The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 24, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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i "
onn.s a.m i:is.
m vBS 1h r 0
Thick and
Thin The
Famous H. S. & M.
Clothes will fit, wear
and hold their shape.
Rain or shine they arc
the best that skill can
produce. We Skll
them for less money
than you're likely to
pay for Second-best
elsewhere. Our Store
is The Store for care
ful clothing buyers.
This Label on a (Ir.rmcnt insures
Perfect Fit and Satisfaction
It stands for the Best that Money
Can Buy or Skill Produce
We wnnt your trade,
Also on
Mens 1
Y: will
jvi VC
You better values
For less money than
You have ever been
Able to yet before.-
- ( ,
VVe carry a fine
Assortment of
Hats, from the fine
Stetson ta n 5c Straw,
In our Shoe
Department you will
Always find the
Celebrated good
Wearer the
Selz make.
Remember your
Dollars will buy more
And better goods
Than you can get in
Any store in
Webster County.
Reliable Clothier
Ill'll aihlllU'O ill
prion of leather after .Juno 1ft. we shall
lestore tin- price of ropiiuing ti) t lit old
pncei of ii year ago. Wo shall continue
toglvoyoti the bo-it workiiiitnshipohtnni
aiilo f in I use ,nilj tin' l)c:t leather. We
also wisli to call your attention to our
largo stock of boots iintl kIiiich made es
pecially for you. Wo Foliet jour Initio
anil will give j on the best t-ervioo.
IIi.kisi.i:i: A K.u.r.v.
pHKI) K. McKKKHV, M. I).
I'li)l'lim himI suiyt'oii,
City ami country c.ill.s promptly
MlHlN llt.lK'K. I!l I) Cl.OlM).
isitir.r iir.vno.v.
Chctry Hipo.
Ii. 1'. Albright returned homo Kiiduy
I. I' Warner returned from Lincoln
That new soda llaor, Cheny Hipe,
taken tin1 cake.
Tim lion Ton will pay 5 per i:ord for
two or three foot wood.
Dr. 1'. L MeKeeby iimilo a business
trip to Supeiior Monday.
MipH KnteHoiglo was visiting in I ItiHt
ings a few days this wu'lt.
('. V. Cathor was down fioin Lincoln
Ion n visit at liouiu the tlrst of the week.
How Goo. W. lluinincl preaches tho
I moiiintiul t-ermon at Hindoo next Sun
I day.
C. Wiener was visiting in Denver hint
I week, returninir hoino Monday of thin
I week.
Mips Nellie Kaloy, who Iiiih lieen at
tending school at l'erti, is homo on a va
cation. Hov. !".. .1. O'Neil of Lincoln him been
engaged to inako tho uddros-s on decora
tion day. .
Mrs. T. (i. Wilder and Mrs. J. A Tail
.veto visiting in tho vicinity of Cowles
thiH week.
Mips lllancho Sollnrs and MiPtt Hollo
Spiinoglo weio isititig in lnavalo tho
lirst of tlio week.
T. .I.Wiight. father of T. II. Fisher,
left for .MillH county, Iowa, Sunday to
spend tho Hiiiiiiner.
Miss Winonii Wonder, or yinoro
Neb, is the guest of her cousin. Mr. U,
W. ICnloy. thin week.
Gus Uyden, who bus lieen sojourning
in Wyoming for tho past few months, is
in lied Cloud this week.
Thad MoNitt. who in now occupying a
position at Junction City, Kansas, was
at homo, tho tirHt of tho wuok.
Miss Margaret McClelland of lilonnt
ingion, sister or our ollloient teacher in
tho public fcIiooIb, Miss Tilla McClel
land, is visiting hero this week.
Pr. Damorell, superintendent of tho
asylum for the chronic insane nt Hast
ings, stopped in Hod Cloud n day or two
this week whilo on route from a businePB
trip to Oxford.
Dr. Sohonck of Hiverton was in lied
Cloud thin week, looking quito well. Ho
is now agent for tho Uoveridgo Auto
mat iu Cooker, said to bo onoof tho llneflt
utciibils that can bo procured for kitch
en UFO.
Jloiner Slierwooil, Kd. Smith, Chnrloy
Hobinsnn and Hoy Tait rodo to Hastings
Tint-day to attend a wheelmen's parado
and festival that evening. Upon arriv
ing tho bos had tho pleasuro of learn
ing that tho tncot had been postponed
one week.
