THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JUNE 7. 1895. i i ' A r 'V '. IVORYiSbAP FORTY MILLION thk mxrrtn a samsu co own. Wcnlhcr Uiillctln. ICopulElltert, 1835, by W.T, KnsttT.l St. Joseph, Mo., June 8. My lust bulletin gave forecasts of tlic torm waviH to cross the continent from lHtli to 17th. The next will reach (he Pacific count about Juno 18th, cross the western mountain eovntry by clue of 19th, the great central valloys from 20th to 22d and tho eastern stales about the 23d. Ths storm wavo will inaugurate tho warm period of the month, and the storms will be of more than (ho uoiial force. The storm center will take a north ern routo iid indication: of drouih will prevail ovnr the middle and southern states, but these drouth con ditions will bo changed, extensively, before the close of tho month and copious showers will fall in ninny places. The last eight days of Juno will also bo noted for great extremes of temperature with probability of light frosts on tlm northern borders ot tho United ivuto Light frosts in tho northern piirtnl tho northern states in all the siiiiiiikt months is an expected fentuie of this remarkable ciop smson. Warm wavo will cross the west oT llockies country about lSth, gie.u central valleys 20th, and eastern Match 22d. Cool wavo will cross the west of Hookies country about 21st, great central valleys 23d and eastern status 2f)th. Indications now arc that conditions will bo favor.tblt! to the sowing ot lull grain, but calculations urc not suffi ciently complete to indicate the grow ing conditions of ISOti. I will prob ably be able to give this information in July of this ca'. An promised, I will publish in the bulletin nf Juno 2!Mi the gcnrrul characteristics ot tli comini: winter, which will he.; in with a very cold De cember. Prof. Henry says: "A single spark, about an inch in length, from tli prime conductor of the machine, thrown onto tho end of a cir uit of wire in an upper room, produced mi induction Millioiunily poweilul to mag netize uordle in h pttrulUI circuit of iron placed in tin cellar thirty f t below, wih i .vii 11 mr and cidiingo fourteen ii.t'lirn thick intfrvrniuj:." In a in iiiiu'i- Moui"whit similar, the sun, IllniiU an I plnlieti nfTiOi each other iiirougii ni.ivuetim, nod ihis action ill uecouni lor storms, light ning, thunder, nun, drouih, earili quakes, I'to. AraD discovered that when a cop per disk is rotated below u freely sus pended magnet, called an astatic Bocdle, tho latter tends to follow the motion of tho plate. This illustrates the connection between metinn and magnetism, and applies to tho effects that planets in motion have on each other. Planets cannot affeot each other without affecting the atmos pheres of each, and hence they affect each other's weather. George W. Holly, Ithaca, N. Y , who is eighty-two yoars old, has pub lished a book, which ho calls magnet ism, in which ho advocates tho theory that the ether of spaco is mittor Irom which all things are nude through the operations of natural laws, tho governing power of which bo calls the Deity. Tho theory that other is miimmmmmm QrvPnfiila g " Y ItIIw s3 . mihh D)1& Stevens, of Bolton. Mass.. Stwrltts; I have always HuHereJ fromfei (hereditary Scrofula, for which I trlcdfc various remedies, and many reliable1 physlclnns, but none relieved me. After ssjtaUlnK 0 bottles of cairn vcrv grateful -hti am now new. i to you, as I feel that It Raved me I jrrnmauro or untom agony, and snann IttHU Ull-ariuiu iu DJK.aHIOK UU1J WUIUSI oi nrniuu inr mo wonuenui meaicinc, ana la recommending it to all. Cured TreatUci on Wood ODUssin niacasoa walled fruu. