THE RKD CLOUD CHIEF, FJRTDAY, MAY 17, 1895. (5 w fi IK- L -picsA VC'S' BACKACHE. WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys are out of order. For years and years housewives all over the country have used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver 1HB Kidney Balm. Try it, and you will agree with the thousand." who say it is the "PIiIIRLHSS REMEDY" for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright' Disease. For sale everywhere at $1.00 per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. Tin l(iiniilinrli Menu. The Itniiipliorhynus, the romnlnn of which huvi' been foiitul In t lit unrrlcs of Holeiihofen, wiih a curious Inter mediate Unit between birds mill rtj)tllcsv Its tall, n singular appendage, wns long, rcplllc-Iil:c, "ml drugged upon tho ground, while ItH footprints wero bird-like. Noiio n' Thut for llrr. A coroner's Jury wns summoned In Connellsvllle, ra., to Investigate tho circumstances attending the death of Mrs. Josephine llnllldny. Whllu the coroner wuh swearing In tho Jurors up rose tin supposed corpse and ordered them all out of the limine. New Typctl'iif; M:kIiIim The I'm In Klitnro describes a new typesetting tunehlne, Invented by a Do minican monk named Calondnll. It utilizes electricity and tho claim Is ma do that It will Met up 0,000 letters per hour. A Vitlimlilo I'IikI. Afl.r joars tf study au I lior, thorohnn nt Inst ben illKcovered n hmtii and noT.r frilling- r.mtdr, It him been tctUd u piitirut, who of flrrr li.itiK ttittd, (lit its ilt.i bnvo brtn, in.v.ry onus wonderful, droll's lUii-uiiiiitiHiii Cur in niiKiiilnl n n positive'dy in nil oiiN.ri of Clmuilo and Aetit lull uiuimtorv liuniati'iu, Gout, Ijumbugo, Soia'icit, Nunrnliii, Jytmienurrliorn and all kind, rt-d alTeotimiH. It In alto a valuable lllood l'nrllhtr, bflngospeiiiIlytmtifnt in lloz.iuii I'HtiriiiMlH, Scrofula, nil Ulandaliir Kutarg. m.nt and iliciiK.'iof Ili.livHr and kiilnoyn. It In nhsnliiMy free trout nit narcotiux. S.v.rr fltuo ih ;tro ii licvcil in from on to three diiyn anil a puitiv? earn ntTncttd in from live 1.1 .. 'Iitei-n day. (J, L. (Jil ting Hid Cloud, Nib. ' l!)-4ta llouit'sceUeiH exclusion rates .n April 2.'M, one lnwui.t llri-t clan- standard fare plus ir-MK) for tho routiil trip. Mini mum rates shall bo ?7.n() to all pointH in NelirasUn, Kansas, Colorado, South Da kota, Vomiug nndl'luli. Tickets lim ited to continuous passage in each di rection, (i(ltii passage to begin on ilato of sale, final return limit twenty ilayu from ilato ofalo.-A. (Jo.sovnt. FOR THE QUEEN. reef In;; to .t2y Old 3utrni and H'rli'titls 1 laving accepted tho farm agency for tho Old Continental Insurance Co., in Wobstor ami adjoining counties, am pro to furnish liberal unit reliable in Biiranco on tliomoit favorable terms, 10-am J. II. Smith, Agont. 1 urn now ready to do all kinds of drees making. 1'rices reasonable Throe blocks westot Miner's store Mrs. l' P. Had ley. t f Don't forgot that I am propuroil to enny passengers to all parts of the city. Lenvo orders nt the Holland House. Lloyd Cuaium,. fht n Itoby wm nlcV, we gave her Caatorla. When hho w m n-ClilM, alio crlisl for Castorta. When riie bwaimi JUis, hho clung to Castorta. When slit) had ChlUlrcu, she save tlicm Castorta. Kor Rale or rent A livery uml feed barn. Apply to I). ,1. Myers, lied Cloud, A lloune When! AlHrln Antolnetta't Wnnlrobn Wmi Tukrn. On tllo upper or northern nnd of tht Wand of Wcstport, nnnlently called Squain, nnd situated In tho Khccpncot Ilay on tho Maine coast, stood a large, square, old fashioned house, built ol heavy timbers, having ono mnsslvc brick chltnnoy In tho center. It was owned nnd Inhabited by n sen-fnrlnR man by the namo of dough, who sailed on foreign voyages. It was In tho time of the Krencli rev olution, when this captain wns on n voyage to Franco, that ho was en gaged by the agents of tho king and Mnrlo Antoinette to bring them se curely to America. Their wardrobe and somo of their furniture was al ready placed on thu ship, nnd tho king nnd queen were driven quietly down to tho quay, whero the phlp's small boat was In waiting to tako them off to tho vessel. At tho same moment secret ngonts of tho revolution arrived Just In titno to arrest their king and queen Just as they had alighted from their carriage. Their majesties wero then removed to prison. There thoy