-wi THE CHIEF SWOBN CUMULATION 1,300. A.C. IIih.mmi, Killtor. J.ahovTait, Aim I.W11I l-Mltor. i:rroiti,i, xotiw. Tm: Pioneer tit Smith Centre, Kaiir.an, Iiiih Kuno to homo print iinin. It pn)s, bojs, if jou stick In It. , Jack ProBt visited iIiIh section slneo our IiiHt issuo and nipped garden truck n mi fruit quite seriously. Tub pi'Oplu of Webster county and vi cinity Hliould mnko an extra oHort to ob Borvo Decoration day. Lot ovory old aoldlor and ovory friend of tho old sob dior tako part in thu exoreisas of that day. To thoiu woowu ti debt of grnti tudo that can never ho paid. Wk hour It rumored around, nnd also nbsorvo it in tho district exchanges, that lion. Jiih. McNeny ouht to bo tho next district court judge. Thoro could not bo a liuttor Htlection. IIu ifl ono of tho moHt learned and profound lawjoro in tho diHtrict and would bo an honor to tho bunch. Tiif. jury in tho ox-Stato Treasurer Hill ciiHe, for tho recovery of 82(ki,0()0 that wiih loHt in tho Lincoln National i. ....i. .1 i i ...in . mm, iiimiKruuu ami win proDiiuiy never uomo to trial again. Thus tnonoy taken wings and soars to endless realms of HepHydam, "whoro tho lion roaroth and tho wining doodlo niuurnoth for its flrut bom." Tub inonoy question is bound to bo a big uizod thorn in tho sides of tho vn rioiia parties tho coming presidential campaign from tho present out-look. U. 8. Senator Teller or Colorado sas un lets tho republican party inserta a freo silver plank ho is dotiu with it. U. S. Senator Miami of Missouri says tho same thing of Ihodomocrutiu party, and Sen ator IVITor of Kansas is purported as saying that theio is plenty of money now if the people only get it. In the coming campaign tho old adngo will probably bo more than verilied, that "politics make strangn hod-fellows," Somi: fellow with malice aforethought punt a communication of vituperation to the State .Journal, saying that tho editor of this paper was dictating thoeditoiial policy of tli Nation, under its now man tigemont. We do not k,.ow who bent it, or why he sent it, but it is false. It is said that "suspicion haunta thb guilty mind, etc ," and we suppobo Unit the chap imitit have been guilty of mime imgiiiy mean uickb to accuse us of so base a thing. Tlio now editor-of the nation, .Mr. .John Walsh, is mIo publish or, dictator and manager as far as wo know, our traducer notwithstanding nnd wo behoofs fully ablo to hoo his own row. So, l hero! Tins paper is unalterably republican, yot wo do believe in having fair play. Tho nation's interests are paramount to that of any political party. Lot thu hot horded biased leaders tako a back seat, and let tho cool judgment of thu rank and nio of the party prevail, and we will guarantee that tho present crisis will bo bo woll handled by tho republican party that tho monetary eutanglomont will bo very soon adjusted. Tub Ciiikk does not beliovo in playing socond liddlo to any nation. Wo beliovo that it .-.. Baid by that patriot, James G. Ulaino, "America for tho AmericaiiB," and if we settle our diniculties with that sonti ment in viow, thore will bo no difficulty. Whon wo try to iiBsist other nations then our own troubles conunonce. Eleowhore wo ro-print from Tho Chi cngo Iteconl of May 7th an article on tho financial issue over tho signature "W. (i. Soward." Tho articlo aa it an. pourod in Tho Hecord bore dato, Rod Cloud, Neb., April ISO. Wo aro unite qualnted with a resident of this city of tho name of CI. Soward. Howover, wo readily identify tho writer of tho article, and suppose our readers will as readily do tho samo. There is but ono Soward entitled to claim rosidonco among us. The Chicago Record, by tho way, is tho fairest and foremost niotromilitim paper of tho country to-day in tho treat inont of the gruat issue now dominant. Editorially it deprecates tho fact that loaders on ono sido of tho issuo have assumed that those on tho