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY,! ATLANTA. OA. flrilffirtlrfiWWffrf mmmmmmniiiiitm CAKES YEARLY. matter and force matter in motion, this motion being a rrsnlt of conden sations and expansions of matter, is rapidly gaining friends. There can bo no such a thing as force asid from matter in motion, and sensation must be tho street ef matter acting upon mitter. The nieverneat westward of tho North American magnetic north pale is a constant causo of very consider able difficulties in land surveys from which numerous lawsuits result. When the original survejs were made, prior to land entries, the variations ef tho magnetic neodlo were recorded, and tho section or quarter section corners then established are tho start ing points for all surveys in the coun try and in the cities. Hut in most places tho needle varies farther to ward the west than it did years ago, and unless a surveyor thoroughly un derstands his business he will not follow tho lines ef the original survey. At Pittsburgh, Pa., the magnetic needle variation in 1840 was 3 40 de grees west, and in 18!),") it is fi.7 de uces west, showing a chango of two and a quarter degrees west in fifty -five ycirs. In making tho new surveys if tho old field notes were used in sur veying across a forty aero lot, tho line would eomo out abeut eight feet to the left, or, if running north about that distance, too far west. These variations return to tho originals in about 300 years, and tha change west ward at the present imo is about the samo at Omaha as at Philadelphia The geodetic surveys show tho varia tions at all principal places in the United States. A scientific authority, Prof. Wart man, of Geneva, says: "Electric cur rents aro detected in all parts of vegetables. These currents occur at all times and soisons, and even when the portion examined is separated from tho body of the plant, as long as it continues moist. In tho leaf tho curronts pass from thu blade of tho leaf to tho leaf-stalk. Currents can also bo dotcetcd proceeding from tho plant to tho soil. From tho enormous vegetation in Homo parts of the globo it must exert some influenco on elec tric pheiinmona. George W. Hollcy says: "Flashes of light liavo boon seen to bo emitted from many flower, principally orango colorod flowers, soon after sunset on sultry days. Z i wudski noticed that this ocourred most frcquonty in the months of July and Auuust." The abovo are evi dencus sustaining tho writei's theory that vegetation gathers all its sub stance from tho atmosphere, and is tho principal clcmont through which tho earth receive! new mattor from spaco by tho addition of which it con tinues to grow, the most rapid growth being whero there is most vegotation, near tho earth's equator. Physicists now claim that all outer spaco is at a tomperaturo 401 degrcos below zero. This makes it impossiblo for tho sun's heat to reaoh tho earth. But, it is asked, whenco comes tho heat of our earth and atmosphcro ? It is generated at tho earth's surfaco and never passes through spaco. Prof. Tate says: "Where a conducting body is mado to move in tho neigh borhood of a magnet, tho relative mo tion of tho two produces currents of electricity in tho conductors. If a copper disk bo kept bo moving, the faster it moves tho stronger tho cur rents become, until finally tho disk is heated and melted." The sun and earth being magnets in motion, each whirling bimilar to tho copper disk, will account for all tho heat thoro may bo in sun or earth, and tho fic tion of a burning sun is no longer noocssary. A magnetic sun will an swer all purposes with much greater satisfaction, and orthodox scientists should reform their soionco and savo thomsclvcB from tho ridiculo of com mon sonao people (slate Creek. A fine rain since, our last write tip. The raiu spoiled tha program fur Decoration day, II. C.'ifi is on tho tick list tls week, Tom llitohtoek and lien William who left this pen n try on account nf Jry weather can now conic back, Win, Downing of Missouri came hero lait week, bought a good team of Mr. SUby and is farming. Children's day at Oriole nut Sun day on the grounds preparped for Decoration day, Al Slaby sold a fine team last wtck consideration $1J0. How's Tills! We offer ono hundred dollars rewind for any cas ol cntnrrh thnt oannot he carta by Unit's mtnrrh euro. F. J. UUKNKV A- CO., Toledo, 0. Wo, the undersigned havn known F. J. Cheney for tlm laa llfteou ears and bo lleve him perfectly honorable in nil boM hops traductions