Hov. Kly had a very strong following
for foreman of tho grand lodgo of tho
A. O. U. W. at Kearney and was backed
by the entire, membership of Omaha, ub
well as his homo lodgo and many othors,
but ho declined, owing to a prossuro of
roligious woik which ho is now engaged
in in Omaha.
On Sunday evening 20th inst., Attor
ney Challln will address tho pooplo of
Guide- Hock in King's hull, on tho sub-
ject of I'oBsimism. Mr. Chaflln ia an
optimist and will endeavor to prove that
tho world is growing bettor all tho time.
Tin, Cuitr behoves tnnt no more op
lortuno time, than tho presont, could bo
choson for the promulgation of a cheer
ful and hopeful doctrino, and fools contl
dent that all who attond this leoturo
will bo richly rowardod for eo doing.
Win. Kellogg, ono of Ilod Cloud's most
promising young mon, who bus boon in
Napoleon, Ohio, for two yenrfl past, and
who recontly emtio homo on a visit, Iiiih
returned to that placo to accept a supor
intendency of an electrical plant at a
splendid Biliary. Tun Chut congratu
lates Mr. Kellogg on his success and can
vouch for his integrity and mechanical
skill. Ho is a eelf made young mnti and
will rise to prominence, providence per
mlttiug, it energy and pluck will do it.
"Coca Cola."
Wall paper at Tulor's.
15. L. WiLon has been granted n pin-
I'iiip wall jiaper at low prices at Cot-
Ins. Sparks of Orleans was in the city
Soda water ns cold as charity; call at
A tiro near Aiuboy Saturday burned
dinn poiiio sheds.
Seveial jnutig ladies havo organied
an eiuestiiau club.
Mii-s lithel Parties of lllmleu was in
lu'd Cloud this week.
A. T. I'nilg of Greeley, Col., was in
tho city last Saturday.
K. W. Allen and wife woro up freni
Smith Centre Saturday.
T. G. Ilrowntieid was down from
Grand Inland 08terdny.
W. P. l-'ishbuinof DoWItt, Neb., was
in this burg Wedncpilay.
C. L Owen of Gentryville, Mo was
on our streets Wednesday.
0cur Ynrgei has been given a station
on the II. A Akron, Col;
lob win It at thisolllco with tlrst class
material, at haul tunes prices.
M. liuxuiau of Grand Island was in
l!ed Cloud one da this week.
Mesilami'S Gullifoid and llutler were
visiting in liluo Mill this week.
I'rank llndley and C.C. Cowden pain
ted the inteiior of tile Catholic church
this week.
Miss .Mabel Day elopes her school to
day with a picnic in Anderson's grove
near Cowlos.
'Now type and tine material is what we
do our job work with, and at astonith-
I ugly low prices.
A very pleasant sociable was hold by
tho Congregational people at C. W.
Kaley's rohidence on Thursday evening.
Waverly bicjcles, tho best in tho
wnrlii. for sale by W. W. Wright. Prices
reasonable See him if you want n
bike. tf
We hope our subset ihurp. and eppoo
ially tho-e at u distance, will pay up.
Money is very t-carce and wo need every
dollar duo us.
There was almost a lire in Mr. Smith's
residence Saturday in tho south ward.
.Lilian Supp quenched it before any
damage was done.
Take jour wagon work to Stapletou
Ho forges all irons for buggiesoutof tho
best Norway iron, uses no malleable iron
in repairing buggies.
The A. O. T. W. grand lodge will bo
held in Omaha at its next sespion, in
stead of HiiPtitigp, as erroneously re
ported iu tho State .lournal.
Committees of the G. A. U. and W. II.
C, are icqucrttoil to meet at the opera
Iioupu on Saturday afternoon at !l o'clock
for the purpo.'o of decorating tho stage
for Memorial services.
Mrs. Elizabeth Falley was taken to
the Hastings asylum this week, and
h'dwin Moody of Liiwrenco to tho Lin
coln asjlu'u. Sheriir Kunchy and wife
accompanied the patients.
Grand lecture on Odd Fellowship nt
the opera lnuse in Ited Cloud. Nebr.,
Wednesday evening. May '20, lS!)."i, by
Past Grand Master K. .1. O'Neil. All
are cordially invited. Seats free. 15y
order of committee. tf
Gartleld W. II. C. No. 11 will give a
literary entertainment nt tho opera
house on the evening of Decoration Day
May .'((). Tlio proceeds to bo used for
relief. Admission 10 cents. You aro
invited to bo present.