other eido nro basely designing to destroy national prosperity in order to favor their own Belllali interests. It takes tho stund thut tho silver issuo is not a question of party ethics at all, but of souud national econ omico, and tho solo object which every loyal citizon must consider is tho secur jug of a sound njonoturyjbusis; that the fact that thoro are nion of known ability on both sides of tho question shows how confused undcleudy tho Issuo is likely to nppoar when presented to tho mass of peoplo who of necessity havo no time to go into tho subject of lluance, with its intlnito raniiilcations Into viuioub branches of economics. In this Bpirit Tho .Record unnotincod late in April that it had inodo preparu tions to give both sido of the controversy. im since men tnoro him appeared daily in ItseolumiiB articles alternately for nnd ngaiiiBt tho freo coinago of. silver. SonatorH Tellor, Hoico and rainier, Comptroller of tho Currency Ecklcs, Postmaster Hessig, tho Chicago admin istration democrat, W. II. Harvey, tho author of "Coin's Flnnncml School" and other men of nationnl reputation have contributed to Tho Record's educational eiroits on behalf of tho question. So far the discussion in greater part lias been pleasingly free of vituperation, Edward Atkinson, the Uoston statisti cian, offering the only exception. At kinson is a single gold standard advo cate, and all too freely for oiTeotivo ar gument denounces the bi-motallistR as idiots or knaves. Following tho recont iippcariinco of an articlo by Atkinson in which abuse of tho silver advocates vied in occupancy of space with hoiiio tables of figures pur porting to explain tho fall in tho general averago of prices aa in no way duo to tho demonitization of silver, a wentcrn editor pleasantly remarked that "of all tho purchased knaves now engaged In tho goldito conspiracy Atkinson is tho most brazen inondaciouB." Whilo nn other knight of the pencil declares that "Ananias wiih very wise in getting him self born curly in history, for if ho hud waited until now ho might not have had any reputation ut all compared to Ed ward AtklnBon, tho great "I am" of Uos ton " Wo aro in hoarty accord with Tho Record in holding that honest discussion backod by facts and logic is the essential thing in a settleinont of tho tinanciul issues. To impute dishonosty nnd base Hess on tho othor Bido is as wrong as it is unpatriotic. For whilo thoro may be, hero and thore, partisan loaders who havo their own ends to servo in swaying tho nation's decision ono way or tho other, it is ubsurd to supposo that tho great mass of tho voters aro so wholly lacking in honesty iib to endeavor will fully to go wrong on this matter. i:ici'tr! KlllcrM. 'I hU remedy in becoming so well known and ho popular an to need no special men tion. All who have used Klootrio Hitters sing the same song of pralso. A purer mt'dleine does not exist and it is gimren teed to do all that is claimed. Klootrio Hitters will cure all disease of the Livor and Kidnejr", will remove Pimples, Hollo, Salt Khutim and oilier affections canoed by impuro-blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure nil Malarial fever, For care of llendnche, Coiutipatiou and Indigestion try Kleotrlo Hitteis Katire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price GOats. and $1.00 per bottlo at C. h. Cot ting's Drug Store. :nooi, xotiis. Tho temperature of tho outer ntnios phore necessitated a llro in tho schools Friday. The day before scholars were groaning under tho hot rays of tho sun. Tho Virgil class is toiling faithfully on tho fourth book. Mr. Alvin Popo's room held tho ban nor this week. John Earner visited tho schools Mon day, where ho talked with his brothers in tho profession. Geo. Ovoring had tho fourth room undor his charge Monday foronoon. The tonohor of that room being culled to othor places. This is u good spring for the