mid tlnnuolnlly utile to carry out vuy obligations made by their firm. West Jfc Trnan, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. Wnldiug, Finnan k Marvin, Wholesale Drnggiat, Toledo, O, Iialt's Catarrh Curu is tuken internally acting directly upon the blood nud ma cons surfaces of tho system. Testimon ials sunt free. Price 7fio. per bottles. Sold by all druggists. I.luc. Nice rain last week and the farmers aro feeling better. Kdna Guthrie is on the siek list. There was quite an exciting time at Penny creek Sunday-school nud meeting last Sunday. Mrs. Haskins and daughter were the guests of Mrs. Anderson ond day last week. Will Aubushon spent u few days on Walnut creek last week. Rev, Haskins of Guide Kock will preach at the Penny creek school house Sunday evening, Juno 9th. Anyone wanting ice cream, tako n jug of milk and go to Iko Grewells. Plowing com is the order of the day. Gcorgio McMurry spent Sunday at home. Dan Grcwell has hired out to Mr, Haskins. Hum Winds. Guaranteed Cure. We anthorlzo our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, conghr. nnd cold upon this condition. If yon are alllioted with a cough, cold or nnp lung, throat or chest tronblo nnd will use this remedy as di rected, glving'lt a fair trial, end exper ience no benefit, yon may return tho bot tle nnd have your money rofuuded, Wu could not makethis offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints, Trial bottlas free atC. L. Cottiug's drugstore Large sizo Wlo. nud $1.00. Crooked Creek. Fine weather at present. Corn is looking fine in this neigh borhood. Mr. McPartland sold his hogs last week. Mrs. Truman was visiting at Mr. Dickson's Ust week. Kmmctt Tennaut attended church in Hod Cloud Sunday, Kd McCuno's wero visiting at Bert Tonnant's Sunday. Mrs. Hoval is improving at this writing. Mrs. Tennant was on tho sick list last week. Rev. Maxfield proached at the Ten nant sohool house Sunday. Tho rain came but camo too lato to savo tho small grain. Sohool is out and Paul Dickson and Chas. Tennant have come homo and gono to farming. Rev, Maxfield took dinner at Mrs, Tonnanl's Sunday. A small oyclono struck Mr, Rcihcrs Sunday and did considerable damage to his house and out buildings. r. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Windy I'olnl. Mary Peirco who has been sick is improving. Kansas was blessed with u splendid rain last Sunday evening. Somo of tho young folks in this neighborhood got caught in tho ruin by going visiting on Sunday, Nora Peirco was visiting her father and mother in this vicinity Sunday. Children's day next Sunday at Windy Point. Mr. Watson onded a seven months school at Winday Point last Friday. Our crops in theso parts look fine. Brother Lewis preaohes at Windy Point every two weeks. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking 'powder so purs' or so great la hxw ,$fllnpQy&r iq id0 Royal. t 2.ft l.,l-.B Ia - Tho host rain wo have had for sev eral yonts fell lust Sunday afternoon, something like four inches full. Tho onion crop is looking tine and will soon give cmpUyineiit to many more hands. L'tiihworth Adamson is erecting a net house. Who knows tho lensonV Mr. Heal and Mr lit'tle have err cl od mii nil hounos for tlnir Russians to livo in. Papa wbs down tisiting tho little folks in this vicinity last ork. Come at;nin we aro always glad to sec our old friends. I J. Ileal spent Sunday in Cowlei the guest of Mr. Ji.o. Waller's folks. Several of tho boys wont to Red Cloud Decoration day and witnessed thv ball gniuo botweeu Red Cloud and Cowles which resulted in a victory for the loiter. What's tho matter with tho boys of Gardenvale organiz ing a ball team, wu ought to have a good nine as we have plenty of lim ber to pick from. Millard Nelson axpects to go to Fairfield this fall to study for tho ministry. L. M. Real and Miss Ktta Hunter attended commencement exercises at Red Cloud last Friday night. Art Hayes spent Sunday at his home near Cowles. Albert Homier was an tho sick list last week on account of being thrown violently from his bicycle whiin io