This week a book was left at this of
fice, with tlio namo of Alox Hontloy Jr.
written on tlio ily leaf. Tho book ro
lutes tho history of tlio secret service,
and was left at Deyo,v Grieo's drugstore
pome time ago by some person.
A full chorus rehoarRitl will moot at
tho M. K. church Friday evening at 8
o'clock. All singers in tho city aro cor
dially invited to this relioarsal. There
will bo no other services on Sunday
morning except Memorial and overyoao
can assist.
Twojoung peoplo of lnavalo, Mr. C.
Miller and Mies Hdith Davis, were made
happy this week by forming u union in
matrimony, at the rcsidonco of the
brido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Dav
is, Kov. Samuel Williams of Itivorton
saying the words that mado thorn ono.
Tiir. Ciiif.x extends congratulations.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Amuck which fell into n dishpan of boil
ing lyo wutor with which the lloor was
boing Bcrubbod, and was seriously scald
ed, died on Wodnesday and was buriod
yesterday. Tho pnronts rosido on tho
J)r. 'Pulleys farm oast of this city. Thoy
havo tho sympathy of all in their dis
trcsa. Attornoy F- II. Hontloy of Goring,
NobntBkn, brother of Mayor Hontloy
was in tho city thii weok looking after
his real ostato interests hore. 'Pin;
Ciiiki has bien acquainted with Fred
for u uumbor of yours and always found
him to bo onorgotic, prompt and lienor.
able in liis deulings with the people. He
is doing a nice business in Goring which
wo are pleased to note,
TIlC U. S. Gov't Reports
m it v. . JL.jnm
show Royal Baking Powder
' u,
superior to all Others
"Coco Cola" cures headache.
The coming drink "Coco Cola."
Mrs. Dr. Hall is tu the city this week.
Chris Fussier was in tlio city tins
For "that tired feeling'' drink "Coca
Mips Cora Garber is homo from Su
Call and see Taylor's carpels befote
Hon, . A. McKcighnu wasin Lincoln
this weelc.
I L. Mcllrien f Orleans college was
in the city this week.
John Kunchoy was in Uopciuout on
business Wednesday.
M. W. Dicketson was iu lloatrico this
week on a pleasure trip.
A complete new line of wall paper at
Taylor's at bottom prices.
Curtis Ileal of Cowlos lias secured a
pension after so long u time.
Light tons of millet hay for sale. J no
Kuriicr, box MS, Hod Cloud.
John Hunchcy lias as Hue a garden as
we have observed iu tho city.
Milt Krwin or Alma wan doing busi
ness in Hod Cloud this week.
If you don't see Taylor's wall paper
before buying you will miss it.
A good house mid lots In Hod Cloud
to trade for land. C. W. ICaley.
Senator G. F.. MeKoeby will deliver
tlio oration at Nelson on Decoration day.
H. S, Dotiney iind I), II. Hobinson of
Hopcmont wore in Hod Cloud this week.
Win. Hichardson is moving a dwelling
house onto the lots oast of his livery
Mrs. S. H. Kelley of Topoka. Kan., is
visiting her brother, Uev. J. Heun, this
' Founda black paraol, on Webster
street. Owner can have same by paying
for this item.
Mrs. C K. VanLoon, daughter of A.
J. Carey, returned to her home in St.
Joseph, Mo., Wednesday.
Mips F.tnmn Hradley, who has been
visiting witli Mrs. C, II. Crone, returned
to her Iowa home this week,
Mrs..!. U. Walker, Mrs. Pattie Jack
son and Miss Deodio Galiisha went to
Lincoln Thursday for n visit.
C. Ti. Cutting left this morning for n
viit with bis mother in Hristol, Wis.,
where he will be gone two weeks.
Mrs. Hattie Woodmanse, who has
been visiting witli Mrs, M. H. Hontloy,
has returned to her home in Chicago.
The report that Miss Josio Igou will
not return is untrue. She will positive
ly be hero and take charge of her class
by vacation.
Fred Hlakrploo has had his mustache
amputated with neatness and despatch,
and now he has the appearance of a
Green mountain youth.
Kniiinuel Poteis o f Guiile I!ock has
secured n pntent on a rat trap which is
a line thing and ono of the best patents
of the kind we ever saw.