botany class, and tliey havo the appeuranco of improving every opportunity. iho beginning latin chum rocite twice a day. The foundation well laid in the eturt will ussuro them an easier time throughout the rest of tho study. Although tho recoiptaof tho Molntv'ro locturo did not add to tho funds of thn school librury, tho pupils uttonding his lecturo fool amply paid for tho timo thus Bpont. It is with regret that wo note tho failuro of tho proceods to coruo up to tho required amount. Only two weeks nioro of school. Wm. Kellogg visitod tho fifth room on Friday last. Tho courso of lecturesgivon by Honry Nowhouso in electricity botoro tho fifth room last Friday wore very instructive nnd ploasing to all prosont. William Holllobowor following him oxplainod some diflloult phenomonu in tho uctione und causos of explosive matter. Tho algobrn classes aro grappling with tho inystories of factoring and geomet rical progression. Attendance is falling short of u month ngo. Misses Nottio Hostwick, Alico Items uorg ami i.iniiine warren woro visiting tho different classos in tho fifth room last Thursdny. Tho chomistry class is vory noar thro' its work. Hetty. After the Grip, diptheria, pneumonia, soorlet fever, typhoid fever, eto., Hood's Harsnparilla is of wondorful benefit in imparting the strength and vigor so much desired. Hood's l'ills for the liver and bowols, act easily jot promptly and effeotivoly. lluir Kule. May 21st nnd Juno 11th Tho Missouri, KanBiis &, Texas Railway "Co, will sell tickota at ono fare for the round trip, to points in Toxub, Luko Charles, La, and Eddy und Roswell, N. M. , tickots good returning twenty days from dato of sale. or 'further information addreps (J. A. MuNutt, 1011 Union Ave, Kansas City pie U. S. Gov't Reports v show Royal Baking Powder I . superior to all others. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, THE A. 0. II. W. 11. RED CLOUD LODGE AND LADIES OF HONOR TURN OUT 150 STRONG. Hcv. K. I,. ly, I. m. w., or Omnlin, Dollvrrn the Aildreft. "A, Foranumbor of years tho members of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen havo 'V been obsorving Ta z ...i.... ii Fv wiuu inoy nre V pleased to torm "A. O. U. W. Sunday." It is a vory pleasant feature of tho ordor, and us it blonds nicely with tho great work of charity which Uiot espouse, it is ex tremoly proper that they should observe the day in a solomn and appropriate mannor. The foundation of tho ordor is built upon tho solid truth.p enunciated by tho immortal writers of tho bible, and as such is tho caso, tho brothron bind themselveB in ono common brothor hood, tc uphold tho tenots of the order, viz: caring for tho widows and orphunB of docoasod brothers, visiting tho sick, helping the distressed, and othorwlBo fuliilling tho divine proccpt of "doing good to othors." It is n noblo work that this ordor is doing, and from n little twig of a fow years ago, it lias beqomo a giant oak in tho world, with lodges in every atute and territory of this grand country of ours. Let tho good work go forward until tho brotherhood of man shall finally triumph in tho last dajB when there will bo no more Borrow, no more weeping, and no more death; and when tho triumphant march ietakouup und tho redeomed hostH aro traveling to tho glory land, tho A. O. U. W. boyB will not bo vory far from the great white throno mid tho angelic throngs in tho laud boyoud tho blue. At 2:110 tho lodge assembled nt thoir hall and marched to tho church, fol lowed by tho Ladies of Honor. At tho church the A. O. U. W. lodgo opened ranks and the Ladies of Honor passed inrougn anil into tlio church, followod by tho members of Red Cloud lodge und were comfortably seated. Tho or gan gave forth beautiful strains, tho choir sang sweet pongs. Rev. II. O. Spel iniin read the scripture, and Rev. Hro. J. A.Maxliold led in prajor, after which Rev. E. L. Ely arose and delivered ono of the most excellent sermons on tho oc casion thut wo hiiTO ovor heard on tho subject of fraternal societies. Relow. wo give a brief oxtract of tlio sortnon: Tin: sr.KMo.v. Text: 'J-l l-"Who gave Himself for all." 