wero coon after guillotined. As Foon as ho found wlint had hap pened Captnln ('lough put to sea with all haste, having the wardrobo and the furniture of the king and queen on board his ship. After n long vovngo ho arrived at Wcntport. Mo., safely and stored tho queen's wardrobo and fur niture In his own house on Squtun Island. Tradition says that visitors to tho house used sometimes to see these things, and pieces of tho queen's dresses are still kept by tho Clough descendants, who live in Kdgceomb, Just opposite Westport. On nccount of what I hnve nar rated above the house came to be called the "Marie Antoinette House." Quite a long while after the events I have men tioned the old house was ferried across on scow., to tho opposite shore of IMge comb. and placed high on the bank, back from tho river's brink, where it now stands, and Is still Inhabited. Many photographs have been taken of It by summer tourists, and tnanv havr written Its history. Hut what I have written was told mo by the "oldest In habitants." who received it as I tell It from their fathers and mothers. After tho house WHS mnvnil in Mm Rdgecomh shore It wns Inhabited by a man named (lardlner tioro, who kept n largo storo and was quite wenlthv. One night an old lady of tho same town, called "Old Aunt Hood." who was given to dreaming dreams, dreamed that tho bungs had till been pulled out of his molasses hogsheads and that uho saw tho molasses run out nil over the lloor, nnd thereupon sho told her dr:un nnd declared that "Gard" would soon ho poor, and, In fact, ho died soon nftcr n poor man. OCEAN ODDITIES. Ilio gulf stream Is 110 mllofl wla and from 400 to GOO fathoms deep. Dr. Young estimates tho mean depth of tho Atlantic nt about 10,000 feot. Tho first nuthor to nttempt nn ex planation of ocenn curronta was Kep ler, A BUFFALO SAMSON. to four Hebrew Clerks Put Up n Job Tent HI. Strength nd Lout S3R. The examining surgeons of tho Slxty Ifth Iteglment, Nntlonnl Guard, found Hamson thin week, says a HufTftlo ipeclnl. Among the candidates ex- imlncd was Bert Ilortram, u cartmun Tho sen cucumber Is nothing but ibmit 32 'cnra !'' When he hud n thin skin and a very capacious stom ach. b'ca water Is said to contain all tho fiolnblo substances that oxlst on tho earth. Tho water of tho Dead sea yields about two gallons of salino substnuccs. An cchlnodern that Inhnblts tho West Indian seas has over 10,000 nrms. Naturalists nro still In doubt as to whother tho sponge Is n plant or an animal. Tho nvcrngo depth of nil oceans Is supposed to bo between 2,000 nnd 3,000 fathoms. Thoro aro springs of fresh wntor In tho Persian gulf that furnish supplies to vessels. Over 7,000 vnrletlos of microscopic scashells havo been enumerated by naturalists. Tho nallno matter hold In solution In sea water comprises ono-thlrtloth of Its weight. Tho sea ncttlo Btlngs Its prey to death by means of poison secreted In Its tentacles. In a cubic foot of phosphorescent sea water thero bnvo boon found 25,600 living creatures. Kor n long tlmo tho coral was sup posed to bo a plant. Even Reaumur treats It as such. When tho gulf stream passes out of tho C Jit 1 T of Mexico Its temperature is about 70 degrees NATURE'S HANDIWORK. A correspondents in n Leeds contem porary notes that during u recent galo ,n deposit of salt covered his windows, facing west, u dlstauco of some twenty-five miles from tho nearest salt water. The wings of tho owl aro lined with n soft down that enables the bird to fly without making tho slightest sound, n very Important matter to a nocturnal bird of prey. Tho Indian wheat, which hns lately come into prominence In Kurnpcnn markets, Is said not to make good flour unless mixed with a percentage of tho hard American variety. Paracelsus asserted that tho cntlro nlr Is full of devils who nro too small to bo seen. Ho declared that these same devils nro rosponuiblo for all hu man dlsenses. And so say our doc tors now, only they call them microbes Instead of devils, which may not make much real difference after all. Somo birds In Patagonia havo a foolish habit of roosting low down, close to the Ice, and In tho morning may sometimes ho seen tho curious sight of scores of theso unfortunates with their tnlls fnst frozen into the lee. Thero thoy are compelled to remain until tho sun, by the process of melting them out, liberates the