The board of managers of Hod Cloud
cemetery request that all who are inter
ested clean up and look after tho graves
of deceased friends before Decoration.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Davison aro the
parents of a baby boy of usual Nebras
ka weiglit. Grandpa 'Pulleys isstopping
very high over tlio advent of a grand
child in his family.
Mrs. J. A. Mnxtield and Miss Mabel
Saunders left this week for several
weeks pleasuro in Minnesota. The
former goes to Minneapolis and the
lattor to Albert Lea.
Sam Jones, the greatest pulpit orator
of Aniorica, will leoturo in Hod Cloud
on tho HHh. This will bo ono of tho
llnost lectures over heard iu this city,
and an opportunity of a life time to hoar
this renowned orator and lecturor.
On page four of today's paper will bo
found a two column display advertise
ment of tho Orleans chautauqiin. This
Chautauqua will have all of tho groat
oratorical lights of the day,
of the day, and the
pleasure mid knowledge to bo gained at
Hoatrieo or Crete can bo obtained at
Orleans, which is much nearer homo.
Head the ad.
W. S. Hense, our popular Hon Ton
bailor, quietly hied himsolf to Tecum-
soli, Nob., this week, whero ho took unto
himsolf ii wifo, in tho person of Miss
Htnina L. H, SchloosRor, a prominont
lady of that city. Thoy arrived homo
Monday evening and eommonced house
keeping in tho bakery, of which Mr.
Honso is the handsome proprietor. We
extend our felicitations to tho happy
couplo, hoping thut joy will bo over
Tho board of education mot at II. K.
Pond's ollico on Monday Inst. Thero
woro about thirty-six applicants for tlio
Buporintondunoy of our schools, but Tin;
Cnn:r bolioves that tho board will bo
ileroliot in thoir duty if they fall to bo
euro tho sorvices of Prof. G. M. Caster
for tho coming yenr. Mr. Castur has
done moro good work for tho Hod Cloud
nchools than anv man that hus over held
that position, and by reason of his fear
Ii'rriu'kh mill inorouuiiiiess no mis in
curred tho enmity of a few peoplo who
desire his defeat, but yet, no ono can
honestly say that he has not mado the
school ono of the best iu tho state and
today Hod Cloud's schools stand nearly
ut the head of all tho schools iu the
siato. Let us irivo credit to
credit to whom
' crj.lit is duo and not us-- nor-
sonal malice to gam Bullish ends, or to
, Uo thl) iuj,i,0 6SW0H lighting
' ground to work out bjuuio Bcuemo.
Flour is Advancing and in fact
J, A
!l At)
ll J
rr L
i vzr.' -r
- hy y
& .
i &
; 5
ten days we will gie yon prices on u great many
articles at very low figures. We havo a heavy stock
of I)MK1 Kill-IT that must go regardless of cost,
season is at hand when they must be disposed of.
other articles, we aro selling at less than they can
be bought for in the market. Why is it that the
people eome from all over the country to buy goods
of us. Who wou'd ever thought the people from
such cities as MoCook and .Superior and many of
smaller towns all over the country would eome to
this city to buy goods of us. It is becnuso thoy
know they get butter goods and more of them for
$1 than they can gel at any other place iu the city.
Remember we sire headquarters for low prices, good
goods and fair treatment. Highest price for butter
Jiihiuili' oii "line Inn vi" pool.
We're ucllllli: l.ltllrl "Irk lit yell,
Yen io ii ;i I'.iln In the MniiMi'li.
Ami ImmKi'I.s (eel liillie liliie.
Pli'ii'ci wiiii t im i;le IIH it li'Hl, Jiitiniile,
CUe iih .iiiliii'tlilni: no ine Iiih -alii.
Ami ulii'ii joii ilo this ilclnil- il Idhnnlo,
l'lr;iM' rii mill mi.iK )imr liuiul.
i)nn'l williiMiiiniii'li of "nll soup" Johnnie,
A llllll' Wnlllllll I lllllkll Mill ilk',
Hut iln tint (.'''' It In "ii' immtli, .1011111110,
Or else II will tiilli lo"l)e. '
Now won't yen pl'.isc let up, Jiiliniili',
Or write siiiiii'IIiIiik we li.iteii'l i"i-en.
Anil wlii'ii Mill ure unili'i tin- inl,.lnlilinlt',
We'll 6fu tli.U Mint KHe In kept KH'i'll.