'The man of whom theso wore spoken wus crucified, and for n timo ovon his own disciples thought thu hopeB of his lifo wore novor to bo realized. At his resurroction his influonco be gan to grow, until today hiB "name is abovo ovory name." It baa iiiBpirod more heartB to noblo doods, has brought moro cheor to huinnn heartB than all othor names. If an inhabituntof nnoth- er world should visit this and look for tho name of its greatest character, ho would find it was Jesus of Nazareth. If ho should then search to find out the secret of his greatness, ho would find it was becauso -'ho gavo hini6olf for his follow men." On Calvary he yioldod up his lifo as an atonoment for humunity's sin. Whilo living, ho just iib truly gavo himBolf for ub by ministering to the sick, fooding tho hungry, und giving eight to tho blind. Whntevor were tho motivos that no. tuutod him, the niethodB and uses of his life uro tho best poBBiblo for ub. Tho most porfoct exomplut of Jesus in thia is the mothor in our houses giving her mo uuy oy uuy tor nor iittlo ones. Ono might bo plocod whoro the host possible uso ho could iniiko of his life would bo to yield it up for his follow mon, but such opportunities nro ruro. Hut on evory eido nro opportunities of using our lifo for others. No man has n right to live who sees in othora only opportuni- ties for solf advantago, and thua profits by their misfortunes. Whatovor mgth, opprotunity, inlluence, know- ;u wo possess nbovo our brother is the measure of our debt to him. This is tlio luw of Christ und tlio fun- damental principle of our order. There fore, insofar us wo practico what wo pro- fess, wo nro us christian as any organiza tion, religiouB or otherwise undor whoso bunnor mon havo ovor rallied. Tho A. O. U. W. has boen, during tho lust your, iu its ministry to tho unfortunuto and cure of tho needy, the most notablo exomplar of this principle of Jesus." Aftor tho Bormon was ovor, u quartet of four gontlomen, composod of C. L. Cotting, Edgar Cotting, Rev, Spelraan und Goo. Ovoring, snng an appropriate song, tho benediction was pronounced, and tho lodges roturned to thoir hull, whore tho mooting wbb uguin called to order and resolutions of thanks woro oxtonded to Hro. Ely, to tho church nnd to the singors. Speochos woro made by Hros. Ely, Hrowor, Jus. Gilhnm, Rev. Muxllold, Mrs. Kato Pond und othors Aftor which tho closing ode wus sung and Master Workman Hlnkoslco declared the lodgo closod. It wns a plcasunt and profitable mooting und ono thut will bo long rouiembored. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. mm - Mil I '.m.'iK 19 jr r- j"-v- IM i t VA Wl ,' -ZLWiP tMm FRIDAY, MAY 17, pri:ss noti:n. John AultzofRod Cloud wnein Camp boll ono day this week. Campbell Press, Miss Carrio Strutton of Red Cloud is visiting relatives in town this week. Hluo Hill Lcador. C. Schaffnlt of Rod Cloud was n biiBi nesB visitor in theso parte ono day this week Campbell Press. Ton or twolvoof Red Cloud's bicyclists came down on thoir wheels to sec Tues day's gamo of ball.-Hiuo Hill Leoder. Arthur Knights has roturnod homo from Red Cloud, nnd is working in his nroincra hnrneps shop. Fairfield Her old. Miss Mabol Day of Red Cloud was in Guido Rock Saturday und Sunday, tho guest of Miss Alico Gnrber.