,
Ralph Foe,
Jno. Dickoisen,
Edwin Emjgh,
V. B. Fulton,
C. L. Cotting,
W. W. TulloyB,
S. F. Spokosfleld,
Wm. West,
Goo. Ovoring,
II. E. Pond,
Chits. Winger, nnd all members of band.
The downpour of last woek provented
Hev. Muxllold from giving his sormon
directed to tho graduates at tho allotted
time, so was delivered last Sunday morn
ing. Perhaps tho lato notico tho class
receied was tho causo of tho small at
tendance, but Uoy. Maxlleld gavo his
address tho same ardor und spirit that
ho would had they all been present. Ho
biijb: The man who does not seek
knowledge is wanting in a marked de
gree, and, without any reflection upon
our forefathers, this ngo is far ahead of
its predecessors In cuituro, rollnomont,
oducation. etc. not that they woro less
gifted, but that wo havo bettor facilities
to uso in attaining our end. In order to
keep pace with tho tide of progress,
training ot tlio littlo childron should
begin early at homo. Small kindergar
tens nro thus established, and when tho
child has attained a proper ago for
school ho has somowhnt of u superior
knowlodgo already gainod. Wo aro all
imitntionsj honco the importnnco ot sot
ting an oxamplu that is suitablo to this
growing generation. This, in a moasure,
may bo gained by improving tho quality
ot our teachers. Whon you look into
tho matter, you will find thnt teachers,
as a rule, uso the school-room as a stop
ping stono to somothing highor. Vory
fow of them dovoto their wholo lifo .to
this vocation, bocnuso bottor salaries
can bo obtained in othor fields which
Wo aro showing the best values
you huve ovor soon in Shirt Waists
At 50c
Thoy are worth two or throo times
that amount.
Duck Suits
at nearly halt prico.
Spring Capes
at half prico.
Special bargains in
Men's Shirts
and OveraMs,
Brownie Overalls
at :t5cj thoy aro just tho thing.
are selling them
aro not ns wearing on t ion). Then it is
evident that to socuro f ,ho very cream of
knowledge for the p upil, tho tonchor
ought to- recolvo a compensation that
will repay him for t' J0 past labors in at
taining this end. 'm his conclusion tho
class was oarged t o push docpor in tho
channels of knowledge, and mako this
only a stnrt in t'no broad Hold of acquitment.
it. K. .NOTI-S.
"Whoroure nil thoso peoplo going?"
"Why, over to tho opora houso to hoar
Sam Jones lecturo on "Got There and
Stay Thoro;' thoy want to hear some
thing thoy havo novor heard before."
Tho timo is Wednesday night, Juno It).
J Don't forget to buy tiokots at Dejo &
Grico s drugstore. Mombers of young
peoplo's socioty will pay Uflc for their
tickots, and tell nil their frionds to at
tend. Tho third quartorly mooting will oc
cur on tho 22d and 2.'Jd.
Rov. W. B. Alexander will bo with ub
Saturday evening and hold Q. C. Mon
day morning at 8:30.
Arlington, Neb.
Has No Equal
Hood's Sarsaparllla For the Blood
and Stomach.
"I tako plenAtiro In recommending
Ilood's Sarsaparllla for nny ailment of tha
stomach or dlgoHtlvo organs, alio as a
blood purifier; in fact, for these troubles
I think Ilood's Sarsaparllla has no equal.
I havo just finished a course of six bottles
and it has dono mo a wondtrful amount
of good. I am especially pleancd with tha
benefit I havo dcrivod from it for nn ail
ment ot tho spinal column, which caused
a priokllnff sensation all over my body.
My wife thought I would havo a stroke
C aaraa-
of paralysis, but I am
entirely cured by
Hood's Sarsaparllla,
and gladly recommond it. I oan trul
say I consider it tho best medicine."
a. Blkpsinu, Arlington, Nebraska.
Hnnri'e DM la nct harmoniously wltli
S1UUU ti rlllS Uood'aSaManarilla. 2Bc
Hood's HarjapartU. 26c
until July 1st, and will
are on the rise.
Clearing Salo Prices on all our
Special bargain in Black Silk
Mitts at 1G and 25c.
Sample lot ot Umbrollas at halt
Also spocial bargains in
Table Covers,
Black Skirts,
Laces, Sfr
a !2ffJiuvo not tho apace to
1 T ;