Most of our Hod Cloud people, and ob
pecinlly the earlier settlors, will remem
ber William C. Heilley, an attorney at
law who lived and practiced his profes
sion in this city some years ago. Mr.
Heilley moved his wife and family to
Salt Lako City soino years ago, wlioro ho
put out hiBslunglo and booh beeamo a
very prominont attorney. A Salt Lako
paper of the tonth comes to us with n
big slug headed article, announcing that
Mrs. Heilley Iiiib boon implicated in n
nnnnihil with ono Hov. W. I). Miibry. a
vory prominont preacher in Salt Lako.
Uoth parties woro arrested and gnvo
bail for their appearance. Hoth Hov.
Mabry and Mrs. Heilloy claim it is n
blackmailing scheme,
- - in
Wo received a letter from F. S. I lull,
of Now Vork state, this week, giving us
a good idea of the crop prospect in that
stato. Mr. Hull a fow years ago lived iu
Hod Cloud nnd says he is sorry to hear
of the hard times in lied Cloud nnd No-
briiska the past year. Ilolow wo pub
lish what ho says of Now Vork stato:
"Kverything is not as fair sailing as it
might be for farmers. Last Monday
night it froze ico one fourth of an men
thick, killing all tho loaves on grape
vines, also potatoes that woro up, beans,
corn, tomatoes, otc. Peaches and fruit
of all kinds was Injured, but still there
is promise of a fair crop. Snow lay on
tho ground several inches doop." It
seems from his letter that whilo wo
havo Buffered in this state, thut thoy do
havo sorno agricultural trials in othor
A cuto story is told of it little Rod
Cloud girl who was desirous of having
hor bantam hen hatch out some little
biddies. She had boon visiting ut a
noighborB and wiib shown boiiio egga
that wero pipped and heurd tho little
chicks peep inside tlio shell, Sho hur
ried homo and, going to tho coop whoro
tho bantam had boon setting only two
diiyB, took her linger und broke ovory
egg. She tnen ran Into tlio house anil
said to hor inothor: "Gucbs 'bunty'
wouldn't havo to sot threo or f ur weeks
as shu had broken tho eggs for her."
Her mother smiled at her lnnocenco nnd
wont out and changed tho eggs, und tho
littlo bantam is doing her bc-Bt to got
tho chickens around on tlmo.
KtNi (he income tax S
VA 'nil 'I!1S uont' tip. W
(irocoi'ics thai
iionglit at low
prices ami will bo
sold at prices accord
in lM v. In the next
F. Mizer.
Charley Cathor of Lincoln was doing
liusinesri in Hod Cloud this week. Char
ley tells some wonderful hard tales on
some of the northern counties of thia
state where he has been traveling thia
spring. He snyB while visiting in Holt
county, hu visitod the county legislature
which ia composed of about thirty. two
members. Ho wiib somowhnt pleased nt
a little colloquy that took placo. A gon
tleman from the Grcon Isle aroRO and
remarked: "Mr. I'risidont, tho gintle
ni'in from Stool Creek township is a
hliinkoty-blunk son-of-a-guu of a liarot
he sex so and so.'' At this juncturo tho
Irishman was called to order by another
metubor, and after u long tussol the
chair was called upon to settle the ques
tion. Ilo arose with tho dignity of Tom
iee,it na Hi,l
"Gintlemoti, of thia
I belavo it is not in
honorable board
kaping witli purliumintary usages
for ono man to call another u sou of a
gun, and if ho will iiixilogizo for using
those words, the balance will bo in pot
Hot accordance witli tho usages of thia
board." Tho member withdrew tho of
fonsivo words, but said tho fellow wus &
blankety-blank liar and would steal a
shape just tho same. That satieliod tha
man and board and all wiib sorone for a
fow minutes. Clmrloy said it was worth
a life time to witness the proceedings
for u half hour.
O. C. Hell was appointed some woeka
ago, by Ited Cloud lodgo No. 008, lis a
committee to arrange music, but tha
boys nay that his appointment was a biff
thing for them in that way, ns ho has
only been present once sinco that time,
and thut tho Venerable- Consul, llonry
Mauror, Iiiib taken his plueo, and now
the music lias churniB to sootho oven a
eundidiito's breast. Thore may bo a
duel of biscuits before the matter la
Highest Honors World' Falft
A puie Crape Cream'of Tartar Powder. Tm
rom Ammonia, Alum or any other rdulterar