-Guido Rock Signal. Hon. Wm. McKoighan is still sorely allllcted, nnd physicinnB ofTer Iittlo hopo that his eyesight will ovor bo restored. Heaver City Republican. Mrs. John Gnrbor, Mrs. Strohm nnd Mrs. Albright, of Red Cloud, were in Guido Rock Sunduy, tho guests of Mrs. Idn F. Hayes. Guido Rock Signal Son of tho houso It was bad enough when I had to wear father's cut down trousers, but whon it comes to wearing mother's, I'm going to kick, Norton Courier. Tho instructors for tho coming teach era' instituto uro Prof. J. E. Bowers of tins city, Prof. Hupsongof Franklin, and Prof. Castor of Red Cloud. Thoy aro all tlist-chips men in their choson profession . Ulooniington Echo. Charley and Noble Robinson of Red Cloud wero in town to witness tho defeat of Lincoln's colored "giants" Tuesday. Tho editor is undor obligations to Charioy for so ably assisting him in scor ing Tuesday's gumo of bull. Hluo Hill Leador. Lawjer McNeny, of Red Cloud, was in town last Tuesday on legal business. Air. McNeny takes n very pessimistic view of the situation this spring nnd is very much afraid thut we aro liablo to havo u repetition of last year's failure. Echo" A Lady took u basket of eggs to town and upon being asked how ninny she had, said: "If I take tho eggs out of tho basket two at a timo I havo ono egg left in the Imskot; if I take them out three at a timo I huvo ono egg loft in tho bus- kot; if I tako them out four nt n timo I havo ono loft in tliobaskot; if I tako them out live at n timo I havo ono left in tlio baskotjif I tako them out six ut a timo I huvo ono left in tho basket, but if I tako thorn outsoven at n time I will huvo none left in tho baskot. How many eggs nrotheroin the basket? Auburn Post. Thero is an interesting study in nat ural history about thoso curious iittlo animals known iib prairio dogs. Wo wit noBsod on last Sunday an encounter bo tweon n prairio dog and a gopher on the pasturo at tho south-east sido of Geo. P. Cuthor'a house. Theru wub an owl sit ting on a fonco post cIobo by and of courso it was wearing that sloopy, phil osophic, and Solomon look which ulwuys ctiuructenzes this peculinr ecion of tho fouthorod creution. Hut it was not by nny meunfl usleop, for nt tho very mo munt whon tho dog wns gotting tho worst of it tho owl dropped to hia rescue unci nided the Iittlo dog to rout the onomy. If a lizzurd, a rnttlo snuko und a conti podo had also joinod tho contest then the prairie dog would hnvo had a full muster of his friends und nightly com punionfl guthorod to do buttlo for him. Bladen Enterprise. Fathor, dear futhor, come homo with mo now, for ma has somo carpots to boat; she's got all tho furnituro out in the yard, from tho front door clear down to tho etroot. Tho stove must como down and bo put in tho shod, nnd tho yard rnuat bo cleared of doad grass, for its timo to cleun houso und tho dovil'a to pay und tho front windows need somo now glass. Fathor, doar father, como home with mo now, and bring somo bolognu nnd choeso, its moat twolvo o'clock nnd thoro's notli ing to oat I'm bo hungry I'm weak in in tlio knoos. All tho dinnor we'll hnve will bo cold BcrapB and such, and we'll hnvo to eat standing up, too, for tho table und nil uro out in tho yard, oh, I wish spring cloaning wub through. Futhor, doar fathor, como homo with mo now, for inn is mad ns u turk, sho says you'ro u lazy old thing and that sho proposes to put you to work. There's painting to do and paper to hung, und tho windows and casings to scrub, for its house clouning time nnd you'vo got to como homo, nnd rovol in suds uud cold grub. Ex It you'd bo a poliBhod gontlomun. just hour this wnrning voiqo, And whon you buy u suit of clothes, bo careful of your choico. "II., S. & M. V will fit you; thoy will wonr; tho prico is low; Than why not be ugentloman, since now tho way you know? That's Tho Golden Eagle's business making gentleman of all their custom erB. They soli gonteel upparol. leu :rcaui. Any ono wishing Ico Cream mado to ordor call on the City Hnkery, at "Ocents por, gallon all tluvore, 1 will furnish you absolutely, tho bcBt Ico Creum in tho city. Job. Herburgor. 