prisoners. uiiiiieii ior examination lie sat on n ihalr and naked the physicians to stand Jn his ankles. One stood on each ankle, nd then, apparently without any effort, tlartram raised his legs until they Btood Ike parallel bars, nnd held the doctors ti the nlr for two minutes. Kour He-Ji-ew clerks In the wholesale clothing 'louse of Warner Brothers & Co. found .his Samson a week earlier. They knew hat he prided himself on bis Htrongth, nd put up n Job on him. He got the wages of two men on nccount of his treat strength, A few days ago tlar .rnm was delivering some heavy eases U the clothing house and lifted the inses on and off the drny without the ild of skids. One of the clerks pointed to a big ense on the lloor nnd asked Imrtrani If he could lift It. They told nlm It held 700 pounds of cloth. He iffered to bet that he could, nnd agreed o return ns soon as ho had delivered he other packages In the wagon and Jo the trick for them. While he wns cone the young men emptied the case, Jrove four long nails through the bot tom of It Into the lloor, and went Into he cellar and clinched the nails. Then :hey returned the goods to the box ui'l waited for Ilnrtrnm. He appeared at .he appointed time, strode over to the Jnso and took hold of It. It didn't ludge. "Sure there's only 700 pounds In t?" said he. The four young men assured him that that was all It contained, nnd then of fered to bet him that he could not lift t. . Hartram put up $20 against f:0 raised by the four clerks. Then be re moved bis coat, fastened his big hands an the ease, gave a powerful tug. and the ease rose In the ntr with n era. lillng of timber nnd n cloud of iltMt. Six square feet of the floor came up with the box. Hartram pocketed the money Jiid after reproving the young nun for the attempted fraud Went away. The cnriioiiter bill of $S was paid by the crestfallen clerks. CURIOUS WEDDING CUSTOMS. Ililil A now, complete nnd up to-duto Hand book of information, covering nuiirly 1200 cities, towiiB and riortc, contained In the ourront i-muu of the Knud-MuNaliy Ouiilo. $:i.00 pi.r yiar, 10c. per copy llKS AdaniB Street, Chicago. Taku U'arnliiK. Wo call your attention nnd convince you of tho fuut that you got only 12 ozs in a loaf of broad by not getting your bread of mo. Vou will got ono pound, 10 ozb in every louf at the City Ilukory. JOS. HORSE GIVEN A RECEPTION. Hurry (iouilln'H Coll Metn III I'rlvnrii In it llilluilpililit llntol. Harry Ooo'ln, the well-known turf mnn of Philadelphia, recently purchased a thoroughbred colt In Pittsburg. The colt arrived n few days Inter In line con dition. Mr. finnriln wns bo pleased with bis purchase that be proceeded to give the animal a reception nnd ban quet In the dining-room of the Illngham hi ise. Several of the resident guests of t: e hotel wero admitted to tho treat. The colt was safely carried to the dining-room by menus of tho elevntor, and Mr. Ooodln took great delight In point ing out the qunlltles of his beautiful pony. The entertainment ended and tho trouble begnn. .Mr. (loodln, with the aid ef the hotel employes, n number of ' friends, nnd other advisors, tried In vain to urge the colt to walk off tho j Kleventh street steps leading from the liritt.l 'Plllu Hl ...ill fllteAllllnht ....ri.ts..l ' ...... .. ..( ..I. volt , ..dvii ,t,-, i rt MOLtl to do, when ipon they tried to carry him by nil fours, but were equally un successful. Kmbnrrassod by the shouts of laughter which greeted their efforts, the colt was led through the corridor nnd n plutrorm built leading to the bnggnge-room. It was finally persuaded to come down to the level of the or dinary horse by way of an Inclined plain, limiting the descent with nil the dignity bellttlng u pony that had been banqueted nnd royally en'ertnlned In a hotel. ON LIFE'S LIGHTER SIDE. Mnny stories are told of tho great frost. Ono comes from Glasgow, whr re, says tho New Ago, an ngeil clergyman with a cold church and very small con gregation touched a chord In every heart by praying, with great frankness and spontaneity: "Oh, Lord, If wo had studied our own comfort wo would not havo been hero this morning." A blacksmith wns onco summoned to a county court. as a witness In a dln jiuto between two of his workmen. Tho judgo, nfter hearing tho testi mony, asked him why ho did not nd vlso them to Bottlo, ns tho costs had al ready amounted