J. t. (; ,. liuimiiwiii THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. vmzuewiMM nMuan twvwMramnafn h'il'v' h 1ain rom sPrrt'n"' lri,: ,i c:-j,mrs $ '"'' J ' ) ili t-.'isoilor lornlk-'h, siLhcs.v.m-nds, zL'&it JK-.'rj.z: iWur.iloJa., etc., an bo promptly I ji n'-7V; I' relieved a.iil cured by using I "- y D J. Ho McLean's Volcanic Oil Lifsitnent. i MA i i oui: njuerry. NOVEL FLOATING! CANNERY. mi ! C Ji sa ; The PARMER'S RhMKHY for the various diseases o( domestic animals. It is easy to apply, relieve;; at Once pain and infl.unmation, and cures quickly. Hull directions with each bottle. Foi .'.ale everywhere. Price, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. THC DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. The City Bakery and Restaurant Hub tiio most complpto 1 i to of She ad, Buns, Cakes and Pjes, First class in every icsptct. Call mill got my pricey beforo buying. It will pay you. ',U loaves of bread 1. Meals and lunches ut all houri. Joseph Herburger, Proprietor. is iii mid ou should liiivo 11 nice, now Nick, Nkw 11 at or Bonn In which to celebrate tho dav. I now have tho largest stock .r HATS ami HON'M'l'S, and all kind of MlfjMN'HUY CiOODS ever brought to tho city, nnd unjono wishing any tiling in this my lino will do woll to cull on mo foefoio hiding. Mrs. S. R, McBridk, Fa-hionahle Millini; ET ! R. If you don't get tho Iuckee good.-, the lkK 1 " 1. j Ohio cultivator or tho Studebaker or Chatter Oak wagon or buggy, for they are the best made. Full line of agricultural implements and repairs always on hand. J as Peterson, Red Cloud Neb. Ilt'i'oiillliiii ! i niiiilrnil. Anion;; tho iidvurtlhomunts in a (iui'iutiii pupil' appeared tho followlnir. "Tho gentleman who found u purso with inoiioy in thu lllumonstr.isMj is roiuaMcil to forward it to thu address of thij loMir, as ho is roeog-nlod." A few days uftorwurus tho reply was in-t-ortcd: "Tho recomled g-uiitlcmun who picked up a pur-o in tho Uluinun fctrasco rcijuotitd tho loser to call nt Ills house." A lady nt Tooley ,-i vrns p(k with bllloun colio when M. V. Tialer, a promi iieat merchant of the town gave Imr n bottlo of Clmnihi-rliiiiiV Colic, Cliolurn and ninrrhoca ltcmt'dy. lh najs nho whs wi-tl in forty mliuiti's after takinn tilt lrh dost. Fur naln liy Dujo ,t Clrioii drtit,'iist. Oon't forRiit that 1 aiu propart'd to enny pah'tu-tTH to all pnrtu of thu city. Lcnvo orders at tho Holland Hour?. JjLOVI) Cll Villi,!,. Wlicn IViliy wn Mote, v e Rnvn her Cartorl.i. Wien hho won eiilM, hlte ti M for CiiMorln, Win n hhf Ikvumo Miss, hho clun to CitMorla. Wlicu bhu lmJ C'liIMri'u.blio cnethvm C.istorU. A new, cmupltt xud up to riidt Hand book of information, toverini; ntnrly 200 cities, towiiii nml rort, contiiiind in thn ourrmit Umh of tho Rniiil-MoNuliy Ooide. $n.(X) pnr yrnr, -tOc. per copy lfiC Adams Streat, Cliicao. - ft. H. Fulton, ilro and liuhtmnc insur mice, WcBtorn Wlilto Hronxo, liuiim iiiuntB and ccmotory ;oods. OHIch with Traduru Lumbor Co. - IVcmI .Votli'c. Hereafter William Kichardson will feed all tmuni at th rate of 10 cunta for liny. Hum rimt of Holland 1Ioum Children Cry for Pitcher's bastoria. , liirmlii IMItnreiHC Cannot you teueh tliOMi about yoN to write bomowhat moio purely? I am vory fastidious. Tin uo days ao I was o hi bred to correct u friond of mine, a man as of fashion, who so far forjrot the raees to say of a lady: "I havo not often boon In her company." say "preMjuco;" wo are in tho com pany of men, in tho prcxcnuo of Illi nois and of w onion. l.audor. I Tola Trent iitont. Mrs. r.bony Doetah, my husban' ho -rot tho