1895. CJIIUItCH XOTKS. (I'pJer this lieiul we Invite the ministry of the city to contrlliute freely of any anil all climcti.iiews of Interest to their various ornan aliens.) Cllt'ltOII Of CltUIBT. A good program is in preparation for children's day, Juno 1. Three confessions Sundoy night last. To oo baptized Sunday ovening utter services. Subject Sunday morning, "Tho Glory in Death." Evening, "Tho Salvation of Young Men," Tho third of tlio series to young people. CATHOLIC CIIUItCH. Rev. L. J. Harrington tho newly ap pointed pastor of tho Catholic church in Rod Cloud will hold services aud preach Sunday, May Wth. Father Harrington has somo specinl announcements of great interest to make. All Catholics und non-Catholics are invited to attend. MBTIIODHTCllUnCII, Subject of sermon Sabbath morning. "Tho Lord's greatest command." Miss Susio Rlfo has bcon appointod superintendent of junior icaguo and will work in harmony with Miss Dora Ward. Revs. Holland of Lawrence nnd Mot calf of Cowlea attended tho Mclntyro lectures nnd woro greatly ploased. Mrs. Muxllold is looking lovingly to ward Minneapolis as on the .'iotli inst her parents will huvo been married fifty years. To California InTotirlut Sleeper The Hurlington route personally con ducted once a week excursions to Colo rado, Utah and California aro just tlio things for peoplo of moderate means. Cheap, respectable, comfortable, ex peditious. They Icnvo'Oniulin aud Lincoln every Thursday und go through without change, to San Frunciico und Los An geles. Tho tourist Bloopers in which excur sionists travel aro carpeted, upholstered in rattan and have spring peats, spring back, mattresses, blankets, curtains, pillows, towols, etc. Only $." for a double berth wide enough und big enough for two. The route lios through Denver, Colo rado Springs, tlio wonderful canons and peaks of tho Rockiep, Salt Luko City and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information, call on tho near est agent of tho Hurlington route or ad dress J. Francis, G P & T A, Omaha, Nobr. tf - - Tho ladies of tho W. O. T. U. of Red Cloud will give a complimentary tea to tho ladies of tho Inavalo union next Tuesday afternoon in this city at the .......v ... ...,D. wnri. in mis tea wo cordially invito every lady who has ever been a member of our union and iiIrj thoso who will becomo members. Tlio ministers of this city and their wives will bo present, iiImi tho county president tho Indies of the Red Cloud and Inavalo unionB and othor invited guests. Wo can promiso jou u pleasant afternoon. Como nnd join our rauks. Mits. O. II. Tkuman, President. Ktielilen'M Arnica Salve. The best Bnlvo in the world for outs. bruisoH, sores, Ulcer. Salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblaiiiK, Plfnd timl nil nli... - f . .' m,: """." !r"",rr.."',i0Dfl' ni jwbi r..v -m.o mu-o, uriiopny required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ormonevrefanded. Price 25 centfl per box. For sale by Cotting. tf The list of letters remaining nt the post ollico (uncalled for up to Mav 10th lfcOTi: Kreidler, S. It. Long, Wm Tho above letters will bo Bont to the dead letter oflleo May .10, 18M. If not colled for.-FiuNK Cowdk.v, Postmastor. "" -t .- - One of the best ovidencos that Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional merit is the fact that the domand for it is constantly increaalnir. No o.. ,!, une this Incomparable dressing thinks of trying any other preparation for the hair. Texas is BulToring from a copious doll, clt in tho Btato treasury, coupled with Silverman!,,. 