turning from Cowles. Mr. Hoit has quit working in Gur denvale. Tho girls wero awlul Minj ta have him leave. Fred llurd is going to uo.k fur Mr. Real this summer. Harvcr is attending school nt Or leans, his brother Walter is staying at home during his absence. Thu Pleasant Hill .school cloicd last Friday, Miss Mamc Real wan teacher and was liked very mucti. A Russian Cure lor Heudaelie. As a remedy for all forms of lleadaoho Klectrio Hitters has proved to bo tho best. It effects n permanent cure nud thu most dreaded habitual siek headaohos yeild to its inlluoace. Wo urge who are alllioted to procure n bottle and give it a fair trial lu cases of habitual constipation Eleotrio Bitters enres by giving the naeded tone to the bowels, and few oases long rosist the nse of this medioine. Try it once Large bottles on fiOo. ut O. L. Cutting's drugstore. I'ralrle Gem. Quito a itorm passed through hero Sunday evening doing considerable damago to buildings and orchards. Tho roof blow off of Mr. Licklaokcr's hauso and barn, and tho hen-house and windmill were blown all to pieces. Mr. Hubbard's barn and windmill blew down. W. W . Hogato lost a windmill and several largo apples trees. Johnnio Wilson's mill was also blown down. Joseph Saunders died at tho home of Ilia daughter Mrs. Chas. Fulwider on May 23 and was buried at tho Kim creek cemetery tho liOtli. Tho funer al services at the Kim arcok school house wero conducted by Rev. Mot calf of Cowles and Rov. Whito of Up land. J. T. Milncr lost several of his best applo trees in the storm Sunday evening-Mr. Hogato and wifo visited in Red Cloud Tuesday and Wednesday. Sovoral of tho Prairia Gem peoplo went to tho baptizing on the Bluo Sunday. Mrs. S. L, White is improving but slowly. Pastures aro getting good again and thu prospect is good for a big crop of crn and a fair crop of small grain. Jay. While in Topekn last March, E. T. Bar ber, n prominent nowspnper man of La Cygno, Kan., was taken with oholera roor dus very severely. Tho night clerk at thu hotel whore he was stopping happen ed to havo a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhioa remedy and gave him three doses which rolloved him nnd he thinkB saved his life. Every fam ily should keep this remedy in thierhome at all times. No ono can tell how saon it may be uecded. It oosta bat a trifle and may be the means of saving much suffer ing nnd perhaps the life of somo member of tho family. 'J5 nnd r.O cent bottles for salo by Deyo Si Orioe druggists. I MM . I I l - - III I IH Ilallii. The much needed rain camo Sun day. O. K. Ituney and wifo wero callers at Geo. Cuther's Monday. J. II. Wlseoarver and family wero u J. H? an's Stindnv. It strengthens ami bniKIs up the enfeebled system, creates a kooJ appetite and promotes digestion, clears the complexion and restores the body to perfect health. Sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. BOSS & BIFE, Piioi'iur.ToiiH or eiTir dbay islam, Onlorn Ordromptry flllad. QrivAT "Valuk lor l.liilv Mom) ft Nn lit 11 twentv piiRo journal, in tho Ipiulini; StutrR. Ills 11 NATIONAL FAMILV I lii t'liileil KtatfH. ItL'ivas thu uNeutHcf furaimi IhihIh in 11 nntehtll. l;lH;irWKAL"depiirtniant liny 1:0 KKl'OK'lS" an reccniiil nutliority. Hapiirnte ilcpnrtii ruth fur "TDK KAMI IiVCI!U'liK,""OUU VOUNU FOLKB," nuiI "SCI KM K i.iul MKCIIANICS." ltH"HOMK and SOCMKTV" eoliiuina coiiiiiiiiihI thu luliniintion of icn nnd (luunlil.rn. I tu Knrnl political nawa, tilitnrinla mid diHcntciciiR are comprehon sic, brilliant ami axhnuatUa. A SPKCIALCONTnACTenublfHUHtoolTorthiHBplendiil journal Hnd THE CIII HP for ONE YEAR FOR (INLY $1 25 4'ASII IN AiVA.:i:. (Tha regular aucscription for tha twa papers lu t2(XU Ht'U&l'ltirilON MAT IIFOIN AT ANV TIME. BTAiMropR :,il ordara to THE CHIEF, Had Cloud. Nobriishn. Wrti-' ) ur iiiiiiio am! address 011 11 poKlitl viiril, sum! It Io co. V. ileal, llaaiii U, Tribune rtuiltlliiK, Sew York, 11ml suinplo i0iy ar Till! MJW YKK WGKKLV TRIUUNR will lio mulled 10 yii., Slaughter sale; luri special sale 01 leis. Wb will offer ut pub lic sale to