paraleisi-. in his lals so ho carn't move his feet. Doctor Dark Is dat K), Mrs. i:iiony? Well I'll call rl'ht awaj. Mrs. I'.bony Yes, doetah, an' be muih to bruiifr ,ouh banjo erlonir. If dat doaji start his lais Koln iiutlilii' will New York eekly. An Orli'iil tl lllrniliii;. Albert Didn't the l.'ustern women always have their sandals strapped on tlht, mammal Mamma I think they did, Albert: why? Albert HecaiihO, it must havo been a reat thin;,' for their naughty littlo boys, l'uck. liS 99 Mothers' Friend Cures ITt..l Ws'ng Omdo I I limu. l. li . . ,u --'ii ii muiwiio lor ninny f in!I.rK' nni1 illl,'h case whero "MOTH- rf.. , J ii u. , . . M'" " accomplished won dors and shortened labor and lessened pain, it Is tho best remedy for KISIXlloK TIIH IflJHAST known, and worth tho price for thill alone. ' Mrs. M.M. Ilrewhter. Moittjroiucry, Al la. Pent by i:Sprp m mull nn rccdiitof price. I.OOmrMllc IJihiU- To M.rtl.tr" iiwTii BflADFIEUD nEG'JUATOa 00., Atlamm, Q,V BOLD KV ALL KUaCZ3T3 Author n 1 . (i' Unci i. it I'ruiipcii- iir i.r , r ij, i,.. The ptntntn .'ii tl ' MnniulH of Qlleen- 'ir In : .if Wllb tune will he Inti-r ! ,i In the xiuttlUK world. He l.s i x of th" I'lmiaeiiTS of Cl'.it Kilt In. 1 Mown UlllOIIK' plIKlllHls mi tin1 uu'lioi of II..- .Miiriii4 of liueens beiry tuliH, I It inline Is familiar to all rlnif followed These rules were In voKiie In the das when Tom Allen, Joe Moss and ,l m .Mace weie the ureal i:tiKlliili llRhteiH. John Ii Sullivan wan the Hi st to inn Ice them popular In Atlieilcn. I'eW people know that, ainoiiK other titles to fame prisspupd by the pii'.'iinelous .Maniuln of Queenn beiiy, is that of holm; a iioet, anil one, too. of no ir.enn order, lie ptibllshiMl a volume of really fjnoil poems in ISsO mid perhaps the bent one of all Is that ftitltleil "The Spirit of the Matterhoin." the hiKlutiltiK and coiicIuhIoii of whleh contain lines of singular met It, deli cacy and Hphlt. l.onl Queen.shetry was llkcwlo foimeily on the turf and his rnclUK cidois f -if Kieen, with Hiilinmi flei es 1 Yi Imps the best known cphiodo of his caiver was Ids Interruption of Tennyson's Nuecessful play. "The Promise of .May," at tha (ilobe theater The villain of the piece Is an nmiostle and thimiKhoiit tho dtama Is held up to ridicule and ob hi'liiy. I.onl CJueensheiry. who was at the time an enthusiastic, resented this Insult to what he considered to bo his creed and acconlltiKly on the fourth nlKht of the perfoi mance rose from Ida sent In the orchestra stalls and ex claimed In n loud tone; "I am an ukuoh'Ii and I stiotiRly pro test tiRiiliiHt Mr Tennyson's kios.s car icature of our creed." 'It eat excitement ensued timoiiK tho nudleuce which continued until tho marquis hnd left the house, escorted by u policeman. A "HOODOOED" THAIN. New York On I nil Mrn IMIIniul shy of It Sure to Meet tilth Soiuo llul l.iiclt. Theie Is not a lallway man on the New Yoik Central who tuns on freight trains that does not believe that the tliiniiKh fiulKht known as A. S No. 1, la a "hoodooed" tiuln. The tialn tuns from Albany to Suspension Uridine, nnd in the past few years has met with many accidents. Saturday murtiliiK tie "hoodooed" train left Syracuse on time. Charhs Detsel. a brakedian, who has been rumiliiK on the load for the p.iHt live years, was ussIkiici! to make the nin as fniward brakeman. Detsel did not wish to take the tun. Haying to his companions that the t rally was "hoodooed," and that he In. Ileved he Would meet with some bad luck. KverythltiK went i llit until tho train reached Cobs' hilde. between Lock Ileilln and Lyons. A brakunan