1 camming up tho oirct of tho May frosts tho blighting of the preinnturo etraw hat was overlooked By using Hall's Hair Honower, gray, faded, or discolored hair Mutinies the nut nrnl color of youth, and Kj0ws luxuriant nud stroiiu, pleasing evorybody. -- , Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for TO YOUNG WE OFFER k REMEDY WHinu INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE UF MOTHER AND CHILD. Mothers' Friend" ii RODS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN, muiiiior AND RISK. WIVES tJ,3v n lfo 1,!,LMl m' vo bottles. Sho I. S. Mouro.v, Harlow, N. C fc?ot.bTC",,orm,,l, on receipt of price wuwmii iiccn won ., Ati.w, oa. BOLD nv ALL DIlUaOIBTS. uatwofr ns.r-i gpyyjCalBpVPyO ; Ucrbcrt Lco(h LanUotx ' Seward, Nob. Bunches on His Neck Twlc Lanced by Physician and Cured by Hood's. Thcro is no form of Scrofula mom obstinate or tnoro common than swel ling' of tho glands of tlio neck. Hut every form of blood disenso yields to tno potent powers or Hood's Saraapa rllla. Road the following from a grateful fathor: Our little boy when a little over a year old had three largo bunches como on the left aide of his nock. A physician laocad the bunches twice. Ho advised n blood medicine and wo commonccd giving oar boy Hood's Samarmrllln. He has taken four bottles. Tho bunches on hli neck have disappeared and The Incisions Have Hoalod, only scars remaining to show where hU neck waa lanced. My wlfo and I think there la nothing to beoompared to Hood'a Baraaparllla and wo shall always keep It Hood's5!" Cures with as. I recommend Hood's Sarsapa rllla at ovory opportunity." Ciiaiilbs Landon, Box 112, Seward, Nebraska. Hood'a Pills cure nil liver ills, cunstlpv on, sick headache, dizziness, nausea. iSc. Memorial Day. All mombera of Jnmes A. Gartield post No. 80. G. A. R.i W. It. C, S. of V., und D. of V., nnd all old soldiers are commnnded to meot nt Post room Sun day morning, Mav 2iUh, ut 10 o'clock shiirp, to form lino nnd march in a body to opera houpe to attend memorial ser vices. Program is as follows: March. Sum; "America." Reading Scripture Rev. C. II. Mattox. Song "Whoro Sleoping Our Heroes Hrave." Prayer Rev. H. O. Spollman. Mala Quartett "Now Again We Gather." Sormon Rev. J. K. Maxtield. Song-"God Ho With Vou Till Wo Meet Apain." Benediction. Ry Order Committee. Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, r'hattnnooga. Ttnn says-, "Sldloh'H Vitalizer 'Saved my Life, I eonnider it the beot remedy for a de Militated system I ever med." Tor Dys pepsia. Liver nr Kidney trouble it excels. Price 7'. cts. For Mile by C. L. Cottimr. Tho iadicB of tho W. R. C. will h'c un entertainment on tho evening of May UOtli, 189.". nt the opera house. Admis sion ton cents. Tho proceeds will go to benellt tho relief fund. Lko.va Tchnkii, Socrotary. rnT i. Muslc 8. of V. Hand. I'npcr. "Tho V. II. C." Mib. Knight, Kodk Itocllution a'V'iiiiViiVoVi HoMier." MaiuloMeriill. SonK "Yankee Doodle," Rdmird iinii Kliner lllakpsleo. Itecttatiun "My Kuther's Old Canteen." liuonti Turner. Dl.iloKua lo Itecitlltllltl "f,n'illnl Klnif" Mnndo Knlk'ht. Hnluto of tliol'lnu Tableau 1801 ', ,"...'.."..".,'....'.. l'lixn. J'11"'0 Silver Cornot Hand. I,)ii,lo'ftl0 IJirl 1'oudnnd S,ua Foster. Hntijr Uecltatlon V.V.V. V.V.V.V.'.UuralVnVd'. "'oau UedWhltn nnd lllue. 1ecitallt Oar Flan. Solo . Iteuitfitlan .'."..".'. ." .V."4hcriiliiu'a itlVle!" bizzle l'omloMor. Uecltatlon "Shako Sl.uyilcr's Hide." Ilirl I'end, Koii Tableaux ST !!'.'.!!'.'.!!'.'.!!'.'.!!'.'... "Ton peoplo out of it dozen are inva lids," says a rocent medical unthority. At least eight out of theso ten, it is fafe to allow, are suffering from somo form of blood-disease which n persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would be suro to care. Then, don't bo an invllald. .5..4...5. : i Everv Man Who 1 1 I Dissatisfied ! i t J with his BiirroundingBwho wants t to hotter his condition in lifo-who t UnowB that he can do bo if given ? linlf a chunco, should writo to J. l'rnncis, Omaha, !fob., for a copy of n Iittlo book rocontly issuod by 2 tho PnsBongor;. bopnrtmont of tho f Hurlington1 .Juto. r, ii is ontitlod "A Now Kinpire." 1 mm contninB .12 pages of informa- tion nbout Shoridan County nnd ti, tho Rig Horn Uneiu, Wyoming, a voritublo f luiiil r BVoinUe, .;. towards which tho eyes of thous f iinds uro now hopofullv turned. V 'I. I I 4 V .;. ....:.