to throo times tho dis puted Bum. Ho roplled: "I told tho fools to settlo, for, I said, tho dork would tako tholr coats, tho lawyers their shirts, and, If they got Into your honor s court you d akin 'em." Jack I havo a chanco to marry n poor girl whom I lovo or a rich wom an whom I do not lovo. What would you advlBo? George Lovo Is the Bait of life, my frlond. Without It all clno Is naught. Lovo, puro lovo, makes poverty wealth, pain a Joy, earth n heaven. "Enough. I will marry tho poor girl, whom I love." Ilravoly Bpoken! By tho way, would you or mind introducing mo to tho rich wom an whom you do not lovo?" Illus trated Hits. CONVERSATIONAL LEVITIES. CIIAS. SGIIAFFNIT. Iniuraaco Agency. Rapretants tb following companies. S card in this papr. Farm nronerty. levator, and all kinds of mercantile Klaka, iniured in reliable companies at lunnt nice. For rates an terras writs or call and see me. Offloe over Mixer's grocery atore, Red Cloud, Neb. 9 t JR. B. Fulton, llro and lightning inaur anoe, Western White Bronze, monu menta and cemetery goods. Office with Trader Lumber Co. Fecal Natlce. Hereafter William Richardeon will feed all teama at the rata of It centa for bay. Barn aaat of Holland Houee. CABBAQE A LA MODE. One of the Naweit Dlahe. by it French Chef. Mr, Jean Couet, the director of the culinary department of the Gil Dlaa of Paris, adapts hla recipes to all claiies. Among those given lately are two par ticularly available In families whose members possess robust appetites. The first Is cabbage a la mode Dlle. Put In a stock pot 3& quarta of water. When tt bolls place In It 2)4 pounds of beef and about 1 pound of smoked beef tongue. Add two cabbages of medium Ire, previously blanched. Cook for three hours. Withdraw the cabbages, drain them, season with butter, pepper, and salt cut In slices the meat and tongue, and place on the cabbage and serve. To blnnch vegetables scald them In strongly e dted wuter. The liquid In which the cabbage and meat are boiled Is Immediately nvallable for soup, with the addition of it little butter and fried bread, or croutons. The second recipe hi for lecl.t a I'hlrnndrlle. Blanch some leeks, dr them, boll In water or beef stock. Sc iv- like asparagus, with drawn butter or .my white sauce. Nowspnpcr Kdltor Junn, tnko that cat away. I cannot wrlto with tho row It Is making. Whero is It? Juan Why, sir, you aro sitting on It. Klrst N'lghtor What! Uvcry seat taken? Ticket Seller R very one, but don't bo discouraged. Thoro will bo room enough nftcr tho first act. I was nt tho rehearsal. Conductor That's a Canndlnn coin sir; I can't tako it. Passenger The deuce you can'tl You gave It to mt In change this morning. Conductor Well, you 'sco, I'm moro partlculai than you are. Doctor If you have writer'a cramp you will simply have to give your hand a rest. Learn to write with the othei one If you can. Caller It Isn't in my hand doctor. It'a In my jaw. I dic tate to a ahorthand man. "How many characters are there It your play?" asked the manager "Characters?" aald the astonished dramatist. "Didn't I tell you this U an up-to-date drama? Not a slngU person In the piece haa even a ahred oi character." "They tell us," he aald dreamily "that women are extremely auscepttblt to flattery." "I're heard that," replle his friend. "Well, don't you bellevi tt. I tried this morning to tell my wlf( abe waa so good looking aha did nr bead a new dress." I'Iiiiops of Niieliit Mfo In Northern Mlrlilgim, Many curious customs nre In vogue mining the foreign population of North ern .Michigan, especially In social mat ters, w lien u I'Yench couple get mnr- rled a carriage or a sleigh ride Is In evitable, according to the season of the year. TJie couples are not packed to gether In one wngon or sleigh, but each rellow and his girl have an Individual rig. the bride and bridegroom taking the lead and the others following like n funeral procession; but there Is noth ing funerenl about It, especially the pace set. After the procession hns been rid ing for hours a dunce ends the festivi ties. The Polamleis have n curious wed ding custom that Is very Ingenious us a money getter, nnd takes the place of wedding presents. After the wedding feast follows a dance that sometimes lusts twelve to fourteen hours, nnd even longer. The elder honor Is to dance with the bride, nnd this Is decided In