on a westhound local that followed saw Detsel llnK n the ditch at one side of the tuuk, and the train was Stopped and tile Inllllixl mnn t,,l,,,M in l.jons. The entlie nealp was torn off his hind and he la in a iIjIiik condition. It was this train upon whleh Condtit tor Uottun was killed at Adams llasln Wed nesday of lnvt w.ek. Ills death was causid in n similar manner. Conductor On- ma his de.ith last summer on this tinln. and it is a lad that the "hoo iliioed" train met with i.e accidents on live consecutive dajs about a je.ir iiko. ehonnrr (Iruile T. (o do Mouth Aflri 'lurlle nml (In u i. ' The two.mastfd American schoonei Oracle T. ilnlshed MttlnR out nt an Kast river pier the other iiIkIU for n unliii( passai;e In southern waters She will practically be a IIouMiik canuorj She sailed for Port Itoyal, Jninnlr-a, and thetefifter, until the fall, she may ho "eon In West Indian, Klotldlan. and Oulf ports. Until a fuw weeks a;o sh wns owned by James Tre;atthen & Bon. Ilcnjninlii Wood, with several speculative ft lends, bought her and had her piepared for the tninetrlal expe dition which, Its piomottrs hope, will yield u Mi- potcentiiKc of pi oil in, "ays n New York special The Oracle T. carried fix cannets and n chef, beihks her skipper, Captain Wll our, nnd a crew of several men Sh has aboard 150,000 empty cans, which Will, It Is expected, be filled with tut tie. pompono, Kiuivii Jelly and lish and same and fiult of many kinds before she returns to this port In the fall. Th turtles will he caught In the West Indli and off the Florida coast Home may bo aciiultcd by i-xchanidtiK for them cheap manufactuied articles, whleh form patt of the schooner-s eat bo. The meats will e doiicii down in thiee copfier cauld- "us. i nen tney will be canned and low cied Into the process kettle In steel ciates, and subjected to a lilsh-tem-petatuie bollliif; under strain pressure to make them keep. The chef will sup erintend the picparatlon of the meats and the fish, and will make Kuavas Into Jelly after the most apptoved ic clpe. Thcrels n duty on Jelly, but not oil i Biiawis, but by iniinufactiiiliiK the Jelly aboard an Atneilcan Vessel the' projectots of the ca-Koln cannery ex pect to be able to escape the duty and to sell the j,.y cheaper than It Is hold now in America. .Much of the canned Roods will be brought back on the schooner, some- will be landed and sent by steam ship or iiillio.id to the Notth fiom the Southern poits at which the kchooiier will touch. Brrraum M EXCLAIMED ! 1 "What delicious ice cream ! and think of it made in 5 minutes in the new "Wonder" freezer. This freezer Is a Won tier In name and -0-0---c Nature . . . HE SMOKCD G2S.7I3 CICARS. The Iti-ronl of u I roni linmn Who .lust Died In lilt Sutrntj-'Ililril Ynir. The Pails newsiiapeis tell of a pecu liar old man who died nt Vienna eaily In Mai eh lu his T,!d year. They call him the most exact man of whom theie is lecotd. From his L7th year he kept accurate account of all he bought and what he paid for it. A few das befoie his death he made up his books to show Just what citing, di Inking and wear ing clothes had cost him dutlng his last flfty-slx years. The total shows that In this petlod he worn out eighty-live Palis of trouseis and seventy-four coats and vests, for which he paid S.s.ooo, Ho had bought iOS shlits and .100 collars, valued at M00. Ills omnibus fate was J20S. In the twenty-seven years of his convivial life he consumed 2S.780 glass es of beer. He gave up drinking in his r.lth ear, but he continued to smoke constantly even during his last sick ness, mlslng the number