tha highaat bidder for conk 1 whip S,rc, 1 duster tOo 1 aisel haltar25,all fr 11.10. At lanthar hna tdvuncad 75 par cont wa atill liars a faw aata ot ainla hnrnaea at 11.75. Alt. a trnnd bnncain in daubla hnrnesa. hese Prices one Day Only, J. 0. Buller, Red Cloud. E. Dean and family wero guests of C. Duval Sunday. Tissio and Dora Marker of Otto wero in our neighborhood Monday. O. W. MiUkins and wife were visit ing south of tho river last week. Jjillio Holms of Hud Cloud was in our viuinity last week the uuest of Mrs Hansen. W. Murphy of Hrd Cloud was in our vicinity Friday visiting Frank Sodilek. Henry Brotthauer has scoured a position on tho section. Misses Frank and Lillian llatnoy attended tho eommenement exercises at lied Cloud Friday night. S. S, Daily was out looking after his fatm interests Friday. The wind on Sunday did cansidor ablo damago in our viomity, it blew down several wiudmills, a largo frame barn of J. Lookhearts and moved 11. McCullcm's barn from its foundation. On last Tuesday Mrs. Wisccarvcr invited a few of her relatives in to pent tho day, it being her birthday. All report a good lime. No, 22. A Valuable Find. After yoars of study nn lbor, tharehai nt Inst been diicorarad a sara nnd navr railing remedy, Jt 1ms bun taitad an Iintients, who hnvadispairadof svarbalng oared, tho r.sults have bttn, inev.ry oasa wonderful. Orofl's HhaamntiBm Cora is nnennnltd as a positiva remedy in all aasas of Chronic and Aont. Inflammatory Rhauraatism, Gout, Lumbago, Baiatioa, Naoralgia, Dysmanorrhoea and all kind rad affaations. It is also a valaabla Dlood l'nriflar, baing aspaaially usaf nl in Kozaasa l'aorlasi-, Horofnla, all Qlundalar Eularga mant and dieasesof thalivarand kidnays, It ia abaolnUly free from all narootios. Sarare attaoka are relie-ed in from on to three days and a positive aura effected la from tlvn In elghteea days, O. L.Cot tiag KedClond, Neb. l.'l-4ra ..................................... B BURtb WStHl ALL llbt 1115. ., IlCSt (y'J.'li bjrup. Tai-ti'tflooJ. Ueo In lima Snl4 by drueslii. Lost Energy, Fickle appetite, tireil feeling, .stomach sickness ami weakness can b promptly remedied by usinu Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial iP Blood Purifier. four pntrntiHtr aolloltart YYl'.KKl.V JJlCWS ot th Worltl I'oi-it Trill . Ml! i K.ntililienn family put. rr of tho United PAi'i:i5, mill kiwi nil llin jjonrrnl newa ot ItH "AG- aupaiior in tho irMintrj ltn "MARKET June 1st, ol J. 0. Butlers. Tii, Baraams in Lap Dusters. mi s.11 you q wet) loiter lor 20 cents. -ALSO-1 eurry comb -1 brush 1 bitt All for 25c 2Tc nOo Don't forgat that I am prapurad to cany paasengara to all parts of tha city, Lenvs ordara at tha Holland Houea. Llotd Cuaiiili.. "The" Watch. Far timekeeping and dnrability nothing beats the eeventaan jewaled Dkuijkk IIampdkn AVatoii. CALLONpENMAN and examine them. Also his line of Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Hated and nolltl illrerware, souvenir spoons, penM lutmllrtl kiihoi and forks, atrvliiK suts, calling card caios, ban bon boxes and other noTtlilr. A line line of spectacles and eya plmwi with Interchangnlils lenses. iteel, nickel stlvor niickvoM frames. Special and careful at- trntlon paid to ntilnc the eje. Mr line of 2nd hand watches Is qultn lane. I w 'lino oi zna run them off ui i m leyntnaii iiniraciiiiti worm. Or Ilrinz inirwtcli, clock and Jewelry re pn)r wnrk.jourannaTing and your old gold aad sllrer to me. TIIOS. PENMAN ASK MoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, to-ffl1 Collections nromutly nttended io, and correspondence solicited. rU. J. S. EMKJH, nontlit, IUd Cloud, Neiibaska. Over Tajlor'a Fnruimre Store. Kxtraets teeth without naln. , , Crown and bridge wark a specialty, forcelaln Inlay, and all kinds of acid nlllnits.' Make- cold and rubber plates and combination nlutes. Aft work uoaranteed to be arttelaM. I W. TULLKYS, M. D. llottioeopathlc I'UyalclaH, Rod lond, Nebraska. ( fflco nriiollH Vint National Bank, U. H rtxnluliiliiK Hureon. Ulir julc il'ii wi troU'd ty ra&tl; WltaWiStwV8fll ' ft.