a curi ous manner. The mother of the bride takes her place In one corner with a plate In her lap, which she takes very good care shall be built after the plan of un eating house coffee cup. The gal lant who wants to dance with the bride, and all are In honor bound to do so at least once, must pull out n piece of silver nnd endeavor to chip or break the plate by throwing their money up on It, nnd only those who succeed In chipping or breaking tho plate are al lowed the coveted honor. Let those who think It easy to break nn Ironstone plate try ft. Pew succeed In doing It for less than fifty cents, nnd It Is not nn unusual thing for the bride's money to amount up to $75 or $100, even where tho crowd Is nppnrently as poor us a church mouse, and It may go even high er when the bride Is pretty nnd popu lar. All the money goes to the bride, nnd In a backwoods country $S0 to $75 will start u happy couple nicely In housekeeping. t.oixt Huh'tltiito for Wlinlelxme. It Is frequently nsserted that man cannot Imitate nature, nnd In substun tlutlon of this claim women now and then cite tho Imitation of whulul-one as nn Illustration, claiming Hint nothiuv hns been made us yet which possesses tho merits of the genuine nrttele. At the Mudlsou Square Garden Costumi Show un article was exhibited which effectually puts to res any further urgument on tho subject. Tho nrtlclu In question Is culled Ilercullno, nnd that Its substitution for the old-fashioned whnlebone as u dress stay has proven more than satisfactory Is demonstrated by the fact that leading dressmakers throughout the country have used It exclusively for the past two years. Her- 'cullno's superiority over whalebone has been found to be ehlelly In the fnct that It never beconus dry and breaks, and always retains its shape. aawnwmttwmmmmmmmmw BSHE EXCLAIMED! " What delicious ice cream ! and think of it made in 5 minutes in 2 the new "Wonder" freezer. S This freezer 5 Is a Wonder , 3 In name and -p -- 3 Nature ... 2 5 All metal C ventinp- an mz from the tact with q: parts are y danger cream co alvanize d tinned pre of poisoning ming in con metals. e a A receipt book of over 50 dif ferent cream and ices goes with every freezer, which is some thing that every lady should have. And those freezers cost no more than poorer ones Be sure yeyu get the "Wonder" and take no substitute that "is just as good" but get the best always at A. Mokhart & Son. &-ey?k-r5-ay-r':6JrS IJp -.- "S2--G- : l'S0APft ! A . I M tt We. have a very large v assortment of Will Not He Ousted liy Women. Said a prominent motnberof the Typo graphical union recently: "The Intro duction of type-setting machines Into the various newspaptt olllces h-a i'orccd it number of men Into ot'r.ur fields of activity, though a number bnvo been doing some artistic Job printing. Llko all sweeping Innovations, It has brought some suffering, but the men will adjust themselves to the new conditions. And us for the operators of the machines being supplanted by the gentler sex, there Is too much nervous strain con nected with their manipulation to mak. It at all likely that a man will ha v. to rely upon his wife to procure him a living- while he attends to tha nous keeplnr." Tobacco. Under date of 1573, In an ancient work concerning- life In England In Shake speare's youth, we read: "In these dales th. taking In of the smoke of the Indian hefbe called 'Tobacco' by an Instrument formed like a little ladtll. whereby l( passeth from the mouth Into the hed and stomach, Is gretlle taken vp and vsed In England against Hewmes and some other diseases Ingendered In the longcs and other partes, ana not with out effect. The herbe Tobacco Is com monly of the height of a man, with grete long leaues; the collour of the ftnure Is carnation, resembling that of the lera tsion In form, the roote yellow wit many filletUs." FINE We can please you as we have them at prices from 5c to 50c per cake OTJK POPULAR IMIAMDS AS FOLLOWS: Cocoa Castile 5c per cake. Lambs' Wool, fie per cake. Butter Milk, fie per cake. Lana Oil, 10c per cake. Dairy Maid, 10c per cake. Bay Rum, 10c per cake. Oat Meal, 10c per cake. Pears' (unscented), 15c per cake. Pears, (scented), 20c per cake. Cashmere Boquet 25c per cake. Cuticura, 25c per cake. Woodbury's Facial Soap, oo par cake. Deyo & Grice. )(P )0HOOOQ(KOQ0000m)00flA" Ut ' -- fM-MrW tmM