of his clgara to GL'S.Ti:! or on average of 11,217 a enr. Of the whole number some 13,500 were given hltn; he bought the rest for jr.', noo. or L' cents each. The exact old man took most pi hie lu his socks, which weie of the best silk and most ex pensive make, costing usually $ SO a pair. He wore out but sixty-two pnli.i between his twentj -seventh and seven-ty-thlid yeais, or hardly more than a pair a ear. : All metal : ventincjan zz from the Vz tact with g parts are y danger cream co alvanized tinned pro of poisoning ming in con meta's. . . . TIPS TO SERVANTS. 1'ollllral CoiiiIIiIoiih of Aiiu-rlr.iii Women. The women of Wyoming have full puffrage and municipal suffrage Is granted women in Kansas. In twenty right more states they have a light to vote upon school matters, and there nte at least twenty-nine out of a total of foity-clght states where women en Joy some form of suffrage. The politi cal conditions of Atneilcan woman to day may bo biletly sum ied up thus: While she Is not yet admitted to the full exeiclse of political rights except lu Wyoming, she possesses ery genet ally home light to vote on local matters and to hold many executive ofllces, hi0 n nil walks of life is considered nearly, If not entirely, the equal of man, and In many eases his supetlor. She Is on 11 pur with him In respect to freedom to labor and earn money; sho mny vote, hold olllce, do business, enter upon any profession as the social i-iiuiiI of man, enjoying icspectful consideration and Is a good wife and housekeeper, and a most dewited mother, In spite of ull her outaldc inocatlous. They Alxnrli an Kiioriiiini Amount Annually In KmrIiiiiiI. A Paris Join rial, dlscooi-siiiir of iin to servants in pilvate houses both in, Kngland and on the continent, says that ' It is dlilleult for one to form uu hle.i I of the enormous sums lu the u of I gratuities absoihed by dumestlcs ein plojed lu th homes r the Ihigllsh ' ailstoeracy. It gles the amount leal led annually by the butler of a lhhl lesldent of liiosenor hiiare, I.onil-ni. 1 This Indl-.hlual tecelves In tips from vlsitois the Hum of fl.000, or J.V00J In nddltlon to his tegular pay. The Pilneo 1 of Wales, who Is mutually a heavy sulfeier from exactions of this kind,' has mulct taken, so far as Sandilnglon house is concerned, to abolish the cus tom. He has given outers, according to the Kretieh Journal, thit any set-Mint who accepts a giatulty from a visitor1 shall be promptly ilNmissed The Duchesses of ltuti.ind and Poril md have dec ided to ! '-mio a xlmlliu- ,-ieou.- This habit of lipping servants etnpln. d in puvate hoiisis lias, of course. Pun largely Imltati d and a' used In this eountiy. In the matter 1 . a visit to a pilvate house or a Htay at a hotel, in the way of the llguratlvtly extended palms, thete is little to choose. I,a-boui-heie. Who has Wllten on Ihli toil.. Ject in Truth, is of tin- opinion that it is mote economical to stoo nt the limit expensive hotel than to accept hospital ity at an Kngllsh country or town house. He refets not only to the gratu ities expected by the servants, but to other exactions which aie exttumely Itksotne nnd costly. It would save tumble and anuoynuee If a hotel should In addition to Its tegular chatges, In sert In tho bill a stated amount for tips to be distributed 1110 rata by tho proprietor. A receipt hook of over 50 dif ferent cream and ices goes with every freexer, which i, some thing that every lady should have. And thoe freezers cost no more than poorer ones Be sure yu get the "Wonder" and take no substitute that "is just as good" but get the best always, at A. Momlvrt & Son. 3 ramsix.. TtmimmmimiMMmmiiiiM '" HIGH-AIR GYMNASTICS. An Aerial l'ttrfornmtii-e Neitrly 3,00(1 Feet Ahotfi (iromiil. The greatest height at which an actohatle performance ever took plnee was nearly 3.000 feet. An American neionaut, Ptof. Ilartholomew, In ISSO nt Melbourne, having ascended by a balloon to a height of :i,000 feet, made his ascent In H trapeze attached to u parachute, and dining tho descent per formed a number of acrobatic and gymnastic feats. A cyclist, some time since, ascended at Chaileiol, l-'ranee, by a balloon In charge of ('apt. Dennis, to which was suspended his bicycle. He worked the wheels of the machine as though he were riding along a road Instead of being suspended at a height of about 1,300 feet. M. Illondln gave an aciobatle perfoi mance at the crystal palace, London, lu lvoi', on a rope 2I'J yatds long, and 17J feet from the gioiind. On June 30, 1S59, he crossed tho Kails of Nlagaia on a tight lope In live minutes; on the Fourth of July fol low lug lie lepeated the performance blindfold, trundling a wheelbarrow, and on Aug, 111 of the same year he carried n man on his back. On Sept. 14, liIO, he ctossed on stilts lu the pres ence of the I'tlnce of Wales. His feata on the tight rope weie e.xtiaordlnary he walked acios.s enveloped In a sack made of blankets, turned somcisaults and cooked dinner. s SOAPS ! We have a very large assortment of FHNE 53K 7iK We can please you as we have them at prices from 5c to 50c per cake. The Wonili-rrnl drouth of C'hlriiRii. The population of Chicago in 1S30 was 70; 1M0, I.SG3; lSlf., 13.0SS; 1W0, 1!9, 903; lS5r., GO.'JiTi 1S00, H:17J; 1M35, 178. 000, iS7o. rjb.07"; 1S7-", ;:ci.377; imo, r,o.t,. 185, ISS1 (estimated), C7.ri,000; 1SS3 (estl mat -di, 7.7 00(1. 1SV0 (estimated), 750.000; lbS7 (estimated) 700,000; ISSO (cHllmar. cil). 7C0.0U0, ISSD (estimated), 1,000,000: 1W5, l.Sdil.OUO. lurU About (Jin.. A cubic foot of good gas, from a Jet one thltty-tlilrd of an Inch In diameter and a flame of four Inches, will burn fi5 minutes. Internal lights reiulro four cubic feet, and external lights about live cubic feet, per hour. I.aigo or Atgand burners will require ftotn six to ten feet. In distilling 56 pouudn of conl, the volume of gas produced In cubic feet, when the distillation was effected In three hours, was II :i; in seven hours, 37.5; In twenty hours, 33ri; In twenty-live hours, 31 7. A retort pro- ' duces about C00 cubic feet of gas In live I hours, with a charge of about one and a Hair cwt. of coal, or ii.SOO cubic feet In twenty-four houis. (rim nt for Ituhlii-r llools, A gid iiiiierit for illbher boots Ih mad.- i,j dlHito lute crude lubber in i blsulpliuii t of carbon, nmklng the solu-' tlon rutin r thin. Put the cement upon the p.itrh -mi the boot, heat both, and pu- ile Ilud Mmln a .IIMukc. Old Man What! You havo 10.000 thalers In debts, and want to marry my daughter'.' Would-be Son-ln-Law Why, nln't your daughter going to have so much as that? from One Mnth lo Anolln-r. h'uddy. "St tango that tho loleeted lov er should so often take to di Ink." Uud dy: "I don't know. It Is only a change fiom sunt to Buur mnali." JJoHton Ti in ( i'i OUR POPULAR ItRAIDS AS FOLLOWS: Cocoa Castile 5e per cake. Lambs' Wool, fie per cake. Butter Milk, 5c per cake. Lima Oil, 10c per cake. Dairy Maid, 10c per cake. Bay Rum, 10c per cake. Oat Meal, 10c per cake. Pears' (unscented), lfic per cake. Pears, (scented), 0c per cake. Cashmere Boijuet 25c per cake. Cutieura, 2fie per cake. Woodbury' l'uciul onp, soc per cake. t Deyo&GriceJ )) Uk . 3 ' VI Ocr ' (JJ) r AM A i .